Discover Germany, Issue 77, August 2019

Page 18

Everyone needs good Feng Shui We all spend a large amount of our time indoors. Whilst our private rooms should be peaceful spaces to recharge and unwind in, business premises should ultimately be places of creativity and motivation, in order to promote economic success. It’s the heartfelt mission of Hamburg-based consultancy FENG SHUI & LIVING to unfold the full potential of clients’ rooms. TEXT: MARILENA STRACKE  I  PHOTOS: KADRI REICHARD

Many of us long for more energy or a more balanced work day. Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese teaching of ‘wind and water’ tackles precisely that. Today, Feng Shui is widely established in the western world thanks to the renowned positive effect it can have on our spaces. FENG SHUI & LIVING offers comprehensive support to private clients and businesses. They turn living spaces into wellbeing spaces and offices into premises of success. From nursery to retirement residences, founder Daniela Schubert professionally advises her clients on-site. In line with each clients’ individual style, the rooms, pathways and interior design are ar18  |  Issue 77  |  August 2019

ranged in ways that create maximum harmony between space and human being. Schubert also flies to her business clients in metropolitan areas in order to survey real estate before it is purchased. From entrepreneurs and medium-sized companies to large corporations, the client base is very varied, because as Schubert says with conviction: “Everyone needs good Feng Shui.” With its 360-degree-consultation, FENG SHUI & LIVING also turns its view inwards. The certified SoulCoaching, an intense 28-day-programme, is widely used by women experiencing difficult times in their private or work life. Inner blockages, which stand in the way of a balanced life, are identified. The self-analysis provides

clarity and energy to help you master life again with a smile. Daniela Schubert is full of passion when it comes to her work: “My favourite consulting and coaching happens outside. I visit my clients’ property come rain or shine. With weatherproof shoes across the construction pit during the planning of a new building, or conducting coaching talks at the beaches by the North Sea – I love what I do!” It makes her even happier when she experiences the results of her consultation up-close. Her clients call her work “professional, detailed and loving”: they are grateful that, aside from her expert analysis, Schubert also gives a lot of attention to each client’s personal wishes. It’s the only way you can achieve both – to create harmony between living spaces, surroundings and humans and to turn them into exactly what they should be for each individual: creative hubs, sources of strength or havens of peace.

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