UBC Sauder Equity, Diversity and Inclusion 2022 Annual Report

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UBC 2021-2022SauderAnnual Report on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

3. We also have created ways to better communicate about EDI at UBC Sauder, including sharing information and resources on UBC Sauder’s internal intranet (the “HUB”), the EDI Annual Report, as well as developing and updating the dedicated UBC Sauder EDI webpage. We acknowledge that our EDI journey is a work in progress, and that there is more to do in this space. We look forward to hearing from and working with our stakeholders as we continue on this journey. It is up to all of us at UBC Sauder to help the School live up to its values of EDI, and to help make UBC Sauder a place where we can all thrive.

2. We have prioritized initiatives around including and engaging Indigenous communities, supporting Indigenous scholars, and increasing student opportunities to learn Indigenous practices and ways of knowing.

1. We have initiated a process for unit heads to annually report EDI-related actions, KPIs, the person who is accountable, and timelines.

7. A number of research initiatives have been created to encourage and support research related to equity, diversity, and inclusion.


UBC Sauder has created a set of principles to guide our EDI work which include: 1) An Inclusive and Respectful Community, 2) Diverse and Vibrant Faculty, Staff and Students, and 3) Accountability, Engagement, and Communication. Many of the actions highlighted in this Annual Report have been centred around our first guiding principle of fostering an Inclusive and Respectful Community:

6. We have offered formal co-curricular initiatives that elevate EDI including the Creative Destruction Lab - Vancouver, the UBC Sauder LIFT Program, and the Peter P. Dhillon Centre for Business Ethics. These initiatives aim to uplift our communities and strengthen our social impacts in different ways.

principle of Accountability, Engagement, and Communication:

3. We have coordinated and facilitated EDI training programs and learning opportunities to increase knowledge and build capacity in the EDI space for staff and faculty.

4. We present available demographics for our different UBC Sauder Consistentcommunities.withourthird

The UBC Sauder Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Annual Report outlines some of the key EDI activities, initiatives, and policies enacted at the UBC Sauder School of Business over the past year (April 1st, 2021 to March 31st, 2022).

4. We continue to encourage and support more informal, “grassroots” events and activities that have been initiated by our UBC Sauder communities. These include activities, events, and initiatives created by our vibrant undergraduate community, graduate students, as well as faculty and staff.

5. We offer EDI-relevant course content that is part of the core curriculum (e.g., COMM 105: Values, Ethics and Community), as well as specific elective courses on EDI themes (e.g., BAHR 580A: Leading Diversity and Inclusion and COMM386T and BAEN580A: Indigenous Relations and Economic Development).

1. We are working toward greater inclusion and accessibility in our existing and new planned buildings, which include elements such as an increase in the number of gender inclusive washrooms and automatic doors.

2. We are building in policies and procedures with the goal of inclusive and equitable recruitment of faculty, staff, and students.

2. Various UBC Sauder business units and the Commerce Undergraduate Society (CUS) are working towards engaging with inclusive vendors and charitable organizations for events and gifts of recognition.

3. We are using new and wide-ranging means of diversifying our applicant pools when recruiting faculty, staff and students.

Executive Summary Sauder 2021-2022 Annual Report on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI)

In line with our second guiding principle of cultivating Diverse and Vibrant Faculty, Staff, and Students, we highlight the following:

1. We have undertaken strategic planning initiatives and have run a series of focus groups to help set our strategic direction around EDI.


We must dismantle barriers for those who have been systemically, historically and persistently marginalized. A collaborative and respectful culture within which all members of our community can thrive is a key principle at UBC Sauder, and one that will underpin our educational mission moving forward. I would like to recognize the foundational work that Dean Helsley has started, and I am excited to continue to build on our initial momentum in this domain.

UBC Sauder School of Business (Point Grey Campus) is situated on the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the xʷməθkʷəyəm (Musqueam). Our Robson Square campus is located on the traditional territory of the xʷməθkʷəyəm (Musqueam), Sḵwxwú7mesh (Squamish), and Selílwitulh (Tsleil-Waututh). We all share an important responsibility for learning with and about our host Nations on their Indigenous lands. We will continue to strengthen these relationships through mutual respect, meaningful interactions, and reconciliatory actions.

Land acknowledgement

On behalf of the UBC Sauder Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Committee, I am pleased to present our second UBC Sauder EDI Annual Report. The primary goal of the Annual Report is to spotlight some of our strategic planning, as well as the programs, initiatives, and activities across UBC Sauder over the past year enhancing equity, diversity, and inclusion at the School.


UBC 2021-2022SauderAnnual Report on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

- Darren Dahl, Dean, UBC Sauder School of Business Message from Senior Associate Dean, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Sustainability

Drafted by the EDI annual report working group: Kate White (Lead), Alex Balbino, Jesse Grimaldi, and Izzy Zhou. The writers of this report use the terms “we,” UBC Sauder, and the School to refer to the UBC Sauder School of Business as a whole. When we refer to specific units, groups, or divisions (e.g., the EDI Committee) these will be referred to by name. While this report has been drafted by representatives from the UBC Sauder EDI Committee, the report reflects the goals, activities, and initiatives from across our various UBC Sauder communities.

I am proud of the commitment and dedication to the ideals of EDI that are evident throughout the organization, and grateful for the good work of so many of our colleagues reported here. Let’s continue to work to make UBC Sauder an organization that is known for its positive and inclusive culture and practices.

Robert Helsley

This report is the result of the ideas, passion, and engagement of all of you—our students, staff, faculty, and alumni. One of my favourite parts of this report is the last pages, where you see a snapshot of the diverse people and groups at UBC Sauder that made so much of this work possible. Thanks to all of you! There is still much to do, but we are on our way and up for the challenge. Thank you for coming with us on this journey!

- Kate White, Senior Associate Dean, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Sustainability, UBC Sauder School of Business

The diversity of the UBC Sauder School of Business is one of its greatest strengths. To have the opportunity to learn and work with individuals of diverse backgrounds and experiences can only enhance our impact as an educational and research institution. The work of Senior Associate Dean Kate White and her colleagues on the EDI Committee in creating understanding and fostering engagement across the School is thus critical to our future success.

Message from Dean Darren Dahl

- Robert Helsley, Dean Emeritus, UBC Sauder School of Business


I have quite honestly been amazed by the amount of effort and passion that has gone into this important work at the School. Of course, working towards improving a school’s culture of respect, collaboration, and inclusion is not based on the efforts of one person or committee, but it is the sum of the inputs of the whole.

Message from Dean Emeritus

2021-2022 ANNUAL REPORT ON EQUITY, DIVERSITY, AND INCLUSION 3 / UBC SAUDER SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Table Contentsof Terminology 4 EDI Advancement at UBC Sauder 5 UBC Sauder EDI Principles and Goals 6 EDI Initiatives and Activities 8 Strategic Planning 9 Indigenous initiatives 11 Training and Learning Opportunities to 13 Develop EDI competencies Student, Staff, Faculty, and Alumni Clubs, 15 Activities and Initiatives Other Initiatives and Activities 18 by UBC Sauder Units Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund 20 (TLEF) CurricularGrants 21 Complementary (Co-curricular) 23 Learning Experiences Safe and Accessible Spaces 25 Inclusive and Equitable Recruitment 26 Scholarships 27 Recognizing EDI Contributions 27 of Faculty and Staff EDI Data 28 Cultural Diversity at UBC Sauder 28 Gender and Racialization 32 Accountability 34 External Dialogue and Engagement 35 EDI-Related Communication 35 Looking Ahead 36 How to Get Involved 38 Acknowledgements: 39

IBPOC is a contemporary term that refers to Indigenous, Black and People Of Colour. Its origins are from the USA where the term is often expressed as BIPOC. At UBC and in other Canadian contexts, IBPOC is often used to place ‘First Peoples first.’

Diversity: Differences in the lived experiences and perspectives of people that may include race, ethnicity, colour, ancestry, place of origin, political belief, religion, marital status, family status, physical disability, mental disability, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, class, and/or socioeconomic situations.

Universal Design for Learning: UDL is an approach to teaching and learning that minimizes barriers and maximizes learning opportunities such that all students have a chance to succeed. This approach offers flexibility in the ways students access material, engage with it, and show what they know.

2SLGBTQIA+: Two-Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer (or Questioning), Intersex, Asexual. The placement of Two Spirit (2S) first is to recognize that Indigenous people are the first peoples of this land and their understanding of gender and sexuality precedes colonization. The ‘+’ is for all the new and growing ways we become aware of sexual orientations and gender diversity.

Disability and Access: Persons who have a significant and persistent mobility, sensory, learning, or other physical or mental health impairment; experience functional restrictions or limitations of their ability to perform the range of life’s activities; and may experience attitudinal and/or environmental barriers that hamper their full and self-directed participation in University activities (UBC Policy 73).


• UBC and other institutions throughout Canada were created at a time when societal norms privileged and included some groups and disadvantaged and excluded others. In Canada, these disadvantaged groups have been defined as Indigenous people, women, people with disabilities, racialized people, and 2SLGBTQIA+ people.


Historically, persistently, or systemically marginalized: This language was intentionally and carefully chosen to recognize that:

Consistent with the UBC Inclusive Action Plan, we define important terms as below:

• Our systems, in the form of policies, practices, culture, behaviours, and beliefs continue to maintain these barriers in the ways that they continue to create the institution. It is often not an individual intentional, systematic, effort to discriminate. It is an unconscious, unrecognized practice of doing things as they have always been done (and recreating the historical exclusions).

• This history entrains a legacy of day-to-day barriers that contributed to past, and perpetuate current inequities which compound over time;

Intersectionality: The interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, disability, sexual orientation, and gender identity as they apply to a given individual or group. The term was coined by lawyer, civil rights advocate, and critical race theory scholar Kimberlé Crenshaw to describe the “various ways in which race and gender intersect in shaping structural and political aspects of violence against women of color”. Intersectional identities create overlapping and interdependent systems of marginalization, discrimination, or disadvantage.


Inclusion: Inclusion is an active, intentional, and continuous process to bring marginalized individuals and/or groups into processes, activities, and decision-making to address inequities in power and privilege, and build a respectful and diverse community that ensures welcoming spaces and opportunities to flourish for all.

Equity: Recognizing that everyone is not starting from the same place or history, deliberate measures to remove barriers to opportunities may need to be taken to ensure fair processes and outcomes. Equity refers to achieving parity in policy, process and outcomes for historically and/or currently underrepresented, marginalized people and groups while accounting for diversity. It considers power, access, opportunities, treatment, impacts, and outcomes, in three main areas:

1. Representational equity: the proportional participation at all levels of an institution; 2. Resource equity: the distribution of resources in order to close equity gaps; 3. Equity-mindedness: the demonstration of an awareness of, and willingness to, address equity issues.



UBC Sauder was among the first Faculties at UBC to create a leadership role dedicated to EDI. The position of Senior Associate Dean, Equity and Diversity was established by Dean Helsley in 2015. In 2021, this position was renamed Senior Associate Dean, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion and the mandate of this role is to set the strategic direction for EDI at UBC Sauder in ways that advance equity, diversity, and inclusion within UBC Sauder and promote an environment of fairness and respect where all can teach, learn, and work free of discrimination in a supportive and inclusive environment. To further advance equity, diversity, and inclusion at UBC Sauder, Dean Helsley established The Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committee in August 2020. The mandate of the UBC Sauder EDI Committee is to play an advisory role to the Dean. The Committee reports directly to the Dean and supports UBC Sauder’s commitment to a collaborative and respectful environment (UBC Sauder Strategic Plan) and UBC’s strategic priorities around Indigeneity, Anti-Racism, and EDI (Indigenous Strategic Plan, Pathway to an Anti-racist and Inclusively Excellent UBC, Inclusion Action Plan, and Focus on People 2025). As articulated in the UBC Sauder Strategic Plan, a collaborative and respectful environment is a core principle of the School. We strive to foster an environment characterized by honesty, integrity, and respect. Our vision is to build a more just, sustainable, and prosperous world through innovation and responsible leadership, and to embrace our core values — rigour, respect, and responsibility — in our school, in our community and in our daily lives.



• Support inclusive course design, teaching practices, and assessments.


• Integrate a diverse range of perspectives, including Indigenous identities, cultures, values, and ways of knowing, in our approach to teaching and learning.

C. Inclusive Research

• Welcome and encourage student feedback and perspectives on their learning experiences.


B. Inclusive Teaching and Learning

UBC EDI Principles and Goals

and respectful community A UBC Sauder community with EDI knowledge, skills, and practices and the organizational capacity to enhance a culture of inclusion, belonging, and collaboration.

• Ensure equitable and inclusive practices in award nominations and in the allocation of research grants. This framework was co-created by the UBC Sauder EDI Committee and the UBC Sauder Dean’s Office. It represents the structure of our EDI Strategic Planning for the UBC Sauder School and has been used to create a series of specific actions, KPIs, accountability partners, and timelines for strategic actions.

A.GoalACommunity that Embraces EDI • Sponsor the development of EDI competencies through training and learning.

• Promote respectful and inclusive learning.


• Provide support for EDI-themed research.

• Promote commitment and capacity through increased collaboration between and among leadership, unit heads, and various stakeholder groups (faculty, staff, students, and alumni).

• Work with the Senior Associate Dean Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, to review and enhance policies, practices, and actions that support EDI.



• Develop a communications strategy to report to our community on EDI initiatives and impacts that include an EDI webpage and the EDI Committee Annual Report.

Timely reporting processes, community engagement, and transparent communication to the broader UBC Sauder community.

• Embed EDI criteria in partnerships with employers, external contractors, Indigenous communities of interest, alumni, and other external stakeholders toward supporting an inclusive environment at UBC Sauder.


•. Ensure accessibility for faculty, staff, students, alumni, and visitors with disabilities.


• Recognize service contributions to EDI in performance reviews.

• Develop recruitment practices and metrics to ensure inclusion of under-represented and persistently marginalized groups.


•. Establish channels for all UBC Sauder units to report their EDI initiatives, activities, and metrics as part of annual strategic planning.

• Report annually to the Dean on progress of EDI Principles and Goals including actions undertaken across the School.

B. External Dialogue and Engagement

B. Equitable Recruitment

• Enhance active recruitment for EDI competencies and capacity to excel and contribute in a diverse work environment.

• Implement retention practices that support equity, diversity, and inclusion.

C. EDI-related Communication

C. Equitable Retention and Career Advancement

Recruiting and retention practices that eliminate biases and barriers, and increase representation of underrepresented and marginalized groups in order to create an organization that embodies diverse perspectives, as well as enhances feelings of belonging, safety, and accessibility.

vibrant faculty, staff and students

EDI Initiatives, Activities, and Events

Our goal in this section is to present some of the EDI work happening throughout UBC Sauder. The list is not exhaustive, and does not fully capture the work that so often happens within the learning in our classrooms, in social settings and informal conversations, and through sharing feedback and respectfully challenging each other to live by UBC Sauder’s values in EDI. In this section, we have compiled a summary of many of the EDI-related initiatives, activities, and events that have taken place at UBC Sauder over the past year (April 1st, 2021 to March 31st, 2022). In sharing what has been done, we are working to continue to grow as a school and to advance equity, diversity, and inclusion at UBC Sauder, which we can benchmark against our first inaugural report from last year. We acknowledge this list does not fully encompass the work that needs to be done (work that is ongoing), and that our work in EDI must extend beyond initiatives, activities, and events and into our policies, systems, procedures, and institutional foundation for continued systemic change in EDI. We invite and welcome ideas, feedback, suggestions, and input on initiatives, activities, and ideas that will strengthen and improve EDI at UBC Sauder. We have organized our UBC initiatives and activities by using our principles and goals as an organizing framework. We note that some actions might reflect multiple goals, but we have endeavoured to not be repetitive in our reporting.


A UBC Sauder community with EDI knowledge, skills, and practices and the organizational capacity to enhance a culture of inclusion, belonging, and collaboration.

Strategic Planning

1. A Community That Embraces EDI

The UBC Sauder EDI Committee has articulated a set of principles and goals to guide the EDI work of the School. The EDI Committee and the UBC Sauder Dean’s Office have also worked together to create an EDI strategic planning document that outlines specific strategic actions we are taking, consistent with our articulated goals and principles. This report largely reflects the actions and tracking of this strategic planning. The Senior Associate Dean, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion has been working with unit heads and various stakeholders throughout UBC Sauder to set our strategic plan in place. As part of this strategic planning process, the UBC Sauder EDI Committee worked with a leading EDI consultancy group, Bakau Consulting, to conduct focus group sessions with students, staff, faculty, and alumni. These sessions focused on gathering feedback from our UBC Sauder communities about their experiences and recommendations related to enhancing EDI at UBC Sauder. Based on what we heard from our community members we have prioritized these five EDI goals, which reflect the themes throughout this report.

Principle I: An Inclusive and Respectful Community



Better integrate EDI into coursework and programs; more resources and training Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (TLEF) Grant: Course mapping and EDI resources (underway) Establishment of the EDI Committee Inclusive Pedagogy Working Group (underway)

• UBC Sauder EDI Annual Report (annually, ongoing) Establishment of the EDI Committee Communications Working Group


• Establishment of the EDI Committee Training Working Group Several UBC Sauder-wide events and training sessions related to EDI more “grassroots” participation and ways to get involved from our UBC Sauder Communities Creation of the UBC Sauder EDI Action Fund Creation of the UBC Sauder EDI Research Catalyst Grant Information on how to get involved is now better showcased on the UBC Sauder EDI webpage Establishment of the Equity and Inclusion Committee of the Commerce Undergraduate Society (CUS)

Communities •

Communicate better to our UBC Sauder communities on values, priorities, and initiatives New UBC Sauder EDI webpage (ongoing)

Improve the process around complaints or concerns Communications Working Group is developing a resource on the complaint process (ongoing)

Create more ways to and get feedback from our UBC Sauder

Establishment of the EDI Committee Data and Survey Working Group (ongoing) to collect and analyze community feedback Feedback survey development and dissemination to students, staff, and alumni (underway) EDI course mapping survey with faculty (underway)

2021-2022 ANNUAL REPORT ON EQUITY, DIVERSITY, AND INCLUSION 10 / UBC SAUDER SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Strategic Focus Examples of Ways We are Responding

Delivered by Ch’nook Indigenous Business Education (Ch’nook), the Aboriginal Management Program (AMP), created by UBC Sauder in 2002, is an executive education-style management program for aspiring Indigenous entrepreneurs from across Canada. AMP was run virtually for the 2021 year and there were 10 graduates from the program.

Ch’nook Accelerated Business Program Delivered directly in Indigenous communities by Ch’nook, this customizable and accelerated program in entrepreneurship, business administration, and project management has been supported in part by UBC Excellence funding. Each Accelerated Business Program (ABP) delivery is tailored to reflect the needs and desires of the partnering community or organization. To date, the program has been offered to participants in Vancouver, Bella Bella, Port Alberni, Anahim Lake, and the Tsilhqot’in National Government communities (Tl’etinqox, Xeni Gwet’in, TsI Deldel, Tl’esqox, Esdilagh, and Yunesit’in). ABP was run synchronously in summer 2021 for a Tsilhqot’in cohort and also asynchronously for Tsilhqot’in community members who did not have access to internet or for those needing more flexibility with course scheduling. Métis Business Management Program Similar to the Aboriginal Management Program, the Métis Business Management Program (MBMP) offers a series of introductory business classes including accounting and finance, marketing, business operations, leadership and project management. The virtual program launched in September 2021 and there were 18 graduates from the program.

Supporting Indigenous Students Ch’nook Scholars Program


The Ch’nook Scholars Program, started at UBC Sauder in 2007, supports Indigenous post-secondary business students through scholarships and enriched educational experiences that help develop their leadership skills while offering a range of business tools, connections, and other benefits. The Ch’nook Scholars Program was run virtually for the 2021-2022 year, with 24 Scholars enrolled in the program from 13 universities and colleges in British Columbia and Alberta.

Business Education for Indigenous Communities

Aboriginal Management Program


In early 2022, the Ch’nook Office delivered a pilot senior leadership program in partnership with Métis Nation British Columbia (MNBC). This virtual program centers around MNBC’s strategic plan and provides executive business training in leadership development and principles, operations, finance, and accounting for senior MNBC leadership.

Metis Nation British Columbia Senior Leadership Program

Continuing Business Studies Project Management Training Continuing Business Studies (CBS) has been supporting and providing project management training to the St’át’imc group since Oct 2020. Participants include St’at’imc community members and St’at’imc Government Services staff. Their Education and Training department seeks to deliver programs to prepare St’at’imc members to access economic opportunities in St’at’imc Territory, in particular with opportunities related to BC Hydro, which has major infrastructure in their territory. They have consistently heard from members, St’at’imc businesses, and BC Hydro that project management training was needed, and has potential to strengthen capacity of St’at’imc businesses and increase access to opportunities with BC Hydro. For more information see: https://statimc.ca/

UBC Sauder is the first educational institution to participate in the Progressive Aboriginal Relations (PAR) program, a certification program by the Canadian Council of Aboriginal Business. PAR is Canada’s premier program for Aboriginal Relations. The PAR program helps organizations assess and improve their Aboriginal relations policies and signal to communities that they are committed to prosperity in Aboriginal communities. PAR certification is determined by a jury of Indigenous business people based on an assessment framework that evaluates organizations on four key performance drivers: leadership actions, employment outcomes, business development, and community relations. We are currently working on the “PAR committed track,” comprised of three successive phases. In 2022 the School successfully completed Phase Two, which focused on developing Indigenous cultural training, developing a communications plan highlighting Indigenous activities and initiatives, and developing leadership commitment and policy statements. Work on Phase Three is now in progress and involves deepening Indigenous community engagement, celebrating Indigenous culture, advancing Indigenous procurement, and capacity building for Indigenous community members through our educational programs. Learn more about PAR at: progressive-aboriginal-relations-par/learn-more/www.ccab.com/programs/


Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund Grant: Indigenizing the Curriculum Through a Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (TLEF) grant and with additional support from the BMO Aboriginal Teaching Fund, UBC Sauder faculty and staff are working together to infuse our business education mission with Indigenous knowledge. The goals of the project are to weave Indigenous perspectives, knowledge, and competencies into the pedagogy of UBC Sauder. Curriculum resources and training opportunities are being developed to support faculty to approach Indigenous topics in an informed and sensitive manner. This work is in alignment with UBC’s Indigenous Strategic Plan, and specifically addresses goals 4, 6, and 7. UBC Sauder Indigenous Business Concentration Program

The UBC Sauder School of Business is working to ensure that Indigenous content is expanded and restructured across the Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) curriculum. UBC Sauder offers Indigenous guest lectures on current topics and the exploration of Indigenous issues and literature. Indigenous content has been included in the following required courses that will be taken by every student. These include Values, Ethics, and Community (COMM 105), Business Writing (COMM 390), and Environment, Society, and Government (COMM 394). In addition, COMM 386T and BAEN (Indigenous Relations and Economic Development) are both dedicated to Indigenous topics. (Note: to see more on content see page 21). Many of these courses have integrated some of this Indigenous content into their curriculum over the past year utilizing the BMO Aboriginal Business Teaching Fund. These courses have included features such as Indigenous Cultural Awareness training, Indigenous peer mentoring, Indigenous support with lesson planning, curriculum development and communications, Indigenous subject matter expertise for a repository of Indigenous business course materials, Indigenous guest speakers and subject matter experts for Indigenous relations, economic development, Indigenous history and Indigenous business, as well as Indigenous representation for “Business Pitch” sessions.

Business Curriculum Through an

The Spitz Fellows Program, launched with the generous support of the Spitz family in 2015, is a unique opportunity for Indigenous women (Canadian students who identify as women and First Nations, Métis or Inuit) pursuing a Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) at UBC Sauder. The program is open to direct entry, transfer, and current students who demonstrate academic achievement, community engagement, tenacity, leadership skills, and service to others. The program provides students with awards valued at a minimum of $10,000 per academic year, which may be renewed until the Fellow graduates from the UBC BCom program.

UBC Sauder is currently developing an Indigenous Business Concentration Program. The goal of this program will be to provide students with insight into the opportunities and challenges associated with working with First Nations on business projects. In addition to taking a customized selection of Indigenous-related courses from across the University, students enrolled in the concentration will take two courses on Indigenous economic development delivered by UBC Sauder. The concentration will feature a significant experiential learning component that will allow students to partner directly with First Nations.

Progressive Aboriginal Relations (PAR)

Indigenous Lens Current Courses

Inclusive Teaching and Learning Food for Thought Session

This session on Inclusive Teaching and Learning was offered to UBC Sauder’s instructional staff and faculty and was led by Kate White, Senior Associate Dean, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Sustainability. The goal of this session was to highlight best practices and principles of inclusive pedagogy, and to have a dialogue around different ways to incorporate these principles into teaching across different business disciplines. To do so, the session showcased specific examples of inclusive teaching practices by five of our own faculty members—Harish Krishnan, Kai Li, Tamar Milne, Rebecca Paluch, and Wayne Rawcliffe.

Indigenous Cultural Awareness Three sessions on Indigenous Cultural Awareness with Qwastånayå (Maynard) Harry have been delivered in the past year. The goal of these sessions is to increase awareness and understanding of Indigenous People and their history in the Canadian context. The sessions aim to increase knowledge on topics such as Canada’s Indian Act, the Indian Reserve System, the Indian Residential School System, as well as reconciliation and Aboriginal rights and title. To date, over 160 staff and faculty have attended these sessions.


Inclusive Hiring Training

Our existing hiring training module was audited, revised, and provided to faculty members who were hiring this year. Topics included UBC policies and procedures related to hiring, implicit bias, and best practices on strategies for hiring inclusively.

Training and EDIOpportunitiesLearningtoDevelopcompetencies

UBC Sauder Engaged: Onboarding

• A UBC Sauder Engaged Coffee Convo session with Christie Stephenson on EDI work in the Peter P. Dhillon Centre for Business Ethics.

Positive Space Training

• Pink Shirt Day: Challenging Bullying and Creating Belonging with Parker Johnson.


Members of the UBC Sauder Dean’s Office and the Ch’nook office completed a Decolonial 101 workshop, which focused on helping participants to locate themselves on the land, connect with the colonial history found there, and understand their personal relationships with that history as it shows up in their work and lives. The workshop also explored privilege, positionality, and institutional norms. The goal is to expand this workshop and offer it more broadly to additional faculty and staff moving forward.

Through the Diversity and Inclusion Leadership Council (DLC) in partnership with the Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI), all staff in HR have completed level one of this training and are working towards completion of the full certification in 2022. The purpose of this training is to provide basic knowledge around the fundamentals of EDI, implicit bias, and respect in the workplace.

Foundations in Diversity and Inclusion Certification

• Applying Behavioural Insights to Cultivate Diversity and Inclusion with Sonia Kang hosted by the Peter P. Dhillon Centre for Business Ethics and Decision Insights for Business and Society (DIBS).

• International Women’s Day: Women’s Leadership and Catalyzing Impact with Indy Batth, Rupeela Gill, Martina Valkovicova, and Kate White.

Decolonial 101 Workshop

Two sessions of UBC Sauder Engaged onboarding for new staff were conducted. The goal of the sessions is to familiarize staff with the School and its values. These sessions included specific components delivered regarding Indigenous initiatives at the School, EDI priorities and initiatives at the School, and implicit bias in organizations.

Rachael Sullivan, Equity Education Strategist, from the UBC Equity and Inclusion office facilitated a Positive Space workshop specifically for UBC Sauder faculty and staff on gender inclusivity and creating positive spaces for 2SLGBTQIA+ communities. To date, 47 UBC Sauder staff and faculty have participated in a UBC Sauder Positive Space training session and others have participated in sessions offered by the UBC Equity and Inclusion Office.

• The Orange Shirt Story with Phyllis Webstad.

EDI Events: A number of additional events have been formally hosted by UBC Sauder over the past year, which have helped to explore and spur discussions around several topics related to EDI. The goals of these events are to further enhance our culture of EDI and to increase understanding, comfort, and competencies on key EDI topics: These events include:

• Day of Truth and Reconciliation. The CUS has compiled a list of resources where members of the community can listen and learn from Indigenous voices, including Jeff Sutherland, a 4th year UBC Sauder student and advisor of Indigenous matters related to Truth and Reconciliation


• Additional internal training and resources on anti-racist training and EDI competency were added to the CUS resource library.

This year, the UBC Sauder EDI Committee and the UBC Sauder Dean’s Office launched the UBC Sauder EDI Action Fund. The fund was created with the goal of supporting and encouraging EDI events, initiatives, activities, and resources that are from the “grassroots” up. That is, we are hoping to help the ideas dreamed up by members of our UBC Sauder Communities— students, staff, and faculty—come to life.

UBC Sauder EDI Action Fund

• New CUS Podcast to highlight stories from diverse student voices. One episode made for National Day of Truth and Reconciliation centred on Indigenous student experiences. Another episode featured a recent UBC Sauder alum who is a Black woman, talking about the experience of Black people at UBC Sauder and promoting a career Accelerator for BIWOC in Business/STEM. See.Us_Podcast

• Creation of CUS IBPOC Scholarship. The CUS created this scholarship for students who are Indigenous, Black and/or a person of colour and are in good academic standing. IBPOC Scholarship

• Creation of a new team within the CUS focused on Equity and Inclusion + Anti-racist work.

Student, Staff, Faculty, and Alumni Clubs, Activities, and Initiatives

The CUS is one of the largest undergraduate business school organizations in Canada. Guided by the pillars of personal, professional, and academic success, the CUS supports members through initiatives, services, and clubs that host networking events, workshops, conferences, case competitions and many more. The CUS strives to build an inclusive community where students feel empowered to discover their own journeys and unique experiences within the CUS and throughout their university years at UBC Sauder. Here are some of the things the CUS has been working on related to EDI in the past year:

• CUS Pride. A student service to support and provide resources for 2SLGBTQIA+ students at UBC Sauder. CUS Pride

Grassroots Activities and Events from our UBC Sauder Communities In addition to formal training sessions and activities, many events, groups, and clubs have been created by our faculty, staff, and students. Here is a snapshot of some of the things that have been happening at UBC Sauder initiated by our community members.

a) CUS (Commerce Undergraduate Society) Equity and Inclusion

• CUS Clarify is a student organization that focuses on promoting a culture of consent within the CUS and the UBC Sauder community. CUS Clarify’s vision is to engage students and empower survivors through ongoing education, activism, and open dialogue on matters pertaining to sexual violence and consent. The organization aims to destigmatize conversations around sexual violence prevention. One event of note was Consent Champions, where industry professionals from diverse backgrounds came to chat about ways we can overcome gender discrimination in the workplace. CUS Clarify

1. Resources. Creation, curation, and sharing of relevant resources on various topics related to EDI:

• Transgender Day of Remembrance. The CUS has created resources to recognize this day including a short podcast episode (See.Us_Podcast), features in CUS newsletters, and resources for further learning (Day of Remebrance).

• Increase in the number cultural celebrations and events. Hosted by Sauder International Student Association (SISA), as well as highlighting cultural days of importance (SISA and CUS).

• Student panel of IBPOC students in UBC Sauder on IBPOC Perspectives in Business, which had the aim of showcasing the range of experiences our students have at UBC Sauder.

The UBC Sauder Women in Business Club (WIB) is an open space for building trust, empowerment, and confidence while working together as women to achieve goals and learn how women can contribute to creating a more equal world. Officially founded in February 2010, WIB’s mission is to encourage women to take leadership roles in their careers and lives to accelerate gender parity. To achieve this mission, the club provides development opportunities, links to the greater business and social community, and events that bring awareness to MBA students on different topics such as empowerment and gender stereotypes. In conjunction with other MBA Society clubs, the club invites supportive business leaders and entrepreneurs from a variety of functional areas to address the issues of inequality in the workplace. Members of the club are also involved in philanthropic activities with a focus on volunteering with organizations that assist women.

d) UBC Sauder Women Scholars Program (PhD/MSc Students)

c) UBC Sauder Women in Business Club (RHL Students)

The UBC Sauder Women Scholars (SWS) Program was founded in 2017, and provides support and community to UBC Sauder graduate students who identify as women (PhD/MSc Students) by providing informal gatherings and mentoring sessions with successful leaders. These leaders include UBC Sauder professors across disciplines, as well as other academic and corporate leaders. The goal is to share experiences that enrich both personal and professional lives and to share resources that make the transition after graduate school easier and set participants up for success. In addition, the initiative also creates space for women scholars to connect with one another and build relationships among themselves and with both junior and senior professors.

3. Events. Many notable events were planned and facilitated including:

• CUS Sustainability event on Social Sustainability with Ky Sargeant, UBC Sauder CUS Equity Advisor and 4th-year student as the guest speaker.

b) CARBLOAD: Supporting the 2SLGBTQ+ community CARBLOAD is a pizza lunch hosted by and for 2SLGBTQ+ faculty, staff, and students. Some weeks the group engages in team building activities, other weeks they bring in alumni guest speakers to share their experiences from coming out to navigating their career. There is no membership, simply an open invitation to come as you are, connect with others, and enjoy some complex carbohydrates. While the ability to operate has been limited due to COVID-19, there are plans to bring back these events in the fall of 2022.

• Organized by the CUS Equity & Inclusion Team, Learning to Lead Inclusively is the CUS’s first Full Day leadership conference that provided students with the skills they need to be a next generation leader in business. The workshop was led by external consultants (Subtext Consulting) and was co-sponsored by the Hari B. Varshney Business Career Centre (BCC), the Peter P. Dhillon Centre for Business Ethics, and the UBC Sauder EDI Action Fund.

2. Policies and Procedures. Implemented policies and procedures to advance EDI including more explicit messaging on the prioritization of inclusion work at events and on the CUS website, creation of a new code of conduct and professional expectations document, creation of new standards for event RSVP forms to provide accommodations and revision of CUS Code and Policy to remove all issues on non-inclusive language. In addition, a current focus is to build a better practice by shifting speaker gifts and giveaways to options such as charitable gifts and support of businesses run by equity deserving groups. Finally, a policy has been set that requires mandatory bias and inclusive hiring training for all CUS members.

• First CUS event dedicated to Gender Equity in business facilitated by Ky Sargeant, UBC Sauder CUS Equity Advisor and 4th-year student.


Young Women in Business (YWiB) is a student-run organization at the University of British Columbia whose mission is to provide an empowering and collaborative community for emerging leaders who identify as women. YWiB works to create a network where members can grow, collaborate, and connect with other ambitious students and working professionals in various fields. Members have access to a mentorship program, philanthropic volunteering opportunities, and a multitude of events, including workshops, networking sessions, case competitions, and more. YWiB believes in helping every young woman in business learn, acquire new skills, and accept challenges to step outside their boundaries and reach beyond their potential. YWiB meticulously designs events to support members’ professional and personal development, demonstrated by their well-rounded events portfolio. By showcasing many fields and possible career paths, members have the chance to explore their passion and build valuable industry connections. UBC Sauder has provided support to YWiB and many of the group’s members are UBC Sauder students.

The UBC Young Black Professionals (UBC YBP) is committed to professionally empowering all Black students in the UBC community. With a mission to improve career prospects, create awareness, and encourage action, the inclusive efforts of UBC YBP develop and foster a community of resilience. This community welcomes students, educators, and innovators committed to achieving professional excellence as it connects Young Black Professionals with resources and relationships with corporate partners. The collaborative club proves scope in professional development, networking, and talent pipelines. UBC YBP strives to be outstanding in Black talent cultivation, community, excellence, and opportunity. Ultimately, UBC YBP’s commitment to progressive advancements in the Black Community acts as guidelines for member development. UBC Sauder has been providing resources that support this initiative and many of the group’s members are UBC Sauder students.

f) Young Women in Business (undergraduate students)


e) UBC Young Black Professionals (undergraduate students)


Undergraduate Office (UGO)

In the spring of 2021, the UGO team developed an EDI action plan to identify specific actions and steps to weave EDI into their orientation programming. The goals of these actions were to reinforce UBC Sauder’s positive culture of collaboration, respect, and inclusion, to be inclusive and welcoming in our orientations and other programs, and to increase comfort, knowledge, and competencies in EDI.

Hari B. Varshney Business Career Centre (BCC)

Other Initiatives and Activities by UBC Sauder Units

Robert H. Lee (RHL) Graduate School

• In order to reinforce our culture of EDI and to enhance understanding of these important EDI topics, student orientation leaders took part in Community Building Education training that covered Indigenous learning, identity exploration, active bystander training, and microaggressions.

• Students from the MMDD, MM, MBAN, PMBA, and FTMBA programs all received additional EDI training as part of each program’s opening. This past year these sessions were led by Bakau Consulting and Carol Liao, UBC Allard School of Law Associate Professor/UBC Sauder Distinguished Scholar, and Shona McGlashan, Vice-President, Governance, Vancity.

• Toni Schmader led an interactive EDI workshop for students in PMBA Residency 1. Professor Schmader shared some of her current research (testing the efficacy of inclusive culture training to foster greater everyday allyship for women in science, engineering, and technology industries), and asked students to reflect on their own work/educational experiences. Guided discussion in breakout rooms (about implicit bias, cultural defaults, and other topics) helped to create space for students to share if they wished to.

• The UGO held the annual UBC Sauder Unlimited Student Leadership Conference for approximately 100 student leaders from the CUS. The opening ceremonies included an “Introduction to EDI” workshop facilitated by Bakau Consulting, covering topics of intersectionality, privilege, and unconscious bias.

• A follow-up workshop was given to the Master of Management Dual Degree class of 2022. This workshop focused on power and privilege and was led by EDI Facilitator and Indigenous Relations Specialist and UBC Sauder Alum, Soundous Ettayebi.

• Continued to provide support for organizing activities of student-led UBC Sauder clubs, including clubs that are specifically dedicated to support historically marginalized groups (e.g., Women in Business club).

Examples of some specific actions are:

In order to reinforce our culture of EDI and to develop initial comfort and understanding of core EDI concepts, all RHL students completed an online module (created specifically by the RHL Graduate School for RHL students) on EDI as part of their pre-program onboarding. It teaches students EDI concepts and terminology, and includes reflection questions to help them better understand the material and connect it to their own experiences.

• Refreshed career toolkits to enhance gender inclusion/ cultural-specific resources, and enhance students’ knowledge of pronoun usage.

• To help strengthen a culture of EDI, the School’s culture of inclusion and commitment to EDI was communicated with greater prominence on the website, in orientation speeches, and orientation videos.

The Hari B. Varshney Business Career Centre has supported a number of key initiatives related to EDI themes. Some examples include:

• Events are programmed to ensure event speakers are representative of our diverse student body and identities.

To further enhance EDI competencies and to continue to weave EDI throughout the student experience, several additional sessions were conducted including:


6. Initiated an employer project to provide resources and support employers recruiting IBPOC students. Project goals included reviewing best practices of business schools in Canada, benchmarking the BCC’s current recruiting services, and proposing recommendations for recruiting IBPOC UBC Sauder students.

The David Lam Library and Canaccord Learning Commons have supported a number of key initiatives related to Indigenous and EDI themes. Some examples include:

• Supporting other key projects and courses at UBC Sauder mentioned in this report, including the TLEF Grant on Enhancing Business Education with Indigenous Knowledge, the Aboriginal Management Program, Ch’nook Indigenous Business Education, and Indigenous Based Assignments in Comm 390 Business Writing.

3. Continued to highlight the resource that the BCC helped co-develop with the UBC Centre for Student Involvement & Careers, which provides career navigation support for historically marginalized students. disabilities-lgbtq2siacareer/career-resources/career-resources-indigenous-colour-https://students.ubc.ca/

• Working as a member of the Indigenous Strategic Plan – ISP-LIST members have worked on highlighting Indigenousfocused resources and professional development opportunities via the Library Update. This involved gathering information from library unit heads on Indigenous-focused initiatives with their units and adapting the ISP toolkit into a Qualtrics survey that reflects the library employee experience. In addition, it involved identifying core elements of key resources (Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action, United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Inquiry’s Calls for Justice) and exploring ways in which to launch the adapted toolkit and engage all employees with the process.

David Lam Library and Canaccord Learning Commons

4. Continued to offer negotiation workshops across all graduate programs, with specific programming content embedded to help reduce the gender pay gap and empower all students with the skills they need to successfully negotiate.

5. Continued EDI training and education for BCC staff. For example, Efe Fruci, Career and Confidence Coach led a session to empower coaching staff to show up as their true selves to inspire a greater culture of authenticity.


UBC Sauder faculty and students applied for and were awarded a UBC Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund Grant entitled: “Embedding Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion into Business Teaching and Learning.” The project is already underway and is focused on: a) conducting a course mapping to identify where EDI Pedagogy and content currently sits within UBC Sauder courses, b) developing resources and training for faculty on engaging with diversity, building capacity, and enhancing inclusion, and c) monitoring and tracking impacts of these actions over time. The UBC Sauder EDI Committee has created the Inclusive Pedagogy Working Group to carry out the actions identified in this project. Another UBC TLEF-funded initiative, “Llgaay gwii gina sk’aadGa ‘láas ad Xaaydas gina Gan unsid: Enhancing Business Education with Indigenous Knowledge,” supports UBC Sauder’s development of Indigenous business curriculum through an Indigenous lens and the creation of an online repository to house course resources and training materials for faculty (see page 12 for more detail).

Teaching and EnhancementLearningFund(TLEF) Grants

2. Inclusive Teaching and Learning


COMM 394 – Environment, Society, and Government

COMM386T and BAEN580A – Indigenous Relations and Economic Development

One major assignment asks students to consider either working for a First Nation in a business capacity, or to write a proposal for a business partnership with a First Nation.

Now running for four years, these two courses offer students an in-depth understanding of the intersection of the private sector and Indigenous communities in Canada. Featuring a wide range of Indigenous guest lecturers, students learn about the governance structures, cultural values, and corporate bestpractices that enable economic reconciliation.

This undergraduate course, which was first offered last year, was delivered largely in person for the first time in 2021. It recently received approval from Senate to be required for all incoming first year BCom students. Content and pedagogical approaches related to EDI were woven throughout the course. Specific modules involved discussions of social identity and privilege, psychological safety, and EDI as a core value in managerial decision making. The class featured multiple guest speakers. A particular focus was given to Indigenous viewpoints and lived experiences, with four Indigenous speakers presenting in the class and a Musqueam “Elder Welcome” to students in the course on Canvas.

This course is designed to provide a broad introduction to the field of business and to orient students to the study and expectations of the UBC Sauder School of Business. In this course, attention is given to showcasing a broad range of people from diverse backgrounds, including CEOs and decision makers who are women and IBPOC. One class featured an Indigenous entrepreneur who answered student’s questions.

This is a required course for all BCom students. The course includes learning about Indigenous land rights, the history of Canada with respect to Indigenous Peoples, as well as how to build business relationships built on trust and shared benefit.

This required course addresses some of the main economic and social challenges facing Canadians today. After analyzing government policies that might promote the public interest, students explore the role for business leaders and the conflicting claims of different stakeholders. EDI issues feature prominently in three parts of the course. First, students do presentations on current issues, (e.g. the problem of unsafe drinking water in certain Indigenous communities). Second, students learn key frameworks for thinking about equity issues. Third, Indigenous guest speakers lecture on the historical and legal context of Indigenous business in Canada. Students then participate in a role-playing activity to illustrate these issues and to learn how to interact in a constructive and respectful way with Indigenous peoples.

COMM 203 – Managing the Employment Relationship Students in COMM 203 work on case studies that integrate EDI into human resource management challenges. The first case focuses on how to address staffing challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic for an entirely woman-operated business in South Africa. The second case explores options for making workplace accommodations for a job candidate in a wheelchair. All COMM 203 classes have the goal of incorporating additional content, including Indigenous content moving forward.

COMM 390 – Business Writing

COMM 105 (formerly COMM 186E) – Values, Ethics and Community (VEC)

BA 503 – Professional Residency III Ethics, Sustainability, and Managing Change

Final student presentations include rich and well-informed explorations of how the private sector can balance traditional business drivers with an Indigenous worldview.

This undergraduate course was designed to provide students with a foundational understanding about equity, diversity, and inclusion for individuals, teams, and organizations. The course promotes an awareness of the challenges of diversifying work places while encouraging critical thinking and developing problem-solving skills to address the need for greater equity, diversity, and inclusion in organizations.

BAHR 580A – Leading Diversity and Inclusion

This MBA course is designed to encourage students to think critically about their workplace experiences and interactions based on their own history and identity as well as think about how the broader workplace context may perpetuate bias, discrimination, and inequality. The course features a “live-case” in which students work with a partner organization to identify areas of concern and provide recommendations intended to enhance equity, diversity, and inclusion.

As part of this course, students conduct a case-study on the LNG Canada project. Indigenous Relations is a major aspect of the case. In addition, this course has two sessions on Canada’s colonial history, Indigenous relations, and current best practices. Students are encouraged to think deeply about the role and responsibility of the private sector in economic reconciliation. An Indigenous faculty member – Adjunct Professor Mark Podlasly –walked students through a deep exploration of the best practices and pitfalls facing corporate Canada as we seek to improve relationships with First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities.


In November 2021, the Dhillon Centre and Decision Insights for Business & Society (DIBS) co-hosted a research talk entitled Applying Behavioural Insights to Cultivate Diversity and Inclusion with Sonia Kang, Associate Professor of Organizational Behaviour and HR Management at the University of Toronto, and Canada Research Chair in Identity, Diversity, and Inclusion.

The CDL Apprentice Program is designed to address the gender gap in STEM-related fields by providing an online, multi-module program for those who identify as women (14-18 years old) with a keen interest in STEM-related topics and how science and technology is transforming the world. CDL-Vancouver hosted the health stream and other universities covered subject areas such as AI, AgTech (agriculture technology), Climate, Matter and CDL-VancouverOceans. is partnering with Material Change Institute, a new non-profit building a capital ecosystem that provides diverse representation and equal access to broaden investments. The partnership matches Material Change Institute fellows with CDL-Vancouver’s network of experienced mentors to drive impact.

In February 2022, the Dhillon Centre and Ch’nook Indigenous Business Education at UBC Sauder co-hosted The ‘I’ in ESG: Indigenous Approaches to ESG Investing, with Mark Podlasly, Director of Economic Policy and Initiatives at the First Nations Major Projects Coalition, and Adjunct Professor at UBC Sauder School of Business. During the period April 2021 to March 2022, the Centre also hosted five events. In all cases, care was taken to ensure a diversity of business leaders were chosen as speakers and panelists. In addition, the Centre awarded three “Business for Social Good” Grants for diversity-focused research. More on this grant is noted under the Inclusive Research Section on page 24 UBC Sauder Leadership, Innovation, Fundamentals, and Training (LIFT) UBC Sauder LIFT (formerly known as Sauder Social Entrepreneurship), is a program that transcends international borders to deliver essential business tools to a classroom of aspiring entrepreneurs. Each year, UBC students lead a four-week business training program for underprivileged youth in Kibera and Mathare – two of the largest informal communities in Nairobi, Kenya. This year, UBC Sauder LIFT partnered with One Girl Can to train a cohort of 32 Kenyan women entrepreneurs, empowering them to advance their careers. UBC Sauder LIFT also expanded its program to Accra, Ghana with the help of UBC Sauder’s Master of Business Administration students. The UBC Sauder LIFT team has members from a diverse composition of backgrounds, with 74% women and 26% men as of May 2022. UBC students partaking in the program are exposed to a unique opportunity to learn about other cultures, witness the growth of a business, and the impact education has on economic development at a granular level. Since UBC Sauder LIFT’s inception in 2006, the program has served 800 aspiring Kenyan entrepreneurs and continues to expand to other African countries.

Complementary (Co-curricular) Learning Experiences


Creative Destruction Lab – Vancouver (CDL-Vancouver)

Peter P. Dhillon Centre for Business Ethics

UBC Sauder EDI Research Catalyst Grant

Montalbano Centre for Responsible Leadership Grant

Several UBC Sauder initiatives have supported the goals of enhancing and encouraging faculty and student research on topics specifically linked to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. These initiatives include the UBC Sauder EDI Research Catalyst Grant, Peter P. Dhillon Centre for Business Ethics Business for Social Good Grant, Montalbano Centre for Responsible Leadership Grant, and the UBC Sauder Dean’s Exploratory Grant. Across these UBC Funding Sources, 14 unique projects related to EDI have been funded for a total of $79,020. More on some of these initiatives is detailed below:

The Montalbano Center for Responsible Leadership Development awarded several research grants this year, focused on developing leaders to better manage their own and their organization’s impact on the triple bottom line of people, planet, and profit. This includes the capacity to address issues regarding equity, diversity, and inclusion, and to develop competencies in self-awareness, systems thinking, stakeholder engagement, and change and innovation, all built on a foundation of one’s inner values and ethics.


This grant supports and encourages research involving graduate students in the domain of business for social good. The goal of this initiative is to support early-stage and innovative research examining how business can be a force for social good. Several projects were funded this year that focused on topics related to EDI including the effectiveness of diversity training, men’s allyship in creating inclusion in STEM workplaces, and encouraging women to participate in entrepreneurship.

3. Inclusive Research

Peter P. Dhillon Centre for Business Ethics Business for Social Good Grant

This year, the Peter P. Dhillon Centre for Business Ethics and the UBC Sauder Dean’s Office launched the UBC Sauder EDI Research Catalyst Grant initiative to encourage and incentivize research specifically focused on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI). The purpose of the initiative is to encourage and support UBC Sauder research on topics relevant to EDI and to seed initial research ideas in this domain so that researchers can apply for additional funding.

Some examples of funded projects include examining the consequences of allyship behaviours, the disclosure of stigmatized identities at work, perceptions of EDI leadership in organizations, and the best ways to frame diversity training.

Recruiting and retention practices that eliminate biases and barriers, and increase representation of under-represented and marginalized groups in order to create an organization that embodies diverse perspectives, enhance feelings of belonging, inclusion and safety, and increase accessibility.

Principle II: Diverse and Vibrant Faculty, Staff, and Students


Gender Inclusive Washrooms

UBC Sauder has initiated a feasibility study to look at the process and best practices for converting washroom facilities in the Henry Angus and David Lam Buildings to be gender inclusive. The study will provide recommendations that will allow UBC Sauder to offer more welcoming and accessible washrooms for students, faculty, staff, and visitors of the UBC Sauder community. We also are actively working on plans for our new building: the Powerhouse Project, which will purposefully include more access to gender inclusive washrooms and focus on creating spaces that are accessible and inclusive for all members of our UBC Sauder Community. Automatic Door Openers (ADOs)

In 2011, UBC Sauder only had four ADOs in the building. Since 2012 we have installed 12 more ADOs to remove barriers and ensure a more inclusive environment. Total ADOs in the building(s) are 17. In the reporting period, we have installed three additional ADOs.

Safe and Accessible Spaces

Some examples include:

• Recommending EDI focused-interview questions to hiring managers.

Inclusive and Equitable Recruitment

• Partnering with BC Partners in Workforce Innovation to recruit for people with disabilities.

Inclusive Hiring, Training and Practices

Diversifying Applicant Pools Faculty

Faculty members who are recruiting have received new training on implicit bias and strategies for inclusive hiring. In addition, we are pilot testing some new best practices for hiring faculty, including formally asking for EDI statements as part of the application process, extending applicant pools and shortlists, and using standardized scoring rubrics for evaluating job candidates.

Robert H. Lee Graduate School

The UBC Sauder Human Resources team, particularly the EDI Recruitment Working Group, has integrated process improvements as it relates to diverse hiring of UBC Sauder staff.

The EDI Recruitment and Retention Working Group (which reports to the Library’s Diversity & Inclusion Team) and Selection Committees have made recommendations to integrate processes to ensure greater inclusion practices in recruitment practices for librarians. These practices include: the Selection Committee collectively writing job descriptions, co-creating shortlisting and interview rubric tied directly to job descriptions, and the posting of job opportunities more widely.

This year, UBC Sauder has joined The PhD Project as an academic partner. This is an internationally recognized program that supports minority groups that have traditionally been underrepresented in doctoral programs at business schools and helps universities to recruit broader pools of applicants. University partners with this project are committed to diversifying our own campuses, the academic community, and the corporate culture more broadly. The project helps universities to expand shortlists and attract a broader diversity of applicants, including those from Black, Latinx, and Indigenous backgrounds.

The Undergraduate Office (UGO) works with UBC Enrolment Services to enhance recruiting of Indigenous students, which includes promoting higher education, exploring interests, and finding the right fit before connecting students with appropriate faculties. In addition, the UGO hosts Destination UBC which connects with Indigenous, Black, and Beyond Scholars and works with programs such as the UBC-Langara Indigenous Transfer Partnership.

• Updated job description language to include a universal UBC Sauder opening paragraph with land acknowledgement and an EDI closing statement.

• Identified additional platforms to post UBC Sauder jobs to compliment the candidate pool.

UBC Sauder Staff

Undergraduate Office

• Working with leaders to assist in diversifying candidate pools.


• Updated hiring templates (phone screening interview, reference check, etc.) with gender-neutral language.

The Robert H. Lee (RHL) recruitment team participated in virtual recruitment events with a dedicated focus on enhancing the diversity of all RHL programs. The team attended over 70 virtual events in all continents, with presence in 38+ countries. In addition, women-specific recruitment events for the FTMBA and PMBA programs were held.

This year is the first year that UBC Sauder faculty members have formally been asked to report their contributions to EDI in their yearly Faculty Activity Reports.

Contributions of Faculty and Staff Faculty Activity Reports

EDI Awards for Faculty and Staff

Continuing Studies also participated in the Athena Pathway Scholarship program, which is a partnership of academia, government, and industry to educate women in the science and commercialization of artificial intelligence, machine learning and data science in order to deepen Canada’s talent pool and make it more inclusive while delivering real value in the form of trained interns, workers, and executives to businesses that are struggling to find domain expertise.


UBC Decision Insights for Business and Society (DIBS) and Continuing Business Studies (CBS), in collaboration with BIG Difference BC, will provide one $5,000 scholarship to working professionals who reside in B.C., work in the public or nonprofits sectors, and are in the Advanced Professional Certificate in Behavioral Insights. Priority is given to applicants who identify as IBPOC, 2SLGBTQIA+, persons with disability, and/or women.


Across Robert H. Lee (RHL) Graduate School programs, several scholarships were offered that support different elements of EDI. These include 16 scholarships focused on students from specific geographical regions (e.g., Middle East, Africa, Asia, Latin America, etc.), three IBPOC Scholarship (general), one First Nations Scholarship/Fellowship, and four women-focused scholarships. In addition, at the undergraduate level, UBC Sauder offers 20 scholarships for IBPOC students, with many of these being offered to Indigenous Students.

This year is the first year that we have created an award for faculty and staff contributions to EDI at UBC Sauder. The inaugural award was given to Jesse Grimaldi, Jennifer Hooper, and Rebecca Paluch for their outstanding commitment and contributions to EDI at UBC Sauder and the broader university community.

The maps and statistics display the cultural diversity of UBC Sauder students and full-time faculty in terms of citizenship. Students and faculty are citizens of a wide range of countries, as shown by our diversity scores, measured by the Gini-Simpson Diversity Index. The Gini-Simpson Diversity Index is the probability that two people taken randomly have a different country of citizenship, where higher numbers indicate more diversity.

Cultural Diversity at UBC Sauder


indicates a higher headcount by country, except for Canada which is intentionally left in a fixed colour. Country of citizenship is the one that students most recently reported to UBC Sauder as their primary citizenship. Number of Students 2565 (Canada) 703 (China) 565 (India) 50 to 70 30 to 50 20 to 30 10 to 20 3 to Fewer10than 3 None World map of student citizen diversity in 2021-2022 Cultural diversity of UBC Sauder Students in terms of citizenship BCom FT-MBA PHD 64% 79 % 66% Gini-Simpson Diversity Index (by citizenship) 2021 Number of countries of citizenship 2021 BCom83 FT-MBA26 PHD13

shows the countries of citizenship of students enrolled in any UBC Sauder program as of April 2022. A darker


This map colour

This map shows the countries of citizenship of full-time faculty (research and teaching) working at UBC Sauder as of April 2022. A darker colour indicates a higher headcount by country, except for Canada which is intentionally left in a fixed colour. Country of citizenship is the one that faculty had at the time they joined the School (the map does not account for changes in citizenship after faculty joined the School). Faculty with dual citizenship at the time they joined the School are represented twice on the map.





to 5 None1

World map of full-time faculty citizenship diversity in 2021 diversity of research faculty and full-time teaching faculty in terms of citizenshipfull-timeresearch full-time teaching faculty full-time research faculty 24 full-time teaching faculty 7 full-time research faculty 97 full-time teaching faculty 34 84% 47 % Diversity Index (by citizenship) 2021 Number of countries of citizenship 2021 Total headcount Our overall UBC Sauder community (i.e., students, faculty, and staff) represents 90 countries. Number of Faculty 57 (Canada) 39 (USA) 6 to 13 2

2021-2022 ANNUAL REPORT ON EQUITY, DIVERSITY, AND INCLUSION 31 / UBC SAUDER SCHOOL OF BUSINESS We note that one limitation is that we do not have data on Two-Spirit people at UBC Sauder. Indigenous students at UBC Sauder Since 2012 , the number of Indigenous students enrolled in the BCom program has increased by 142 % TotalStudentsIndigenous of domestic students 65 2.9 %

The data that we present on gender and racialization is collected by the UBC Equity and Inclusion Office as part of the Employment Equity Survey which staff and faculty are asked to complete. The questions in the survey were revised in 2021. Response rates for these data are: research faculty (92%), teaching faculty (80%), and staff (91%).

Gender and Racialization


Gender (share of women): Teaching FacultyResearch Faculty Staff 38 28% % 71%

In last year’s first UBC Sauder EDI annual report, we made a conscious decision not to include gender data that had been historically collected from UBC Sauder communities. The gender categories represented in our survey data, at the time, did not accurately reflect the true diversity of our communities. Historical gender data is binaried based on sex, and we therefore had inaccurate gender data as we know gender is self-determined and not always congruent with sex. We are pleased that improvements have been made to data collection at UBC and we now are able to showcase gender statistics for UBC Sauder staff and faculty groups.

We note that a data suppression policy has been adopted by the UBC Equity and Inclusion Office to further protect the confidentiality of individual respondent’s personal information. Only groups with five or more respondents are reported. The survey question asked was: “Do you identify as a woman, man or non-binary person?” and the responses were: Woman; Man; Non-Binary Person; Prefer not to answer.


The survey question asked was: “Do you identify as someone who is racialized, a visible minority, person of colour, or an analogous term? The term “racialized” is used as a more current term than “visible minority” from the Employment Equity Act (1995). For the purposes of this survey, members of racialized groups are persons who do not identify as Indigenous peoples (as defined in the previous question), and who do not identify as primarily White in race, ethnicity, origin, and/or colour, regardless of their birthplace or citizenship, and responses were: Yes; No; Prefer not to answer

We also do not have data on racialization to report on our students. We are continuing to work with UBC toward collecting and sharing data for our student populations.

Unfortunately, we do not have accurate and representative student data that we can share for some types of demographic information. For gender, some of our UBC data still reflects binaried sex data or does not have representative samples of respondents. Presenting only binary sex data is exclusionary and does not accurately represent the gender diversity of our students, including non-binary students. We recognize that gender identity is self-determined and not synonymous with biological sex, and we have updated our internal surveys and data collection methods to be gender inclusive going forward.

Racialization (share of racialized): Teaching FacultyResearch Faculty Staff 22 35% % 46 %

Note on gender data and racialization data for students:

Recruiting and retention practices that eliminate biases and barriers, and increase representation of under-represented and marginalized groups in order to create an organization that embodies diverse perspectives, enhance feelings of belonging, inclusion and safety, and increase accessibility.



EDI Strategy and Reporting

We have finalized our EDI principles and goals and have created a scorecard for the Deans Office to track and report back on actions, KPIs, accountability, and timelines for completion. At our Senior Leaders Strategic Retreat, unit leaders identified key priorities and goals for each unit around EDI. In addition, we have initiated a process for unit heads to report back on actions and KPIs around EDI and many of these are showcased in this report.

We have created a Communications Working Group that will focus on better communication of events and initiatives, as well as communicating about policies and procedures related to EDI at UBC Sauder. The group is currently working on our communications strategy and is working on a resource for students, staff, and faculty to navigate how and where to access support when needed at UBC Sauder.


External Dialogue and EDI-RelatedEngagementCommunication

• UBC Sauder Human Resources gives gifts of appreciation for staff service (of 15, 20, 25 years) and gives the choice of Indigenous crafted gifts from the UBC Museum of Anthropology or a donation to Indian Residential School Survivor Society.

Webpage and Annual Report

• The Events Team and other groups at UBC Sauder aim to promote sustainability and responsible leadership through using more sustainable and inclusive vendors and caterers at events.

EDI Surveys

Communications Working Group

UBC Sauder has been working towards embedding EDI criteria in partnerships with employers, external contractors, Indigenous communities of interest, alumni, and other external stakeholders toward supporting an inclusive environment at UBC Sauder. Some examples include:

• The Events Team purchased gift boxes for special events such as the Dean’s Dinner and employee anniversary to be inclusive of different vendors in the community.

It is important to us is that our communication is two-directional and that we listen to our UBC Sauder Communities in addition to communicating out to them. To follow-up on our focus group sessions with Bakau Consulting, we have created a survey for students which, at the time of this writing, is about to launch.

This year, we created a new webpage for EDI at UBC Sauder. The page highlights our core principles and goals, promotes current events and news stories, showcases ways to get involved, and provides links to sources of support. You can see the webpage here. In addition, staff and faculty are regularly updated with EDI-related events, initiatives, and resources on the UBC Sauder Hub. In line with our goals around transparency and communication, this past year we published our UBC Sauder Inaugural Annual Report on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, which you can see here

The survey asks students across all of our UBC Sauder programs about their feelings of inclusion, equitable access to resources, experiences with learning about EDI topics in the classroom and curricular spaces, and UBC Sauder’s responsiveness to EDI issues at UBC Sauder. We are also working on ways to better listen to faculty, staff, and alumni this upcoming year. We look forward to sharing the results of the survey and other listening initiatives on our EDI website, forthcoming in 2023.

• Spaces and features that acknowledge Indigenous influences, respect our location and history, and allow for Indigenous learning.

• Accessibility and access features including wheelchair access, gender inclusive washrooms, and technology that incorporates universal design into the space itself (i.e., meeting diverse ability and learning needs, such as visual acuity; learning ability, learning styles, neurodiversity, etc.).


We are currently planning our new building: the Powerhouse Project. The School is strategically designing new programming and spaces that build on momentum from our past decade of growth to meet the needs of the entire UBC Sauder community. One of the three key areas the building plans are focusing on is Inclusivity & Community. Key elements that are planned for the space Strivinginclude:tocreate inclusive, accessible, welcoming, and collaborative multi-functional spaces to meet the diverse interaction, collaboration, and learning needs of our UBC Sauder communities.

New UBC Sauder Building

• A childcare centre to support students, staff, and faculty. We believe that having a daycare in the same building as the School will have a huge impact on parents having access to working and learning here.

• The UBC Sauder School of Business will reconvene meetings between the leadership of UBC Sauder and the respective leadership of the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh Nations, which were delayed in the past year due to COVID-19. The goal of these meetings is to facilitate greater ties between the School and the Nations including opportunities for engagement and goals of the Canadian Council of Business Progressive Aboriginal Relations (PAR) program.

• Installation of the carving, “Intersection of Enlightenment” by famed Musqueam artist Susan Point in the main foyer of the UBC Sauder School of Business Henry Angus building. Inspired by Ancestral Musqueam weaving, this contemporary artwork will be suspended in the School’s atrium and convey the themes of Coast Salish Commerce and the history of trade. Based on traditional teachings, the installation pays tribute to this land and its earliest inhabitants and symbolizes the coming together of people crossing paths and interweaving cultures. The art work reflects the long history of the Musqueam people on these lands and the recognition that this site has always been, and continues to be, a place of education, inspiration, commerce, and growth. The formal ‘unveiling’ of the art piece will bring together members of the School and Musqueam in a celebratory event planned for later in 2022.

Indigenous Relations

As UBC Sauder moves ahead with our Progressive Aboriginal Relations (PAR) Level II and Level III goals in ways that support the UBC Indigenous Strategic Plan, the UBC Sauder Strategic Plan, and our UBC Sauder EDI Strategic planning, the School is working on the following:


• Continuing to work with UBC Procurement to increase usage of Indigenous vendors for the provisioning of services at UBC Sauder.

• Continuing to provide Indigenous Cultural Awareness training sessions to UBC Sauder employees on the history and legal framework of Indigenous peoples in Canada.

• Hiring of an Indigenous student recruiter to facilitate increased recruitment of Indigenous students to UBC Sauder degree programs.

The UBC Sauder School of Business is committed to continuous improvement in EDI. All of us have a part to play in furthering equity, diversity, and inclusion. Ultimately, we strive to be a place where everyone—students, faculty, staff, alumni, and visitors—feel that they belong. The UBC Sauder EDI Committee and the School leadership welcome your feedback and would love to hear from you about innovative ideas and solutions in this space. Please check out this page of our website for some different ideas around how to get Ifhttps://www.sauder.ubc.ca/about-ubc-sauder/equity-diversity-inclusion/get-involvedinvolved:youhaveideasforwhatyourwouldliketoseeinEDIatUBCSauder,pleaseconsiderapplying to the EDI Action Fund. The fund supports and encourages EDI events, initiatives, and resources that are dreamed up by you—members of our UBC Sauder Communities. learn more at: www.sauder.ubc.ca/current-students/ubc-sauder-edi-action-fund

How to Get Involved ON





Tamar Milne Lecturer, Marketing and Behavioural Science Division

Patrick Dore Senior Analyst, Strategic Projects/Data Analytics

Darrell Kopke Director, CDL- Vancouver Jeff Kroeker Lecturer, Accounting & Information Systems

Erin Catherall Program Manager, Aboriginal Management Program

Hatice Cavusoglu Lead, Strategic Decision Support Analytics

Elizabeth Bowker Lecturer, Law and Business Communications Group


Nicole Linzmeyer Communication & Engagement Specialist, Human Resources

Lorena Dexter Chaichian Associate Director, Communication & Media Relations Elaine Cho PhD and MSc Programs Manager

JoAndrea (Joey) Hoegg Senior Associate Dean, Faculty Julie Hommik

Pam Lim Assistant Dean and Director, Undergraduate Program Meichun Lin UBC Sauder PhD Student

Ani Hosepyan Assistant Dean, People & Organizational Development Abigail O. Ilaka UBC Sauder Undergraduate Student Dharm Joshi Director, Masters Programs

Alex Balbino UBC Sauder Undergraduate Research Assistant

Graham McIntosh Executive Director UBC Sauder Continuing Business Studies and Diploma in Accounting Program

Katriona MacDonald Senior Advisor to the Dean and Chief Admin Officer

Jesse Grimaldi Manager, BCom Careers

Keith Head Professor, Strategy & Business Economics

Tom Leslie Communications Manager – Faculty

Michael Daniels Assistant Professor, Organizational Behaviour & Human Resources

Richenda Grafton Administrative Assistant, Ch’nook Indigenous Business Education

Barnini Bhattacharyya Graduate Research Assistant Angela Bouzanis UBC Sauder MBA student

Brad Gamble Assistant Dean, Marketing and Communications Janet Gannon Faculty Relations Co-ordinator

UBC Sauder PhD Student, Marketing and Behavioural Science

Nicole Kelly Associate Director, Student Engagement & Development

Jennifer Hooper Director, Ch’nook Indigenous Business Education

Yann Cornil Assistant Professor, Marketing & Behavioural Science

We gratefully acknowledge the contributions to this annual report from these passionate individuals from across our UBC Sauder communities.

Justin Bull Lecturer, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Group

Amadon Coletsis Manager, Alumni Engagement

David Hardisty Professor and Division Chair, Marketing and Behavioural Science


Wayne Rawcliffe Lecturer, Organizational Behaviour & Human Resources

Christina Sylka Head, David Lam Management Research Library

Shannon Sterling Director, MBA Programs


Marlisse Silver Sweeney Lecturer, Law and Business Communication Group

Teresa Pan Assistant Dean, Robert H. Lee Graduate School

Mahesh Nagarajan

Conor Topley Adjunct Professor, Law & Business Communications

Laurent Tjoe UBC Sauder Undergraduate Student

Stephanie Wong UBC Sauder MBA Student

Zorana Svedic Lecturer, Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources Division

Rebecca (Becky) Paluch Assistant Professor, Organizational Behaviour & Human Resources

Kate White Senior Associate Dean, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Sustainability

Ky Sargeant CUS Equity Advisor

Senior Associate Dean, Research Academic Director, Robert H. Lee Graduate School

Jenny Zhao UBC Sauder Undergraduate Student

Christie Stephenson Executive Director, Dhillon Centre for Business Ethics

Radhika Patel UBC Sauder Undergraduate Student

Zhiying (Izzy) Zhou UBC Sauder Undergraduate Research Assistant

Linda Tommasini Director, Resources & Operations Martina Valkovicova Assistant Dean, Business Career Centre

Bruce Wiesner Associate Dean, Executive Education

John Ries Senior Associate Dean, Special Projects

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