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ISSUE 06 2020


top 10 travel tips


How to use a mask? Source: World Health Organization

Before Putting on a Mask: Clean hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.

While Wearing a Mask: 1. Cover your mouth and nose. Make sure there are no gaps between your face and the mask. 2. Avoid touching the mask. If you do, clean your hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water. 3. Replace the mask with a new one as soon as it is damp. Do not re-use single-use masks.

To dispose of the mask: 1. Remove the mask from behind using the strings. Do not touch the front of mask. 2. Discard the mask immediately in a closed bin. 3. Clean hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.



EDITOR-in-Chief Nhlakanipho Ngidi IG- @nhlakanipho_ricco twitter- @RiccoNgidi Sales and Features Cell: +27 61 339 8242

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Wear a mask 07


13 - 18 20






& Sanitize


Coronavirus Anxiety: Coping with Stress, Fear, and Worry A STAY SAFE Overwhelmed?

ANXIOUS? Worried?

A pandemic that feels endless, and sometimes hopeless. You have been indoors for weeks (months) on end. You feel untethered and desperate, you have no schedule. Make yourself wake up at a certain time, put on real clothes (don’t live in your pajamas) , look decent, and cook meals on a regular basis. Stay informed – but don’t obsessively check the news Stick to trustworthy sources such as the World Health Organization, and your local public health authorities. So you can follow advised safety precautions and do your part to slow the spread of coronavirus. Focus on the things you can control There are so many things outside of our control, including how long the pandemic lasts, how other people behave, and what’s going to happen in our communities. Stay home as much as possible, even if you don’t feel sick. Stay connected – even when physically isolated Social media can be a powerful tool- not only for connecting with friends, family, and acquaintancesbut for feeling connected in a greater sense to our communities, country and the world. It reminds us we’re not alone. Take care of your body and spirit Be kind to yourself. Go easy on yourself if you’re experiencing more depression or anxiety than usual. You’re not alone in your struggles. Take time out for activities you enjoy and find ways to exercise.

TABLE MOUNTAIN COULD THIS BE THE WORLD’S OLDEST MOUNTAIN? Consisting of layers of Table Mountain Sandstone and Cape Granite formed by igneous and glacial action 520 million years ago, Table Mountain is at 6 times older than the Himalayas, making it one of the oldest mountains in the world. The Cape’s original Khoi inhabitants named the mountain “Hoerikwaggo”, meaning “Mountain of the sea”. It’s the jewel of the peninsula that was named Cabo da Boa Esperanza (or ‘Cape of Good Hope’) by early Portuguese explorers. To Nelson Mandela and freedom fighters imprisoned on Robben Island, it always represented a tantalising reminder of freedom. The mountain’s famous tablecloth is a meteorogical phenomenon that causes cloud to tumble down the mountain slopes like billowing fabric.


This phenomena is known as “Kaggen’s karos’ after the san tale of how kaggen, the mantis god, pulls a white karos (animal pelt) from his mountain cave to quench fires on the mountain. A later explanation was that a Dutch pirate, Jan van Hunks, challenged the devil to a smoking contest that persists to this day.

A kingdom of natural wonder The crown jewel in the Cape Floristic Region, Table Mountain is home to an incredible diversity of endemic species. The Cape Floral Kingdom is the smallest of the world’s six plant kingdoms, but is the richest for its size, with over 8 500 distinct species, many of which grow nowhere else. Key to the diversity of the floral kingdom found throughout the peninsula is the range of animal and insect species that have developed unique partnerships with plants.

TABLE MOUNTAIN WAS VOTED ONE OF THE NEW 7 WONDERS OF NATURE IN 2011. Things to do Spectacular views Free daily guided walks on the hour from 09:00 – 15:00 Enjoy a delicious meal with a view at the Table Mountain café Purchase a memento to remember your visit Listen to the Table Mountain Audio Tours on VoiceMap Use the FREE WIFI in the unique WIFI lounge

The most commonly seen animals are the Rock Hyrax (or Dassie’), but it is the smaller species such as sunbirds and sugarbirds, who perform a vital role in pollinating the range of flowering plants our mountain is so well known for. Playing a less-visible, but no less important role, are species such as the pugnacious Ant, which bury seeds, thus protecting them from fire and predators.

CABLE CARS The cable cars normally have a carrying capacity of 65 people, transporting approximately 800 people per hour. (Please note that COVID19 related limitations are in place as from September 2020, which limits the number of people being transported at a time. Windows have been removed to improve ventilation, and the wearing of a face mask is compulsory. Please visit for any further updates on health and safety measures that are in place.) Maximum speed is 10 metres per second. The cables weigh 18 tonnes and are 1.2km each in length. Each cable car can carry a weight of 5Â 200kg. The base of the cable cars have built-in water tanks carrying 3Â 000 litres of water used for ballast in the windy season and to supply fresh water for visitors. The cables are attached to counter weights, each weighing 134 tonnes. The cable cars are round to provide a 360 view and to be aerodynamic in high winds.

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IT’S A FACT Table Mountain Aerial Cableway has been operating since 4th October 1929. To date more than 29 million visitors have enjoyed the thrill of the cableway experience. The height of Table Mountain at its highest point, Maclear’s Beacon, is 1 085m above sea level. WALK ON THE WILD SIDE DASSIE WALK TIME: 15 MIN TYPE: VERY EASY DESCRIPTION: This walk offers you spectacular views north, west and south. AGAMA WALK TIME: 30 MIN TYPE: VERY EASY DESCRIPTION: This is a popular route. This route has been specially chosen to give you spectacular 360 views of Cape Town and the Cape Peninsula. KLIPSPRINGER WALK TIME: 45 MIN TYPE: VERY EASY DESCRIPTION: This walk offers wonderful views, running along the plateau edge to above the Platteklip Gorge in summer you can see the sunshine Cone Bush in full flower.

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A stylish piece of art & culture SMC socks "in order to be irreplaceable, one must

SMC offers tourists with top-notch socks that

always be different." - Coco Chanel

one can bring home as souvenirs and keepsakes from their vacations spent

Style Merchant Collection comprises of

travelling across South Africa. We pride

bespoke fashionable/wearable art pieces

ourselves on premium quality products which

which are inspired by the African art, culture, and the need to preserve that art for future generations. Our socks are a perfect gift for stylish, outspoken, and sophisticated individuals who are confident to be different and proactive for the cause of cultural

unleash our African cultural diversity. Each pair of socks from our collection is carefully designed to provide our clientele with a unique sense of cultural belonging. At SMC we value customers’ shopping


experience and our team is committed to

For tourists looking for something unique and reminiscent of the African culture, look no

provide top-class service and support to meet the needs of our clients. Hence, most of our sales comes from repeat clients and referrals.

further than SMC socks.

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Both local and international clients love our premium quality and comfort.Â

Our international clients are mostly South African expats looking for products that bring them closer to home. To make their shopping convenient we’ve got an agent in the United Kingdom, distributing our products across Europe, Australia, Canada, the US etc. SMC Socks are unisex trendsetters. They’re made from 100% combed cotton and finished with contrasting heel and toe patches that'll lighten your mood throughout the day. We've got both basic and gold glitter-coated socks to create irresistible premium quality that is inspired by our African culture. Our current socks collection features patterns and vivid colours from “Ndebele”, “Xhosa”, “Zulu”, “Venda”, and “Shona” tribes. We intend to introduce at least one or two new design from other tribes in every three months. SMC socks bridges the gap between traditional, formal and casual wear as they can effortlessly match any outfit for any event.

The Red Ndebele - The soul of the Ndebele culture in this pair is captured by the use of vivid colours and symbols to create an exceptionally high quality, stylish and classy pair of Ndebele print socks.

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Venda Green - This Venda inspired lime green and pink print is a very delightful pair of socks and a conversation starter. The mix of the Venda colour and prints makes this pair of socks a “mood lightener�.

The Ndebele Skies - The Ndebele people are famous for their house paintings comprising of geometric and vivid combinations. This pair is inspired by the Ndebele artists, who are not afraid to play with colour to create something outstanding. If you're daring to stand out in a "cultural way", then this your pair.

Zulu Socks - The richness of the Zulu culture and heritage is captured figuratively in this earth-tone colourful pair of socks. These socks go well with most outfits and look incredible if matched with Zulu traditional outfits or casual and formal clothes.

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Royal Xhosa - What's the definition of Royalty, comfort, and class? This Royal Xhosa print socks combinedly define the above questions effortlessly and stylishly. The innovative and thoughtful use of the Xhosa colours and symbols makes this pair a great match to transform any outfit whether casual, traditional, or formal.

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If you really want your stylish cultural socks to take care of you, then you’ve got to show them some love ... Darling “you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours”, that’s how it is ..! 1. You’ve got to wear your socks - they’re incredible and vivid. People gotta see your happy feet in those stylish African print socks.

2. Don’t forget to wash them! Cold hand washing is the best to protect your stylish cultural socks. Do not bleach them (PS: we can’t afford to lose those vivid colours). Use your tumble dry at a low heat or lay them out on direct right! 3. Fold them together and place them in socks drawer after every wash. No lie a single designer sock is so heart-breaking.


TOP 10 TRAVEL TIPS 1 HAVE A SMALL BACK PACK It will help you to pack light and avoid carrying too much staff when touring a city or seeing attractions. 2 DON'T BE AFRAID TO USE A MAP

3 A L W A Y S H A V E A L O CK

Getting lost is the worst thing that can happen to someone. Use a Map/GPS, tourism centers and information offices.

They come in handy, especially when you stay in dorms and need to lock stuff up. 4 R O A D SIGNS Stay close to the speed limit, Road signs are designed to make sure that every driver is kept safe. 5 C A R R Y A B A S I C F I RS T - A I D K I T Anything can happen, Accidents happen so be prepared. Take band aids, antibacterial crème and ointments for cuts and scrapes 6 TRY NEW FOOD See if you like it, you might miss out on some unusual and delicious local cuisine.

7 A L W A Y S H A V E A PO W E R B A N K / C H A R G E R Batteries die all the time and you might need to make an important call. 8 D O N ' T O V E R D R I NK It might be the best ways to bond with locals and other travelers alike, but overdoing it can leave you a bit on the vulnerable side. 9 BE RESPECTFUL Locals are willing to help you, but there's probably a language barrier so keep your cool when something doesn't go your way. 10 CARRY CASH FOR EMERGENCIES Because emergencies happen, you might not find an ATM in the area or need money for a cab/taxi.

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"You don't need a silver fork to eat good

That has gone to be loved by many locals in


Umlazi and KwaZulu-Natal. Seeing her mother

A God given talent and the love for food, Snqobile Khumalo Has brought people together within the community to enjoy delectable meals made out of love. A young lady born and raised in the township of Umlazi by a strong women who herself loves being in the kitchen. Snqobile learnt all her culinary skills from her mother at a very young age. When her dream of being in the aviation industry was shattered the love for food was in her blood. She fell in love with cooking, plating food and creating art for the food industry, which led her to opening THE WHITE PLATE, in the back yard of her mother’s house.

cooking and selling food she took it up a notch by creating a lifestyle of the weekend. Were every individual looks forward to a weekend in her outdoor space with good food and company. A self-taught business woman she’s has become, after working for a whole year with no income. The idea of owning a restaurant has always been in the back of her mind. “I enjoy touching people’s lives and meeting new people all the time, creating unforgettable experiences with food and mood around a table – tastes and memories that they will carry with them for the rest of their lives”.

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She went from using White Plate as a hashtag when posting and now she has created a brand out of it that is loved by many. “It is so much more than just serving a plate of food, as people will always remember how you made them feel” Snqobile says. Snqobile reveals that one of her favorite dishes is pasta. It is one of the simplest dishes to prepare but it has so much of soul to it and each times I get to prepare It, I test myself while playing around with the sauces” snqobile says. The ladies have been her number one supporters which shows that woman can stand up together and lead in business. The future most definitely is Female. INSTAGRAM- @thewhiteplate_by_snqobile

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Keep Our Workplace Safe! Practice good hygiene Stop hand shakes and use non-contact greeting methods Clean hands at the door and schedule regular hand washing reminders Disinfect surfaces like doorknobs, tables, and desks regularly Avoid touching your face and cover your coughs and sneezes Increase ventilation by opening windows or adjusting air conditioning

Stay home if... You are feeling sick You have a sick family member at home


Limit meetings and nonessential travels Use video conferencing instead of face-to-face meetings When video calls are not possible, hold your meetings in well-ventilated rooms and spaces Suspend all non-essential travels and trips

Take care of your emotional and mental well-being Outbreaks are a stressful and anxious time for everyone. We're here to support you! Reach out to anytime.



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