Satori LifeStyle Magazine

Page 20

Health & Fitness

Getting Started Diona Lynn Austinn


f you tend to use the escalator, or head to the kitchen during commercials, or park in the nearest space, and the mere thought of breaking a sweat makes you tired, don’t feel like the “lone ranger,” you are a member of a growing majority. The first time it’s the stairs instead of the escalator, 60 seconds of crunches during commercial break, or park in the furthermost space, that’s the first step to becoming and staying fit.

How to get started? I think I can plot a reasonable course; however, before starting any exercise routine, it is advisable to check with your physician; it’s also advisable to know your family medical history so that any concerns can be dealt with up front. What follows are the components for creating a plan to get started: Commit to a fitness regimen: A fitness regimen is the vehicle to turn your love and respect for your body into an action plan. In order to establish a regimen consider the following: Step one, figure out exactly who you are, what you have to work with, and then accept yourself as you are. In front of the mirror take a good look at your body and decide what to make better. Use this feedback to develop workout goals and to create a plan. Promise your body that you will honor and respect it everyday. Develop ways to overcome inertia and deal with the issues that keep you in the same old rut. Lastly, establish starting baseline and set an end goal. With out a road map, One can wander aimlessly about and never reach the intended destination.


Know why you need to exercise – not why you should. According to Dallas Fuentes, a certified Pilate’s instructor, body therapist, anatomist and a fitness consultant. “What’s likely to keep you going is recognizing what truly motivates you.” There are no right or wrong reasons, so examine what matters and check all that apply: Improve my health Like what I see in the mirror Feel better Be stronger Fit into my favorite jeans Better sex More attractive Compete in a sport Keep up with my children Keep knees/back/neck/feet from hurting Don’t want to gain another size Feel better about myself Fill in your own reason () Visualize how you want your body to look, but don’t base that picture on some external standard of beauty or what others think because, when it comes to bodies, it’s not a level playing field. But keep in mind, nothings more beautiful than what you have. Keep your ideal image in mind and identify the areas for improvement. The overall goal should be a healthier and fit body and shedding pounds is a critical step; however, its normal that the arms and waist are also targeted for toning. This is the basis of your exercise plan. How Fast Can I slim down? Are those drop 5 pounds in 5 days ads are realistic?

Consider this: The body has to burn 3,500 calories to lose a pound. To burn 300 to 600 calories, it takes 45 minutes to an hour of aerobics and stretching. To zap 3,500 calories, it takes six hours per day of exercise and fasting. As a practical matter focusing on weight loss is shorted sighted. If one is in a hurry to lose weight, starvation works but at what cost to health and fitness. It’s more effective to establish a goal; put a workable plan in place to accomplish that goal, and be disciplined in the execution of the plan. This is a general plan for getting things done and it works. A scale is not necessary to check progress; however, it may be useful to some. Every time you slip into a dress, take a shower or

walk up a flight of stairs the body provides a direct read out as to progress. It can be depressing to jump on the scale and it indicates a gain when a loss was expected. Although it’s best not to focus on weight loss per se, a reasonable expectation is to lose a pound or two each week. The more exact in goal, the better chance of attaining it. It’s an accepted fact that in order to burn calories its necessary to increase the heart rate. How much is enough? It depends on age:

Target Heart Rate Zone by Age 20s 98-170 beats per minute 30s 93-162 beats per minute 40s 88-153 beats per minute 50s 83-145 beats per minute 4. Knowing your goal provides a better idea on how to attain it. Cardio and aerobic workouts improve lung capacity and endurance. Some popular exercises are brisk walks, jogging and biking. If the goal is to tone and firm, resistance training and weight training exercises will strengthens muscles. To attain greater flexibility and improve posture, Pilate’s, Yoga or Tai Chi will stretch and lengthen muscles. To increase strength, supervised weight training and circuit training are recommended. 5. Set aside time for fitness: A common refrain is “jeez, with the children, and the job, I just can’t find anymore time. Of course you can’t find anymore time, you already have all there is. Every one has the same amount of time; the difference is in scheduling. Workouts need to be scheduled just like any important event. Take a look at your schedule and see what can be let go. Sun bathing can become a stretching session. Instead of kicking back to watch TV, with a little ingenuity the treadmill can be relocated to where you can run/walk and watch TV at the same time. That’s “having ones cake and eating it too.” If a healthier body and fitness is important, finding time will be no problem. 6. Keep a Journal: At least once a day, write down goals and assess progress. Don’t get discouraged if goals sometimes exceed reach. Remember that sticking to the plan will get you to your goal; however, the time line may stretch out or it could

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