Sarah margolis october resume 2013

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FMR. DDCIA SARAH JEAN MARGOLIS a.k.a. JACK RYAN, THE NEGOTIATOR Fmr. Paramilitary Operations Officer Gen. Kat G H W Bush of Project: Blackbird Dr. Katrin Wilhelm Friedrich Himmler nee' Eichmann, JD 160 Broad Street, Providence, Rhode Island 02903 The Watergate Condominium Complex, Washington, District of Columbia Kennebunkport, Maine Topanga/Big Sur/The Pointe, California Reichmann, Alaska Newport The Hamptons London; Opio; Caracas; Kamchatka; The Veldt; Austria; Der Schwarzer Wald Los Cielos +1 401 390 6495 ________________________________________________________________________ __________ OBJECTIVE Horrified with the conditions of Society under Slavery, which is legal if you have been convicted of breaking the law by the 1974 Constitution of The United States of America, I am founding the National Libertarian Party to replace The "Liberals" under the principles of social responsibility, environmental responsibility, but foremostly fiscal responsibility as practiced and preached by the Austrian National Socialist Party before I become the official Democratic National Party/Independent/Green/Libertarian candidate with General Colin "The Other General" Powell in 2020 by proving I walk the talk through working in finance aiming for Chairman of The Board of Directors of Goldman Sachs, Edward Jones, Morgan Stanley, Bank of Libya and/or Fisher Investments with the help of my corporation Oppenheimer Funds to prove cooperative competition might not cause world peace, but at least global situational stability as the current General Manager of Reuters, the world's leading news source. My fault is that though I believe in proprietity, politeness, posteritity and propieitary data, I enjoy defying boundaries and am exxtremely sexist against women, but not females I have respect for as I am The Watergate Child, but definitely not what you think I am and I choose to forget all prior to officially in Special Operations Subsection KGB in November, 1994. ________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________ EDUCATION HARVARD UNIVERSITY, KINDERGARTEN Taught leadership. Not allowed to eat peanut butter. 220++ IQ on men's test when made up questions. After Harvard/Yale game chose Yale over Harvard. ESTABROOK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS, GRADE SCHOOL Almost shot by Jodie Foster after she killed my friends and tried to assisnate my father Ronald Reagan. Chosen as first female Director of The Central Intelligence Agency. MIDDLESCHOOL: LEXINGTON; PRINCETON; IRVINE, CALIFORNIA Unofficial Princeton student as actual woman valedictorian stolen through the media by Brooke Shields. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LABORATORY HIGH SCHOOL, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Bothersome medical student in part-time, Winner of Sarajevo Female Figure Skater Gold Medal 1988 under pseudonym and blocked by US Media alone. Finalist, twice,

Congress-Bundestag Scholarship to Germany. American Foreign International Service student to Federation of Austria as WARSAW Stasi first female. Assisnated Stalin's son. BROWN UNIVERSITY, PROVIDENCE Also attended Harvard, University of Chicago and Wellesley. Chose Brown over Harvard to study medicine: trained in plastic surgery, lead heart surgeon and chief neuroseurgeon. Also chose Brown to study 20th Century Philosophy. Owe career in media/entertainment/the industry to Media/Culture concentration with unofficial minor in anthropology. Founded George H W Bush School of Law, Maxwell Palevsky Business School and Brown University Guggenheim Museum of Contemporary Art to thank my secret societies The Cammerians [Pompous Ass], The Franklin Group and The Illuminati [Osiris]. YALE UNIVERSITY, NEW HAVEN Studied at Yale School of Management, Harvard/Yale Law School, intern at Yale School of Medicine. Spectre and Key's Duke Satan. The Bonesmen's Magog. The Mason's Emperor. Skull 'n' Bones' King. Invented The Alligator for Alpha Sigma Chi. ________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________ SCHOLARSHIP Birth of a Reader -- replaced carefully with mimeographs some editions of Death of an Author by Roland Barthes, Sarah Margolis Death -- a response to Ellen Rooney's 1992 CLARISSA class which was originally a class about 10 classics about rape instead of solely Richardson's now edited masterpiece about a woman who is raped and dies, the longest book in the English language and actually much too dry for sly, silly women of secret society at Brown known as Penbroke. Questions about CAPITAL by Karl Marx (not KAPITAL as is written in English by obviously non-Jewish author) used as study guide by The International Socialist Organization, a legitimate intelligence outfit that CIA recognizes, Sarah Margolis A STORY OF AN I: AUTOBIOGRAPHY -- underground mimeographed classic is only version, Sadie Lou Gram aka Sarah Jean Margolis RAND PAPERS, "sketches" Howard Margolis thinks I should concentrate on, Sarah Margolis PATHOS, THANATOS AND THE MADHOUSE, chapbook [stolen attempts still going with some Silly Hilly scribbling], Sarah Margolis Political poetry on Sarah Margolis' original facebook, Sarah Margolis PROJECT 1, Group B, 10 mins., acted, edited, directed and executive produced as identity explanation flick, Sarah Margolis DISNEY WORLD, documentary, 30-mins., shot, directed, edited and executive produced with Michael Ovitz for entering The Walt Disney Company now Corporation about workers' abuse and propaganda at EPCOT CENTER, Sarah Margolis

MENTAL ILLNESS, produced by RAND, acted, written, edited and executive produced about Sarah Margolis obviously bullshit, forced by Modern Culture and Media Department's "FBI Identity" forced on me as political sabotage, Sarah MargIolis THE PLAYER, Executive Producers, Nick Wechsler and Sarah Margolis THE COMPANY, Executive Producers, Keith Addis and Sarah Margolis BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, Executive Producers, Michael Eisner, Michael Ovitz and Sarah Margolis TITANIC, Executive Producers, James Cameron and Sarah Margolis THE IRAQ WAR FILM, Executive Producer, Cathryn Bigelow, Directed by Sarah Margolis THE LORD OF THE RINGS TRILOGY directed by Peter Jackson and Sarah Margolis 9-11 THE TV SPECIAL, Executive Producers, Michael Hoover (+), David and Michael Udris (+), Maria Mattson (-) and Rachel Resnick (-), Directed by Sarah Margolis (+) at gun point by Assistant Director Sophia Coppola (-) and Producer Odetta Ciancarelli (+) starring Peter Jay Brown (+), Jenny O'Leary Brown (+), Donald Rumsfeld (+), Condeleeza Rice (+), Jodie Foster (-), Hillary Strang (-), First Lady Hillary "Resnick" Clinton (+ I am her lawyer), Dominic Boyer (+) and dead people not including Morgan Stanley (+ prepared with fire alarm method by 1996 attempt) or ABC (+ through Bob Iger who I made the fake Director of the "KGB"), but unfortunately approximately 150,000 innocent people in Tower Two (can't begin to explain the pain -- my face is my war wound and I am considered not only a narcissist, but the best actor since Sir Lawrence Olivier for MIND OF A DEMON where we caught it)-- now distributed illegally in DreamWorks footage through Boeing Imaging courtesy of Leslie Carlson (-), Lynn Henley (-), Charlize Theron (- possibly deceased for bothering my future husband, The Gatekeeper of Washington +), Sarah Margolis (+), George Tenet (+), Leon Penetta (+ the only sane member of the federal administration -- once, always, legitimately, Hillary and Condi, and forever), George H. W. Bush (+), Eve Petraus (-), The Queen of England (+ but disdpossed royal, see Nuremberg II for making it illegal for me to cool off), Diana the non-dead (+), Ronald Reagan (+) and all living Popes (+) -- special thanks to John Wilcox (+) and The Selin (+) Cantor (-) Golins (-). ________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________ EXPERIENCE Paramilitary Operations Officer/Political Assassin of National Security Agency and Central Intelligence Agency, a KGB Production Infiltrates companies, tells the President I am there and gets a job as is good at business. Yale University, MBA, PhD, "Sexism, Matriarchy and Business: The Necessity of Sexism at The Time of The Glass Ceiling." Killed Pinochet and ate him at my opium den in Providence, Rhode Island, with something stronger coming in to celebrate The Rolling Stones moving in with me and the creation of The Dogs: Alex Hirsch (lead vocals and guitar), John Winston (rhythn guitar), John Krug (drum kit), Pete Rochelle (bass). Making Federation of Russia and Germany the fifth and sixth partners as The Director of the Kommunisant Guobermiental Bureau since December 28, 1988 to December 28, 2048. Celebrating as the returning royal with tank parade from St. Petersburg to Moscow and as The Compact as opposed to The Contract in line for Director of The Central Intelligence Agency, first as Assistant Director of The Central Intelligence Agency next to DCI John Brennan Imagineer/Intern/Chairman of The Board of Directors of The Walt Disney Corporation President, Wal-Mart Corporation Owner, Oppenheimer Funds Owner, Google (sorry, illegal IPOs exist and that means also Facebook, Twitter and Youtube)

Owner, Vistaprint Owner, Rocketdyne (sorry, illegal exist) ACHIEVEMENTS Inspired The United Nations Treaty to destroy Israel, The Scandinavians, "America," and promote the creation of a committee on Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation. Considered first woman to break the glass ceiling when made a Five-Star in Marines Special Delta Forces of Vietnam. So far, many times single-handedly, prevented World War III. Nuked Nagasaki with Dad. Leader in demanding the repayment of the debt and the end of hegemony by America to allow for economic feasability of potential for use of weapons of mass destruction without full conflagaration allowing money to work as many nations where capitalism, culture and nationalism exist. La Jefe of The Drug Trrafficking Lobby of The United Nations. Who's Who in America since 1998 Who's Who in Women since 2000 Who's Who in Emerging Leadership since 2007 National Association of Professional Women since 2011

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