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Family Automotive Company Donates Vehicle To Gold Star Family


In a heartwarming display of gratitude and support, a local familyowned automotive company has extended a generous hand to a Gold Star family, honoring their sacrifice and service to the nation. The touching gesture not only embodies the spirit of giving but also pays tribute to the selfless dedication of military families. The Gold Star distinction represents the families who have lost a loved one in military service, a symbol of profound sacrifice and resilience. To acknowledge and uplift one such family, the Lloyd family (Lloyd’s Collision & Paint Center), known for its community involvement and commitment to service, stepped forward with an act of unparalleled kindness. Earlier this year, the Lloyd’s purchased Sparky’s Transmission and moved it to its new home on Wheatlands Avenue. When they asked the Santee and Lakeside Chambers to help with their grand opening, we were all in for a sweet surprise. The Lloyd’s partnered with the National Auto Body Council and Recycled Rides as they acquired a donated vehicle from Allstate Insurance agent, Jim Kelly; during a solemn yet uplifting ceremony at their shop, the Lloyd’s presented the vehicle to a local Gold Star family, acknowledging their unwavering strength and acknowledging the immeasurable loss they have endured.


The atmosphere was charged with emotion and gratitude as representatives from the company and the local community gathered to witness this touching moment. The family, visibly moved by the gesture, expressed their heartfelt appreciation for the support extended to them during their challenging times. Owner Bob Lloyd shared, "Our company has always believed in giving back to our community, and this was a chance to focus it on someone who had given so much for our country. This donation is a small token of our immense gratitude for the sacrifices made by our military families. We hope this vehicle serves as a symbol of our ongoing support and appreciation."

The donated vehicle symbolizes more than just a mode of transportation; it represents a lifeline, offering convenience, mobility, and a sense of stability to the honored family. Beyond the practicality, it embodies the community's solidarity and acknowledges the immeasurable sacrifice made by the fallen soldier and their family. The compassionate act by these local businesses not only highlights their commitment to corporate social responsibility but also serves as an inspiration for others to contribute and support the Gold Star families in our communities. As the Gold Star family drives away in their new vehicle, they carry not only the keys but also the collective gratitude and support of a compassionate community, serving as a testament to the enduring spirit of unity and benevolence.

– Kristen Dare, ACE Santee Chamber of Commerce