1 minute read


I wanted to take a moment to talk about the remarkable impact each of us can make by choosing to shop local. As the heartbeat of our community, our small businesses contribute more than just goods and services—they are the threads that weave our town together. Every time we support a local shop or business, we're doing more than making a purchase; we're investing in our community's future. Here's why shopping local holds incredible power:

Nurturing the Community Spirit: Local businesses are often run by our friends, neighbors, and fellow community members. When we choose to buy from them, we're fostering a sense of togetherness and solidarity. The relationships formed in these establishments extend far beyond transactions; they create a web of connections that strengthen the fabric of our community.


Economic Resilience: Our local economy thrives when we support homegrown businesses. Each dollar spent at a local shop ripples through our community, supporting jobs, encouraging entrepreneurship, and bolstering the local tax base. It's a cycle of prosperity that begins with each of us.

Unique Offerings and Personalized Service: One of the greatest joys of shopping local is discovering unique, handcrafted, or specialty items you won't find elsewhere. Beyond that, local businesses often provide personalized service, offering a level of care and attention that's hard to match in larger chains.

Environmental Impact: Shopping locally can also be environmentally friendly. By reducing the distance goods travel, we cut down on carbon emissions associated with transportation. Additionally, local businesses often source their products locally, further reducing their environmental footprint.

As we approach this season of giving, I encourage each of us to consider the impact of our choices. Choosing to shop local isn't just about convenience or a fleeting transaction; it's about investing in our community's future, celebrating diversity, and preserving the unique character that makes Santee special. Let's continue to support our local businesses, cherish their contributions, and celebrate the vibrant tapestry they add to our community. Happy Holidays - Shop Santee.

- Kristen Dare, ACE Santee Chamber of Commerce, CEO


Santee Chamber of Commerce


Kristen Dare

Graphic Design

Nick Ossey

Committee Members

Heather Bury-Charpentier

Kristen Dare

Jennae Gonzalez

Contributing Writers

Stephanie Carter

Kristen Dare

Melissa Dombo

Darcy Fagerwold

Jennae Gonzalez

John Olsen

Contributing Photographers

Kristen Dare

Melissa Dombo

John Olsen

Lynda Marrokal

Jay Renard


Advantage, Inc.