The Santee Magazine - V09.2 - Summer 2020

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Traffic is a daily challenge in our region. Yet with Fanita Ranch there is a unique opportunity to improve traffic for the benefit of all Santee residents.

We have developed plans to upgrade city streets and SR-52, including adding more lanes to ease stress on commuters. Because we are committed to addressing traffic, we will not add a single new resident at Fanita Ranch until SR-52 improvements are complete.

Learn more at

FR_6.2020 Santee Mag
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2 | TSM EXPERT. Serving San Diego since 1993. TRUST. Second generation family owned & operated from Santee. SERVICE. Full service electrical and solar contractor. IT’S GOOD TO KNOW A SPARKY. LIC#: 674638 Raceway is an essential business. We are committed to the safety of our employees as well as our customers. We provide our services while we wear a mask, wave, smile, and keep a 6ft distance. (619) 596-1918 RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL BOOK ONLINE: ELECTRICAL TROUBLESHOOTING ELECTRICAL UPGRADES & DESIGN QUIETCOOL WHOLE HOUSE FANS
8 Santee Businesses Bounce Back 10 In Memoriam 17 Socializing Distancing Santee 21 My Hometown 23 Santee Authors 29 Santee Scoop 33 Student Standouts 36 Community Resource Guide CONTENTS Volume 9 // Issue 2 On The Cover The Coffee Corner hangs new signs reminding customers they are still open for business. – Photo by Paul Broding Phtography TSM | 3

9625 Mission Gorge Road, Suite B2-315 Santee, CA 92071 619.449.1515

2020 Chamber Officers

Darcy Fagerwold, Chair of the Board Expressions Dance & Movement Center –619.596.3362

Melissa Dombo, Chair Elect Raceway Electric & Solar – 619.596.1918

Mike Aiken, 1st Vice Chair Carlton Oaks Golf – 619.448.4242

Joe Mackey, 2nd Vice Chair XL Staffing – 619.579.0442

Kristine Costa, Secretary Waste Management – 619.596.5100

Mike Clinkenbeard, Treasurer Farmers Insurance – 619.442.0415

Bobbie Jo Lewis, Past Chair Walmart – 619.449.7900

2020 Office Staff

Kristen Dare CEO

Jennae Gonzalez Office Manager

Stacy Clark Office Assistant

2020 Chamber Directors

Darlene Fenn Toast Masters - 858.518.3702

Greg Gagnon The UPS Store - 619.562.0888

Nita Lee Cameron Brothers Company - 619.562.3050

Ailen Lloyd Lloyd Collision & Paint Center - 619.448.8768

Susie Parks Coffee Corner - 619.996.9007

Jim Peasley Padre Dam Municipal Water District - 619.448.3111

Barbara Ryan Santee School District - 619.258.2300

James Sly East County Economic Development Council619.258.3670

Kyle Whissel Whissel Realty - 858.699.3895

Pam White City of Santee - 619.258.4100

Doug Whitney Whitney Promotions - 858.735.6128

Sarah Wood Allegiance Heating & Air Conditioning - 619.449.2469

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Here we are, more than 3 months into the COVID-19 pandemic and there is bitter-sweetness among us all. Right when we think we have seen it all, something new comes our way and we have proven to adapt and overcome more in the past few months than maybe some have their whole lives. This is especially true for our business community. For some, they were stopped dead in their tracks as health regulations prohibited them from being open and available to the public. We saw immediate shutdowns in schools and workplaces and for the first time in a long time, open lanes on the 52!

Moving into July I know we are longing for what was… we had to cancel our summer kickoff party (better known as the Santee Street Fair), the City’s Summer Concert Series have gone virtual, and our Fourth of July has been celebrated without the big Santee Salutes gathering in Town Center Community Park. I know we are all missing our normalcies – trust me. I feel like this is truly the endless summer for our kids (sans the amazing surfing as our beaches teeter totter from being accessible to closed)! Understandably, we are all in some unknown territory here.

With so many aspects of our lives still being up in the air, I urge you all to focus on what you do have control over: your attitude, your actions and your effort. I know it’s easy to lose your patience, lose your motivation or even your stamina that you’re used to.

RECONSIDER! Take this time to do more, be better and give it everything that you are. I’ve signed up for new classes, started relearning French, read more than ever (from authors I had never considered before) and have started working out to gain some self-love I’ve let slip away. The better off I am, the better I can be for everyone else around me. I would love to hear what you are doing to step up and lean in during these unforgettable times.

- Kristen Dare


Santee Chamber of Commerce


Kristen Dare

Graphic Design

Arli Wolfson

Contributing Editors

Melissa Dombo

Jennae Gonzalez

Arli Wolfson

Committee Members

Kristen Dare

Melissa Dombo

Tom Romstad

Eddie Wall

Arli Wolfson

Contributing Writers

David Cummings

Kristen Dare

Darcy Fagerwold

Alicia Gibson

Virginia Hall

Carson Hansen

Sophie Meier

Amanda Morris

Parker Murray

Susie Parks

John Olsen

Phoenix Robledo

Contributing Photographers

Paul Broding Photography

Lynda Marrokal

Micah Parks

Printer Advanced Web Offset

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Santee Chamber of Commerce, CEO
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What a whirlwind the last few months have been for families, schools, community leaders and local businesses! Motivating and managing a family, a team, a school, or a community is challenging under the best of circumstances. Add in a worldwide pandemic and the burden increases exponentially. As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve on a daily basis, we are all having to learn how to adjust in a new and unfamiliar situation.

We are in uncharted waters, which is requiring a level of flexibility and adaptation like never before. Some of us are open for business, but experiencing a decline in the demand for services, some of us have had to temporarily close our doors, and some of us have had to completely reinvent our businesses in order to keep them alive.

It has been said that “necessity is the mother of invention”. In other words, when the need for something becomes imperative, you are forced to find ways of achieving it. I have had to do this with my business, Expressions Dance & Movement Center. In the space of just a few days we moved all of our classes online. Our new virtual learning platform offers a variety of recorded and live stream classes (via Zoom) PLUS a ton of amazing bonus material to keep kids happy, healthy and safe while we wait for things to bounce back in our community.

Just this week, we had a group of students in the studio for the first time since March. With face coverings in place and socially distanced, we rejoiced in the ability to dance together in the same space. Although I dream of classrooms that look like they did before shut down, I plan to continue to offer online options for the foreseeable future. This is something I never thought I’d be doing!

While much about the future remains unclear, there is one thing I know for certain- we are stronger together. Recent events have revealed that we have some work to do to become a truly united community. If any town can do it, Santee can! The current situation has revealed how truly interdependent we all are. I have always been impressed by the unique sense of community that exists in Santee. It is a special place. It will take all of us working together and supporting one another to bounce back once we’re all cleared to return to 'business as usual'.

Take care my friends, no storm ever lasted forever!

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The world is changing and so is the way we do business

stay in touch. We’ve even traded notes of encouragement by good old fashioned snail mail.

I have to admit - I really don’t like the phrase 'New Normal'. I am so missing the 'Old' Normal as most of us are. This last month instead of focusing on the things we miss; we have had some time to reflect on how much has been gained. Getting out of the normal has allowed opportunities to grow and to develop new skills, disciplines and character traits.

We’ve learned perseverance when reality sunk in and we realized changes were going to be in place for months, not weeks. Compassion is practiced on a daily basis as we talk with customers who are dealing with huge financial and personal challenges. We are learning to choose positive, humorous and constructive attitudes even when we ourselves are discouraged.

If you know our staff you know that we are 100% invested in customer relationships! It’s hard to only see people for a brief moment with masks hiding our smiles. We miss our people but we’ve learned new ways to

I’ve watched as many other businesses around us have had to grow and adapt into this unknown business climate – we included, of course. With that has come many opportunities to get creative while being thrust into survival mode. We have always wanted to make our stores a safe and sanitary environment for our patrons to continue to visit; the Santee Coffee Corner team has learned to be adaptable as we deal with frequent updates to County Health Orders which affect the way we do business.

Although we have always offered togo services for our food and beverages, changing temporarily to only be able to serve our customers this way allowed for a new endeavor. Hey, necessity is the mother of invention, right? We partnered with local brewery BNS Brewing & Distilling to help us kick off our first-ever bottling of our signature cold brews!

Look all around town, and you will see it too. We see everyone, in addition to our staff, wearing masks and requiring them of their guests (THANK YOU to those who are

- Photos courtesy of Paul Broding Photography
Community is everything.
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As Santee is no stranger to struggle during these times, we are entering a time where we want everyone to help our businesses bounce back.

complying with this). Other coffee shops like Bowls N Brews have converted to completely cashless systems where you order exclusively online. Restaurants like The Chicken Shop, Rubio’s and Junction 52 have had to close off their indoor dining and start relying on take out.

Gyms are hosting virtual classes, like CKO Kickboxing Santee, which has moved to a completely online format and is temporarily leaving their traditional brick-and-mortar space.

Our modifications help us keep our doors open to our favorite part of our businesses: our customers.

Throughout all this unknown, most of all we are grateful! Grateful for fellow business owners and Santee Chamber Members who share tips and ideas as you reinvent your businesses and encourage, support and share for other businesses.

A quick example being Greg Gagnon at The UPS Store on Mission Gorge Road who offered free signage for local businesses to advertise new business practices. Speaking with Greg about the differences we’ve all encountered made me realize that we need to keep practicing patience and kindness above all.

"With so many changes in what we once knew, our everyday tasks and errands tend to take a little more time than before." Something as simple as Amazon returns which used to often take place at Kohl’s have shifted over to Greg’s store. Although it’s a simple transaction which they had previously provided, with upholding social distancing practices there is a new builtin wait time that doesn’t seem to be expected by customers. "As consumers adapt to our new versions of service, please keep in mind that we are here for you, please be patient and kind as we try our best."

Compassion is practiced on a daily basis. We are learning to choose positive, humorous and constructive attitudes even when we ourselves are discouraged.

But again, we are grateful. Grateful for customers who check on us regularly, who support us with to-go orders and gift card purchases and who share about us with their friends and neighbors. Grateful that Coffee and Acai are considered Essential!

We are grateful to be a part of the wonderful Santee Community and are ready to get back to the Old Normal with all of you!

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- Photo courtesy of Micah Parks

In Memoriam

Buddy Rabaya

May 14, 1961- April 28, 2020

Buddy Rabaya, a Santee resident since 2007 and an active Santee Mobilehome Owners Action Committee (SMOAC) leader, died April 28 from complications related to a hemorrhagic stroke. He leaves behind his husband of five years, John Hossick, a son, daughter-in-law and grandson in Las Vegas, as well as his sister who currently resides in North County. After suffering a stroke on March 25, Rabaya was put on a ventilator and passed about a month thereafter. Rabaya’s kidneys were donated to two individuals.

Rabaya graduated from Oceanside’s El Camino High School in 1979 as a star tennis player and participant on the speech team, moving on to study at Palomar College when he was in his 30s. Rabaya eventually became executive vice president of the community college’s Associated Student Government in the late 1990s, helping him become the leader in 2015 of SMOAC, a group that lobbies for residents’ rights, including rent control.

Kristen Dare, CEO of Santee Chamber of Commerce, said Rabaya’s “power of contagious love” and unique ability to put programs in place that benefited nearly every member of the community needs to be acknowledged, and that she hoped people would continue along his path to “Be Like Buddy.”

He and Hossick have been instrumental in bringing a variety of programs to youths, families and seniors through SMOAC, including organizing backpack giveaways for schoolchildren, creating an adopt-a-senior program during the holidays, curating Easter baskets for needy families, and implementing a food pantry at a local mobile home community.

Rabaya who last year was named the Santee Chamber’s “2018 Citizen of the Year,” was a familiar face on social media, wishing his friends and families a good day with a positive affirmation in the early hours of each morning on Facebook, and giving his followers virtual “big Buddy bear hugs” every night.

Dare said, “He wanted people to give where they can, when they can, to make us all stronger, as we are all obviously better together.”

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Don Parent

July 13, 1949 - May 25, 2020

Donald 'Don' Parent, long-time Public Affairs Manager for San Diego Gas & Electric and an active participant in many local business and community organizations, died May 25 after a three-year battle with prostate cancer. Parent passed away at his home in East County, surrounded by his two sons, La Mesa Councilman Colin Parent and Evan Parent, and his longtime fiancée, Rhonda James.

Parent served as Public Affairs Manager for SDG&E for 45 years, from 1971-2016, after studying at San Diego State University.

He served on the board of directors for the Santee Chamber of Commerce from 2007-2016, often spearheading the auction portion of our annual business and community Awards Night held annually in February. In addition to serving on the board in Santee, he also sat on both the Lakeside and East County Chambers’ boards and was an active volunteer and advocate with St. Madeleine Sophie’s Center in El Cajon.

Debra Emerson, CEO of St. Madeleine Sophie’s Center, wrote, “Some people come into our lives and leave footprints on our hearts and we are never, ever the same without them. I am sorry for all our loss. He was a wonderful person and friend.”

Parent continually supported chamber events and often found ways to subtly work in teambuilding into our networking events at the Santee Chamber. His positive attitude wasn’t just constant, it was contagious.

“My dad was the most committed and loving father, and I am beyond grateful for him. Every day I aspire to be the kind of man he was.,” Colin Parent, who says he has been comforted by the impactful stories people have been sharing since his father’s passing.

East County Style posted a video memoir on Facebook, originally created to showcase Parent’s career and contributions to the region as he was given the Lifetime Achievement Award at Santee Chamber’s 2017 Black Tie Gala, with this message, ”Thank you for the love and memories you leave with us, Don Parent.”

In Memoriam
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Dustin Trotter

Santee City Council

Santee is my home. I’m running for Santee City Council because I believe we need to elect people who understand our unique issues, are honest, have integrity and are loyal. I’d be honored to earn your support. To learn more, visit:

Genny and Dustin have been married over 20 years and raised two children in Santee.


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Conservative for Council! Proudly Endorsed

Fanita Ranch: Rooted in agriculture and designed for wellness

Out of respect for Santee’s storied history as a farming community, HomeFed Corporation’s new plan for Fanita Ranch makes agriculture the centerpiece of community life and includes 36 acres of farms, orchards and vineyards, where pesticide-free biodynamic farming will be practiced.

“The entire Santee community can look forward to affordable produce, volunteer opportunities, educational experiences, field trips, internships and festivals that celebrate the bounty of the land,” said Jeff O’Connor, vice president of community development for HomeFed, which has owned the Fanita Ranch property since 2011.

with existing trail networks that link to Goodan Ranch, Sycamore Canyon and Mission Trails regional parks.

“The open space in Fanita Ranch will be protected in perpetuity,” said O’Connor, citing a legally binding agreement that is part of the city’s requirement for development.

The plan also specifies that every home in Fanita Ranch will be within 1,300 feet of a park or trail. Approximately 80 acres of parks are planned and will be fully accessible to Santee residents, including a 31.2-acre active community park that features sports facilities, a dog park and passive open space.

“Our homes and communities are the latest frontier in the quest for wellness,” said O’Connor. “They should reflect who we are and what we care about. Our plan for Fanita Ranch offers residents every opportunity to connect with nature and each other.”

Reduced Carbon Footprint

Fanita Ranch’s emphasis on wellness also applies to the wellbeing of our planet. Renewable energy, advanced water conservation and alternative transportation will help Fanita Ranch support Santee’s climate action goals.

The community farm will be located at the “front door” of Fanita Ranch on Cuyamaca Street. The adjoining Town Green will be the perfect venue for activities, such as farmers markets and seasonal festivals.

“The farm is just one aspect of HomeFed’s emphasis on healthy living and wellness,” said O’Connor. A 15-acre, K-8 school site is only a quarter mile from the farm and talks are underway to incorporate agricultural activities into the curriculum and to explore ‘farm lab’ opportunities, which give students access to locally grown food and school gardens.”

The new plan for Fanita Ranch, now under review by the City of Santee, calls for 76 percent of the property – 2,022 acres – to be preserved as perpetual open space, parks, trails and agriculture for all of Santee to enjoy.

“In addition to greatly expanding the open space, our new plan supports natural wildlife movement by concentrating the open space in large contiguous parcels,” said O’Connor.

The new plan will open up approximately 35 miles of trails for area residents to hike, bike and explore the property, which is filled with stunning views, beautiful rock formations and shaded riparian areas. The trail system will also connect

“We plan to install a 20-acre solar farm on a site near the community,” said O’Connor. “The solar farm will be coupled with rooftop solar that are now required on new homes in California.

– continued on page 32

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Celebrating 30 years helping Santee residents with all their mobile/manufactured housing needs. Buying or Selling a Mobile Home? We are your In-Park Resale Specialists! We understand the unique value of your mobile home! Buying or selling a mobile home is no time for amateurs. Call a specialist. Call us with whatever questions you may have about mobile homes. 10769 Woodside Avenue, #102 • Santee 619.596.0333 14 | TSM Purchase Home Improvements Refinance Debt Consolidation "Lloyd's Collision & Paint Center located in Santee & Lakeside has been local family owned and operated since 1984, specializing in Body Repair, Collision repair, and Restoration repair At Lloyd's Collision we offer a lifetime warranty as long as our clients own the vehicle This warranty is covered anywhere in the US through our paint manufacturer We are independently certified for quality automotive repairs to the manufactures standard threw Veriacts, as well as being I-Car Gold Discounts offered to all seniors and military " Santee 10426 Mission Gorge Rd (619) 448-8768 Lakeside 9817 Maine Ave (619) 390-9735 TSM | 15



At FURology Pet SPaw

We consider ourselves a low stress salon and take pride in offering high end customer service, quality of care, comfort, safety and sanitation to our FUR Friends.

• ‘SPaw’ personalized packages for each Fur Friend

• Walk in bathing area for larger dogs or older pets

• Convenient location with outside pet relief station

• Open concept lobby and grooming area

• Boutique with CBD and more

• Santee Favorite Finalist Last 2 years

• Winner Nextdoor Neighborhood Favorite

9730 Cuyamaca Street Suite “A” • Santee Visit our website for more information: Follow Us on Instagram and Facebook @furologypetspaw
for an
7 days a week
... we love to pamper your pet!
to schedule your #FURology Experience and receive $5 off your first visit NCR Forms 10054 Prospect Ave., Suite F • Santee, CA 92071 • Always open for business in these trying times. Committed in serving you in a timely professional manner, to get your job done! 619.713.1235 Offset Printing Quick Response Time Local Delivery Sharing Resources Meeting Deadlines Creative Ideas Variable Printing Finding Solutions Digital Printing Direct Mail Finishing Services Serving San Diego County Businesses Since 1993 16 | TSM



Socializing in Santee has looked quite different these past few months! From meetings online, to virtual classes and lessons with the proper amount of distance between others, Santee has proven to keep things moving right along. No pandemic can unstrengthen us!

CKO Kickboxing Santee is offering virtual classes exclusively at this time.

Expressions Dance & Movement Center practices safe social distancing in its studio.

City Council meets from the safety of their own homes while the public can view online.

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Vice Mayor Laura Minto convenes a group of local leaders in the Blue Ribbon Committee.

Santee School DiStrict

In Celebration of our 2019-20 School Year

Saying a fond farewell to all who are retiring

Christina Becker

Pam Brasher

Kathy McKinnon

Charles Myers

Barbara Sprofera

Marian Rashap

Julie Spradlin

Marlena Sanders

John Journeay

Barbarie Knoll

Michael Roach

Rebecca Brodeen

Cynthia Gibson

Susanne Swartz

Janet Brent

Drusilla Flynn

Homer Malott

Susan Ledak

Deborah DeLorenzo

Kathleen Emery

Cindy Gerrard

Jeanne Abshire

Carla Buckel

David Molzen

Eric Smith

Emma Noriega

Carol O’Steen

Judith Cutler

Anne Daly

Teri Mester

Cajon Park Carlton Hills Carlton oaks CHet F. Harritt steam
“WHere Young minds meet oPen doors”
Dru Flynn 2020 Retiree
18 | TSM
leaDinG learnerS in the 21St centUrY Hill Creek PePPer drive Pride aCademY rio seCo sYCamore CanYon For more inFormation visit Santee School District website Welcoming our Students and Families back on August 19, 2020 –
photo by Karen Pearlman, San Diego Union-Tribune
Enjoy Your Summer PRIDE Academy Staff 2020
Forrest Habibi Cajon Park School Student Awardee Rio Seco
Classified Employee
the Year 2020
Mrs. Beale
the Year 2020 TSM | 19
Hensley District Teacher of
20 | TSM


It seems like nowadays everyone thinks they are a photographer! With the advancement of smartphones, the age range of those who own them, and the accessibility of sharing through social media, I can see how this might be true. However, to a true professional, it takes a little more than having the convenience of your phone at your fingertips. This could not be truer for local photographer, Paul Broding.

A longtime resident of Santee, Paul is a Santana High graduate and became driven towards nature’s endless beauty, leading him to go on to earn his science degree in Ornamental Horticulture from Cal Poly Pomona. After a few years of working in the field, Paul kept moving forward to gain his MBA. Having bought his first camera shortly after just seeking a new hobby, he quickly realized how passionate he was for photography.

Moving back to town after a few years of being away has given Paul a deeper routed love for our city in wanting to give back and find a bigger purpose among our community. He instantly reached out to the Chamber offering his talents to help me capture some of our monthly and annual events.

He is quick to respond and ready to help when I (often last minute) say I need something done. And although I call on him with immediate needs, his work has never been rushed. He has a natural eye for capturing more than just moments. He creates work that stands on its own and can speak volumes through its imagery.

Paul’s awakening for photography has been a reset and a dream that has been easy to follow. His approach is, “It’s not about taking a photo, it’s about creating art.” That has been more than apparent when reviewing his work. It is clean, thoughtful, and visually stimulating.

If you or your business need some updated images for marketing, wall art, or sentiment to remember this time in your life, reach out to Paul today:

Broding Photography 619.971.5374

22 | TSM

Local Reads: Santee Chamber Members and Residents Get Published!

Alicia Gibson

Coordinating Chaos: Tips on Surviving the Wackiness of Momlife

Alicia Gibson is a mama of five, a high school English teacher, a professor, and a health and wellness coach, who likes to say her real job title is Chaos Coordinator. She holds a Masters of Education in Crosscultural Teaching and a Certification in Health and Wellness coaching, which have allowed her to do two of the things she loves most: teach and encourage those around her. By sharing her faith and hope in God along the way - and with her very real understanding of the busyness of momlife - Alicia's down-to-earth and humorous approach to motherhood is relatable and authentic.

This book's first, going to help you feel normal and know that you're not in this alone. We're all doing this mom-thing together. It's also going to provide you with a few ideas to consider as we dig into common mom 'hot buttons' like: Organizing your time, Managing your schedule Addressing unrealistic expectations Setting Boundaries Dealing with Mindset and Fears of Inadequacy With real life examples of just how hilariously ridiculous the juggling act can be, this book breaks down the things that hold us back as moms and provides some practical tips that can help us survive (and enjoy!) coordinating the chaos of mom-hood.

Momlife is wacky. Between the kids, work, house work, school work, sports, activities... feeling overwhelmed is inevitable. We look at the moms around us and feel inadequate. We see the pictures on social media and feel like everyone else 'gets it'. So what is wrong with us? The answer is - nothing!! I wanted to write a book to my fellow mamas to encourage them and remind them that everything they need to rock the mom life is in them right now - and with a little perspective and some strategies in their big mom purse, they can kick that overwhelm right out and be the awesome mom they were designed to be. To purchase the book:

Everybody's Got Bears: Bravely Facing Down Stress, Anxiety, and Depression to Find an Abundant Life in Christ

David Edward Cummings, PhD is a Professor of Microbiology at Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego, CA and an elder at Pathways Community Church in Santee, CA. He writes and speaks about mental health in the church, academia, and industry not as one with training as a therapist or psychologist, but as a scientist, a Christian, and a fellow sufferer. Dave's passion is to see others find help, hope, and healing for the things that hold them back in life. Learn more at https://, or follow Dave on Facebook and Instagram @DavidEdwardCummings. With a broad background in Biology, Dave applies a critical scientific approach to understand how the life of the mind impacts our physiology as well as our ability to experience love, joy, and peace in our lives.

After 10 years of "toughing it out," I finally broke. The burnout impacted my physical and mental health in ways I never knew were possible. As I began the slow process of recovery, I began taking notes on all I was experiencing and learning about stress, anxiety, and depression. This book is, in some ways, my journal, documenting my personal struggles and the solutions I discovered. To purchase the book:

Amanda Morris PsyD

Mindful Millie: A child's guide to the practice of mindfulness.

Dr. Morris is a licensed integrative psychotherapist and certified health & wellness coach. She specializes in emotional and physical health, holistic living and integrative wellness, as a foundation for an optimized life. She provides group and one on one guidance using whole food nutrition, high quality research based supplements and strength-based positive coaching. She is also a children’s book author that specializes in topics necessary for a happy and healthy childhood.

Mindful Millie is suitable for home, classroom and therapeutic use. Join Millie in a fun and approachable story that explores the tools necessary to cultivate mindfulness in children. Her spirited personality will capture your heart, as Millie does ordinary little kid things, through the lens of being present. After learning the secret of mindfulness from her mom, Millie takes the readers on a fun journey through her day as she discovers the world around her using mindfulness.

My goal as a children's book author is to provide children access to research based coping skills and strategies that are often overlooked, yet necessary, to cultivate a happy and healthy childhood. I love writing on topics that improve emotional IQ, selfconfidence and physical health, in a fun and non-preachy way. By making these topics exciting and approachable, tools like mindfulness and empathy can become second nature to children. As an adult these tools have been extremely helpful to me and I wanted my own children to have access to them as young as possible. To purchase the book:

David Edward Cummings
TSM | 23
In these challenging times of uncertainty, We are committed to ensuring a safe and welcoming community, Promoting collaboration and understanding, and Uniting all of us for the next 40 years. • (619) 258-4100 • Follow us We can Do More…We will Be Better…TOGETHER. We are Santee! Do More • Stay Connected • Be United july is park & Recreation month Celebrate in your Santee Parks! Have fun outdoors while you explore and learn! Santee is partnering with Agents of Discovery to bring you a new way to discover Santee’s City Parks. As the Santee Opossum, you will fulfill challenges and complete missions, all while learning about the natural world. More information: MILLIE 24 | TSM

City of Santee Summer Camp

Campers, are you ready for some outside time? And parents, are you in need of some time without the kids? Let Santee Parks & Recreation help! We are offering 2.5 - 3 hour programs for youth Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Camper safety is our top priority; all program activities are all designed for social distancing.

Summer Time-out @ Mast Park

Location: Mast Park 9125 Carlton Hills Blvd.

Time: 9:00 - 11:30am

Date: Tues, Wed, Thurs: 7/7 - 8/13

Ages: Entering 1st grade - 5th grade

Santee Teen Center Summer Time-Out

Location: Santee Teen Center - 8115 Arlette St.

Time: 1:30 - 4:30pm

Date: Tues, Wed, Thurs: 7/7 - 8/13

Ages: Entering 6th grade - entering 9th grade

Fees: Annual Teen Center Membership required. Get outside and enjoy your summer full of fun, friends and adventure! Campers are engaged in structured, supervised activities throughout each day, creating memories that will last a lifetime. Weather conditions may impact program location.

Summer Camp Schedule

$47 residents/$62 non-residents (Member rates effective July 1; see program fees below)

Santee Teen Center Summer Time-Out is a camp program designed to connect teens with their peers in a safe and enriching environment. All of the activities are designed to build personal, leadership and life skills. No drop-in available.

Teen Center Camp Schedule

5 8/3 - 8/7

6 8/10 - 8/14

*Daily registration unavailable. campers must register for entire week;

R = Resident, NR = Non-resident

Questions? Contact Community Services at (619) 258-4100 x222 or visit us online at

R = Resident, NR = Non-resident

*Daily registration unavailable. campers must register for entire week;

Space is limited so sign up today! If registration is full, your camper will be added to a waitlist and additional space may become available. Financial assistance is available for Santee residents who qualify. See registration page for more information.

Camp Information

More detailed information will be emailed to all registrants prior to camp start, and can also be found at

• All staff have been trained in proper sanitation and disinfection protocols and are CPR/First Aid certified.

• Camp ratios are 12 campers to each staff person, with additional support staff on site.

• All staff are required to wear face coverings at all times.

• Campers are required to wear face coverings at certain times; see parent info letter at for specifics.

• Six feet distance is required between campers at all times, and between campers and staff whenever possible.

• Campers will be required to wash hands/sanitize a minimum of every hour, after using the restroom and between all activities.

• Campers are required to undergo a no-touch temperature check and health screening daily at drop-off.

• No food or snacks will be provided to campers. It is recommended that campers not bring a snack.

Week Date Weekly Theme Fees (R/NR)*
7/6 - 7/10 Science $35/42
7/13 - 7/17 Games $35/42
Art $35/42
- 7/24
Nature $35/42
4 7/27 - 7/31
Hometown Heroes $35/42
Week Date Weekly Theme Fees (R/NR)* 1 7/6 - 7/10 Sports $15/20 2 7/13 - 7/17 Nature $15/20 3 7/20 - 7/24 Electronics $15/20 4 7/27 - 7/31 DIY Everything $15/20 5 8/3
8/7 Paint Palooza $15/20 6 8/10
Wellness $15/20
- 8/14
TSM | 25
The Santee School District does not support, supervise or endorse these activities, events or information.
We Empowe S 1-on-1 Small Groups Online and In-Person Remedial through College Prep Summer Programs Available Now* LEVEL UP this summer... ENROLL today. Momentum Tutoring has been serving Santee since 2007 Tuition Assistance Available to 1st 24 Applicants *program enrollment closes when full Certified Arborists COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL Tree Trimming & Removal • Stump Grinding Brush Clearance for Fire Regulation Free Estimates • 24/7 Emergency Service CA Lic. 428898 Perpetual Tree Care, Inc. Mike Pratko Cell 619-726-3000 596-0990 26 | TSM

Simulation Technology and Virtual Learning Prepare Future Healthcare Workers for a 'New Normal'

Simulation training and virtual learning for future healthcare workers is now more important than ever, offering responsive technology to practice real-life medicine during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.

With a $100,000 grant recently awarded by the Grossmont Healthcare District, the Grossmont Health Occupations Center (HOC) in Santee is building our local health workforce during this “new normal” with hands-on simulation training to practice full assessments, emergency scenarios, and injection and IV training.

The Health Occupations Center provides high quality, affordable academic opportunities in the growing workforce sector, and it comes just in time for many East County families considering a career in healthcare.

The latest projections by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics expects a 23% increase in health care support occupations, and a 15% increase in healthcare practitioners and technical occupations between 2016 and 2026, with home health aides expected to be the third fastest-growing occupation in all industries.

As part of Grossmont Adult Education, the Center offers training and certification in 12 healthcare careers and a variety of continuing education topics in medicine for between 2,200 and 2,800 students annually. The simulation training equipment being purchased with District funds will offer a new experience for students, who will now consistently learn through scenarios involving mannequins that speak, breathe, and demonstrate vital signs, along with computer stations and models to record and review scenarios.

Simulation replicates real-life healthcare events for the purpose of teaching and learning. Exposing our students, many recruited from local high schools, to simulation technology will lead to better patient care.

Though not new, the advances in creating lifelike simulator patients has dramatically improved in recent years. These “patients” have become valuable tools in teaching healthcare students about improving interaction and teamwork.

Although hands-on skills training is critical for certification, educators have been flexible in helping students complete other parts of their coursework virtually. As students prepare for the

Fall semester amidst the pandemic, the Center is ready to provide solutions through distance learning, blended learning, and on-campus skills training.

According to Heather Peterson, Director at the Health Occupations Center, the school has been open since June 8, 2020 for small groups of students to complete their certification and get support with finding employment as essential workers during the COVID-19 crisis.

If you or someone you know is thinking about a career in health, the Health Occupations Center may offer the path to get there. Prospective students can learn about the school, application process, and details for all major programs while at home through free, virtual orientations. Although the Center has wrapped up the application period for the Fall 2020 semester, there are open spots in several programs listed on their website as well as information for Spring 2021.

Visit our website https://hoc.guhsd. net to learn more about its programming.

– Virginia Hall, RN, Grossmont Healthcare District Director

We want to help you get there.

the drive for a health career?
The Grossmont Healthcare District proudly supports East San Diego County residents of all ages and in all stages of their education to nd the right health career pathway.
Learn more at:
TSM | 27
Nursing student and Grossmont Healthcare District Director Virginia Hall, RN

Security Cameras thru-out the property

Computerized On-Site Security

All Units Drive-up Paved Access

Resident Managers

Individual Door Alarms

Many Sizes Available


SAVE! 8810 C uyamaca S t. , Santee Open 7 Days Mon-Sat 8am-7pm Sun 9am-5pm 877.220.2352 619.562.8831 Santee • El Cajon • Lakeside • La Mesa Happily Serving the Storage Needs in East County Communities Since 1984 Self-Stor age American Eagle 28 | TSM


Hi, I’m John Olsen, a longtime resident and business advocate of Santee. As an active member of the Santee Chamber I often showcase upcoming development projects and events around town. Be sure to follow me for more on


Starbucks & 7-Eleven

Near Magnolia and Prospect Avenues

This plot of land is slated for development of a new Starbucks and 7-Eleven!

Jimmy’s Family Restaurant

9635 Mission Gorge Road

After a brief closure, we look forward to Jimmy’s reopening in mid-July!

Sharp Rees-Stealy

8701 Cuyamaca Street

This new 3-story medical center will be serving Easy County by fall!

Handel’s Homemade Ice Cream

8980 Carlton Hills Boulevard

The coolest new place in town is scheduled to open in late November/early December!

John Olson, Realtor Mission Realty Group • 619-855-1151 • DRE#01374369 Brought to you by:
out what's happening in Santee! TSM | 29
30 | TSM The Plaza at Lantern Crest details CA 9207 1 .com COMING SOON Adding 113 units of Resort Style Independent Living at Lantern Crest 619 CURRENTLY TAKING RESERVATIONS, CALL FOR DETAILS Locker Room om/Library Th Currently taking reservations, call for details 619.258.8886 300 Lantern Crest Way, Santee, CA 9207 1 CU Now offering Lunch and Learns Senior Living Redefined 3 Sunken Garden 3 Pharmacy 3 Restaurant 3 Diner Theater 3 50’s Diner 3 Bar 3 Private Dining Room 3 Bank 3 Beauty Salon 3 Fitness Room and Gym with Locker Room 3 Indoor Pool and Spa 3 Medical Clinic 3 Chapel 3 Game Room 3 Bowling Center 3 Tea Pavilion and Reading room/Library 3 Bocce ball Court 3 Outdoor Theater 3 Outdoor Kitchen/BBQ 3 Outdoor Dance Floor 3 Lounge overlooking the pool 3 Citrus Orchard 3 Garden and Nursery 3 Dog Park Plaza Amenities

Se nior Livin g Re defined

Co mpassionate Care for Seniors

Lantern Crest offers a range of amenities to our residents that include Resident-centered personal care, a call light system that allows for real time locating of residents for a much quicker and safer outcome, 24 hour response to emergencies including quick access to a local transportation company, amazing staff that are dedicated to caring for our residents in the most respectful and compassionate way, we are pet friendly and provide award winning dining room options as well as a full calendar of options to keep our residents engaged and thriving.

Living happy and fullfilling lives is the number one priority for our residents at Lantern Crest Senior Living.


For more information or to schedule a tour, please call 619.7 75.3876

400 Lantern Crest Way, Santee, CA 9207 1

TSM | 31
Assisted Living • Memory Care Services • Independent Living “PREMIER SUPPORT ON YOUR TERMS” New and Expanding Community in East County
75 Wa 3 eniorliving that and quick are and winning ep our call 07 1

Fanita Ranch: Rooted in agriculture and designed for wellness

Fanita Ranch is programmed to use water from Padre Dam’s innovative East County Advanced Water Purification program, which will use an advanced water purification process to produce water that approximates distilled water quality.

Homes in a Village Setting

Residential development will be concentrated in three villages: Fanita Commons, Orchard Village and Vineyard Village. Homes will be designed to meet the needs of families of all sizes and configurations: families, couples, and active adults. Neighborhood retail will also be incorporated in the villages to create a true pedestrian-friendly environment.

Advanced Fire Protection

Fire protection measures and firefighting techniques have changed dramatically and building codes have changed since the 2007 Fanita Ranch plan was approved. The new HomeFed plan has been designed to reduce the risk of fire and lower response times with a variety of measures, including increased wildfire buffer zones, fire-resistant building materials and interior sprinklers in all structures. The HomeFed plan also designates a 1.5-acre site for a new

– continued from page 13

City of Santee Fire Station that will help protect new and existing neighborhoods.

Significant Traffic Improvements

“HomeFed has committed to dramatically improving traffic in Santee by adding an additional lane to westbound State Route 52, adding an additional eastbound lane on the San Diego River bridge, creating a high capacity on-ramp at Mast Boulevard and improving the local street network with enhancements to Fanita Parkway, Cuyamaca Street and Magnolia Avenue –and all of this happens before the first residents move in,” O’Connor emphasized.

“Once all of these improvements are in place, peak-hour trip capacity will improve dramatically. And, these traffic improvements create four times more capacity than the trips that will be added by Fanita Ranch residents, improving traffic for everyone,” he said.

To enable residents to better visualize the traffic improvements, HomeFed has prepared a digital simulation of the current traffic conditions and infrastructure, as well as the planned improvements, at

I w i l l m a r k e t y o u r h o m e t o t h e w o r l d . Everyday, Wedding & Event Florist Custom Creations For Any Event 619-569-4717
32 | TSM


Most Proud Achievement: In my junior year, I enrolled in five AP classes, including some of the hardest offered, such as AP United States History and AP Calculus. It was a difficult few weeks in May. I scored 4's and 5's on every test and earned the "AP Scholar with Distinction" award on my College Board score page. It was more of a rank than an award, but was greatly appreciated and fulfilling, nonetheless.

Career Plans: I aspire to become an architect. I think it perfectly combines my skills and interests in math, physics, drawing, creativity, and giving back to my community. I plan to earn a Master’s degree at UC Berkeley through four undergraduate years and two graduate years. After three more years of paid internship and a licensing exam, I hope to practice architecture close to home to contribute to my community.

Most Proud Achievement: The achievement I'm most proud of is being accepted into the College of Engineering at Cal Poly!

Career Plans: I plan to pursue a career in biomedical engineering, with a focus on regenerative medicine.

Most Proud Achievement: The proud-est I have ever been was getting a 5 on AP World History sophomore year. It was the first AP class I had taken. I studied so hard all year, mostly because it was my favorite subject and interested me so much but also because to this day it is the hardest class I've taken in high school. Given how hard it was I was very much ok with not getting a 5 on the test but when I saw that 5 on the dreaded College Board screen I knew my hard work paid off.

Career Plans: I plan to continue my education at the University of Oregon where I will be double majoring in Economics and Business Administration with a concentration in sports business. With this, my plan is to become a sports agent or a financial manager for athletes. All I really know is that I would love to stay in the world of sports and I can't imagine a better career than getting paid to talk sports and be with athletes all day long. My plans change very often and just last week I wanted to become a congressman or president, anything can happen.

Most Proud Achievement: One of the achievements I am most proud of is being a Silver W recipient. The Silver W award is given to a few students of the senior class at West Hills who are leaders and have made an impact on campus. I was given this award because of my involvement in various clubs, honors choir, and Academic League and my consistent effort in each of my classes. I never imagined that I would receive this award, but I am proud of myself for qualifying as someone who made West Hills a better place during my time there.

Career Plans:

I will be attending California Polytechnic State University: San Luis Obispo this fall, and majoring in Architectural Engineering. I hope to minor in Environmental Systems and help build greener and more energy efficient buildings. I want to have a part in making the future a brighter place.

3 West Hills students shared the honor of Valedictorian
Phoenix Robledo Santana High School GPA: 4.810 Parker Murray GPA: 4.813 Sophie Meier GPA: 4.792
TSM | 33
Carson Hansen GPA: 4.83
34 | TSM I B E W 5 6 9 - T H E E L E C T R I C A L W O R K E R S U N I O NWe're Hiring! To learn about our career opportunities, visit
TSM | 35


Animals (Dead on Public Property) City Public Services 619.258.4100 x304 Animals (Stray) San Diego Humane Society 619.243.3466 Barking Dogs Santee Sheriff’s Dept 619.956.4000 Bees (Private Property) Information 411 Birth/Marriage/Death Certificates County Recorder’s Office 619.401.5700 Boys & Girls Club Boys & Girls Club 619.938.2582 Business Licenses City Finance 619.258.4100 x146 Chamber of Commerce Chamber of Commerce 619.449.1515 Child Care Referrals YMCA 800.481.2151 City Council Meetings City Clerk 619.258.4100 x114 Crime Prevention Santee Sheriff’s Dept 619.956.4000 Disabled Services Independent Services 800.510.2020 Disaster Preparedness Fire Department 619.258.4100 x207 DMV (El Cajon) Dept. of Motor Vehicles 800.777.0133 Dump (Sycamore Landfill) San Diego Landfill Systems 619.449.4053 Elementary Schools Santee School District 619.258.2300 Employment City Human Resources 619.258.4100 x262 Events Info (Recorded Info) City Recreation 619.258.4100 x201 Fire Hydrants Padre Dam MWD 619.448.3111 Food Bank Santee Food Bank 619.448.2096 Garage Sales City Code Compliance 619.258.4100 x206 Graffiti City Public Services 619.258.4100 x304 High Schools Grossmont Union HSD 619.644.8000 Household Hazardous Waste Waste Management 619.596.5100 Humane Society General Information 619.299.7012 Humane Society Aimal-Related Emergencies 619.243.3466 Insect, Mosquito & Rat Infestations County Vector Control 858.694.2888 Library Santee Public Library 619.448.1863 Neighborhood Watch Santee Sheriff’s Dept 619.956.4000 News (City) City Manager’s Office 619.258.4100 x223 Noise Control City Code Compliance 619.258.4100 x206 Ordinances City Clerk 619.258.4100 x114 Park Reservations City Recreation 619.258.4100 x222 Potholes City Public Services 619.258.4100 x304 Public Records City Clerk 619.258.4100 x114 Public Transportation Metropolitan Transit Systems 800.266.6883 Rattlesnakes Heartland Non-emergency Dispatch 619.441.1621 Recreation Programs City Recreation 619.258.4100 x222 Recycling Information City Community Services 619.258.4100 x128 Santee Lakes Recreation Preserve Padre Dam MWD 619.596.3141 Senior Citizen Trips/Socials City Recreation 619.258.4100 x222 Sheriff’s Department (non-emergency) Non-Emergency Dispatch 858.565.5200 Sidewalk Repairs City Public Services 619.258.4100 x304 Storm Water City of Santee 619.258.4100 x167 Street Lights City Development Services 619.258.4100 x168 Teen Center. City Recreation 619.258.4100 x210 Traffic Accident Information Santee Sheriff’s Dept. 619.956.4000 Traffic Signals City Development Services 619.258.4100 x168 Trash Pickup Waste Management 619.596.5100 Volunteers City Recreation 619.258.4100 x222 Water Service Padre Dam MWD 619.448.3111 YMCA (Cameron Family) Cameron Family YMCA 619.449.9622
36 | TSM
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