Santee Females Rock!
Women in Business
Ladies in Leadership
Santee’s Favorites
The Results are In!
Hosted by the Santee Chamber of Commerce
May 25th | 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Best Craft Beer Garden in the East County
VIP Pre-Sale Tickets for $25 Includes 10 Beer Tasters and a Meal Purchase tickets at
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300 Food & Vendor Booths
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L e a d e r s a n d E l e c t e d O f f i c i a l s t o r e c e i v e l o c a l h o n o r s a n d c e l e b r a t e S a n t e e C h a m b e r ' s 2 0 1 8
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Have you heard?
Women can be anything they want to be.
This issue is proof.
I grew up in a pretty traditional house… If by traditional, I mean the set of ‘Leave it to Beaver’. My dad was a typical breadwinner and my mom was primarily a stay-at-home parent. My two siblings and I ate breakfast at home, were sent off to school with a sack lunch and came home to a hot dinner each night – all products of our mother’s kitchen. She did all the grocery shopping, meal prepping, house cleaning, laundry and general caretaking of our family and home. As I look back now, it makes sense that the current me lets the laundry stack up and waits for company to come over before doing the deep cleaning. My mom did it all and I left her home hardly knowing where to start when managing my own household.
Fast forward. I’m now in my thirties with a husband I met in high school and our two children filling said household. As much as I would love to be my mother, we aren’t in the 1990s anymore, let alone the 1950s, and dual incomes are close to mandatory for Southern California living. But
realistically, I am not just “okay” with it, I prefer it this way. I’m proud to get the duties done in our house that make it into a home, but I’m also proud of the responsibility I share in other ways with my husband. WE contribute to the work needed at home. WE provide income to take care of our responsibilities and enjoy some fun in our lives. WE show our children how to work as a team and be stronger by accepting each others’ strengths into all we do. Had women before me not paved the way to be anything they want to be, I couldn’t have been part of the team I refer to as “WE”.
I meet a lot of women who are simply amazing. They are stay-at-home mothers (like my sister and both sisters-inlaw), they are single parents, they are teachers, business owners, CEOs, entrepreneurs, innovators, creators, volunteers, the list can go on and on. They are important and they are all around us. Working in an all-female staff myself, I celebrate these women around me who provide influence on our future.
Enjoy reading more about them in this issue, and please feel free to send me an invitation to connect, so I can continue to grow the list of amazing women in our city.
Spring 2019 3
Inside: 6 Women in Business 13 My Hometown 17 Santee’s Favorites 21 Person of the Year 22 Women-Owned Businesses 28 Santee Scoop 31 Student Standouts
On the Cover: Owner of Salon Thrive, Katie Anderson, hard at work. Read more about her on pages 6-7.
Women in Business Ladies in Leadership Santee’s Favorites The Results are In! Staff Notepad...
– Photo Credit: Cassie Shumaker, Cassie Lee Photography
Kristen Dare & Staff Santee Chamber of Commerce
Chairman’s Message
Bobbie Jo Lewis 2019 Chair of the Board Santee Chamber of Commerce
I really hope you enjoy going reading this issue of The Santee Magazine. As a business organization, the Santee Chamber of Commerce is excited to be highlighting some of our women in business around town. As a woman in business myself, I am proud to be a Store Manager for over 200 employees, 24 of which are women. Being part of a larger retailer, we are able to pull together and strengthen our efforts. In 2018 alone, over 150,000 women were promoted nationwide who were a part of the Walmart family. This quick fact proves that collaboration among shared beliefs can make great change.
As a mother of a teenage daughter, I feel it is important to instill self-confidence in all women so that they CAN accomplish anything they want to do, and know it is possible with hard work. It’s not just saying these words but putting them into action by being a role model yourself.
I started as a seasonal cashier at Walmart back in October 1994 and now manage a multi-million dollar store. I had confidence and I worked hard! I still do, in fact. I am busier now as a manager than ever before. I work full time, I am part of a volunteer board for the Santee Chamber of Commerce, I volunteer for my kid’s school band fundraising efforts, I’m a mom, a wife… many of you know the drill because you live it too.
I often pull strength from those around me. I find myself thankful to be around so many amazing women in Santee, and I’d like to personally thank those who share a seat on our board with me at the Chamber:
Kristine Costa, Waste Management
Melissa Dombo, Raceway Electric & Solar
Darcy Fagerwold, Expressions Dance & Movement Ctr
Darlene Fenn, COHR Consulting
Laura Koval, Santee Lakes Recreation Preserve
Aileen Lloyd, Lloyd’s Collision & Paint Center
Barbara Ryan, Santee School District
Pam White, City of Santee
2019 Officers
Bobbie Jo Lewis, Chair of the Board Walmart – 619.449.7900
Tim Staump, Chair Elect Staump Productions – 619.888.7445
Darcy Fagerwold, 1st Vice Chair
Expressions Dance & Movement Center – 619.596.3362
Melissa Dombo, 2nd Vice Chair
Raceway Electric – 619.596.1918
Kristine Costa, Secretary Waste Management Inc. – 619.596.5100
Mike Clinkenbeard, Treasurer Farmers Insurance – 619.442.0415
Darlene Fenn, Past Chair
COHR Consulting – 858.518.3702
2019 Directors
Travis Alegria
Sharp Business Systems – 619.258.1400x1104
Brian Hane Union Bank – 619.596.8267
Laura Koval
Santee Lakes Recreation Preserve – 619.258.4617
Ailen Lloyd
Lloyd’s Collision & Paint Center – 619.448.8768
Joe Mackey XL Staffing – 619.247.4918
Dan O’Brien
O’Brien Insurance – 619.449.9075
James Peasley
Padre Dam Municipal Water District – 619.448.3111
Barbara Ryan
Santee School District – 619.701.5751
Warren Savage
U.S. Naval Sea Cadets – 619.249.2282
Kyle Whissel
Whissel Realty – 858.699.3895
Pamela White
City of Santee – 619.258.4100 Ext 223
Doug Whitney
Whitney Promotions – 858.735.6128
Office Staff
Kristen Dare CEO
Jennae Gonzalez Sydnee Cable Office Manager Membership Director
4 The Santee Magazine 10159 Mission Gorge Road, Suite F
CA 92071 619.449.1515
SHOP and save! Santee
Kristen Dare
Graphic Design
Arli Wolfson
Contributing Editors
Jennae Gonzalez
Arli Wolfson
Committee Members
Kristen Dare
Melissa Dombo
Tom Ronstad
Kristopher Shannon
Eddie Wall
Arli Wolfson
Contributing Writers
Ashlynn Ahrens
Katie Anderson
Kristin Baranski
Marlene Best
Amanda Morris
Bonnie Danieli
Kristen Dare
Melissa Dombo
Darcy Fagerwold
Rick Griffin
John Hossick
Laura Koval
Brian Jones
Bobbie Jo Lewis
John Minto
Tom Romstad
Kristopher Shannon
Aubrey Stuart
Sarah Wood
Contributing Photographers
Melissa Dombo
Maria Maes
Jay Renard, East County Times
Cassie Shumaker, Cassie Lee Photography
Advanced Web Offset
Joh n Minto Mayor City of Santee
My Mom, a Woman in Business
Women in business have faced challenges throughout history and today; organizations present awards to women in business for a variety of reasons. I thought it would be interesting to take a walk down memory lane to identify a couple of those challenges and then interview my mother, Norma.
Norma owned and operated two successful businesses over the past forty years, so I was exposed to a woman in business at an early age. ‘Mom’ went to work every day just like Dad. She never complained, so she must have never had any challenges. I began wondering what I might have missed, so I did some homework and then interviewed Mom.
I learned that women could not obtain a business loan without a man’s signature until 1988 when President Ronald Reagan signed the Women’s Business Ownership Act into law. Norma paid cash to take over a small hair design business. Therefore, she did not need to obtain loans.
The second business Norma started was very different. There weren’t many men farming worms either. Yes. I said farming worms. She started the business in California and eventually moved to Union, Illinois. The industry was very small, and the men in the business were very helpful in teaching her the business. Norma remained in the worm farming business for twenty years. While in California, Norma did not experience issues of disparate treatment. It was a different story moving the business to a very small urban community. She farmed worms in an indoor facility; therefore, local law enforcement visited regularly believing nefarious business is going on inside. The locals caught on to the type of business Norma owned, and eventually, all went well.
Norma worked in a variety of business before venturing out on her own. All of which were not only owned by men but dominated by men. She described how men used their position to manipulate her and the freedom of operating her own business. Norma said, “My mistakes were my mistakes, and my successes were my successes.” Retired now, Norma is proud of the business she created and just as proud of the fact that she created jobs for those living in her community.
The number of women entrepreneurs is growing every day due to the legal accomplishments obtained in the 1980s. Women are providing more and more jobs every day in every community. Their successes are contributing more than a trillion dollars to the economy in sales and services.
I consider Norma a ‘Pioneer Woman’ in business. Thank you for your contribution and to the thousands of women in business making a difference. I am very proud of you.
As always, have a great Santee day.
Mayor John Minto
Spring 2019 5 From the Office of the Mayor
A PUBLICATION OF THE Volume 8 • Issue 1
SANTEE MAGAZINE THE Want to be in the know? Get informed about local news, events, and business information with the Santee Chamber’s Weekly Update! To get your free dose of community, subscribe today at
Santee Chamber of Commerce
Santee’s Women in Business
Oh, to be a woman in 2019! I’ve often heard “the future is female” but living in the present I beg to differ – we are the NOW. We grew up being told we can be anything we want to be, do anything we want to do, love anyone we want to love… so far, I don’t see what’s stopping us. For now, I feel a moment of peace as I reflect on a special time in my life. Although the staff at the Santee Chamber is small (myself and two others), we are mighty! Having an all-female staff is an energy I’ve never experienced in a workplace and I’m loving every minute of it. Our Office Manager, Jennae Gonzalez, is a former Miss Santee who dreamt of earning that title. She pursued that dream with grace and poise and takes that pride in everything she does. She is shy, kind, dependable and so very smart. Sydnee Cable, our Membership Director, is sunshine every single day. Her warm attitude is something rare that she controls with powers unknown. She is welcoming, understanding, helpful and ready for anything that comes her way. Come meet our staff; I promise you won’t be disappointed.
March 8th was International Women’s Day and it had my social media overflowing! I scrolled through images of happy, healthy, strong women and their encouraging words of wisdom. These ladies are critical thinkers, curators, belief defenders, protectors of their families and fierce negotiators. They write history the way they see fit, forcing their way into spaces they know they can occupy. They prove that we support one another and empower each other, building our brand as ladies, leaders and line-walkers. These women are my friends, neighbors, colleagues and mentors and I could fill this magazine coverto-cover telling their tales. I’ve decided to start with six of them. On the following pages I’d like you to know some “Women in Business” who have push me to new limits and taught me simple, yet important lessons:
Amanda “Mandy” Cassady {Page 8}
Be Responsible: Amanda is my dream friend! She is so impressively responsible for herself that she can help others manage better choices for their own lives. Her extensive resume had me floored at first sight and there is much more to her than being “good on paper”.
Bonnie Danieli {Page 9}
Be Motivating: Bonnie has been a burst of energy since I’ve met her. Her drive and determination is something
I couldn’t keep up with if I tried! She took ahold of her career by leaving Corporate America to pursue something that continues to motivate others to be their best.
Darcy Fagerwold {Page 10}
Be Respectful: Darcy’s soft-spoken demeanor had me instantly comfortable around her and in her business, knowing all are welcome. It was later that I realized there was a lion behind her as she manages to stand her ground with integrity and keep calm while leading the way.
Marlene Best {Page 11}
Be Humble: Coming into my position at the Chamber, I’ve had the opportunity to engage in unique relationships with City employees. My time spent with Marlene has shown be that all great leaders reach their goals with teamwork and she understands every role’s importance.
Sarah Wood {Page 12}
Be Proud: Sarah’s strong force in this world is hard to deny. She wasn’t afraid to work her way into an male-dominated industry and I love that she took over a family business from her father. She puts pride in her hustle and manages to uphold his memory through hard work.
Katie Anderson {Page 7}
Be Giving: It’s hard to embrace any bit of cynicism while in Katie’s presence as she embodies so much kindness; it practically feels contagious. She’s the person who gives you her seat in a full room without hesitation or question. Doing what’s right is so natural to her.
Katie’s positive vibes has me looking at someone who is in a traditionally female-dominated role and wondering how she can still manage to evolve it into so much more than just a salon. Again, she’s just natural at doing the right thing so it should have been no surprise when she and her husband launched “The Pam Project” earlier this year. Inspired by her mother-in-law (a single mom and managed to raise the man of her dreams!) The Pam Project is a nomination process for a deserving mom to have a day of pampering at their salon. They’ve collaborated with other local businesses to extend this much past a haircut. Read on in the next page to meet Katie and the other women referenced above!
– Kristen Dare
6 The Santee Magazine
Salon Thrive
Hello Santee friends!
My name is Katie Anderson and I own Salon Thrive... Santee’s top rated, upper end salon offering hair cuts, colors, styles, smoothing treatments, extensions, nails, wedding hair and makeup!
I am passionate about being a hair stylist and I am passionate about people! From our employees and booth renters, to each and every customer that walks through the door, it’s my goal to make them comfortable and happy!
I am so blessed to be able to live and work in Santee. By being active members of the Santee Chamber, and plugged into the community, I have been able to build some very close friends and a huge support system. This community really is the best in San Diego and I plan on being a Santee resident for life. It’s an honor to serve the great people of Santee.
As a teenager I loved fashion. I took five years of fashion design through college and really enjoyed it. The deeper I got into it I began to realize the demand of the industry and I realized I would need to move out of San Diego in order to really be successful at it. The problem was I didn’t want to do that because I had met the love of my life!
However, while doing fashion shows I became fascinated with all of the beautiful hair and make up, soon realizing that’s what I wanted to do. The ability to be creative and make people feel good about how they look is very similar in booth industries, which was my real passion anyway.
I soon started cosmetology school and began my journey in the beauty industry. I worked as a booth renter for the first two years out of school, and with the encouragement and partnership of my husband Curtis; we opened Salon Thrive. I have a passion for people and making them feel as
beautiful on the outside as they are on the inside. That’s where our motto comes from, “Let your hair complement your heart.” I
believe that no matter how good you look on the outside what really matters is what is on the inside. Exterior beauty will never be the answer to inner peace and strength but it can complement it. Everyday I get to do that for my clients and it’s a true blessing to love on people day in and day out.
Being a woman in business is special in this day and age. I really feel as if we have the ability and support to pursue our goals and dreams in any business setting.
I’m grateful for the opportunity to run my business in a city that supports me and encourages me 100% of the time. I’m surrounded by women in business and it’s really a special thing.
Our country is not perfect and we still have room for growth but I truly feel like we as women have a unique place in business today. It’s our responsibility to continue to push the boundaries and dream big while teaching our daughters to do the same.
As a business owner you have different challenges every day, but being a wife and mom creates a whole new circus. It’s not easy by any means. I’m tired and live on coffee most days but it’s what brings me joy!
25% off any service when mentioning The Santee Magazine.
(Only good with Salon Thrive Employees)
I love working. I never really stop. However, my family comes first and being a business owner allows me to spend that quality time I need with my husband and kids.
I’m learning new things daily and I hope to pass on some hope and joy to the other boss babes around me.
Xoxo, Katie Anderson
Spring 2019 7
Health and Wellness Coaching with Amanda Morris
I am an integrative psychotherapist, certified health & wellness coach, and Whole30 certified coach. I give your lifestyle an intervention. I treat the mind & body and integrate the most effective combination of treatments, including nutrition, pharmaceutical grade supplements, non pharmaceutical interventions, referral for psychotropic medications if needed and cognitive-behavioral tools through coaching.
After years of clinical work, I have found the fastest way to improve your life is by changing the food you put into your body. You can not decrease stress and improve your mental health without giving thought to what you eat. I provide my clients with a foundation of nutrition, self-awareness and mindbody balance.
Attempting to change your habits without an understanding of why you do the behaviors in the first place is less effective than when you have insight into your behaviors; however, understanding why you do something isn’t enough to change your behavior.
Attempting any goal without a healthy foundation will inhibit you from reaching your full potential as you will be approaching change with a brain and body that is only partially functioning. Whether your goals are focused on your career, family, relationship, or health, I see myself as your ground zero for change.
I have always had a passion for helping people improve their lives. Through years of clinical experience and my own personal health journey, I discovered that when one’s mind and body is regulated as intended, it creates the clarity needed for change.
When I witnessed this happening, I began to see that my client’s treatment goals could be properly
identified and that my clients were more likely to meet their goals when approaching them from a place of wellness versus from a place of dysregulation and distress.
After experiencing my own victories through nutrition and seeing the benefits that good health was having on my clients it became clear to me that I no longer felt comfortable working with someone on their goals without also giving attention to their physical health. It was this insight as well as personal health victories that lead me to change my focus and start my wellness business.
It is important for me as a wife and mother to have the opportunity to use my passion and strengths to add value to my community.
Being a woman business owner allows me the flexibility to financially provide for my family, fully engage in their daily lives, and fulfill my own personal goals.
It’s important for women to have both the choice and opportunity to identify and achieve their goals with equal importance in whatever form that takes.
I have always had strong women role models as both mentors and bosses. It’s important for me to continue that so my son and two daughters know that men and women can contribute to the family and workforce equally and interchangeably.
If you are interested in working with me to address your physical and emotional health through coaching, or to partner with me in spreading the message of health, please connect with me through my website
I run 5-day, 28-day and 30-day programs. I offer group, couple’s and individual packages.
I provide service via phone, video consult, or in-person.
8 The Santee Magazine
Kickboxing Santee
My name is Bonnie Danieli, owner of CKO Kickboxing Santee. Our business provides One Hour, Full Body Fitness Kickboxing Classes. CKO Kickboxing Santee uses real 125lb heavy bags and every class participant has their own heavy bag each class allowing everyone to take the class at their own pace. We pride ourselves in offering an effective and fun fitness class that is available to all fitness levels in a friendly, welcoming and community atmosphere. We have members from the ages of 13 to 69! CKO Fitness Kickboxing classes provide an all-encompassing regimen so in only one hour you cover it all: cardio, strength training, toning, abs, warm up, cool down & stretch! All classes are instructor led providing members with the motivation and instruction needed to increase our fitness efficacy! CKO Kickboxing is popular due to not only the workout and the amazing results its members attain but also in providing much needed stress relief and being known for an inclusive and community first environment.
What many do not know about me is that I started living on my own at the age of 16. I worked hard and long hours in order to provide for myself. An unfortunate result of that life was work was always #1 and health was never a priority. By age 33, I was horribly out of shape, stressed out, had developed unhealthy habits and negative self-talk. I needed a change! I found CKO Kickboxing from a Google search. On my free trial, I was blown away! How was this possible? A workout that covers everything you need from head to toe in one hour, at my own pace and I get to punch out the last 33 years of my life and let it all go? I couldn’t believe it! I lost 40 pounds AND for the first time in my life was happier, more confident, felt better about myself and was able to channel negative thoughts into positive ones! Now, what to do? I had spent years building my corporate career but, in my heart, I knew that I had to share
this amazing workout with more people.
I had to try and help others feel these same feelings! I quit my job giving up comfort and choosing risk as I believed in CKO! I knew that I wanted my CKO in an amazing community as the gym was to be a place just like we all want: no judgements, a place where we know your name, where you get results, feel comfortable, relieve stress and make friends! I drove to Santee and parked in front of our current location. I had a gut and opened CKO Santee in June 2014. My “why” comes from the deepest feeling of helping others make their goals, feel better and strive to live a healthier lifestyle. I wanted to help change lives just like CKO changed mine.
I love being a woman small business owner. It means so much to me that I can be a role model for other women looking to pursue their passions and fulfill their dreams.
We all want to live a life that fills our hearts and souls with purpose, meaning and satisfaction. Sometimes that takes risk, and following our deepest ambitions even though completely out of our comfort zone. Being a woman business owner illustrates this coming to life and showing that it can be done. Women business owners relate to the women that are coming to our businesses. We know the feelings of trying to balance work and family duties along with taking time for ourselves, such as to work out! Women are amazing multi-taskers, focused & empathic which is so helpful in running a business. Many talents that are innate in women transfer perfectly to the duties required in business ownership.
We offer a Free Trial Class to try CKO! You can book online at or by calling 619.448.4040. Visit our website for more information. Check out our Facebook page. Looking forward to seeing you at CKO soon!
Of utmost importance, being a woman business owner exemplifies how women CAN have it all! We can take care of our families, our business and ourselves! We can live our passions through both our home life and in business! TSM
Spring 2019 9
WOMEN IN BUSINESS Darcy Fagerwold Expressions Dance & Movement Center
My name is Darcy Fagerwold, and I am the Owner of Expressions Dance & Movement Center. Dance has been my passion since I started taking lessons at age 8. As I grew up and began to teach, I dreamed of creating a place where every child would be celebrated and know that they mattered. As a teacher, I saw the difference that dance could make in a child’s life. Dance lessons can build confidence, help kids feel strong in their bodies, and provide an anchor during troubled times.
At Expressions, we believe that teaching dance is about more than steps and technique; dance lessons teach life lessons. We keep kids, and their well-being, center stage with age appropriate music, choreography, and costumes. We are a Youth Protection Advocates in Dance (YPAD) certified studio which means that each employee has been background checked, CPR Certified, and is a mandated reporter. Additionally, they are trained in prevention of abuse, emotional health, injury prevention, nutrition & eating disorders, and how to be positive role models in body image and behavior on and off line. It is our goal to provide an experience that goes above and beyond just dance training.
On June 12th, 2010, as I was driving home from a dance recital, I was saying a prayer in my car when I received the distinct impression that it was time to make my dream of opening a studio a reality. I went home that night and told my husband I was going to open my own studio, I didn’t know how, but I was going to quit teaching and figure it out. Once I made the decision and started taking action, things just fell into place - in truly miraculous ways. I had no business plan and no money saved, but 6 months later I was able to start Expressions in a rented dance room at Lakeside Middle School,
one day a week. We opened on January 12th, 2011 with 65 students. Soon after, during another prayer, I felt “it’s time to start looking for space to rent”. I thought “I can’t look for space - I don’t have enough money to pay the rent!”, but the impression wouldn’t leave. I started looking for space to rent and signed up to attend a class about negotiating leases. That’s where I met the tenant rep broker who helped me find our current space and negotiated my lease. That summer, we started the build-out at our current location and opened for classes in September 2011. Since then, the studio has continued to grow, and so have I! We now have the great blessing and responsibility of instructing over 500 students each week.
Owning the business has been a fast track to improvement for me and my family. The business is like a mirror of all your faults and shortcomings. If you don’t work to improve and overcome those faults, they will be a roadblock to the growth of your business.
I have 3 children, ages 13, 17, and 19, who have all benefitted immensely from my ownership of the studio. They have had the opportunity to watch it grow from just a dream into a successful business. It’s a living testimony that they can make their dreams a reality.
For my girls, it is proof that women can be strong, independent leaders in business and in the community.
Expressions Dance & Movement Center 9225 Carlton Hills Blvd. Suite 28 Santee, CA 92071
(619)596-3362 email: to schedule your free trial class!
Darcy is also available as an inspirational speaker and happy to meet with others who also have an entrepreneurial spirit!
My husband and my children work in the business with me. Because of this, my children have been given work experience and leadership opportunities they might not have had until they were much older.
I am grateful everyday for the gift of owning Expressions Dance & Movement Center. TSM
10 The Santee Magazine
City Manager, City of Santee
As the Santee City Manager, I am pleased to work for such a great community and government organization. The City of Santee is almost 40 years old, still a new comer to cityhood. But the heart and spirit of Santee has been around for many decades.
From our roots in San Diego’s agricultural east county to a bustling city, our community remains proud of our hometown feel and family orientation.
The City is home to over 56,000 people and welcomes many retail and service business to meet the needs of our residents. Our manufacturers’ products include everything from craft brewing to specialty windows, biotech to high tech automotive industries.
The City provides many services to our community including parks and recreation, special events, senior and youth activities, review and permitting for residential and business developments, design and maintenance of public infrastructure, code enforcement, public safety through our Fire and Sheriff services and other administrative efforts.
The City Clerk’s office recently opened a passport service that is the only site available in Santee to process a passport. This has been very popular with our community.
Staff works on economic development, contracts for animal control and waste hauling services, and supports the residents and business community in many ways.
Being the City Manager of such a dynamic and beautiful city is both a pleasure and a challenge. Santee has many wonderful attributes that drew me to want to move my career here.
As the City Manager I work
directly for the City Council, and help to implement their vision and policy direction.
I have worked in various capacities in five other cities in southern California before coming to Santee. This is the third city in which I have had the honor of serving as City Manager.
To me the job of City Manager has many facets. I get to be a mentor and cheerleader to encourage staff to serve the community to the best of their ability and to grow their personal careers at the same time.
I have a chance with the elected officials, to help a community become who and what it wants to be, in every possible sense of the word.
Many people have lived in Santee their entire lives, some for generations. Many others have come here through business or home relocation in recent times. People bring their own expectations and desires to the fabric of their communities, and each one adds to the sense of place of that city. Working to make that combined vision flower is an honor.
Being a female City Manager is still an emerging professional opportunity, but it is becoming more common. The soft skills of personal interaction are important, as well as the business and professional career skills that get the work done on a daily basis. In my career I have often seen that it is necessary to break the ice and allow for people to see that you have both of those important skill sets.
In the past it was more common to see a man in the leadership role, but that is changing and I am happy to be a small part of that change. TSM
Spring 2019 11
City of Santee City Hall 10601 N Magnolia Avenue Santee, CA 92071 (619) 258-4100
Allegiance Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. is a female owned, full-service HVAC company. We install repair and maintain your equipment to keep your home or office healthy and comfortable year-round for over 10 years. We strive for valuable service and competitive pricing for all your residential, multifamily, and commercial HVAC needs.
In the community, I serve as President for the Plumbing, Heating, Cooling Contractors Association of San Diego, a non-profit that supports and advances members’ businesses in the trades. I helped founded Santee Young Professionals an entity of The Santee Chamber. This group provides a platform to develop San Diego’s young business leaders through education, community service, and networking. I’m passionate about growing my business and making a positive impact on my community.
I do have another side of me though. I have 2 daughters, 18 and 11 that keep me extremely busy with school and sports. My husband is an electrician in the Union, who works equally hard at his own career.
My father, James Rotter, founded his HVAC Company in 1988 and paved the way for me to become the success I am. I’ve continued my father’s legacy by introducing new business practices alongside the strong work ethic he passed down to me. After my father’s sudden passing in 2009, I decided not to return to my first career in escrow and decided to continue my father’s business. With my office experience, and my ability to adapt to several client personalities - I was able to gain the trust of his existing clients, hired a trusted technician, and migrated a paperbased office, to a technologybased system.
More recently in 2014, I obtained my own contractor’s license and moved from my home office to an office/shop space, and now run a crew of 10 employees.
It is always hard for me to transition from my father’s story to mine. My father truly paved the way for me to successfully climb the ladder in this male dominated industry. Hard work and dedication to his clients created a good foundation, and it was up to me to capitalize on that groundwork.
I feel his energy daily, and I know he must be proud! I admire my father and recognize, with the combination of his ‘old school’ work ethic, along with my ‘new school’ way of networking and social media outlets; I have been able to turn his one-man home-shop, in to a competitive small female owned business, expanding every year.
I’m one of the few women in the heating and air-conditioning industry. As a female business owner, I understand some men and women — may feel vulnerable or confused when they need to call for heating and air-conditioning service. I’ve been there.
Each of my employees, from those in the field to those in the office, understands that customers’ comfort level and trust are our top priorities. We feel a deep responsibility to serve customers to the best of our ability — offering timely, professional and cost-effective services — as our goal is not just to complete a job today but earn clients for life.
I learned from an early age that you build a business by treating new customers like family, being honest with them, and clearly explaining options and ways to save money. We are not salespeople, but advisors who look at each situation on its own merits before recommending the solution we think is best.
As a woman in a male-dominated industry, I feel I must go the extra mile to earn the same respect some of my competitors are automatically afforded — and that always drives me to be the best.
12 The Santee Magazine
Allegiance Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. 619-449-2469 7 am to 6 pm or book online at Call for our monthly specials ** HEATING • AIR CONDITIONING • SOLAR HEATING, AIR CONDITIONING & SOLAR, INC.
The Art of Wearing Many Hats Kristen Dare
Mom, wife, community volunteer, and CEO — I interviewed Kristen Dare to discuss her new role at the Santee Chamber of Commerce.
Encouraged to apply for an opening at the Santee Chamber of Commerce 5 years ago, Kristen learned quickly that she could distinguish herself by leveraging all of the benefits of this career. Her strategy paid off, and after working on many different projects and initiatives, as well as volunteering extensively in her community, she now sits at the helm as CEO of The Santee Chamber of Commerce.
One of my first interactions with Kristen was at our kids’ school. She was working the PTA table and the woman sitting next to her called Kristen “Ms. Santee”, I remember Kristen blushed and changed the subject quickly. To know Kristen is to know why people would call her adoringly “Ms. Santee” and her humble character. If you have read this magazine before or attended the Santee Street Fair, you have experienced just some of Kristen’s work.
Kristen shares her ‘why’, “I am connected to a community that I care about and this position allows me flexibly to be involved in my kids lives, sit on the board of the Santee School District Foundation, volunteer for the PTA at my kids’ school, teach at my church and have other involvements in other areas — this job has given so much back to me, it is this hybrid type of job — a job that matters to me, my family and my community.”
The Santee Chamber of Commerce serves as a catalyst for local business members and community leaders through mentorship and relations. “It means more to me today than it meant 5 years ago.” says Kristen. “I didn’t really know what it was when I was introduced to working here. It’s been like a relationship that I have grown into — something that I had only seen from a distance prior. Today the chamber means so much and sparks joy for me, it gives me fulfillment and purpose and personal drive to do something that could be more of a legacy.”
Kristen reflects on the work at the Santee Chamber of Commerce. “For an organization that is over 60 years old, I don’t think we are as well known as we should be. The people who started this chamber are the reason why we are here today but the work will never be done, we will always be changing, growing, evolving.
To be a part of something like the chamber is belonging to something that is bigger than you, a contribution to something that means so much to the city, and oddly I am leading something that I have no sole control over. It is such a unique balance working for a Board of Directors. There are 20 personalities and 20 opinions, and 20 backgrounds and all 20 of these people from different walks of life matter individually and have a lot to bring to the table. My role is to understand that diversity and how to communicate and provide value to our entire business community — that is what makes this position challenging and special. I have to take that collective energy and make something that is worthwhile to everyone. I get to be the catalyst for the change—and the board sparks the energy.”
Kristen is full of passion and drive. She has lived in Santee since she was a toddler growing up here. She attended Santee School, Cajon Park, and Santana where she and her husband were high school sweethearts. She spent countless hours at Roller Skate Land where she worked her first job with her brother, and her dad ran hockey programs.
“I have really great parents. My Mom has inspired me to be the woman I am today. She was amazing and a great role model. She was like June Cleaver, and having a mom like that gave me a true feeling of the importance of keeping life balanced. I see myself as a modern-day version of that. I believe women can do it all. I want my kids to know that women are exceptional, a modern day mom can send them off to school with a homemade lunch, help with the PTA, balance a job, and give back to the community and still eat dinner together. I just believe in this organization and that this role matters. I want to be a part of it. I personally want a job that makes me happy. I have no commute and it is personally fulfilling – more than a paycheck.”
I asked Kristen to share a lesson she has learned in her career, “I have learned that having authority doesn’t make you a good leader. I am constantly learning from those around me and it comes in so many different forms and is inspiring. It is less about what you say and all about what you do, and how you make people feel.”
If you are interested in learning more about the Santee Chamber of Commerce or becoming a member, visit
– Melissa Dombo
Spring 2019 13 My
A Walk Back in Time with the
Historical Society
Jan Claussen 1980 - 1984
In 1980 Santee voted overwhelmingly for incorporation with Jan Claussen as a first choice to represent the fledgling city on its first City CounciI. Jan’s efforts In the areas of recreation and sociaI service programs affected the social, cultural and educational standards of Santee, and her term as Mayor brought about the planning achievement of the Town Center. She served countless hours of participation and leadership in organizations as the East County Child Abuse Coalition; County-wide Child Sexual Assault Task Force; East County United Way Board of Directors, United Way Minority Relations Task Force, Advisory Boards of Santee Connection and Cuyamaca Clinic, Friends of the Santee Library, and the Santee Community Fund.
Pat Gallardo 1982 - 1986
Pat was on the Edgemoor Committee, the San Diego River Project, Santee Citizens’ Coalition, the Inter-organizational Council, and the Santee Community Planning Committee. She was appointed first Chairperson of the newly incorporated City’s first standing committee, the Recreation Committee. While serving on the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce in 1982, was elected to the Santee City Council; Council Member Gallardo was three times elected Chairman, was Santee’s alternate to the League of California Cities; representative to the Route 52 Project Development Team (CALTRANS); served on the San Diego Water Reclamation Agency; and was appointed Chairman, Heartlands Communications Commission. Appointed Vice Mayor in 1985, she directed her energies towards fire and paramedic protection, and protection of the City’s environmentally sensitive hillsides and floodplains.
Edith French 1992 - 1994
Edith was a representative to the SANDAG Integrated Waste Management Task Force, SANDAG Recycling Committee, San Diego County Interim Solid Waste Commission, San Diego County Service Area 69 Paramedics. She served as a member of the Ad Hoc Town Center Development Committee, and City Planning Commission. Striving for excellence in customer service, Edith was involved in a campaign for a more ‘user-friendly’ City Hall, encouraged Staff and Council alike to better serve the needs of the community. She tirelessly studied various issues faced by Council delivering informed decisions with the welfare of the City and its residents foremost in mind.
Lori Howard 1994 - 2002
Lori championed Santee’s youth, recognized the need for safe havens where teens could meet and interact and was a major supporter of teen programs which included a Teen Center. She led the effort for a skate park which became a landmark among East County residents; and was the City of Santee’s representative and president of the League of California Cities, San Diego Division; as well as Community Services representative for the League. She served on the Fire Services task force, Chairperson of the Goodan Ranch Policy Committee, and Board Member on the Metropolitan Transportation Development Board. She also served as an alternate representative on the East County Economic Development Council and was a former Commissioner on the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO).
+ +
+ + 619.449.2024 Facebook: TheSanteeHistoricalSociety Email: Visit the Santee Historical Museum in the Santee Barn on Magnolia Avenue. Check our website for Open Hours and Special Events
14 The Santee Magazine
Today we look back at women who have served on the Santee City Council. These are the Women in Leadership whose achievements and accomplishments made a huge difference in the growth of our city.
Looking Forward with Laura
If you asked my husband, he might tell you I am too fond of the past. I have the original kitchen’s gas oven and stovetop in our 1959 Santee home. I also have a working rotary phone on our kitchen wall. But, our living room is decorated in his modern taste. I understand how important it is to compromise! Maybe this skill prepared me for politics.
My approach to politics
Speaking of compromise, the ability to cherish the old and embrace the new is definitely a skill needed in my new role as City Councilwoman. With a few months on the job (thank you!), I have learned there are many competing priorities in our city. I see my role as a listener, fact finder and problem solver. With that approach comes the need to prioritize constituent concerns (nice to have versus need to have) and be pragmatic when it comes to financing. Empathy is also very important in a public service role and Words Matter.
What is Words Matter?
Through my campaigning, I developed a kinship with Santee Library Branch Manage Cheryl Cosart. She’s collaborating to bring more awareness to Santee residents about the role of civility in public life. In my campaign, I focused on my core value to stay positive and apparently it was noticed. When your character is attacked, there’s a strong urge to fight back. At times, I had to remind myself to BE myself. Here are a few things that I focused on: My decades of customer service expertise
I have learned to remove my personal feelings from someone’s strong emotional response. All feedback is an opportunity to learn. The customer is not always right, but does have the right to be heard. I concentrated on this when reading garbage on social media about me.
Living the difference between nice and kind
A nice person is a pleaser and externally motivated to avoid confrontation for fear of upsetting anyone. Kindness demands a greater level of compassion and care. A kind person is able to speak her mind respectfully but is open to learn and evolve. I have confidence in my abilities and that may not always come across as nice; I am OK with that. Kindness is my goal.
Understanding the pendulum swings
I found myself referring to that pendulum a lot. I tell my daughters that the ‘win at any cost’ modus operandi
we’ve entered is not normal, and like everything that gets out of whack, the top of the swing is near. It will take people like us to fight for and take back political civility. If we don’t, the good, qualified people will never enter politics.
Keeping my eye on the goal
The goal was not to be elected; that was merely part of the process. The goal was to serve and make a positive difference in the community. When I focused on the goal, the noise went away.
Contact the library to learn more about their Words Matter events!
Speaking of words, what the heck is an ADU?
Local cities and the county of San Diego are changing the game in the building industry by paving an easier path for ADUs (Accessory Dwelling Units). Some jurisdictions are providing pre-approved blueprints, low income housing incentives, and vast reductions in fees and red tape to get these ‘granny flats’ built, all in an effort to chip away at the housing crisis in San Diego. It’s an interesting approach to fix a decades-old problem.
How does Santee become part of the housing solution on our own terms? If ADUs are coming to Santee, how can we help streamline the process for our citizens? Do we incentivize ADUs that are equipped for the telecommuter and/or local workforce (I am ALWAYS thinking of ways to keep traffic off the 52!). A high-tech enabled ADU might be just right for Santee’s future growth demands.
I love technology, always and forever I will leave you with a final thought on my feelings about improving technology in Santee. I am a big believer in creating efficiencies through technology and think we (the City) need to step up our game.
Did you know that you can report problems with barking dogs, code violations, graffiti, potholes, street lights, storm drain pollution, tree maintenance and traffic lights to the City? I noticed these issues are sometimes vented on Facebook, but for real solutions, the problems need to be reported. One way we can modernize the process is through enhancement of the My Santee App. I have made it a personal goal to work with City staff on expanding the App’s use and problem resolution.
So, stay tuned and “Meet Me in Santee”.
TSM – Laura Koval
Spring 2019 15
Lloyd’s Collision & Paint Center
Banking Institutions
San Diego County
Credit Union
Beauty & Salon Services
Salon Thrive
Brewing & Distilling
BNS Brewing & Distilling Co.
Construction & Contracting Raceway Electric & Solar
Dental & Orthodontic Services
Dr. Greggory Gechoff, D.D.S.
Education & Business Resources
Santee School District
Entertainment & Media
Off Broadway Live
Financial Services
Cynthia Whitney, CPA
Government & Utilities
Santee Sheriff’s Department
Health & Leisure
CKO Kickboxing Santee
Hospitality & Recreation
Santee Lakes
Recreation Preserve
Insurance Services
Farmers Insurance, Mike & Marla Clinkenbeard
Medical Services
Sharp Grossmont Hospital
Non-Profit, Large Riverview Community Church
Non-Profit – Small Santee Food Bank
Professional Services
The UPS Store Santee
Property Management & Real Estate
Mission Realty Group
Restaurant, Full Service 52 East Neighborhood Eatery
Restaurant. Quick Service
Chick-fil-A of Santee Retail Al’s Sport Shop
Specialty Food & Beverage
Mary’s Donuts
16 The Santee Magazine
On Thursday February 21st the Santee Chamber of Commerce celebrated its Annual
Awards Night
at Barona Resort & Casino
It was an evening of honors as we recognized businesses that have made a significant impact in our community including Business of the Year, New Business of the Year, Santee Young Professional of the Year and all of our Santee’s Favorites winners!
Spring 2019 17
18 The Santee Magazine Santee School DiStrict Cajon Park Carlton Hills Carlton oaks CHet F. Harritt steam “WHere Young minds meet oPen doors” for helping us maintain our promise to the community through the passage of MEASURE S Santee School District Improvements for Santee’s Future Modernizing and replacing aging classrooms Measure S’s estimated annual tax rate is 3 cents per $100 of assessed valuation Bond reauthorization allows the District to continue improving our schools QUICK FACTS ABOUT MEASURE S hank you
Spring 2019 19 leaDinG learnerS in the 21St centUrY Hill Creek PePPer drive Pride aCademY rio seCo sYCamore CanYon For more inFormation visit Updated science classroom QR Code to Our District Website Modernization Page • New science classrooms • Learning Resource Center • New middle school classrooms Estimated Occupancy August 2021 New learning resource center New middle school building at Chet F. Harritt
New Camper Special $15 Camp Day
Santee Day Camp
Youth entering Grades 1-5
X-Factor Camp
Youth entering Grades 6-9 (up to age 15)
Campers will enjoy their summer full of fun, friends and adventure!
Summer camp
Spring Super Saver Special Register by June 1 and save!
Teen Center @ Big Rock Park Community Services Building
8115 Arlette St.
Partial Week Registration Payment Plans
Multi-family Member Discounts
Campers are engaged in structured, supervised activities throughout each day, creating memories that will last a lifetime. X-Factor campers will be in a camp specifically designed for their age group which includes traditional camp activities plus walking field trips, outdoor recreation and field trip privileges.
Weekly camp activity schedules are posted online at and provided by Friday of prior week. Tuesdays are field trip days and Wednesdays are swim days (some exceptions may apply). Activities vary daily.
Your KidsTheir Summer - Our Camps
Partial Week Registration (Not available online)
Maximum 3 days per week, must register for minimum of 2 days per week to attend field trip.
Non-field trip days $44 per day
Field trip days $52 per day
Jr Camp Leadership Program
Youth entering grades 9 -12 (up to age 17)
Do you love having fun outdoors and connecting with kids? If so, this is the perfect job training for you! Gain work experience, leadership skills and professional development by directly assisting the Santee Day Camp staff with program operations, activities and field trips.
Days: Monday - Friday Time: 8:00 am-3:30 pm (Extended hours available)
Location: Santee Teen Center & remote day camp locations
Mandatory Training Week June 17-21, 2019 (Mandatory training week required for all new Jr Leaders)
Additional training and benefits include:
Job application and resume writing tips
Letter of recommendation
Community service hours
20 The Santee Magazine
Week Days Date Field Trip Fees* 6/13 & 14 Daily Deals $44 per day 1 6/17-6/21 La Jolla Shores $175 week 2 6/24-6/28 Boomers $175 week 3 7/1 & 2 (no camp 7/3, 4 & 5) Daily Deals (No field trip) $44 per day 4 7/8-7/12 Go Play, Get Fit Festival Coronado Tidelands Park $175 week 5 7/15-7/19 Aquatica $175 week 6 7/22-7/26 Mission Beach $175 week 7 7/29-8/2 Padre Game $175 week 8 8/5-8/9 Bowling & Boardwalk $175 week 9 8/12-8/16 Back to School Bash (no field trip) $175 week 8/19 & 20 Daily Deals $44 per day
Santee resident’s fee is an additional $15 per weekly rate and $5
per daily rate
Still have questions? Contact
Services at
258-4100 ext. 222
CPR and First Aid certification
Vocational skills
Recreation leadership
Week Days Date Santee Resident Fee* 6/13, 14 $22 daily** Mandatory Training Week 1 6/17-6/21 $115 week 2 6/24-6/28 $74 week 3 7/1 & 7/2 (no camp 7/3-7/5) $22 daily 4 7/8-7/12 $74 week 5 7/15-7/19 $74 week 6 7/22-7/26 $74 week 7 7/29-8/2 $74 week 8 8/5-8/9 $74 week 9 8/12-8/16 $74 week
Open to returning
*Non Santee resident’s fee is an additional $15/weekly rate and $5/daily rate **
only with staff approval
Santee’s Person of the Year Buddy Rabaya
Buddy Rabaya knows the significance of commitment, loyalty, and most of all, hard work. As a young child, Buddy was always inventing ways to bring his military household extra money to help out. With a work ethic learned from his father, Buddy started a paper route at age 9, getting paid solely in tips. He learned quickly that the way you demonstrated your customer service, the more profitable you would be. He has carried that on in his life today. Buddy is a native San Diegan and moved to Santee almost 15 years ago. He said, “I want to bring a new dimension to Santee. I love the folks of Santee… they just need to know that east county is changing.” He is a born leader, ready to be constantly executing that change.
Buddy’s biography could fill out so many pages of volunteering, mentoring, and giving his time and money to those in need. Yet, he does it silently. Some have witnessed this and tell him how he needs to speak up and share these stories. He humbly replies, “The heart will show what you have done.” When you live this way, you are a real hero and Buddy is so well known for is this great example. What may be Buddy’s greatest gift of all is that he makes people feel special. He takes time to invite you to meetings, events, communications, and especially his signature “Buddy Bear Hugs”.
Buddy’s role in Santee has made such an impact on mobile home residents, business owners, and citizens. During his tenure with Santee Mobile Homes Action Committee (SMOAC), Buddy has gone above and beyond helping neighbors with their quality of life, he has even diffused law suits concerning everyday mobile home issues. A regular attendee of our City Council meetings, Buddy has become the voice of reason when advocating for rent control to keep seniors and families in affordable living in any of the local mobile home parks in town. He presently is spearheading an initiative with Assemblymember, Randy Voepel for a rent ordinance in Santee. He works with Dianne Jacob and the county on senior citizens issues concerning aging and our senior population in Santee. He never stops working!
After much involvement in these parks, he saw the need for more. As different times of the year roll around, Buddy has found ways to bring joy into those who need the extra help:
Spring – Gathering donations from local residents, businesses and personal funds, last year Buddy collected and curated over 600 Easter baskets to hand out to Santee seniors and kids in local mobile home parks. He even has been known to coordinate a special appearance from the Easter Bunny!
Summer – Before the back-to-school craze began, Buddy partnered with the Santee Chamber of Commerce, Santee Young Professionals and over a dozen local businesses to collect backpacks, fill them with supplies and disperse them to any child in need, giving over 1,500 kids a fresh start for school.
Fall – During the week of Thanksgiving, Buddy executed a food pantry which helped (and continues to help!) over 300 residents of local mobile home parks, helping to relieve food insecurities for those with fixed incomes or just needing something more as the holidays approach.
Winter – Buddy created the SMOAC Elves program brining together over 85 volunteers to help him achieve over 800 adoptions of senior citizens during the winter holidays. Each senior was shown they are cared for and not alone during one of those most trying times of the year.
These are just a few examples of the many ways he has found to give back. Whenever you need something in the community Buddy does not believe in no, he says “yes” without hesitation. His energy and ‘yes’ attitude make it easy for people to follow. He is a person who impacts lives and the Santee Chamber of Commerce is proud to introduce Buddy Rabaya as our 2018 Santee Person of the Year. TSM
Buddy’s History of Community Involvement:
• Santee Mobile Home Owner’s Action Committee (SMOAOC), President
• SMOAC Food Bank Pantry, Founder
• SMOAC Elves Program, Founder
• SMOAC Backpack Drive, Committee Member
• Santee Chamber of Commerce, Member
• Highway 52 Coalition, Member
• Santee Senior Community Center, Member
• Santee Village, President
• Golden State Manufactured Owner’s League, State Regional Manager
• Friends of the Santee Library, Member
• CAMOA, Representative for East County
• Rent Control for East County Committee, Member
Spring 2019 21
The Sunny Nest Decor / Sip Wine n’ Sign Homes for Heroes
to Spend................................................
...... Very Important Pet Grooming Salon
FURology Pet Spaw Nancy Hazen Photography
Mandi Horn Photography Sophie Crew Photography
360 Community Management
360 Painting San Diego ................................
...... Baggage Nanny
Cook Bookkeeping & Consulting
Cynthia Whitney, CPA
Evo Turf
Packaging Solutions for Today’s Industry
Surrogate Alternatives, Inc
Amber Tannehill & Associates ....................
Phone Only
Deniese Ossey, Pacific Sotheby’s Int’l Realty . 619.251.7546 ......
Kelly Kelson - Realtor .................................. 619.920.0345
22 The Santee Magazine The Santee Magazine SANTEE’S WOMEN IN BUSINESS Santee Collision 619.596.5822 Eccentric International Chefs 619.562.0762 Honey Donuts ............................................... 619.258.5891 ...... Mary’s Donuts 619.749.2871 NatSweets LLC Online Only Bellezza Salon 619.448.2649 Hot Rodz + Betties Hair Garage 619.749.7630 Ooh La Lash & Beauty 619.741.8200 Salon Thrive .................................................. 619.258.2784 ...... The Originals Barbershop 619.558.9627 SBF Payroll Services.................................... 760.703.2735 ...... Vinegar Vixen Cleaning Service 619.647.6497 The Coffee Corner 619.996.9007 Allegiance Heating & Air Conditioning 619.449.2469 Art by Jessarae 619.884.8632 Phone Only Children’s Choice ......................................... 619.457.0381 ...... Momentum Tutoring ..................................... 619.332.8345 ...... Zovargo ......................................................... 619.618.0745 ...... Petal Vision..................................................... 619.823.3833 ...... Graphic Resources 619-449-9036 Sarit + State Creative Studio 619.318.3454 Imperfect Produce 480.415.8901 CKO Kickboxing Santee 619.448.4040 Club Pilates ................................................... 619.485.1800 ...... Coaching With Dr. Amanda Morris.............. 760.420.8489 ...... Elite Gymnastics Academy .......................... 619.441.5900 ...... Empowerment Fitness
Training 619.708.7705
- Prof. Fitness
F45 Mission Gorge / Herbal Life RN for Hire
619.449.7500 Szenbridge Associates Expressions Dance & Movement Center....
C.O.H.R Consulting ......................................
...... Aloe Life International, Inc........................... 619.390.1100 ...... Carrie’s KeepsakesnClips 619.905.9887 Girls Fashionably Late 619.441.9403 Lularoe Amy Miller 619.994.6495 Michael’s Jewelers 619.562.8004 Obscure 619.994.0040 Organic Fabric Company 619.791.9999 Origami Owl .................................................. 619.787.0218 ...... Roby Schaffer-Ind. Scentsy Consultant ..... 619.507.3283 ...... Rodan + Fields .............................................. 619.630.6073 ...... Tanned & Tipsy 619.567.9762 Love Always Planning 619.458.7275 Automotive Bakery Beauty & Salon Business Services Cleaning Services Coffee House Contractor Educational Services Floral Design Graphic Design Grocery Service Health & Fitness Home Décor Lending Management Consulting Performing Arts Personal Services Pet Services Photography Professional Services Real Estate Retail Services
The Santee Chamber is proud to highlight local businesses owned by women. Please consider showing these businesses your supportespecially our members in bold!
Spring 2019 23 GROW YOUR SMALL BUSINESS Learn how to access the right kind of capital to grow your business. Get quality market research to find out how to best position your business. Learn marketing strategies to grow your business. Update and review your business plan, goals, and strategies GET YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY! Please call (619) 258-3670 Visit Funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. Contact Michael Sovacool, Small Business Administration, (619) 727-4885. FREE BUSINESS ADVISING “Thanks largely to SBDCs incredible support, we’ve been completely transformed into a growing, thriving $3M company.” - Carlos Melendez, CEO, CM Solar Spring 2019 23
Ceiling & Whole House Fans
Panel Upgrades
Electrical Troubleshooting
Lighting Fixture Install Outlets/Switches
Residential & Commercial and more...
24 The Santee Magazine Find us on Yelp. EXPERT. Serving San Diego since 1993. TRUST. Family owned & operated, we pledge to do it right. SERVICE. Full service electrical and solar contractor. LIC#: 674638
Brian Jones
Santee to Sacramento... Again!
I spent my childhood in Santee. My wife and I raised our children here. It’s our home. When I served on the Santee City Council, I met so many people that love this place as much as I do, and it was an honor to work on their behalf to make Santee a safer and more prosperous city.
Our success in Santee inspired within me a desire to create positive change for all Californians. That’s why I went to the Assembly from 2010 to 2016 where I fought tax increases, worked to make the state a healthy place for businesses to thrive and hire more Californians, supported our Armed Forces and veterans, worked to remove unnecessary red tape, and defended our unique freedoms as Americans such as our right to bear arms.
Now, I’m honored to continue representing you as your State Senator at this important time in our state’s history. As your Senator, my top priority is keeping you and your family safe. My legislative package includes a measure to stop the release of so-called “elderly” violent sex offenders as well as a bill to impose extra punishments on human traffickers. I’ll also fight to protect struggling middle class
and working poor Californians from tax hikes, and I’ll fight new burdensome regulations and other intrusions into our lives being pushed by some of my liberal colleagues.
I was also honored to be named the Senate Republican Caucus Chair by my colleagues. This is the second highest position in the Republican leadership structure in which I will play a major role in assisting our Republican Leader with communicating our message of opportunity and prosperity for all Californians.
While I am honored to have this statewide leadership role, you are my top priority. I want to hear from you and represent you to the best of my ability. That’s why I held a grand opening right after I was sworn in at my El Cajon District Office. I held my first town hall meeting in February where over 120 attendees came to ask questions about state government.
I welcome anyone that wants to share their opinions on the state government and legislation to email me at or call me at 619-596-3136. TSM
Sacramento Steps Up for Women
Senate Bill No. 826, Chapter 954, was approved by the Governor on September 30, 2018. This bill requires each publicly held corporation, whose principal executive offices are located in California, to have a minimum number of women on its board of directors.
It further requires the Secretary of State (SOS) to review and issue reports regarding corporations’ compliance with the bill’s provisions and to impose fines for violations of the bill.
Assembly Amendments made minor changes to the bill’s findings and declarations, adding a fine for failing to timely file board member information with the SOS, modify the dollar amounts of the fines imposed for first and subsequent violations of the bill, and clarify that a female
director that holds a board seat for at least a portion of the year shall not represent a violation of the bill.
For more inforamtion contact our local Senator, Brian Jones, representing the 38th District:
Capitol Office
State Capitol, Room 4088
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 651-4038
Fax: (916) 651-4938
El Cajon Office
500 Fesler Street #201 El Cajon, CA 92020
Phone: (619) 596-3136
Fax: (619) 596-3140
Spring 2019 25
Kristin Baranski Santee School District
This edition of Santee Spotlight is shining light on one of the most influential people in our community, Dr. Kristin Baranski. For those of you who don’t know, Dr. Baranski is the Superintendent of the Santee School District and has been shaping minds in Santee for 21 years. She is an amazing person and thought provoking leader who truly believes that the growth of every child is the foundation of what her and her team do everyday. Continue reading to learn more about Kristin and what’s in store for the future of the Santee School District.
What sparked your interest in a career in public education and was it your first career choice?
Entering college, I was a business management and accounting major. During my junior year in college, I realized that accounting wouldn’t be a lifelong career for me and changed my major to elementary education. I loved school as a child; I loved learning and the caring relationships I had with many of my teachers. I knew that helping young people learn and develop into productive adults could be my lifelong career.
What do you like about public education and what difficulties have you encountered in this space?
I appreciate so much about public education, particularly the right for all children to be provided a free and appropriate education. We work really hard to support the needs of all children and all children’s needs. In terms of current difficulties in education, public and private, I do worry about our future teaching applicant pool. We currently have many highly qualified teachers in our district but we know some cities in California are experiencing a teacher shortage, especially in special education roles. I hope some of our current students want to be future teachers.
What does successful leadership mean to you?
Successful leadership to me means watching people grow and achieve in areas they wouldn’t have without your support and guidance. I also think it means knowing when to say yes, when to say no, and having the wherewithal to make these decisions especially when people may not agree.
What advice do you have for young female leaders who look up to you?
In any leadership role, it would be to find your passion and be relentless in pursuit of that passion. I knew pretty early in my career that I wanted to be a Superintendent. I was vocal about this goal, and in doing so, other leaders encouraged my next steps. That statement includes two other pieces of advice, openly communicating your goals and finding people who will mentor and support you based on your goals.
The other piece of advice is that female leaders can lead an organization and be a mother, if they choose. If you work in the “right” organization, they will appreciate the talents you bring in your role, both personally and professionally. I work in an organization that appreciates my role both at work and in my home.
What does the future look like for the District?
The Santee School District Board of Education and I have been working on a District vision and mission “refresh” since the fall and I’m happy to report our Board of Education recently approved new District vision and mission statements. Over the course of five months, we worked with a focus group of staff and community members to gain their insight on our District purpose over the next five years. Our next step is defining a “graduate profile”, the dispositions we want to see in our students as they leave. We are also focused on maintaining a healthy budget reserve to maintain fiscal solvency during times of State economic downturn.
Kristin’s decision to move to Santee has impacted thousands of students over the course of her 21 year career. Her hard work and effective leadership has provided a clear focus for the District that is easy to get behind and support. “When people understand the ‘why’ behind a strategy or goal, they are more readily available to execute the goal and analyze the results,” Kristin said. It’s clear to say that the Santee School District is in good hands and we should all be excited for the future. TSM
26 The Santee Magazine
Debby Lenz YMCA
It’s been a little over 100 years since a young American labor activist, suffragist, and educator rose from the factory floor to lead a revolutionary movement toward women’s rights. On March 8th every year the world honors that movement as International Women’s Day.
In honor of International Women’s Day and as inspiration to the young women of our community, we have decided to highlight the achievements of a very special local leader; Debby Lenz.
Debby moved to San Diego in 1983 when she accepted a position as Gymnastics Director for the YMCA, ultimately growing the gymnastics program from 50 children to over 1500. In 2008, the Y board and corporate office recognized Debby’s commitment to the youth of East County by naming the gymnastics center in her honor. Today the ‘Debby Lenz Gymnastic Center’ located at the Cameron Family facility is the largest, most highly regarded gymnastics program in the country.
As a leader and someone who has dedicated her career to mentoring, developing and training young women through gymnastics, Debby believes that successful leadership isn’t something you do to people, It’s something you do with people. Debby said her goal was to never achieve a certain title or position, but to excel at everything she does and to inspire others to do the same through positive encouragement and to make the most out of peoples strengths…“My greatest pride is the hundreds of young women I have been fortunate enough to coach, employ or influence who have chosen the Y as a career or who are pursuing any career and have told me how their experience at the Y still influences and impacts them. Whether its goal setting, being a responsible and caring parent or just giving back to the organization that positively affected them in their youth, they are grateful for their experience.” Gymnastics provided Debby a path toward a career with the YMCA where she could inspire and shape the hearts of her students but as Executive Director, she’s been able to shape the hearts of the community.
Lenz became Executive Director of the Cameron Facility in 2016 after serving 13 years as Associate Director. Her
job includes management of the facility, working with the staff responsible for the various departments – fitness, aquatics, gymnastics, camp, child watch, outreach and membership. A large part of her job is year-round fundraising which supports the YMCA’s mission of never turning anyone away. In fact, over $250,000 a year is given back to the community through scholarships to support kids, families and seniors who might not have the resources to afford to participate in Y programs. During her tenure as Executive Director, Debby has also strengthened the partnership between the City of Santee and the YMCA, making it a lively hub of activity for some 8,000 members who utilize the facilities.
The Cameron facility is one of 19 YMCA locations around San Diego County and is currently undergoing renovation to be able to help even more people in the Santee/Lakeside communities. “I am so incredibly proud of our new facilities and especially the gorgeous new child watch center which will enable more kids to play and learn in a larger, updated space while their parents workout or swim,” Lenz said.
Phase 1 of the project is set to open this month (March 11th) with an enlarged lobby and added member/visitor lounge. Phase 2 which includes an expanded fitness center with all new state of the art equipment and two additional group exercise studios, will open late spring 2019.
Lenz is grateful for all the Y has afforded her in her 36 year career, the relationships built with members of the community and the families she has met and worked with. When asked what advice she would give to future leaders, Lenz said to set the bar high and referenced the Y mission to help all people develop to their fullest potential. “Humans are wired to excel when expectation are clear and the end result is fulfilling.” That applies to personal goals, career goals and leadership goals.
When not at the Cameron facility, Debby can be found with her husband Robert walking their dogs in their neighborhood around Balboa Park or at the Old Globe where Robert is the Director of Production. TSM
– Kristopher Shannon
Spring 2019 27
Santee’s oldest park is getting a much-needed update
Mast Park on Carlton Hills Boulevard is currently closed to the public as it undergoes a $12 million renovation that will improve access, recreational options and security while retaining the park’s nature-oriented charm. Grants secured from the San Diego River Conservancy, California Department Housing and Community Development and the County of San Diego provide $2.4 million toward project costs. The remainder is funded through developer fees useable only for park improvements. Outdated restrooms, shade pavilions and equipment will be replaced with modern facilities. A concession stand with picnic tables in the middle of the park will create a hub for social activity. A well-lit loop trail will create an inviting wayifor people can get in their steps during dark winter months. A new dog park will include three sections... for puppies, small dogs, and large dogs. A new 9-hole disc golf course will be the premier course in southern California. New landscaping will feature a mix of drought-tolerant native plants, dry creek beds and other elements reminiscent of a botanical garden. Nature lovers will be happy to know that most of the park’s mature trees will remain untouched during the renovation. In addition, there will be hundreds of new trees and features to filter storm water before it reaches the San Diego River. Construction is expected to be completed in late 2019.
Phase 1 - Teen & Senior center
Phase 2 - Banquet Hall
Phase 3 - Gymnasium
28 The Santee Magazine
Last October, the property located at 10144 Mission Gorge Road had a groundbreaking ceremony for what will become the East County Branch and Archives for San Diego County Assessor, Recorder and County Clerk. The building is expected to open in the fall of 2019.
The Santee City Council voted on February 13th to move forward with a planned Community Center in Town Center Community Park near Cameron Family YMCA. It will be built in three phases over the next several years.
Spring 2019 29 Valid for event reservations through December 31, 2019. O er excludes weekends, holidays, and special events. Valid only for Santee residents. To reserve, visit the Park O ce or call (619) 596-3141. Open daily from 9AM-5PM. We’re here to help keep Santee clean and green. Together, we are doing our part to conserve natural resources and protect the planet. 619-596-5100
Must be 21 years old & up · All Sales Final Must have ticket & ID to check in · We are not responsible for lost tickets TICKET INCLUDES: Unlimited Food Samples (While Supplies Last) Beverage Samples of Beer & Wine (While Supplies Last) Commemorative Sampling Cup & Lanyard Cup Holder
you are interested in becoming a vendor or sponsor, please contact Jon Shellhammer: (619) 258-4100 x219 • Saturday, September 14, 2019 • 5:30-9:30pm Town Center Community Park East Tickets & Reserved Tables go on SALE March 1, 2019
Supporting People, Parks & Pr og rams
Special Events Calendar 2019 (619) 258-4100 ext. 222 REGISTER NOW! Special Events • Camps • Classes • SKATE PARK • TEENS • SENIORS March 1, 2019 Tickets Go on Sale Thursdays, June 13-August 22, 2019 (Except July 4) 6:30p.m. - 8:00p.m.
June 8, 2019 9:00a.m. - 1:00p.m.
April 14, 2019 9:00a.m. - 3:00p.m. Sunday, April 14, 2019 9:00-3:00pm Santee Lakes, Lake #5 (9310 Fanita Parkway, Santee) Easter Bunny, Crafts, Food, Primo DJ, Pony Rides, Inflatables, Petting Zoo, Attractions, Face Painting Book your rental today! Plan your next celebration, party or meeting at one of many Santee locations. The City of Santee offers great rental deals on City Hall facility rooms, park pavilions and the Santee Skate Park. Contact the Community Services Department at (619) 258-4100 ext. 222 for more information and rental applications.
Grossmont Healthcare District’s Herrick Community Health Care Library Serves East County Residents
Have you visited the Dr. William C. Herrick Community Health Care Library, either in person or online? If not, you are missing an East County gem! The Herrick Library is a public library that specializes in health information for East County residents.
Do you get overwhelmed when you do a Google search for health or medical information? Do you know which of those millions of search answers are from reliable sources? The library staff can help you sort through that maze and find the right information for you.
Diane Mayorga, an East County resident and regular patron, said she values the support from library staff in finding answers to her health questions. “We all need to reach out to each other and share information, especially about health. I’m really passionate about sharing knowledge and so is the staff here.”
What else does the Herrick Library offer?
• Approximately 3,000 items including books, DVDs, magazines, newsletters, and free pamphlets.
• Checkout of most of the books and DVDs with a Herrick Library card, available to those who live, work, go to school, or receive medical care in the East County region.
• Magazine, journal, and encyclopedia articles from Gale
Cengage databases: Health & Wellness Reference Center, Health Reference Center Academic, and General OneFile.
• Monthly “Wellness Wednesday” health talk, 10:00 a.m. –11:00 a.m., 4th Wednesday, January – October.
• Monthly blood pressure checks, 2nd Tuesday, 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
• Website with extensive links to reliable and authoritative sites covering all major health topics.
• Ten computers for public use.
• Two small meeting rooms which may be reserved by health-related, community-based, nonprofit organizations for workshops and meetings.
• Support groups for addiction recovery, Alzheimer’s caregivers, cancer patients/survivors or caregivers, chronic lung diseases, chronic pain, and energy & healing.
“The Herrick Library is a tremendous community asset that is available to anyone who wants to access a broad array of healthcare resources and to gain a greater understanding of medical conditions and options,” said Nancy Greengold, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Sharp Grossmont Hospital.
The Herrick Library is operated by the Grossmont Healthcare District and is located at 9001 Wakarusa St. in La Mesa, just east of Sharp Grossmont Hospital and next to La Mesa’s Briercrest Park. See the ad below for hours and contact information. TSM
Visit Your Communit Y H ealt H C are l ibrarY The Herrick Community Health Care Library provides free access to the latest consumer-level health information in print and online. Do you have a health concern? Our staff members offer research assistance to help answer your questions. 125 8 N WAKARUSAST . MURRAYDR. SEVERIN DR. BRIERCREST PARK GROSSMONT HOSPITAL (619)825-5010 9001 Wakarusa St., La Mesa, CA 91942 Hours: Tues. 9 am–8 pm | Wed.–Fri. 9 am–5:30 pm Saturday 9 am–1 PM The library is operated by the Grossmont Healthcare District Follow us on social media: @HerrickLibrary @HerrickHlthLib
32 The Santee Magazine
Santee’s High School Standouts
Varsity: I have played soccer for Crusaders Soccer Club for the past 6 years. I have also played on the JV soccer team at West Hills for the past 2 years. Extra Curricular Activity: I have volunteered at the Colon Cancer Alliance annual 5k run/walk for the past 3 years.
Q: What motivates you?
When I was 7 years old, my grandpa died from colon cancer. I didn’t really understand what was going on, but I was scared that no one could save him. Ever since then I have wanted to be a surgeon so that I could save people.
Q: What are your career ambitions?
I want to be a trauma surgeon so that I can help people when they need help the most. Trauma surgeons are very important in today’s society and they are always helping people, so I feel that this would be a great fit.
Q: Whatimportancedofemalerolesplayintoday’ssociety?
To be a young lady in today’s society is different than it was for my mom was growing up. Now women have the freedom to do whatever they want with their lives. In the past, women were belittled and they were expected to have a family and stay home. Now, women have the choice of whether or not they want a family. Women are very important in today’s society.
Extra Curricular Activity: Lacrosse, Tennis, Church Activities
Achievements: Most inspirational Award for Tennis, Honor Roll, Lacrosse Team Captain, Church youth group leader
Q: What motivates you?
My family is an important motivation for me. They are always encouraging me to do my best, try new things and are always there to support me. I also think that, knowing my potential and doing the most I can to achieve that, is a constant reminder to do my best at everything I do. I really love to see those I look up to become successful. Their examples are constant motivators that hard work and perseverance pay off.
Q: What are your career ambitions?
My career ambitions are, to go to a four year university. I would really like to go to UC San Marcos to study education. I would love to be a high school teacher or counselor. I really like helping others learn and see their potential. I was a Unity Day leader this year at Santana and I really enjoyed connecting with the students in my group and helping them realize that they are not alone, there are others going through their similar issues and that I am here to support them and cheer them on.
Q: Whatimportancedofemalerolesplayintoday’ssociety?
Women play such a huge role in today’s society. Whether they are mothers, teachers, doctors, government leaders, CEO’s, or entrepreneurs they are leaders in their homes, communities, school and society. They empower women around them by being kind, smart, loving, friendly and good, strong women. I hope I can be an example to the people around me of how to be an influential woman in my community. I value most, my family, church, friends, and education. If we as women can find balance in the home and career we will continue to be strong leaders in society.
Ashlynn Ahrens West Hills High School Class of 2021
Spring 2019 33
Aubrey Stuart Santana High School Class of 2020
Saturday March 23
Town Center Community Park
Timed Event starts at 8 am
Sign up at
All proceeds directly benefit the students of the Santee School District
34 The Santee Magazine
School District FOUNDATION ACB
! CUT OUT AND SAVE FOR FUTURE REFERENCE Spring 2019 Community Events Dates and Times subject to change March 2019 20 Sip with SYP Copper Collar Distillery 23 Aloha 5K Town Center Community Park East 23 1000 Lights Lantern Festival Santee Lakes 26 Chamber 101 Chick-fil-A Santee 27 City Council Meeting City Hall 29 Santee Heroes Luncheon Carlton Oaks Country Golf Course – Crest Room April 2018 2 Morning Buzz Santee Coffee Corner 8 COMPOC Meeting City Hall, Building 2 10 City Council Meeting City Hall 11 Business After 5 Joint Mixer Lantern Crest 14 Spring Eggstravaganza Santee Lakes 17 Sunrise Santee –Government Contracting Santee Chamber 18 SYP Lunch & Learn Off Broadway Live 23 Tips to Grow Your Business Office Depot 24 City Council Meeting City Hall May 2018 7 Morning Buzz Santee Coffee Corner 8 City Council Meeting City Hall 13 COMPOC Meeting City Hall, Building 2 15 Sip with SYP Sycuan Casino 22 City Council Meeting City Hall 25 Santee Street Fair Riverview Parkway Website Resources: Key: COMPOC = Santee Community Oriented Policing Committee
Community Resource Guide
! CUT OUT AND SAVE FOR FUTURE REFERENCE 36 The Santee Magazine Animals (Dead on Public Property) City Public Services 619.258.4100 x304 Animals (Stray) San Diego Humane Society 619.243.3466 Barking Dogs Santee Sheriff’s Dept. 619.956.4000 Bees (Private Property) ........................ Information ......................................... 411 Birth/Marriage/Death Certificates County Recorder’s Office 619.401.5700 Boys & Girls Club ................................. Boys & Girls Club ............................... 619.938.2582 Business Licenses City Finance 619.258.4100 x146 Chamber of Commerce ........................ Chamber of Commerce ...................... 619.449.1515 Child Care Referrals YMCA 800.481.2151 City Council Meetings ........................... City Clerk ............................................ 619.258.4100 x114 Crime Prevention Santee Sheriff’s Dept. 619.956.4000 Disabled Services Independent Services 800.510.2020 Disaster Preparedness Fire Department 619.258.4100 x207 DMV (El Cajon) Dept. of Motor Vehicles 800.777.0133 Dump (Sycamore Landfill) San Diego Landfill Systems 619.449.4053 Elementary Schools Santee School District 619.258.2300 Employment.......................................... City Human Resources ...................... 619.258.4100 x262 Events Info (Recorded Info) City Recreation 619.258.4100 x201 Fire Hydrants ........................................ Padre Dam MWD ............................... 619.448.3111 Food Bank Santee Food Bank 619.448.2096 Garage Sales........................................ City Code Compliance ....................... 619.258.4100 x206 Graffiti City Public Services 619.258.4100 x304 High Schools ........................................ Grossmont Union HSD ....................... 619.644.8000 Household Hazardous Waste Waste Management 619.596.5100 Humane Society General Information 619.299.7012 Humane Society Aimal-Related Emergencies 619.243.3466 Insect, Mosquito & Rat Infestations ...... County Vector Control ........................ 858.694.2888 Library Santee Public Library 619.448.1863 Neighborhood Watch ............................ Santee Sheriff’s Dept. ........................ 619.956.4000 News (City) City Manager’s Office 619.258.4100 x223 Noise Control ........................................ City Code Compliance ....................... 619.258.4100 x206 Ordinances City Clerk 619.258.4100 x114 Park Reservations ................................ City Recreation ................................... 619.258.4100 x222 Potholes City Public Services 619.258.4100 x304 Public Records ..................................... City Clerk ............................................ 619.258.4100 x114 Public Transportation Metropolitan Transit Systems 800.266.6883 Rattlesnakes Heartland Non-emergency Dispatch 619.441.1621 Recreation Programs City Recreation 619.258.4100 x222 Recycling Information City Community Services 619.258.4100 x128 Santee Lakes Recreation Preserve Padre Dam MWD 619.596.3141 Senior Citizen Trips/Socials City Recreation 619.258.4100 x222 Sheriff’s Department (non-emergency) Non-Emergency Dispatch .................. 858.565.5200 Sidewalk Repairs City Public Services 619.258.4100 x304 Storm Water City of Santee 619.258.4100 x167 Street Lights ......................................... City Development Services ................ 619.258.4100 x168 Teen Center City Recreation 619.258.4100 x210 Traffic Accident Information Santee Sheriff’s Dept. 619.956.4000 Traffic Signals City Development Services 619.258.4100 x168 Trash Pickup Waste Management 619.596.5100 Volunteers City Recreation 619.258.4100 x222 Water Service Padre Dam MWD 619.448.3111 YMCA (Cameron Family)...................... Cameron Family YMCA...................... 619.449.9622
Carlton Oaks has been open to the public proudly serving Santee and surrounding communities since 1958.
In addition to our scenic Championship 18-hole golf course and driving range, we offer breakfast, lunch, dinner and awesome Happy Hour specials daily in our Oaks Bar and Grill as featured on East County Eats.
Our popular outside dining patio offers spectacular views of the golf course and we feature live music on Friday evenings during summer
Carlton Oaks is the perfect place to host your wedding or other events We offer indoor and outdoor venues, combined with our 51-room hotel located steps away offering comfortable accommodations for your and your guests
We are conveniently located near Santee Lakes at 9200 Inwood Drive, off Carlton Oaks Drive and just minutes from Santee Town Center Come visit us soon and follow us on social media for regular updates
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- G O L F - B A R & G R I L L - H O T E L- W E D D I N G S - S P E C I A L E V E N T S -
Mission Gorge Road, Suite F