San Diego Family September Back to School Issue 2020

Page 16

Lisa Pawlak

The Extra(curricular) Importance of Enrichment this Fall After months of quarantine, kids are going back to school –– remotely. Although we obviously want to keep our young ones safe, many parents agree that this is a less-than-ideal situation. Some are increasingly concerned their children will fall behind academically; others are worried they’ll no longer have access to essential needs such as meals or special education services; some have noticed signs of anxiety or depression in their kids; and pretty much everyone is wondering about future health consequences of all of this on today’s youth. According to the CDC, “Schools play a critical role in supporting the whole child, not just the academic achievement of students.” So with schools closed, how can parents help children navigate not only academics, but also physical, social and emotional health? Extracurricular activities have always been important, but with COVID-19 continuing to disrupt normal school days, what kids do during afterschool 16 • • September 2020

hours may be more important than ever. Fortunately, extracurricular activities come in many forms and offer some key opportunities at this time. Whichever ones you choose, remind children to help reduce the spread of disease by washing hands frequently, maintaining a six-foot distance from others when possible, and wearing a face covering outside of home. Some of the many benefits of afterschool activities include: Academic enrichment: If you are concerned about your child’s learning, you’re certainly not alone. After all, not every child has the resources or drive to thrive in school remotely. To bridge any learning gaps, extracurricular academic programs can offer fun ways to better grasp educational subjects like math or writing. Or, for advanced kids who don’t feel challenged by virtual classes, enrichment programs may improve overall engagement.

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