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Write 500 words on your blog comparing and contrasting one contemporary and one historical video installation artwork by: CONTEMPORARY Sam Taylor-Wood OR Bill Viola (choose one artist only) with either HISTORICAL David Hall OR Nam June Paik (choose one artist only) You need to cover: • The ‘Style’ of the video installation • The ‘Content’ of the artwork – including whether it has a narrative or a ‘non-narrative’ Make comparison by looking for similarities and differences between the video artworks and also the influences and ideas that the artists may have e.g. Sam Taylor-Wood is influenced by painting whereas Nam June Paik is interested in video as a sculptural form and his art is also in some ways “about” Television as a medium… EMBED THE VIDEOS ON YOUR BLOG TO ILLUSTRATE YOUR WORK – and write the 500 words underneath the videos DUE IN ON THE 23TH SEPTEMBER – next THURSDAY THE FOLLOWING 2 SLIDES BREAK DOWN IN DETAIL HOW YOU NEED TO WRITE THE REPORT

STYLES Is the video installation presented as: - a 'moving photo', or does it have a ‘narrative’ like TV shows / films - a multi channel or single channel installation , - projection, or is it presented on monitors (TV sets), - time lapse/stop motion/speeded up (compressed time), real time, expanded time (slow motion),


-how is sound used in the installation – is there music, dialogue or silence? CONTENT & NARRATIVE Is there a ‘story’? A beginning, middle and ending? What is the content of the artwork? ...actors...animals...objects...? What might the artwork be about? What is the artist trying to get us to think about? What do you think about when you watch it?

PLEASE DON’T WRITE ABOUT THE ARTWORKS WITHOUT WATCHING THE VIDEOS AGAIN – THERE IS NO POINT ANALYSING SOMETHING FROM YOUR MEMORY OF WATCHING IT LAST WEEK – WATCH IT MAKE SOME NOTES AND THEN BEGIN TO TRY AND ANALYSE THEM The videos are all available on the BTEC3 “Video Installation” web page: I have also put individual links to each video – you may find these better links as the video will be full size

Sam Taylor-Wood “Still Life” 2001 Watch it here: Still life

Sam Taylor-Wood “A Little Death” 2002 Watch it here: A little death

Bill Viola “The Quintet of the Astonished” 2000 Watch the video here: quintet of the astonished

Bill Viola “The Crossing” 1996 Watch the video here: the crossing & here: the crossing 2

Nam June Paik “Video Flag” , 1986 Nam June Paik, one of the foremost video artists in the world, was among the very first to use video as an art medium. From the outset Paik regarded video as much a sculptural medium as a programmatic one. It was not just the screen image that interested him but the television set itself—its tubes and electronic innards, its luminous screen surface, its cabinetry—which he took apart, rearranged, and put back together in elaborate multi-set constructions

Watch the video here Video flag

And a news article about it here: Video flag article

This arrangement of eighty-four television sets mimics the format of the American flag. Through electronic programming, the everchanging images flicker in a dazzling array across the zones of stars and stripes. This work is one of an edition of three video “flags” that Paik has created.

David Hall “TAP PIECE” 1971

Ten works commissioned by the Scottish Arts Council were broadcast, unannounced, by Scottish TV in August/September 1971. Later, seven were compiled as TV Interruptions (7 TV Pieces). 'These have come to be regarded as the first example of British artists' television and as an equally formative moment in British video art.’ 'The idea of inserting them as interruptions to regular programmes was crucial and a major influence on their content. That they appeared unannounced, with no titles, was essential.. These transmissions were a surprise, a mystery. No explanations, no excuses. Reactions were various. I viewed one piece in an old gents' club. The TV was permanently on but the occupants were oblivious to it, reading newspapers or dozing. When the TV began to fill with water newspapers dropped, the dozing stopped. When the piece finished normal activity was resumed. When announcing to shop assistants and engineers in a local TV shop that another was about to appear they welcomed me in. When it finished I was obliged to leave by the back door. I took these as positive reactions.

Watch it:

Another “TV interruption”:

Tap piece

TV on fire

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