The health benefits of green tea for women

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The Health Benefits Of Green Tea For Women The trend has changed from drinking coffee to that of drinking tea, as drinking tea especially green tea can help women to have a long life that is healthy. Tea is of 5 different kinds; they are green tea, oolong tea, black tea, white tea and Pu Erh tea. It is significant to note that all the teas come from the same plant or tea buds; however they are given different names after they undergo a variety of fermentation processes. Women have been advised to drink green tea daily; there are many health benefits accruing from its consumption. It is first significant to note that those women that drank green tea were protected from cancer; cancer especially of the breast. It is also to be noted that those women that drank 4 or more cups of green tea in a day were 80% less likely to get cancer; this is a phenomenal figure. It is still more important to note that this phenomenal figure of prevention of cancer with drinking of green tea is not due to the powerful anti-oxidants in it alone; it suggested that it is also due to certain chemicals in the green tea leaves that have the potential to kill the enzymes that are associated with production of cancer cells. Yes, it is right to say that women should drink a cup of green tea daily; drinking of green tea daily helps to protect the skin. It has been observed that the drinking of green tea or placing of green tea bags on the skin helped to protect the skin from the harsh ultraviolet rays of the sun. In addition it is also noted that the extract epigallocatechin gallate found in green tea helped to prevent skin cancer. One more significant observation showed that human skin tumors were successfully treated with green tea;

application of the extract of green tea on them made these tumors shrink and disappear over a period of time. The question why women should drink a cup of green tea on a regular basis is well answered by the fact that this helped to reduce weight gradually but surely. Drinking green tea benefits the body with the oxidation of fats at a faster rate that helped to raise the metabolism of the body and as the body burns fat fast it also helps one to lose weight. Many women have been able to lose weight in this way without the need of starving the body of food or sticking to rigid dietary regimens. One more of the important points that helps women to lose weight by drinking green tea is the presence of epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG that is found in abundance in green tea; this helps in depressing the lepton in the body. Any woman cannot lose weight overnight; nonetheless it is better than sticking to highly caffeinated drinks like coffee and energy drinks to compensate for starving oneself. One more significant aspect in which green tea helps to lose weight is that it suppresses the appetite. Last, but most important green tea is a much better option for health than other aerated drinks available in the market; green tea also helps as it helps to prevent complications in the human body during childbirth. To read detail about Green Tea, visit Company Name: Ayush Remedies Company Info: Ayush Remedies is a dynamic company devoted to spread Ayurveda, the holistic life science worldwide. The company focuses on promoting good health through the goodness of nature. The company has played a pioneering role in re-establishing the ancient knowledge by making people aware of the wonders of Ayurveda, the ancient Indian health care system and the magical properties of herbs. Company Website: ###

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