Herbal Treatment - Honest And Unbiased Review Of Glisten Plus Capsules

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Herbal Treatment - Honest And Unbiased Review Of Glisten Plus Capsules Modern science says pimples and acne are caused by increased activity of sebaceous glands triggered by hormonal changes during puberty. Clogging of skin pores results in bacterial infections causing inflammation and pustules, blackheads and whiteheads. Allopathic remedies are erythromycin, benzoic acid, retinol and other medications applied topically as well as precautions such as steaming and cleaning the skin to prevent clogging. Ayurveda views acne and pimples from a different perspective, considering it as imbalance and vitiated doshas. Ayurved goes to the root with herbal treatment and removes cause from the root thus preventing formation of pimples and acne. Herbs such as Kshreerika, Chalmeri, Murva, Manjishtha, Kasumba, Guduchi, Pitpapda, Amla, Chobchini, Amarbel, Anantamul and Karanj are prescribed in such conditions. Glisten Plus capsules contain all these vital ayurvedic herbs for pimples and claim to make pimples and acne vanish as well as prevent their recurrence. This is to be expected given that: 1. Manjishta is a detoxifier, blood purifier and has antibacterial properties. It contains munjistin, peudopurpurin and purpurin as the active ingredients; 2. Guduchi contains tinosporide, clerodane diterpene, ecdysterone, and diterpenes said to improve liver functions, balance all doshas and heal ulcers quickly;

3. Anantamul contains coumarinolignoids hemidesmin and hedismine that improve functions of the kidney resulting in efficient removal of wastes and toxins. It is also antibacterial and helpful in all skin diseases. 4. Karanja, containing karanjin, is an excellent antimicrobial for topical use; 5. Amla is tonic, rejuvenator, purifier, antioxidant, detoxifier and liver improver; 6. Amarbel is liver tonic, stomachic, anti-ageing, blood purifier and antiscorbutic. It contains glycoside quercetin, hydroxycin tannic acid and kaempferol; 7. Chobchini is blood purifier; 8. Kshreerika (bamboo) is blood purifier and detoxifier. Manufacturers can make tall claims but the only way to convince anyone is to take a practical trial. A group of teenage students were chosen for trials and to get an unbiased honest review of Glisten Plus. They had acne and pimples in varying degrees of severity. Each received Glisten Plus capsules sufficient to last for three months with the advice to take two pills twice a day. Additional advice and guidance as regards health, lifestyle, diet and hygiene were given to each and they were asked to report after a month. In all cases but two out of the ten chosen, there was a marked improvement. The swellings and inflammation had subsided. No new pimples, whiteheads or blackheads put in an appearance. Each also stated that he felt better, was mentally more acute and had lots of energy. The two had severe case and showed marginal improvements and were advised to use Glisten Plus for 3 to 4 more months. Four adults with chronic case of acne and pimples were chosen. They had tried steroids and creams to little effect. They were put on Glisten Plus with advice on diet, exercise, hygiene and exercise. All four of them showed clearer complexions after two months. The manufacturer claims that Glisten Plus contains only the best herbs and in the right amount to give maximum benefits and show positive results.

Practical trials proved them right. Only those with major endocrine dysfunction or other underlying medical conditions showed little improvements in the short term. To sum it up, Glisten does work in removing acne and pimples. To read detail about Glisten Plus Capsules, visit http://www.dharmanis.com/herbal-acne-treatment.htm Company Name: Ayush Remedies Company Info: Ayush Remedies is a dynamic company devoted to spread Ayurveda, the holistic life science worldwide. The company focuses on promoting good health through the goodness of nature. The company has played a pioneering role in re-establishing the ancient knowledge by making people aware of the wonders of Ayurveda, the ancient Indian health care system and the magical properties of herbs. Company Website: http://www.ayushremedies.com ###

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