More Healthier To Drink - Green Tea Or Black Tea

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More Healthier To Drink - Green Tea Or Black Tea Many have been drinking tea; tea of various kinds with each swearing they are drinking a better quality of tea. Talking of 2 main qualities of tea, namely black tea and green tea and which is better than the other it is good to note that there is actually not much difference; the difference lies in the way the tea leaf is processed through. Both come from the same tea bush. Yes the difference and the merits of one form of tea over the other lies in the way it is processed. The leaves for green tea are first plucked and partially withered. It is then heated immediately to about 200 degrees Celsius to prevent its fermentation. Then the tea is rolled into shape and then heated again. Quite to the contrary, black tea is first withered, and then rolled before being heated. The tea is then left for some time to ferment and then heated again; it is the fermentation that gives black tea a black or brown color with a distinctive flavor. Some assume that green tea is better than black tea; however they do not want to miss on the distinct flavors of black tea with a hint of chocolate or the sweet fragrance of orchids. Black tea has equal health benefits like green tea; it is the fermentation process that causes the main difference in the 2 teas. Both black tea as well as green tea contains high level of antioxidant polyphenols; catechins, flavonols, theaflavins and thearubigins; however one particular type of catechin namely, epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG is found in abundance in green tea and it has various health benefits.

However this is to not say that black tea lags behind green tea in its health benefits. Though the fermentation process used to make black tea converts EGCG into other compounds, with recent research showing that black tea contains 2 compounds namely theaflavins and thearubigens that contribute not only to its dark color and distinctive flavor, but also gives most of the benefits of green tea Yes it is true to say that green tea has been found to have the highest content of polyphenols; this compound is said to have higher antioxidant properties than even Vitamin C. It is this antioxidant that gives green tea its bitter taste. The young leaves of green tea have 40% polyphenols as compared to black tea that has only 10%. It is still more significant to note that green tea has far less caffeine content than black tea; green tea has only 1/3 the caffeine of black tea has. Caffeine is harmful for health; however green tea provides the same level of attention and excitement as black tea, but without the ups and down that are associated with other caffeine drinks. It is also significant to note it is best to drink it without milk as it would inhibit the positive effects that this tea possesses. Black tea or green tea; both have their own health benefits and it is best to drink both in moderation. To read detail about Green Tea Or Black Tea, visit Company Name: Ayush Remedies Company Info: Ayush Remedies is a dynamic company devoted to spread Ayurveda, the holistic life science worldwide. The company focuses on promoting good health through the goodness of nature. The company has played a pioneering role in re-establishing the ancient knowledge by making people aware of the wonders of Ayurveda, the ancient Indian health care system and the magical properties of herbs. Company Website:

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