Kids Alive! 18 May 2023

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18 May 2024 Kids Alive! – formerly The Young Soldier – Issue No 7411 The world's longest-running publication for children! Kids Alive! is available online – go to 50P/60c in cinemas now © 2024 PARAMOUNT PICTURES this week... The Good Samaritan

our comic? Check out Morning Praise with Kids Alive! on Salvationist Radio every Saturday and Monday at 7.30–8am and every Sunday at 9–9.30am

EDITOR Cara Mott

just £4.33 a month (or a one-off payment of £52). This subscription offer applies in the UK and Republic of Ireland, with 51 copies delivered over 12 months. Please note that different prices apply to Europe and international orders.






Phone Offce – 020 7367 4910

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Post 1 Champion Park, London SE5 8FJ

FOUNDERS William and Catherine Booth

GENERAL Lyndon Buckingham

TERRITORIAL LEADERS Commissioners Jenine and Paul Main

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Major Julian Watchorn

Published weekly by The Salvation Army United Kingdom and Ireland Territory. The Salvation Army is a Christian church and registered charity. The charity number in England, Wales and Northern Ireland is 214779, in Scotland SC009359 and in the Republic of Ireland CHY6399. ISSN 1363-5662.

18 May 2024 formerly The Young Soldier The world's longest-running publication for children! Kids Alive! is available online – go to 50P/60c in cinemas now WIN! 2024 PARAMOUNT PICTURES this week... The Good Samaritan What’s Inside? KA! JAM WHAT ARE THE ODDS? PICK OUT PATCH: Page 13. GIGGLE IN THE MIDDLE BIG :MYSTERY Teddy bear. SUDOKU SUPER !:SUM 2 x 5 + 30 ÷ 10 – 2 = 2. CROSSWORD ACROSS: 1 Bag. 3 Coat. 6 Talon. 7 Ear. 8 Ruby. 10 Etna. 12 Our. 13 Wrong. 15 Ship. 16 Toe. DOWN: 1 Bathroom. 2 Gel. 3 Cone. 4 Agent. 5 Triangle. 9 Birch. 11 Swap. 14 Out. Turn this page upside down to read the answers Puzzle
Go to to get your morning started with half an hour of music, prayer, a thought and lots of giggles Available online! 2 Hey there, readers! We hope you’ve enjoyed reading this issue of Kids Alive! If you would like to get your own copy of Kids Alive! delivered to your home every week, why not ask your parents or carers to take out a subscription* for you? Every week, Kids Alive! includes a cartoon Bible story, a competition, puzzles, jokes, comic strips and topical activities and articles for you to enjoy. Ask
445445 (option 1, option 1) or email to set up a subscription. Subscribe* to for £4.33 a month *A subscription costs
3 IF
Bit 4–5 KA! JAM 6 Bumper Bible Breakdown 7 Kiddo 8–9 Giggle in the Middle 10 ChillFactor Slushy Maker Competition 11 Creative Corner 12–13 KA! JAM Extra 14–15 Your Space 16 Patch’s Pals Percy the Penguin Love
your parents or carers to go to
call 01933
and Ed’s


in cinemas now

ea is a 12-year-old girl who’s staying with her grandma in New York City. She’s not there for fun, though. Her dad is in hospital and needs surgery to fx his heart.

When Bea sees a man and a mysterious creature running out the front door of her grandma’s building she decides to follow. After the man climbs through the window of someone else’s home and comes out with a big, fuffy, purple pal she can’t believe her eyes! She even faints in the street!

This is the beginning of Bea’s magical adventure with the IFs – imaginary friends! There’s Blue, a big, fuffy, purple monster (his kid was colour-blind!) and Blossom, a beautiful tutu-wearing butterfy who loves making tea. Plus many more adorable friends living in the IF retirement home! The IFs are being helped by Cal, who’s trying to fx them up with new children to love because the kids who created them have grown up.

Bea wants to help too, but she’s got a plan that’s even better.

The IFs don’t need new kids, they need to be reconnected to the grown-ups who’ve forgotten them!

Have you got an imaginary friend? When I was little I had an imaginary friend who I used to play in the garden with. My mum would watch me from the kitchen window as I happily chatted away and played with my little pal – kids’ imaginations are fantastic!

In the flm IF plenty of grown-ups have forgotten the imaginary friends they created as children. They don’t even know that sometimes they’re sitting beside them, wishing they could be seen. The IFs want to help their pals, but can’t do anything if their friends can’t remember them.

Having Jesus as your friend can sometimes feel a little bit like having an IF. He can’t be seen after all. However, even though you can’t see Jesus, he’s defnitely there! Every day, in every situation, he’s by your side ready to help you with whatever you need. You just need to remember him.

3 See IF in cinemas

Supernatural Life Lessons

Check out your Bible –Luke 10:25–37

Steve English
4 Kids Alive! follows the Salvation Army Children and Youth’s Explore It! resource –go to
The Good Samaritan

Show the Love

Who are your favourite people in the world? Maybe you have a best friend. Or perhaps it’s your family. Or maybe it’s the people you see at church.

When we see or hear that Jesus says we should be kind and loving, it’s easy to think of doing that for our favourite people frst. We can be loving to our family by helping around our home. We can be kind to our friends by sharing our sweets. We can love people at church and invite them to our birthday parties.

Maybe that’s who the teacher of the law in this week’s Bible cartoon thought his neighbour was–one of his favourite people. It’s easy to be nice to our favourite people, but Jesus said Christians should do something more. It was the Samaritan–someone the teacher of the law disliked and would never have spent time with – who was the man’s neighbour in Jesus’ story.

Read the comment to the right about not just loving our friends

Jesus says we can’t just love our favourite people – we have to love the people who aren’t our favourites too. To do this, maybe you could sit with the people at school who other people ignore. You could say hello to the children that you don’t normally talk to. You could even be kind to bullies – sometimes it’s the people who are mean to others that most need someone to be kind to them. That might sound really hard, but remember God will help you!

Apart from your favourites, who does Jesus want you to love? What kind thing could you do for them this week?

What Are the Odds?

Colour in all the boxes with odd numbers (1, 3, 5, 7 and 9) to find out who Jesus wants us to love

1 5 3 2 7 8 3 8 1 9 3 6 7 1 5 2 3 8 1 8 2 1 8 6 9 4 2 1 8 3 9 1 3 8 4 6 1 2 5 4 7 2 4 8 3 6 9 6 5 4 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 6 5 2 9 6 2 7 1 9 4 5 4 9 6 3 1 9 4 9 5 6 2 4 1 4 8 1 6 7 4 3 8 3 7 6 1 5 3 5 6 2 8 3 8 1 2 5 8 4 2 1 2 1 6 8 9 2 6 3 2 5 8 7 2 4 1 4 5 4 8 1 3 9 8 2 1 4 6 3 1 9 6 9 8 3 8 4 3 8 6 4 9 8 4 5 8 6 9 8 3 1 7
on Page 2

Bumper Bible Breakdown

Did you know the Bible isn’t one big book? It’s actually 66 books put together to tell one big story of God’s great love. Join us as we look at each Bible book and discover why God made the world, what went wrong and how in the end God saved the world through his son, Jesus.

Moses’ Farewell Speech

The Israelites’ 40-year journey in the wilderness was nearly over and it was time for Moses to say goodbye. Moses wasn’t allowed into the Promised Land, because when the people had grumbled he’d lost his temper and dishonoured God. So, to prepare the Israelites for their new life in Canaan, Moses reminded them of their history so far. Starting with how God had rescued their parents from Egypt, Moses retold the Israelites all the ways in which God had been good to them. Moses encouraged the Israelites to remember God’s laws, to trust and obey them and to teach them to their children. If they did, God promised he would bless them, but if they didn’t, they would have to face the consequences.

Shortly after, Moses died and Joshua became Israel’s new leader.




KA! JAM is the coolest Bible activity club around. As a member you’ll go on amazing adventures through the Bible learning about Jesus. Each activity sheet is filled with lots of great stuff about being a Christian. You’ll also receive our mini-mag, Chatterbox, which is filled with jokes, games and much more. And to top it off, there are loads of awesome prizes to be won! To join KA! JAM and complete the Bible activity courses online, go to

Or if you would like to receive the postal version, simply fill in the coupon below.

To join KA! JAM just fll in the application form and send it – along with two frst-class stamps – to: KA! JAM, 1 Champion Park, London SE5 8FJ. Applicants must be between 7 and 17 years old to join.

Date of birth:

Boy or girl:

I, (signature)


Do you attend a church, and if so, which one?

apply for membership of Kids Alive! Jesus And Me. I understand that joining KA! JAM doesn’t mean I have joined The Salvation Army and that it is not a free subscription to Kids Alive!


Bum p er Bible B r e a muBnwodk p re elbiB B r e a kdown Deuteronomy

To see your name and birthday printed in a future issue of KA! email your full name, address and date of birth to Remember to type ‘Happy Birthday to You!’ in the email’s subject box.

18 May

Joshua Toms – age 15

21 May

19 May

Ella Parry – age 7

Neriah Young – age 11

22 May

Isaac Kibrom – age 12

Amelia-Rose Drake – age 9

Pick Out Patch

i AM JUST ABOUT TO GO AND SEE if at the cinema with my friends. I am so excited! See if you can spot this version of me on another PAGE IN THIS WEEK’S ISSUE.

Optical illusions use colour, light or patterns to confuse our brains – that means the illusions look different to what is actually there.

Is the length of the yellow table the same as the width of the orange table?

Believe it or not, it is! It’s an illusion created by the fact you know the yellow table would be longer in real life.

Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday t to You!


Identify the mystery item in the magnifying glass


What do you call a singing monster with a lot of fans?

A mon-star!

Why did the monster’s nan knit him three socks?

She heard he grew another foot!

Ho ho, ha ha, he he!

What do you get if you cross a dog with a calculator?

A best friend you can really count on!

How did the parents cure their child’s invisible friend? They took it to the ICU!

Complete the grid so that every column, row and colour-grouped box contain the numbers 1–6

He he, he he! ÷- ÷ X ÷ + + X ÷ ÷ + - SUPER SUM! X

Did you hear about the monster who ate too many houses? It got homesick!

Hehe,hehe! 2

There’s nothing better than a friend... ...unless, of course, it’s a friend with chocolate!


Replace the question marks with an add, subtract, divide or multiply symbol to complete the sum + 2 ? 5 ? 30 ÷ ? 10 ? = 2





ha! Hoho,haha,hehe!

Ha ha, ha ha, ha ha!


What do you call a boat full of friends?

A friendship!

Ho ho, ho ho! He he, he he!

Page 2


Ho ho, ha ha, he he!

1 Container for shopping. 3 Outer garment.

6 Bird’s claw. 7 Organ of hearing. 8 Red gemstone. 10 Sicilian volcano: Mount _ _ _ _.

12 Opening words of the Lord’s Prayer: _ _ _ Father. 13 Incorrect. 15 Large boat. 16 Foot digit.

What did the big flower say to the little flower?

‘Hi, bud!’

What games do little monsters like to play? Hide and shriek!


1 Part of the house where you go for a wash.

2 Hair-fixing product. 3 Ice cream cornet.

4 Spy: secret _ _ _ _ _. 5 Three-sided shape. 9 Type of tree. 11 Exchange. 14 Not in.


Find the characters from ‘IF’ in the grid

bea cal benjamin janet jeremy blossom

guardian dog cosmo art teacher bubble

blue lewis unicorn sunny ally robot octopuss ghost ice gummy bear slime

Why can’t you be best friends with a squirrel? They drive everyone nuts! Haha,haha, ha ha!

Crossword Clues
9 X A Q Y T W F Y L L A J J E R E M Y C e A x G Z Z B S S U P O T C O H A B L o S S O M Q D I o R E N R W N T V N J m S T N R O T E N a J S C T T J O B L H I G O F S D E A C O N D K C M L Y E A M I T R L E W I S N U C I N A Q S V M T Z N L H N U R Y Z E L B B U B E G U M M Y B E A R S Q R C Answers
Crossword Clues


There are some things you can’t have at home. You can’t have a zoo in your garden, keep a real space rocket in your bedroom or hide a great white shark in your bathtub! However, there’s one fun thing you can now have in your house –your very own slushy maker!

In the past, you might have had to walk to the nearest ice cream van to get a slushy. Now, with the ChillFactor Slushy Maker, you can make delicious slushies at home! All you have to do is put your slushy maker into the freezer and wait for it to freeze. Once it’s frozen, you just need to add your favourite drink and squeeze! In only a few seconds, you’ll see a tasty slushy appear right before your eyes. Simply freeze, squeeze and enjoy. You don’t even need to add ice!

For your opportunity to win a ChillFactor Slushy Maker, answer the question below and email your full name, age, address and answer to Remember to put ‘ChillFactor Slushy Maker Competition’ in the subject box. Your entry needs to reach us by Friday 14 June when the winners will be chosen. You can also enter by flling in the details on the coupon below and posting it to: ChillFactor Slushy Maker Competition, Kids Alive! 1 Champion Park, London SE5 8FJ.



What do you need to add to a ChillFactor Slushy Maker to make a slushy?

Snow Ice Drink

Postcode: Age: Remember, the best way to enter is to email your entry to


A purple monster called Blue, a beautiful butterfy called Blossom and melting Marshmallow! Those are a few of the imaginary friends in IF, a new flm in cinemas now. To celebrate IF’s release, we’re challenging you to design your own imaginary friend. The winner of this competition will win an IF goody bag, full of absolutely real and defnitely not imaginary prizes, such as stickers, a beading kit and a drawing tablet!

For your opportunity to win an IF goody bag, email your design to Make sure you write ‘Design An Imaginary Friend’ in the subject box and give us your full name, age and address. Alternatively you can post your design to: Your Space, Kids Alive! 1 Champion Park, London SE5 8FJ. One last reminder, if you’re sending by post remember to fll in the details below so we know who you are.

Name: Age:



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Read the comment to the right about knowing that God is guiding you

I’m Always Getting Lost!

Ihave a terrible sense of direction. Every time I drive anywhere, I use my phone to tell me where to go. My worst nightmare isn’t discovering a monster under my bed or fnding a scorpion in my shoe. It’s having my phone run out of battery whilst I’m driving and then getting lost in the middle of nowhere!

The disciples probably felt a bit lost before the day of Pentecost. Jesus had been their guide for how they should live and now their guide was no longer with them. They probably had no idea what they should do next except wait for the promised Holy Spirit to come.

It’s amazing how quickly the disciples’ story changed. In just a few seconds, the disciples went from feeling lost to being flled with the Holy Spirit! Now God lived within them! They had a guide who could help them to live more like Jesus and to share the good news of Jesus with others.

The Holy Spirit wasn’t a one-time gift that God gave to the disciples. It’s something that God gives to every Christian and it’s something that God wants to give to you too! Having the Holy Spirit within you means that you can be sure that God is guiding you and helping you to become more like Jesus.

Having the Holy Spirit also means that you can know that God’s not going to stop helping you! God’s not like my phone when I’m driving, because he never runs out of charge! So trust that God will be with you, no matter what life throws your way.

says Jacob Adams

Flaming Heads

Here’s a design of the disciples just after they were filled with the Holy Spirit at Pentecost – but this picture is missing the fire that we read about in Acts 2:3! Add some flames to these heads!


Check out your Bible –Acts 2:1-17

Guided by the Holy Spirit



Age? 9.

Favourite colour? Deep blue.

Favourite food? Spaghetti and meatballs.

Favourite sport? Football.

Favourite bit of Kids Alive!? Patch’s Pals.

Favourite Bible story and why? Jesus feeding the 5,000, because he fed 5,000 people when there were only five loaves of bread and two fish!

Favourite TV programme? Gladiators.

What do you want to be when you’re older? A pilot and an astronaut and an author too! Pets? Two guinea pigs. Hobbies? Art and reading.

Tell us a joke. What did the cat say when it stubbed its toe? ‘ME-OWW!’ What special skill or talent do you have? Drawing and singing. Tell us something interesting about yourself. I got my ears pierced when I was two.

Is there anything else you would like to tell us? My favourite authors are Michael Morpurgo and Holly Webb.

If you’d like to star in our reader profle section we’d love to hear from you! Get a grown-up to send us an email using the address in the pink box below. Then we’ll send you the forms to complete.

G e t I n

T o u c h !

The Kids Alive! team loves to hear from its readers. And guess what –other readers love reading your news! So why not get in touch? You can email or post your own colourings, drawings and letters. Or you could ask your Sunday school, church or corps leaders to email us or write to us with any news about the fun stuff you’ve been doing at your church or corps.


Post: Kids Alive! 1 Champion Park, London SE5 8FJ

Age Name C ps Church Fa our te food Fa ouri e port Favo r te c lour Favo r te TV programme Favou i e b t f K DS ALIVE! Favo rite B b e sto y Why Hobbi s Pets What do you want to be wh n you e olde Te l us oke Wha special ski /tale do you have? Te us something interesting about yo rse f? Is there anyth ng lse yo would ke to e us? Date of Birth

Cool Colou ri ngs

Zara, age 7, has sent in this wonderful Happy Easter Colouring. We love how colourful all the letters are and the daisies look really beautiful too!

Check out this pitch-perfect Football Colouring from Alyssia, age 8! It’s strikingly good, Alyssia!

There are rainbows all over the place in this amazing Springtime Colouring from Ann, age 7! Even the fowers look like rainbows! Brilliant work, Ann!

Disney Comes to Southport

Everyone had a brilliant time at Southport Salvation Army when more than 250 people came to listen to the Kids Choir and Brass Roots learner group. These groups were joined by the choirs from St Philip’s and Linaker primary schools for an evening of Disney classics! The choirs featured music from The Lion King, Tangled, Aladdin, Toy Story, Hercules and Coco. The ten-piece Brass Roots learner group, helped by Southport Salvation Army Band, also played songs from Frozen. Andrew Wileman, who hosted the evening, even showed off his fre-eating skills! Everyone joined in to sing ‘Jerusalem’ and ‘Land of Hope and Glory’ at the end of a really special evening.

THE SALVATION ARMY – A CHRISTIAN CHURCH AND REGISTERED CHARITY Please Recycle Me! Published by The Salvation Army. © The Salvation Army United Kingdom and Ireland Territory, 2024. Printed by CKN Print, Northampton. LOCAL INFO LOCAL INFO LOCAL INFO I love summer, Patch. Brr! It feels as cold as ever Around here. The sun may be shining but it’s still freezing. What on earth do you DO to make it feel like summer? That’s easy, Patch… ...Ta-da! Summer has arrived!
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