Salon Education Journal | May - Jul 2024

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Bragging Rights: Why Awards are Worth More Than Just a Trophy I’ve met many business owners who feel more than a little bit ‘ick about entering business awards. Whether it’s imposter syndrome, fear of failure, fear of success, bias concerns, or just the process of self-nominating or selfcelebrating.

be proud to say you’re their workplace. A night at the awards is a massive morale booster too for the team.


Who really benefits?



You: it’s not bragging if it’s based on facts! Selfcelebrating is a great reflection tool to see how far you’ve come or what you’ve achieved. We all need to pause on the climb of growing a business and enjoy the view. Receiving an award does wonders for self-belief. Your team: it’s a great tool to attract the best applicants for vacancies, but also a stake in the ground to show your team that you’re a fab employer, business or local asset. Give them a reason to


Your clients: Clients LOVE to tell their friends that their salon/ stylist/therapist won an award, it gives them kudos and makes them proud to be part of the clientele. It can also attract new clients who are searching the market- people who only want the best. The associated press is great for local awareness. Your suppliers: Suppliers are business owners too, and they want to be working with the best in the industry. Winning National and Industry awards gave me a wonderful platform with suppliers to work as a flagship salon, they asked to train from our premises and for me to speak at their conferences. It’s such a great platform for opportunity (and even a 6

cheeky negotiation tool when everyone wants to be associated with you.)



Your business networks: ‘Your vibe attracts your tribe’ as they say, and being an award winner can help you enter new circles and networks, great for new clients, new recruits and also new eyeballs for extra visibility and possible bookings. If you’re planning on exiting, it can also boost your sales value! Your local and sector press: Throw them a bone; local press love a good news story, they want to cover your success. Sector press (specific to your industry) will be proud to cover your win but also subsequent press releases as you become known to them, it’s a great visibility tool with instant credibility attached.

“Opportunities don’t just happen, you create them.” Chris Grosser

But also - and three cheers for the candour - the awards company who run the darn event benefit. It’s a business too so by entering you are supporting them. So yes Karen, it does cost to enter, and surprise surprise you do have to pay for the ticket, the meal, the drinks, the transport, the frock, the marketing of the awards, the team behind the event, the certificates and trophies and the admin of the judges and judging process who are also needed to pull of the giant event and get hundreds of people in a room! Oh and if you are shortlisted as a finalist and you don’t attend to collect the trophy of course it’s a problem, imagine an awards ceremony where no winners were in attendance to go up on stage, it would be utter pony. There, I said it; Zero regrets. Now, for balance *pushes glasses down to the tip of her nose*, in recent years there has been an influx of new, and frankly some pointless, awards.

Popularity contests and categories judged from the words on the entry form without any research done to qualify claims or content. Entries that are not anonymised to be judged fairly, those with so many categories you are bound to win something because they’ll never fill them all with quality applications. Not all awards are created equal. Do your due diligence on the company behind them, the judges involved (ideally rotating some of them, even just for a category - so it’s not always the same people judging the same entrants) and set your expectations of the event and the post event opportunities. Ask yourself; what is important for you to get out of it? I once worked my butt off for an award that didn’t provide a trophy, I was devastated :0) I love a trophy shelf. Lesson learned for me. But also take a look at the past winners. It’s sadly true that some awards seem rigged, wins paid for via 7

partnerships and strategic alliance relationships. How do you feel about the organiser and the process? Ask lots of questions before committing time and money. Know where to draw the line. Some awards are prohibitively expensive. There’s little point entering if you simply cannot afford the inflated location and venue costs, travel and expenses of the final. Decide in advance of entering, so as not to waste anyone’s time. Can’t afford multiple tickets? Reach out to other finalists and see if anyone else is going solo? So, no need to pay for a plus one if you can pair up. That said, there’s nothing quite like the roar of a team table when your name is called. But needs must!

“The reward for work well done, is the opportunity to do more.” Jonas Salk

How many awards is too many? A very successful multi award winning woman once asked me this; fearful her audience was getting a bit fed up with her constant success (!?!?) The truth is, the only one counting is you. It’s likely they are genuinely delighted for you. Time after time.

In my opinion, some of the awards you should really consider entering.. Industry Awards:

Doing it to make the business busier? Choose a local awards that has great coverage on local radio and press. Or create a press release for every stage of the judging process and take your own responsibility for the publicity. Finals are a content creators dream! Have a celebration party for the team and VIP guests and stakeholders. Congratulate a team member for their win/ shortlist and use it as an excuse to reconnect with lapsed clients or run an offer for an upcoming quiet week or boost retail sales. Awards are content gold. Milk it. And don’t forget the throwbacks and anniversaries!

Professional Beauty PB Awards

Creative Head: Most Wanted

HJs British Hairdressing Awards

Scratch Stars Awards

Modern Barber Awards

World Lash University Awards

Business Awards: •

Great British Entrepreneur Awards (GBEA)

SME Awards (Regional & National)

FSB Awards

The Small Awards

Starting from a salon professional background Debbie Lewis has worked for over 30 years in the industry she has covered business ownership and coaching. She has grown an enterprise mind and built businesses with teams between 3 and 47. She now works with Nat West as part of their Enterprise Team supporting Small & Medium Enterprises.





Choosing Your Career Pathway It comes to the time in your life when you are about to choose or change your career pathway. Choosing a career pathway is a significant decision that can shape various aspects of your life. You need to choose a pathway that must aid crucial long-term success and personal happiness. My career pathway was led by my love for people, enjoying the way they felt after treatment from me, full of hope and happiness, and also in education as I am passionate about you selecting the

best education pathway which works for you. Choosing the correct pathway provides a roadmap for you to set goals, acquire necessary skills, and make informed decisions about your professional development. A well-defined career pathway helps you stay focused, motivated, and committed to achieving your career objectives. I have a saying that “If I did not need money to live I would do it for nothing”. I wake up every day and love my working days, not saying it has not been hard and exhausting at times but for me work every second of my career life is exciting. This is why I believe you should be very clear about your career pathway.

Benefits of a Clear Career Pathway Choosing a clear career pathway is an important decision that requires careful consideration. Investing time and effort into defining and pursuing your career pathway is essential for individuals who aspire to thrive in their chosen profession. By setting clear goals, acquiring relevant skills, and staying adaptable to changes in the job market, you can position yourself to have an excellent career. Please avoid the mistake of following someone else's dream instead of your own. It is important to pursue a career that aligns with your passions and aspirations, rather than succumbing to external pressure or expectations. Choosing a career path that resonates with your personal goals will lead to a more fulfilling professional life. Moving to a new career pathway If you are thinking of choosing a new career pathway, don’t be put off by age or lack of experience in the area you have selected, please do remember your


“Investing time and effort into defining and pursuing your career pathway is essential for individuals who aspire to thrive in their chosen profession.” past career and life experiences can be invaluable to your future career. You would be surprised how many of your skills and knowledge are transferable over to your new career. Highlight these skills in your resume and during interviews to demonstrate your suitability for the new role. Develop a plan to mitigate risk factors such as salary potential, benefits, and any financial adjustments you may need to make during the transition period to manage any uncertainties. Remember that career transitions require patience, resilience, and adaptability, so be prepared to navigate challenges and embrace new opportunities along the way. The Next Step in Choosing a Career Pathway Firstly, consider the future outlook and growth potential of the career pathway to ensure longterm viability, assess your skills strengths and natural abilities, interests and passions. Look for options that leverage your strengths as this enables you to identify and allow you to excel in your longterm goals, growth and advancement and how a particular career choice can help you achieve within

your chosen field. Imagine yourself in various career scenarios and consider which one would bring you the most satisfaction and fulfilment. Think about the day-to-day responsibilities, challenges, and rewards associated with each option. Understand job prospects, salary expectations, and required qualifications. By understanding the progression of roles and responsibilities, you can strategically plan your career direction and take proactive steps to enhance your skills and qualifications which meet the criteria for your career pathway. Determine if you need to acquire new skills or undergo additional training to succeed in your desired career. Explore options such as certifications, workshops, online courses, or formal education programs. Are you willing to invest the time and resources required for obtaining the necessary qualifications? It is important to consider the work-life balance associated with different career paths. Certain careers may offer flexible schedules or remote work options, allowing for a better integration of personal and professional life, some may demand a 11

geographical move, a long commute time, long hours, working weekends, or demanding careers with frequent travel can impact relationships and overall well-being. It's important to weigh these factors into how your chosen career will align with your lifestyle and priorities to ensure compatibility. When you are selecting a career pathway, it's important to weigh the advantages and disadvantages. One key benefit is pursuing a job you are passionate about, leading to increased job satisfaction and motivation. Additionally, choosing a career with growth opportunities can result in long-term success and financial stability. On the other hand, some downsides include the potential for job instability in rapidly changing industries and the risk of burnout from high-pressure roles. Seek guidance from professionals in your industry or career colleagues to gain insights and advice, try following them on social media especially LinkedIn and reaching out via a message. Consider the importance of networking and building connections within your chosen industry. You could attend the

benefits, while others may have lower income levels or limited room for advancement. Understanding the financial implications of a career choice is important for longterm financial planning and achieving your personal goals. Weighing these pros and cons can help you make informed decisions when selecting a career pathway. Last words largest exhibition in the industry networking with industry professionals already established in the industry can open doors to new opportunities, mentorship, and valuable insights into your chosen career pathway. Also, consider gaining relevant experience through volunteering or shadowing a colleague to test your interest and passion for a particular career pathway.

on, however some, I had not even thought of. Completing this exercise gave me food for thought as I did not think I had the skills for the job, but the main recommendations hit the nail on the head of the best jobs for me. Not saying it guarantees anything, however, if you don’t try you may wonder, ‘What if?’ and may miss out on an amazing career pathway for you.

I would advise you to consider taking the Skills Assessment by the National Careers, which can aid you in identifying your skills finding out what you can do with the skills you have finding careers that might be of interest to you and if you find a career you can use this website to also gain detailed information on the career pathway you have chosen to follow to be successful in your career choice.


I personally have tried the skills assessment and some jobs I’m not too sure

When choosing your career pathway, it is important to avoid making decisions based solely on financial gain although earning potential in various industries should not be overlooked. While salary is an important factor, it should not be the only consideration. It is essential to also take into account your interests, skills, and values to ensure long-term job satisfaction.

Don't overlook the importance of ongoing learning and growth, investing in your professional development can enhance your career prospects and open up new opportunities for advancement. It is essential to continuously develop your skills and stay updated with industry trends, technological advancements, and innovations. Adaptability and staying abreast of changes can enhance your long-term success in remaining competitive in your career. Remember that career decisions are not set in stone, and it's okay to reassess and pivot as your interests and priorities evolve.

Some careers offer lucrative salaries and

Kim Ford is a global beauty industry icon and consults on business start-ups, turn-around through training and development and motivational teamwork. She is an EQA, EPA and is an international speaker, educator, consultant, expert witness, examiner, board member of industry boards and the list goes on.


Take the Skills Assessment



The Future of Salon Success Lies in Apprenticeship Programs Apprenticeship programs in the beauty industry have transformed from traditional roots in skilled trades to become pivotal in modern professional development. Spanning levels from foundational techniques to advanced aesthetic treatments, these programs offer a comprehensive, handson learning experience that is both challenging and rewarding. My journey with apprenticeships began in 2008 when I introduced a Nail Apprenticeship in my salon, driven by the need to expand our team's skill set to stay competitive and meet our clientele's diverse needs. This was more than just adding a service; it was about enhancing our team's expertise and our salon's value proposition. The apprenticeship model promotes the holistic development of professionals, encapsulating the principle that the most successful

hair stylists are versatile in various treatments. For example, when hair apprentices master nail services, they not only add to their skill set but also elevate the salon's capability to offer a more comprehensive beauty experience. This leads to higher customer satisfaction and increased revenue. Apprenticeships in customer service are crucial in shaping wellrounded salon professionals. They provide invaluable experience in client interaction, reception management, and digital communication, which are essential in today's salon business landscape. These apprenticeships ensure novices contribute significantly to creating a memorable salon experience, highlighting that exceptional customer service is as important as technical prowess. Integrating fresh talent into a salon's workflow presents 13

challenges, notably financial constraints and the time required for new starters to become profitable. Apprenticeships offer a practical solution by allowing salons to hire apprentices at a lower initial wage, enabling them to invest in their development. This not only aids in their professional growth but also ensures smooth salon operations, with apprentices handling essential tasks and allowing senior staff to focus on high-revenue services. The Multi-Platform Marketing apprenticeship presents an invaluable opportunity for salon owners, who often find themselves too immersed in day-to-day operations to focus on the important marketing efforts needed to attract new clients and retain existing ones. Vital for the growth and profitability of any business, this apprenticeship seamlessly integrates into your salon's offerings.

"The narrative of apprenticeships extends beyond technical skills." Drawing from personal experience, I've successfully implemented this strategy in my own business by hiring an external trainer for online delivery, allowing me to concentrate on compliance aspects. This collaboration has proven effective, as evidenced by my personal assistant's progression towards this qualification, spurred by her interest in the role after several meetings. It's inspiring to witness individuals thrive in their positions, and salons can facilitate this by offering the apprenticeship to their receptionists or by hiring newly qualified Hair & Beauty professionals

from college. This not only aids in their client base expansion but also contributes to the salon's overall business development. The narrative of apprenticeships extends beyond technical skills. Incorporating Learning Skills Assessor and Learning Skills apprenticeships into salon training models raises the entire team's standards, ensuring consistency in service quality. As someone who has implemented this in my businesses, I've witnessed how it fosters a culture of continuous learning and improvement, leading to


higher service standards and client satisfaction. For salon owners or managers facing the challenges of people management and staff development, the Learning Skills Mentor Apprenticeship offers a transformative solution. This program is an invaluable resource for those looking to enhance their leadership skills, especially in conducting one-on-one and group development meetings. It's designed to engage and mentor teams, fostering an environment of continuous personal and professional growth.

"The apprenticeship is more than a training program; it's a journey of discovery."

This apprenticeship is particularly beneficial for individuals not looking to pursue a full trainer pathway but seeking to enrich their mentoring capabilities. It serves as an excellent supplement for experienced trainers aiming to incorporate mentoring into their repertoire. The curriculum is comprehensive, covering essential aspects such as legal rights and responsibilities in the workplace, and equips participants with the tools

to devise and implement effective staff development plans. A pivotal element of this apprenticeship is its emphasis on practical, realworld application, inspired by insights from Thomas Erikson's "Surrounded by Bad Bosses and Lazy Employees". The program integrates contemporary teachings that resonate with current business challenges, ensuring relevance and providing tangible value to salon owners and managers. 15

The apprenticeship is more than a training program; it's a journey of discovery. Participants learn to appreciate the diverse learning styles and developmental needs of their team members, enabling them to tailor their mentoring strategies. This fosters a conducive learning environment where every team member feels valued and motivated to contribute to the salon's success.

The Multi-Platform Marketing apprenticeship offers a golden opportunity for salon owners, who are often deeply engrossed in daily operations, to elevate their marketing strategies, essential for attracting new clients and retaining existing ones. This apprenticeship is crucial for any business aiming for growth and profitability, and it blends seamlessly with your salon's current services. From my personal journey, I found great success in adopting this approach by engaging an external trainer for the online segments, which freed me up to focus on regulatory compliance. This partnership has been fruitful, as demonstrated by my personal assistant's keen pursuit of this qualification, fueled by her growing interest in the role after several discussions. It's truly rewarding to see individuals excel in their roles, and salons can foster this by introducing the apprenticeship to their receptionists or by welcoming fresh talent from the realms of Hair & Beauty academia. This strategy not only helps in broadening the client network but also plays a significant role in enhancing the overall business dynamics of the salon.

By incorporating lessons from my own business experiences, the apprenticeship is rendered even more practical and fit for purpose. It encourages learners to explore various learning methodologies, enhancing their ability to facilitate effective development sessions. This hands-on approach ensures that participants are well-equipped to guide their team or apprentices towards significant contributions to the salon's overall performance and culture. The symbiotic relationship forged through apprenticeships between salon owners and apprentices underscores the program's value. For apprentices, it's a gateway to hands-on experience and a deep understanding of the salon business. For salon owners, it's a strategy to cultivate a versatile, skilled, and loyal workforce that drives business growth and diversification.

programs not only enhance technical skills but also focus on customer service and business acumen, preparing apprentices for a successful career in the beauty industry. The symbiotic relationship between salon owners and apprentices through these programs not only fosters professional growth but also contributes to the salon's overall success. As the beauty industry continues to evolve, apprenticeship programs remain a cornerstone of professional development, shaping the future of the industry one apprentice at a time.

In conclusion, apprenticeship programs in the beauty industry have evolved significantly, offering a structured pathway for professional development that ranges from foundational skills to advanced aesthetic treatments. These

Sarah’s ability to see outside the box of traditional apprenticeships brings a new way of working for salons throughout the country. A history as a salon professional on the floor led to education and her entrepreneurial skills have taken her business from strength to strength.


This quarter’s Focus comes to us from Kleek, one of the UK’s biggest and most recognisable apprenticeship brands. Having had a long conversation with Tina Ockerby who heads up Kleek’s programme, it seemed a great opportunity to look at the apprenticeship pathway from all angles and so you’ll find points of view from a Kleek apprentice, a Kleek salon owner and from the education provider, Kleek. We have thoughts from two apprentices, one of whom is employed by our Focus Professional/Salon Owner. Sue Davies, Editorial Director: SEJ

Inspirational Learner Tegan Deam: Apprentice at All About Face, Rainhill, Merseyside

and provides 1-2-1 training. I also do various modules and can access additional resources online via Kleek’s online learning platform. The experience of working in the salon has really helped to build my confidence and my ability to interact with my clients. As the industry introduces new techniques and products, I know that a successful career means continually learning which I’m looking forward to. I’d love to learn more advanced therapies including advanced facials, make-up, fillers and more.

Our first apprentice is Tegan Deam from All About the Face, Rainhill, Merseyside. I wanted to go into the salon industry as I was really interested in the human body and knowing how everything works, but I was also quite creative, so beauty therapy really appealed to me as a career. I am doing a Level 2 Beauty Therapy apprenticeship. It is both practical and covers theory, but as I am working in the salon, I’m gaining valuable hands-on skills and knowledge of the beauty industry. My learning is a mix of face-to-face and online and I have a dedicated educator who regularly visits me in my workplace 17

My biggest learning achievement so far and one I’m really proud of is that I’m building up a regular clientele for my facials and getting great feedback too. People have even said my facial results are better than BotoxⓇ, and are booking in for big events like weddings, which is a great compliment! My top tip for anyone looking to do an apprenticeship is to definitely choose a Kleek Apprenticeship – it’s a million per cent better than a college route. You get hands-on training and a superior learning experience. Everyone, especially my educator, is extremely helpful, and I love the people I work with – it’s like the most loving caring friendly family place.

Inspirational Learner Maisie Whitbourn: Level 2 Beauty Apprentice with Kleek Apprenticeships at The Fountain Beauty Therapy

Our second apprentice is Maisie Whitbourn who is completing her training at The Fountain Beauty Therapy I chose to start a career as a beauty therapist as I've always had a passion for all things beauty, and I love interacting with people, so pursuing a career in the salon industry felt like a natural fit for me. I'm currently enrolled in a Level 2 Beauty Therapy Apprenticeship, which focuses heavily on practical skills. I’m finding it incredibly rewarding to learn handson techniques that I can directly apply in my career. My learning experience is quite diverse. I receive training both in-salon from my 18

colleagues and face-to-face sessions with my tutor. Additionally, I complete workbooks and attend Zoom sessions online for a well-rounded education. When I first began my training I pursued make-up courses at my local college, however I soon discovered my passion was more in beauty therapy. I reached out to local salons to inquire about apprenticeships, and that's how I found my way into my current role and was able to get working in the industry straight away. Although I'm still early in my career, I've already realised the importance of staying updated with industry trends and continually expanding my skills through training and product knowledge. Overcoming challenges, such as mastering new techniques or managing time efficiently, has been a part of my learning journey.

I’ve found passing my modules has been an achievement I’ve enjoyed, and it helps me gain confidence to work directly with clients. This has been incredibly rewarding for me. I have to work hard to make sure I stay on track with assignments and have attended every Zoom. My top tip for anyone considering a career in the salon industry would be to explore apprenticeship opportunities. It's the best way to gain hands-on experience, develop essential skills, and make sure you're fully prepared for the demands of the industry. Email: Instagram: @maisie.beauty_training

Inspirational Professional Clare Porter: Owner at The Fountain Beauty Therapy

Our Focus Professional for this quarter is Clare Porter, who owns and manages The Fountain Beauty Therapy and is a Habia Apprenticeship Ambassador. She has also written alongside fellow professionals for the collaborative books Beauty & the Best 2 and Leading From the Heart. I always wanted to be a beauty therapist, although straight from school I went into office work initially before switching and taking up the career later when I had my son and was on maternity leave. I saw it as an opportunity to retrain and I attended Lamontes Beauty Academy in Guildford as they offered CIBTAC courses and had an excellent reputation. That was over thirty years ago.

I have been incredible fortunate throughout my career that amazing opportunities have opened up for me and I haven’t faced too many challenges. When I was first selfemployed it was with E’spa who were promoting “Bringing Spa Treatments into your home”, so I was a mobile therapist with my bag of 38 E’spa products. I had the support and training from this new brand and it truly paved the way to the therapist I am today. One of the biggest lessons I have learned is how important it is to stay true to being the therapist that I wanted to be and believing in what I do. I offer a full range of beauty treatments within the salon and I specialise in massage and facials, but also offer many beauty treatments from across our offerings. I love it! But then again I don’t do anything I don’t enjoy. My biggest achievement and what brings me pride is the salon and team I’ve built. I first opened it 17 years ago and now have a team of five therapists - two of which are apprentices. We have an incredible client base and I still work in treatments most days. Recently I have trained with an incredible protocol to help people after breast surgery which is proving to be so effective and incredibly rewarding. My goal this year is to train to be a trainer so that I can share this incredible 19

treatment and help more people. I enjoy the fact that my career means every day is different and there is always something more to learn. My top tip is to do what you love and keep learning.

Website: Email: Socials: fountainbeautytherapy Instagram: @the_fountain_beauty_ therapy

Inspirational Academy

For our Focus Education Provider in this issue we welcome Kleek. I spoke with Tina Ockerby recently and as one of the biggest apprenticeship providers it seems like a great opportunity to highlight the work they do and how important they believe apprenticeships are to the industry as we go into the future. Below, Tina explains the history of Kleek and how they operate as an educational business in today’s salon industry. Originally founded as Saks Education in 1999, we wanted to provide expert approved education to Saks franchised salons. As we very quickly developed our business, we realised our offering was needed by and in demand from independent salons, so we grew the business across England, and in 2023 rebranded as Kleek Apprenticeships.

Tina Ockerby

We have been at the forefront of hair and beauty education for almost 25 years, and gained an Outstanding rating from Ofsted in 2006, and again in 2021. There have been many changes and improvements to the professional standards for hair and beauty training and to government policies over the years, and we’ve had to pivot and adapt to changes to ensure our employers and learners have all the right information, resources and support required. Our staff have also been integral to the changes as we have been part of the IFATE (Institute For Apprenticeships and Technical Education) route panel for Hair and Beauty, worked with Habia on the occupational standards and sat on the original Trailblazers Advisory panel to help advise on the


contents of the apprenticeship standards. Over the years we have learned that to be the best at what you do, you must keep ahead of the game and continuously improve and think innovatively when it comes to curriculum development, engaging learners and being the number one choice for employers. Developing and retaining the best team of administrators and educators to support and train continuously at the Ofsted Outstanding level, whilst also working closely with our peers within the industry, is also key. When it comes to the opportunities we provide for our learners, we offer the following hair and beauty apprenticeships: Level 2 Hair Professional Apprenticeship Level 3 Advanced and Creative Hair Professional Apprenticeship

Level 2 Hair Professional (Barbering) Apprenticeship Level 2 Beauty Therapy Apprenticeship Level 3 Advanced Beauty Therapy Apprenticeship Level 3 Wellbeing and Holistic Therapy Apprenticeship As well as Advanced Learner Loans to fund Level 3 Hair and Beauty qualifications. All are approved industry-standard qualifications, regulated by the ESFA (Education Skills Funding Agency). As a business we’ve achieved so much in our almost 25 years of business – including two Ofsted Grade One Outstanding ratings, National Hair and Beauty Training Provider of the

Year, VTCT Educator of the Year and Apprentice of the Year, and many other accolades, but most importantly we’ve trained over 8000 apprentices in over 850 salons to date. Watching our apprentices’ careers develop in the industry is our greatest reward. We now have five academies based in Colchester, Darlington, Maidstone, Newcastle and Stockton, and a cohort of over 40 expert regional educators training the next generation of hair and beauty professionals in salons across England following our work-based training model.

knowledge and confidence to succeed in a creative, exciting and rewarding industry. We tell all our learners that they’re not ‘just’ a hairdresser or beauty therapist – they are skilled professionals, with internationally recognised skills for life, that can open doors to all sorts of associated career opportunities. It’s also a pleasure to see the personal development of our learners as they progress through their programmes and develop as professionals.

@kleekapprentice for Facebook, Instagram, X @kleekapprenticeships for LinkedIn

We are proud to give the next generation the skills,

Clare Porter & Maisie Whitbourn





What’s Going on Down Under? Let us be clear we are talking about education and all things hair industry related. But things are really changing here in Melbourne, Australia. As a Trainer and Assessor educated to teach in the UK and in Australia the similarities are common, skills shortage, lots of home salons and independent hairdressers popping up in all sorts of places. Personally, as a previous salon owner in the UK, I have now opted for independent hairstylist status working in a collaborative working space. I work with two osteopaths and a counsellor in a collaborative building. To be able to speak with knowledge on the everchanging face of our industry one must

experience it, to totally understand the pros and cons for taking this step. This is the current background to where I am in the world, an experienced, professional, qualified and passion fuelled hairdresser. Australian born, Irish accented person that adores our industry and who is actively trying to find out how we can heal our wounded industry. Education is the way, I am here to tell you. Understanding why we have less people entering our industry means we must look at the source. The main source of apprentices are schools. When choosing careers what advice, support and guidance are we giving to our young people? The facts are not a lot. This is not because of any anti hair industry secretly going on. 23

It is simply that we can all talk at length about things we are passionate and knowledgeable about. Teachers, as a generalisation, know not very much on the vocational side of study. This is due to their education being academic, going on to university and then returning to schools to practise their profession. The next issue Australia faces is that in 2015 ALL the Polytechnic and Colleges were closed in an effort to give only academic career pathways as a choice. However, we do not all think or learn the same, so surprise surprise this year the schools in Australia are adopting a new approach. How do I know all of this? I am a Trainer and Assessor working in the field and I am seeing the changes unfold.

The voluntary work I have done for 2 small hours a week over 10 weeks each year has enabled me to witness the progress over the last 4 years. This year the schools are implementing the systems to offer students the choices of vocational and academic study from the same premises. I am working with 20 students that are taking VCE and VCAL educational subjects. (Academic and Vocational) I am very optimistic about this educational advancement. There are always critics, of course, and only time will tell the success I envision as possible. However, with these introductions happening now, I am not the only one who thinks this is a huge step forward.

The students are now looking at leaving school with skills, knowledge and understanding across all their chosen subjects rather than a few high marks in some and average marks on the subjects they have a lesser interest or aptitude for.

Gen Z are a different culture that have values and ethics that are strong. They do not want to be treated as a lesser human being just because they are an apprentice. They understand equality and inclusion and have a superpower of techy ability.

Electricians, Plumbers, Carpenters, Tilers, Florists are all suffering from skills shortages, and this is all going to take time for the new system to produce new professionals. Each of the industries have been asking what can be done to produce more skilled workforce professionals.

This editorial is not to berate bosses and trainers, it's to say we need to teach the skills of social media, of Instagram and of influencing, so that there is common ground to talk about.

The next step that I see needing to be made is for Business Owners, Trainers and Assessors to get to know their students on a different level.


Gen Z do not have the same communicational ability since they have not needed to use their voices, mainly due to Covid 19. I had a feeling this was going to happen as a Mum who has had her son text her from upstairs to ask if dinner was ready.

“Understanding why we have less people entering our industry means we must look at the source. The main source of apprentices are schools.” The young people that I have been working with are smart, funny and although all very shy, once you find the common ground to talk about, they are all really great people. They are worried about the transition of leaving school and going into the workforce. They are worried about leaving their friends and the security school offers. The ones going on to university have already secured part time jobs as debt is something they do not want to have in great amounts. The very interesting difference between Australian trainee hair professionals and those in the UK is that they have to pay towards their study and the same for the boss. This when explained correctly, worked and executed in the correct manner is a very successful model. There are of course flaws with some employers still not

wishing to advance the students as this will mean a pay increase and there are some students that quickly discover our industry is too much of a physical challenge for them. Working face to face with young people, and giving them an accurate picture of what can be ahead of them, removes the fear and fuels excitement. As a small salon owner, I go out to give this experience. In my previous days with a larger salon space and a team inviting the schools into the workplace assisting with a continual source of employees. We also have a tool called social media where we can take our salons to the young person's palm for them to see the joy and thrill of everyday life in the hair industry. We, as a creative industry, just need

to keep being creative to excite the new talent to come in. Sharing our experiences and showing how creative we are to inspire someone to do what we do is our first step. I am working with professionals to organise days when students can enter a workplace and experience what it has to offer. Listening to the feedback after the day's adventure is extremely positive. I will keep you all posted as this year unfolds and this latest educational programme continues. In the meantime how are you approaching the skills shortage?

Donna O’Donoghue is an internationally trained hairdresser living and working as an educator and hair professional in Australia. Having started her career in Northern Ireland, she has worked extensively around the UK as an award winning professional and salon owner.




Emma Holt: In My World As a columnist, it’s my job to openly talk about my journey, my education, and the ups and downs of being in this amazing industry. Each quarter I’m writing to you wonderful readers about my experiences and how I’ve tackled the last 10 years since opening my business. In my last article I wrote about how my career found me, and for the last 7 years it’s been a roller coaster of ups and downs, employing staff and putting my all into training them, as well as myself, so we were all up to date with the latest education we could offer our clients. Then COVID-19 hit and everything changed. We are beginning to see salons all over the country shutting down and employment in our industry seems to be something of the past. People aren’t building up businesses now, it’s all about survival of the fittest each for themselves. So, where does that leave the salon industry as we used to know it? Employment seems to be no more. After losing my

last remaining loyal employee this month I’ve questioned where this path now takes me and is it really worth the sweat and tears of owning a salon? Sure, going back to working mobile would make me a ton more money with less bills to pay, but on deeper thinking I’ve come to realise that my salon is actually the place my clients call home, it’s their time to relax and get away from life. Do they really want to be sitting in their home having their hair done? Is this the new way that hairdressing is going to move towards? Who knows what the future holds, but for me I’m embracing the new Bcreativehair - there are perks of not having staff: • • • •

• • •

No more holiday pay No more pensions No more maternity pay No more worrying that your columns are filled for your stylists Lowering cost of products Bills coming through the letterbox Education will be for myself and no one else, reducing the costs 26

It’s easy to feel deflated when you have worked so hard to build a solid team and salon to see it slip away, however, the truth of the matter is everyone eventually moves on and as long as you have a solid business plan in place and great loyal clients then you have nothing to worry about.

“I’ve come to realise that my salon is actually the place my clients call home, it’s their time to relax and get away from life.” it more affordable to maintain. The system looks great and by the time this article is out I would have done quite a few sets, so watch this space and I’ll talk more about my findings in the next issue. Mentoring for The Fellowship of British Hairdressing April sees me mentoring the Club Star Team for the Fellowship of British Hairdressing where I’ll be showing them different techniques for how to apply hair extensions, and then getting creative in the afternoon with some avant garde styling. It’s been a while since I got creative and I’m missing it so I'm itching to get my hands dirty.

New Service Potential The new V-Light Extensions have suddenly hit social media hard these last couple of months and my inbox has been flooded with clients wanting to book in. What a great system, especially for hair stylists who offer hair integration! However, for me, I’ve found that this isn’t a system for doing a full head of extensions with. The hair is applied using a UV light

and after 4-6 weeks (most likely 4) the hair will start shedding out and will need replacing which not only is a lot of work but will also, likely, cost a lot of money due to needing new hair each time. I’ve thought long and hard about this and the possible solution is to use lower quality hair extensions to do this- after all it will only be in your client’s hair for a month and this way makes 27

I’m also super passionate about sharing my knowledge with the younger generation or people just starting out. Since I’ve been hairdressing I’ve seen a big collapse in the next generation that is coming out of college. I know we all start somewhere, but I’m seeing Level 3’s qualifying and not even being able to wash hair correctly. I really feel as an industry we need to put time into building our future stylists up. Although, this is easier said than done when we ourselves are working full columns

and putting our all into our businesses. Creativity in Hair I like being a creative, although I am stepping back this year on spending money in this area - it can cost so much money and over the years I’ve spent thousands in the name of creativity. I remember being told by my PA that my work couldn’t be featured in a hair magazine because a professional hair model or professional hair photographer hadn’t been used for the shot. I quickly moved over to using professionals, but however great the pictures are, if the models move amazingly, and the photographer makes the shoot day effortless, I can’t help but feel you never really get your work out there as your raw individual ideas.

So, I’ve made the decision that this year I’m going to go back to how I began my shoots and I’m taking my beautiful clients with me and we are shooting again, because let’s face it, a lot of our clientele absolutely look like models. As a business strategy I think it’s great, as it’s a free advertisement for you especially when the money you save from paying professional models you could invest in a billboard. Use the image

within your town - the client, their family and their friends love to see themselves or their loved ones on a huge billboard and it’s super great for business. I’m ready to take my business right back to how I started out when my dreams were fresh and fun and when I had no one else to worry about but myself. When the next issue is out, I will be talking about all things photoshoots and what we got up to. The great thing about our industry is we can push our boundaries as far as we want to take it. The future is super bright for me! I’ve gone from 5 employed staff before COVID-19 happened to just myself and a self employed stylist. Did it hurt when they left? Absolutely, but I’ve always said a negative is always a positive and change always happens in life. While I can watch them grow and know I had a part in helping them achieve that, I can also move forward with my dreams and ambitions and know I’ve contributed to this amazing industry which I’m absolutely in love with. The future is as bright as you want it to be. Never give up on your dreams. Remember believing is achieving!

Emma Holt is the founder and owner of the BCreative brand and in her professional career has become an award winning specialist in hair extensions and avant-garde work. She also works as a session stylist in fashion and media.




Breaking Barriers Advocating for Inclusive Textured Hair Education Part 2: Not just a feeling


“Textured hair education rooted in factual evidence ensures that practices and policies are not just wellintentioned but also effective.” There is little readily available data to help us understand the ethnic mix within the sector. We know that there are many businesses which cater to specific ethnic communities, but we don’t know what proportion of the market they may represent, or the breakdown between the different community groups within the UK. To tackle this, the NHBF (National Hair & Beauty Federation) asked their partners at the LDC (Local Data Company) to consider how they might begin to develop a better understanding, providing another set of data and analysis to supplement what they already knew about the overall sector from the ONS (Office for National Statistics) and their own State of the Industry surveys. Key Findings The report, compiled by the Local Data Company, reports the following key findings: Growth Trends The hair & beauty sector has experienced growth in locations with a larger proportion of Black, Black

British, Caribbean, or African communities. However, the overall market share across Great Britain has declined slightly over the past five years. Asian Ethnic Group Hair & beauty locations in Asian or Asian British postcode sectors have seen growth over the past five years. Nevertheless, their overall market share has reduced during the same period. Slow Down All ethnic groups have experienced a slowdown in growth in 2022, as market saturation and increased competition for local spending have become more prominent factors. Regional Variations The report highlights varying growth rates and challenges across different regions, with some areas showing greater resilience since the pandemic. (For example, Black, Black British, Caribbean and African in the East Midlands have been the most resilient since the pandemic, whilst 9 out of 10 of the fastest declining postcodes are in Greater London).

Survival Rates Hair & beauty salons in White ethnic areas have shown a higher probability of surviving past their third anniversary, while Black, Black British, Caribbean and African outlets face lower survival rates, emphasising the need for targeted support for these small businesses. Richard Lambert, former NHBF chief executive says, “This is a report that we have wanted to undertake for several years and so I am very proud that this has come to fruition. One of the principal roles of an industry representative organisation is to develop a robust evidence base to understand and illustrate the trends within its sector. This data is invaluable in supporting the organisation’s lobbying of the Government on behalf of its members, backing up the arguments as much as demonstrating the sector’s value and impact to the economy.” He continues, “This is by no means a comprehensive survey – it’s a starting point. We are now looking for further funding to conduct more detailed research to get a better understanding of these industry sub-sectors, as well as the specific obstacles different ethnic groups are encountering and how we can support them.” To download the full report, Scan the QR Code

Erica Liburd is a qualified hairdressing assessor, educator and salon owner. Other than running a successful multi cultural salon working with all hair types and across the curl spectrum, a core element of Erica's business is the “Texture Unravelled” Campaign and Education. UK Cross Cultural Curl Specialist. Tight Curl Certified. Advocate and Educator.




Bridal Styling Trend Awareness: Part 1


GETTING SOCIAL Social media platforms offer several ways for bridal hairstylists to stay aware of current trends: Following Trendsetters By following influential bridal hair stylists, fashion bloggers, wedding magazines, and bridal designers on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest, you can see their latest creations and get inspiration for your own work. These trendsetters often showcase the latest bridal hairstyles, accessories, and overall wedding trends.

Hashtags and Trends Monitoring popular hashtags related to bridal hairstyles for example, #bridalhair, #weddinghair, allows you to see what styles are currently trending among brides-to-be. Additionally, platforms like Instagram often feature curated content and trending topics, providing insight into the latest bridal hair trends. Engaging with Community Joining bridal hairstyling communities and groups on social media platforms enables you to connect with other professionals in the industry. By engaging in

discussions, sharing ideas, and exchanging tips and techniques, you can stay informed about emerging trends and innovative styling methods. Showcase Your Work Utilise social media platforms to showcase your own bridal hairstyling work. Posting high-quality photos and videos of your creations not only promotes your services but also demonstrates your expertise and trend awareness to potential clients. Additionally, receiving feedback and comments from followers can provide valuable insights into which styles resonate most with your audience. Stay Updated in Real Time Social media platforms offer real-time updates, allowing you to stay informed about the latest bridal trends as they emerge. Whether it’s a new celebrity wedding hairstyle or a viral bridal fashion trend, social media keeps you connected to the everevolving world of bridal hairstyling. By leveraging social media platforms well, you can gain valuable trend awareness, stay connected to the bridal community, and showcase your skills to a wider audience.


“Working together with fellow professionals not only fosters creativity but also exposes you to new trends and approaches to bridal hairstyling.”

NETWORKING OPPORTUNITIES Networking with other bridal hair stylists can be invaluable for staying updated on trends in several ways: Sharing Insights By connecting with other hair stylists in the bridal industry, you can exchange insights and observations about current trends. Discussing what styles are popular with clients, sharing tips on techniques, and recommending favourite resources for trend forecasting can help keep you informed and inspired. Collaborative Projects Collaborating with other hairstylists on styled shoots, bridal fashion

shows, or editorial projects allows you to see a variety of styles and techniques in action. Working together with fellow professionals not only fosters creativity but also exposes you to new trends and approaches to bridal hairstyling. Referrals and Recommendations Building relationships with other bridal hair stylists can lead to referrals and recommendations. When hairstylists are booked or unavailable, they may refer clients to trusted colleagues, providing opportunities to see different styles and techniques firsthand and stay informed.

give a sense of community, promotes knowledge sharing, and provides opportunities to stay informed about new methods and techniques in bridal hairstyling. "Education is the key that unlocks the door to endless possibilities in bridal hairstyling. By continually learning and evolving, we not only sharpen our skills but also stay attuned to the latest trends, ensuring that every bride walks down the aisle with confidence and grace." As always please don’t hesitate to reach out for help and advice. I am here to help and support you.

Overall, networking with other bridal hair stylists can

Kay Binnersley has spent 38 years honing her craft and is a specialist in bridal styling and colour and shares her knowledge in the bridal world with the Salon Education Journal readers. A passionate hairdresser and educator who works holistically with her clients and learners to ensure a caring approach is maintained.






How to be a Five Star Barber In the hair and barbering industry you will be expected to demonstrate high standards of behaviours and communication skills, professionalism and values and safe working practices associated with our industry. Many people believe that to be the best barber around you have to be the best at cutting hair this is not true! Although having the practical skills required to do your job is essential, the transferable skills are what separates you from everyone else. Most barber shops will have at least one barber who can cut hair really well - but are they a five star barber? To be a five star barber you need five different character traits. 1) You need to have the skills! It goes without saying that you will need to have the skills required for the role, but this goes beyond just having the practical ability. You’ve got to care. Care enough to carry out a

thorough consultation and find out exactly what your client wants. Care enough to identify if there’s anything that might prevent your client getting what they want and explain this to them. Care enough to give every single client the best haircut every single time. Care enough to have the relevant qualifications and insurance. 2) Health and Safety is vital You need to be able to follow safe working practices. Maintaining hygienic, safe and effective working practices will ensure clients firstly want to come to you, but also want to return. The work area, including your tools and equipment should be clean, tidy and sterilised. Yourself and your client should be wearing adequate PPE to ensure client comfort and reduce the risk of crossinfection. Your personal hygiene should meet the industry and organisational requirements, making sure you have clean hands and cut nails, teeth brushed every day, plenty of sleep and no hangover. If you 36

smoke or vape this should be done away from the shop and hands cleaned straight after and a mint eaten. Your posture and positioning should be considered to minimise the risk of injury and fatigue and ensure a long career. 3) Client is King (or Queen!) Your client should always come first from the moment they walk into the shop, they should be your focus. Providing exceptional customer service will ensure your client feels valued. Adapt your communication and behaviour in response to each client - you may greet an older gentleman differently to how you would greet a teenager. Ensure you always show respect and provide a positive impression of yourself and your business. Always give your client the full appointment time the they have paid for. If a client has booked in for a 30 minute haircut but it’s only taken you 15 minutes, don’t rush them out. Continue the conversation and ensure they leave

"Every day is a school day and in our industry, you never stop learning. Don’t think that once you’re qualified, that’s it for education!" feeling appreciated. Take time to get to know your clients. Make notes about their hair, any special events - birthdays, holidays etc so that you don’t forget to ask them about it the next time they’re in. It will make them feel special and ensure they want to come back. 4) Knowledge is Power Every day is a school day and in our industry, you never stop learning. Don’t think that once you’re qualified, that’s it for education! Keep going on courses and keep educating yourself to ensure you stay current and relevant. Your clients will want to feel in safe hands and feel their barber is top of their game. Don’t be scared to talk to your clients about how much you invest in yourself, they will like this and appreciate it. For example, would you expect your doctor to have been taught 20 years ago

and never have been on a course since? You will want to know they have stayed up to date with the latest research, technological advances and treatment options. This happens in many other industries too skilled trades including electricians and plumbers, hospitality workers, teachers, legal professionals and many more. 5) Don’t Be Afraid to Give Advice In the 1980’s, a mid-life crisis was owning a sports car or buying an expensive watch. Now it’s all about looking after yourself being 40 and looking 30 or being 60 and looking 50 and so on. Looking good and feeling good is important to many people so it’s no surprise that people spend a big amount of money on this each month on gym memberships, beauty products, perfumes and

aftershaves etc. Therefore, it’s vital that you are able to give your clients advice on other barbering services, hair products or skin products. You may need to recommend they see a trichologist if they are suffering with any hair or scalp issues, or as hair loss affects over 50% of men by the age of 50, spend some time understanding the options to help reduce it or explain the surgical or nonsurgical options available. Being able to provide advice to your client is an integral part of the professional service you are providing. Don’t forget, you’re the expert. Never assume your clients don’t want to know what products you’re using or that they won’t benefit from you shaping their beard rather than them cutting at home.

Mike Taylor, brings an experienced and well developed skill set to the barbering sector. As an award-winning barber, educator and author he has international standing and has his own academy. He is co-founder of the British Barbers’ Association and works continually to improve and to raise awareness of the national standards.


HYPO21 Purifying Skin Spray is a FIRST EVER MHRA REGISTERED PURE HOCL skincare solution that is suitable for all skin types and ages. HYPO21 is Organic, Vegan, Sustainable and made of all Natural Ingredients it is also used to boost the skin’s ability to Repair itself due to any skin irritations. It is also Soothing for Acne, Rosacea, Eczema, Psoriasis and other skin conditions. The star ingredient in HYPO21 Skin Spray is PURE HOCl. Pure HOCL naturally occurs in our white blood cells which helps to defend your body from harmful bacteria and inflammation. Applying Pure HOCL to the skin activates an immune boost that helps the skin take itself back to its natural and beautiful state





Navigating Incoming Permanent Makeup Pigment Regulations In the world of permanent makeup, the safety of PMU pigments is paramount for both artists and clients. The regulations surrounding tattoo inks and permanent makeup pigments changed in the European Union (EU) in January 2022, under new EU REACH regulations, and a change looms for the United Kingdom with UK REACH on its way. Understanding the importance of the changes and the implications it has on our work as a PMU Artist is paramount. REACH regulations are rules in the EU that make sure chemicals used in products like permanent makeup pigments are safe. REACH is an acronym for Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals. The regulations require companies to register and give details about the chemicals they use, evaluate any risks, and get permission for certain

levels of potentially harmful substances. They also limit the use of dangerous chemicals to protect people and the environment. The EU has been proactive in implementing REACH regulations to safeguard the health of consumers of permanent makeup inks. The transition period ended in January 2022, and new rules were enforceable to regulate the sale and use of over 4,000 substances in products. These regulations establish clear maximum limits for certain chemicals and mandate comprehensive labelling to enhance transparency and consumer awareness. The EU's primary goal is to protect public health by categorising chemicals based on their potential risks. By ensuring clear labelling, consumers can make informed choices and understand the contents and intended use of the products they purchase. This commitment to safety and transparency underscores the EU's efforts to promote 39

consumer well-being within the permanent makeup industry. I’m A Permanent Makeup Artist In The UK - How Does This Effect Me? Since the UK left the EU, it no longer has to follow EU guidelines. BUT the UK is drafting its own proposals for PMU pigment safety UK REACH. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has proposed regulations to enhance safety standards for tattoo inks and permanent makeup pigments. With no specific legislation governing these products in the UK presently, the proposed regulations aim to bridge this gap and address emerging safety concerns. This is ultimately great news, and brings enhanced safety for UK permanent makeup clients but it will mean changes! Drawing its inspiration from EU regulations, the UK proposal includes provisions for improved labelling and restrictions on

“REACH is an acronym for Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals.” hazardous substances. However unlike the EU’s 21+ banned colourants, the UK's proposal includes derogations or exemptions for 19 of these same substances that the EU has restricted due to health concerns. (This variance raises questions about the level of protection afforded to consumers under the proposed UK regulations, but that’s another article entirely!) It's important to note that both the UK and EU regulations mandate that labels must list ingredients, even if they are present at undetectable levels, something not previously/ currently required. This meticulous attention to detail underscores the commitment to transparency and consumer safety. While the EU regulations establish a direct link between permanent makeup pigment restrictions and the Cosmetics Products Regulation (CPR), the UK proposal severs this connection. This deviation could have implications for

product oversight and consumer safety within the UK market, highlighting the need for alignment with established EU standards.

Will My Favourite Pigments Change Formula? The removal of certain colourants for products for sale in the EU, has posed significant challenges for pigment chemists tasked with creating these new permanent makeup pigment formulations. The banned colourants, which are predominantly certain reds and yellows, mean existing colour mixes have become unachievable due to the absence of these colourants. This has led to the need for innovative 40

solutions and reformulations, and many pigment manufacturers have created existing new lines in the process. The addition of carbon has become necessary. This addition not only eases implantation into the skin due to its particle size but also results in all pigments becoming a hybrid mix of both organic and in-organic elements. Whilst some PMU artists fear carbon/ organics, the smartest pigment chemists have been able to create pigments with more in-organic components than others, meaning soft heals and fades are still achievable with the right lines and techniques. Brands like Li Pigments, with over 30 years of experience, have been successfully working with hybrid pigments for a considerable time, many other pigment ranges have struggled to adapt and reformulate their products to meet the new regulatory standards.

Because UK REACH will not be quite as restrictive as EU REACH, the EU REACH formulas will be suitable for use once UK REACH comes in (as long as there are no changes made to current proposals for banned colourants and ingredients) Implications for Artists Practitioners must stay informed about regulatory developments and adapt their practices accordingly to uphold safety and quality standards within the industry. The proposed regulations in the UK present both opportunities and challenges for practitioners. It will mean that those using non UK REACH compliant ranges will need to invest in and learn a new pigment line to stay compliant, and ranges that are not REACH compliant will no longer be legal to buy, sell or use on the skin in the UK. Are my current pigments safe?

It's essential to understand that the absence of compliance with REACH regulations doesn't inherently signify that the pigments you're using presently are unsafe. Many substances targeted by EU & UK REACH regulations have been utilised in permanent makeup pigments without issue for years. However, the aim of these regulatory changes is to elevate safety standards even further, ensuring that these substances undergo stringent evaluations to minimise any potential risks to consumers. By subjecting these substances to heightened scrutiny and regulation, the goal is to enhance their safety profile and provide consumers with added reassurance regarding the products they use on their skin. Looking Ahead as a UK Artist

Luxe, Hanami, Goldeneye Coloressence, Everlasting Brows. If pigment brands wish to continue to sell products legally and artists intend to use them in the EU or Europe eventually they will need to move to a REACH approved range. Getting to truly know your pigment line, how it heals and ages can take years, so if you are using a range that isn’t REACH compliant, it’s something to keep yourself aware of and to put on your to do list. In conclusion, the proposed regulations for permanent makeup inks in the UK under UK REACH represent a step towards improving safety standards within the industry, it is presently expected in 2027. Those artists ahead of the curve are already offering their clients pigments which are REACH compliant.

REACH compliant pigment ranges include, to name just a few: LI Global Pigments, Permablend

Alice Kingdom has a long career in permanent make-up and advanced beauty and has been teaching with integrity for several years. She is an international education provider, speaker and also hosts the PMU Conference and Awards in the UK. Her attention to ensuring education is accessible has rewarded her with a global student base.




What Is Going To Happen To The Lash Industry During The Economic Crisis? There are two key subjects I’m seeing being talked about right now ”The market is saturated” and “Clients can’t afford lashes”. Both are true and also very untrue, sorry I’m confusing you, let me explain. There have always been clients who can’t afford your prices, just like there are people who can’t afford to eat out or buy a new car. There are also a lot of people doing lashes and there will continue to be lots more, this is life. Did you notice I said, ‘do lashes’? That's because many of those doing lashes are not lash artists, they are simply people applying lashes, there is no art to it or skill and that right there is the key. I would be lying if I said I haven’t seen a huge shift in lashes in my salon in the past few years, we don’t get the same requests and

we don’t do quite as many full sets as we used to. When I say requests I don’t mean a reduction in the number of clients, I mean a change of type of lash service being requested. Pre-pandemic my number 1 lash service request was thicker the better! Load those lashes up! I specialised in mega volume Russian lashes and my clients wanted the world to see their big bold lashes. Then we returned back from lockdowns with a new pace and a new outlook. Clients started asking for natural, low key, barely there lashes and we were ready for it. During the lockdowns I could see people were getting used to a more natural look, with 90s fashion also having an influence and I started marketing ready for it. I use the word pivot a lot! And not just because I’m a fan of Friends and like to shout it out when I can. It’s 42

something we have to be ready to do at all times, pivot, and pivot fast. If I had gone back postpandemic with the same vision and approach I don’t know if the salon would have survived, let alone thrived. I started and still do focus on how you can take what you have, make a few adjustments and have that “I’m naturally like this when I wake up look” and my clients love it! I invested our time in really mastering the lash lift so those that just don’t want to do high maintenance (because there are a lot of those too) could still spend their money with us and feel amazing doing it. We were ready and waiting for whatever shift out clients made and had a solution ready.

"There have always been clients who can’t afford your prices, just like there are people who can’t afford to eat out or buy a new car." How To Market The Shift In Requirements Something that a lot of lash artists do is post on social media to impress other lash artists or show they are doing the same long thick sets but this is not marketing to your ideal client. Clients want to see relatable images that they can see on themselves. If you are only posting long thick lashes on stunning 20 year olds, you could be putting off your 40 plus clients who want to look natural and may think the long think lash style is all you offer. If you haven’t done it already you should have a profile of who your ideal client is and have a full breakdown of who they are, what they love, where they shop and then ask yourself are the sets you're putting

out there in your marketing attracting this person? Your main marketing should always be around this ideal client profile. I have time booked in my diary for content. I don’t expect my clients to go through a photo shoot with me and it's hard to get good pictures or videos this way. I’m not saying I don’t grab content here when I can but my key marketing pictures come from model sessions. I take the time to get the look I want, we take a lot of pictures and videos and if I need to I will even get them back in for adjustments. Other than a quick clean up I do not edit or filter my work. I think it sets you up to fail and gives unrealistic expectations to clients. Also clients want to see real life they relate to!


Use relatable models and get clear full face shots, show the difference you can make! I love a picture that shows how a light set can completely change the face. Client testimonials - get your client to do a little video talking about their lashes or a good old selfie. Are We Really Over Saturated And Should You Be Worried? Is the market oversaturated? Yes and no. Yes someone new pops up every day and yes there are a lot of cheap sets. Does it concern me? No, this is not my competition. The only time I’m going to get worried is if someone better (not cheaper) opens up right next to me. And if they do? I’m going to take another look at my marketing and niche down again.

"I don’t expect my clients to go through a photo shoot with me and it's hard to get good pictures or videos this way."

Why is this not a worry to me? How many takeaway shops do you have near you? Where I live we are overrun with them. Which one do you choose and why? I choose the one with a high food rating, the ones that are recommended and they look as high quality as possible. Price is absolutely not my go to, because low prices signal low quality food and cutbacks. This applies to most things we spend our money on. What’s even better is if it’s a speciality place, because I know they have really perfected what they are doing and invested into that area. Think about what message your sending out with your image and pricing Which brings me on how to survive and thrive … niche down and stand out as an

expert. If everyone around you is posting long thick sets do the opposite! Show your authority and skill in dealing with more mature clients or really slaying that natural look. Make your social media relatable to the clients in your area and be different. Moving Forward Be ahead of the game, stop looking at other salons to lead you. What is fashion telling you? What are the latest makeup trends?

evaluation and see what your knowledge and skills gaps are. Advanced styling is going to be wasted if you haven’t mastered retention and your sets fall off in a week. Seek out a good coach or mentor to up your business game and utilise what you already have and let the world see your talent and authority.

Don’t keep looking around for the new big treatment, they rarely stick, look at what your clients need and want, and be the best at it. If you are going to invest in courses and look at upskilling, how can you perfect what you do already? Do a self-

Helen Ward is a multi-award winning professional and salon owner. She is an international competitor, judge and speaker within the lash sector and has been in the industry since 1996 and achieved the heights of Level 6 in her education journey. She is the CEO and creator of the newly launched Hair & Beauty Directory.




Elevate Your Waxing Studio with Specialist Pregnancy Waxing Services Looking to give your waxing business a unique edge? Specialist pregnancy waxing services could be the answer. This niche offering not only distinguishes your studio but also caters to the specific needs of expectant mothers, ensuring their comfort and safety.

Why Offer Pregnancy Waxing? Stand Out in the Market With countless waxing studios offering similar services, specialising in pregnancy waxing positions you as a go-to expert for expectant mothers. Safe and Specialised Care Pregnant women often find it challenging to find waxing services that cater to their unique

needs. By providing a service that prioritises safety and comfort, you'll quickly become their preferred choice.

Key Considerations for Offering Pregnancy Waxing Expert Training for Your Staff Your staff should be specifically trained in pregnancy waxing techniques. This ensures they can provide a safe, comfortable experience, understanding the unique needs and concerns of pregnant clients. Consistently HighQuality Service Your studio must maintain top-notch standards, with a track record of excellent reviews and customer satisfaction. This builds 45

trust and confidence in your services. Health and Safety First Ensure your studio passes health and safety checks with flying colours, and that you have proper insurance coverage. A clean, safe environment is nonnegotiable for pregnant clients. Assessing Client Needs Be prepared to assess each pregnant client's physical and mental state to determine the appropriateness of waxing services. This might involve restricting certain treatments based on their condition. Consultation Process Implement a thorough consultation process to reassure your pregnant clients. This should cover everything from their

"Pregnant women often find it challenging to find waxing services that cater to their unique needs." comfort levels to any medical concerns that might affect their waxing experience.

Marketing Your New Services To attract expectant mothers to your studio, tailor your marketing strategies to highlight the safety, comfort, and specialisation of your pregnancy waxing services. Showcasing testimonials from satisfied clients can also be incredibly persuasive. When it comes to promoting pregnancy waxing services, understanding where expectant mothers spend their time and seek advice is important. NCT clubs, Facebook mum groups, and mumcentred podcasts offer rich environments to connect with your target audience. Here's how you can use these platforms to attract clients to your waxing studio.

NCT (National Childbirth Trust) Clubs NCT clubs are a goldmine for reaching new and expectant mothers. These clubs often hold classes and events offering support and information to parents. Partnering with local NCT clubs can open doors to presenting your services directly to your target market. Consider offering exclusive discounts to NCT members or hosting informative sessions on the benefits and safety of pregnancy waxing. Being present and active in these communities can position you as a trusted expert in pregnancy waxing.

Mum Groups on Facebook Facebook is home to countless mum groups, ranging from local community groups to larger, topic-specific ones. These groups are vibrant communities where expectant mothers seek recommendations 46

and share experiences. Engaging in these groups can be incredibly beneficial. Start by joining groups and participating in discussions to get a feel for the community's needs and concerns. You can share valuable content related to pregnancy waxing, answer questions, and gently introduce your services. Remember, the key is to provide value and build trust, rather than just promoting your business. Creating your own Facebook group centred around pregnancy care, including waxing, can also be a strategic move. This gives you a platform to share expert advice, host live Q&A sessions, and build a community around your brand.

Mum Podcasts Podcasts targeted at mums and families are a rapidly growing medium. Many expectant mothers turn to these podcasts for advice, stories, and tips relating to pregnancy

and motherhood. Collaborating with these podcasts can put your services in front of an engaged, niche audience. Consider sponsoring episodes, participating in interviews, or even hosting segments to discuss the importance of self-care during pregnancy, including safe waxing practices. Additionally, creating your own podcast episodes focusing on pregnancy beauty and care, featuring expert guests, can further establish your authority in this niche. Sharing these episodes across your social media platforms and in relevant groups can attract

listeners who are potential clients. By thoughtful engaging with expectant mothers in NCT clubs, Facebook groups, and through mum podcasts, you can effectively promote your pregnancy waxing services and build a loyal client base.

Keeping Up the Care After the Baby Arrives Think pregnancy waxing is just a short-term thing? Think again! Once your client has had their baby, there’s a whole new opportunity for you to keep helping them out. It's super important to offer a plan for after the baby comes, too. Letting your clients know when 47

it’s cool to come back for waxing after giving birth, and checking in on how they’re feeling mentally and physically, can really show them you are able to care for them beyond their pregnancy.

Why Post-Pregnancy Waxing Rocks First off, you’ve already earned their trust during a pretty special time in their life. By offering waxing services after the baby is born, you’re saying, “Hey, I’ve got your back, not just now but in the future too”. This kind of support doesn’t just keep them coming back; it turns them into loyal fans who’ll tell all their friends about you.

“By offering tailored plans and showing you care about more than just business, you’re building relationships that last.”

Tailoring the Comeback Plan Not all births are the same, and how your client is feeling mentally can really vary. Some might be ready to jump back into waxing pretty quick, while others might need a bit more time. Having a flexible plan that you can adjust for each person is key. It shows you’re not just about the service but about caring for them as individuals.

Nurturing the Connection Keeping in touch with clients after their baby is born, maybe through a friendly email or a checkin message, can make a big difference. It’s not just about reminding them to book their next

appointment. It’s about showing you remember and care about this huge event in their life. This kind of personal touch can turn a once-in-awhile client into a lifelong one. Post-pregnancy waxing isn’t just an add-on service; it’s a way to keep supporting your clients when they need it most. By offering tailored plans and showing you care about more than just business, you’re building relationships that last. And that’s the kind of service people remember and appreciate.

providing a valuable, much-needed service for expectant mothers. For those looking to excel in this niche, my bestselling book, The Art of Pregnancy Waxing, is an essential guide. It offers in-depth insights into safe practices, techniques, and marketing strategies to help your business thrive. Elevate your waxing studio beyond the competition by embracing the unique needs of pregnant women, ensuring they receive the care and comfort they deserve.

Final Thoughts By incorporating specialist pregnancy waxing services, you're not just expanding your offerings; you're

Marta is known throughout the beauty industry as The Waxing Specialist and has built a successful business based solely on waxing. Demonstrating her skills as a wax professional, educator, and speaker she has been a pioneer in pregnancy waxing and has won several awards recognising her skills. Marta is a published author and industry expert.




HYPE-oallergenic? Hypoallergenic, is it hype? You may see the use of the term “Hypoallergenic” around some nail products. So why do some products claim this and what does Hypoallergenic really mean? Let’s get one thing clear before I proceed, I have nothing against the use of the term Hypoallergenic, but what I do like to do is debunk the terms, jargon and myths for the professionals of the industry, educating and empowering them to make their own informed decisions and choices for their businesses. I am very fortunate to have worked with brands and met with many chemists (which I find fascinating every time) over my 22 years and it has enabled me to bring the background workings and information of the industry to the front-line working professionals, and it’s what I am most passionate about! The word Hypoallergenic is believed to have first been used in 1953, if not earlier, for the cosmetic industry. You will now find the term used in foods, materials such as metals or fabrics, and even pets.

Hypoallergenic cosmetics (and the aforementioned other items) are products that manufacturers or brands claim produce less or even no allergic reactions than other products or brands. Good brands will always formulate their products with Hypoallergenic properties at the forefront, but what we need to remember is that ALL nail products contain allergens & irritants (some more than others), hypoallergenic or not. Users will assume that these products will be gentler to their skin, and therefore ‘safer’. Shockingly, there are no standards or laws that regulate the use of the term. But the key word there is ‘skin’. Nail products are for nails - NOT SKIN, yet, there is always the risk of skin contact of course. Hypoallergenic claims can give the impression that they guarantee a complete absence of risk of irritation or allergic reaction, but this is not true. No brand or product can guarantee such a claim and no manufacturer can guarantee that the user is following the recommended guidelines of use.


So, how do you choose a brand, Hypoallergenic or not? The list of allergenic and irritant chemicals in nail products is pretty long, and that’s ALL products, not just UV/LED gels. HEMA free has seen a rise in the use of the term Hypoallergenic, or even Free from this or that, in many different marketing terms. But these long-used chemicals have been used safely for decades, and when you take out these chemicals, which are there to do a particular job, you have to replace them with something else! Understand what’s in your brand products, don’t focus on what’s been taken out! 1. Do your own research. Whilst online forums are great, they are laced with an overwhelming amount of opinion and sometimes miseducation. Contact brands directly, and ensure they tick all of your boxes. A brand that aligns with your personal goals and business values will support you and drive you to success.

“ ‘Hypoallergenic’ is a marketing ploy. And yes, it is a meaningless term from the medical standpoint. Nearly all cosmetic ingredients can cause allergies to some degree. To be honest there are few nonallergenic products that cannot cause any adverse reactions. For instance, if the product is made of components of the natural moisturising factor or a product that is composed of inert synthetic components – silicones or petrolatum, and some others.” Vitaly Solomonoff – qualified dermatologist, cosmetic chemist and Nail Knowledge Expert. 2. Seek out a wider education. You are already reading this article, so you see the value in investing in yourself, but there is an abundant amount of FREE education to be had in science & chemistry. Obtain a great underpinning knowledge of the chemicals used in our products, and after some hardcore research, you could be equipped with greater terminology and chemical understanding than some of the brands! Avoid sites like Wikipedia, instead seek out chemistry journals and papers written specifically about the nail industry and the products we use. It’s not light reading, and not for everyone, but it’s so

insightful and will help you understand if the term hypoallergenic is going to mean more to you.

but it has seen me waste money on something that looked good and in reality, it was not.

3. I recommend choosing a brand that has a strong educational ethos in natural nail health. We cannot build a house on mud - it is imperative you have a good understanding of the natural nail unit anatomically to know how to best service every individual.

5. Lastly, keep it professional. Professional brands uphold higher standards and follow stricter policies. Generic public online stores will not be there to support you when you have a question or problem. Professionalonly brands aim to produce cosmetically compliant and safe products, with ethical ingredients and innovation always.

4. Avoid the ‘shiny thing syndrome’. We have all been there at one time or another, everyone is using it so FOMO gets you, or it is just so pretty you MUST have it. I’m a huge lover (sucker) of good marketing

Theresa Foddering has a mind filled with nail-based science, from anatomy & physiology to the chemistry behind the products, she knows her way round a nail from inside to finished article. A brand educator and mentor to her team with a successful salon.





Skin Professionals Confidently Navigate Menopausal Skin Changes! In your clinic do you often hear clients say… “Looking in the mirror my lines and wrinkles are getting worse.” “My skin never used to be red and flushed with broken capillaries.” “My makeup isn’t looking even and settles in these lines.” Are you regularly seeing clients with… More lines and wrinkles indicating a lack of collagen and elastin? More redness, breakouts and looking flushed more often than not? Complaining that their skin feels tight especially after showering? Menopause is a significant life stage for women, not only characterised by hormonal shifts but also by profound changes in skin health. Beyond the visible

signs of ageing, these transformations can deeply impact women emotionally, leading to a decline in confidence and selfesteem.

mission to support women not just to survive but to thrive.

Here we will delve into the intricate relationship between menopause, skin changes, and the often underestimated influence of stress, offering insights for skin professionals to address these concerns and empower their clients through this transformative period.

I know this struggle firsthand as my journey has gone from battling acne to navigating the complexities of menopausal skin when she was turned away from a doctor's with a dismissal of possible menopause at the age of 42, deeming her too young. My personal journey inspired me to develop the ultimate guide to menopause for skin professionals, driven by my

Hormonal shifts result in diminished skin moisture, leading to dryness and flakiness. • Reduced Elasticity


Menopausal Skin Changes: Decreased Collagen Production

Menopause leads to reduced collagen levels, contributing to sagging and wrinkles. In the first five years after menopause, approximately 30% of collagen is lost. • Increased Dryness

Declining oestrogen levels affect skin elasticity, resulting in a loss of firmness.

“Are you regularly seeing clients with… More lines and wrinkles indicating a lack of collagen and elastin? More redness, breakouts and looking flushed more often than not? Complaining that their skin feels tight especially after showering?” •

Heightened Sensitivity

Hormonal changes can increase skin sensitivity, potentially triggering irritation and flare-ups of conditions like rosacea, eczema, and psoriasis, exacerbated by elevated cortisol levels due to stress. • Altered Oil Production Hormonal fluctuations may disrupt oil production, leading to changes in skin oiliness and potentially exacerbating breakouts. • Dehydration Menopause, coupled with hormonal changes, can cause dehydration, accentuating fine lines. Elevated cortisol levels due to stress can impair the skin's barrier function, leading to sensitivity and dehydration. In depth consultations become the cornerstone of understanding menopausal clients. By carefully questioning and actively listening, as skin professionals we can 53

connect the dots and aid the client with their knowledge on menopause. I like to emphasise the importance of exploring medication details, stress management, and subtle signs of emotional strain for personalised support strategies in my course (you’ll find a link below). Many menopausal women find themselves juggling various responsibilities, from caring for growing children to supporting elderly parents, all the while managing demanding careers or businesses. This juggling act can escalate stress levels, exacerbating skin changes by triggering inflammatory responses. Stress activates the body's fight-or-flight response, leading to the production of adrenaline and cortisol. While this response was adaptive in ancient times, prolonged stress can lead to various health issues, including skin discomfort and unsettledness. Relaxation techniques play a crucial role in mitigating the effects of stress on the skin. By promoting a "rest

and digest" state through activities like meditation, massage, and chakra balancing, skin professionals can help clients manage stress and improve skin health holistically.

“46% of women experience skin issues related to menopause, ranging from dryness & itchiness to more severe conditions such as rosacea & acne” Source: Edinburgh Royal Infirmary Menopause Clinic

Incorporating holistic lifestyle practices is essential for managing stress and promoting skin well-being: •


Consuming a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients, including B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, magnesium, and calcium, can support stress reduction and overall skin health. • Clinic Treatments Incorporating holistic elements like meditation and LED light therapy into facial treatments can soothe the skin and promote relaxation. • Lifestyle Tips

Cultivating mindfulness, journaling, practising breathing techniques, meditation, establishing rituals, and tracking cycles can help manage stress and improve skin resilience. In conclusion, understanding the intricate interplay between menopause, skin changes, and stress empowers skin professionals to provide comprehensive care. By addressing these challenges holistically, individuals can navigate menopausal skin changes with confidence, promoting overall well-being. Encouraging clients to prioritise self care practices will not only enhance their

skin health but also elevate their quality of life during this transformative phase. If you're interested in deepening your understanding of menopausal skincare, consider joining my FREE five-day Mastering Menopause Mini Course by scanning the QR code below.

It is my mission to help busy menopausing women achieve balance in their life. By using meditation, mindfulness and coaching we create a ripple effect, empowering women not just to survive but to thrive! Mindful Menopause Coach™ l Hit The Pause™ Retreat l Skin Professional




Elevate Your Skin Business for Success in 2024 & Beyond We are firmly into 2024, and although the last few years have been tough for the industry, it's time to gear up for success! We can sit and be reactive to what happens around us, or we can proactively take matters into our own hands. So, read on to find out how you can prepare your skin business for every challenge thrown at it! 1. PERFECT YOUR CONSULTATION GAME Let's start by focusing on the foundation of your business - the consultation process. We often underestimate the power and value of the consultation, but it really is at the heart and soul of your journey with each of your clients. It's not just about ticking off boxes; it's about forging meaningful connections and truly understanding your client's needs and concerns.

To begin to understand your client's skin, you need to understand the life it leads. You need to know what it’s fed, the environment it lives in, the pressures it faces, and the regimen it is subjected to. Skin health is afterall everything working in harmony, not just the topicals we are using. If we can help our client, understand their skin, and help them get to the root cause of their issue, the results of our work will be much more sustainable.

be better equipped to provide personalised solutions and build those long-lasting client relationships.

Consider investing in more advanced consultation training courses to enhance your skills. These courses delve into the psychology of client interactions, effective questioning techniques, and holistic skin analysis methods. By sharpening your consultation skills, you'll

Whilst advanced treatments can be extremely advantageous for your client’s skin and in turn for your business, if we don’t have the basics down or the depth of knowledge to back up those treatments, you should really be furthering that knowledge first.


2. KEEP LEARNING, ALWAYS! In the fast-paced world of skincare, continuous learning is not just a suggestion; it's a necessity. As new technologies emerge and research advances, staying up-todate with the latest trends and techniques is essential for maintaining a competitive edge.

“On average, a business owner loses a third of their time to low value or nonrevenue generating tasks. Are you holding yourself back?”

We don’t know what we don’t know, and it is important to continuously strive to educate ourselves, not only through brand and product training, but through peer support, mentoring and selfdevelopment to develop our own way of working, which sets us apart in the market. Remember, it is okay to evolve and change the way you work over time as your methods and also the industry changes. This is how we stay ahead.

Make education a priority by allocating time and resources to attend industry conferences, workshops, and seminars. However, if it sounds too good to be true then it probably is -

do your due diligence with any training! What type of certificate or qualification will you get and is it going to see the distance with any new regulations etc. By investing in your education, you'll not only expand your knowledge base but also enhance your credibility as a skin expert.

So, our first question would be: Why do you think you need to introduce something new into your skin clinic? What is the cost if you don’t? Will it have generic appeal for your audience? How quickly will you see a return on your investment? Could you negotiate the price, or perhaps spread the cost? Would renting be a more suitable option?

3. Tech Talk Now, let's talk about technology. It's no secret that advancements in technology have transformed the skin industry, even more so in the last couple of years, offering a wide array of tools and devices to enhance treatment outcomes. However, it's essential to approach technology with caution and strategic planning. 56

And it doesn’t end there, once that glossy machine arrives, what is your strategy, because that baby needs to earn its keep. Remember technology can be superseded so quickly. There is no shame in putting more emphasis on a professional, results driven product range instead. Fantastic results can be achieved this way,

and it can help drive retail sales too.

Before investing in new technologies, conduct thorough research and seek guidance from industry experts. Skin Professionals UK offer a number of unbranded, technology-focused webinars that you can use to familiarise yourself with the latest advances. Stay informed about regulatory guidelines and safety protocols to ensure compliance and client safety. Always do your homework first! 4. FOCUS ON YOUR ZONE OF GENIUS Running a successful skincare business requires wearing many hats, from client management to marketing and financial planning. However, spreading yourself too thin can hinder your ability to excel in your core areas of expertise. If you are a Skin Professional, you obviously have a passion for skin, but when you started your skin business, did you really expect all the other tasks that are involved?

On average, a business owner loses a third of their time to low value or nonrevenue generating tasks. Are you holding yourself back? There are so many ways to outsource or delegate, which frees you up to focus on revenue generating activities and your passion for treating skin! Perhaps an online booking system, a book-keeper or virtual assistant. What could you outsource to free up your time to concentrate on what you love?

Take a step back and assess your strengths and weaknesses. Identify tasks that align with your passion and expertise, and consider outsourcing or delegating nonessential tasks to qualified professionals. Have you ever thought about being part of a coaching community to keep you on track and support you? 5. COMMUNITY IS KEY Last but certainly not least, let's talk about the power of community. Many people in our industry work alone or

don’t have a support network. It can be a lonely place and that’s why we created Skin Professionals UK®, a supportive environment where Skin Professionals of all levels could come together in a safe space, without judgement or prejudice to ask questions, debate and discuss. It is only through knowledge and education that the standards and the profile of our industry can be elevated.

There has never been a better time to engage with fellow Skin Professionals through social media platforms or virtual and in person events to exchange knowledge, share best practices, and seek advice. By actively participating in the skin community, you'll gain valuable insights, support, and encouragement to overcome challenges and achieve your business goals. If you want to take a look at what is on offer then visit our Linktree by scanning the QR code.

Skin Professionals UK® is headed up by two qualified beauty therapists who specialise in skin. “Together, we believed there was an appetite for a community that offered a safe space to pose questions, network and learn from one another, so we created one! It is our mission to help improve standards and raise the profile of our craft.”






Launch Party & Hub Report

The build up to this year’s Professional Beauty London has been intense. Myself and Helen Ward (Collaborative Columnist and owner of The Hair & Beauty Directory) set ourselves a task last year when we decided to collaborate away from the magazine and to host a joint Launch Party for SEJ and The Hair & Beauty

Directory on the eve of Professional Beauty. Whilst discussing how this would come to be we discovered that we had so many aligned thoughts and values around the concept of helping the wider industry that we would approach Mark Moloney, owner of Professional Beauty, with an idea for a new area within the show. To cut a very long story short, The Career & Small


Business Hub was born and a new logistical pathway and collaborative partnership was forged with the intention to assist salon professionals and business owners experiencing challenges, concerns, worries or maybe just needing some support.

The Salon Education Journal and The Hair & Beauty Directory Launch Party The Launch Party was the first event of the weekend, and with a guest list from across the industry, the pressure was on to make it a night to remember. With support from sponsors HYPO21, Beauty Brands Connector, Professional Beauty, Adam Chatterly/ Beauty Business Secrets, Sam Blake/The Safer Salon Geek and Donna Clayton/Solo Academy Consultant we were able to put on a great event that all guests thoroughly enjoyed. Celebrating the launch of two brands focussing on raising awareness to the consumer, raising standards of service delivery and also promoting quality education was a great opportunity for the industry to see the pathway that needs to be travelled going forward.

Helen Ward said, “The launch party was such an amazing night and was everything we wanted, people connecting and relaxed. It very much signalled the vision I personally have moving forward, watching true professionals engaging and in a relaxed way, creating true connections and working forwards with collaboration.

“Having so many industry champions in one room, all with the same goals, was a huge achievement and one I know Helen and I are immensely proud of,” said our Editorial Director, Sue Davies.


The Career & Small Business Hub The brainchild of Helen Ward and Sue Davies, The Career & Small Business Hub became one of the most talked about industry events across social media in the build up to Pro Beauty and was created to provide those new to industry, those working as professionals and those in business ownership with a safe port of call at the show, somewhere they could visit to speak with experts, hear advice and guidance and take away positives to help them as they travel the road they are walking. The Hub had been carefully curated to include networking opportunities, round table discussions, panel talks and safe space helpers for more personal situations. A team of over 35 professionals and experts came together in the months leading up to the show to create this backdrop directed by Helen and Sue. Also within The Hub were 4 showcase stands that had been given an introductory price to exhibit which included Nail Tech Tribe, Lustre Lash, Jenna Leigh Mentor and TNB Skills Academy. At 5pm on Saturday night there was a blueprint for any future events after the months of work and preparation. At 9.30am on Sunday, the first networking


event started and The Hub began filling with guests. We were full to capacity and it became apparent that The Hub’s schedule of events was about to pivot and the detailed timetable was about to become something very different but equally as engaging and rewarding for those visiting and advising. The Hub became a central point of advice, guidance and a place of discussion, with the Reception team guiding business owners and professionals to an expert that could help with their individual business or career query. This was not what was anticipated, but there was a rapid realisation that the blueprint had just changed and that this was potentially a better way of working. The Hub was a great opportunity for all the participants whether helping or visiting to come together and communicate freely with each other and both Helen and Sue look

forward to future opportunities to work together again in the same vein. “The buzz of The Hub was huge and to see so many faces in deep discussion was what it was all about. The opportunity to gain insights from experts into how they could make changes in their business has helped so many and we were so pleased we could deliver such a useful resource with the support of Professional Beauty”, Sue shared. Helen Ward said, The Hub changed rapidly from everything we’d planned, with our well laid plans going out of the window to adapt to what was in front of us. But what it delivered was exactly what we wanted, seeing people sharing knowledge, network and creating true connections was everything and more. Countless people came into The Small Business &

Career Hub over the 2 days and got help, or even just someone to listen. When we started planning for The Hub we said, if we make a difference to the direction one person is going we have succeeded, and this was felt through the whole of the weekend. It also highlighted the many issues that are present within the beauty sector and that there are many reliable professionals, with incredible values and ethics trying to steer it in the right direction and that gives hope for the future.”

Images courtesy of: Event Photographer: Tina WIng Di Hughes

Glowing Victory:

Aggie Singh Takes The Lead At The Global Skincare Competition, THE SKIN GAMES, Elevating UK's Presence! Aggie Singh, the mastermind behind 'The Science Behind Your Skin' at Silesiana Clinic in Cleethorpes, has proudly secured the UK's representation at the esteemed THE SKIN GAMES international awards in Atlanta, USA. This recognition, often likened to the 'Oscars' for beauty professionals, spans a myriad of skin condition categories. "I am incredibly honoured to have the opportunity to showcase our passion for skincare on a global platform," shares Aggie, the 64

esteemed founder and aesthetician at Silesiana Clinic. "This achievement not only celebrates our dedication to the field but also shines a light on the exceptional talent and expertise within Cleethorpes, UK." Aggie's triumph at the THE SKIN GAMES international awards was nothing short of remarkable, as she swept all six awards in various skin condition categories including pigmentation, acne, age management, holistic, compromised, and open categories. But her

victories did not end there—she also claimed the prestigious title of Esthetician of the Year 2024, triumphing over a field of over 150 contestants and scooping the main prize of $10,000! Also, Zemits Official gifted one of their most popular Hydrodiamond system Zemits Hydroverstand. Participating in 'THE SKIN GAMES' an intensive 8week program of case studies, Aggie showcased her expertise with onceweekly in-salon treatments, meticulously designed skincare protocols tailored to specific skin conditions, and detailed written updates highlighting the progress of each case study. Her efforts

culminated in an in-depth interview in front of a panel of judges in Atlanta, USA. The Global Skincare Awards through 'THE SKIN GAMES' serve as a beacon of excellence and innovation within the beauty industry. These awards not only highlight the latest advancements in skincare technology and treatments but also underscore a commitment to addressing diverse skin conditions. For those aspiring to follow in Aggie's footsteps and enter next year's competition on the prestigious stage in the USA, detailed information can be found on THE SKIN GAMES website. This remarkable achievement not only solidifies Aggie


Singh's status as a trailblazer in the UK and global skincare industry but also establishes Silesiana Clinic as a trusted haven for clients seeking excellence and transformative results. Aggie was supported by Skincare Sponsors Ivanmed, Thermavein UK & HYPO21




“Years In The Industry And I Quit!” “I quit after years in the industry” and “I'm done” are phrases I hear and read repeatedly. I've been saddened by how many salon professionals work so hard, feel burnt out, and turn their backs on an industry they are passionate about.

reaction. We’ll see discounts, offers, and anything to get clients in chairs, which ultimately means salon owners underpay and undervalue themselves.

Then, another curve ball the Government goes and announces another recession!

Discounting services may seem like a quick fix to attract clients but trust me; it's a slippery slope that can erode your profitability and undervalue your expertise. I've witnessed the detrimental impact firsthand, with some salons sacrificing service quality for short-term gains. However, by reframing your mindset and embracing your salon's unique value proposition, you can break free from the discounting trap and pave the way for sustainable growth.

I've spent over thirty years navigating the complexities of the salon industry, and I understand the rewards and challenges of salon ownership. But let me assure you, there's a way to rise above the chaos and the challenges, pivot your strategies, and thrive without compromising your worth. I've been through many turbulent times in the industry, including recessions and the pandemic, and I know what will happen. We will see many salon owners panicking, a knee-jerk

You are worth more than that.

After a strategic shift away from discounting and towards emphasising my value, I regained control and saw unprecedented growth in my business. My


business grew even in a recession! It's proof that valuing your services and setting firm pricing standards can lead to long-term success. Now I’m taking deposits, have waiting lists, and have actually raised my prices. Here are a few of my top tips to focus on helping you ditch discounting: Know Your Value Take pride in what sets your salon apart and communicate this effectively to your team and clients. Embrace your uniqueness and let it shine through in every aspect of your business. Stand Your Ground Resist the temptation to cave to client demands for discounts. By maintaining your pricing integrity, you convey exclusivity and build a loyal customer base that values your expertise.

“Focus on nurturing relationships with clients who recognise and value the quality and expertise your salon provides.” Embrace Creativity Explore innovative marketing strategies to promote your services and capitalise on special occasions to engage your clientele. Showcasing your salon's personality and offerings can attract clients who appreciate your quality. Attract the Right Clients Avoid falling into the discounting trap to attract deal-hunters who lack loyalty. Focus on nurturing relationships with clients who recognise and value the quality and expertise your salon provides. With a shift in mindset and some golden rules, I have created my business so it's recession-proof, with no discounting and a focus on growth.

depth strategy, which includes everything I’ve implemented in my salon. Find out how I've worked successfully through several recessions, and my bottom line has grown— yes, grown! Join my free online master class to help you through recessions and keep that passion going. Education is key to future success, and as a salon owner, now is the time to arm yourself with knowledge and invest in yourself and your salon. Join me online for my free Steal My Strategy Masterclass.

I love this industry and am super passionate about it, so I will share my entire in-

Emma Jarvis, with her wealth of experience as a salon owner, educator, and podcast guest, encourages salon owners to embrace planning as a powerful tool for success. By dedicating time and thought to strategising, setting goals, and developing practical processes, salon owners can unlock their true potential.





Creating Your Policies & Boundaries As A Home Salon Or Mobile Therapist


But let me ask you; * Does M&S open early if you get to the door 10 minutes before it opens? NOPE. * Can I contact EasyJet by phone as online is a pain for me? NOPE. * If I do not show up for my dentist appointment, do they message “Don’t worry babe! When are you next free?” NOPE, I get charged and if I do it enough times I’m struck off their books, for good. * If I decide I do not want to get married anymore, and I have paid for the dress and they have made it and started alterations, would I get a refund? NOPE. I accept these boundaries, and still very much use these businesses. The other day, we went into London for lunch and had to pay £250 as a deposit (£50 each, including my little boy), if we cancelled within 24 hours they kept the money. I agreed to those terms when I booked, It had a strong consequence for me not taking responsibility. If I didn’t like it, I wouldn’t have booked or tried my luck on the day. You see the “big boys” don’t bend over backwards, they have a business to run. The consumer has to accept the terms. So, why, as solos, do we feel we can’t do that? In all honesty we can. “No” after all is a full sentence! “No, sorry that does not work for me”, is a firm but

kind response to a request that doesn’t serve your life or your business. You are allowed to set your boundaries. You are allowed to have policies in place to protect your business and implement them! Decide right now, what boundaries are your clients overstepping, in that you are starting to feel resentment? Are they texting you late at night? If so, simply stop replying. Set up an auto reply with your opening times. Are they not respecting your opening times – send out a gentle reminder, that you from now on will not be opening the door early for appointments. If they are late, they will lose out on treatment time or they will not be able to have the treatment if late after a certain time. Or what about if they do not show but then expect to be seen ASAP? You may not 71

be busy right now, but the moment you start bending your own rules, they will learn to keep asking, which as you get more fully booked, you will not be able to “squeeze” anyone in. It is not their fault, as you allowed that behaviour in the first place. They think it is okay and you do not mind. The beauty of having policies is that they are there to protect your business, other clients, your time and your profit. It is also at your discretion! Life happens, kids get sick, cars break down, roads flood and people forget things. So have a strike system. If a loyal client genuinely forgets, as her mother has been sick and it has never happened before, you are allowed to waive your policy, making it clear that on this occasion you will not implement it.

“Look back at what has not served you in the past and create boundaries, policies and terms and conditions lists.” If it happens again in the next 3-6 months, then they lose their deposit or have to pay in full, before they book their next appointment. You can suggest, due to their style and you not wanting to charge, maybe it's best for the next few months they book on the day or 24 hours prior. You do not need to be completely cutthroat and be void of any kindness and understanding HOWEVER this isn’t a hobby. But it starts with embodying confidence and the only way you get confident is to rinse and repeat until it becomes second nature. I am all about keeping it positive, but sadly, most of your clients do not care that you have bills to pay, most are not your friends and will pretty much put their own needs and life before yours, as it should be. A bitter pill to swallow, but being aware of this will help you not feel so personal about it. Policies that you may want in place:

* Non-Refundable Deposits (24-72 hours). Bear in mind if they cancel in a reasonable amount of time say like 2 weeks, they can be refunded or it moved to another appointment – It needs to be deemed reasonable by law, so if you have had to order an item in especially, these could be charged for – Scan the QR code or visit the government website for up to date information for consumer rights. * Cancellation Policy * Treatment changes * No shows * How to make payment / booking * Refunds (if they have a service to a professional standard with reasonable care and skill, you do not need to give a refund – ask for proof in person if they are not happy and within a time frame.) * Retouches, redo (have a time limit) * Activities prior to treatment – sunbed, someone else’s work, not removed lashes/nails/ makeup. * Payment before or after treatment. No pay the next

day! * Voucher must be brought to the appointment Boundaries that you may want in place * No kids * No pets * No friends * No stairs, enough room to work (mobile) * Clear operation hours and how long you will respond to messages * Early/late arrivals * Payment method * Speak to the client on the phone, if new * Inappropriate actions/ messages * Requests that do not feel good, aligned or just plain right for you. Listen to your GUT. ALWAYS. Look back at what has not served you in the past and create boundaries, policies and terms and conditions lists. Making sure everyone is aware of these new guidelines at the time of booking, via social media, website, email, document link via text. This is your time to start doing business your way and enjoying it!

A dedicated beauty and holistic professional for over 20 years with a career history in spa, health clubs, fashion and teaching, Kerry has covered most areas of the industry. More recently she has been a speaker and writer around her passion for helping others grow their solo and mobile business to £5k months.




How To Successfully Launch Your Own Product Line - Product Boss Creating and launching a professional beauty product is a venture that requires meticulous planning, strategic positioning, and a deep understanding and respect to regulatory compliance. From concept to shelf, every step plays a crucial role in determining the success of your product in the market.

In this article, I want to share what I believe to be the key aspects of how to successfully launch your own professional beauty products, covering 3 main key areas: Market Positioning, Compliance, and the Manufacturing Process. Market Positioning Marketing positioning, (also known as Market Segmentation) should always start with market research. Thorough market research includes activities such as identifying what your ideal customer is looking for: what is their problem, what are their preferences, what gaps are in the market, and if there aren’t any gaps, what will make your beauty product stand out from your competition? The only way to really know all of the above, is to take a look at your competitors (competitor analysis), and for a short while, obsess over them! Get to know exactly what their strengths and weaknesses are.


Tip! We are not trying to reinvent the wheel! We are looking for a PROVEN method out in the market that is selling, ideally a lot! Target Audience: Define your target audience based on demographics, and consumer behaviour. Understand their pain points and preferences to tailor and position your beauty product accordingly. Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Determine what sets your product apart from your competitors. Whether it's innovative ingredients, sustainable packaging, or a unique branding approach, your USP will be critical in attracting customers to your product. Brand Identity: Develop a strong brand identity that resonates with your target audience. From packaging design, to brand messaging, ensure you are consistent across all touchpoints - this will be the most powerful (and profitable) in building brand recognition and trust in the marketplace.

Manufacturing When you are ready to turn your idea into a formulation, it's time to seek out a good manufacturer. A good manufacturer will take on board your initial concept, and will work alongside you to develop products to your requirements. This process can take months, and in many cases years; and throughout this time, you and your chosen manufacturer will provide you with forever changing formulation breakdowns, until you are happy with the final product. How long it takes for a product to reach its final stages will depend very much on your chosen components to create your beauty product - are you using powders, emulsions, SPFs, oils? Depending on the ‘make-up’ of your beauty product, and the trials it will undergo, will determine how many tests will be required throughout this part of the process. During the creation of your beauty product it will go through various stages: Stability Testing: Before your beauty product hits the shelves, it's important to make sure it meets all stability requirements. Under the Cosmetic Regulation (EC) it is a legal requirement to demonstrate that your cosmetic product will be stable for 30 months. The way this requirement can be met (and you don't have to put it on a shelf for 2.5 years!) is to have your manufacturer do what is known as ‘Accelerated Stability Testing’ which will require your manufacturer to test the product in their lab for 12 weeks, at a heightened temperature that is the equivalent of a 74

typical cosmetic product being on the shelf for 30 months at a room temperature of 20 degrees. Compatibility testing: This is when your final product formulation is tested in the packaging you will choose for it to go in. Imagine taking years to create the perfect product, only for it to have a reaction to the materials that the packaging it is made out of! By carrying out compatibility tests, you will be preventing and avoiding potential future issues such as leakages, discoloration, odour, change of appearance etc. It is also during this stage of the process that the product is also tested for storage conditions. It will need to be tested throughout various points of the day, and kept and tested at a range of room temperatures, starting at 4 degrees, and ending at 40 degrees. The Compatibility Testing stage alone takes 12 weeks. Formulation Troubleshooting: Due to the forever changing regulations, and innovations to technology and the materials used for product packaging, this phase is there to assist with any modifications to the laws, during the development phase of your product. Legislation & Compliance This is a bit of a minefield, but to start you will need to notify the European Cosmetics Regulation 1223/2009 and the UK Cosmetics Regulation about your product entering the Cosmetic market. The first thing you’ll be asked to do is inform them

who is acting as the Responsible Person (“RP”) for your company’s products - that would be you! Next, you’ll have to write and submit your Product Information Files (PIF), I strongly suggest you get them reviewed by a third party. Ideally you will have your chosen chemist/ formulator at a manufacturing company at this point, who will also be able to assist you with the above files as they will hold data regarding any raw materials used in the creation of your product. Your manufacturer will be required to submit micobiological test to prove that your product is compliant under the European Cosmetics Regulation 1223/2009 and the UK Cosmetics Regulation.

During your time notifying the European Cosmetics Regulation 1223/2009 and the UK Cosmetics Regulation about your products entering the market, you will also have to complete further documentation: such as various safety assessments, a list of your

raw ingredients, and submit your packaging labels for review, to name but a few. In conclusion, embarking on the journey of creating your own beauty products can be empowering, rewarding, and very profitable if approached with the right strategy. If launching your own product

and being the industries ‘’next big thing!’’ is something you're wanting to explore, then join Layla’s waiting list as she prepares to launch her next signature Programme ‘’Product Boss’ - join the waiting list HERE:

“Through my product distribution company I have achieved multimillion pound revenues over time, which is only possible due putting in the work and following all the above information.”

My Product Boss History • Exposed Spray Tan, launched 2013 • Lashnv Lashes, launched 2015 • Lipnv No Needle Lip Filler launched 2019

Layla joins us to talk about enhancing your personal & career growth through confidence and assertiveness. Her tenacious attitude towards business has led to become a leader in the industry with a history in salon ownership, education, product distribution, online education and more.


WITH ROB BROOKS - Adviser with Death & Disease Limited

In this quarter’s Outside In, we talk to Rob Brooks who is an adviser with Death & Disease Limited who are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Rob shared the following thoughts with us, on what can be a difficult subject, but one which we need to consider and not avoid because it may be uncomfortable. The premise of Outside In is to welcome those that provide ideas and knowledge from outside the industry to help those inside the industry and I met Rob a while back and thought he would be a great person to help guide us in what is often not considered as a necessity, but should be. Rob Brooks – an adviser with Death & Disease Limited who are authorised and regulated by the FCA. T: 07801 26 2000 E: Visit the Death & Disease website by scanning the QR code


Cancer and SelfEmployed People Life has its ups and downs – but cancer, or any other dreadful diagnosis – is frankly awful.

How much it will cost, and will it actually pay out if I need it are the two most common questions I get asked.

Self-employed people don’t have the luxury of sick pay. Mortgages, rent and other bills don’t suddenly disappear. Cancer or other illnesses can often add money worries on top of coping with being ill.

1. I have customers who pay £30 a month and customers who pay £300 a month. It all depends on how much cover someone wants and how old they are. Their current and past health and lifestyle will also have an impact. The most important thing is for me to find cover that fits within a client’s budget. If someone is comfortable at £30 per month and I recommend something that costs £300 per month, they will cancel it after a few payments – which is no good for anyone. Instead if someone makes an enquiry, I always ask them how much per month they are comfortable with. I will then research some options that fit their budget.

So what can a selfemployed person do? Some self-employed people take out insurance to provide them with money to pay their mortgage, rent or other bills if they are ill. Is Insurance Expensive and Does It Actually Pay out? People who are selfemployed can take out insurance that pays them if they are off sick, but – how much will it cost and will it actually pay out? Rob – a specialist in finding sickness insurance for selfemployed people explains:


So should I take out some insurance that pays out if I am sick? The answer is – it depends. If being ill for more than a month is going to cause you money problems then it is worth looking into. You need to find a policy that is designed for self-employed people and also that fits your budget. There is no point having cover for a few months and then cancelling it because the premiums are more than you are comfortable with. There are independent specialist advisers who can help you find cover that is right for you. Often they don’t charge a fee as they are paid a commission by the insurance providers. Always check that they are regulated by the FCA.

Visit the FCA website by scanning the QR code

2. Will it actually pay out? There are lots of policies that are designed for selfemployed people. But there are also lots of policies that really only work for someone in a steady job with a steady income. When self-employed people buy off the internet, it is really easy for them to pay money for the wrong policy. It is my responsibility to find a policy that is designed to cope with income or hours that go up and down for example. The other reason policies

don’t payout is when people ‘forget’ things, for example, that they smoke, because they hope it will make the premium cheaper. I always tell my clients that I am on their side – and as long as they are completely honest with me, I will only recommend a policy that will pay out.




Beyond The Risk Assessment - Reframing Salon Health and Safety in 2024 A thought provoker to begin; I would like to ask you to reflect on your foundational education and then subsequent CPD training, focusing on the Health and Safety (H&S) modules and topics you covered. If you are a student this article will be a mini masterclass in how what you are learning is applied beyond compliance. Well delivered training reveals the interconnectedness between the UK’s overarching legislation, the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and the subordinate regulations such as The Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations, COSHH and Manual Handling; and how these apply to safe practices, responsibilities, and duties in a salon environment. Did the

delivery of Health & Safety you received ever go beyond that? In this article, we will explore what is termed as a ‘positive safety culture,’ emphasising the need to reframe salon industry culture towards Occupational and Workplace Health and Safety. To seek to go beyond what you consider it to mean and think about the topic in the context of business sustainability and personal career longevity. Reframing and Beyond I understand this topic may not seem the most interesting in your career. If you are a small team business under 5, or solo self-employed, you may feel the way Health and Safety was delivered is for compliance and not applicable to a smaller size business. You may think it 78

can be more about what you do not need to do, rather than what you should or could do. I think one of the worst pieces of advice that can be given is when someone says, “You do not legally have to do something”, without the ‘BUT’ and detail scenarios and consequences to consider if anything went badly. A solo does not legally need a Health and Safety statement, BUT writing this down and embedding the principles within the salon rules and operational procedures helps to reduce areas of business threat. The small team salon does not have to document the risk assessment or log staff training. BUT if a client pursues an allergy claim, or retrospective injury claim where is the evidence of the owner's due diligence? That is a lot of information to pull together in a

“To apply the meaning to a salon it is about how people behave when they think no one is looking!” stressed state, and nobody works well or remembers details when stressed out. Any good business advisor will tell you robust systems are the foundation for success. What my education journey taught me is that the salon industry should be seeking to do more than the compliance minimum. I have managed and owned my own business, I understand cost and time barriers, but I realised very quickly that the interconnection with key compliance areas would improve business sustainability and have a positive impact on marketing and business strategy. There is a wild west feeling around differing levels of quality and standards, issues surrounding recruitment and numbers entering our work world. One way to stand out has always been to leverage the beyond methodology, so why not do that with your Health and Safety? The business arguments are just not sold! Safety Culture “The safety culture of an organisation is the product of individual and group values, attitudes, perceptions, competencies,

and patterns of behaviour that determine the commitment to, and the style and proficiency of, an organisation’s health and safety management. Organisations with a positive safety culture are characterised by communications founded on mutual trust, by shared perceptions of the importance of safety and by confidence in the efficacy of preventive measures” (UK Advisory Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations 1993)

The term was first used in this context after the Chernobyl disaster. To apply the meaning to a salon it is about how people behave when they think no one is looking! OR simply; the way we do things around here, including health and safety. Overall, the salon industry's approach is traditional when compared to other sectors. We consider what the beyond, and better is in customer care, service provision, atmosphere, and experience. Health and Safety is generally about what you must do. The Must do, but not what you should do OR beyond that what could you do to improve?


Cost; money and time are the common barriers BUT, I will reframe that to say, many free things can be done to improve a business's overall culture, not just safety which has a ripple effect. A business argument for ‘more than’. Applying the basic principles of Health and Safety is only one layer to the creation of a safe, compliant workplace. To strip it back to the start, Plan, Do, Act, Check – a foundational process applied to any size business. For example, the process of risk assessment and that folder of templated documents does not mean a salon is compliant. There is a tendency to think about risk assessment in the singular. One process, one document and done. Here is the reframe - a risk assessment should be part of your safety management system, to be “done” properly, and to be fully compliant. Embedded in your salon operational procedures. Effective policy development and implementation planning go hand in hand. The culture of the business has more to do with doing more, recognising more and, for our industry, going beyond compliance.

"Many free things can be done to improve a business's overall culture."

A sticking plaster approach to health and safety more often falls short, especially when you are focusing solely on compliance rather than the integration of a holistic approach. Your culture is your brand - your ethics and values, your business's moral compass and how you integrate compliance with linked laws such as The Equalities Act 2010. Your socioeconomic approach to your people's financial security. As a solo your own financial security, pricing; hobby business or business business? If you are charging a bean and a nut, how does that give you financial safety and security? Safety means

more than manual handling, or slips, trips and falls. It is your environmental impact, how psychologically safe people feel in the environment. Health means more than a tag along word, it is more than infection control, COSHH, recognising the need for workplace wellbeing, not just client based mental health. Stress Risk Analysis and Wellbeing risks are being explored. And a personcentred approach to Health and Safety.

salon industry health and safety using the basis of a positive safety culture. While still assisting with regulatory compliance, alongside industry codes of practice and standards, It delivers meaningful education to salon business owners. It allows you to create a workplace environment where health and safety are not just regulatory obligations, but integral components of a thriving and sustainable business.

I have developed The Safe Space Balance Formula™ which is a holistic approach to

Sam Blake has a lifelong commitment to the industry as a professional, where she worked in salon, spa and education settings with integrity and passion for what she delivers. In recent years Sam has pivoted her career to the underpinning area of Health & Safety and focusses on mental health and wellbeing in its many formats.





Embracing Change: The Power of Inclusive Language Language is powerful. The way it is used, and even the very definition of words develops and changes over time. Changing our language takes a little effort and mindfulness to be inclusive of everyone. Inclusive language not only ensures equitable access to resources and opportunities for all, but it also empowers individuals and groups to feel psychologically safe, respected, engaged, motivated, and valued. It is no longer about being PC; it is about respecting our fellow humans. Expressions of the past may once have been acceptable but in the modern day may now be offensive. Do you want to be seen as a welcoming, forward-thinking business? Is it time to embrace change? We Have Been Here Before In the past, job titles were gendered such as housewife, air stewardess, policeman, and fireman.

However, over time, there has been a shift towards more neutral and inclusive language. Terms such as homemaker, flight attendant, police officer, and firefighter have emerged, reflecting a more inclusive approach. Additionally, the shift from mankind to humanity exemplifies this move towards gender-neutral language. This evolution in language has played a significant role in promoting social change and advancing gender equality. While change may initially feel uncomfortable, it's essential to recognise the positive impact it can have on society. Initiating Change Language is also deeply personal. What someone feels resonates with them is OK, as long as it is about them, and not other people. Have you ever considered auditing the words you use - reading through your website copy, your social posts and marketing materials and checking your language from a 82

diversity and inclusion point of view? Gender Neutrality The most inclusive strategy is to avoid references to a person’s gender except where it is relevant to the discussion. This involves using gender neutrality when using terms, expressions, and pronouns. This gender-neutral approach avoids stereotyping people according to their gender and making offensive mistakes. Using gender when addressing your audience could deter potential clients, so avoiding phrases like Hi ladies and switching for generic greetings like Hello everyone, Hey folks, or simply Good morning will ensure no one feels left out. There’s nothing wrong with using gendered terms, once you know what a person’s chosen terms are. Before we have that information, then gender neutral, or to put it another way, universally inclusive, language is how to ensure we don’t misgender anyone.

“It is no longer about being PC; it is about respecting our fellow humans.”

Redefining Relationships Language that refers to people’s sexual orientation needs to be accurate and appropriate, so that it does not exclude people or cause offence. Opposite sex couples are now mixed gender couples This not only includes non-binary folk, but it also removes the word “sex” which can be very confusing when talking about gender identity v. sex assigned at birth. Shifting Perspectives on Health On consultation forms I see suffering from all the time. Suffering from suggests discomfort, constant pain, and a sense of hopelessness. What do you think of this language? Is someone suffering from their condition? Or maybe living with it? i.e. living with

HIV, or someone is living with cancer. Reshaping Body Image Discourse by Body Image Coach, Amy Bates Language plays a crucial role in shaping perceptions and attitudes towards different body types, including fat bodies. It's important to use respectful and sensitive language that does not perpetuate stereotypes or stigmatise individuals based on their body size. The word fat has historically been used as an insult even though it is a descriptive word like thin. Some people prefer the use of neutral or positive descriptors such as plussize, larger-bodied, or curvy but some prefer to just describe themselves as fat. Stigmatising or offensive terms like overweight, obese, or


morbidly obese can carry negative connotations and may not accurately represent an individual's health or well-being. For example, say a person who is larger-bodied rather than an obese person. Reframing Age I once referred to myself as us oldies. I was being ageist. It took a peer to point this out to me, and I did feel embarrassed at first, but now I can see how it came across. Generalisations based on age can stereotype and undermine people. Avoid using terminology that assumes people of a certain age or generation are the same. Instead of anti-ageing on skincare – as it insinuates ageing is bad, and also that we can slow it down, we could use pro-ageing.

Empowering Disability Language used to portray disabled people has traditionally emphasised the disability rather than the person and can be used to create a homogenous group of people with disabilities, irrespective of the nature of the disability and ability. In most circumstances there is no need to mention or refer to someone’s disability at all. If it is required, ensure you take a person-centred approach instead of focussing on the disability. It is essential to focus on the person, not their characteristics. Many Deaf people whose first language is BSL consider themselves part of ‘the deaf community’ – they may describe themselves as ‘Deaf’, with a capital D, to emphasise their deaf identity. Examples to use: • Person with / living with a disability / with a learning difficulty /with a mental health condition

• • • • •

Person without a disability or nondisabled Person of restricted growth People who are blind / visually impaired Accessible toilet / accessible life / accessible car parking Wheelchair user

Racial Inclusive Language A person’s appearance does not indicate their nationality or cultural background. A person’s ethnic origin or nationality do not indicate their abilities or their views. Race should only be used to identify or describe someone when it is necessary and relevant. Where it is appropriate, it should only be used as an adjective rather than a noun. The terms BAME, BME and any other umbrella description should be avoided where possible, and more specific language should be used as these terms group many very different people together. 84

Avoid expressions that use black in a negative way (e.g. black sheep, blacklist) Examples to use include: • Minority ethnic group • Underrepresented ethnic groups • Person who is Black, Black British, Asian. Asian British, Jewish or ideally exactly where they are from • Mixed race / Mixed heritage / Dual Heritage Acknowledging Pregnancy and Birth Diversity Whilst most people who are pregnant or have given birth identify as women, there are some non-binary, trans and intersex people who do not identify as a woman and become pregnant and give birth. Terms like pregnant women, could just be pregnant people, or those who are expecting a child. For example, I use nursing on my training manuals to be more inclusive.

"Some phrases aren’t OK anymore." Adapting to Technological and Social Change This concept is really thought provoking. At one point in time there was only a guitar, and a clock. When the electric guitar and digital clock were born what should we call the original ones? We now needed new words. In came acoustic guitar and analogue clock. These are retronyms – words that had to be created because of new technology. This is why we now have the word cisgender, because we now use the word transgender, and need another word to describe those of us who aren’t trans. Time to say goodbye? Some phrases aren’t OK anymore. An example of a term that is likely to be used when regulation hits but has racist connotations is Grandfathering in or Grandfather clause. This term is used to imply

exemption from a change, because of conditions that existed before the change. It was also used to exclude African Americans from voting. A good alternative might be legacy.

• • •

What do you think of these words and phrases? • Blind Testing • Dumb Down • Crazy /Insane • Tribe • Guys • Brainstorm • Normal (skin / people etc) • Manpower Could we find better words? Top Tips for Inclusive Language • It isn’t a noun – we aren’t “the LGBTQ+” “the disabled”, “the blind”, use words as descriptors. • Respect people's selfidentifications; ask if unsure • *If someone challenges your language just ask

what words they would prefer. Avoid stereotyping or generalisations about groups of people. Don’t define someone by their characteristics When listing personal characteristics, put them in alphabetical order to show equal value and where possible include the option of “prefer not to say”. If you make a mistake, apologise, correct it, learn from it, and move on.

References and thanks: Writing About Ethnicity, Gov.UK Cat Gillet, Disability Lawyer Amy Bates @the_beauty_ rebellion The Inclusive Language Field Guide, Suzanne Wertheim PhD

Sam Marshall joins us to talk about the area of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) and is known throughout the salon industry as a voice in this subject. Her work on Trans Awareness has been applauded and she continues to shine a light to the area of LGBTQIA+. Sam is also part of the Skin Professionals team and an expert waxer and educator.




Enhancing Your Client Journey – Experience is Everything! Client journey or experience is a significant factor in the salon marketplace when trying to not only gain clients but maintain and retain them long term. Salon business owners know the importance of delivering amazing client services, but in the delivery of that treatment the surrounding and supporting factors are sometimes overlooked. How your client finds you and books an appointment to post-service check-ins, every touchpoint plays an important role in forming the client's perception of the salon, the team, and the business. In this article, out of the many touchpoints your business should be utilising, I’m going to focus in on five key touch points where you get no physical ‘touch’ with the client through your service and must rely on words, surroundings, and their understanding of what you

do through the outward face of your business. We’ll explore some ways you can enhance each touchpoint and build a stronger relationship with your clients from the moment they find you. Discovery Once that person has had the idea that they want to book a service, what do they do? They go online! They visit Google, type in the service they want to book and hit return. Google does its job and provides a list of sponsored ads followed by a handy local map where you’ll Google Business Profiles, and finally the top ranked providers according to their algorithm. From here on in it’s down to the ‘feel’ of the ‘pick us’ touchpoints you utilise, how they can connect, what they can read about you through your touchpoints and reviews, and most importantly how simple it is 86

to make that booking. Each obstacle you leave out puts that potential new client one step further from your door.






“Each obstacle you leave out puts that potential new client one step further from your door.”

How does your business stand out against the other salons around you? How are you connecting when clients are doing their research? Do you have … •

Your Google Business Profile. This is a hugely important piece of your marketing and gives potential clients an awareness of all the vital information without looking for your website or socials and puts you on that handy map on Google. Used well Google Business Profiles can create a great online shop window for your business, which is even more important if you

don’t have a physical shop window. Do you let your potential clients know what your accessibility levels are? For example, are you wheelchair accessible, deaf accessible, do you provide silent treatments, are you trans aware? All these elements and more can welcome different communities to your business. An up to date and current website that provides information about the business including treatments, pricing and booking options. Make sure that the information is current and all links 87

work. There is nothing worse than visiting a site that has old information that hasn’t been updated for 3 years and may still have COVID advice. An up to date and current social page on Facebook or Instagram with a call to action to book, make contact or find out more? Bear in mind if you have a booking system via website/app it may be best not to add social platform booking unless it ties in directly to your live booking system as this can cause unnecessary confusion for your clients and the team.

“How does your business stand out against the other salons around you? How are you connecting when clients are doing their research?”

These 3 areas are the first points of contact for any new client in today’s world. Yes, some may do the oldfashioned thing of walking past a few times if you have a high street venue, and then coming in for a price list, but with more home-based businesses than ever, your online presence is how they do ‘a walk by’. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with positivity and professionalism. Welcome How you greet your clients when they arrive often serves as the first inperson-contact they have with you and your business and sets the tone for their experience. Creating a welcoming space will enhance, even subconsciously, their likelihood of returning as they’re eyes, ears, nose, and hands will be filling up their senses of what they are experiencing. Check the following areas:

Ensure the entry/ reception area is clean, organised, and easy on the eye Give a warm welcome, perhaps a nonoverpowering but relaxing aroma diffuser and provide refreshments if that fits with your business If you have a team ensure they are attentive, friendly, and knowledgeable about salon services and any timely offers that may benefit the client Where you have a waiting area make sure it’s comfortable so the client can relax

colours, a clean toilet (yes, that’s part of it too, believe me as a someone who’s been mystery shopped and read mystery shop reports as a judge many times, I’ve witnessed several comments on how clean or dirty a client toilet was. Things to look out for are… •

• Ambience The ethereal nature of ambience is that something that your client may not be able to exactly put their finger on until it’s not right. Ambience is that feeling of niceness, comfort, and Mmm. It’s things like your venue being clean, hygienic, tidy, the right lighting, good brand 88

Lighting – soft in treatment rooms, task lighting at workstations, good lighting in your welcome area. If you only have one space, then have a mix of lighting elements so you can brighten or dim depending on task at hand Hygienic work areas, meaning no messy wax pots, no nail service dust, clean bottles. This type of attention to detail is not noticed when it’s done but when it’s left out of daily routines it’s the elements that the client will remember negatively.

How are your work areas set up to welcome a client? What is your towel set up like? Do you use a heated underblanket or a cool blanket if you have clients that are going through menopause and may need something cooler. How do you adapt your service for clients that may need other types of support.

Departure The last point of face-toface contact should include an invitation to rebook, provide a smooth payment system and be hassle-free thus leaving a positive impression. Consider the following… •

Ensure processing of payments is efficient and accurate and that you have multiple payment options including cash, cards, digital payment. Check that the client has no further questions remaining around aftercare/ homecare. When rebooking, advise clients of any upcoming offers that may be suitable for them. Let them know you value their visit and custom and invite them

to provide feedback on their experience with your business. Reconnect Following up with clients after their appointment is essential gathering feedback and building longterm relationships. It also shows that you are ensuring that they are happy once they’re away from your business. Here are a few ideas on how you can continue to build on the initial visit with your clients… •

By focusing on these 5 key touch points, you will enhance the overall client experience to cultivate a more successful business. Providing a seamless and memorable experience from First Steps through to Reconnect lets your clients know you provide a professional, efficient, and welcoming salon business.

Send personalised emails thanking them for their visit and inviting them to provide feedback via Google Business Profile or your booking system. Use client feedback to identify areas for improvement and implement changes that align with your client preferences and expectations. Offer client incentives such as loyalty rewards or recommend-a-friend. Stay connected with clients through email and social media updates to encourage re-engagement and rebooking.

Sue Davies is an award winning salon professional and a salon industry veteran and has been in the industry since 2002. She’s worked as a mobile, home salon, freelance and owned her own award-winning salon. She has been an industry educator, competition director, judge, writer and advocate for industry professional standards.




The Psychology of Retailing My passion for retailing comes from the knowledge that it is transformative, available to every single business model, and comes with a guarantee of success when executed properly. Retailing is simply the process of providing something that the client needs, often something that they will source from elsewhere if you are ineffective in your presentation. In the ever-evolving landscape of salon ownership and operation, the pursuit of success can often feel like a marathon, especially against a backdrop of unforeseen hurdles and multiple economic challenges. Imagine that as entrepreneurs we could find a way to improve the lives of not just ourselves but of others around us. Imagine paying yourself more, paying your staff more, paying the salon bills with ease and generally having a better business outlook. Should we seek this silver bullet solution to propel our businesses to new heights or use the waiting strategy? Wait for the economy to improve, wait for the Government to

take some action or wait for the world around us to change? I’m really not one for waiting, and as you can guess from the article title, this potent strategy lies right under our very noses! A strategy that has the potential to revolutionise your business model and invigorate your bottom line. We all know it’s there, the elephant in the room that almost every business decides to ignore. It’s like sitting by a big river and dying of thirst, ignoring the huge life giving force right beside you. I have carefully chosen the word ‘decides’ because you are making a conscious decision to reject one of the biggest opportunities in your business.

Retailing is much more than the mere act of product selling and promotions, it is an integral part of customer service. You can’t ignore retailing without ignoring customer service, and what does it say about us if we are prepared to ignore customer service? I find it bizarre that so many salon proprietors and managers relegate retailing to the sidelines, failing to recognise its value as a core component of their business. We genuinely can’t continue to ignore this opportunity if we are to develop a prosperous business and, indeed, industry.

“Retailing is much more than the mere act of product selling and promotions, it is an integral part of customer service.”


The magic of retailing, and it is the nearest thing that we have to magic, resides in its transformative powers. By seamlessly integrating retail into your client interactions, you unlock all sorts of benefits. Witness an instantaneous surge in sales, an increase of profits, and an unparalleled enhancement in customer satisfaction. Customer service through retailing is a win-win-win scenario that demands our attention and concerted efforts. When we retail in a professional way, everyone wins. You and your family win, the staff win and the client wins - what is truly stopping you from winning? However, let us not be beguiled by my passion, and words of excitement for retailing and customer service, yes you can have overnight success, but to sustain it you will need to master the art of retailing which demands

unwavering dedication, focus and a steely determination. When the desire of expansion and recruitment are often challenges in themselves, I have heard retailing referred to having an extra member of staff, except this one works for free, it doesn’t take breaks, doesn’t go on holiday or take time off sick. This staff member always works as hard as you and produces more profit than that of the other staff doing service based sales. Are you really going to turn this member of staff down? Despite the undeniable business allure of retailing, one cannot overlook the formidable hurdle posed by ourselves. Far too often, we recoil from promoting products, fearing that our endeavours might be perceived as pushy or intrusive. However, closer analysis reveals that it’s not

the act of being ‘pushy’ that we are concerned about, but rather the possibility of rejection. Whilst the client may simply be rejecting the product, (there are other reasons for that) you can often misinterpret that as a personal rejection. To avoid this feeling of being rejected we avoid selling products, which in turn avoids the opportunity of improving customer service. It is incumbent upon us to prioritise the client’s interests over our own emotional insecurities. Most salon owners, renters and employees believe that retailing is a set of robotic actions and sentences that we have to make an effort to make. Sure we have to learn some systems, but how often have you heard, or maybe even said something like ‘I was busy this week, so didn’t have time to do retail with everyone’, or ‘it just got so

“Closer analysis reveals that it’s not the act of being ‘pushy’ that we are concerned about, but rather the possibility of rejection.”

busy, I forgot’. When we think like that we are simply saying that if I have a genuine excuse it’s okay not to deliver customer service. This only really comes about because we are thinking that there are extra steps to take, and sometimes I do them and sometimes I don’t. but there are no extra steps to take, just normal customer service actions that every client should be experiencing, whether we are busy or not. Retailing should seamlessly integrate into every facet of our client interactions. As a parallel, one would not overlook the importance of exfoliating a client's skin when doing a facial or executing a flawless blowdry after completing a colour service because it was a bit busy, so too should retailing assume its rightful place as a standard component of our service repertoire.

The establishment of robust systems and procedures is paramount in developing these habits. Training through courses such as my new "Salon Products for Success" course stand poised to guide you through every step of this journey. You can take a look at the course by scanning the QR code: In essence, it is crucial to grasp that retailing embodies not merely a quick-fix solution, but rather profound change in customer service within our salon business. Whether you find yourself at the helm of a bustling salon empire, operating as a freelance stylist, or leasing space as an independent contractor, embracing the ethos of retailing promises to be a game-changer for your business.

As an individual who has experienced both commercial retailing and salon ownership, I understand the challenges that confront you on a daily basis. It is this empathy that fuels my passion for imparting invaluable insights and proven systems, equipping you with the tools necessary to unlock the full potential of your business. Together, let us embark on a journey to rewrite the playbook for salon success, one retail sale at a time.

Carl’s prior retail sales and management experience gives him a different foundation to many salon coaches and with his salon pricing app you know he means business when it comes to getting your price right. He is all about your bottom line and growing your sales to help you scale your salon or spa business.




Pricing Strategy for Salons: Must-have Monetisation In the bustling world of salon business, the quality of your pricing strategy can be the defining line between soaring and just scraping by. It’s a topic that's not always given the attention it deserves. But I want to help you untangle the intricate web of salon pricing strategy, with a focus on the power — and profitability — of premium pricing. Where are we going wrong? There are three main places I see salons going wrong. First, they try to compete on price. We’ve all done it: looked at what others are charging and tried to match them (or worse still undercut), without really understanding what this is doing to our businesses. The problem is, if my estimate is correct, 70% of salons break even or worse. That means you have a 7 in 10 chance of copying the pricing … of someone who is making no money. Competing on price is a miserable

strategy, because there will always be someone willing to go cheaper: it’s a race to the bottom and the quality of your customer experience suffers. Second, salons price on a ‘cost-plus’ basis. They research what a service costs to carry out, add a percentage for profit and set prices accordingly. Though it’s much better than competing on price, this potentially leaves a lot of money on the table. You see, a salon's service is not just a cut, a facial, or a massage — it's an experience, a transformation. A course of acne-ridding facials is worth only so much, but the transformation in a young person’s confidence is priceless. That means they are willing to pay more than what ‘cost-plus’ might suggest. Finally, a lot of salons set prices that don’t support their financial and personal goals. So the process of setting prices looks like this: Set prices > Calculate remaining profit > Take dividends/drawings from the business


But a far more motivating and exciting business would look like this: Set profit target that is exciting and rewarding > Decide how many services are possible > Set prices > Use innovation and marketing to make prices a nobrainerThis almost always leads to premium pricing. Benefits of Premium Pricing in the Salon World I’ve been predicting increased polarisation in the salon industry for several years now. It’s my belief that to compete and remain profitable, salons will have to either have to compete at the budget end (and you already know my feelings on that!) or offer a high-end, premium experience. The middle ground is too crowded, and when times are tough it’s the part of the market that gets squeezed the hardest too. Of course, you can’t just start charging premium prices unless you also deliver great results and a great experience. But on

“Also bear in mind that every time you price someone out of your potential clientele, you also price someone into the market too.” the flip side, you can’t consistently (and profitable) offer a premium experience and charge middle-of-the road prices either. That’s like trying to build a Bentley and charge for a Ford Focus.

upward spiral: charging more means you have more budget to invest back into your business. That means better equipment, products and training, which ensures continued improvements in quality.

Perceived Value and Positioning

Attracting Better Clientele

In a crowded marketplace, price often translates to perceived quality. This isn't always fair, but it’s reality. A premium price tag infers high standards, top-notch service, and exclusive experiences. Clients who seek the very best are often willing to pay a premium for assurance in the quality of service. And don’t go thinking that automatically means rich clients - price sensitive clients will often pay a premium for the reassurance of a great outcome, rather than running the risk of wasting their money.

Better prices get better customers. Harsh, but true. Ask anyone who has ever run a Groupon offer in their salon ... they’ll confirm what I’m saying is accurate! Premium pricing can build a path that leads to customers who appreciate the value of your salon services, rather than bargain-hunters who tend to be more demanding and less loyal too.

Increases in Turnover and Profitability Higher prices can very quickly translate to increased revenue. But it’s not simply about more money; it's about leveraging your expertise to grow your business sustainably. By recognising the value of your service you can jump onto an

Getting Started with Premium Pricing Value-Based Pricing Models Craft your prices based on the value you provide and the demand in the market. Basically, that means pricing for the transformation you deliver, not what a service costs you BUT with one important caveat: there has to be a decent amount of demand for what you’re selling. It doesn't matter how good a service is, or how good a result you can get if there isn’t also a 94

decent number of people who are interested enough to buy. Make it Impossible to Compare The biggest downward pressure on salon prices comes from our customer's ability to compare. We describe and price our services in the same way as hundreds of other salon businesses. That means a new client looking from the outside sees two salons, carrying out the same services with what seems to be the same outcome. Of course they are going to shop on price. Bundle and describe your services in innovative and characterful ways so that those services can't simply be compared on a price list. Add in exclusive treatments that can’t be found anywhere else wherever you can. Creating an Ecosystem of Value Don't just stop at the salon services, but provide clients with the option to take home specially formulated or white-labelled products that will increase your average bill and the effectiveness of your treatments too. Create packages that offer allround services, combining your expertise in one

"Create packages that offer all-round services, combining your expertise in one titillating tangle of transactions." titillating tangle of transactions.

coming back and lean into those reasons in your marketing and positioning.

How to raise your prices

Be Brave

If setting and maintaining a premium pricing strategy was a walk in the park, everyone would be the highest bidder. But the climb isn't unsurmountable, or even Everest; it's tricky but achievable, but takes a little care and consideration.

My grandmother would say “You may as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb”, meaning that if you feel like you’re going to get some negative feedback for a price increase, you may as well add an extra pound or two.

Balancing Price Increases with Customer Loyalty A sudden spike in your pricing can destabilise long-term pricing structures and ruffle client feathers. Everyone should be reviewing prices at least twice a year which means increases can be more gradual and followed by small but noticeable increases in quality and improvements to your service offerings. Market Positioning It’s time to ignore your competitors. Unless your prices are the lowest in town, your clients aren't coming to you for your prices anyway. Find out what it is that keeps them

Also bear in mind that every time you price someone out of your potential clientele, you also price someone into the market too For example, you might have some clients who are no longer prepared to have a facial because you now charge over £80. But there are also clients in your area who don’t think you can get a decent facial for less than £80. I know it sounds harsh to be willing to let some of your long standing clients leave, but it’s the long-term profitability and sustainability of your business we’re talking about here. If it makes you feel better, generally clients will reduce frequency rather than decide to leave altogether.

Finally, there are very few things in business (or in life) that are written in blood or chiselled in stone. If you pursue a premium pricing strategy for a while then find it isn’t serving your life and business goals, we have the ability to change! Conclusion - The Premium Price is Right The decision to charge a premium is a confidence game. It’s about knowing that your skills and standards merit a higher price point. It’s about acknowledging that your salon isn’t just a service; it’s a sanctuary, a haven from the busyness of your client’s world, and sanctuaries are never commoditised. It's time for your business to paint a picture that’s worth a premium price. Raise those rates, charge... and watch your salon business shine!

As the salon industry’s go to expert on salon memberships, Phil has become a recognised name amongst the salon coaching providers. With his background in finance and law he brings a different edge to the salon world and his direct way of working gives salon owners and professionals the information and support they need.




TikTok - A Beginners’ Guide to Mastering the Algorithm in 2024 While there’s never a magic formula for success on any social media platform, keeping up to date with the latest trends and how the algorithm works can help you improve your chances of being successful on Tiktok. Tiktok has become one of the fastest growing social media platforms with 1.92 billion users* and what makes it special is the way it just seems to know what you’re into. The platform’s storytelling format adapts to your preferences and interests to show you relevant content that keeps you engaged and scrolling for an average of 1.5 hours a day. TikTok is also being used as a search engine according to Stats show that 41% of users have reported using TikTok as a search engine for things like new recipes (36%), beauty advice (29%), and health tips

(22%). Despite the growth and popularity of the platform, and with 1 in 4 business owners using TikTok for product sales or promotions, businesses are still struggling to be successful on the platform**.

how TikTok recommends videos to you, you’ll find the information in the QR code below.

How does the TikTok algorithm work? Here’s how TikTik defines it’s For You page algorithm: “A stream of videos curated to your interests, making it easy to find content and creators you love… powered by a recommendation system that delivers content to each user that is likely to be of interest to that particular user.” Most social media platforms keep the inner workings of their algorithms a secret, however TikTok did reveal some of its ranking signals in a post back in 2020 which have not been updated since. If you’re interested in reading 97

Tips to help your TikTok success in 2024 One of the simplest ways to find what works on TikTok is to analyse how you use the platform; what grabs your interest, what type of content you like and how do you interact? Just watching how you use the platform yourself, what type of content you engage with and how other creators get your attention, can give you some great ideas for your own content.

Attention Grabbing Hooks – Do I need them? If you’ve ever scrolled through TikTok, you know it moves superfast and creators only have a couple of seconds to grab your attention, so the first 1-2 seconds of your content is probably the most important. Starting with a powerful hook is number 1 on our list. You can grab attention with the visual plus text option. Ensure that there is no mistaking what your video is about, so people don’t have to wait to see what you’re talking about.

For example, the image above shows creator Trevor Barrett’s tutorial on how to lift and enlarge hooded eyes. There is no mistaking what the content is about, as they have used text at the very start of the video to explain. So, if the algorithm has done its job

and shown your content to the right audience, they have no reason not to stick around and watch your video. Some great hook examples are questions identifying a problem your viewer has that you are offering a solution for or ‘here’s something I learned while’ … ‘hacks for the perfect…’. It’s not just about getting engagement, it’s about how you respond… The next way to help your growth is to get your viewers to comment. There’s many posts I’ve seen on ways to trick or shock viewers into commenting, but the best and most effective way is to simply ask. People love to help and offer their insight and points of view. These are some basic ideas that you can adapt to your business to integrate as the “offer value and engage” part of your marketing strategy. It is also very important to try and answer and comment on every comment as this is good for the algorithm; it counts as comments, plus it shows that you’re establishing a relationship with your audience. Another great strategy that helps with the volumes of content you need to keep the algorithm going is to turn replies into video content. Users love to get engagement and replies from the creators and brands that they engage with, and this strategy not only helps to boost engagement and make your audience feel special, 98

but also gives you more content. For example, you post a video regarding a particular service your business offers that is a solution to a problem your audience might have (Do you struggle with xxx xxx, then this product/service is for you…) and someone replies, “will this help me with xxx?”. When you hit reply, select the video icon (image below) and record a quick video for that response that gives an explanation answer.

Replying to TIKTOK comments with a video

One other thing to remember to do is be grateful! Your content wouldn’t go viral or be successful without your audience cheerleading your content, so thank your audience for following you, thank them for liking your content, ask them what they find useful and what they would like to see more of, and follow up with responses to their comments.

Make your posts count by posting at the right time! TikTok moves fast and new content is only new for a short period of time. Because of this, it’s important to make sure you’re posting at optimal times. You can find information online about the best times to post, or if you’re using a social media scheduling software (I recommend Metricool scan the QR code to have a look) it shows you the best times to schedule your content by highlighting slots as light (less active) or dark (most active) times to post.

Keep it topical and relevant The most viral videos right now are talking about trending topics or news stories, and because these topics are relevant and current, TikTok will push them out to For You pages. If there are current news stories or trending topics that are relevant to your business, use them. Find your niche A generic piece of advice you will always see about your content on social media platforms is to find your niche and stick with it. Keeping to your niche will get you shown to a community of viewers who constantly engage with your subject, and this is a key element of defining your personal brand. Don’t be afraid to be specific either, the more concentrated your niche is, the more relevant and specific your audience will

be, which is not only good for engagement, but also for business if you’re communicating with people who want what you offer. For example, if you’re a business owner who offers many different products or services, try honing in on one particular product or service that offers a solution to a problem, and focus on that. Become an expert in that subject, position yourself on TikTok as the go-to person for advice on that product or service, and be consistent. Over time, your content will become instantly recognisable, you will be known for this niche, and the algorithm will know exactly what your content is and push it to more people who are looking for what you have to offer. Align your content with TikToks formats and profiles TikTok’s main format is storytelling, so try and remember this when creating content- tell the story of your business, your services, your products. Don’t overdo the production, keep it real and relevant, and create good stories that evoke emotions. Your brand's content should also align with the psychological profile of the platform, and content that works on TikTok is generated in a way that appears you are talking to good friends. Remember to show your own and your business’ personality, and have fun! Trends, Trends Trends! Jumping on trends is a great way to boost your views and engagement, but make sure you’re keeping it relevant and putting your own spin on it. An example would be to put a viral hack you’ve seen that’s relevant 99

to your niche to the test, show the original hack, recreate it and give your take on whether it works or not. Click the search icon in the top right hand side of your home screen to see current trending items and content you might like suggestions. Talk about trending topics – The most viral videos right now are talking about trending topics or news stories because these topics are relevant and current, TikTok will push them out to For You pages. If you can grab a piece of the action for viewers who have fallen down a rabbit hole of a trending topic, you’ll help boost your views.

What’s hot right now? TikTok is such a fastmoving platform, and social media algorithms change all the time, but here’s what you should be doing and what’s working right now… •

Stuck in the 300 maximum views vortex? TikTok has confirmed that shadow banning and TikTok jail is not a real thing, and the way to beat this is to post quality content that is relevant to your niche and post consistently. Post more images and carousels – right now, images and carousels are getting twice the views and engagement. Don’t ever boost your content – this will destroy your organic engagement. If you’re going to run ads, run them properly from the TikTok ads where you can access the full suite of tools. Never delete your posts – delayed views are a thing despite some information saying that TikTok only shows videos for a week. Sometimes it can take weeks for your content to be pushed out or noticed, but it can hurt your place in the algorithm if you delete videos after a few days if you don’t get many views on them. Don’t use sounds if you’re talking – many creators have discovered their videos have gone silent after a huge number of songs and sounds were removed from the platform, this has resulted in videos that have no audio because of this. Post landscape videos – right now, TikTok is boosting landscape

videos, but not many people are posting them; so if you do, you’ve got more of a chance of your videos being seen by more people. TikTok has been trying to rival YouTube and testing 30 minute long videos and is encouraging viewers to turn their phones sideways to watch longer content. • Share tutorials – TikTok is being used as a search engine by 42% of its users, so if you could grab viewers who might be looking for help, support, or advice on your niche topic. A good tip would be to show how a product you sell should be used, or a tutorial on the correct aftercare for a service you offer. • Collaborate with other creators, businesses or even your followers, it can halve your workload and double (or even more) your audience. • Use #hashtags. Using hashtags on TikTok allows your content to be much more discoverable. Adding them to your captions will help you land in front of viewers who are already invested in your chosen topic. TikTok summarised its 2024 strategy by saying: In 2024, the TikTok community will ignite a transformative mindset fueled by curiosity, imagination, vulnerability and courage. In fact, taking strategic risks and being vulnerable is now the ultimate brand strategy, where leaning into micro insights and showcasing quirks can be your superpower. The unknown and 100

uncomfortable is what creates the unimaginable - and those brave enough to create for it won't just keep up, they'll flourish. You can download TikTok’s What's Next 2024 Trend Report by scanning the QR code below.

My final piece of advice for anyone looking to use TikTok for business is to make sure it’s right for you. Don’t just dive into creating a profile and creating videos without a strategy. Content creation on TikTok can be time consuming and frustrating if you don’t see results. Do your research, define your brand identity and create a strategy before you dive in. * **




Embracing the Digital Wave: Transforming the Salon Experience with AI Technology In an era defined by rapid technological advancement, industries across the board are undergoing profound transformations, and the hair and beauty sector is no exception. The emergence of digital tools and artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionised the way salons operate, offering innovative solutions to enhance customer experiences, streamline processes, and drive business growth. Let’s explore the impact of digital transformation on the salon industry, focusing

on the adoption of digital tools and AI-driven solutions, and how they are reshaping the future of hair and beauty businesses One of the most significant changes brought about by digital transformation is the shift towards virtual consultations. Traditionally, clients would visit a salon for an initial consultation before undergoing any hair treatment.

personalised advice and recommendations remotely. This not only saves time and eliminates geographical barriers but also enhances convenience for both clients and stylists. Moreover, virtual consultations allow salons to provide more comprehensive services, such as hair assessments, colour matching, and style suggestions, leading to greater customer satisfaction and loyalty.

However, with the rise of virtual consultation platforms, such as video conferencing and mobile apps, salons can now offer

“AI-powered tools are transforming the way salon professionals approach hair styling and colouration.” 102

AI technology plays a crucial role in revolutionising the salon experience, particularly through personalised product recommendations. By leveraging data analytics and machine learning algorithms, salons can analyse customer preferences, hair types, and past treatments to suggest the most suitable products for each individual. Whether it's recommending the right shampoo for a specific hair texture or suggesting styling products based on previous purchases, AIdriven recommendations enable salons to offer a tailored shopping experience that caters to the unique needs of each client. This not only increases sales and revenue but also strengthens customer relationships by

demonstrating a deep understanding of their preferences and requirements. AI-powered tools are transforming the way salon professionals approach hair styling and colouration. Advanced imaging technologies, such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual hair simulation, enable stylists to visualise different hairstyles, colours, and treatments on clients before making any changes. This not only helps clients make informed decisions but also allows stylists to experiment with various options and techniques without any risk. AI algorithms can also analyse facial features, skin tones, and hair characteristics to recommend the most flattering styles and colours 103

for each client, ensuring optimal results and customer satisfaction. Digital transformation has also revolutionised the way salons manage their operations and engage with customers. Online booking systems and mobile apps enable clients to schedule appointments, view available services, and make payments conveniently from their smartphones. This streamlines the booking process, reduces noshows, and improves overall efficiency for salon professionals. We find that integrated CRM (customer relationship management) systems allow salons to collect and analyse customer data, track preferences and purchase history, and send targeted promotions and personalised offers.

By leveraging digital marketing channels, such as social media, email, and SMS, salons can effectively reach their target audience, build brand awareness, and encourage customer loyalty. In addition to enhancing the client experience, digital tools and AI-driven solutions also offer numerous benefits for salon owners and professionals. Inventory management systems powered by AI can optimise stock levels, forecast demand, and automate reordering processes, reducing costs and minimising wastage. Alongside this AI-driven analytics tools can provide insights into customer trends, market preferences, and competitor strategies, enabling salons to make data-driven decisions and stay ahead of the competition. By embracing these digital transformations that are now available, salon professionals can streamline their workflows, improve productivity, and focus on delivering exceptional service to their clients. However, despite the numerous opportunities presented by digital transformation, there are also challenges and considerations that salon

owners must address. Privacy and data security are paramount concerns, particularly when collecting and storing sensitive customer information. Salons must ensure compliance with data protection regulations and implement robust security measures to safeguard customer data against unauthorised access or breaches. The initial investment required for implementing digital tools and AI technologies can be substantial, and not all salons may have the resources or expertise to adopt these innovations effectively. Therefore, it is essential for salon owners to carefully evaluate their business needs, budget constraints, and technical capabilities before embarking on a digital transformation journey.

the power of data and AI, salon professionals can stay competitive in this rapidly evolving market and deliver exceptional services that meet the evolving needs and expectations of their clients. As technology continues to advance, the future of the salon industry looks brighter than ever, with endless possibilities for creativity, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.

In conclusion, digital transformation is reshaping the salon industry, offering unprecedented opportunities for innovation, growth, and customer engagement. From virtual consultations and AI-driven product recommendations to streamlined operations and personalised experiences, digital tools and technologies are revolutionising every aspect of the salon experience for our clients. By embracing these innovations and leveraging

Global hair expert, Steph Stevenson, has worked as a celebrity stylist, brand stylist and media presenter on QVC in the UK and US. Working with the likes of Living Proof, Marie Claire, Starbucks and more she is a force to be reckoned with in the hair industry.





Social Media Strategy Basics: Part 1 - How to Craft your “Why” Join me in a series of mini articles designed to help you establish the basics of building a strong marketing message and developing your core social media strategy. As a social media manager, one of the common things I hear from prospective clients is they’re not getting results from their socials, which surprises them when they are posting regularly and showcasing everything their business has to offer. I know that small businesses do not have the manpower, budget and resources to spend a whole lot of time crafting a detailed social media strategy, spend hours designing graphics, writing optimised content and spending money on fancy scheduling software, but having a few basic strategies and guidelines in place can make a huge difference. Making sure that you make the content you do post work hard for

can only improve the results, right? Crafting your content with some basic templates and guidelines in place can help you make sure that everything you share on social media is driven by a strong foundation and focuses you on your main goals. So, today we are going to work on establishing your brand “Why” I know some of you may be rolling your eyes and thinking that just sounds like one of those sentences you hear that means nothing. It’s actually a great way of defining a core goal that gives everything you post a purpose, and can actually help you stay focussed on what you are posting and the purpose behind it. It targets specifics rather than sharing random bits and pieces in an attempt to keep your social media 106

alive and maybe grabbing the odd client. While this approach can work for some to a degree, it will work better for you if you know that every time you post something, it adds another layer to foundations of building your brand. So, How Do You Find Your “Why?” We are going to take a simple statement about your business and deepen it down through 5 levels with a few additional questions. Try this exercise and see what happens when you end up in the basement…

Level 5 Think about your business and write a statement about it that defines what you do, for example, “We supply xxxxx clients with xxxxxx” or “We are a xxxxx offering xxxxx services.”

“It’s actually a great way of defining a core goal that gives everything you post a purpose!” Level 4 Read the statement and then ask yourself, “Why does that matter?” For example, if your first statement is that you are a beauty salon offering various beauty and holistic treatments, then your answer to this question might be, “Because people like to take care of themselves and ensure they are looking their best”. Level 3 Now take that answer to the next level, why does it matter that people like to look their best? The answer might be, “Because when people look their best, it helps them feel confident”. Level 2 Why does it matter to people that they feel confident? “Because when you feel confident, you can feel like you have the

power to operate from your best version and achieve your goals”. Level 1 Why do people want to be their best and achieve their goals? Because when you feel like you are achieving the goals you set out and living from the best version of yourself, you can feel happy and fulfilled. Now you’ve reached the basement you can write a statement that is at the core of what you do… “We empower our clients to feel self-confident, focused and happy”. This statement is your guidance for your marketing strategy and from here, you can think about this statement from the “what's in it for me” perspective of your clients.

This means your statement will align with your message, for example, “We empower our clients to feel self-confident, focused and happy” translates to a client marketing perspective of, “Helping you live as the best version of yourself.” Now you understand that your goal when crafting content isn’t to sell products or services to your clients, it is to help them feel better about themselves, feel confident and be happier! For resources and support with mastering your own social media strategies, or to connect with me, scan the QR code to visit my website.

Di is Creative Director for Salon Education Journal & owner of Enzby Media. Di’s sales and marketing career spans over 26 years starting in print sales and progressing through to head of special publications and on to specialise in online and article marketing, website design, SEO and social media management. Through Enzby Media, Di offers all businesses content creation strategies & social media management and support.




Time Short - Results Ideas to Grow Your Business Blogging for Business: Promoting your business 24/7 with no budget; ideal for time poor salon owners Time Short - Results Ideas to Grow Your Business Blogging for Business Promoting your business 24/7 with no budget; ideal for time poor salon owners While every salon owner loves their business (I do hope you love your business*) many are stressed and frustrated by how much time and money is spent on things that aren’t connected to their love of their profession or help with profit and growth. Factoring in team training, management and support, accounting, planning, brand awareness, marketing, customer care, salon maintenance, legal matters, health and safety, insurance, the perfect

products, and that’s all before lunch while ensuring there’s enough good coffee and high-quality little extras that go with your big smile for every client through the door! The Beauty and Personal Care market is growing and projected to reach £13,185,462,000 with many salons tapping into online sales that are due to see a 24% increase too! On top of that there’s your need to stay ahead of your competitors and to know what the latest global trends are and how they could impact your business. It’s not surprising that salon owners work long hours! The big salon brands can spend thousands on their 108

marketing and have teams of people to ensure their brand recognition, marketing and sales improve all the time, however for those with less auxiliary staff it’s not so easy. So, imagine you could swap your need to be attached to your phone creating content day after day that reminds your target audiences - why you?

"You don’t want to compete. You want to stand out!"

Imagine you could stop using your precious time and money on marketing your company and have more new customers come to you with less effort, resources, and money.

Everyone has a beautiful brand, with a gorgeous logo and lots of lovely before and after hair reels and treatment images. So how will yours stand out in that vanilla Sea of Same?

The issue for many salon owners is they look around at what everyone else is doing and assume that’s what they need to do too.

Start with you - To do this you’ve got to find your voice and to do that you’ve got to like who you are. If your confidence needs a boost you need to start there. This is a strategy from my Confidence Course (Scan the QR Code below) – write on an A4 piece of paper (on both sides) why you are awesome. And if you tell me you can’t think of anything we know confidence is an issue and you need to fix that before you work on your marketing and business growth. I have helped thousands to grow successful businesses and remind them that you could have the best business model and the best products and services AND the best marketing strategy, however if you don’t have self-confidence, you will damage your success (and profit!)

I teach my business growth community that there’s a better and easier way. Instead of jumping into the same sea with every other salon owner, make your own sea! Let me explain… When you try and compete with your marketing and brand, matching competitors then you end up creating a ‘Sea of Same’. You know that feeling when you look at a holiday brochure and you think – wow I want that one! And then you look at the next beach and 5-star hotel and say, “No, that’s the one I want!” within 20 minutes your mind is totally fried and all the hotels and crystal-clear waters meld into one and you end up with buyers' paralyses! That’s what most marketing does. It aims to compete. You don’t want to compete. You want to stand out! And the first issue is having the confidence to buck the trend.

Know your goals - I like my clients to set goals. They focus the mind and ensure whatever the future looks like you are ready for it. So, what are your business goals? No two salons will have identical 109

goals, understanding this assists with definition and a clear brand and voice. Know the future - When you know your goals, you can look at how you communicate with your customers and potential customers. My mastermind group knows that there are some seriously disruptive trends heading our way and market to enable customers to feel confident to keep spending with them. A blog is a great way of doing this. If you are creating your own sea of new customers, check out the trends and communicate them in a unique way to your audience. Blog - A blog is an incredible tool for any business. It supports your SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) You don’t need to worry about what SEO means, just that it helps Google see your site above competitors. That’s the start of a beautiful relationship, but how do you do that? Know your style - What does your voice sound like? Your brand and marketing need to have your unique style. Don’t worry about copying the competition. Check them out and then work out how your voice differs. What’s your point of difference? How will you use this in your blog? It helps people to feel like they know you and that’s half the battle of winning new customers to your salon.

What to write about When you know your voice, your brand, what your customers love about you (ask them!) and your business goals you can use a blog to support a robust marketing strategy. Consider the questions you answer the most and start there. Then think about the things customers may “Google” and write your own take on that. I’ve over 22 subjects you can write on so it would take you about 5 years to run out of things to say! Grow your community You don’t need a million followers or readers to get a lot of new business. I read that customers will travel up to 500 miles to see a hairdresser. Think about it? If you can grow your readership to the ideal customers who value you

A blog helps you to: • Sell 24/7 without you having a phone in your hand • Get known as an expert in your field • Helps people want to connect to you • Helps potential customers to get to know you, appreciate your expertise and skill and want to stay in touch then you aren’t talking to just local people with hair or skincare, now you are talking to people who invest in themselves. And that’s worth a lot more money. What does your blog need to include to represent this? Make a blog work hard for you - The great news 110

about a well written blog is that it creates content for your business that can be automated and used again and again. Consider this visual (below), taken from my Marketing Production Line Course, and ask yourself what routes to market are you using and where could you put your

blog articles? For instance this is a great way to feature in the press for free (but it goes back to point 1 that you’ve got to have the confidence to get in touch with them!) Just as you are looking to stand out, so are your customers, they can’t find you in the sea of pretty images unless you really stand out, blogging is an amazing way to achieve

this. For me it even led to a best-selling book and speaking gigs around the world that have made me thousands. People want to feel special and like that they matter, your words can do that before they’ve even walked in the door!

my business growth community, so when you need someone in your corner, you are welcome to message me or email me. We are not alone in business – we leave the ladder down!

*If you don’t love your business, I take my role with SEJ very seriously since one of the cofounders is a member of

Mandie Holgate is a best selling author and Founder of the multi award-winning BWN/ Insiders supporting over 10,000 businesses to grow.




Social Media Engagement Strategies for Beauty Businesses - Building Stronger Connections The beauty industry lends itself to social media and we should recognise that it is not just a platform for promotion but a centre for our business for client engagement and interaction. For beauty businesses, the power of the digital spaces lies in their ability to create community, foster loyalty, and showcase the unique personality of your business. In this article, I'll uncover the most effective strategies for salon businesses that are ready to harness the full potential of social media to engage and captivate their clientele.

Understanding Your Platforms

sense of belonging among clients.

The first step to crafting an effective social media strategy is to recognise the unique culture and audience of each platform. Instagram, for example, is highly visual and a perfect avenue for displaying before-andafter transformations, sharing new styles, or offering beauty inspiration that speaks to the aspirational desires of clients.

Meanwhile, TikTok has emerged as a frontier for creativity and engagement, especially with the younger demographic, through its bite-sized, viral content.

Facebook, with its diverse users, provides a great environment for building communities through groups or events, allowing businesses to foster a


Knowing where your audience spends their time is something you need to discover for your clientele. A business's target demographic may spend more time browsing Instagram for inspiration, while Facebook might be better for engaging in detailed discussions about your treatments.

"TikTok has emerged as a frontier for creativity and engagement, especially with the younger demographic, through its bite-sized, viral content."

Creating Engaging Content While high-quality images and videos of your work are essential, true engagement comes from telling the stories behind those makeovers. Share your business journey, highlight your own story and that of your team members, and provide useful tips and tutorials. When followers know the people behind the brand, they form a connection that goes beyond the transactional. Asking questions, creating polls, and encouraging followers to share their own experiences opens a two-way conversation. For instance, a

'Transformation Tuesday' post can become more engaging by asking followers to vote on their favourite look or share their own transformation stories. Leveraging Hashtags and Geotags Hashtags and geotags aren't just tools for discovery; they're bridges connecting your business to the broader community. Using a mix of trending and niche beauty based hashtags can catapult your content into the feeds of potential new clients. Geotags, on the other hand, help locals discover your salon when they're searching for beauty services in the area. Hosting Live Sessions and Webinars


Live sessions are the digital equivalent of a salon chair conversation. They are personal, direct, and allow for realtime interaction. Hosting Q&A sessions, live tutorials, or providing a behind-the-scenes look at a day in the salon can deepen the relationship between your business and clients. It's in these unscripted moments that trust can be built, and expertise is showcased. Collaborating with Influencers Influencer collaborations can serve as a powerful endorsement for your business. Partnering with local influencers who share your businesses values can introduce your brand to a wider audience. However, the key is authenticity and the influencer's audience should align with your

ideal audience for the collaboration to feel genuine and resonate with potential clients.

Offering Exclusive Social Media Promotions Social media exclusive promotions are a way to reward your online community and keep them engaged. Whether it's a time-restricted discount, a referral program, or a competition, these initiatives can drive bookings and maintain interest in your services and products. They can create a sense of urgency and exclusivity, which is a strong motivator for action.

Analysing and Adapting The beauty of digital marketing lies in the ways you can measure your success. With social media analytics and insights, you can see which posts are performing well and at what times your audience is most active. These insights allow you to tailor your content and posting schedule to match your audience's preferences, ensuring that your business’ social media strategy is as effective as possible.

community, and business converge to create a holistic brand experience. By engaging authentically, creating value-driven content, and adapting to the platform's unique features, you can cultivate a community of clients who are not just customers, but true advocates for your brand. Ultimately, it’s about using these platforms to reflect your personal creativity, expertise, and unwavering commitment to client satisfaction.

Social media is an indispensable tool for businesses seeking to build lasting connections with their audience. It's a space where creativity,

Steph has been in the beauty industry for over 2 decades and having built a successful salon over 12 of those years has learned the skills needed to create a powerful online presence. She now shares these skills to empower salon professionals and training providers to harness social media and grow their businesses.



Wellbeing For Your Clients Through Art As a little girl, I spent endless hours observing my father’s sculptures and creating stories about his characters in my head. While his work, often inspired by Greek Mythology, invites imaginative storytelling, his artistic concepts had little to do with the way I experienced his works as a child. Also, I don’t think I was meant to dress them up or decorate them with Christmas lights and garlands. But I was allowed to. His art was a part of my life, not a sacred object on a pedestal, to be revered rather than lived with. This is not to say I disrespected his artwork, which is indeed revered by many. Rather the opposite. I learnt to love it and it became a part of my daily routine. Today, as an artist in my own right, this lesson has stayed with me. I find asking children about my work truly liberating and often

surprising. They don’t tend to pick the most realistic pieces as their favourite ones and they allow themselves to experience an image in the most pure way, creating a narrative which is their own. I believe this is something we need to nurture, rather than lose as adults. But often, sadly, we lose the confidence to dream up stories and express our deepest wishes, the ones which feed our imagination. Instead, we try to intellectualise the world around us and when it comes to art, we seem to believe we need to ‘know’ or ‘understand’ art. We don’t. Mark making is one of the oldest forms of expression and storytelling and we intuitively understand and feel it, if we allow ourselves to. Just like we did when we were little and it didn’t matter ‘what people would think”. The power of art to heal lies in its ability to provide a form of expression when 115

words fail us. Engaging with art as a viewer can offer a sense of escape, transporting you to a world where you can momentarily detach from your troubles and allow yourself to dream freely.

The Positive Effects of Art When Experiencing Negative Emotions “The core of a commercial image is built on making you feel dissatisfied with your life so that you can consume forever more.” Marine Tanguy In her new book The Visual Detox, Marine Tanguy, founder of MTArt Agency, talks about how the imagery we see shapes our wellbeing. Marine told me that the average person sees about 10,000 commercial visuals a day. It has been proven that for the last 20 years, advertising has been built on the idea of “satisfaction” - and the more it satisfies us, the more we will want to consume. This cycle ultimately leaves us mentally unhappy… and searching for more satisfaction in


consumerism. Wellbeing studies show that art, on the other hand, is perceived in exactly the opposite way, just like nature. The more exposed we are to art, the happier we feel. Images travel to the brain faster than sound and they reach the primitive side to the brain before our consciousness, pushing us to react and act. The kind of images people are exposed to matters. Art Within The Salon “One unrepaired broken window is a signal that no one cares, and so breaking more windows costs nothing.” This is not to say that you would ever leave a window in your treatment room broken. I know you wouldn’t. But it’s important

to understand that our environment plays a huge role in determining our behaviour. When I lived in The Netherlands as a student, it surprised me to see that the streets were being constantly repaved. Particularly in problematic areas. The thinking seemed to be that if you fix the street, you’ll fix the problems on that street, too. Later, I found out about “Broken Windows Theory” which states that visible signs of disorder and misbehaviour in an environment encourage further disorder and misbehaviour. Scan the QR code to fins out more about Broken Window Theory:

G “In terms of branding, the presence of art also adds a unique touch to the salon, setting it apart from others and creating a welcoming memorable experience.”

The opposite is also true. By changing the environment, we can influence people’s behaviour positively. By incorporating art into the salon space, you can transform it into a haven of creativity and wellbeing. Studies have shown that exposure to art can reduce stress and anxiety, promoting a sense of relaxation and calmness. A positive, luxurious space filled with beautiful colours and imagery will stimulate a behaviour appropriate to it and a desire to return to it. And when your clients are in a positive state of mind, they are, of course, more likely to open their wallets and indulge in your services, as well.

The benefits can be even more profound for people with mental health issues. Artist Michelle Baharier, who founded and ran the Mental Health Charity Cooltan Arts for over 20 years, shared with me something she was told once by one of her collectors, “When I look at your artwork it absorbs my pain”. In terms of branding, the presence of art also adds a unique touch to the salon, setting it apart from others and creating a welcoming memorable experience for your clients who will be eager to return again and again.


Colour and Wellbeing I mentioned branding earlier and I think that it’s important to consider the colours of your brand as well as the colours of your salon. As an artist, I paint intuitively. However, when I work on commissioned paintings for corporate clients, I am conscious of the power that colours hold in influencing our mood and overall sense of wellbeing. I was lucky to meet Karen Haller, a colour psychologist, early on in my art career and this chance meeting opened the world of colour psychology to me. It became something I actively engaged with in my art practice.

Different colour palettes evoke different emotions and can create a range of experiences for the viewer. For example, warm colours like reds, oranges and yellows can promote feelings of energy and positivity, while cool blues and greens can induce a sense of clarity, calm and relaxation. With salon branding, we often see the nurturing and mindful colours typically associated with femininity like pink and purple. You can combine these colours in various


degrees to stimulate the outcome you desire. By carefully selecting and harmonising colour in my art, I aim to create a visual experience that uplifts and improves the viewer's mood. Financial Benefits Of Art In The Salon I touched on this earlier when we talked about the environment affecting behaviour. I think the single biggest financial benefit for salon owners will come

from returning clients, who share the value of promoting art and artists, enjoy the creative atmosphere and ultimately begin to feel like art benefactors and benefactors of your salon themselves. When people are drawn to a visually appealing setting, they are more likely to spend more time and money there. Done right, this strategy can get you media coverage, build your reputation, distinguish your salon from others, and also build a community around your business. Of course, as a salon owner you can also choose to charge commission on the sales of artwork or rent out the space for exhibitions.


A devoted painter, Paola Minekov encapsulates vital sentiments and moments of life using a discernible visual language. Her work reveals influences of early Modernist traditions, blending abstraction with figuration to depict lyrical, yet dynamic scenes. If you’d like to find out more about including art in your salon space you can always get in touch with me via my website by scanning the QR code below or email Paola at

Book a consultation with Paola by scanning the QR code below.





Unlocking The Opportunities Within Regulated Training For The Solo Academy Educator Many independent educators initially enter the field of accredited training with the belief that regulated training is either inaccessible, overwhelming, or exclusively reserved for larger institutions such as colleges, and may not contribute significantly to their business. However, it's time to dispel these misconceptions. Contrary to popular belief, as a solo educator, you have the capability to offer regulated training courses alongside your accredited programs. In fact, I strongly advocate for this approach. Incorporating regulated training not only expands the options available for your learners' educational pathways but also helps future-

proof your business and theirs as well as opening up a plethora of revenue opportunities. By embracing regulated training, you can diversify your offerings, enhance your credibility, and cater to a wider range of learners. This strategic move not only benefits you but also adds substantial value to the learners' educational journey and prospects in their respective sectors of the industry.

delivering high-quality education. 2. Industry Recognition Regulated qualifications are universally accepted by insurers, employers, and licensing systems, eliminating the need for guesswork or extensive research to secure posttraining insurance.

Key Benefits to Consider

3. International Recognition These qualifications hold international recognition and can be easily mapped across various jurisdictions, providing students with global opportunities.

1. Quality Assurance Incorporating regulated courses into your Solo Academy demonstrates a rigorous and thoroughly audited qualification process, showcasing your commitment to

4. Pathway to Higher Education Regulated courses serve as a stepping stone to higher-level qualifications or advanced education, offering students a clear progression route.


5. Specialist Pathways The framework of regulated courses allows for the creation of specialised pathways, catering to diverse interests and career goals. 6. Tailored Learning Regulated qualifications offer entry points suitable to each learner's ability, providing a range of skill-building levels to accommodate individual needs. 7. Holistic Learning Approach By building upon previous knowledge and skills, regulated courses facilitate a comprehensive and cohesive learning experience. 8. Recognition of Achievement Completion of regulated courses provides formal recognition of learners' efforts and accomplishments, enhancing their professional standing. 9. Access and Flexibility Offering regulated courses in a private setting caters to adult

learners who may find traditional college environments challenging, providing them with access and flexibility. 10. Flexible Scheduling With regulated courses, you have the freedom to design timetables and schedules that suit your preferences, enabling year-round course offerings. 11. Individualised Learning Regulated courses offer customisable learning pathways with optional units, allowing learners to tailor their educational experience to their specific interests and goals. 12. Expert Status By offering regulated courses, you position yourself as an expert in your field, setting yourself apart from competitors and enhancing your credibility. 13. Centre of Excellence Incorporating regulated training elevates your status as an educator and establishes your academy as a centre of excellence, providing


diverse training avenues for learners. How Does Accredited Training Differ? Accredited training courses entail certificates issued by training establishments sanctioned and insured by accredited companies (insurance providers). Each accrediting company operates under its distinct set of criteria for approvals, resulting in slight variations across different accreditors. Unlike regulated training, accredited courses are not mandated to adhere to the National Occupational Standards (NOS) for approval. Consequently, this divergence can lead to instances where one insurance company may not recognise a course certificate obtained from another, restricting learners to a single insurance provider and impeding their career mobility. Notably, accredited training lacks a standardised industry framework and formal quality assurance auditing process.

“This bespoke approach provides a competitive edge over larger providers by offering flexibility that meets the unique needs of learners.” While some reputable training providers may incorporate the NOS into their accredited courses, adherence to these standards is not systematically verified. Regulated pathways are meticulously crafted to accommodate learners at all proficiency levels, facilitating a seamless transition from novice to advanced stages. These pathways offer comprehensive diplomas, certificates, and awards at various levels, including Level 1, 2, 3, and 4/5/7, ensuring a structured learning journey. This structured approach not only encourages thorough skill development but also sustains a consistent revenue stream for your Academy. Incorporating shorter certificates tailored to specific and specialised areas, such as Skincare Specialist programs allow for a more personalised learning trajectory. This bespoke approach provides a competitive edge over larger providers by offering flexibility that meets the unique needs of learners. Unlike traditional Further Education providers, your Academy can cater to the diverse needs of learners, ensuring a

customised educational experience. With adaptable learning hours, the curriculum can be condensed or extended to accommodate mature learners, thus enriching their educational journey. What Is Required To Offer Regulated Training? 1. Vocational Qualifications Your vocational qualifications, such as those at Level 2 or 3, must be regulated by an awarding organisation. If your foundation qualifications are not regulated, another academy can assess you and administer exams to upgrade your main certificates from Continuing Professional Development (CPD) to regulated status. 2. Teaching Qualifications You'll need your main teaching qualifications, which may include the Award in Education and Training (AET), Certificate in Education and Training (CET), Diploma in Education and Training (DET), or their previous versions. Additionally, you'll require an Assessor qualification.


If you hold CPD versions of these qualifications, it's advisable to pursue the next level higher in teaching qualification rather than repeating the process. 3. Suitable Environment You must provide a suitable environment for delivering courses, including both practical spaces and areas for theory instruction and examinations. This aspect will be thoroughly reviewed during the initial application phase. If your operations are mobile or utilise floating premises, you'll need to establish a permanent fixture, as each location must be approved individually as a centre. 4. Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) You need to designate an Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) person who will conduct audits on behalf of the awarding organisation to maintain standards. This individual will also assist in developing the quality assurance and assessment strategies. 5. Learning Resources and Procedures After selecting the suite of courses you wish to

"In times of industry change, there lies opportunity. This presents a chance for you to diversify your offerings and, importantly, to shape the industry in a positive direction." offer and establishing a learning pathway, you must create learning resources, tracking materials, and relevant onboarding procedures and policies to align with the requirements of the awarding organisation upon application to become a centre. Is It Challenging To Incorporate Regulated Training? In all honesty, the difficulty level varies based on your current operations at your accredited training academy. Some may find there are additional steps to navigate, including the potential need to 'upgrade' existing CPD certificates. It's important to note that there are associated costs involved. The initial application process typically incurs fees ranging from £850 to £1200, depending on

the chosen awarding body. There are also ongoing expenses such as renewal fees, examination fees, registration fees, and minimum spending requirements. Therefore, it's important to incorporate these costs into your strategic planning. Embracing a blend of accredited and regulated training represents a forwardthinking approach. It enables you to harness the strengths of both worlds, crafting a unique and personalised learning experience tailored to each individual. By leveraging your accredited programs, you can focus on enhancing skills efficacy, including speed and technique refinement, hosting Masterclasses for advanced techniques

within already acquired skills, conducting Brand Training sessions for conversions and brandspecific techniques, and organising Workshops catering to a spectrum of learners - from beginners seeking introductory sessions to post-graduate level offerings. Additionally, offering Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses provides validation for CPD activities and serves as refresher courses to ensure skill retention and growth. This versatile approach ensures that your academy remains adaptable and responsive to the evolving needs of learners and the industry landscape, thereby futureproofing your educational offerings.

Donna has been a professional educator in further education, private academies and the salon world for more than 2 decades. She has been an active voice in the world of academy creation and building education businesses. Now specialising in solo educator academies, Donna will help propel salon professionals to solo educators.




Not all Qualifications are Equal Everyone who holds a nationally recognised qualification in beauty therapy will shoot you down in flames if you simply refer to them as a ‘Beautician’. However, this is the term that launched our training as a profession in 1962 when Wallace Sharps (credited as the founder of VTCT), introduced the term and established the Society of Beauticians. As the role of beauticians evolved, the society adapted accordingly, renaming itself as the Society of Health & Beauty Therapists, and Sharps collaborated with experts, including Dr. William Arnould-Taylor, (the founder of ITEC), to devise a scientific curriculum for beauty and body therapy. In the 1970s, he was appointed by the government to serve on the Hairdressing and Allied Training Board. Then, in 1974, Sharps introduced the first beauty certificate under City & Guilds, focusing on 'Makeup and Manicure.'

Subsequently, the following year, it was decided to establish a separate examining body, leading to the creation of the International Health and Beauty Council (IHBC), which assumed responsibility for all examination-related functions previously managed by the society. This continued until the early 1980’s when City & Guilds developed the Beauty Therapy, Body Therapy & Electro Epilation Certificate which became prominent throughout Further Education Colleges in the UK. It was this qualification that myself, and many of my fellow long-serving experts still within the industry, undertook. These qualifications were aimed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of skincare, beauty treatments, and professional practices to prepare them for careers as therapists in salons, spas, and other beautyrelated settings. We 124

studied, on average, for 34 hours per week, for 2 years, with many colleges adding in late-night sessions, and many courses were combined with hairdressing and wigmaking to extend the training to 3 years. In addition to the core subjects of manicure, pedicure, skin care and massage, we studied anatomy and physiology, physics and chemistry, along with retailing and salon management. The practical course work also included extended face and body projects and case studies, with nutritional and exercise advice as well. There were 3 practical exams assessed by an external examiner, all of which required comprehensive course work and a 2.5 hour written exam for each subject area. To achieve the qualification, all 3 areas of the course required completion graded with a Pass, Merit or Distinction.

By 1994, a new qualification style was established called the National Vocational Qualification. The aim was to address the need for a standardised system of recognising and assessing both vocational skills and knowledge across various industries. The assessment focused on observation of realistic performance rather than written testing and, instead, constant oral questioning and assignment marking, portfolio cross-referencing, and verification came in. The amount of practical observation increased to cover the huge variety of ranges. There was a minimum standard of what

was needed to gain a pass and this, in time, became the norm. There was no grading, pass or not yet passed… and it seemed no-one failed. In order to support these new qualifications, the government appointed standards setting boards in each industry. HABIA, (Hairdressing and Beauty Industry Authority), is the body for hairdressing, barbering, beauty therapy, and related industries. HABIA's role includes setting occupational standards and providing guidance to ensure the quality and professionalism of these industries. Now, each awarding organisation

developing new qualifications needed to use these National Occupational Standards on which to base their qualifications before submitting them to the regulatory body, eg Ofqual, for approval. By 2008, there were so many different qualifications containing different amounts of knowledge, that the government deemed that a Qualifications & Credit Framework (QCF) was required to recognise and award qualifications based on units of learning and the accumulation of credits. The QCF allowed learners to build up credits over

"It is little wonder that prospective learners and employers are confused. Not only are there now differing levels of qualifications, as well as Awards, Certificates and Diplomas, there are now different qualification types." 125

time, enabling them to transfer them between different qualifications or institutions and achievement was based on the accumulation rather than the completion of whole qualifications. This allowed learners to receive recognition for their progress and achievements, even if they didn’t complete a full qualification. This is where the terms Award, Certificate & Diploma came from, and this was the start of the fractionating of the industry. Everyone had pieces of the jigsaw, but not everyone’s pieces made the full picture. The QCF didn’t quite go far enough in setting the consistency of qualifications and in 2015, the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) was established. It organises qualifications into different levels, ranging from Entry Level to Level 8. Each level corresponds to a certain level of difficulty and complexity, with higher levels indicating more advanced learning and skills. The expectancy is that within each discipline, one starts at the bottom and works upwards; in reality, many people start at a level they decide they want to join at, due to the desirability of the technical skill.


It is little wonder that prospective learners and employers are confused. Not only are there now differing levels of qualifications, as well as Awards, Certificates and Diplomas, there are now different qualification types. NVQ’s were originally designed to be assessed in the workplace and were the qualifications attached to apprenticeships. VRQ’s are matched specifically to core, mandatory and optional units, which all have different credit values but if they add up to the required total, then they are valid.

Advanced Apprenticeship no longer has a qualification such as the NVQ attached to it, as they are assessed through an ongoing portfolio and an End Point Assessment which observes activities within the workplace and includes professional discussion.

Technical Qualifications have now been created in response to the 2021 Government White Paper Reforms to post-16 technical education and training. These are very similar to what we had back in the 1970’s. They are end-tested in both practical and knowledge, and graded, designed to give learners the most up-todate and relevant technical skills they need to succeed in their chosen career path. T-Levels are the new 2year courses designed to be taken after GCSEs providing an alternative and equivalent in size to 3 A Levels. These programmes will be developed in collaboration with employers and education providers so that the content meets the needs of industry and prepares students for entry into either skilled employment, an apprenticeship or further or higher education. Initially scheduled for 2024, to cover hairdressing, barbering and beauty therapy, they have now been shelved whilst consideration is given to the development of a TLevel which focuses solely on the Beauty sector, now due in 2025. We watch this space!

Finally, I need to mention the role of The Institute for Apprenticeships & Technical Education (ifATE) which is now responsible for shaping skills training in England, by creating Occupational Standards for the industry. It contains an occupational profile, and the ‘knowledge, skills, and behaviours’ (KSB’s) needed for someone to be competent in the occupation’s duties. It is ifATE that considers whether a technical qualification should be approved to sit on the Ofqual register. Starting my training in 1983, I have been part of these changes and been fortunate enough to help navigate the journey. I truly believe that whilst not all qualifications are equal, having a regulated qualification is a much better option than not. Scan the QR code to see the ifATE Occupational Maps: Hair, Beauty & Aesthetics.

Louise has a commitment to education that is obvious whenever you talk to her. Her work with City & Guilds has seen her go from lecturer to Examiner & External Verifier along the way to her own academy. She owns Industry Support Network and is a destination for many professionals in need of filling the gaps in their non-regulated qualification training.


Welcome to this quarter’s SEJ Book Club. The last book I shared was The Glory of Being Ordinary - Indomitable Spirit by Dawn Willock. A truth bomb of life as we know it, resonating on many levels of how we need to be kind, forgive, live our own truth and accept that whilst we can go through many challenges in our lives that these difficult times serve to make us grow as long as we accept ourselves in the process. Dawn speaks from her heart and her learned experiences with an honesty that is not often heard. I know that I’ve taken many of her thoughts on board as I continue to grow as a human, parent, wife, sister, friend and professional. The key to Dawn’s philosophy is acceptance of life, warts and all, and forgiveness to those that hurt you but most importantly to forgive yourself for your mistakes. When we can be honest and take responsibility for things we felt could be better, we can forgive ourselves and move forward into a happier state. – Sue Davies Editorial Director, SEJ

Ikigai - The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life I read my feature book a couple of years ago and found it to be full of resonance and impact, but recently it has been back in my mind and my daughter must have picked up on this telepathically as she bought me a second copy for Mothers’ Day. As I held the gift, doing the ‘guess what it is’ thing, before opening it, my subconscious recognised the shape and feel as it has a lightness and slightly different shape and feel to many other books. Sounds a bit odd, but it’s true and if you buy the print copy I’m sure you’ll see what I mean. If you are at a point where you are unsure of your life’s purpose, please read this book. Ikigai translates as ‘your reason for being’. We all need one, as getting on in life without purpose is not a place any of us want to be. When you follow the fundamentals of Ikigai you are more likely to live a happy, fulfilled and prosperous life.

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Recommended Read Leading From The Heart: Edited by Joan Scott Habia’s Joan Scott has curated and edited contributions from 21 worldwide business leaders in Leading From The Heart who share how to create a profitable enterprise by putting your people and relationships at the heart of your business. With many contributors from the salon industry, it should make an enlightening read. There are also contributions from other service sectors such as law, cosmetics, financial services and hospitality where impeccable interpersonal relationships are also paramount to success. The key approach centres on a consistent, enlightened and inspiring care for the team. Each contributor runs an established enterprise where they have embraced relational leadership, collaborative teams, kindness in management, and authentic heart-led, people-first principles and in their contributions they share their successes, philosophy and challenges. The list of contributors Fabienne Guichon-Lindholm, Joan Scott, Samantha Sweet, Sally Gordon, Kay Pennington, Melissa Timperley, Andrea Simpson, Candice Gardner, Arif Isikgun, Paula Clipsham, Samantha Ashton, Sue Belton, Tabitha JamesKraan, Jessica Parrish, Clare Porter, Diane Hey, Jen Buck, Madeleine Geach, Kylie Denton, Andrew Priestley, and Amanda Winwood

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