anthony alayon magazine

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After each tri-set, rest 60 to 90 seconds at the most. Keep up a fast pace. Also remember that there is no rest between the exercises in the tri-set. So for instance, you will go from Incline Bench Press to Wide Grip Pull-ups to Crunches and then rest 60 to 90 seconds before another tri-set. Mindset of a Successful Bodybuilder

1. The successful bodybuilder analyzes his/her time commitments and creates a body sculpting plan that suits his/her situation. 2. He/She prepares all meals in advance along with liquid meals in order to prevent missing meals. 3. If the plan is affected for whatever reason, instead of being depressed about it and abandoning ship, a modification is made. For instance, if a training session is missed, then it is performed the next day. If a meal is missed, then it is consumed as soon as possible. If an unscheduled cheat meal is consumed, then the bodybuilder gets right back on the diet on the following meal instead of blowing the diet for the entire day or longer. In a nutshell, for any challenge that the bodybuilder faces, a solution is researched and executed in order to continue with the body sculpting lifestyle. There is no room for frustration nor thoughts of dropping the body sculpting plan in the mindset of a successful bodybuilder. Always think “damage control” and that you are never “falling off the wagon” because you can always immediately get back on. In my twenty years of body sculpting, I have noticed that this is the mindset of the most successful sculptors. Successful body sculptors always look for solutions while the unsuccessful always look for excuses. Successful Goal Setting

Without goals we are like a wayward ship in the middle of the ocean, drifting away with no sense of direction. If it ever gets anywhere, it is merely by accident. In order to achieve success in our body sculpting program, our goal should be clearly defined and engrained in our brains. Otherwise, like the boat, if you get anywhere it will be by mere chance. Have you ever noticed that some people go to the gym year after year and they always look the same? I have approached people like that and asked them about

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their goals. Nine out of ten times they don’t have a clear definition of what they want. Therefore, if you don’t know what your target is, how can you hope to get it? As a small exercise, I would like you to take out a small piece of paper (or use your computer) and I want you to write two things. First, write down your long-term fitness goals. Be specific! For example, write the measurements that you will have, your body fat percentage, and your total body weight. Please, don’t limit yourself to what you think you can achieve. Write down what you want as long as you’re not shooting for 28 inch arms. Try 20 instead. The problem is that such goals look so far away, but every long trip starts with the first step. Now, write down your shortterm goals. Short-term goals should be evaluated every 6 to 12 weeks. When you write down your goals, be positive and have no doubt in your mind that you can achieve them. 10 Rules That Will Help You to Achieve Success From your Body Sculpting and Fitness Plan

As I was thinking of the reasons why many body sculptors fail to achieve results, I came up with ten body sculpting tips that will definitely have a huge impact in helping you to achieve body sculpting success.

1. Never sacrifice form to lift more weight. We are in the business of stimulating muscle so weights are just the tools we use to induce stimulation; we are not powerlifters. Also, focus on really squeezing the muscle you’re training. The way I’ve always felt about it is that focusing and squeezing is much more important than the amount of weight used, and doing so will get you more results with lower weights if executed properly. 2. You need to practice goal setting: As stated above, the mindset of a successful bodybuilder is of key importance, and keeping clear your short-term and long-term goals will help you achieve both! Remember to balance your short-term goals with the actions that you will take to achieve them. Make an action plan and stick to it as best you can. And remember that accomplishing your short-term goals is how we ultimately reach our longterm goals. 3. Follow a sensible training program: Unfortunately, many bodybuilders who are just getting started make the mistake of either choosing a body sculpting routine that is too advanced for their level, or they simply start working out without a training program. Too much too soon leads to injury and just going from machine to machine

3/19/11 3:28 PM

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