Round Table Southern Africa Inkundla May 2021

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June, 2021

Issue 2

Inkundla 073 860 3698

Tuesday 15 June 2021

Awards Winners 2020 Past Presidents Award for Table of the Year This award is not always presented. But it is at the sole Add a little bit of body text discretion of the President to award this to a Table who has rendered outstanding service to their community during the Truly amazing work raising and year. distributing around R2 million This Table has flown under rand in food and necessities the radar for most of the year. from within. And that is only As they do most of every year. what is reported on. ……. If you are not privileged Sani 152 enough to get stuck into a discussion with one of their members, you will probably not even know about everything that they do. In the past year they have been on some social media platforms and you might have seen about half of they do. A small community, pulled together by the power of the Rondel. Making a difference to the people of that community to the extent that you would not think that it is that small.

Mike Kantor Trophy Best Community Project for the Year, at the discretion of the President. 9 nominations were received for this award. Amazing for a year where projects were not possible. Where we were regulated at every turn. But this year’s winner has embodied what we as Round Table are capable of if we put our mind to it. What makes us stand out and gives you


goose bumps when you see what has been, and could be achieved by us……Their submission came with a video….and I want to play the video for all to experience this amazing work…… Twalaloko Project from Walvis bay 36 Derek Wedekind Trophy This Trophy shall be presented to the Table that has, in the opinion of the Association IRO, made the most outstanding contribution to International Relations during the past Table year. For their Efforts in Driving International Relations and attendance Jukskei 217

Issue 2

Past Presidents award for Tabler of the Year These awards are given to the Tabler and Table which, in the sole discretion of the President, have rendered particularly outstanding service to the Association during the past year. Werner Swanepoel (FULL ARTICLE ON PAGE 3) Stan Anderson Challenge The Stan Andersen Challenge shall be awarded annually to any Table or Area which in the opinion of the judges has regularly produced the best digital or printed bulletin or magazine in the twelve (12) months prior to the twentyeighth (28th) Free State Area Inkundla Award At the sole discretion of the Communications Officer, this award shall be presented annually to the best contribution to the Magazine. Eastern Province Area Extension Trophy This trophy is awarded in the sole discretion of the Vice President to the Table who has done the most for internal extension during the year. Yzerfontein 276

June, 2021

From the Editor Igor Scheurkogel

It makes ones very excited if you are part of an organization and things just work like a perfectly oiled machine. I base my comment on the kind of articles that I have been receiving this month which perfectly inline with the next phase of corporate branding phase of Brotherhood in Unity. Tablers are reaching out to each other, taking care of our mental health and just overall connecting and making our organization just stronger. I am Childlike excited how the organization will look like once we have finished all three phases.

As I often remind the RTSA exec and area PRO/Editors that do expect that the Inkundla will change with each edition until it is a magazine/tool that each tabler can use to expand our reach and have a more impactful change on our communities.

In the month of June I will be conducting a workshop on writing and layout to help our table PROs write articles that tablers and public would With the first Inkundla that I read. was able to put together 1 Also in the process of minute before I had to submit developing a handbook vir to Walter aka 'Huiskat...haha the communication part of our reads and impressions has the PRO portfolio because grown by over 250%. None of being PRO does not just this would have been possible mean you write article and with the valuable input i got post pictures. You are the from tablers from the whole of spokesperson for your table. the organization through the Inkundla survey before I took Be on the look out for a office. special edition of edition 2.


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Issue 2

June, 2021

The Start of 'Hashtag' Imactfulchange Werner Swanepoel

Whaaaat?? To say I've been extremely blessed and privileged to be part of this fantastic organization, then to be recognized as the Tabler of the year and Vice President is without a doubt the highlight of my table career. As an organization what makes us stronger is our unique sets of skills and experience that we bring to the Table. Being able to use that and live out a passion of mine to inspire and create change has just resulted in a perfect storm with Round Table. I merely took the amazing work everyone else does and SHOUTED about the great stuff we all do, got us exposure on a multitude of different platforms, and shared with the world what we already know. This is the best young Men's organization in the world. I am super excited and can't wait to see what the future holds for Round Table. I hope that I will make our tablers proud by being someone worth following. Nothing I do or am could be possible without the unmatched support by my wife and family. They are the fuel to my fire and the compass on my journey.

responsibility to wear our Rondel with pride and keep driving change that will impact your community Yours in Table.

What a great time to be alive, let's never forget the amazing impact we have in our nations and communities. We have a



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June, 2021

From The President Youth is the fountainhead of exuberance, energy and dynamism. It is the youth of our countries who will take forward the legacy of Round Table and help us gain new heights of growth and achievements.Therefore, it is essential to tap the unbridled vigour of our youth and give them the right direction. By effectively channelizing their energy, our Organization can attain limitless heights and bring unrivalled change within our communities. As mentors and teachers, we are responsible for shaping their future and leading them in the right direction. As we approach Youth Day on the 16th of June, it is essential for us to note the commitment we made to our Table Brothers upon induction and pass along the life lessons that we have learned during our time in Round Table. One such message that has always stuck with me is a speech by Matthew McConaughey, slightly adapted to suit our purpose as Tablers: Don't Leave Crumbs. So what are crumbs? The crumbs I am talking about are the choices we make, that make us have to look over our shoulder in the future: You didn’t attend the Table Meeting you committed to. You passed on the ideal opportunity to make new friends by attending a Tri-Area Conference. You drank too much on Friday night and missed your Area AGM These are the crumbs: They come in the form of regret, guilt and remorse. Leave crumbs today, and they will haunt you tomorrow, and they disallow you from creating a customized future in which you do not have to look over your shoulder.

Do yourself a favour, make the choices and purchases today that pays you back tomorrow. If we do our jobs well today as Tablers, we will still be reaping the benefits five years from now. Get Return on Investment. Don’t leave crumbs. Sincerely work towards shaping your future, making it bright and beautiful because it is your bright future that will pave the way for the future growth of our organisation. Today's work will not go to waste and will undoubtedly pay off in the future. Nurture our young Tablers with diligence and sincerity. The challenges you are facing at the moment will appear small tomorrow, and you will become better with the passing time. Therefore, my advice is never to lay waste to your youth and use it to your optimum capacity. Irrespective of what you want to become in Table; you should never shrink away from putting your best efforts into everything you do. All birds find shelter during the rain. But Eagles avoid rain by flying above the clouds. Problems are common, but attitude makes the difference.


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June, 2021

Impactful Change Pre-Winter Knights Distribution United Hope Dynamic School Amize Adams

The United Hope Dynamic School is situated deep in Wanaheda a suburb. This suburb consist of 90% shacks with people living in very difficult circumstances. Sofia who as a small piece of land where she had put up her shack in 2017 had seen the need for a day care for children who’s parents are out most of the day to search of work or do some sort of vending to earn an honest buck. She had transformed her shack to a more suitable environment for kids to stay learn and be taken care of while their parents are out trying to make a living. Sofia who knows the circumstances of all the children she cares charges little to look after the children and most of the parent can’t even afford that so she looks after them for free.

Wel213 on the 29th of May 2021 drove to the school, and the question “are we on the right path” popped up more than once during the drive as the road because a small path that wasn’t suitable really for our cars. Wel213 was able to distribute 70 blankets to the school which looks after between 60 and 80 children during different times. We would like to thanks Sofia for seeing the need in the community and reaching out and doing more than required from a neighbor by looking after these young ones giving them a place to be safe, educating them as far as possible and making sure they have something to eat. This is no small feat with getting little to no payment for the day care for the genuine reason that the parent simply cannot afford it.

In early 2020 a group of friends heard of her generosity and made a point of assisting her by building a more adequate facility for the day care transforming the shacks into proper class rooms although small and toilet facilities for the young ones. Sofia still stays in her shack at the back of the school as she feels the facilities are for the kids and should be kept that way.


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June, 2021

Soup Kitchen Paul Hoeksema

In less than a month Round Table 32 – Mossel Bay was able to collect a large amount of non-perishable foods from members and visitors at their clubhouse as well as a large and very generous onion donation from one of their brother Tables in the South-Cape area, Round Table Oudtshoorn 33. This forms part of the continuous Soup Kitchen initiative that Round Table – Mossel Bay 32 launched in April 2021 and enabled them to provide around 3500 meals (roughly calculated per 150g serving) for an estimated 400 people catered for every day. This particular food donation, which will form the first of many, was delivered to the ACVV Kenani Service Centre. From here it will be distributed to not only the 3 divisions of the centre but to 5 soup kitchens in the greater Mossel Bay as well. Sadly, as a result in many of these cases this is the only meal they will have for the day. In the aftermath of the Covid regulations and struggling economy, the government subsidies for ACVV Kenani was halved and with the ever-increasing prices of food and supplies, the pressures on these centres and soup kitchens are growing daily. If Round Table - Mossel Bay 32 managed to collect this out of a hand full of people in less than a month, imagine what they can do with the help of the community. Round Table – Mossel Bay 32 would like to request the community to get involved, to make a donation make a real local impact.


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June, 2021

Thami D Care Centre Paul Hoeksema

Ontstaan in 2018 as ‘n huis vir persone met gestremdhede (fisies,intellektueel, sielkundig) wat nie ‘n heenkome het nie. Met die feit dat meeste van die staat fasiliteit oorvol is, het dié persone geen woning of versorging gehad nie. Die behoefte is raak gesien tot een van die stigters lede se seun gediagnoseer was met Cerebral Palsy. As gevolg van die verwaarlosing van mense met gestremdhede het hul besluit om ‘n sentrum te begin en mense te ondersteun. ThamiD dien dus as ‘n residensiele sorg fasiliteit en tans is daar 36 mense woonagtig in TamiD. Die huis het uitgereik na Round Table 158 vir moontlike betrokkenheid by die sentrum.

Die eerste besoek deur Round Table 158 was afgelê in Februarie 2021 om eerstens vas te kon stel wat die sentrum se behoeftes was en hoe ons betrokke kon raak. Met die besoek het die bestuurder, Tembeka Dumezweni, ons deur die huis geneem en ook meer verduidelik van wat hul by die sentrum doen. Die sentrum is afhanklik van borge en maak staat op elke inwoner van die huis se ongeskiktheid toelaag om aan die inwoners se basiese behoeftes te voorsien. Met die besoek was daar vas gestel dat ‘n goeie noodhulptas en wasmasjien van waarde sou wees vir die sentrum. Die sentrum word skoon en netjies gehou en hul is ook besig om ‘n ontwikkelings en ondersteuning program op te stel waar weekliks besoek afgelê word deur ‘n arbeidsterapeut om sodoende vaardighede vir die inwoners aan te leer. Die noodhulptas en wasmasjien is op 20 May 2021 aan die sentrum oorhandig. Hul was baie opgewonde en spreek graag hul dank uit aan die Round Table 158 vir hul ondersteuning wat sodoende die lewens van die inwoners verbeter.


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June, 2021

Winter Knights Pre-Winter Knights Distribution United Hope Dynamic School Amize Adams

The United Hope Dynamic School is situated deep in Wanaheda a suburb. This suburb consist of 90% shacks with people living in very difficult circumstances. Sofia who as a small piece of land where she had put up her shack in 2017 had seen the need for a day care for children who’s parents are out most of the day to search of work or do some sort of vending to earn an honest buck. She had transformed her shack to a more suitable environment for kids to stay learn and be taken care of while their parents are out trying to make a living. Sofia who knows the circumstances of all the children she cares charges little to look after the children and most of the parent can’t even afford that so she looks after them for free.

Wel213 on the 29th of May 2021 drove to the school, and the question “are we on the right path” popped up more than once during the drive as the road because a small path that wasn’t suitable really for our cars. Wel213 was able to distribute 70 blankets to the school which looks after between 60 and 80 children during different times. We would like to thanks Sofia for seeing the need in the community and reaching out and doing more than required from a neighbor by looking after these young ones giving them a place to be safe, educating them as far as possible and making sure they have something to eat. This is no small feat with getting little to no payment for the day care for the genuine reason that the parent simply cannot afford it.

In early 2020 a group of friends heard of her generosity and made a point of assisting her by building a more adequate facility for the day care transforming the shacks into proper class rooms although small and toilet facilities for the young ones. Sofia still stays in her shack at the back of the school as she feels the facilities are for the kids and should be kept that way.


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Issue 2

June, 2021

Winter Knights Distribution Universal Church Amize Adams

Its Winter Knights time again…Yes you know what that means. With winter knight only, a week away promotion of the project is very important. What better way then to promote the project with distributions of blankets. Welwitschia 213 has chosen to assist the Universal Church in Windhoek who does outreach programs to the needy. The UCKG has started their outreach programs a few years back and has since then assisted thousands of people with the donations they receive and the donations the church makes towards the cause.

Wel213 distributed 80 blankets to the UCKG on Saturday the 29th of May 2021 that will contribute towards the Community reach out program of the Church. The distribution of the blankets will be done during the week as through their outreach program. This will assist 80 people to fight the cold this winter. With Covid and the restriction and the real threat it poses to the community Wel213 had to look at other methods to assist the communities where we are not able to get to and this was one of the vehicles identified. We hope this will be a renewed partnership with the Church to help more people in a shorter amount of time.


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June, 2021

Children’s Life Change Centre

Richard Becker

Namibia Area provided Winter Knights predistribution funds which needed to be converted to a handover. I and my wife (Brunie Becker) knew of an orphanage/centre for children whose parents cannot assist that needed help from our time in the Scout movement. Therefore, we set out to help them where we could. After we got the go-ahead we tried load all the handouts into my wife’s car – a challenge that posed impossible. My brother in-law gave us a hand with the his vehicle to help with the pickup. Once everything was brought to our house it occurred to us, or my wife rather, that the pillows are white and that we did not make provisions for pillow cases. After several calls to my mother in-law, my mother, my brother in-laws mother, and my wife digging through our stuff we got 40 pillow cases together in about 3 hours for donation together with the new pillows and blankets. After the pillow case dilemma the packing for the handover commenced.

We finished very late, but every pillow was in its pillow case, with an accompanying blanket in a bag. Our whole living room was full of all the goods and I felt tired, but very good that we achieved to get everything together. On Saturday 22/02/2021 Tamara-lee Pienaar came to our house with Ian’s bakkie and we loaded all the baggies on the bakkie. My wife and I then drove with her to their house to pick up Ian. Together the four of us were a little bit late to the social at Phillip’s house planned for thereafter, however we stopped at the Children Life Change Centre and did the drop-off for the 40 children in need. The children were all so cute, running up to greeting us in a friendly manner. While we were handing out, a little boy came up to Tami to get his share of the handover. The poor little one was smaller than his bag but he was so proud to have received it his and the smile on his face was priceless. We could not stay too long. As we drove off the kids were all waving and the couple taking care of them had tears of gratitude in their eyes. All the gratitude makes all the effort and running around so worth it.


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June, 2021

Let your passion shine Mark Kissler

It is the time of year where induction dinners have come to a close, planning for the year ahead is completed, portfolio members have settled in and ARTSA 2021 is over. NOW is the time to get to work with all the projects commencing. The annual RTSA wide Winter Knights, our association project with the five Namibian tables working in unison is well underway. Some pre-distributions have already been sent out in order to advertise this fantastic project and gain the necessary media exposure and mileage. Let Winter Knights be an inspiration to all tablers, pipeliners and guests. It showcases how a mammoth project can be done no matter the tough circumstances. It promotes the public relations with the private sector, government institutions as well as the communities we assist. Why are you a tabler? What is it that drives your passion for the rondel? Have you been slacking of late? Don’t worry, you’ll be fine.

It is time to shine, gentlemen! Let each and every one of us be motivated to take on a project, to assist a fellow tabler with the project they are convening. Be the one who asks questions. Consider yourself for succession planning and taking on a new portfolio in the next year. Have that consideration be your motivation to improve on your aptitudes. We’re all human and make mistakes. There are times where we feel that obligations might become tedious and we lose interest. If you are ever in dire straits and don’t know whom to turn to – turn to a tabler. Pick up the phone and schedule a conversation over coffee. Invite a fellow member on a hike or ask to join in on a braai. Irrespective of whether your problems are in a relationship, dissatisfactory position at work or monetary in nature. Speak up, so you can have the assistance to have your problems tackled and sorted out. The brotherhood is there when you need it. So now, what excuse do you have not to perform just a little bit more and make this world a little better?


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A long-standing tradition

Marcu Kriegler

The turnout on the day was what we had hoped for. In donors and support, although we wanted a bit more tablers to participate in donating, some were preoccupied driving #impactfulchange elsewhere in terms of Winter Knights and food drop-offs. The day produced about 40 people consisting of donors, non donors and supporters, IN ONE DAY! The donors not only consisted of Tablers, but members of the public donating on behalf of their favoured table. It was good to see people coming together in effort to save lives by donating blood. Each pint can save up to 3 lives.

The feeling reviving an old project that has died out somewhat in the past brings warmth to my heart. To know that we can make it a big initiative again. The Pretoria collective blood drive was just the start. The plan going forward is to get everyone donating at the same time, with the same intervals to make it a mass blood donation event, and get a lot of people involved on the same day for the same cause across Southern Africa, which showcases the coming together for one goal: Saving the lives of our fellow South Africans. Be a hero, it's in your blood!

It was great to see Tablers, family of tablers and 41ers participating in this project. It only took most of the morning to drive the initiative, and after some socialising was in order to celebrate the success of the day, and to drive inter-table fellowship.


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Issue 2

June, 2021

Unity in Brotherhood Heaven has gained an Angel En ek wou nog my nuwe geweer vir jou wys Mark Kissler

op die volgende Jag Boogie ... Ek wou jou vertel het ek snork nou blykbaar harder as jy - seker 'n ouderdom ding. To me, Skip was the easy smile in the room. He didn't need to explain himself or why he was so at ease. He created an atmosphere of quiet confidence. Built by years of service to the community, his character was a true reflection of what every tabler endeavours to be. Skip, Ons het nie saam gebraai nie, Ons het nie saam gejag nie, Ons het nie saam gekuier nie, Ons het nie saam getravel nie, Maar ons het een ding in common gehad, ons het ‘n gedeelte van ons lewens aan ‘n wereldwye organisasie gewy om ander te diens. Jy was reeds ‘n ou-toppie legende toe ek as groentjie induct is.

We are honouring the life of our friend and brother: Skip Scheepers. You may not dwell among us no more, but we know you are looking after us from above. A few words and anecdotes from 41ers and tablers alike: Guru Guru Guru, Guru Guru Guru … Drei weisse Tauben, auf unserem Dach … Ai Skip … Nou hoe nou? Ons moes nog volgende jaar ons 20 jaar Duitsland reunie gevier het ...

Jou spore was reeds diep in Windhoek 34 se fondamente ingetrap en ons jongetjies kon net sit en luister na awesome projekte, harde Fishing Boogies, wilde Jag trips en dan natuurlik - ARTSA 1! Skip het niks halfhartig gedoen nie, Skip het met lewenslus getravel, Skip het voor gevat met projekte, Skip het altyd ‘n tydjie afgeknyp vir sy medemens, Skip het voluit gelewe, Skip is ‘n LEGEND gone too soon. Salute brother.


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June, 2021

Nothing as Past as a Past President…… Christo Bezuidenhout AS the dust settles after our 2nd Digital ARTSA I have had some time to reminisce and absorb the year that has been. The year I was privileged the serve as the 70th President of our Association. We started off the year with the 1st ever Digital ARTSA. Its’s great to be the 1st to do something, but this was maybe one you really don’t want to be remembered for. But in true RTSA style we gave it 100%. The trend of zoom meetings continued and my first 70 odd meetings were on a digital platform. Travels, area visits, dinners and other meetings and projects attended in my official capacity took me from Pretoria to Kroonstad, Augrabies, Parys, Groblersdal, Vryburg, Aliwal North, Middelburg, Oudtshoorn, Midrand, Port Elizabeth, Mtunzini, Yzerfontein, George, Benoni, Potchefstroom, Walvisbay and Ficksburg. For me personally it was an amazing privilege and a very humbling experience to lead the Association this past year. The privilege of travelling, meeting new friends and seeing beautiful places and be humbled by their generosity and the overwhelming respect that all our members have for the Rondel. New friendships were formed, and others were strengthened, but you cannot look past the amazing fellowship, friendship and love that this organisation opens you up to.

And then you reach your outgoing ARTSA and look back and cannot believe how quickly the year has flown by. The ARTSA weekend flies by with a whirlwind of emotions. Closing off your last ASSCO and the forums and then off course chairing the AGM. Handling all the curveballs that get thrown at you while trying to take a few moments to soak it all in. Constantly busy with something or discussions with someone until you finally get ready for the Gala dinner. That final speech where all the emotions flood to the surface as you thank your family for all their sacrifices before handing over to your successor and then enjoying a few drinks late into the night to finish it all off. It passes so quickly even though you try and slow it down….and then….you wake up on Sunday morning and that saying is the first thing that pops into your head…...Nothing is as PAST , as a PAST President. [....]


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the Rondel. No one man, one ASSCO, one Area, one Table, Tabler or project is bigger than the Rondel. This Association will continue and for the short time you are part of it, you have to make the best of it and serve it as well as possible to ensure that it continues to grow long after you are gone. The only difference between Joe and any portfolio holder is that a Joe decided to put up their hand to serve on a different level. And if we continue to bring forward such great leaders that have come before me, and that is also now following me, we cannot go wrong and we can continue to grow, get stronger and leave deeper footprints in the communities we serve. The phone isn’t ringing. There are not messages from the convenor about what is going on. No unanswered questions from area chairman and no missed calls from random Tablers. It all comes to an abrupt end and the silence is deafening. You start to wonder if you made an impact and whether you lead by example. And the one burning question inside…Did I hand over the portfolio in a better state then when I took it up. That is all every portfolio holder should strive for. But you still wonder as you enjoy breakfast all alone and then pitch up to the 1st ASSCO as the IPP and you realize that the wheel just keeps turning. The gears keep clicking over as the new guard has taken over and are running the show now. Without a blip on the radar, without a jerk of the knee, without a speed bump, the machine that is ROUND TABLE SOUTHERN AFRICA just keeps pushing forward. And it hits you…. While we are HERE. As a portfolio holder or just Joe Tabler, we are merely custodians of

Gentleman, we are all different and start this journey for different reasons. But, we are brothers. We are Tablers. We are part of the greatest young man’s organisation in the world. We have it within ourselves to be the change we want to see. We have the collective passion and will to make an impactful change in our communities, and the lives of people around us. In the lives of our families and friends. Grab it with both hands and make sure that when you look back, you don’t regret anything and you can undoubtedly say …. Tabler and proud. Thank you Round Table Southern Africa for the privilege and honour. Thank you for the friendships and all the challenges that has helped me to grow. This Association has done more for me and my family than I can ever repay. Don’t waste a second of the time you have as an active Tabler. What you put in will never match what you get out. Yours In Table


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June, 2021

Where’s Waldo Amize? Mark Kissler

Waldo travels to everyday places – such as the beach, the ski slopes and the zoo. The book features 12 detailed 2-page illustrated spreads of the different locations. Somewhere amid the crowded scene is Waldo and readers are asked to scour the detailed illustrations to locate the lost traveler. Each scene is accompanied by a postcard to the reader from Waldo, who introduces the scene and comments on his travels. Waldo sets out on his journey equipped with 12 items to help him on his travels. He carries a walking stick, kettle, mallet, cup, backpack, sleeping bag, binoculars, camera, snorkel, belt, bag and shovel. As Waldo journeys from location to location he loses one of these item, and asks the reader to locate the object left behind in each scene as well. The similarities are evident. Undeniably evident if one considers the above excerpt. The glasses, the everlasting smile, the “walking stick” conundrum and always dressed in the same attire.

Well, granted, Amize prefers his suit over Waldo’s red and white striped wardrobe with blue jeans. And now we are confronted with the similitude of losing objects! The problem, though, is that the lost object is the entirety of Amize himself. How dare did we lose him? Are you confused? Okay, let me enlighten you: Amize is the Ironman of Welwitschia 213. No, he pretty much is Welwitschia 213. However, we at Windhoek 34 consider him not a guest – we consider this brother an honorary member of 34. He is there for all meetings, whether business or social, attends handovers and is the integral and delectable puzzle piece at braais and other outings. You get the gist, don’t you? He is basically part of the concrete foundation of Windhoek 34 of our time. By profession an attorney at law for the Namibian government in the Office of the Prosecutor General, he rarely misses one of our events. If he does, he’ll notify a delegate of 34 in advance for his absenteeism. Such professionalism is to be expected from a man who practices jurisprudence. So now, dear reader, I want to explain the mystery to you: on April 6th, Windhoek 34 hosted their monthly business meeting at the clubhouse. Nowhere in sight was Amize, our esteemed compadre. We were about to commence our meeting at 18:15 sharp and none of us had a clue on the whereabouts of Senõr Adams. Nonetheless, we went about our meeting. It was very productive, might I add. However, it was strange to not have Amize in our midst. Neither could we make jokes with him or about him, nor could we count on his seemingly endless wisdom for guidance on protocol. [...]


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[...] What I am trying to convey is this: Amize, we love and appreciate you. Please come back from wherever you are! We’ll even apologise if we hurt your feelings, haha. To the reader: This “report” is intended in good faith and for your amusement and that of Amize. Credit goes to Gerhard van Eeden of Hochland 154 for coming up with the idea – thank you very much. I hope you all enjoyed this tale of fellowship literature.

Brotherhood Mark Kissler We all celebrate varied types of festivals throughout the year. Some are very enormous and magnificent festivals that are almost celebrated by everyone, while others are not so fabled but do hold a significance. Among the myriad of not so fabled festivals is brothers day that celebrates the true spirit of brotherhood and pay the due homage to all the brothers we have in life who make the life worth living. This day was on the 24th of May 2021. To have a caring and loving brother is absolutely blissful. The very thought of having a strong brother who is always there to have your back gives a lot of strength to any sibling. Brothers are a reflection of their fathers and also one the cornerstones of the family. There’s nothing like the bond between brothers. And “brothers” doesn’t only refer to people born to the same parents.

A brother is anyone you can depend on, who you will do anything for. Brotherhood as a larger concept entails uniting all of humanity. It is about finding it in your heart to truly care about your fellow human beings and build them up, while allowing them to lift you up too when you need it. “You cannot see brotherhood; neither can you hear it nor taste it. But you can feel it a hundred times a day. It is the pat on the back when things look gloomy. It is the smile of encouragement when the way seems hard. It is the helping hand when the burden becomes unbearable.” – Peter E. Terzick Thank you all at Windhoek 34, for being brothers!


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June, 2021

The Namibian Spartacus Mark Kissler There are many different warriors in our history books. Whilst some of them are fictitious and tales, others are real. One of the real heroes was Spartacus. So, what exactly does this medieval chronicle have to do with Round Table? Very much, actually. For reasons unknown to mankind, a few of the 41ers of Windhoek 34 were dealt a hard hand in the past couple of months. In this article we are referring to Loubser Rousseau who has unfortunately been diagnosed with a severe case of pheochromocytoma. A pheochromocytoma (fee-o-kroe-moe-syTOE-muh) is a rare, usually noncancerous (benign) tumor that develops in an adrenal gland. You have two adrenal glands —one located at the top of each kidney. Usually, a pheochromocytoma develops in only one adrenal gland. But tumors can develop in both. If you have a pheochromocytoma, the tumor releases hormones that may cause high blood pressure, headache, sweating and symptoms of a panic attack. If a pheochromocytoma isn't treated, severe or life-threatening damage to other body systems can result. Most pheochromocytomas are discovered in people between the ages of 20 and 50. But the tumor can develop at any age. Surgery to remove a pheochromocytoma usually returns blood pressure to normal.

Loubser was admitted to the ICU in Windhoek’s Lady Pohamba Private Hospital on Easter Sunday. The symptoms as per the above description were evident. After a couple of days, he was released from hospital only to be re-admitted yet again shortly thereafter. An MRI scan showed the inevitable proof and diagnosis – Loubser has pheochromocytoma! If that wasn’t bad enough news, think again. The scan conclusively showed that the adrenal glands on both kidneys were affected. A tumor on the one adrenal gland was a staggering and unbelievable 13.7cm in size. The doctors at Lady Pohamba stated that the largest tumor known to them in this category was about 10cm. That is when everyone started to become really worried about Loubser as medical treatment in Namibia was not possible.


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And guess what: we are still not at the end of the horror story. The complications during the operation resulted in the removal of Loubser’s appendix too. To everyone’s relief the operation was a success, though our warrior 41er had to remain on the ventilator until the next morning. Cathy was permitted to visit her husband the day following the operation. Loubser’s blood pressure spiked again and he had genuine trouble breathing and a sore throat from the application of the ventilator. However, Loubser is and will always be a fighter! He is slowly but surely recovering from his massive operation and is in good spirits. Loubser had to be transferred to the Christiaan Barnard Hospital in Cape Town by a medi flight on Sunday, the 2nd of May 2021. Fortunately, his wife, Cathy, was permitted to accompany him. After some tests and consultations, Loubser’s operation was set for Tuesday, the 11th of May. The operation was set to commence on the morning and took very, very long. Our fellow brother required a bewildering amount of six pints of blood during the operation. Let’s put that into perspective: the average adult body contains roughly ten pints of blood! Not only did Loubser require to have 60% of his body’s lost blood replaced, no, the spleen had to be removed too. The spleen has some important functions: it fights invading germs in the blood (the spleen contains infection-fighting white blood cells), it controls the level of blood cells (white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets) and it filters the blood and removes any old or damaged red blood cells. It didn’t end there. In addition, a small portion, it was described as a slither, of the liver had to be cut out too.

There is nothing, nothing whatsoever that gets our Namibian Spartacus, the soldier, the warrior, the beast, under. Loupie, we are grateful for your recovery process thus far and believe that you will be healthy and full of laughter in due course. Our fighter and former Namibia Area Chairman was in good spirits on Saturday, the 15th of May, and left us a voice note over WhatsApp that can only be described as amusing and instil hope in all who love him. He stated that we should enjoy a type of distilled beverage made from fermented grain mash, usually matured in oak barrels over many years, as well as braai a lot on that Saturday. Mr Rousseau, you are a true inspiration and phenomenon to us all. The greatest warrior of all time! We wish you a speedy and full recovery. We’ll keep you, Cathy, your children and entire family in our thoughts and prayers.


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June, 2021

A close-Up: Riaan Mark Kissler Getting to know 34, in its 4th edition, is going to shed more light on our newest member. He is an engineer, a mechanic, entrepreneur, go-getter and family man – all packaged into a gnome that is 34’s great new addition, Mr Riaan. Born in Okavisume (Otjiherero for Tsumeb) in the Oshikoto Region in the north of Namibia, a town known for mining, Willem Adriaan Stadler took his first breath on the 7th of December 1986. He is known to all of us as Riaan but admitted that his mother calls him by his birth name. His darling wife calls him by his full birth name too, but only in certain instances.These instances are a reflection of those when Riaan is in groot k@k. His words, not those of the author! Riaan is happily married (most of the time, quoting Riaan yet again) to his gorgeous wife Annel. She not only has the looks that attracted Riaan to her like a moth to a flame, no, she has quite the brains too being a qualified Chartered Accountant by profession. Wow, what an power couple. It appears these inseparable individuals were made for each other and knew that early on, so Riaan proposed and they got married in November 2011. Their love means that the stork has come by twice already, first for little Marianne in January 2016 and thereafter a baby boy, Wickus Adriaan, on the 27th of May 2018. But not everything comes easy to this family. Poor Marianne was born prematurely and she was admitted to the ICU for a long eleven days. She weighed in at just 1.7kg at birth and she needed to weigh at least 2kg before it was medically safe to release her from hospital and go home with Riaan and Annel. Together with his brother Arthur and our very own Frikkie, Riaan is the proud owner of Axles and Gearboxes, a company started by his father. This is the kind of quality shop where your broken down Land Cruiser or Hilux gets fixed after the tow truck dropped it off there. Ooooh, I can [.........]


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June, 2021

[.....] already feel the vengeance of the Toyotaholics upon me. Bring it! I classify you the same as the “queer” Rugby team in those pink shirts from Tshwane. Okay – jokes, jokes! Don’t take this too seriously. Though this is not an advertisement – if you are ever looking for a “sexy” Wildog or Bundu replacement bumper, Axles Off-Road Gear, their fitment centre, is the place to go. Let’s get back to our subject, shall we? I apologise for getting side-tracked. Being a proper and prime example of the male species this gentleman is an afficionado and true connoisseur of the outdoors. He has a sincere passion for hunting and is an avid braai master and cook. He loves spoiling his family with home cooked meals and furthermore is competitive in his grilling skills. Some years ago Riaan took part in a national braai competition at Uhlenhorst, a competition that showed his true skill - being awarded 2nd prize overall in the event. Riaan, van nou af maak jy ons potjiekos, ne? 34 is moeg om nooit die kompetisie te wen nie. Other than food, rifles, off-roading and being married, Riaan’s hobbies include listening to music at full blast and travelling the world over. We sincerely hope that you can enjoy the latter again soon when humans are permitted to move around freely and travel overseas as the Wright brothers intended. Being brought to table as a guest during a very challenging time that was the unspeakable year of 2020, outgoing Chairman Werner Wormsbächer inducted Riaan as a member with full voting rights on the 23rd of January 2020. Viva, Riaan, viva! His sponsor was his friend and business partner Frikkie Engels. As Frikkie was already past his sell-by-date, Loubser Rousseau quickly intervened and aided Riaan through the guest and pipeliner checkpoints all the way to induction. A reoccurring coincidence: Riaan too was 34 years of age when he was inducted at Windhoek 34. Above and beyond Frikkie and Loubser as his mentors, Riaan makes mention of Werner who was equally as implicated in showing him the ropes of table and being not only his chairman, but mentor too. What has impressed each and every member alike is the fact that Riaan, whilst a pipeliner, convened a project.


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Nah, that isn’t the impressive part and has been done before. The astonishing part was that he took charge, had a concept of a new project in mind, presented and proposed it to table and thereafter made it happen. Riaan was able to procure Indongo Toyota as a sponsor for a project called Joyful Hearts who presented Round Table Windhoek 34 with a cash donation of N$ 5,000. This project ran for a week in December 2020 where the other main sponsor, Safland, donated us space in the Mega Centre Lifestyle Mall in Windhoek’s Kleine Kuppe suburbia.

That was not the only project though: Riaan, in conjunction with Loubser, organised a braai in the parking lot of the mall where members of 34 got together to sell tjops, wors and sosaties as the grand finale to raise funds for the clubhouse administrative fund. Talk about killing two birds with one stone. What are we as tablers grateful for when it comes to Joyful Hearts? It is a project we will continue this year and it has the added benefit of fellowship and raising funds for our ever increasing clubhouse expenditure and capitation fees. In 2021 we look forward to Riaan being the Winter Knights convenor on table level for 34, working closely with Werner who has taken up the challenge of being the area Winter Knights convenor for Namibia. Here is what Riaan thinks about being part of this historic and traditional organisation that is Round Table: “It is, without a doubt, a pleasure to enjoy the brotherhood that engulfs all members of Windhoek 34. Never before have I experienced an institution where its members are willing to go out of their way, above and beyond in assisting one another and the greater community. I appreciate the conduct and traditions that are upheld during the business meetings, the topics of discussion as well as the insights and opinions of all who make table a one-of-a-kind organisation. In March my wife and I attended our first ever Induction Dinner – I assure you, we had so much fun. In short: it was a blast!” All I, in capacity as fellow tabler and friend of Riaan, can say is that he has an unprecedented passion, ambition and determination to excel at whatever he reaches out to tackle next. We as 34 can be proud to have him be seated amongst us and give us input in his areas of expertise. We cannot await the next idea he pitches for a project or revamping a former project that might have lost its glory.


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Projects Barberton XCM Race Stephen Lea Barberton 67, held its annual water point on Saturday 8 May at the Barberton XCM cycle race. The water point was situated in the beautiful mountain lands reserve. It was a great day and some 1000 cyclists were given refreshments and encouragement / motivation where needed by 67.

Walk in Faith Tjaart Sauerman Passed by a unanimous vote the Round Table Richards Bay club 200 (RT200) on Friday, 14 May 2021, donated R9000.00 to local NPO Walk in Faith to continue their learner feeding program during these trying COVID-19 times. Walk In Faith prepares school lunches for 76 learners and assists an additional 20 learners with their daily lunches in the This donation, we further our aims and objectives Richards Bay area. of cultivating the highest ideals, fostering of responsible citizenship and furthering the RT200 recognises and appreciates the establishment of peach and goodwill through our efforts made by Walk in Faith to assist the relationships. learners in need, especially during these unprecedented times of COVID-19 where “RT200, want to thank the local community for funding has become scarce for the local their continues support of RT200. Without your NPO coupled with an increasing demand for contributions, we will not be able to cultivate impactful change within our communities.” assistance from vulnerable residents.


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June, 2021

Communing in Community Thabang Maahlo

As a member of Round Table, there is a lot of talk about community and the role we play within it. Goodwill sometimes feels like a distant thought until you’re faced with it as it is often overshadowed by the sense of comradery that comes with being a part of Table. In the few years as a Tabler, I participated in my fair share of socials, events, and projects as one does in fellowship but none of them truly felt like my own. My investment was from the perspective of having the best interests of the Table in mind, “This is important to Table and Table is important to me, so this is important to me too”. This was the mindset I had towards some of the projects; which is not bad because it allowed me to focus on the common goal but dare I say it is a narrow mindset. Earlier this year, I had the opportunity of running point on a project which I found gave me a greater sense of personal investment and responsibility. As Sandown150, we had a surplus of Covid-19 masks and I was tasked with finding a community that would put them to good use. With the assistance of my partner, I got in contact with a local organization called Smile Foundation.

Smile Foundation is a non-governmental organization with the mission of assisting children with facial abnormalities, to receive corrective reconstructive and plastic surgery through the assistance of South Africa’s Academic Hospitals. The Smile Foundation team is working diligently towards achieving the second phase of their vision: to install burn units in hospitals like Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe Hospital. They have a small team of dedicated individuals that run the day-to-day operations at Smile Foundation, but if you’d like to get involved, there are many ways to assist them by making a donation, volunteering your time, or referring a patient! Over the space of a few days, a couple of phone calls, and a Zoom meeting or two, I presented the NGO to the Table. After some heated conversation and value propositioning the masks within were released to Smile Foundation. Through the presentation process, I learned the value of communing in a community and how different people may appreciate different values in the same thing.


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Round Table Bloemfontein 158 & 25 Vat Hande Tian de Wet Ons almal weet dat die Covid-19 pandemie se gevolge is ver van verby en die insameling van fondse is baie styf. Engo het besef dat hulle gaan moet hulle eie projek bymekaar slaan om self fondse intesamel maar hulle het besef hulle sal dit nie alleen kan doen nie en dus het hulle Bloemfontein 158 genader. In ons eerste vergadering met Engo het Bloemfontein 158 n idee gehad om iets anders te doen en toe besluit op n Gholfdag. Ons het ook goed gedink om met hierdie projek hande te vat met Bloemfontein 25 en sonder enige huiwering, het hul ingestem. Die datum vir die Gholfdag was die 9de April 2021 en met 2 maande om die dag te reel, het ons onmiddelik tekkies teen die teer gesit. Dit is ongelooflik hoe die gemeenskap van Bloemfontein altyd gewillig is om hul hande optesteek en help waar hulle kan.

ESL Plumbing en NTT Nissan groep Bloemfontein het onmiddelik aanboord geklim as ons hoof borge en met die hulp van ons ander borge was die dag n reuse sukses. Tesame met Bloemfontein 25 het die projek meer as R 160 000 profeit gemaak. Ons het n vol veld gehad met 132 spelers an 14 natgate wat die dag extra spesiaal gemaak het. Van die natgate het hul eie maniere gehad om nog fondse intesamel en daar was tot n Ford Bakkie op die spel vir n hole in one. Ons het ook n spesiaale boodskap van Gary Player ontvang al die pad van Augusta af om dankie te se vir Round Table, ons borge en Engo. Hiermee ook n link waar die CEO van Engo n speciaale video uitgestuur het om vir Bloemfontein 158 en Bloemfontein 25 dankie te se vir al ons harde werk en n ongelooflike suksesvol Gholfdag.


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[...] I had the pleasure of driving the final leg of the project over the finish line with some of the members of Sandown150 accompanying me to the Smile Foundation offices to hand over the masks. The sense of accomplishment and gratitude I felt for not only the people who have contributed to the process but for the trust that my fellow Tablers had in me is still profound. I encourage every Tabler especially the young ones, to find their version of communing in a community by bringing a cause that they value to their Table and serving as the bridge between the two, allowing them both to flourish.

George 30 adding smiles to The Moreson Kinderhuis Paul Hoeksema Round Table George 30 is proud to have been a part of the Dankseggings Project 2021. The annual project, started by Yolandi Claassens in 2011 brings smiles to the children of the Moreson Kinderhuis by hosting a fun-filled day with treats & by providing (this year) various toiletries. In addition to a monetary donation to the initiative, George 30 spent the day with the children, helped with the food preparations & arranged a stretch tent as a contingency plan for the expected rain. We are looking forward to assisting & building on this fantastic initiative in the years to come.


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June, 2021

Building on Education Mark Kissler It’s always easy to create an article on a handover for a project yet to commence. Therefore, it is incredibly important to stay on track, push and prevail. 34 is pleased to inform on the progress being made on our newest project. On the 17th of May the official groundbreaking ceremony for the classroom at the Bet-el Primary School took place. Whilst it was the “groundbreaking” event, the tranches had already been dug up, the concrete mixers for the laying of the foundation for the classroom were running on Vmax and many construction workers were everywhere on site.

It is a humbling feeling to know that a collaboration project, funded by Auas Motors through Isuzu SA, facilitated by Round Table Windhoek 34 and erected by Atenu Developments is progressing at such an incredible pace. In attendance were the CEO of Auas Motors, Gerhard Vermeulen, Samuel Akinin from Atenu Developments, City of Windhoek building inspector Dominikus Vendura as well as Grace Mbeeli who is the Khomas Region’s education inspector together with the convenor for Round Table Windhoek 34, Werner Wormsbächer. The value of the total project is in excess of N$ 173,000. Expect to read about the handover of the classroom by July 2021.


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Table News Augrabies 273 & Villiers 227

Jurgens Coetzee Op Vrydag 7 Mei het 3 van Augrabies 273 se tafelaars vetrek na Hermanus in die Weskaap om die Twining Visvang en Jag af te skop vir 2021. Die twee TAFELS het n ooreenkoms al vir die afgelope 5 jaar ,wat behels dat Villiersdorp 227 n visvang reel vir die Noordkaap manne gewoontlik rond Mei en dat Augrabies weer n jag reel vir die Weskaap manne gewoontlik rondomAugustus.

Vanjaar se Twining Visvang was gehou in Hermanus in die Weskaap . Amal is saterdag middag uit op charter boot , alhoewel die see nie te rof was nie , was dit maar moeilik vir baie van die visser manne met die wiegende boot. Hopelik hou die manne dit beter in die jagvel in Augustus😊

Daar is ookal sterk vriendskap bande gebou met die geleenthede en is verseker n hoogte punt op beide hulle kalenders.


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Amize Adams Windhoek 34 held its social meeting for the month of May on the 22nd of May 2021. Invitation was extended by the chairman Ernst at the last Business Meeting.

Wel213 Raid WHK34 Social

We had an interesting Ride to Vlooi’s house as the gent in the car was trying to convert me to German with their chose of music but they were Pleasantly surprised to see I actually knew a few of the songs. It was a quick drive as we had so much to talk about we didn’t feel the almost 30km drive. We arrived at the Barnard’s residence and mingled a bit. Meeting got underway with the last of the tablers arriving Ian Pienaar and their guest who 1st had a Winter Knights’ distribution at an Orphanage distrusting Blankets. Windhoek 34 had a few things to discuss under their agenda and one important one was Winter Knights that was only 2 weeks away. Ernst encouraged the gents to take part in the event and to support the projects convener where possible. 34’s gents got lost in a bit of a hunting boogy frenzy when the topic came up but the SGT quickly got them back on track with a delightful hot sauce. The type that kept the gents mouths open but no words came out. Its always great to see the 41ér of Windhoek 34 Jakes and Vlooi always makes it a leke event wherever they are attending. We missed couple of the other 41érs hope to see them at the next one. Kudu’s presence was definitely missed but word given that he was recovering well made our day. The meeting was quickly concluded not to

usual standards it might have to do with the fact that it was standing meeting. I was told about these types of meetings held in Japan and China to boost proficiency and productivity but not yet seen until now. It seemed to have worked. Wonder if Ernst planned this all along. The social doubled as a going away party for Ernst the chairman of WHK34 as he took on a position in Swakopmund at the coast. But fear not the Veteran chairman has his ducks in a row and has already put measures in place to still lead the club from the coast and ensure that he attends the monthly meetings in Windhoek. Its not realy good bye to Ernst but it is sad to know he not just a call away but now a call and a 400km drive. I know you’ll make a success of the new challenge you took on and that WHK34 will still remain strong with your guidance. Huge thanks 34 and the German’s Mark , Werner and half German half English Lottering it was a blast and I’ll go on any road trip with you guys…


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June, 2021

ARTSA 2021 - COME AND GONE While the meeting was in full force families enjoined the day outside with jumping castles and story telling at the bar area. After the meeting was concluded, and our new council members was elected the Hardcore Hut lived up to its name, tablers enjoyed a evening of braai, fellowship and a bit of drinking challenges.

Wian Vogel ARTSA 2021 has come and gone. As usual there were plenty of members from tables all over Southern Africa attending this years Virtual ARTSA in support of Round Table Southern Africa. As tradition has it, at every ARTSA their must be a Hardcore Hut, this year was no exception, the Covid-19 pandemic forced us to have a Virtual ARTSA but that did not stop us from continuing with the old traditions. Pretoria community centre hosted its first virtual Hardcore Hut for tablers and their families in the Pretoria area, we started the morning off with a “Brekkie bun” to seal the stomach for the days activities ahead. With the opening of the Hardcore Hut the tradition of Cream Soda and erasers “Vodka” continued. Our delegates of each table joined the meeting via zoom in our main Hall area.

Marko Nell was inducted as a buffalo member, welcome to the club my brother😊. As the evening went on stories was told and new ideas was shared of future projects. Another great ARTSA had come to an end for 2021. In closing, well done and congratulations to Christo Bezuidenhout and his outgoing council as well as good luck to Stefan Grobler and his incoming council for the year ahead. I am sure that you will have an awesome year. Please be assured of our fullest support and we look forward to a fantastic year of friendship and fellowship with your team leading us in the new year ahead. I appreciate you, I'm proud of you and most importantly I love you with all my heart. Thank you for being my big brother’s and holding me in both your hands with the up most love. While people may come and go, you will be in my heart for a lifetime. "A brother is a friend God gave to you, a friend is a brother your heart chose for you. Other than a parents love, I feel that there is no greater bond in love than there is between brothers.”


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June, 2021

Wel213 Raid WHK34 with Area Chairman Amize Adams The Namibian Area Chairman Jens van Vuuren was in town (Windhoek) and Windhoek clubs obliged to ensure that the Area Chair could visit each table. Windhoek 34 shifted their may BM to Thursday 6th of May to accommodate “Die Groot Stoel”. We started meeting a bit late as the 34 gents aren’t use to having meetings on Thursdays but be that as it me they made quorum. Hochland and Wel213 had the same idea to raid the 34 gents when the Area Chairman visits. All went well till the finance point on the agenda. Yes, we had a few financial gents in the meeting and No they where not from WHK34. With Basson, Eduard, Iain and Gerhard all having questions on the finances. Don’t worry it was not major or I think because I had no clue of what the certifications was they were talking about. Afterwards I was explained they where taking the Micky out of the Treasurer PJ. Please Note “No Finances where cooked or altered during this discussion” After the 30min of having fun with the WHK34 treasurer the finances got voted in. Ernst as chairman ensured that the meeting got on track again and we moved through the agenda. One note I personally want to make is to congratulate the PRO on a job well done with having more reports sent into the Inkundla and Okujamba in a month then where sent in for the whole of last year. Mark your doing a great job please keep this up.

The 34 gents had a great project Building a classroom with funding from Isuzu. Well done gents on obtaining N$170k to build a classroom in Babylon. This is the beginning of bigger things from WHK34. Thanks to the WHK34 gents and Ernst as chairman for hosting us all for the meeting. The Area Chair for taking the time to attend the meeting all the way from Walvis Bay and Eduard and the 145 gents for raiding the meeting with almost full contingency. It would be remiss of me to not mention the SGT Phillip Barnard who allowed for a flowing meeting but kept his hand firmly on the time and waffling but ensured that the banter between the clubs where on point. With little to no time left because of Curfew we had a couple of cold ones at the bar as the time allowed it all before the 10 o’clock curfew spoiled the fun. It was great to have the Area Chair visiting and this was hopefully one of plenty visits.


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BRA-PRIL 2021 Marko Hall “What is BRA-PRIL?” you may ask. Why do I want to start the BRA-PRIL movement, we have MOvember, yes we do but there is something that goes unnoticed that is there in silence…Men’s breast cancer. We don’t know about it because it is not something we as men talk about. Why is it not talked about, is it that we as men think we are less of a man, is it that we are a culture of “cowboys don’t cry" is it that “I am a man I don’t have breast”. The fact is men have breast too. How was BRA-PRIL born? BRA-PRIL started as an idea while two mates celebrated a fallen friend we found out we lost to breast cancer and didn’t even know he had cancer at that time. Being youngsters we had no idea how we could get the word out there. Until now where I belong to a great (if not the greatest) young man’s organization. The stats out there is that 1% of breast cancer globally is found in men and we as South Africa sits with the highest stats with 2% of breast cancer cases are in men. I believe that this number might even be higher due to the stigma behind this in men. I want to #breakthestigma, show that we are here to stand with a brother and not judge. This year is my pilot project in table, asking you my brothers to support me. In the UK, US and even down under there is a bigger drive and awareness with regards to men’s breast cancer. My dream is to make every April BRA-PRIL, with a big event coming the end of April, a Day Joll with bands and getting the community involved. The day will be known as Manvage Day. As with this year’s pilot we will be doing a limited edition Coin for table and a coin for the public .

Getting back to this year, we have a limited edition 2021 BRA-PRIL coin for sale at R136 and if you up to R200 a very limited (print mistake) RTPTA 139 coin will be included (only 131 made and 130 available). Proceeds of the coin will go to Boosem Buddies, as they help and support men going through this illness. If you are keen to support PTA136 and my pilot project send a mail to for orders. Together we can #breakthestigma.


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The gents arrived and Basson already had the fire started, Jason Sivertson had brought along some home made chillie bites that was definitely better than the most store-bought CB’s. Firearm laws creeped into the conversation amongst other with one other topic taking the shine, being distilling. Yes, Jason has started and almost finished his own distillery as you can imagine we are all exited about that.

Wel213 Raid Hochland Social Amize Adams Welwitschia 213 received an invite to join the 154 gents in a Braai social proposed at their last BM. Basson van Rooyen graciously opened his house to a social on the 13th of May 2021 a public holiday in Namibia. Wel213 obliged and joined the 154 gents at the Van Rooyen residence. Arriving their early I was able to get a couple of conversations in with my good friend Basson, catching up with him and Cornelia before the rest of the tablers arrived and getting to play a bit with his 2 princesses.

Hochland Chairman Eduard Gouse arrived and unwound after having a troublesome troubleshoot day at the office on a public holiday…that might have been a sign to not work on the day…just my opinion. The rest of the gents arrived in phases with wifes and kids. We had what was to be short visit from Eghard Visser Hochland 154 41ér but yes he has a bit of a rubber arm and we definitely twisted it as he ended up staying for a while longer. Its always a pleasure to have Eghard at any event and Alwyn who came a bit later. Sathy made sure we tried his fermented Chilli Sause which was divine but closely guarded so it didn’t get feet and went its own way. Ruff and Tuff was discussed, for those who don’t know it is a project aimed at raising awareness for cancer and all proceeds of the event goes to the Cancer Association of Namibia. The gents have a certain aged vehicle and builds it up to withstand the rough terrain through rivers, sandy roads and rock ones following a predetermined route. This takes about 3 days and it must be a lot of fun as it was some of the gents 2 or third time. It was evident the excitement of Stefan du Raan who would be attending his 1st Ruff n Tuff in a weeks’ time. Walvis Bay and Swakopmund should also be having tablers participating the likes of Leigh Westerdale of 36 and Dirkkie Baard of 145. I can imagine there will be a lot of war stories being told after this race and Wel213 hopes to be part of the crowd when it gets told.


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June, 2021

MASS RAID Riaan OP 7MEI 2021 het BHM 60 sosiale vergadering gehad by ons klubhuis. Ons voorsitter kon nie vergadering bywoon nie,weens verkoue,en ek Riaan ondervoorsitter moes instaan vir eerste keer om aan te gaan met die vergadering.Ons vergaderings word meeste van die tyd op Donderdae gehou,maar met uitsondering het ons daai dag vergadering geskuif van Vrydag,want BLOEM 25 het ons kom raid. Wat baie interesant was,is dat almal van BLOEM 25,daai aand die hele Vrystaat geraid het op een aand.Die dorpe was Bethlehem,Ficksburg,Harrismith,Welkom,Kr oonstad en dan hul eie buurmaats BLOEM 158.Wat n fantastiese gebeurtenis.

Ek as ondervoorsitter Riaan,ons het 2 van BLOEM 25 se manne ge’homehost,ook weereens my eerste keer om nuwe broers van ander Dorp te kon huisves. Op die aand het ook41 Alwyn Shields,soos ons almal hom ken as ALLA,en sy seun ook vergadering kom bywoon,en om lekker te kon fellowship. Ook weer is ons pipeliner en nuwe gas Jack daar gehad. Wat n baie lekker fellowship het almal gehad daardie aand en het almal ook gelukkig veilig weer by hul huise aangekom.

Als begin by FELLOWSHIP,kry n sterk ( BOND) tussen tafelbroers,en leer mekaar beter ken en dit maak als die moeilte werd. Adopt,Adapt,Improve.


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Issue 2

June, 2021

The meeting went on quite a bit longer than anticipated. Not to worry – Sergeant at Arms Stefan du Raan (who also serves as Hochland’s Treasurer – talk about awarding one bloke too much power) sorted us out quite quickly and, uhm, recurringly, with his “delicacies”. The “octane” infused raisins served as punishment certainly showed their long-term effects the next day still. Stefan, can I veto the 154 prune ingestion the next time?

Executive Raiding 101 Mark Kissler What composes a successful raid? There are many parameters that could be suggested and the Constitution too is very clear thereon. However, for me the most important aspect of a successful raid is fun 😊 And fun we had on the 8th of April 2021 when Windhoek 34, in conjunction with Amize Adams of Welwitschia 213, raided the 2nd business meeting of Hochland 154 for the 2021 calendar year. Congratulations are in order to Ernst Grothkopf, our chairman, for mobilizing his council to raid the meeting. All council members, with the exception of our vice chairman, were present. We surely forgive Marius as he was on babysitting duty and was unable to attend. Next time, brother.

The inter-tabling experience was great for 34, 154 and 213 alike. Hochland’s projects are impressive and diverse. Congratulations on the great things you do. Salute! Our breaks and post-meeting conversations strengthened our brotherly bonds and it is fantastic to witness that Namibia Area is alive, strong and well. A few comments I wish to convey to some Hochlandian delegates: To the chairman: Eduard, you have your table under control and run a smooth meeting, congrats bro. To the secretary: great job in adapting so quickly to your new portfolio and doing so with professionalism whilst also carrying a lot of responsibility on other projects. Matthew, you are a true tabler. To the IRO/PRO: we are happy to hear that your turbolag has worn off and you are attending to your portfolio. I’m sure next time you’ll start your Amarok in time to make it to the meeting punctually and bring some snacks from your taco shop. Being a customer myself I definitely appreciate the Mexican food you serve. Thanks, Sathyagulan. Lastly, Hochland, we’re expecting your raid. Please bring some chairs – 34 is strong in numbers.


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June, 2021

Christo se Nuwe Troeteldier Mark Kissler Christo het ‘n nuwe maatjie! Ons noem hom Jollie Ollie en hy het nou vir amper vyf maande by PJ gebly. Ons vermoed PJ was baie verlief op ons eie olifant en dit is hoekom hy hom nooit aangeskuif het nie – tot onlanks 😉. Gentlemen, please excuse me but that is as far as my Afrikaans goes without totally creating a grammatical massacre of this beautiful language. As you can deduct from my introductory paragraph, the fellowship event of Windhoek 34 that is the Jollie Ollie was long overdue. Yet, good things take time and therefore the transfer of our mascot elephant was a special one. On Wednesday, the 21st of April 2021, Christo Murray was the proud and welldeserved recipient of the token wooden creature and his, uhm, let’s call it entourage memorabilia for the lack of a better description. It seems unbelievable but Christo last received the elephantus in 2018. It was a pleasant and intimate (please construe the latter adjective in the correct context) gathering of four members of Windhoek 34 and our guest, Johan Geldenhuys, who thoroughly seems to be enjoying the traditions and customs pertaining to Round Table.

As is customary Ernst almost didn’t make it in time but that is what we expect from our busy chairman i.e. being fashionably late. We certainly had a lot of fun and good conversations whilst sharing a couple of chilled barley brews. As it was a weekday coupled to the prevailing curfew the evening didn’t last too long into the night and all behaved well. Thank you, PJ and Christo, for making time to host this social meeting at Action Arena. Lastly, I wish to extend a special thank you to Mr Jacques Korrubel, the generous donor who brought the Jollie Ollie into Round Table Windhoek 34’s life. We certainly hope that you are proud that the tradition of passing on the stature is alive and well. In my honest opinion it would be fantastic if you and your fellow 41ers could join us for the next Jollie Ollie. I have no doubt that it would be a hilarious get together.


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Issue 2

June, 2021

Wel213 Raided by 34, 154 and Area Chairman Amize Adams Welwitschia 213 shifted their May BM to Friday the 7th of May to accommodate “Die Groot Stoel” Area Chairman Jens van Vuuren who came to visit all the way from Walvis Bay. The Hochland 154 and Windhoek 34 didn’t miss this opportunity to raid the Wel213 meeting and they came in numbers. This was, as can be expected with Wel213’s numbers, a bit of a shock to the some of our guest’s system having such a big contingency of tablers at a Wel213 meeting which normally consists of 4-6 persons. Meeting started and from the Get Go the Windhoek tables where quite keen on getting the SGT to show himself. The meeting went smoothly even with some corrections on dates that took a while to sort and explain on the previous business meeting minutes. Welwitschia 213 being only 2 members made the meeting seem quit one sided as the chairman does most of the speaking. The Chairman of Hochland 154 Eduard Gous and WHK34 Chairman Ernst Grothkopf where used to having Wel213 in their meetings which

made it ever so special to have both clubs represented in the Wel213 meeting. The Area Chairman Jens made sure his presence was know and ensured that the SGT was on his toe during the meeting. Wel213 has been planning a few projects and the in put from the other club members helped us along nicely. Apart from having to many breaks the meeting went well. The fire was already lit for the boerewors starter and Ilana Adams made sure we had food for the meeting “Kerrie en Rys”. Wel213 has long been a two-man club as you might know, but it was time to change this and we were proud to share with the rest of the clubs the induction of our newest member Romeo Arendse. Romeo congratulations on becoming a 213 member the journey might seem short for you and to others but I can assure you it will be a memorable one. As the meeting drew to a close and the gents smelled minty fresh from the SGT’s punishments and we had some time to catch up and socialize. Wel213’s newest Guest Xavier could not stay for the socializing as he


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June, 2021

still had to make is way home from Windhoek to Okahandja before Curfew. As per usual we solve the worlds problems around the fire and this went on with some light banter amongst the clubs and members till we realized it was time to pack up. Namibia still has a 22h00 curfew and being the upstanding members of society, we are, we ensured that we where all gone before the clock struck 10. Thanks to the 34 and 145 gents for raiding our meeting and The Area Chair who made the effort to drive all the way from the coast to attend the Wel213 meeting we hope this will only be the beginning of the raiding to our club. The SGT still has some of the Mouth wash left for the guests.

A Unified Area Amize Adams

Competition is healthy. It encourages an individual or a group of people to achieve more, to be tenacious and it hoists ambition. Everyone requires competition. In some instances participation alone is satisfactory. Other scenarios (and emphasis is on most) require more than mere participation. The global economy thrives on competition. Innovation is a direct result. If not, we’d still be living in caves and the wheel wouldn’t have been invented yet.


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Issue 2

June, 2021

Competition is the essence of survival. Only the strongest make it to the top. At Round Table it represents a healthy mix of fun whilst trying to “outshine” another table, be it in terms of active members, funds raised for the fiscal year or having the most groundbreaking new welfare project launched. How is that healthy you ask? We, as the delegates of RTSA, serve the less fortunate and community at large. The aims and objects of the rondel demand that the bar is raised and more is done. At Namibia Area we were fortunate to have our Area Chairman, Jens van Vuuren, member of Walvis Bay 36, visit all three Windhoek-based tables between the 6th and 8th of May 2021. All these tables raided each other’s meetings, the content shared and discussed at the business meetings was approached with intellect and function. The camaraderie after the demise of the 2020 year reached new heights. In the pneuma of competition to impress our Head of Area we were able to improve and raise the bar on fellowship, ideas pertaining to existing and new projects, diversifying portfolios and sharing the fondness for the association. The brotherhood on area level has not been this strong in years, though it had never been blemished. It will surely trickle down to our projects and benefit those in need for the year and hopefully many years to come. Impactful change has manifested itself in Namibia - driven by passion of and for Round Table.


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Rondel Shout Out


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Issue 2

June, 2021

News from the Ladies A Word from Ladies Circle SA President Cheslyn Dunlop I was inducted on the 22nd May 2021 at our AGM weekend in Hartbeespoort dam. It was a fun filled weekend and we had the honor of Stefan Grobler - RTSA President, Werner Swanepoel - RTSA Vice-President, Joseph Heckler - Area Chairman and Graham Cornelissen - RTI Vice President join us. I have been a member of Ladies Circle since March 2016. Working side by side with Round Table really opens up the relationship between the two. We are involved in such an incredible charity organization, the work we do within our communities is phenomenal. My Motto for the year is ‘Inspire the Future’ after the unforeseen year we had last year I wanted to bring some inspiration into our circles and work on inspiring each other for a better future in our communities. With what we all went through last year it really made me think: How lucky we are. How grateful we should be. As I look back at the past year it gives me a great motive on what I have planned for the next year. We should: Motivate. Challenge. Empower. Prepare-for what may again be unexpected. Focus-on our goals, each other and our circles.

I want us to not only show awareness of a cause but be present and do something for that cause. I want us to be visiting a children’s home a retirement village more often and show inspiration to our communities. We need to get out there and show them who we are. It is difficult during Covid-19, but this is where our communities need us most. We just need to be vigilant and obey the Covid-19 related measures set out for us. My logo is in the shape of a heart with all the colours of each circle. We as Ladies Circle show love and we are the helping hands withing our community. Let us strive to Inspire and Love the Future. Yours in Circle


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June, 2021

Presidential Visit to SA Ladies Circle Stefan Grobler During the unfortunate lockdowns experienced during 2020, I could not attend the Ladies Circle AGM as RTSA Vice President. I decided to tag along with the current RTSA Vice President to attend their physical AGM held at Villa Paradiso, Hartebeespoort Dam, on the weekend of 21-23 May 2021. Round Table Southern Africa would like to congratulate LCSA on the fantastic work done during a difficult year in 2020. All the best to the new Board - Inspire the Future. In the wise words of Werner Swanepoel RTSA Vice President: Give a woman some groceries and she turns it into a meal; Give her a house and she turns it into a home; Give her a smile and she will give you her heart; But if you give her any crap, you will receive a ton of sh.. Side by side we will drive Impactful Change in the lives and communities across Southern Africa.


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June, 2021

International News Wel213 Raid Mauritius AGM Amize Adams Tabling?? I often get asked why?? What do you get out of it?? Do you have nothing better to do?? Do you get paid?? Well I’ll try and show what most of us tablers already know. One of the reasons why we table. I had the opportunity in 2019 to attend the 2019 RT Mauritius AGM in May. It was great fun and one of the best international traveling experiences I have had in Table and outside of table. I will not elaborate more on the travel in 2019 because I had a long extensive report on that in 2019. Taking that bit of history only visiting Mauritius once and meeting the Mauritian tablers and other international tablers for the 1st time and only that one time should give a bit off a back ground to where I am leading with this article. Since 2019 We all kept in touch via WhatsApp and some video calls. I have been extended invites to all their AGM’s as well as their big projects. With Covid hitting us all in late 2019 – 2020 and still continuing to set the pace of what we do and how we do it it’s no surprise that we were unable to meet physically again after that AGM.

In the meantime, Mauritius was struck with an oil spill close to the coast and the RTM gents assisted and did rallies etc. Its been a busy year for my brother Mithilesh Lallah the RTM Prez who had a great year and I was lucky to be kept up to date by my brother from another mother Kurt Francois the RTM IRO PRO. I was invited to the RTM AGM which was also on a Zoom platform. It was an early start to the day as Mauritius are a few hours ahead of us and I hate being late to I was up at 5 and logged in at 5h30 the Saturday morning. This afforded me some to time to catch up with the RTM boys before the meeting started. We were a few international guests including the TRI Prez , AMI Chairman and our Own IRO PRO Gerhard van der Berg. Both Gerhard and I where invited to attend the next AGM when their covid regulations allow it as currently their lockdown regulation prohibits any gathering of more than 10 persons. Mauritius have been hit hard with their 2nd big wave of covid cases and hence the regulations being so strict.


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June, 2021

The meeting went smoothly but it was a bit of sad one for me. I have seen a lot of tablers reach the ripe age of 40 and you know what happens then. It was a privilege to have attended the last official meeting of my Mauritian Brother Kurt Francois. Always sad to see a tabler leave and I wish him all the best. We’ll as I know Kurt he will still be involved and 41ér status won’t keep him away. You just need to give him “2 minutes” … Gerhard and I where fined 100 Rupees that we need to personally pay in Mauritius so I guess Gerhard and I need to plan a trip to the island ASAP. As is a custom in Namibia Area we always have a selfie with the Chairman or Prez During his outgoing Speech this time it was Zoom-Selfie but after his speech this was just for Leigh Westerdale our Selfie King… After a few hours of laughs and plans made after the meeting it was time to say goodbye which also took a about 30min.

Now It might seem surreal to other outside the association that I can call persons I’ve met once my brothers but when you table you will understand. Tabling has provided the platform for friendship that have stood the test of time and I am sure will continue to do so for years to come. Being able to talk to a fellow tabler and feel as if we had been together yesterday (even if its been 2 years) and still have that bond not wavered nor broken…Show me where you still get that in these times we live in. Being part of Wedding Celebrations and children’s birth all because we met once on an Island and spend 2 days together at a Hotel. I feel theirs is a vast complexity of answers that can be given to the questions we get asked about why table, that the simplest answer I can give is “I table to get to know my Brothers Around the World that I haven’t met yet”. To my Mauritian Brother’s Gerhard and I will see you soon…


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June, 2021

From The International Ginger Gerhard van den Berg

Knowing where you are We have all read or heard that we need to have strategic planning in our lives, whether it be in business, personal lives or in Table.But what is this and how does one do this? The purpose of strategic planning is to set overall goals and to develop a plan to achieve them. It involves stepping back from your day-to-day activities and asking where you are headed and what your priorities should be. Writing a multi-year strategic plan for your association can be a daunting task, especially if this has not been attempted before.Whilst there are a great many ways of how to write strategic plans for different sized organisations, this can all be simplified into 3 easy steps. These steps can also be implemented in your own lives and business to help in achieving your goals. In this 3-part series of articles, we break down the steps into easily manageable actions that will yield excellent results.

Part I: Knowing where you are The first step in solving a problem is recognizing there is one. Deep and meaningful introspection is something that is easily resisted as this expose weaknesses and areas for improvement in ourselves and our associations. We need to be prepared to take a good and hard look at ourselves and our activities to see where improvement can be done. In the case of Round Table, this can easily be done through obtaining open and honest feedback. This can be done in the form of surveys through tools such as Google Forms, SurveyMoney and Tabler.World or can be done in a collaborative process through a detailed SWOT analysis being done. A simple exercise such as writing down the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of your business or association can lead to great insight.Many other ways of gaining feedback and insight of your current situation is available and can be explored.


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The goal of this initial step is to determine what the problems are and thus would need feedback from various sources, both active and past members as well as from prospective members. Honest feedback must be sought and anonymity when providing this feedback can elicit better responses, especially in cases where reprisal is feared. A comparison with peers can also show where areas for improvement in your association might be. If other service organisations excel at one aspect where you fall behind, clearly this aspect must be understood and addressed. Once the feedback has been obtained this must be collated, studied and shared. This is often the most difficult part of the entire process as the feedback many times tend to showcase our own inadequacies. Be honest with yourselves and realistic. Understand that other’s perceptions of something does influence the reality of where we are. It is easy to summarily dismiss some of the feedback received, but this is a fatal mistake.Only feedback that was sent in error or in malice should be omitted from the results.

Share these results with the leaders in the association and strongly consider sharing this with the members as well. The more people are aware of the specific challenges being faced; the more solutions will be available. Remember that growing and improving is a painful process as is any process of change. The pain in this initial step is critical so that we come to the realisation that we do not want to operate like this anymore. Steven Covey said that “I am what I am today because of the choices I made yesterday.” By that same logic; the decisions that we make today, will lead us to where we will be tomorrow. Take some time in this next month and get some feedback and always remember that the first step in solving a problem is recognizing there is one. In the next Part, we will look at the process of setting Goals with specific milestones on how these goals will be reached. We will end our journey in Part III by monitoring, adjusting and fine tuning these goals as we continue to stay on track with achieving our goals.


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June, 2021

In light of the heartbreaking events unfolding internationally & most notably in India, now more than ever our brothers & sisters need our support. To many hitting close to home, hospitals & crematoriums have run out of space, & funerals are taking place in car parks. Your words can bring light in a very dark time. #IStandWithIndia #LeadTheChange #StayStrongIndia. #rtinternational #WeAreRoundTable #roundtableindia


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