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Friday 13th June, 1997 Issue 1090


Student Newspaper of Imperial College

Full coverage of the election on page three

Superstitious? You should be... page thirteen

Exams a sham? Don't worry, be happy, page three

hSomethkigforthe Weekend: Go to a Hacker's Conference.

Gallic Geek Wins Election NEWSTEAM In a s u r p r i s e r e s u l t last night, L e o n B r o c a r d , the charismatic editor o f the D o C s o c magazine Data, stormed to victory to become the new president o f I C U . H i s popular C o o k i n g and C r a c k i n g c a m p a i g n ensured that 8 3 % o f the electorate put a cross to his name, w h i c h , g i v e n that over 9 7 % o f eligible students turned out to vote means that he is by far the most popular U n i o n president in the history o f this college.

and a general improvement of the style o f I C i n order to compliment the notoriously fashionable areas o f Chelsea and Knightsbridge. Although unspecific about the " C r a c k i n g ' part o f his c a m p a i g n he hinted that students s h o u l d be e d u cated in what he calls the more i n t e r e s t i n g side o f computing.

when boss".


He was unavailable for c o m m e n t this morning; a spokesperson announced that Mr B r o c a r d would issue a f o r m a l stateD u r i n g the hustings o f ment at a later M o n d a y night he was eva- date but was, sive about the exact me- at the moment, chanics o f his scheme and " f e e l i n g a bit refused to be drawn on is- fragile". What drove his bid for the sues such as the N U S , the top seat was a wish to "raise B e i t Q u a d refurbishment the sartorial profile" o f the and the imminent medics U n i o n and bring "a bit o f move to the B M S building A. H A C K E R claa" back to IC. He prombut was overheard saying to It transpires that sometime ised better food for all ar- a friend that "the bloody during Friday afternoon a eas o f catering on campus b e e r ' l l be cheaper a n ' a l l hacker entered the Student U n i o n computer network using a combination o f a technique called IP spoofL E O N A R D O D.V. ing and a unforseen security hole in the U n i x opFears were g r o w i n g last tion w i l l have to be taken eration sytem enviroment. n i g h t that the Q u e e n ' s soon or the Tower itself, a Although details are shady Tower has started to lean to symbol o f Imperial's heritat the moment it appears one side. This has been a age, m a y have to c o m e that he l o g g e d o n as a p r o b l e m w i t h the recent down. It is now hoped that sytem administrator and years of drought, but it was the same technology used altered some o f the proalways considered unlikely in stopping the movement grams used to look after that it would get as bad as of the L e a n i n g T o w e r o f the main hub, possibly one it now has. Sources have Pisa, developed here at I C , linked to various accountbeen quoted as saying that can be used to right our own ing sytems s u c h as the it is now so serious that acunstable structure.

Union Network manipulated

The Tower Leans!

datbase of exam results that is kept in Sherfield and the automated collating sytem used d u r i n g U n i o n elections. It also appears that a link was made to the 'Lost W o r l d ' Web page although this has yet to be proved. Catching the perpetrator w i l l "prove difficult i f not impossible as the intruder c o v e r e d h i s d i g i t a l footprints w e l l " ; the break in was only discovered when a U n i o n official noticed that he was already logged in from a remote site in Brazil and raised the alarm.

Phew! Apologies to our regular readers... We promised that this issue would appear a long time ago. Indeed, we also promised a few other things, and it's up to you to decide if weVe quite delivered. •

s e e

So, we said we were going to talk about hacking. N o , I mean cracking. Err... you know what I mean - what the media calls hacking. To aid this, we have an article on what it all means (that would be the big one, by the way - Phwoaarr!) We also have an article on how to hack phone services, although it's nice at tame so nothing can happen. What we don't have is a list of credits. T h i s is because I have no idea who all these people are anyway. Huh? What? Alternatively, it's because we all want to remain anonymous. Possibly. We would've had a news section. But we couldn't be bothered. If you don't know what's up (doc?), ask your relevent guru about the following subjects: Toshiba Libretto, A M D K6, Pentium Pro/II Bugs, Xlock hole, Billy G., etc. O h , and you may have missed it, but we landed on the moon. Funky, huh? We do, however, have a two-page spread about tea-time. Kind of. A n d more importantly, we have a list of all the hostnames at I C . A n d it's fun. In case you're a bit confused, this isn't Felix. It is, however, D A T A . Figure that one out, you silly little studenty people. Rather innovative, I reckon, is the way this issue is being distributed. N o t only are we doing the paper version, but we're also giving away Postscript and P D F (Adobe Acrobat) versions. So you can view it i n glorious colour... Funky eh? T h e only problem w i t h this right now is the size of the files. We'll figure something out. A n d as usual, we'll fit i n any tiling else we can think of - or more importantly, anything else at all i n order to fill it up. Typical. Of course, I do kinda have an excuse I've been doing m y finals, and now that they're all over I can say that exams'are bas- - • tards and are a crap way of testing someone's ability. So please employ me and pay me loadsa money... So long and thanks for all the X X X X ' s . . . Leon (leon@twoshortplanks.com)


Caffeine addicts now have a new choice w i t h the news that River City Beverage of Sacramento, California, is selling "pure natural spring water" w i t h a large fix of

programmers' favourite stimulant. The company says its product is aimed at those "who want that caffeine perk without the taste of coffee or the sweetness of soda". It remains to be seen how the new concoction w i l l fare against the long-established presence of Jolt Cola, which contains twice the caffeine of normal colas and markets itself as "America's most powerful cola". It is also not clear whether Java Water w i l l be available i n this country, after Jolt took a long time to cross the Atlantic. Keep checking 7-11...The real question has to remain though, do Real Programmers drink mineral water, or does it rate alongside quiche and Pascal?

Listen, I really can't be bothered. Read through the magazine and build your own list of contents.



ful things. Think of all that technology, bundled into a small, sexy, sleek case... it's enough to lTilke you go ooooohh. I've recently obfaiMd"a~ralher funky Thinkpad and I thought about connecting it to the DoC network. It's not a particularly easy thing to do, but it's so worthwhile that I'd thought I'd share it with all of you. Step 1: Get a laptop. T h i s may not be that hard if you go to computer auctions, but anythhig you want to use as a development platform w i l l cost you an arm and a leg (and your other arm). Harmful to your wallet. Step 2: Get a network card. A n y w i l l do, but go for a combo card if you can - this means it can handle both 10-BaseT and 10-Base2 networks. If you're going to have access to a 100Mbit network then get a flashy 100Mbit card. N o w you're all ready. A couple of words of wisdom: C S G don't know much, networking is not an exact science, and C S G don't know much. "Where are the networking ports?", you ask. In the project lab - that is, through the oak lab, past the fir and yew labs, into that weird corridor, and go through the door on the left. There w i l l be a table i n front of you as you enter. Sit down on the right side of the table, and start unpacking your laptop. Find a handy power socket below the table, and while you're on your hands and knees, notice two free phone-type cables w i t h labels attached to one end - these are the holy two laptop networking cables you seek. Fetch one, and plug it into your network card thingy P C M C I A wotsit dodah. Were you to be running Windows 95, then you boot up, go "Start'^/"Setthrgs...", "Control Panel", "Network", and double click on the " T C P / I P " entry w i t h your network card. There are various numbers and things you get to type i n , but wait for RedHat Linux instructions first. A l i a ! Running RedHat L i n u x on your laptop eh? Smart man... i n that case just boot up, become root, r u n "control-panel & " and select "Networking". T h e n we get some fun things to enter. ri>; Specify an IP address and a subnet mask. Read the IP off the label on the network cable - i t ' l l be or Your subnet mask should be Your gateway should be, and as D N S servers you can use and Your hostname should be "pl-dockO" or "p l - d o c k l" and your domain name should be "doc.ic.ac.uk". Funky. Set this all up and reboot the machine into your favourite OS. Wow! Networked! Very large download speeds for..., errrr..., probably just sunsite. But at least you've done it and you no longer waste time w i t h modems or floppy disks. Be networked and enjoy! Disclaimer: T h i s may or may not work for you. It works for me, but bear i n m i n d that the labels on the network cables may be switched around. N o , really. D N S servers and gateway chosen because they were fast at the time. Batteries not included. Keep away from small children, etc., etc. ;

SILLY BUGGERS Aggie Yellow Crispy duck with pancakes, hoisin sauce, little bits of cucumber and spring onion... Hey honey! Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Alex Blue... well, purple Grilled anchovies Fish Banana Cornohlio Orangy The average steak Clostery bag I'm tired Graham Green, then Probably a pasta dish of some description Die mother-fucking scum How's it going? Hiran Blue Chips Nothing Hi! James Black Jelly (green) No thanks, I've had enough One more pint please, my dear landlord Jenny Bright blue Lasagne or possibly fried rice Cunt Course you do

Silly indeed. I had an idea (no, it's true!). I wanted to find out what people where thinking at one particular time, so I asked everyone I could get my hands on five questions: Their name, their favourite colour, their favourite food, what they where least likely to say, and what they were most likely to say. T h e answers speak for themselves...

Jonathan Blue Um, difficult choice Nothing Everything Leon Off-yellow bluish red Anything that involves chicken and lots of cream Wow, Jamie, that really does it for me, oh yes! So, is anyone actually allowed into Evelyn Gardens? ;-) Liz Brown Paella Darling, that was the best sex I've ever had Alex! Mark Blue, for no apparent reason Nice pasta, 'cause it's healthy Mmm, I lurve coursework Come trash my room! Martin Red Pizza What do you mean, I should get out of bed? Actually, I really like Windows. It's never crashed on me. Michael Turqoise Doner kebab + egg in Freuds Roll I love waking up in the morning! Arse-burstingly funny Pauline Tan Anything that's not English No Yes

Phil Black Chips &. pasta with cheese Windows is stable and I use it whenever I can Beer, mmm. Rich Red Squeezy cheezy peas OK, I admit it, you're better than me at XWing vs. Tie Fighter Stop it, it's just silly Samuel Blue Pasta + tuna sauce + cheese I dunno! I'm going fishing! Simon Puce Texas Melts Love Oh my god, Windows has crashed again Vivian Blue Beer Can I buy you a drink? Can you buy me a drink? Wen Green Baileys Anything at all Nothing at all


Widely acknowledged

1 IJvll

by the Fraud squad as one of the worst confidence tricks of recent years, the f A M Tl/I T M White Van Scam as it has become V v l l I f i JLl 11 known, is far widely spread than many of those come into contact with it would realise. 1


The usual M O is this: A s you are walking down the street a m a n w i l l lean out of an unmarked van and beckon you over. H e explains to you that he has been given some speakers to deliver to a club but he has noticed that he has x amount more than the loading bill says that he does. H e w i l l offer you these speakers at a cut down price usually between 150 and 300 pounds. H e shows you the wares, either Acoustic or O m n i Audio or some other semi kosher sounding brand. H e w i l l show a brochure containing guarantees, a price list and even a telephone number. T h e truly suspicious who actually go to the trouble of phoning up the company w i l l be greeted by a secretary who w i l l happily confirm the usual asldng price of 1600 pounds. Before you know it you've been given a lift to the bank and you're withdrawing the money for them. Don't be tempted. Ever. T h e whole thing is bogus. It can even be dangerous as the speakers are manufactured using extremely cheap drivers, sometimes made for car systems and probably won't have cross overs. They may well blow up your amplifiers since they do not have the correct impedance loading. Two Americans, one man, one woman (who is not afraid of using her rather obvious charms to encourage you) have been seen around Evelyn Gardens, Gloucester Rd and even outside the U n i o n amongst other places and on the evidence of a number of boxes that I have seen round IC flats whilst I've been house hunting, several Imperial Students have been conned. This phenomena is not restricted to South Kensington, however, having been reported as far a field as Wolverhampton to Winnipeg. Sadly though Trading Standards and the Police have been unable to do anything since the buyers are themselves i n the wrong by knowledgeably assenting to an illegal transaction.

Public Record Office at Kew made A l * l l • history earlier this month with the first official electronically-created archive. Records from the proceedings of the N o l a n Committee on Standards of Conduct i n Public Life are available to view at computer terminals w i t h i n the P R C s reading rooms. A system called Electronic Records from Office Systems (EROS) is being developed, and the P R O is advising Whitehall departments on how to preserve electronic records to be stored at Kew and released under the 30-year public information rule.This ^^^^ represents a new departure for the PRO, which normally deals w i t h the preservation of paper manuscripts. Electronic records require far less iggE/F space and special treatment, and represent less of a fire risk.

The last issue of D A T A had

HACKING articles about hacking in the tradi-

tional sense. I am sure, however, that all of you are far more interested in the darker side; that which is usually called "cracking". "You cannot resist the power of the Dark Side", and all that. To make this article a reasonable length, I assume you already know a bit about U N I X ; you need to know that everyone has a numeric user I D , that user ID 0 represents the special root account, and so on. We'll start the proper bit w i t h a description of the file which links together user IDs, login names and m u c h more: the password file, which lives i n / e t c / p a s s w d . This is i n normal A S C I I text: type h e a d - 2 0 / e t c / p a s s w d to have a look at part of it. T h e fields are, i n order: login name, uid, password, primary gid, home directory, and full (real-life) name. In D o C the password field is set to * k r b * , because D o C uses the Kerberos security enhancement. Kerberos hides the actual passwords i n a special file called the shadow password file, which normal users do not have access to - it can only be read by the superuser. T he encryption scheme is based on the DES (Data Encryption Standard) algorithm. T h i s is not considered particularly secure for general purpose encryption (the sort esf covered i n his "Hard Boiled" article i n the last issue), but for this purpose is is quite adequate. T h e D E S algorithm uses a single 56-bit key, and works by a series of permutations w i t h an exclusive-or i n the middle. Every time you change your password, the p a s s w d program picks one of 4096 numbers at random and uses these to permute one of the internal tables i n the DES algorithm. T h e 56-bit password (eight characters, each seven bits) is then used as the key to encrypt a block of 64 zero bits 25 times i n succession, each time encrypting the previous result. T h e resulting 64 bits are taken six at a time and mapped into a special range of ASCII characters [A-Za-zO-9.-]. This gives 11 characters, together w i t h two resulting from similarly mapping the 12-bit permutation number (called the salt for reasons unknown). This algorithm has been mathematically proven to be secure - there is no known algorithm to get from the 64-bit encoded result to the 56-bit password without precalculating the entire table of all passwords, salts and encrypted values .Your user and group I D are used by the system to decide which files you are allowed to access (but you knew that, right?) T h e problem is: what happens when a user must access a file he does not have permission to access? For example, when you change your password (you have changed your password, right?) using the p a s s w d program, the new password must be written into the password file (or shadow password file, as the case may be). This is where one of the cleverest bits of U N I X comes i n . By setting a special permission bit on an executable file, the process which is created to run the file w i l l have the uid or gid of the file, not of the user running it. These bits are called the set-user-id and set-group-id bits. A t first glance, you may think they are huge security holes, but they are not as bad as they appear, because the system takes great pains to ensure they are cleared after operations that modify the file, or the owner or group of the file, and even on systems where any user can change the owner of his files to any other user, he cannot then set the suid or sgid bits, as ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ these require to be either the owner of the file or the superuser. Suid and sgid programs you probably use often include l p r , l p q and



l p r m , to handle printing tasks, passwd, to change your password, and x l o c k , to lock your screen. C a n you see why each of these needs to change its IDs? Re-read the article if you're not sure. A more subtle example is x t e r m , which must be able to write a terminal entry into the / d e v directory. So far, we have seen enough of U N I X to understand at least two of the most comm o n exploits of crackers. Both require the cracker to already have an account on the system, although this account need not have any special privileges (for example, a normal undergraduate account i n DoC).In the first case (this one won't work i n D o C due to Kerberos), the cracker reads the encrypted password from the password file, extracts the salt and uses this to encrypt a large table of commonly-used passwords (for example, the contents of the file / u s r / d i c t / w o r d s , a list of about 25,000 English words. W i t h a few modifications (such as trying all (maximum 256) permutations of upper and lower case w i t h i n each word, appending and prepending single digits and letters, and joining together short words) this w i l l break probably 20% of passwords on a system. T h i s can even be done without access to the password file, (either because it's shadowed or because you don't have an account on the system), but to do so is more dangerous (because silly numbers of rejected passwords are likely to trigger some sort of alarm), and if done over a network w i l l be m u c h slower. There are even two programs which do this for you, to save you the trouble of writing one yourself. They claim to be intended for system support staff to test the security of passwords on their systems (and indeed are used by many for just this purpose). One, called c r a c k , works as described above, by reading the salt out of the file and trying passwords one at a time. T h e other, called q c r a c k , takes the seriouSubruteforce approach of precalculating an enormous (and I mean pretty d a m n huge) hash table of encrypted passwords to passwords - this does not include every password by a long way (depends how m u c h time and disk space you give it!), but it can then crack passwords at the rate of many thousands of tries per second. To give an idea of the sort of size of hash tables that result, someone on U S E N E T is currently offering for sale the results of two months of continuous computation: a t w o - C D set containing (he claims) the hash table for over 300,000 passwords. T h i s table is 1.3 Gigabytes compressed, so don't get any ideas about trying to fit it into your D o C quota (unless you have your home directory on SunSite). T h e set is about $45, IIRC. T he second method involves looking for security holes i n programs r u n either suid root or just run by root anyway. For example, at one time (a very long time ago), if the p a s s w d program couldn't read the password file it would assume that either the system was dying or the world was about to end, and give the user who ran it a superuser shell to fix the problem (hoping it was the former). This is perhaps not the wisest of assumptions, but fortunately someone noticed this problem and removed the offending code. A program run by root on system startup is the mail delivery daemon. T h i s has to be run as root to enable it to write the incoming mail i n users' private m a i l files, which i n turn live i n users' private directories. T h e original version of this was called s e n d m a i l , and was (and still is) notorious for being absolutely packed w i t h security holes (check out the bit about the 1988 Internet W o r m i n my article on p i 100 of the last issue of data—what do you mean, you haven't got one? Get a back issue immediately!) Someone who was a student i n D o C several years ago claims to have got root access (in DoC!) through one of the most notorious holes. Some of the holes i n s e n d m a i l almost make Windoze N T and ActiveX look secure. ^0gKggff^ Some of the security holes i n these programs are unintentional m m (sloppy programming), but some are deliberate back doors—holes left ^ ^ • i ^ ^ i n the system by the original designers to allow them to debug the sys-

tern, and left i n when then product was finally released. T h e standard F T P daemon used to have several magical login names, which allowed users logging i n under them to retrieve files as if they were root—this could of course include the hidden shadow password file. Neither of these techniques is any use on a properly set up system however, because there shouldn't be any security holes i n software—it should be checked carefully for back doors and silly bugs if it's going to be run as root, and there should be a shadow password file to make dictionary attacks on the password file m u c h harder to do and m u c h easier to track. This is a rather idealistic state, however. One of the most popular techniques for attacking systems recently has been w i t h buffer overflows—this technique was also used i n the Internet Worm, through yet another s e n d m a i l bug. T h i s usually involves a side-effect k n o w n as smashing t h e stack. From the N e w Hacker's Dictionary: "smash t h e stack [C programming] v. O n many C implementations it is possible to corrupt the execution stack by writing past the end of an array declared a u t o i n a routine. Code that does this is said to smash t h e stack, and can cause return from the routine to jump to a random address." The definition continues with: "Variants include trash the stack, scribble the stack, mangle the stack; the term mung the stack is not used, as this is never done intentionally." Not until now, it's not! There is even an online document available entitled "Smashing the Stack for Fun and Profit". N o , I'm not going to tell you where to get it from. The general idea behind this is that if we have a C program w h i c h does something like the following: void foo(void) { char buf[256] ; strcpy(buf, getenv("USER")); / * . . . p r o c e s s t h e b u f f e r somehow . . . * / }

we can change where the function f oo () returns to by causing the s t r c p y () to write more than 256 bytes into b u f . Since what the function actually does is to copy the USER environment variable, and that variable is easily set w i t h the s e t e n v command from the shell, we must simply make this contain a string longer than 256 characters. Normally, USER is the login name of the current user, and is never more than four or five characters. The cunning thing to do is if we make this string actually some code we want executed, and then stick lots of copies of the address of the buffer into the rest, then we w i l l clobber the return address from the function w i t h the address of our code. Then, when f oo ( ) "returns", it w i l l run our code. Several things remain to be done, such as actually finding the address of the buffer, deciding on what code to run, and ensuring that the resulting machine code has no zeros i n it (which would prematurely terminate the s t r c p y ()). I w i l l leave most of these to your imaginations (if you don't know what to do, don't try it). ObCollegePolicy: Beavis and Butthead are not role models. They're not even human. They're cartoons. Some of the things they do would cause a real person to get hurt, expelled, arrested, possibly even deported. In short, don't try this at home, kids.



first year of Computing at Imperial is Another few days, well, well, well. The tion-box ones that your G r a n brings like a biscuit t i n - y'know, those big seleccited and happy at the prospect of an round every Christmas. You turn up all exaccess to Imperial's labs (opening the education beyond your wildest dreams and groovy swipey 'bip-beeep' I D card thingy nice shiny biscuit tin), y o u receive your wrapper off), and all of a sudden it hits and a top-secret (!)user password (take the you. Before you know it, you're swamped No, not the biscuit. You're here to work, guages, operating systems, and...er, with new ideas, concepts, programming lanchoose first). chairs (can't decide which biscuit to which lever does what on the chairs i n Believe it or not I still can't remember seat down the back gives way (mistake the P C labs. Every time I want to move the chocolate filling for custard cream). a biscuit consuming stategy), and feel Then, slowly, you get into a routine (pick I ing your free internet access and e-mail quite happy ambling/munching along, enjoy-j (pink wafery biscuits) i n particular. get low, and the exams approach. You Everything is fine u n t i l the biscuit levels I three weeks (hours), you are a trembling can't sleep (chew). You can't eat (true). For] mass of caffeine/custard cream craving jelly. | you realise that if you pull out that Thankfully, it all comes to an end, and layer of biscuits underneath (second squishy plastic tray bit there's another whole year). I you're going to have to scrounge every Nevertheless, if you're gonna get there Here we are, w i t h a whole new lot of crumb you can find... So there you have it. may be bourbon creams or McVities biscuits lying ahead of us, and whether they your biscuits be crunchy. hobnobs, the best of luck to you - may all


Hot on the heels of the tetrahedral tea bag comes the triangular tea leaf.

After their success w i t h the now infamous leap forward i n tea bag design, the IC tasters are set to repeat their triumph w i t h another sipping miracle.lt has apparently been discovered that the tea leaves themselves can circulate more and give off a better flavour if they are cut into small triangles. The manufacturers say that although the manufacturing process itself is slightly more expensive, as with the aforementioned pyramid, they believe the discerning British customer w i l l appreciate the difference.

F A I T r r Coffee should never be merely V V I

* J u l J the beverage at a meal. Coffee should

be the centre of any sit-down, if not the ONLY thing consumed. The odd doughnut or slice of cheesecake is allowed, though not preferred. Coffee must be drunk from a porcelain mug. The reason for this is that styrofoam and plastic just don't feel right, and more importantiy, your spoon (which must be metal) will not "clink" properly through the various stages of stirring unless porcelain is used. The mug must be large so that you do not need to refill it too frequently, and so that stirring may properly take place without spillage. Stirring occurs in very distinct stages. First a rotary swirling which makes the coffee form a small whirlpool and dip slightly in trie centre. Over-ambition at this stage will cause spillage over the side - something to avoid and to caution beginners on. Next, the cross-stroke, which follows a chord from one side of the mug to the other, passing roughly through the mug's geometric centre, and which is generally made towards you (thus over-ambition at this stage will slop coffee on you and not your companion). That cross-stroke creates random eddies i n the coffee and effects proper mixing of the cream or sugar, whilst stirring up the sediments. Finally, the removal. The spoon should be tapped lightly on the rim of the mug, two or three times to knock off any large drops. D o n o t lick the spoon to remove final drops. The spoon will leave a stain wherever you place it, so place it accordingly. Companionship is the most overlooked part of dririking coffee. At its finest, coffee is never consumed alone. However, the proper companion is important. They should not talk too much, nor require that you talk too much. Talking limits one's ability to savour the moment and the brew. If silences are embarrassing between you and someone, do not drink coffee with them. If looking blankly at someone, or if being looked blankly over a mug bothers either of you, do not drink coffee together. Never drink coffee with someone dririking tea - they are c o m p l e t e l y i n c o m p a t i b l e experiences. Coffee should be strong. Hot, brown coloured water does not coffee make. But this does not mean it should taste like kerosene - coffee should be smooth, almost like melted, unsweetened chocolate. There is no such (Jiing as good instant coffee. Nor will decaffeinated coffee ever hack it. Also, sugar should always be used to sweeten - never some artificial placebo. How much fat can one lump of sugar slap on your thighs? Use the real stuff, because deep down you know nothing tastes the same. Finally, there is the question of where to go with the perfect companion to drink this, hopefully, not completely repulsive cup of something they're calling coffee. The place must exist cafe style. Lots of small tables. Little-organisation. There should be a light buzz of conversation around you. Enough indistinct noise to cover the sound of you breathing, but not enough to cover the "clinks'' of the removal stage of stirring. The venue should also be fairly well lit (lit enough to see clearly, yet gentle on the eye) and airy. Coffee is a private experience that can only be properly appreciated i n a public place. If there aren't other people around who are screwing their coffee experience up completely, you do not realise how wonderful yours is.

!#• i f AC iFC Ever wondered what the l V H v M l IJhostnames at IC were called? Check 1

a, a-whymark, aafepc, aamac. abacaxi, abacus, abbe, abbey, abbot, abe, abel, aberaeron, abharath, abhay, ablazapc, abpc " 2, abpc-pers, abraracourcix, abulaha, aburtmac, access, acer, acheron, achilles * 2, achUleus, acle, acpc-es, acqui, acquire, acton, acvisitor, ad-gw, adagio, addj, adenophorea, adjs, admac, admin * 2, admin-icp-ms, admp, adnams, adnetprinter, adnts, adonis * 2, adpc, adrastea, adsh, advice, advisory-mac, ae-gw, aecmga, aecmgb, aedgc, aedgd, aedge, aedgf, aedgk, aedgl, afkpc, afmac, after, agate, agpc, agram, ahewson, aheyes, ahpc, ahpc-es, aida, aids, airbus, airy, aizawapc, ajraac, ajmpc, ajpatchpc, akbar, akfmac, akinspc, akmmac, akpc, akpc-pers, al, ala, ala-mac-dwns, ala-mac-jmf, ala-niac-rb, ala-mac-td, aL-i-pc-pjc, ala-pmacPgh, alamac, alanine, aLmpc, albany, albatross, albert * 2, albion, albreich, alchemist, alcinous, aldebaran, aldgate ' 2, aldwych, alephmac, alexandros, alexias, aliaromeo, aliold, allonl, alfred, algebra, algebra-gw, aigor, alicemacnet, alicemacnet-broadcast, alicenet, alicenet-broadcast, allenapc, allengpc, alloa, almond, alness, alnetprntr, alover, alpay, alpc, alpc-es, alpha ' 2, alston, alva, alw-mmac, alw-mmac-b, amalthea, amanda, amaion, ambrosecpc, anifortas, amkpmac, ammac, amos, ampere * 2, analysis, andengels, andersoncpc, andersonjpc, andover, andrea, andrew, andricus, andromeda " 2, andros, andspencer, andy, andymiller, andyp, anerley, angle, anguspc, annatbpc, annespc, annex-wpl, annexa, anopc, anpc " 2, anson, antares, anteus " 2, antibody, antigua, antimony, antonis, anxa, aorta, aotearoa, apache " 2, apgalg, apghma, apgpc, aphrodite " 2, aphroditie, apollo " 2, apple, apprentice, apps, appsmac, appspc, aquarius, aquinas, ar, arabica, arachnid, archie, archimedes, archway, arcon, araurus, ardbeg, ardbeg-old, ardmore, arg, arginine, aigo * 2, argon " 2, argon-fddi, ariadne, ariel, aries, arion, aris, aristoteles, aristotle * 3, armature, arpc * 2, arpc-pers, artemis, arterial, arthur, arturopc, as, ascot, asds-pc-qn, asen, ash, ashby, ashen, ashmin, asn, asparagine, aspartic, aspc * 2, aspc-publ, aspen, asset, assurancetourix, astatine, aston, astrosp, atbpc, athena * 2, athene, athens, atlas * 4, atmr-lonman, atms-lonman, atpc-es, aubone, auden, aurora * 2, aust, autosim, avarice, avogadro, avon " 3, awalden, awpc, axel, ayer, aynho, ayrton, azathoth, azrhael, aztlan, b, ba, babbage ' 2, babs, babylon, bacchus, bach, backbone, bacon • 2, bacup, badger, bagpuss, bagrit-gate, baht, bailey, baileylpc, baud, balby, balogh, bangor, bank * 2, baobab, bar, barbados, barium, barking, barnes " 2, barnesppc, barnet, barrett * 2, bartonppc, base, bastion, batemans, bath, battersea * 2, battleship, baud, bayswater, bburtmac, bc-gw, bcaa, fxba, bccmsa, bccsb, bccsc, bcgst, bcina, bcinb, bcinc, bcind, bcine, bcinf, being, bcinh, bcini, bcinj, bcink, bcinm, bcinn, bcl, bclaikepc, bem, ben, bco, bcoal, bep, bepe, bcr, bes, bet, bcu, bev, bevaxa, bevaxb, bew, hex, bey, bcz, bdpe-es, beano, bear, beast * 2, beatrice, beaufort, beauty " 3, beauty-donatts, beauty-full, beavis " 2, becker, becks, beds, beech, beehive, beetle, belgica " 2, belgica-fddi, belgravia, bell, bells, belshaw, belvisimpc, ben * 3, bench, bensteadepe, benten, bentine, bentley, bentleyspc, benzene, berlin, bernal, bemoulU, berserk, berwick, beryl, beta * 2, bethe, betti, betts, betty-sayers, bettysayers, betula, betws, beverty, bexley, bfpe-pers, bg-gw, bhavsorppc, bhmac, bicda, hicdb, biede, biedd, bicdf, bicdg, bicdh, biemda, biexnda-gw, biemdb, bigdanpc, bigears, biggar, biglaripc, bilbo, bill * 3, billkermac, billy * 2, bimmer, binkley, birtn, binnie, binomial, bio-atalk-bc, bio-dept-bc, bio-gw, biomec, bioweb, birch, birth, biscay, biscay-gw, bite, bjepe, blab, black, blackett, blacklabel, blast, bldmac, blf, blfweb, blossom, blowdownpc, blowmac, blowout, blues, blues-x, bma, bmmac, bmw, boa, boart, bobbit, boheler, bohr * 2, bohr-gw, boltzmann, bonanza, bonnie, bonzo, boo, book, boole, boothmpc, boris, bosch, botticelh, bourdon, bouroullecpc, bow, bowmore * 2, box, brahman, bramley, brandnpc, braque, brasiha, bravo, braysdown, brazmac, breeze, brent, brer, breughel, brickmac, bridle, brillo, brittanpc, britten * 3, broadcast, bromine, brothers, brough, brugia, brunel, brunhilde, brunnhilde, brums, bsgsgi, bsgste\'e, bubble, budianpc, bucklab, bucks, budyko, bugatti, bugeye, bugs, bulldog, bunny * 2, burberry, burnsmac, burque, burtmac, burton, bushey, businet, butcombe, butthead, bvb, bypass, bypc-ce, c, caderidris, cadi, cadlab, cadmium, cadogan, Caernarfon, caeser, caesium, cairngorm, Cairo, caissa, calcium, calenture, Caligula * 2, caUisto, caine, cals-es, catvin ' 3, calypso, camel, camra, camscan, cannings, canopus, canto, cantor, caol, capel, capella, capone, capri " 2, Capricorn, carbon " 2, cardiac, Cardiff, caribou, carlsberg * 2, carmellia, carmen * 3, carnaby, caro-sec, Caroline, carotid, carpark carriganepe, carrion, carromac, casazpe, cash, casmag, cassio, castlemaine, castor, cat, cauilina, catford, cato, cauchy, caxton, cayeU, cayman, cbhp, cbmac, cbmmiic, cboey, ebpe-es, cc-print, ccrsm-gw, ccsem, ccserver, edgareth, cdrom, ce-gw, cecdb, cecdc, cecdd, cecde, cecdf, cecdg, cecdh, cecdi, cecdj, cecdk cecdl, cecdm, cecdn, cecmda, cedar, ceticda, Celsius, cemac, cenpc, centaur, central-hne, cerebral, ceres * 2, cerium, ceriumac, Cessna, cezanne " 2, cezanne-fddi, cfast, cfdpc, cfpc, cg-mac-office, egpe-es, cgspc, ch-gw, chacal, chagall, chalk, challenger, chan, channel, chaos, chaplin, chard, charlie, charlton, charm, chas, chaves, chega, chegb, chege, chegd, chege, chegf, chegg, chegh, chegi, chegj, chegk, chcgl, chegm, chegn, chemga, chemgafddi, chemgb, Chelsea * 2, chemcomm, chemlib, chenoua * 2, Chernobyl, Cherokee, cherry * 2, chesham, chessman, Chester, chi, chicken, chico, chilhsauce, chips, chisel" 2, chiswick, chlorine, chmac, chowwaiman, chrea * 2, chrissy-mac, christine, christos " 2, chroma, chromium, chui, chungfpc, churston, cicero, cichild, cichlid, cimac, Cindy, circe, cisco-ace, cisco-eis-exwms, ciscn-eis-engc, cisco-eis-hop, cisco-eis-nhm, cisco-eis-qch, cisco-eis-qmuh, cisco-eis-rpms, cisco-eis-tri, cisco-eis-vmg, cisco-hux, cisco-rsm, Citroen, cittic, city, cka, ckb, ckc, ckmac, clanger, clapham, Clapton, clare ' 3, clarke, clarktpc, clavdivs, clayponds, cleese, cleo, cley, chc, click, cliff, Clifford, clive, clnpr, cloggy, clore, clore-gw, clorea, cloreb, clorec, doted, doree, cloref, doreg, cloreh, clorei, cloud, clova, clpc, dun, clyde ' 3, cman, cmarr, cmarrpc, cmbmac, emepe, cmpc, cng, ens-print, ensprintbox, enssre, co, cnalmin, coalpit, cobalt, cobra, cochlea, coco, cocoa, coffee, coil, coke, collectpc, coUingpc, collinsppc, comet, compact, compnet, compnet-broadcast, con-gw, Concorde, condor, Confucius, connel, connollypc, console, control, cooker, coolepc, copa, copper, a)rbusier, Cornwall, corona, corto, Cory, coset, cosgrovepc, cotman, cotyledon, couette, coulomb, courtpc, cow, cowes, cox, cpbajwajp, cpbgjr, cphljtajp, cpbmactmb, cpbrj, cpbrmwajp, cpbse, cpbtmb, cpbtower, cpbtyni, cpf, cps-print, cqhnac, cr, cr-hp, era, crab, crack, crackle, crane " 3, cranenet, cranenet-broadcast, cranley, crash, craven, Crawford, cray, crete * 2, eric, cripplegate, crisantipr, crogers, cromarty, cromwell, croyden, crrowe, crustalpc, crystal, cscaua, cscaub, cscauc, cscda, cscdb, escde, csedd, cscde, cscdf, cscdg, cscdh, cscdi, cscdn, cscgb, escge, cscgd, cscge, cschsa, cschsb, cschsc, cscia, cscib, cscic, cscmda, cscmdb, cscmga, cscmgb, cscmna, cscmnb, cscmnc, cscmsa, cscsb, cscsx, cscsx-gw, csg-homenet, csg-homenet-broadcast, csg-mac-ahp, csg-mac-gnb, csg-mac-jim, csg-mac-opr, csg-mac-rcp, csg-mac-scanner, csg-mac-tjb, csg-pc-epl, csg-pc-nrj, cslda, csldb, cssn-gw, csuser-gw, cthulhu, ctpc, cub, cuba, Cunningham, curie, current, currymac, curve, cv-gw, cvach, cvajbishop, cvajkap,CTandy,cvannah, cvannahi, cvapb, c\'aye, cvbommer, evege, evegd, evege, evegf, evegg, c\'cgli, evegi, evegj, evegk c\'cgl, cTcgm, cv'cgn, evego, evegp, evfeheese, cvcjsoll, cvanak, evemga, cvxmga-sub, evemga-utp, CTCS, cvdbut, cvdgq, n'dgr, cvdgs, CTelnash, cvengland, cveorll, cvfeller, cvgakh, cvjbarr, cvjbn, cvjbva, cvjelic, cvjeUis, cvjlsm, cvjond, cvjsime, cvmaril, cvmlees, cvnjdg, c\Tikhoylou, cvonof, cvphart, cvrachm, cvroiland, cvsmf, cvspo, cwollum, cycle, cysteine, ofia, d, d-robb, daedalus * 2, daf, daffodil * 2, daffy, daimler, dakota, daU, dairy, dalton, damon, dancer, daniel, danielsrpc, dante * 2, dapc, darby, darc\', darcy-sub, darius, dart * 2, dartford, data, dave, david, davidphillips, davinci, dawes, dawTnac, dawson, depe, dcrisan, dd-mac, ddmac, deal, dean * 2, dearmac, debtlen, decdemo, deci, deepthought, defiant * 2, defreitaspc, deimos, delargo, dellxiy, deli, dell, dellusion, delu " 2, demeter, demo-graphics, democritus, demopc, denby, deneb, depc, deptford, derby, descartes, desiree, deslqet, deutsch, devon, devvhurstmac, dfpc-miu, dgmmac, dgosman, dhe-mac, dliullpc, diadem, diagonal, dialup-gw, diamond, diana, diapason, dibble, dick, dicksee, didcot, digby, dimitripc, dinar, dinespc, dinghy, dino, diogenes, dipc, dipso, dir, dirac " 2, dirty, disaster, discovery, diss, ditton, divisions, dixonpc, djgpc, djslpc, djwpc, dk-print, dk-smc, dka, dkb, dkc, dkd, dke, did, dklug, dkx, dkx-p, dky, dkz, dmb, dmbmac, dmwpc, dn, dna, dngmac, dnpapa, dnpapad, dnpsgi, dns, doc ' 3, doc-gw, dodo * 2, dogger, doh, doldne, dollar, dolphin * 4, dolphinnet, dolphinnet-broadcast, domain, dominica, domino * 3, donald ' 2, donald-craigs-macintosh, donat, donatello, donboy, doner, dormer, doob, doosie, dope, dopey " 2, dora, doris, dorpc, dorringtonlpc, dorset, doublebois, dougal, douro, dov, dowsing, dpclubsoc, dpemac, dpfin, dpfoxpc, dpleated, dpmac, dpmjx;, dppc, dqmac, dqjic, dr-suetiiomas, drachma, drais, drais-sub, dram, draycot, drill * 2, drogo, droopy, drum, drummond, dsa, dsa-gw, dsb, dsc, dsd, dse, dse-deskjet, dse-macandrew, dse-mac-anne, dse-mac-anthony, dse-mac-bashar, dse-mac-did, dse-mac-dimitra, dse-mac-duncan, dse-mac-emil, dse-mac-essie, dse-truicjames, dse-mac-jeff, dse-mac-]effk, dse-mac-jim, dse-mac-keng, dse-mac-ke\in, dse-mac-ldm, dse-mac-hnden, dse-mac-liz, dse-mac-mml, dse-macmorris, dse-mac-naranker, dse-nac-quadra, dse-mac-sue, dse-mac-tcp, dse-mac-tom, dse-mac-tracy, dse-pc-feast, dse-pc-jcf, dse-pc-pdw, dseatmnet, dseatmnet-broadcast, dsemacnet, dsemacnet-broadcast, dsenet, dsenet-broadcast, dsepppnet, dsepppnet-broadcast, dsf, dsg, dsh, dsomac, dthpc, dtpc " 2, dtpc-impel, dtpc-pers, duckie, dudley, dulwich, dumbo, dumbo-gw, dunbar, dupuit, durham, dusmac, dyans-gate, dylan " 3, dymchurch, dynamic, d>namics, dysprosium, e, eady, eagle ' 2, eagleson, eampc, earth, eaton, ebanks, ebury, ecjspc, ecolsun, eepc-pers, ecprint, eddie, eddy, eden, edgerton, edgware, edman, educatepc, alward, ee-gw, eeccsc, eecfsa, eecsa, eecsb, eecsc, eecsd, eecsf, eecsk, eeepsi, eeepsj, eeepsk, eeisgs, eelib, eels, eemag, eeny, eepgjpt, eepgmcg, egrgjsr, egrgmjn, eiffel, einstein * 3, eis-rbh-irl, eis-rca-irl, eis-rcm-irl, eis-smh-irl, eis-vanda-irl, eitlean, ektor, eldon, eldritch, electra, element, elephant, elgreco, elijah, ellapc, ellipse, elmgagb, elmgjdm, elmgmnh, elmgrbm, elmgrf, elmgrp, elmgsc, elmgsec, elmgsld, ebngzam, elpc-es, elstar, elstree, eltham, elton, elvis, embolism, emerald, emf, emil, einiUa, emily * 2, emma, empc, emu " S, energ)', enheld, engpc, enigma ' 2, enismore, enrico, enterprise, epgjl, epgphd, epicure, epmac, epochal, epsilon * 2, equus, erasmus, erato ' 2, erbium, erda, ere-gw, erepca, erepcb, erepec, ereped, erepce, erepcf, erepeg, erepch, erepci, erepcj,

erepck, erepcl, erepcm, erepcn, erepco, erepcp, erg, erica, erith, erl, erlic " 2, ernst, ernst-fddi, escher, escudo, esf-mac-mml, esprit, esv, et-gw, eta * 2, etcmda, ethelburga, ethloc, euclid * 3, euler * 4, europa, europium, evanpc, evansppc, events, evora, ewell, exam " 2, exampc, exhaust, external, eye, eyore, f, faherge, faeroes, fafner, falcon, farad, faraday ' 4, faragopc, farnham, faru, fasolt, fast-micro, fastnet, faultymac, fcdmac, fclmac, fdpc, fcpc, fd, fddinet, fddinet-broadcast, fe, feltham, femto * 2, femur, fermat" 2, fermi, fern, ferrari * 2, fester, festerii, feynman, fiat, fibre * 2, fidel, fidelity-new, field, fifi * 2, fiftynet, fiftynet-broadcast, filaria, filmer, fin, finance, finch " 9, finchley, find, finger, finsbury, hona, firefly, fisher, fivebargate, flasher, flockmac, flop, flop-a, florence, flosshilde, fluid, fluidic, fluorine, flutter, flux, fly, fmaek, fmpc, focus, foggy, fogoffelees, fokas, folly, fool, foot, ford, forest • 2, forguespc, formast, forth " 2, forth-sub, forth-utp, forties * 2, fortune, foster, fostermac, fosters, foucault, fourtysixnet, fourtysixnet-broadcast, foxonpc, fplc, fractal, frame, framspc, franc, frances * 2, francis, francium, frank, fiankland-evans, franksmac, fraseripc, fraxinus, freddy, frege, frej, freja, freud, freud-fddi, freya, fricka, fridge, frig, frigate * 3, frigga, frimley, froggy, frognel, froh, frontier, frontier-gw, frostee, frued, ftp * 6, fluid, fuelrod, fuji * 2, fujitsu, fulham, fuller, fullers, fullerspc, fulmar * 4, fury, fusunmac, g, gabor, gadolinium, gai, gala, galaxy, gale, galileo, galois, galvani, galway, ganvma * 2, gamuret, ganesh, ganges, gannet, ganymede * 2, gapc-es, garnet, garrardpc, garvey, gas, gate, gate-bulldog, gate-daedalus, gateway " 4, gaudi, gauss * 3, gavasg, gaw-mac, gaze, gcbmac, ge-gw, gealpha, gearbox, gecdb, gecdc, gecdd, gecde, gecdf, gecdg, gecdh, gecdi, gecdj, gecdk, gecmda, gedec-gw, gedeca, gedecb, gedecc, gedecd, gedece, gedecf, geiger, general" 2, genius, genoff, geoffpc, geometry, geometry-sub, gepard, german, germanica, germanium, gershwin, geserv, gesuna, gesunb, gesunc, getsetgo, gevaxb, gibber, gibbo, gibraltar, gibsonsg, giembyczmpc, giga, gill, gimli, gin, ginger, giotto, gipc-sec, gipsy, gjpc, gkpc ' 2, gladly, glass, gloriaii, glue, gluttony, gmpc, gmspc, gobUn, godel, godoy, goedel, goffin, gold * 2, goldie, goldmine, golem, gollins, goodgame, goodmanepc, goofy, gopher * 2, gorbag, goserver; gossip, gouldmac, gourami, gowan, goya, gpmac, gprattpc, gpromspc, gquestsun, grace, graham, grahammac, grange, graph, gray, graypc, greasy * 2, greek, green, greencpc, greener, greenford, greenpc, greenwich, gremlin * 2, grenada, gretel, griffin ' 2, griffith * 2, griffith-gw, gritfpc, grigov, grobbendonk, gromit, gropius, groucho * 3, group, grpc, grpmac, gsmac, gspc-sec, gubbins, guido, guilder, gummo, gundry, gunnarpc, gunther, gtmtnme, guoport, gush, gutenberg, gw-frontier, gyang, h, hacksaw " 2, hades, hadrian, hafnium ' 2, hainault, hal, halapc, halkin, hall, hals, hals-fddi, hals-me, halys, ham, hamilton, hammer * 2, hampton, han, hancock, hans, hansel, hants, hardamac, hardingspc, hardy * 2, harfordpc, hargen, harpo " 3, harrier * 2, harrow, harrow-rd, harry, harulth, harwoodjpc, hastur, havenstreet, haverthwaite, hawk * 2, hawk-gw, haworth, hayes, hayward, hblw, hcdmac, hcdpc, hcjgpc, hdjohnspc, hdpc, hdwpc, hdwsun, he, heart, hecate, hedgehog, hegel, helen, helium, hellcat, hellewell, hellewellppc, helpdesk, hendiix, henry * 2, hepatitis, hepmaca, hepmacb, hepmace, hera * 2, hercules, hermes * 3, hermit, hermite, heron * 12, herts, hertz, herzeleide, hessian, hestia, hgp, hgpc, hhpc, hiawatha, hibernia, hide, highgate, hilbert • 2, hilben-gw, hilbert-subnet, hill, hilton, hippocampus, hippocrates, hiromon, hmpc, hobart, hobbes " 3, hobbit, hobo, hodbobs, hodgkinsonjpc, hodlpc, hodna * 2, hodpc, hodsec, hodsmac, hoggar * 2, hoilandspc, holly * 2, holmes ' 2, holmium, holstein, home, homer, honda, hooke, hookworm, hoot, hopi, hoplrins " 2, horder, horizon, hornet, hotrod, hottoddy, hounslow, howard, howl, hp-hub, hplaser, hplj, hppt-es, hpvectra, hspc, hub, huberpmac, huckel, huckleberry, hudson, hudsonpc, hugin, hulda, hulder, humanpc, humbertmpc, humboldt, hume, humnt, minding, hunter, hurricane * 2, huygens, hydra, hydrogen, hypatia, hyperion, i, iago, ian-mac, ibis, ibmbackbone, ibmrichards, ibmsk, ibmsp, ibmwwing, ibpc, ibpc-ad, icarus * 2, icdocnet-broadcast, icesf, icetpc, ickenham, icmva, icmvb, icnet-doc, icnet-doc-broadcast, icp-ms, icparc-ipc-etr, icparc-ipc-hhe, icparc-ipc-vz, icparc-ipx-skd, icparc-js-lmjm, icparc-mac-aoe, icparc-mac-cg, icparc-mac-crb, icparc-mac-ebr, icparc-mac-ebr-duodock, icparc-mac-etr, icparc-mac-gk, icparc-mac-hhe, icparc-mac-jml, icparc-mac-lmim, icparc-mac-msk, icparc-mac-nasa, icparc-mac-ni, icparc-mac-slm, icparc-mac-yhl, icparc-pc-aoe, icparc-pc-cg, icparc-pc-crb, icparc-pc-ebr, icparc-pc-elf, icparc-pc-hhe, icparc-pc-icparc, icparc-pc-lmjm, icparc-pc-mgw, icparc-pc-new, icparc-pc-setup, icparc-pc-spare, icparc-pc-vl, icparc-pc-zl, icparc-ppp-ebr, icparc-ppp-hhe, icparc-ppp-lmjm, icparc-ppp-mgw, icparc-xterm-aoe, icpc-es, icradio, icuvx, icuvy, icuvz, icuxa, icuxb, icuxc, icva, icvsa, icvsi, icvsz, idefix, idyson, ifpc, ifpc-es, ignatz " 2, igor, ikaros, ilford, illusmac, image, impact, implanter, inch, indy, ingrid * 2, ingrow, install * 2, intcomms, interphase, invicta, io, iodine, iota, ipfpc, irc-igxkr, irc-igxkv, irc-igxky, irc-igysd, ircbiodec, ircgate, ircibldl, ircmacsmf, iridium, irlaboratory, iroffice, iron, ironbridge, irpc-es, isg, isgstm, isherwoodpc, isidore, isis, island, ism, isolde, ispy, ist, ithaca, itmac, itservices, iupac, ivanov, ivory, iwilliams, izumi, i, jackd, Jackie * 2, jacknpc, jacobi, jade, jaguar " 2, jal, Jamaica * 2, james * 2, janetspc, janus, jarvis ' 2, jason, jasper, javelin, jazz, jb-hp, jbarrett, jbmac, jbpc, jbpc-miu, jbppc, jbrown, jcash, jch, jcolton, jcozens, jcpc, jcpc-es, jd-hp, jdkpc, jdmpc, jealousy, jenny, jepc-sec, jerry, jessup, jfpc, jgibbins, jgibbons, jgmac, jgw-icp-ms, jgwmac, jhmac * 2, jhpc, jhw-mac, jiajia, jimmypc, jjcpc, jjhpc, jjpcpers, jkwpc, jlangmac, jlmac * 2, jmfport, jmppc, jmspc, imwpc, jnbpc * 2, jnbsg, jncsun, jnelder, jnolanpc, jnpc-impel, John ' 3, Johns, Johnson, joker, jollypc, jones, jonescpc, jonpc, jopc, jordi, joseppc, joule * 2, jowil, jpfpc, jppc, jppc-pers, jrdc-mac, jrmmac, jrppc, jsamac, (spc * 2, jspc-sec, judy, juhasz, julia * 3, julie, Juliet * 2, juniperus, junta, jupiter * 3, jvmac, jvspc, jvt, jwbpc, jwmac, jwpc * 2, jwpc-es, jwpc-pers, kaddourasmac, kakadu, kandinsky, kangaroo, kant, kanterbrau, kappa, karl, kasparov, kay, kaybpc, kcmac, kcpc, kcpc-publ, kea " 9, kebab, keep, keesnmac, kej-icp-ms, kelvin * 2, kenco, kennet, kensal, kensington " 2, kent, kenyan ' 2, kepc-pers, kepler, kermit, kernel, kernerpc, kernow, kerrymac, kestrel * 2, kevin, kevlar, keydpc, kfpcpers, khpc, khrmac, kibble, kilbymac, kilo, kim, kimberleympc, kinetic, kinghornpc, kingly, kipper, kirk, kirkwood, kirsty, kissantell, kite, kithira, kitty, kiwi, klee, klee-fddi, klein, kmn, kmpc, kneejoint, knightmc, knightpc, knot, kodak, kolmogorov, konopc, kr, krakatoa, krebs, kron, krona, krone, kronembourg, krpc-es, krpc-impel, krpc-pers, krypton, kryten, kwb, kwbpc, kwpc-sec, kypc, lab-e, lahtech, labvax, lada, lagrange * 2, lahore, lamb, lambda, lamborghini, lame, lancaster, lancia, lanes, land, landau ' 2, laneepc, iangevin, lanthanum, laotzu * 2, laphroaig, laplace, laporte, lar-mac-js, larchempc, largo, larnet, larnet-broadcast, larynx, laser, lassie, lathe, laura, laurel, laurent, ledmac, lepe, lepc-es, lcnc-publ, ldpc-publ, lead, leaver, lee, leekayan, leer, leger, leger-fddi, legion, lei, leibniz, leicester, leinster, lenin, leo, leonardo * 2, leonidas * 2, leopard, lesley, lester, lethe, letter, lever, levitt, lexham, li, liam, lib, lib-gw, liberace, liberator, lil>ertas, liboffpc, libra, library, librarypc * 2, Ubserver, liebmac, lieder, lieder-x, lifebelt, lifeboat, lifejacket, Uferaft, ligature, ligea, lihir, liliana, lilhe, hly, limbo, hndsaympc, line, linear * 2, fines, linpc, finsley, hnsrv, lintilla, linux, linux-service, fionheart, fipo, liquid, lira, lisa, lister, listerpc, hstproc, hstserver, liszt, lithium, htho, litre, Uupc, liz-mac, liztmac, lizzie ' 2, ljmac, llanafan, llanbabo, llancayo, llandaff, llanelli, llanlair, llangiwg, llanharry, llanild, llanllugan, llanmartin, Hanover, llanrhos, Uansoy, llanthony, Uanveynoe, Upc-pers, lmpc-pers, locke, lockerheaters, locko, lodovico, loge, lohengrin, loki, loUum, london, long, longhorn, lonstar, loon, loop, lorentz, lorikeet * 10, lorikcetnel, lnrikeeuiet-broadcast, loser, lottie, lotus ' 2, louis, louise, love, lp-mac-arl, lpa, lpc-impel, lppc, luciano, luckyshot, lucy, luder, ludgate, luis, hike, lumen, lundy, lurcio, lutecium, lutherpc, lvmpc, lwcheah, lwhite, lwpc, lwtear, lyall, lynx, lyra, m, m-ismail, m-wave, ma-gw, mac, mac-ajf, mac-atm, mac-bpc, mac-dajb, mac-dfg, mac-dti, mac-ggr, mac-iccp, mac-imh, mac-jal, mac-jan, mac-jd, mac-jU, mac-mps, niac-mrc, mac-portable-dwns, macporuible-rlw, mac-psc, mac-rdj, mac-rjc, mac-rje-ii, mac-rsm, mac-sza, maca, macak, macal, macam, macan, macar, maaiq, macar, macas, macat, macau, macav, macaw * 4, macawnet, macawnet-bmadcast, macax, macb ' 2, mace, maccab, mactl, macdan, mace, macf, macg, mach, machinecop, maci, macj, maclib, macmes, nuicm^, macpmwf, macristic, macserver, macvickers, mad, madha, madison, rruignesium, magnificat, magog, magpie, mahanakorn, maho, mail, mailhost, mailway ' 2, mainframe, majordomo, malayi, malcolm, maligne, malluypc, mamdani, manganese " 2, mani, manifold, manohs, mansion, mantegna, manujoshi, manz, mapc, marathon, marder, maria, maria-lucia, mariarogers, mariekearns, marilyn, marinpc, manon, maripan, mark * 2, niarkus, man, mars " 2, marsden, marshall, niarston, martin, maniko, mar\in * 2, marx * 2, marx-gw, mary, mary-mac, irwirywartl, maserati, mason, masonspc, masu, mathew, matisse, matrix, matsafm, matt, mattbrown, matthews, maxwell' 2, mayall, mazda, mbardoe, mbmac ' 2, mc_call, mc_tony, mclark, md-dat, md-sn , mdeanpc, mdhniac, mdmac, mdpc * 2, mdpe-es, me-gw, meander, measles, mecedd, meccga, meccgb, mecda, mecdb, mealc, meedd, mecde, mecdf, mecdg, mecdh, mecdi, mecdj, mecdk, mecdl, mecdm, mecdn, mecdo, mecdp, mecdq, meemda, meemda-gw, meemdb, meemdb-gw, meemde, meemde-gw, medda, meddb, meddc, meddd, medde, medlar " 2, medlarnet, medlarnet-broadcast, medline, mee, meeny, megii, melange, menelaus, mengo, mentda, mentda-gw, mercedes, mercury * 3, merg-www, merlin, mesmacvis, mesmva, messpc-es, metcalfe, meteor, metric, mevis, mfast, mfbmac, mfernd, mfpc, mg, mgeorge, mgoffpc, mhd, mho, mhs-relay, mhwpc, mi, michelangelo, michele, michelle, michelson, micky, micro, microanal, microlab, microlab-apple, microbib-gw * 2, midi, mies, mike-gibson, mikek, mikespc, miles, milkyway, mill, miller, milli, millikan, milou, mimosa, mimse>', mimsey-fddi, miney, minggos-d, mingos, mingos-c, mingosa, mingosb, nungosmw, minie, miniput, minithought, minke, minnow, mino, minos, mirage, miranda, misdev, mise, mises, mism, misp, mispv * 2, misr, missy, mistotfeleeb, nustst, misty, misv, misx * 3, mitchelljpc, mitral, mjepe, mjdmac, mjdmc, mjhat, mjmmac, mjolhiir, mjoshi, mjpe-ce, mjs, mjs-mac, mkd, mkmac, mkpe-pers, mlfisher, mliebeck, mlowepc, mmac-a, mmac-gwn, mmac-m, mmac-q, mmac-v, mmac-w, mmac-x, mme-cholet, mmedia, mmmac, mmpc, ninpc, mo, mocha, modavis, moebius, moffat, mohr, mojo, molyneuxpc, momo, monet" 2, monet-gw, monet-me, monkey, monod, monolith, montague * 2, monty, monument, moo, moon, moose, mope, more, morias, moron, morph, morrigan, morris, mortimer, mortlake, moses, mosquito, mosspc, motmot ' 13, moye, mozart " 2, mphlcxlge, mphpc, mppc * 2, mr-chui, mr-gw, mr-happy, mr-small, mrcda, mrcdb, mrede, mredd, mrcde, mrcmda, mrcna, mrcnb, mrcne, mrend, mrcne, mrcnf, mrcng, mrenh, mrcnj, mrcnk, mrcnl, mrcnm, mrenn, mrcnq, mrpc ' 3, mrt, mrwpc, ms-gw, mscadmin, mscga, mscgb, msege, mscmga, msepe, mskpc, msmith, mspc " 2, mspc-es, msrpc, mt-gw, mta-scsolb, mta-vaxa, mtcmsa, mtcsa, mtcsb, mtcsc, mtcsd, mtcse, mtcsf, mtcsg, mtcsh, mtcsi, mu, muddymac, muffin, muffler, mugin, muginn, mull, multigate, multigate-wpl, multiweb, mumps, munster, murn, murph> pc, muscle, mustafa, mustang, mwpc-ce, my-mac, mysore, na, nairobi, nano, napier, nautilus, navajo, navier * 2, nbellpc, nbpe-es, ncm, ncmpc, nd, ndip, neil, nelly, nematode, nemesis ' 2, nemesys, nemo, neodimium, neon, neptune, nero, nervi, nestor, netadmm, network, neural, neuro, neuron, neves, neville, newemu ' 3, news, newton " 4, newton-subnet, nig, nfpc, nhlidmsa, nhm-sys, niccolo, nick-davies, nickel, nienspc, nietzsche, nile, ninetyninenet, r


ninetyninenet-broadcast, niobium, nirvana, nissan, nitrogen ' 2, njric, njpc-es, njpc-pers, noah, nocol, nocturnes, noddy, noel, norburnpc, normal, norman, nornen, norton. note, nots, nourimac, noursharghspc, nowruz, np-gw, npfellpc, npfpgmac, npfra, npimr-dns, npimr-gw, npnag, npvig, nrpc, nrussell, nskmac, nslark, nsv-gw ' 2, nth, ntc, ntd, nte, nti, ntg, nthan, nti, ntj, ntk, ntl, mm, ntmac, ntn, nto, ntp, ntpc, mq, ntr, nts, ntserver, ntt, ntu, ntv, ntw, ntx, nty, ntz, ntza, nu, nur, nyati, nzd, oakwortli, oban, oberon, obrien, obsession, ocean, ocker, octopuss, oddyipc, oden, odysseus " 3, odysseus-gw, Oenothera, offset, offshore, ogle, oharapc, ohm ' 2, oilrig, olaniyanjpc, old-axel, old-beavis, old-birth, old-bite, old-mac-imh, old-nowruz, old-question, old-relay, old-scuff, old-shotgun, old-tide, old-top, old-trade, olive, Oliver, olympus, olyvac, omega, omicron, onslow, onyour * 2, onyx, op, op-gw, opal, openmac, operator, opspc-miu, optica, optical, optimal, opus, orca, orchard, orchestra, oresme, organ, Orinoco, oriona, orpheus " 2, orwell, osmium ' 2, osondu, ostrich * 3, ostrichnet, ostrichnet-broadcast, Othello, otter, otto, ounce, outerom, outland, owl, oxenhope, oxygen, p, p—br, palin, pailadio, palladium, pan, pandemic, pandora, pansy, panther, papc, papdion, paradox, parker, parole, parrot ' 3, parsifal ' 2, parsley, partech, pascal, pasquill, passion * 3, pat, patella, path, patrick, pauh, pauline, paulmc, pbipc, pbpc, pc, pc-anb, pc-bab, pc-cdsm, pc-ch, pc-dja, pc-ewes, pc-finger, pciam, pc-ih, pc-ijm, pc-jim, pc-jvf, pc-kb, pc-khk, pc-ler, pc-peter, pc-psion, pc-rak, pc-sage, pc-smc, pc-tjs, pcashman, pcism, pdaba, pclabb, pclabc, pclabil, pclabe, pclabf, pclabg, pclabh, pclahi, pclabi, pclabk pclabl, pclabm, pclabn, pclabnet, pclabnet-broadcast, pclabo, pclabp, pclabq, pclabr, pcmac, pcpc-impel, pcpc-pers, pcplod, pcummins, pdolan, pdpc-icon, pdra-icp-ms, pdyson, peaberry, pebbles, pedro * 3, peep, pegasus, pelican, penelope, penguin, pennynet, pennynet-broadcast, pentiumlabnet, pentiumlabnet-broadcast, pepper * 2, percy, peridot, perm, persil, perun, perutz, peseui, peso, peta, peter " 3, peter-gvs', peterpc, petoffpc, petrol, peugeot, pfeiffer, pfsu, pfsu-gw, pfsu-router, pfsu-sgi, pfsux, pgpc * 2, ph-gw, phantom, phasefour, phasethree, phasetwo, phcdaa, phcdab, phcdac, phcdad, phcdae, phcdaf, phcdag, phcdah, phcdba, phcdbb, phcdbc, phcdbd, phcdbe, phcdbl, phcdbg, phcdbh, phcdca, phcdcb, phcdcc, phcdcd, phcdce, phcdcf, phcdcg, phedch, phcdda, phcddb, phcddc, phcddd, phcdde, phcddf, phcddg, phcddh, phcdea, phcdeb, phcdec, phcded, phcfda, phcfdb, phcfdc, phcfdd, phcmde, phcxda, phd-mac-did, phd-mac-emil, phd-mac-ulf, phdadmin, phdlaser, phdmsa, phdnet, phdnet-broadcast, phdsa, phhodpc, phi, phidias, philip, philhplab, philhpos, phlaser, phobos, phoebe, phoenix " 2, phoenix-priv, phpc, phpc-es, phpc-pers, phpgmac, phvax " 2, phyworkshop, pi, pi-mac, piano, picasso • 2, pico, pigeon, piglet, pilot, pinky, pint, pinus, pip, pippin, pisces, pissaro, pitz, pixie, pjmac, pklpc, plague, planck, plantecolz, platinum " 2, plato ' 6, platypus, playboy, plod, plotwarner, plumule, pluto 3, pfva, pmec, pmpc, pneumon, pobotics, pock pogo, poincare, poisson * 2, polaris, pohcy, polio, polo, poole, pooleppc, poplar, poppies, porky, porsche, porter, Portland, posaune, poseidon * 3, post, potassium, potomac, pound, power, power-gw, pp, ppp-ajb, ppp-bat, ppp-bms, ppp-fofqg, ppp-ijm, ppp-jim, ppp-kms, ppplmim, ppp-pgh, ppp-sm, ppp-tjs, ppp-zgd, prancer, prandtl, praseodymium, prawn, predator * 2, president, preston, prestopc, pretzel, prey, price, pride, prime, printbox, prism, proclos, procyon, project, proklos, promethium, ps, ps-gw, pseudolus, psi, pshnac, pspc " 2, psuddpc, pt, ptmodel, ptpppnet, ptpppnet-broadcast, puffcheak puffin * 2, pullen, pulmonary, punch, punt, purcell, purvismac, putney, pw-elena, pwilmott, pwmac, pwoodpc, pyramid, p>Tomass, pythagoras, q—br, qrpc, quainton, quark quarTy, quartz, quercus, question, quince, quine, quintic, quintinshill, r-hibberd, ra, rabbit " 2, rabies, rachel, radian, radicle, radium, radius, radnor, radon, raf, rahpc, rainbow, rainhill, raja, raman, ramseypc, ramtek rankine, raquel" 2, raro, rarotonga, rat, rate, rayleigh * 3, raypc, rb, rbpc-es, rclarke, rcoleman, rcrane, rcshroter, rdpc " 2, rdpc-es, real,recep,reception, recipes, red-dwarf, redflag, reesmac, reeves, relay * 2, reliant, rembrandt, renault, rene, renee, rennie, repc * 2, repro, retina, retro, reyno, reynolds, rfpc, rgmac, rgpc ' 2, rgs, rhacpc, rhea " 4, rhibberd, rhino, rho, rhodium, rhombus, rhpc ' 2, ricardopc, richard, richardpc, richmond * 2, riemann ' 2, rigel, right, rik-laptop, rikitney, rimmer, ring, ringgit, rio ' 2, ripe, ripley, rita, rjacobs, rjhpc, rjmpc, rjpe-es, rking, rkmac * 2, rlw, rmd-www, rmdpca, rnpe-pers, robin, robinsondpc, robot, robot-gw, robotsg, roc " 2, rocket, rockfield, rocnet, rocnet-broadcast, rodanthy, rodger, rodney, rogers, rogersdpc, rohan, rolls, roman, romeo " 2, roneo, ronmasonpc, roo, roos, rosalind, rosalindpc, rosary, rosebank, rosebud, rosenbaumpc, rothkn, rothley, rotka, rousseau, routmac, rover " 3, roymc, rrpc, rshaw, rspc, rssmac, rt-analyser, rtbpc, rtfmac, rubella, rubens, rubicon, ruby, rudolf, rum, rumford, rumi, rupee, nipert, russell * 2, ruthenium, rvdvpc, rvinter, rwmac, rydberg, rzepa, rzepamac, rzmac, rzpc-miu, sabre, sabrygrant, sachs, sagitta, Sagittarius, sagres, sahrle, saidpc, sakater, salabara, salam, salem, salix, salonica, salt, samarium, samson, sandymac, sanger, santorini, santos ' 2, saopaulo, sapc, sapphire " 2, sartre, sas, satie, saturn * 2, sausage, savsmac, sbpc, sbpe-es, sbpc-miu, sburnepc " 2, sc-gw, scandium, scapula, schach, schilling, schlias, schq, schroeder, scipio, scmac, scooby-doo, scor, scorch ' 3, scorpio " 2, scotty, screwdriver, scsola, scsolb, scuff, sdgsavr, sdiss, sdmac, sdpc, sdpc-publ, seafire, seafire-gw, seahawk seat, secernentea, seddon-lcll, sedman, seek, segalmc, sei, selenium, sellers, selleypc, seneca, sepc, serenity, servent, servertis, set, Severn * 2, sgnmr, sgpc * 2, sguest, shagg>', shagrat, shannon, sharon, shaun, shaunc, shaunpc, shawepe, shawpc, sheatepc, sheppard, Sherlock, shockley, shop, shopnet, shopnet-gw, short * 2, shotgun, shrimp, shub-niggurath, Siegfried, siegmund, Siemens, sifrios, sig, sight, sigma * 2, sign, signa, sigproc, silicon, silver, sihiamac, silwoodlab-ga, simca, simmondsjpc, simon ' 2, simsboss, simsopus, simu, sirsapc, sisley ' 2, sisun, sivamac, siasx, sipc-impel, sjppc, sjprinter, sk, skapski, skcaxton, skid, skippy, sklaser, skutter, skye, skye-sub, skyfox, skynet, skyvan, sleepy * 2, slithey, sloane, smac-eaa, smac-ggr, smac-jj, smac-kah, smac-kb, smac-ler, smac-mk, smac-sza, smac-tsem, smart-www, smds-gw, smiley, smis, smpc-es, smpc-pers, smurf, smurfie, snagglepuss, snappy, snoopy, snort' 2, snow-white, socrates ' 4, sodium, softsales, soham, soho, solar, solaria, solb, solid " 2, solinmac, sonata, soma, sonic, sonnet, sonning, sopc, sophocles, source, southken, soyer, space, spammbook, spangles, spanner • 2, sparc-wl, sparcy, sparcy-gw, sparefppc, spareqpc, spcaxton, spcl, speckle, speech, speed, speedy, speeech, speeeh, spence, spencer, spey, sphinx, spinoza, spirit, spirs, spirurida, spitfire * 3, splaser, splash, spock, spod, sppc-pers, sppech, spuggins, sputnik, spva, squawk, squid, squire, squuepc, squirrel, sr, srlpc, srpc, srpc-pers, sslpd, ssmac, sspc, sspc-impel, sst" 2, sstu, sstv, sstw, sstx, ssty, sstz, st-donatts, stairfoot, stalin, star * 2, starbug, stare, starfire, stargazer, starlink, state, stavros, stealth, Stefan, stefon, stelle, Stephanie, Stephenson, sieve * 3, sticky * 2, stimpy, stingray * 2, stilling, stmac, stogumber, stokes, stone ' 2, stonespc, stores, stork ' 2, storknet, storknet-broadcast, stpatchpc, strachey, strauss, stretch, struwepc, strvepe, students, studspc, stuff, styx, sue-mac, suespc, sugdenppc, suilven, sukhoi, summer, sunburgh, sundaramoorthylpc, sundemonet, sundemonet-broadcast, sunflower, sunman, sunsnoop " 4, sunten, supercon, superwoman, sureklia, susan, susie, sussex, sutton, suzuki, svelani, svpe-ce, sw-clinpharm, sw-cu-cl, sw-cu-qeqm, swcu-wf, sw-gw, sw-qeqm-cu, sw-wf-cu, swallow, swan 3, swift, swpc, sylow, syms, sypc, sys-mac-smc, sysnet, sysnet-broadcast, systems-pe»lmjm, ta xsun-sza, tabordabarauilpc, taihu, talisker, talon, tannhavser, tantalum, tara, tardis, tassili * 2, tau, taums, taxus, taylor' 2, taylornpc, taynuilt, taz, tazz, tbarrett, tbpc, tcarnduff, tebmac, tdmmac, teabag, teachest, teachmacnet, teachmacnet-broadcast, teacosy, teacup, teadance, tealeaf, teamug, teaparty, teapot, teaspoon, teastrainer, teatime, techman, techpc, tekx, telegraph, telemachus, telford, tembo, temp-mac-ggr, temp-mac-kb, temp-pc-kb, temp-publ, tempest ' 2, temple, templer-lc, templer-lcll, templer-powerbook, tensor, teotihuacan, tera, tera-gw, terbium, term, terraccianocpc, tertiumquid, tesla, test, testpc, testserver, testsun, tethys, tex, tfm-mac-td, theakston, theis, theocratus, theorynet, theorynet-broadcast, theorypppnet, theorypppnet-brnadcast, theseas, thespot, theta, thinking, third, thirtynet, thirtynet-broadcast, thomas * 2, thomasppc, thomson, thor, thor-gw, thorax, thoresby, thornton, thorntonpc, thorntonsec, thpc, thsec, thuginn, thulium, tiber, tide, tiger * 2, tigger" 3, till, tillspc, tim, tim-jones, time, timet, timoshenko, timothy, tin, tina * 3, tintin • 2, titan ' 2, titania, titanic, titanium, titanium-fddi, titian " 3, tito, tlaloc, tlyons, tmac-ahp, tmac-akr, tmacih, tmac-iwm, tmac-jcp, tmac-iim, tmac-rcp, tmac-sfg, tmac-sza, tmac-tmp, tmac-zgd, tmpc, tmpc-publ, tmpnetprntr, tobago, toddhpc, tolstoi, tolstoy, torn ' 2, tomcat, tomo, tomspc, tonic, tonybarrett, top, topaz, topcat, topper, tor, tora, torch * 2, tornado * 4, tornado-gw, torville, tosca, toscaig, toto, toucan ' 1 1 , toucannet, toucannet-broadcast, toumazou, toveyjpc, tower, townsendppc, toyota, toytown, tpc-ih, trac>', trade, trafalgar, transport, tresca, trident, trident-gw, trinidad, tristan, tritium, triton, triumph " 2, troy, tsdpc, tsm, tspc, tspc-impel, tsunami * 2, tuna, turbine ' 2, turbo " 2, taring ' 2, turkey, turner, tvr, tvr-b, tvstudio, twampc, twemyiournet, twentyfournet-broadciist, twentysevennet, twentysevennet-broadcast, twentysixnet, rwentysixnet-broadcast, twerp, twiga, twiggy, twitter, twpc-es, tylons, tyne, typhoon, tyre * 2, uapc, ucello, udbserv, ulna, ultra, umbra, umbriel, unden, uniman, union, unix-es, unwin, upsilon, Uranus, uranus-b, userfddi-gw, ussuri, utrillo, utrillo-fddi, va, valhalla, vahant, valkerie, valkyrie, valmalla " 2, vampire, vangogh, var, vatu, vaiLxhall, vaxa " 3, vaxb, vaxc, vaxe, vaxf, vbpc-publ, vegibson, vcmac, vector, vega, venom, venous, venus * 3, vepc-sec, vermeer, vermeer-fddi, vermeer-fddime, vernon, vertebra, vfpc, vibs, vibs-gw, vickery, victor, vig, viggen, viking, viking-gw, vimmac, vimto, Vincent, virgil, virgo, virus, vivianchow, vixen, vkbpc, vlad * 2, Volkswagen, volt, volterra, vortex, voyager' 3, vrpc, vsa, vspc-es, vspc-pers, vulcan * 2, wpc, vwpc, w—br, waco, wadworth, wadworths, wagm, walbran, Wallace, wallop, walsh, waiter, walton, waltraute, wardour, warhol, warkp, Warwick * 2, wasabi " 2, wasp, watcher, water ' 2, watt * 2, wattpc, wavelet, waves, weber, weed, Weinberg, wellgunde, Wellington, welton, wendolene, Westminster, wgjmac, whale, wheel, wheelervpc, wheildonpc, whinge, whip, whitempc, whitman, whittle, whitwortli, whizzer, whmac, whoopee, Wichita, widdowslab, widdowson, wiesia, wigner, wildchild, wilde, Wilkinson, willapc, Williams, willis, wilsonmac, wilton, windmill, windscale, winfrith, winge, wintermute, wisard, Wittgenstein * 2, wlodek, wmi, wmjpc, wogbnde, wol, wombat * 2, wombles, won, woodash, woodland, woody, woof, woolins, wotan, wplmacnet, wplmacnet-broadcast, wplmacs-bms, wplmacs-et, wpbnacs-jnu, wppc, wrench ' 2, wright, wty, wtygp, wtymbe, wuckers, wuxi, www ' 44, www-asa, www-aut, www-clic, www-ics, www-med, www-pgp, wwwindex, wzpc, x—br, x-cittic, x-raypc, xallahn, xanadu, xdjpc, xe, xenephon, xenith, xenon, xenophon, xerox, xerxes, xi, xipc, xray, xrdlabpc, xrdpc, xsun-dja, xsun-dkb, xsun-kb, xsun-rb, xsun-sjg, xsun-sza, xsunzhong, xtallpc, xtalniac, xzpe-ce, yak, yapc, yard, yarm, yaw, yazid, ybpc, ychen, yeatman, yen, yenpc, yew, yggdrasil, yhpc, yingspc, ymir, york yorrick, ^^^^^ young ' 2, ytterbium, yukawa, zaphod, zarathustra, zebedee, zebra, zegarlin, zeiss, zen, zeno * 2, zeppo, zernike, zeta * 2, zeus 1


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zeus-gw, zinc, zircon, zirconb, zirconc, zodiac, zodiaque, zoom, znrhas zorn, zorn-fddi, zymatic. Phew!

Yes, we excluded hostnames w i t h numbers i n them. Why? Guess.



Isn't it amazing

how the company that you love so m u c h always does so well? Well, imagine Microsoft i n charge of a restaurant. A n d weep.

Waiter! I'll be your Support Waiter. What seems to be the Hi, my name is Bill problem? Patron: There's a fly in rrn#*soup! Waiter: Try again, maybe the fly won't be there this time. Patron: No, it's still tjiere. Waiter: Maybe it's the way you're us e soup,- try eating it with a fork instead. Patron: Even when I use the fork, '$ still there. Waiter: Maybe the soup is incompai ith the bowl; what land of bowl are you using? J Patron: A SOUP bowl! Waiter: Hmmm, that should work, ie it's a configugpRn problem,- how was the bowl set up? Patron: You brought it to me on I; what has tijCt to do with the fly in my soup? Waiter: Can you |emember eve: g you did before you noticed the fly in your soup? Patron: I sat dowrland oxdjf&d tlflj Soup of the Day: Waiter: Have you cc^pdered upgrading to the latist Soup of the Day? Patron: You have more than one loup of the Dayjeach day? Waiter: Yes, the Soup of the Day § changed everf hour. Patron: Well, what is the Soup of the Day now? Waiter: The current Soup of the |)ay is tomato. Patron: Fine. Bring me the tomatjp soup and the check. I'm running late now. [Waiter leaves and returns with another bowl of soup and the check. 1 Waiter: Here you are, Sir. The scjup and your chqek. Patron: This is potato soup. Waiter: Yes, the tomato soup wasn't ready yet. Patron; Well, I'm so hungry ndw, I'll eat anythir§*. [Waiti Ires.] Patroj aiter! There's a gnafE in my soup! Patron: Waiter:

"he cleck: [Soup If the Day £5.00 [Upgrade to newer Spnp of the Day. . . £2.50 lAcceJs to sunpof*^ £10.00 Note: Bug in the soup included at no e? morrow'jf soup of the day)

charge (will be fixed with To-

Have y O U ever wanted to listen to your friends' messages? Whether you are just nosy you want to check up on your girl/boyfriend(s), or maybe you want to change someone's personal greeting, you will soon discover how to invade the privacy of your friends and enemies. Most owners of answering machines, be it a mobile or a home machine are unaware of the fact that, w i t h the majority of modern machines, they can check their messages remotely. T h i s is purely due to h u m a n negligence: people rarely, if ever, read manuals. Big mistake. Usually when checking your messages remotely, you dial first your number, wait until you get diverted to the answering machine, press magic keys (depending on the type of phone), then you are asked to enter a secret P I N . Once you have succesfully entered that number, you have full control of the answering machine. Manufacturers of telecommunication products usually set a default P I N on their products and expect the user to change it once a product is purchased. However, because most people are unawere of the fact that they can access their answering machine remotely, their security may be compromised. Obviously, people who know their machine's capabilities should have already changed their PINs, but even this is not totally secure. Assuming the person i n question does not know about the P I N , proceed as follows... VODAPHONE NETWORK

1. D i a l telephone number. Wait u n t i l diverted to answering machine. 2. W h e n you hear the greeting, press 9. You should now hear "Please enter your security code". 3. Enter 3333 (default code for Vodaphone phones). 4. If you are succesful, you should now hear if there are any messages. 5. For an amusing joke, type 95. This enables you to change the personal greeting (the message people phoning the machine w i l l hear). Start recording by pressing 0 and stop by pressing #. N o w deposit the greeting by pressing 8. (Suggestions for personal greetings include farting, burping, cow noises...) 6. A s put the icing on the cake, you could change the person's P I N , making the owner of the phone have no remote access to their messages and at the same time making them unable to change their P I N for intruders!Incidentally, there is a way of changing their P I N if they contact their phone company—this involves a lot of hassle and takes several days to process.

1. D i a l telephone number. Wait u n t i l diverted to answering machine. 2. W h e n you hear the greeting, press #. You should now hear "Please enter your security code". 3. Enter 8705 (default code for Cellnet phones). 4. To retrieve messages, press 2. 5. For a menu press 1, and you w i l l be listed w i t h all the available options, allowing you to perform various nefarious activites, as mentioned earlier.

These are similar to Cellnet phones, but vary slightly from machine to machine. 1. D i a l telephone number. Wait until diverted to answering machine. 2. W h e n you hear the greeting type # if that doesn't work try * if that doesn't work either try a sequence until you hear the "enter security code" message—some phones have a long tone instead of this message. 3. Enter 0000 (default code for B T phones).Remember to always prefix the number you are attempting to attack w i t h 141 i n order to keep yourself safely anonymous— invisible and invincible. Unfortunately some networks (notably Orange and Mercury) do not supply default pin codes. For these, and for people who know about their phones, you w i l l need an alternative approach. What you need is some of the targets persons' personal details. Each telephone company has a helpline for their clients. Find out which one you need to contact. Next have handy the target persons' address, postcode and home telephone number. C a l l the provider any say that you are the person, and that you have lost your P I N . They w i l l ask you for these personal details i n an attempt to verify you. Now, one of three things w i l l happen: 1. You w i l l be given the P I N . This is the best option! 2. You w i l l be told the the P I N has been reset to the default, i n which case you can start with the section above. 3. The operator does not believe you are really the person and tells you to get lost.If neither of these works you can always try the good old-fashioned brute force method of guessing every P I N . T h e best way to do this is to get a modem which allows you to dial a number and send normal D T M F (tone-dial) tones down the line. Watch out however—some networks lock the account for a few minutes after three failed guesses, and the lock-out period increases as more wrong guesses are made. Please note that we are not trying to encourage anyone to invade the privacy of other people. We are only trying to show that telephone companies supply poor security to their customers. N o responsibility w i l l be taken for any prosecutions or physical injuries caused. Don't try this at home, kids. ;

acme space filler co.


Coo, the Internet. It's funky; isn't it. And that Web thingy. Thinking of doing some webpages? Then you need wish to have some tips on perfecting them. Get out the D.J. already sr wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


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1. By making specific words or, even better, whole sentences, flash on and off w i t h the < B L I N K > tag you can draw attention to specific parts of your text. 2. Strategically placed 'Under Construction' images w i l l make people think that you are i n the process of adding far more content than you actually intend to. They w i l l be encouraged to return every few days to see if you have updated your page. 3. U s e as many colours as possible thus lifting your page from the monotony of the other mundane pages out there on the world wide wait. T h i s also goes for 4. Backgrounds should ideally be 1600 by 1200 pixels i n size, w i t h 16.7 million colours. T h i s gives the reader something to look at when your page is loading and if the colours are nice and bright then they w i l l have to look more closely at what you have written and are unlikely just to s k i m through the contents. 5. Fonts should be used liberally as people now a days have many, many installed on their system. By doing every paragraph i n a different font you are helping people keep their place i n the document and gives your page a imaginative look. 6. Use pictures liberally. Make them big and animated if you can. It is a well known fact that net surfers don't mind a long waiting time if they have something pretty to look at. 7. M a i l i n g lists Be sure to include a program which records the email addresses of people visiting you page and forward them on to a mailing list. People love getting mail as it makes them feel popular, but they never have time to subscribing to all those companies who send you useful information at regular intervals. 8. Every page should have counter to show off how popular you are. You might want to artificially inflate it though. 9. Have a m i d i file go off automatically when they jump to your page. If possible loop it. People are pleasantly surprised when this happens and everybody loves a good tune. Also, if this happens i n a public place such as an Internet Cafe or a lab at college then the sudden outburst of music w i l l instantaneously make other people want to surf to your page. 10. Make sure that your U R L is as long and complicated as possible since users w i l l equate it's length w i t h a quality site. The perfect address would be something like this http://www.mb. au.ed/~stu/pub/bin/3124356/quer/home.html This has everything. The short, full stop infested domain name (the www.... bit) and the combination of a public directory w i t h a numerical identifier all help to speed up computer access times. It is easy to remember and by putting the opening page to be 'home.html' you are showing yourself to be different from all those other goofs who use the boring, bog standard index.html for their page.

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