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(6SU8 Number Two Tuseday May 31st 1&S6

^LAN ROSE WORKING ELSEWHERE s Sabbatical Defects Libel Threat 2. Residence Ripped-

Off Editorial Nell's Rant

U S I O i I>@p«t5 P r e s i d e n t A l a n R©s« h « s found, v « r k t e f for a computer recruitment f i r e s ca?te£ C<H»t>«<ac tft t'iw C i t y , o f l o n d o * . f i r . Rose has been Absent from the Union Office for about two and a h i if weeks. There had beer- rumours for some time that he had started work e l s w h e r e , this was confirmed last Tuesday when Union Administrator Jen Hardy-Smith telephoned C o m p w a c . On contacting M r R o s e / she merely said, "Hello, Alan.*' and replaced the r e c e i v e r . A phone call several minutes later by internal Services Officer-Elect Neil McCluskey resulted in a longer conversation.

The Gossip Column Statement f r o m the O President

Mr. McCluskey asked M r Rose when he would next be in the office. The Deputy President replied " O h / S o m e t i m e * . M r . Rose was paid last Tuesday before the calls were made, it' is estimated that he has been paid £1 ? 0 for the time he has been absent from work. M r . Rose has been sent three letters from JC Union asking him to reply o r to turn up to work by 5pm last Friday. He was particularly difficult to find after officially moving out of his room during the f i r s t weekend

of t e r m . His place has been taken up by D P elect Charles B r e r e t o n . F E E L K S spoke to Sydney Harbour-Bridge on the m a t t e r , He said that M r . Rose has attempted to diver t his final t e r m ' s Hall B i l l into his bank account after moving out. This w a s prevented by the Union Administrator. M r H-B said the Union w a s considering suspending . M r . Rose's pay and that there would soon be an exec meeting to discuss this, Mr. HarbourBridge said " Y o u can say I'm pissed o f f with doing Alan Rose's job while h e ' s being paid f o r working somewhere els*,*

L i b e THE Felix gssstp eelonm Libel i s ^haptfiq up t o c a u s e J u d i t h H * o k a * « , F e l i x problems. e d i t o r , ». w h o l e m&p » f Last weeks Felix revealed potential legal two action from sources, the Union President about the threat to publish confidential items discussed at the last Council »d from FeeHks editor Neil Motteram about certain allegations which are demonstrably untrue, Now an item in that v e r y

edition o f Libel has given the Union soliciter even more w o r k . The Linstead resident whose Filofax w a s stolen, and from which Felix ^joted alleged e n t r i e s , will be threatening Judith with action on the grounds of libel, slander and defamation of character. A charge of handling stolen goods i f


being considered. it i s understood by Feeliks that a full retraction of the allegations and the return . o f the stolen Fflofax wITt halt the legal action now being taken. Quite how many . other s t o r i e s that have been covered in L i b e l / Blackmail have been is literally libelous unclear, but i f the current trend continues, the whole column w i l l scon be just a 11st o f retractions.



V s l c o m e to the second edition of F E E U K S . Thanks fur picking up what we feel i s an unbiased v i e w of the events around college and the Union. Today we c o v e r one story. FELIX tonortd, one they didn't follow up after 1t was revealed at Council and one they'll know about pretty soon!! V e feel that FELSX has been biased in i t s news reporting, c a r r y i n g on a campaign against certain Union Officers in a way which does not dignify the Cat at a l l . The ' B l a c k m a i l * page has been losing FELIX friends at an incredible r a t e . !f one of your friends has been slagged off by Shanley, are you going to be inclined to a^r&e w i t h everything Judith $a<is? Innaoeuracios, like J u d i t h ' s selective memory of Council, are unforgivable, ft was Dave Clements who proposed that * tSe Pub.Board eoloars be r e t e r r e d back, S y d H-B did not open his mouth en tfte subject. (There again, he did smile a

The Union r e n c e President wishes it COSfFEROICE O f f l N hav* afrood t© to b e t i M d e v t r m t x f r * £ 3 0 0 0 0 t o tfce e o l i « § « known S t u d o n t «#sid#i*«® toewmt t© muk* m * w that a s o m * © f tfw> N t f * p r o f i t s t f e t f m a * * f r s m l e t t i n f e * H e f i r o w n s fn v a c a t i o n s . full statement gained only after a . Prevously on the y e a r ' s pressure from Conference Offset had Snack Bar M r . H-B and then only only been paying £ 1 9 / begrudglngly. Sydney will be wetk for the rooms it lot claimed that Conference during the highly released, Office were incredibly profitable vacations. . this meffiosnt with eight full Union President Sydney time s t a f f . for a Harbour-Bridge J week. f

estimated that students had been losing £110,OOO/yesr for the past s i x y e a r s . The increase w a s




j f

tfhen y o u ' r e pissed at 4 o'clock h the n o m f o f , mtd %m suddenly realise that Judith Hackney has been right ail along, and you want to express your solidarity with the F t l i K camp, why not r m § bit!!) It seems that the 1 j ^ i t h C m r S S t l ) ' " o r the FELIX Office wish to • Floozie. Paul Shan ley condemn him f c r every (on 9 8 - 2 5 0 ) . I'm sure item . of business they they '11 appreciate your disagree w i t h . messages of support. Despite e x a m s , bloody Macs, and Quote of the w#efc: . printing c o s t s , we w i l l "When t lived con tints* to produo* underneath Steph Shell FEEL IKS until such time and Mark last y e a r th»y as FELIX becomes f a y ussd to keep it up for ami accurate, Q\ twenty minutes at a S I \ I I I j 1

o e > K -


"Oft, did h * open

turnover of £ 4 0 0 , 0 0 0 . The Union is keeping up pressure on College to r e f o r m the situation.

M s eyes e w r y two minutes or so"?* What is th» connection between S y d n e y ' s S i d e k i c k , Neil M e C k i s k e y , mi new Union barmaid, Karen? V e should be

A little tale from the depths of !C Radio and t>tm$oc, St B i c h t r a , voted most pcfwlar ICR presenter In a poll of himself and his g i r l f r k n d just before E a s t e r , phoned this same beloved over Easter and informed her that he had received a message f r o m God: * V > must change the relationship.* he declared. A l a s , his love was heartbroken, and did i l l

tc in her power the resurrect Si relationship, but remained unmoved. U n t i l , we can r e v e a l , last Saturday he received . • another communication from On High, and told the poor g i r l : " I t ' s all right. God s«ys ! can go out w i t h you a g a i n . " Until such t i m e , &r>sum*bly, as Ood says h* oan't. Lit


N.B. Unlik* some gossip columnists,! don't have to hide behind a n o m - d e plume. Own up, the r o a l Chris Jones and Delator. Or are you too ashamed o f what y o u ' v e written, Judith and Paul? * «


for snd upon twwlf «! « ersup 0! wnesftmi IC UnSW Qf'ttsn. iCU Offte*, 6»U ft»d, Prince Consort Row), lonOofi, SW7 288. Si*-MU«n Nttl McCIw»!E»e . Eti,rw»tr, Wwm, 0»w Dements. Contrftwilom rram Kijei fle*er. RCS Union H*e*», Sydney Hertov-OrtdBe. Wt 8e«*vf met Ffcux stand be fssr, accurate, iftsewnaw! "«wt tsnoieses, ono thet (his 1$ not sresemsy tlte c«e. Th«*« for all trie support. «m.

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