RR Auction: Fine Autographs and Artifacts

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Fine Autographs and Artifacts

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CONTENTS Presidents and First Ladies....................................................................................................................3 Notables...............................................................................................................................................22 Military................................................................................................................................................. 42 Aviation ............................................................................................................................................... 49 Space.................................................................................................................................................. 50 Art, Architecture, and Design............................................................................................................... 53 Comic Art and Animation......................................................................................................................58 Literature..............................................................................................................................................59 Music....................................................................................................................................................63 Classic Entertainment .........................................................................................................................70 Sports...................................................................................................................................................75 Conditions of Sale................................................................................................................................94

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presidents and first ladies

President Jefferson relays a ‘confidential’ message to his VP, George Clinton, the “President of the Senate” 1. Thomas Jefferson Autograph Letter Signed as President. ALS as president signed “Th: Jefferson,” one

page, 7.75 x 9.5, March 22, 1808. Addressed from Washington, a handwritten letter marked “Private” and sent to the “President of the Senate,” his vice president, George Clinton. The letter, in full: “I inclose two messages, the one public the other confidential, with their respective documents, under separate covers. Those of the Confidential message consist only of such passages or articles as, being improper for publication, have been stricken out of the papers of the other. it is probable therefore that both may be better understood by being read alternately, taking up each separate article of the Confidential papers when the reader arrives at the corresponding part of the public ones from which it has been stricken out, and to which it is a supplement. this is rendered easy by references. should this course of reading be adopted, the whole will of course be [sic] to be read with closed doors, altho’ the public bundle may be afterwards printed. the reasons for this arrangement are explained in the Confidential message.” In very good to fine condition, with some light creasing, and staining to the upper right corner. Presented with a custom cloth-bound folder with gilt-lettered front and spine.

In the years following the Revolutionary War, the young United States held claim to neutral shipping rights while at sea. In 1803, Britain and France went to war, with America caught squarely in the middle. By 1807, both powers had outlawed American trade with their opponent. In addition, British naval ships continuously seized American cargo ships and pressed their crews into serving the Royal Navy. In an effort to counteract this, President Thomas Jefferson, through his DemocraticRepublicans in Congress, placed an embargo on American shipping in December 1807 intended to halt the interference of the two European powers, but only managed to wreck the American economy. In an effort to repair the damage, Jefferson attempted to negotiate a treaty with the British, as laid forth in the letter to Congress mentioned above, also dated March 22, 1808, but it was all for naught. In the end, Jefferson repealed the Embargo Act shortly before leaving office in March 1809. Starting Bid $1000

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Prepared to decode using “Mr. Monroe’s Cypher,” Secretary of State Madison requests copies of Monroe-Pinkney negotiation correspondence

3. James Madison Autograph Letter Signed. ALS as Secretary of State, one page both sides, 7.75 x 9.5, August 29, 1807. Handwritten letter to Daniel Carroll Brent, requesting that he inform Jacob Wagner that there has been no communication from Spanish diplomats, conveying President Thomas Jefferson’s request that a copy of all correspondence among ministers at London be made available to Congress, and requesting the forwarding of all mail from the MonroePinkney mission. In full: “I have recd yours of the 26. You may inform Mr. Wagner, that it would be a pleasure to me to aid his views, but that no information has been recd. for a long time from our Spanish affairs, nor indeed any since the epoch to which he refers, that could guide him in appreciating the proposal made to him, better than his own good judgment exercised on the general course of events, and his recollection of all the circumstances heretofore within his knowledge. The President has hinted the expediency of setting about duplicate copies of all the instructions & correspondence of our Ministers at London; as in different events it may be necessary to lay them before Congress even at its opening; and from the voluminous nature of these documents, the preparation can not be too soon commenced. The proper pens may therefore

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set about the task, immediately. Finding that I have here a copy of Mr. Monroe’s Cypher, I wish you to arrange with the Post office, the forwarding without the loss of a Mail, whatever dispatches may appear to be from either the joint or ordinary mission to G. Britain.” In fine condition, with scattered light staining. Accompanied by a handsome custom-made quarter-leather case. In 1806, the Monroe-Pinkney Treaty was negotiated between the United States and Great Britain to address ongoing concerns about the British impressment of American sailors and the neutral trading rights of American vessels during the Napoleonic Wars. President Jefferson angrily rejected the treaty after receiving it in March 1807, feeling it did not go far enough on either issue. Still unresolved five years later, these were the primary tensions that gave rise to the War of 1812. Perhaps the most fascinating aspect of this letter is its reference to “Mr. Monroe’s Cypher.” Codes and ciphers were interesting facets of many sensitive diplomatic letters of the period, when ‘nomenclator’ codes were popular. Monroe used a successful code during his time abroad which came to be known as ‘Mr. Monroe’s Cypher.’ Starting Bid $500

4. James Monroe and John Quincy Adams Document Signed as President and Secretary of State. Partly-printed vellum DS, signed

“James Monroe” as president and “John Quincy Adams” as secretary of state, one page, 11 x 15, June 30, 1824. Scalloped-top ship’s pass issued to the “Schooner Franklin of Rochester, Charles Smith master of commander…To Pass with her Company Passengers Goods and Merchandize without any hinderance seisure or molestation.” Signed at the conclusion by President Monroe and Secretary of State Adams. The white paper seal affixed to the lower left remains intact. Handsomely mounted, matted, and framed with two engraved portraits to an overall size of 22.5 x 21.5. In fine condition, with trimming to the bottom edge. Starting Bid $200

“My health, I am happy to say to you, has at no moment of my life been better”

5. Martin Van Buren Autograph Letter Signed. ALS signed “M. Van Buren,” three pages on two adjoining sheets, 5 x 8, September 17, 1858. Handwritten letter to a friend, in part: “I thank you for your kind letter, & even more so for the interesting work you have had the goodness to send me, & which I have read with much interest. You did very wrong in coming without paying me a visit, knowing as you must do that there is no roof under which you will always receive a most hearty welcome… My health, I am happy to say to you, has at no moment of my life been better.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

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“I think it well to look into such matters,” writes Tyler to his Secretary of War, “as something valuable might accrue to the public” 6. John Tyler Autograph Letter Signed as President. ALS

as president, one page, 5 x 8, no date. Handwritten letter to Secretary of War John Bell, in full: “Will you at some moment of leisure give to Mr. Woodside an interview, or what might be better, direct the head of the Engineers bureau to have such interview, and report its result. I think it well to look into such matters Mr. W. has in hand, as something valuable might accrue to the public.” Nicely mounted and framed with a color portrait to an overall size of 12 x 21.5. In fine condition, with a light paperclip impression to the left edge, and a small stain touching the first letter of the signature. Starting Bid $200

8. Franklin Pierce Document Signed as President. Partly-

printed vellum DS as president, one page, 14.75 x 17.75, July 24, 1856. President Pierce appoints S. Livingston Breese as “a Lieutenant in the Navy.” Signed at the conclusion by President Pierce and countersigned by Secretary of the Navy James C. Dobbin. The orange Navy Department seal remains affixed over the bottom vignette. In very good to fine condition, with light toning, scattered staining, and small areas of vellum loss. Starting Bid $200

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“I should fear the fate of the Union”— six handwritten political letters by James Buchanan 9. James Buchanan (6) Autograph Letters Signed. Archive of six impor-

tant ALSs by James Buchanan, including one as president and three as presidentelect, totaling 16 pages, ranging in size from 6.5 x 7.75 to 8 x 10, dated from 1851 to 1857. All to the Virginian politician Henry A. Wise, with significant commentary on secession and the antebellum state of the Union, presidential politics, and diplomatic appointments. Important excerpts from the letters: May 27, 1851, with important remarks on secessionists, electoral politics, and the candidacy of Winfield Scott: “I deplore the condition of South Carolina. Heaven can only predict what maybe the final result of her Secessionists; every effort of reason, argument & persuasion ought to be employed to prevent her from taking the last fatal step. If she could only be induced to wait, all might yet be well… We cannot elect a Democrat President against Scott unless the Southern States should almost unanimously go for the Democratic Candidate. Scott will be formidable...I know him well & do not doubt either his patriotism nor his integrity; but he is vain beyond any man I have ever known & what is remarkable in a vain man he is obstinate, self-willed & unyielding. His judgement, except in conducting a campaign in the field, is perverse and unsound & when added to all this, if elected at all, it will be by the Whigs and Free Soil vote of the North combined & under the auspices of Seward & his prospects. I should fear the fate of the Union.” June 16, 1851, commenting on his presidential odds and offering words of encouragement: “I have more than recovered the ground which I lost in Pennsylvania during Mr. Polk’s administration…I regard your voluntary pledge to support me with feelings that I shall not attempt to express…You possess the talent & ability to enable you to render most important services to your Country at this perilous crisis; & to place yourself high in the temple of fame.” December 26, 1856, as president-elect, regarding a letter from Wise’s son and diplomatic appointments: “You yourself inform me of the apprehension (unfounded) that I may retain in office those appointed by General Pierce; & that my administration in this respect will be but a continuance of his: & other friends entertain the same apprehensions.” April 27, 1857, as president, respecting appointments made in his first few weeks in the White House: “I return Genl. Jones letter & am sorry I have not time to answer it at length. The case, however, is in a nutshell & is made out by himself with a singular ‘naiveté.’ He was a bosom friend & supporter of General Pierce for which he was not to blame, & got all his friends appointed in Iowa, without referring to the app’t of General Dodge in Spain. He accordingly informs you that he has recommended the continuance of all those officers except that of March as Commissioner Patents who is one of the leading friends of my own in the State & is with a large majority of the Democrats in favor of changes.” In overall fine condition. Accompanied by a handsome custom-made finely bound full morocco leather case. Remarkable content from the president whose ineffectual leadership would ultimately play a role in the South’s secession. Starting Bid $1000

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“The election of Lincoln and Johnson is the death-knell of the rebellion!!” 10. Abraham Lincoln 1864 Election Broadside. Original broadside published in 1864 by the National Union Executive Committee, Astor House, New York, one page, 9.5 x 11.5, headed: “The Two Roads to Peace! How shall we End the Rebellion—Shall we Coax it, or Crush it?” The broadside presents the “Chicago Platform” of George B. McClellan and the “Baltimore Platform” of Abraham Lincoln, and concludes with a pitch in favor of Lincoln’s policy. In fine condition, with light toning to intersecting folds, and a closely trimmed top edge. Starting Bid $200

Preparing to fight for his political life, Johnson goes after his bitter enemy in an eight-page handwritten letter: “Now is the time to dispose of this fellow” 11. Andrew Johnson Autograph Letter Signed. ALS, four pages both sides, 7.75 x 9.75,

February 9, 1851. Letter to his close friend and confidant Sam Milligan, marked “Confidential,” concerning his upcoming battle in the Congressional election, offering harsh words about his opponent Landon C. Haynes. In part: “There is nothing that Mr. Haynes and the clique he is connected with could do that would surprise me in the slightest degree for I consider them capable of condescending to any kind of means that would enable them to attain their end fair or foul…Now is the time to dispose of this fellow if it is done now in a proper manner he will be out of the way here after. Whether I succeed or not I desire the district to be rid of him…’Delenda est Carthago’ he must be defeated…He is not entitled to the confidence of the people, the honor of the Station nor the immolaments of the office…I neither care for him or dread him in any way, mentally or physically—In a single contest I think I can beat him easily and am more than willing to try it in that way.” In fine condition, with old tape along the edges, and across the center of the final page. Accompanied by a handsome custom-made quarter leather presentation folder. Starting Bid $300

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12. U. S. Grant Signed Check as President. First National Bank business check, 8 x 2.75, filled out and signed by Grant as president, “U. S. Grant,” payable to Benjamin DeWolff for $30, January 4, 1870. In fine condition. The recipient is mostly likely the New York jeweler of the same name. Starting Bid $200

13. U. S. Grant Document Signed as President. Uncommon partly-printed vellum

DS, one page, 15.5 x 19.5, March 26, 1869. President Grant appoints Richard Mason Lisle as a “Master in the Navy.” Signed at the conclusion by U. S. Grant, and countersigned by Secretary of the Navy Adolph E. Borie. Dark blue embossed seal remains affixed to lower vignette. Framed to an overall size of 18 x 22. In very good to fine condition, with overall wrinkling, and fading to all of the handwritten portions, including the signature. Borie served as Secretary of the Navy for only three months, a distinction that makes his signature quite rare on presidentially signed naval documents. Starting Bid $200

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President McKinley appoints a military musician from New Hampshire 14. William McKinley Document Signed as President. Partly-printed

DS as president, one page, 21 x 16, July 14, 1898. President McKinley appoints Arthur M. Edwards as a “First Lieutenant of Infantry, in the service of the United States.” Signed at the conclusion by William McKinley and countersigned by Secretary of War Russell A. Alger. Lower left retains the original blue War Office seal. In very good to fine condition, with creasing, toning, and scattered light foxing. Accompanied by a sheet music booklet for ‘Molly O’Toole: An Irish Love Song,’ with words and music written, composed, and published by Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur M. Edwards of Contoocook, New Hampshire. Starting Bid $200

Roosevelt sends thanks for a “patriotic letter” before leaving to join the 1898 war in Spain: “In the event of hostilities I will give it careful consideration” 15. Theodore Roosevelt Typed Letter Signed.

TLS signed “T. Roosevelt,” one page, 7.25 x 8.5, Navy Department letterhead, April 5, 1898. A brief letter of thanks to James Eglington Montgomery, a Civil War veteran and former secretary to Admiral David Farragut following the war. In full: “Many thanks for your patriotic letter. In the event of hostilities I will give it careful consideration. I thank you for your kind words about myself.” Impressively suede-matted and framed with an image of Roosevelt and a small informational plaque to an overall size of 26.25 x 23. In very good to fine condition, with toning along the left edge, and creasing to the right side. Starting Bid $200

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17. William H. Taft Signed Photograph as President. Matte-finish

6.5 x 10 photo of President Taft by the Harris & Ewing studio of Washington, D.C., signed and inscribed in the lower border in fountain pen, “For J. A. Holmes, with best wishes, Wm. H. Taft, July 29, 1910.” Matted and framed to an overall size of 11.25 x 15.75. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

Taft dedicates the Lincoln Memorial: “Here a sacred religious refuge in which those who love God can find inspiration and repose” 18. William H. Taft Signed Lincoln Memorial Speech. Typed manuscript signed “Wm. H. Taft,”

two pages, 6.5 x 9, on stationery imprinted with a bust photograph of Taft in judicial robes on the first page, no date. Souvenir typescript of part of Taft’s speech at the dedication of the Lincoln Memorial on May 30, 1922, where he presented the memorial to President Warren G. Harding. In full: “The American people have waited fifty-seven years for a national memorial to Abraham Lincoln...Here on the banks of the Potomac, the boundary between the two sections whose conflict made the burden, passion and triumph of his life, it is peculiarly appropriate that it should stand. Visible in its distant beauty from the Capitol, whose great dome typifies the Union which he saved, seen in all its grandeur from Arlington, where lie the nation’s honored dead who fell in the conflict, Union and Confederate alike, it marks the restoration of the brotherly love of the two sections in this memorial of one who is as dear to the hearts of the South as to those of the North. Here is a shrine at which all can worship. Here an altar upon which the supreme sacrifice was made in the cause of liberty. Here a sacred religious refuge in which those who love God can find inspiration and repose.” In fine condition, with tiny binding holes along the left edge. Starting Bid $200

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“The Soviets can’t want their destruction any more than we want ours”—Eleanor Roosevelt on the H-Bomb and nuclear disarmament 19. Eleanor Roosevelt Typed Letter Signed. TLS, four pages, 6.5 x 10, personal letterhead, October 26, 1956. Important letter on Adlai Stevenson’s proposed nuclear test ban treaty, a crucial and controversial aspect of his 1956 presidential campaign. Roosevelt offers astute commentary on the use of atomic energy in peacetime, Soviet motivations, and environmental concerns, making several handwritten corrections to the text. In part: “The administration tries to say that tests of the H-Bomb must go on or we would be set back two years should the Soviets decide to have the tests after agreeing not to. They also say that after all they have been working patiently to abolish all nuclear weapons and the only real way to have safety is through disarmament with inspection. I will agree entirely on this and so would Mr. Stevenson. This is the ultimate goal but we need badly a gesture to gain the confidence of countries of the world who can’t possibly afford a war, since it now appears that we are always saying ‘No’ and the Soviets are always making proposals which we are obliged to refuse. The H-Bomb is apparently the bomb that the scientists feel is the greatest menace to mankind... I know you know more about the need for inspection and control...this is a necessary step to reach a real disarmament in this whole nuclear field, but it may take a very long time to get there and at the present moment with the troubles multiplying for the Soviet Union and the explosion of the H-Bomb menacing all the human race (and the Soviets can’t want their destruction any more than we want ours), it seems to me a reasonable risk to try to emphasize our desire for peace by making, within the disarmament conference this proposal. I do not think that we need feel we are going to fall behind the Soviets in research simply because we can’t take the final step of testing an instrument which is already poisoning the atmosphere in many areas of the world.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

FDR pardons a Prohibition violator 22. Franklin D. Roosevelt Document Signed as President. Uncom-

mon partly-printed DS as president, one page both sides, 9 x 13.5, July 8, 1939. President Roosevelt pardons a Prohibition violator, in part: “Albert A. Reading was convicted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania of conspiracy (Section 37, United States Criminal Code) to violate the National Prohibition Act, and on November twenty-fourth, 1933, was sentenced to imprisonment for eighteen months and to pay a fine of One hundred dollars…I, Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the United States of America…do hereby grant unto the said Albert A. Reading a full and unconditional pardon for the purpose of restoring his civil rights.” Signed at the conclusion by President Franklin D. Roosevelt and countersigned by Acting Attorney General Thurman Arnold. The red Department of Justice seal affixed to the lower left remains intact. In very good condition, with a short tear to the left edge, and overall wrinkling and associated dampstaining. Starting Bid $200

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FDR battles with the press, calling out Time Magazine’s editor: “George Washington had the courage to admit a sin. Henry Luce lacks that ability!”

21. Franklin D. Roosevelt (3) Typed Letters Signed.

Unique archive from the papers of journalist Lowell Mellett, who served in FDR’s administration as head of the Office of Government Reports, comprising a retained carbon copy of his enraged letter to Time Magazine editor Henry Luce (a noted enemy of FDR), the reply from Luce, and three letters by President Roosevelt. The principal FDR letter, in part: “Thank you for letting me see the copy of Henry Luce’s reply of December 24th. It is a slippery reply. I said on Sunday night that you cannot make an agreement with an incendiary bomb.

He misses the point when he tries to argue as to whether you like Time or not. You and I can admit that Time makes false reporting extremely attractive. Henry Luce evades and avoids when he even mentions rebutting or ‘objections’ to that particular story. George Washington did not rebut his father’s objection to cutting down the cherry tree. George Washington had the courage to admit a sin. Henry Luce lacks that ability!” In overall fine condition, with some light stains to the 1942 letter. Starting Bid $300

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Wonderful dual-signed 1941 Christmas portrait from the Roosevelts 20. Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Signed 1941 Christmas Photograph as President and First Lady.

Rare and charming matte-finish 9.5 x 7.5 photo of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt relaxing at a patio table with a book and some knitting, an image originally taken on the south porch at Hyde Park on July 4, 1941, signed in fountain pen as president, “Franklin D. Roosevelt,” and as first lady, “Eleanor Roosevelt,” with “Christmas 1941” added in another hand. Handsomely matted and framed with a descriptive caption to an overall size of 15 x 16.5. In fine condition, with faint silvering to darker areas of the image. The first occurrence of the president and first lady actually taking the time to hand-sign Christmas presents for the White House staff. Starting Bid $300

“The China Lobby is of vital interest to the Government and a special effort should be made to find all its ramifications” 23. Harry S. Truman Typed Letter Signed as President. TLS as president, one page, 6.75 x 8.75, White House letterhead, June 11, 1951. Letter to Attorney General J. Howard McGrath, in full: “For some time it has been my opinion that an all out investigation ought to be made of Lobbies at work here in Washington, particularly the Real Estate Lobby and the China Lobby. I think the China Lobby is of vital interest to the Government and a special effort should be made to find all its ramifications. I, therefore, direct that you use whatever Bureaus are necessary to get this information and, if it becomes necessary, to take whatever action the facts require.” In fine condition, with rusty paperclip stains to the upper left corner. Starting Bid $300

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“It is of vital importance to National Defense”—President Truman orders better training for military reservists 24. Harry S. Truman Typed Letter Signed as President. TLS as president signed “H.S.T.,” one page, 6.25 x 9.25, White House letterhead, October 5, 1948. Memorandum issued to Dr. Steelman regarding the set up of a reserve military program. In full: “Attached is a Resolution, which is a suggestion for an Executive Order and a memorandum to Secretary of Defense for implementing a program for the Reserve Corps. I’d like to get this job done and I’ll appreciate it if you will have the three secretaries—the Army, Navy and Air and the Secretary of Defense, as well as the Budget and the Attorney General, all line up an executive order to implement this program. I’d like to have it promulgated when I get back into town next Saturday—it is of vital importance to National Defense and should be done immediately.” In fine condition, with scattered rusty paperclip stains. Accompanied by a typed draft of Truman’s two-page “Executive Order: Organization of the Reserve Units of the Armed Forces,” with a “Declassified” stamp dated 1994 and “Confidential” stamps struck through, as well as a carbon copy of the final version. Starting Bid $200

Truman on his library’s “new 35th Division Room, dedicated to the memory of my cousin” 26. Harry S. Truman Autograph Letter Signed. ALS, one page, 6.5 x 8.5, personal letterhead, September 17, 1963. In full: “I am indeed happy that the new 35th Division Room, dedicated to the memory of my cousin, Major General Ralph E. Truman, and the 35th Division Historical Exhibits are now and will always be a permanent part of the Truman Library.” In fine condition, with subtle toning to the edges. Accompanied by an unsigned program for the Presentation of the 35th Division Exhibition Room, which bears a copy of the letter on the inside cover. Starting Bid $200

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Directly referencing “the Marshall Plan,” Truman writes to a religious leader of affirming “faith in the curative power of freedom and in the creative capacity of free men”

25. Harry S. Truman Typed Letter Signed as President. TLS as president, one page, 7 x 8.75, White House letterhead, March 12, 1948. Letter to the Reverend Samuel McCrea Cavert of The Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America. In part: “May I acknowledge..your letter...with which was enclosed a copy of the petition to Congress in support of the European Recovery Program which has been signed by more than seven hundred church leaders of many denominations...The preamble to the petition, by adopting the language of the Federal Council affirming ‘faith in the curative power of freedom and in the creative capacity of free men,’ states admirably the spirit in which we are trying to carry out the Marshall Plan.” In fine condition. The Marshall Plan was arguably the cornerstone of the Truman Administration’s foreign policy. Letters referencing it are both uncommon and highly desirable.Starting Bid $200

27. Dwight D. Eisenhower Signed Book. Signed book:

The White House Years: Waging Peace, 1956–1961. First edition, limited issue, numbered 889/1500. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1965. Hardcover with slipcase, 7 x 9.75, 741 pages. Signed opposite the colophon in fountain pen by Dwight D. Eisenhower. In very fine condition. Starting Bid $200

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28. Dwight D. Eisenhower Signed White House Card as President. White House card, 4 x 2.5, signed nicely in

fountain pen by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. In fine condition, with old mounting residue on the back. Starting Bid $200

Kennedy appoints a Manhattan Project consultant as ambassador “to the International Atomic Energy Agency”

29. John F. Kennedy Document Signed as President. Exceptional partly-printed DS as president, one page, 17.25

x 13.5, June 13, 1961. President Kennedy appoints Henry DeWolf Smyth, of New Jersey as “the Representative of the United States of America to the International Atomic Energy Agency.” Signed boldly at the conclusion by President Kennedy, and countersigned by Secretary of State Dean Rusk. Document retains its original large white seal. Handsomely matted and framed to an overall size of 25.25 x 21.5. In very fine condition, with some brushing to the signature. A remarkable commission relating to an untapped energy resource the president would later advocate with the signing of the Atomic Energy Commission Authorization Bill on September 26, 1962. Starting Bid $300

30. John F. Kennedy (12) Original Photographs by Cecil Stoughton. Appealing lot of 12 original vintage color glossy

photos from the personal archive of Official White House photographer Cecil Stoughton, ranging in size from 5 x 5 to 7 x 5, with all picturing John F. Kennedy during his presidency. Reverse of each bear “A Kodak Paper” watermarks and Stoughton’s archival pencil notations. In overall fine condition. From the collection of Cecil W. Stoughton.Starting Bid $200

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Lyndon B. Johnson ‘Voting Rights Act of 1965’ Bill Signing Pen

31. Lyndon B. Johnson ‘Voting Rights Act of 1965’ Bill Signing Pen. Historic dipping pen that was used by President Lyndon B. Johnson to sign and amend the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (S. 1564). The official ‘bill signer’ Esterbrook dipping pen measures 6.25˝ long and features a black plastic grip with a Lucite handle imprinted with “The President—The White House.” Includes its plain cardboard box and original typed caption affirming that the pen was “One of the pens used by the President, August 6, 1965, in signing S. 1564, An Act to enforce the fifteenth amendment to the Constitution of the United States, and for other purposes.” In fine condition, with wear, and old tape, only to the original box.Starting Bid $300

The day Nixon decided to resign: “I would be less than candid if I did not say that this has been a difficult period” 32. Richard Nixon Typed Letter Signed as President. TLS

as president signed “RN,” one page, 6.75 x 8.75, White House letterhead, August 1, 1974. Letter to Senator George Murphy of California, written on the day he decided to resign from the presidency following the Watergate scandal. In part: “I would be less than candid if I did not say that this has been a difficult period. But through it all I have been sustained by old and dear friends like you, and I just want to say again how deeply grateful I am.” In fine condition. Accompanied by the original White House mailing envelope. The day he initialed this letter, Nixon had already mentally resigned the presidency. Starting Bid $200

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33. Ronald Reagan Signed Book. Signed book: Where’s the Rest of Me? First edition, third printing. NY: Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1965. Hardcover with dust jacket, 5.75 x 8.25, 316 pages. Signed on the first free end page in black ballpoint, “Best regards, Ronald Reagan, 7/27/65.” In fine condition, with toning to the dust jacket. The title for this autobiography derives from Reagan’s famous line in the 1942 film Kings Row, when his character, orphan Drake McHugh, following a boxcar accident, wakes up in a hospital and discovers that his legs have been amputated. Starting Bid $200

34. Joe Biden Signed Photograph. Color satin-finish 14 x 11 photo of President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, along with other members of the national security team, as they receive an update on the mission against Osama bin Laden in the Situation Room of the White House on May 1, 2011, signed in black felt tip, “Joe Biden.” In very fine condition, with a JSA label affixed to the reverse. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from JSA. Starting Bid $200

Magnificent compilation of six presidents, from Nixon to Clinton

35. Six Presidents Signed White House Engraving. Engraving of the

White House by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, 8 x 6, signed in black felt tip by Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George Bush, and Bill Clinton. In very fine condition. Items signed by this many presidents are exceedingly rare, particularly in so desirable a format. Starting Bid $500

Hundreds of more items are listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 21

notables Declaration of Independence Fellow ‘Sons of Liberty’ John Adams and John Hancock sign a 1771 legal document a year after the Boston massacre and before the coming Boston Tea Party

97. John Hancock and John Adams Document Signed. Remarkable Revolutionary War-dated manuscript

DS, signed “John Adams” and “John Hancock,” one page both sides, 7.25 x 12, December 19, 1771. An indenture between Hancock and Benjamin Cudworth, a deputy sheriff in Boston. Hancock had obtained judgment against fellow merchant Henry Atkins for over 198 pounds, and Atkins’s ship, the “Schooner Adventure,” had been seized and sold at auction by Cudworth to satisfy the debt. In this document, Hancock indemnifies Cudworth for any judgment Atkins or any other party might have levied against Cudworth for that sale. Signed boldly at the conclusion by Hancock with his distinct signature, and countersigned by three witnesses, which of course includes John Adams, then a Boston representative to the Massa-

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chusetts General Court. The other two cosigners are Robert Pierpont, one of two coroners who performed an autopsy on Crispus Attucks following the Boston Massacre, and William Tudor, a wealthy lawyer and leading citizen of Boston who had joined George Washington’s army in Cambridge; Tudor provided legal advice to Washington and, on July 29, 1775, was appointed Judge Advocate of the Continental Army. In fine condition, with professional reinforcement to the central horizontal fold. A sensational document dated between two of Boston’s more defining moments—the Boston Massacre of 1770 and the Boston Tea Party of 1773—and signed by two of America’s most beloved founding fathers, men who seven years later would run against each other in the first American presidential election. Starting Bid $1000

Activists and Social Leaders “I am of course greatly interested in South Africa & very sad over the outlook for the natives” 98. W. E. B. Du Bois Autograph Letter Signed with First Edition Book: The Souls of Black Folk. ALS, two pages on two adjoining sheets, 4.75 x 6.5, Calhoun, Alabama letterhead, October 9, 1906. Handwritten letter to well-known South African author William Charles Scully, relaying his thanks for a review of his book The Souls of Black Folks, and noting: “I am of course greatly interested in South Africa & very sad over the outlook for the natives. I shall be glad in turn to avail myself of your kind letter of information.” In fine condition, with old mounting remnants along the left edge of the first page. Includes a UK hardcover first edition of The Souls of Black Folk, published in 1905 by Archibald Constable & Co., in London, England. Starting Bid $200

Supreme Court

99. Burger Court Signed Photograph. Official color matte-finish 13.75 x 9 photo of the Burger Court affixed to its original 17 x 12 mount, signed on the mount in ink by all nine Supreme Court justices: Byron White, William J. Brennan, Jr., Warren E. Burger, Potter Stewart, Thurgood Marshall, William H. Rehnquist, Harry A. Blackmun, Lewis Powell, and William O. Douglas. In fine condition. Among the landmark rulings of this Court were Gregg v. Georgia (1976), which held that the death penalty did not always qualify as cruel and unusual punishment, and Regents of the University of California v. Bakke (1978), which upheld the usage of affirmative action in college admissions. Starting Bid $300

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100. Thomas Johnson Autograph Document Signed.

Jurist (1732–1819) who served as the first governor of Maryland and was later appointed to the Supreme Court by George Washington, serving from 1792 to 1793. ADS, signed “T. Johnson, Jr.,” one page, 9.75 x 7, May 30, 1789. Thomas Johnson certifies that “by the Proceedings of this Council of the 27th January 1783, that Eight Hundred and fifty pounds of One thousand imposed by a Special Court of Oyer and Terminer held in July 1781, on Henry Newcomer of Washington County were remitted.” Signed at the conclusion by Johnson. In very good to fine condition, with paper loss to the edges, and some small old tape repairs on the back. The Manuscript Society notes that Johnson’s signature is among the rarest of all U.S. Supreme Court Justices.Starting Bid $200

101. Vinson Court Signed Photograph. Official matte-finish 10 x 9.25 Harris & Ewing portrait of the Vinson Court, signed in the lower border in ink and fountain pen by all nine pictured Supreme Court justices: Hugo Black, Stanley Reed, Felix Frankfurter, William O. Douglas, Harold H. Burton, Robert H. Jackson, Fred M. Vinson, Frank Murphy, and Wiley Blount Rutledge. Matted and framed to an overall size of 15. 5 x 14.5. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

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102. Warren Court Signed Photograph. Official mattefinish 16.75 x 12 photo of the Burger Court, signed in the lower border in ink by all nine Supreme Court justices: Earl Warren, Hugo L. Black, William O. Douglas, Tom C. Clark, Potter Stewart, John M. Harlan, Byron R. White, William J. Brennan, Jr., and Arthur Goldberg. Housed in its original Ackad of Washington presentation folder. In fine condition, with light silvering to the darker areas of the image, and toning to folder. Starting Bid $200

103. Warren Court Signatures. Ink signatures of the Warren Court on an off-white 12 x 1.5 sheet—Earl Warren, Stanley Reed, Tom C. Clark, John Harlan, Hugo Black, William O. Douglas, Felix Frankfurter, Sherman Minton, and Harold Hitz Burton. Framed with a portrait of the Supreme Court Justices to an overall size of 15.5 x 14.5. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200


104. David Dunbar Buick Signed Stock Certificate. Automotive engineer and businessman

(1854-1929) who founded the automobile manufacturing company whose name survives as a division of General Motors. Partly-printed DS, signed “D. D. Buick,” one page, 10.75 x 8.25, December 31, 1923. Stock certificate issued to Ruth E. Perrin for 100 shares of capital stock in the David Buick Carburetor Corporation, with the upper section featuring an engraved vignette of a patriotic eagle oil field. Signed at the conclusion by David Dunbar Buick as president and countersigned by Wynton R. Buick as secretary. Lower left bears the company’s embossed seal. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

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105. August Anheuser Busch, Sr. Typed Letter Signed. Brewing executive (1865–1934) who was presi-

dent and CEO of Anheuser-Busch, the company founded by his father, Adolphus Busch, from 1913 to 1934. TLS signed “August Busch,” one page, 8.25 x 10.75, colorful AnheuserBusch Brewing Ass’n letterhead, January 24, 1917. Letter to Prof. C. S. Plumb, secretary-treasurer of the American Kerry & Dexter Cattle Club, in part: “When your new bulletin is ready for circulation, I should like to have several copies of same, as I frequently have inquiries for information on Dexters and my policy has been to send one of your bulletins in response to such inquiries. With reference to giving publicity to any cattle that I may have for sale, wish to state that I have no surplus stock at this time. In fact I have so many requests from my friends to whom I from time to time donate little Dexters that there is generally a waiting list.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

108. J. Pierpont Morgan Signed Mortgage Bond. Partly-printed DS, signed “J. Pierpont Morgan,” one page, 13.5 x 9.5, June 30, 1886. First mortgage bond of the New Jersey Junction Railroad Company in the amount of $1000, endorsed on the reverse by J. P. Morgan and H. C. Fahnestock as trustees. Bound at the left edge with four pages of the original coupons, with 158 of 200 still present. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

106. William G. Fargo and John Butterfield Signed Stock Certificate. Rare partly-printed DS, signed “Wm. G. Fargo,” one page, 10.75 x 6.75, August 1, 1859. Stock certificate for five shares in the American Express Company issued to William B. Conant, signed at the conclusion by John Butterfield as president, William G. Fargo as secretary, and Alex Holland as treasurer. In fine condition, with somewhat irregular toning.Starting Bid $200

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Rare contract for a Standard Oil pipeline lease, signed by Flagler as the company’s president 107. Henry M. Flagler Document Signed. Real estate and railroad entrepreneur (1830–1913) who also co-founded Standard Oil, remembered for his efforts to make Florida the ‘Newport of the South’ by providing extensive rail access and grand hotels to lure wealthy vacationers Partly-printed DS, signed “H. M. Flagler,” two pages, 8.25 x 14, August 2, 1897. Rare document signed by Flager as president of the Standard Oil Company, being an agreement with the Pennsylvania Railroad to lay an oil pipeline in New Jersey “for the purpose of conducting oil from tank cars lying on tracks of railroad…to the storage plant.” Signed at the conclusion by Flagler and countersigned by assistant secretaries of both parties. Attached to the front is a blueprint diagram of the “Plan Showing Proposed Location near Plainsboro, N.J., for Pipeline to be leased to the Standard Oil Company.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

109. John D. Rockefeller and Henry M. Flagler Signed Stock Certificate. Partly-printed DS, signed “J. D. Rockefeller” and “H. M. Flagler,” one page, 11.75 x 7.5, November 2, 1887. Stock certificate for 50 shares in Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Trust issued to R. P. Flower & Co., signed at the conclusion by John D. Rockefeller as president, Henry M. Flagler as secretary, and Joel Francis Freeman as treasurer. Attractively matted and framed with two portraits, both bearing facsimile signagtures, to an overall size of 30 x 14.25. In fine condition. Starting Bid $300

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Significant Standard Oil stock certificate signed by founders Rockefeller, Flagler, and Bostwick

110. John D. Rockefeller, Henry Flagler, and Jabez A. Bostwick Signed Stock Certificate. Partly-printed DS, one page, 11.5 x 7.75, April 25, 1882. Stock certificate for 25 shares in Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Trust issued to James C. Berger, signed at the conclusion by John D. Rockefeller as president, Henry M. Flagler as secretary, and Jabez A. Bostwick as treasurer. The original receipt remains affixed at the left edge. In fine condition, with the signatures canceled in red. Starting Bid $200

111. Nathan Mayer Rothschild Signed Russian Imperial Bond.

European Jewish financier (1777–1836) who founded his family’s famous banking dynasty and handled Allied loans for the campaign against Napoleon. Rothschild helped to ensure Britain’s preeminence as a financial market when bonds he handled as an investment banker were denominated in sterling and the interest made payable to London in pounds. Among the powers availing themselves of the new arrangements was Czarist Russia, which floated a loan for £3,500,000 in 1822. Partly-printed DS in Russian, English, and French, signed “N. Rothschild,” one page, 9.75 x 14.25, March 1, 1822. Russian imperial bond for 720 rubles, signed in the upper right margin in ink by Rothschild. In very good to fine condition, with chipping to the edges, and tape reinforcements to complete separations along horizontal folds. Starting Bid $200

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112. Cornelius Vanderbilt Document Signed. Business magnate and philanthropist (1794-1877) who built his wealth in railroads and shipping as owner of the New York Central Railroad. Early manuscript DS, signed “Correct, C. V.,” one page, 7.75 x 6.25, July 15, 1828. Vanderbilt approves an itemized list of repairs made to one of William Gibbons’ steamboats made by Charles B. Carman, endorsed in the lower left corner by Vanderbilt. Also signed twice by Carman at the top and bottom. In fine condition, with a trimmed bottom edge. Starting Bid $200

114. Frank W. Woolworth Document Signed. Retail

pioneer (1852–1919) who founded the iconic chain of fiveand-ten-cent stores that bear his name. DS, signed “F. W. Woolworth,” one page, 8.5 x 4.5, January 5, 1915. Document by which Woolworth appoints “Henry H. Abbott, James McV. Breed and Frank I. Worrall, or either of them, attorney and agent…to voted as proxy or attorney for the undersigned at the annual meeting of the stockholders of Broadway Trust Company.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

113. Cornelius Vanderbilt Document Signed. Business magnate

and philanthropist (1794-1877) who built his wealth in railroads and shipping as owner of the New York Central Railroad. Partly-printed DS, signed twice, “C. V.,” one page, 8 x 13.75, April 15, 1867. Hudson River Railroad Company Treasurer’s Office document by which stockholders approve a share buyback, initialed twice by Vanderbilt to approve the sale of shares. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

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Scientist and Inventors Amazingly early publication of Bohr’s ‘Atomic Theory and Description of Nature,’ signed by “the Author”

115. Niels Bohr Signed 1929 Booklet: ‘Atomic Theory and Description of Nature’. Extremely rare Danish-language booklet entitled ‘Atomic Theory and Description of Nature, 3 Articles with an Introductory Overview by Niels Bohr,’ published in Copenhagen by Bianco Luno Book Printers as a special edition festschrift issued by the University of Copenhagen in November 1929. The 76-page booklet is signed and inscribed on the title page in black ink by Bohr, who signs his name as “the Author.” In very good to fine condition, with creasing, toning, and repaired partial edge separation to the front cover; interior pages are all fine. An exciting, terrifically early publication of this most important scientific work. Starting Bid $200

116. Thomas Edison Autograph Note Signed. ANS

signed “T. A. Edison,” penned on a 4.75 x 2.75 postal card, July 23, no year. Addressed from Menlo Park, a handwritten note sent to “R. Ritchie” of Philosophical Instruments in Boston, Massachusetts. The note simply reads: “Please send catalogue.” Matted and framed to an overall size of 10 x 8; window to frame backing shows the reverse of card, which has been addressed in the hand of Edison. In fine condition, with one tiny stain. Starting Bid $200

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Edison introduces a “Chief Engineer” who is “familiar with the plant” 117. Thomas Edison Autograph Letter Signed. Scarce ALS signed “T. A.

Edison,” one page, 8.5 x 11, ‘From the Laboratory of Thomas A. Edison’ letterhead, November 6, 1899. Handwritten letter to H. J. Gay, in full: “This is Mr. Gaskin from the Laboratory who will be the Chief Engineer—He is familiar with the plant.” In fine condition, with some faint toning, and a couple of small stains. Starting Bid $200

“Keep the thing going until we get more experience”— Edison’s early media-by-mail service

118. Thomas Edison Autograph Note Signed. TLS in pencil, signed “E.,” two pages, 8.5 x 11, January 20, 1923. Hand-

written note at the head of a letter sent to him, in full: “Keep the thing going until we get more experience.” The letter, regarding an unsuccessful mail-order record venture, in small part: “I have found out on the field, Mr. Edison, that the average person does not like to receive from the home of another person something that has been used or played by them. It is quite true that large Mail Order houses in the entire country do as a rule an enormous business. But don’t you believe Mr. Edison that the nature of this business is completely different to our Mail Order Plan? When buying from mail order houses we know as a rule what we are going to get. It is a new article from the store. When our club members receive a set of records they don’t know what they are going to get and besides this our records have gone after the first shift through the hands of different people.” In fine condition. This fascinating letter outlines an early mail-order media business model, long preceding the popular BMG CD club of the 1990s and Netflix DVD-by-mail rentals of the early 2000s. Starting Bid $200

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“The present quantum theory, in spite of its many successes, is far from the truth” 119. Albert Einstein Typed Letter Signed. TLS signed “A. Einstein,” one page, 8.5 x 11, Institute for Advanced Study letterhead, July 5, 1952. Letter to mathematical physicist Daniel M. Lipkin, with a few handwritten additions including the equation in question and the word “general” in “general relativity.” In full: “It is, of course, an obstacle for the testing of the theory that it is practically impossible to operate with the solution of the equation gikl=0 with respect to the T. Your point of view to try to operate on the basis of certain lines analogous to the geodetical line seem to me not appropriate for reasons of principles. A relativistic theory of the total field should, according to my opinion, not admit singularities. Particles concentrated in a point can therefore not be used in such theory. For this reason I do not believe that any lines should play a fundamental role. The conviction that only solutions without any singularities can claim physical meaning creates a tremendous difficulty, because there are for non-linear differential equations—as

far as I know—no methods to find them out systematically or even to find the general theorems. I too have many reasons to believe that the present quantum theory, in spite of its many successes, is far from the truth. This theory reminds me a little of the system of delusion of an exceedingly intelligent paranoiac concocted of incoherent elements of thought. As you also seem to believe I believe it impossible to get a real insight without satisfying from the start the principle of general relativity. I feel, however, by no means sure that my own approach is the right one. I do also not believe that de Broglie-Bohm’s approach is very hopeful. It leads, f.i., to the consequence that a particle belonging to a standing wave has no speed. This is contrary to the well-founded conviction that a nearly free particle should approximately behave according to classical mechanics.” In fine condition. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope. Starting Bid $2500

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“Although I wrote my first paper attacking Hoyle’s theory of gravity, I have now got a job at his Institute of Theoretical Astronomy”— a supremely rare handwritten letter by Stephen Hawking 121. Stephen Hawking Autograph Letter Signed.

Incredibly rare ALS signed “Stephen,” one page both sides, 7.75 x 9.75, [postmarked April 26, 1968]. Handwritten letter to his childhood friend Bill Cleghorn at the Central Electrochemical Research Institute, sharing happy personal news on the birth of his son, along with reports of a trip to America and an uneasy professional detente with the astronomer Fred Hoyle. In full: “Excuse the delay in writing. We are at the moment on holiday in Cornwall staying in a very attractive cottage owned by the National Trust at St. Anthony-in-Roseland. The Roseland refers not to the flora but to the colour of the soil. You may or may not know that we now have a son, Robert, aged 10 months and very attractive—at least, we think so and other people seem to agree. When he was six weeks old we took him to America where we saw John McC[lenahan] and family. He seem[s] reasonably happy but a bit homesick and proclaimed his intention of coming back to work in England a year from now. Whether he will be able to support a wife and three sons to American standards on an English salary I am not so sure. Although I wrote my first paper attacking Hoyle’s theory of gravity, I have now got a job at his Institute of Theoretical Astronomy. Quite how it will work out I don’t know but my present work does not impinge on his so I hope to avoid a collision. Anyway, it means a considerable increase in salary. Hope to see you back in England one of these days.” In fine condition. Stephen Hawking attended St. Albans School from the age

of ten, falling in with a close-knit group of bright boys whose shared interests ranged from inventing their own board games and listening to classical music to long bicycle rides in the Hertfordshire countryside. Bill Cleghorn was one of the group, along with Hawking’s best friend at that time, John McClenahan; the boys spent nearly every moment together, between completing long hours of school and homework and spending time at one another’s houses. Their friendships endured beyond their school days, after the group found their separate ways to universities, new jobs, and their own families. In 1968, three years after achieving his doctorate, Hawking had applied to work at the Institute of Theoretical Astronomy at Cambridge, founded by the renowned Yorkshire astronomer Fred Hoyle the year before. He was awarded the post, but might yet have been justified in the sense of unease he felt about working under his new director: Hawking had publicly challenged the Hoyle–Narlikar theory of gravity a few years earlier, earning him academic notoriety and acclaim for his brash brilliance. Diagnosed with early-onset motor neurone disease in 1963, Hawking’s physical capabilities deteriorated over time—his shaky hand evinced in this handwritten letter of just five years later—making authentic autographs exceedingly scarce. Confined to a wheelchair by the end of the 1970s, he opted to sign with just a thumbprint later in life. An excessively rare autograph letter from one of the towering figures of science in the 20th century. Starting Bid $10000

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“My aim is to bring people closer together throughout the world”

123. Guglielmo Marconi Autograph Quote Signed. Highly desirable AQS

on an off-white 5 x 8 sheet of Department of Marine and Fisheries, Deputy Minister’s Office (Ottawa, Canada) stationery, signed at the conclusion in fountain pen, “Guglielmo Marconi, Ottawa, 4th Jan. 1901.” The quote, in full: “My aim is to bring people closer together throughout the world.” Handsomely cloth-matted and framed with a portrait and an engraved plate to an overall size of 22.5 x 22. In fine condition.Starting Bid $200

122. Alexander von Humboldt Autograph Letter Signed. ALS in French, signed “Alexander Bn. de Humboldt,

Chambellan du Roi,” one page, 7.25 x 9, September 15, 1806. Untranslated handwritten letter from Berlin. The red wax seal affixed at the bottom is cracked but intact. In very good condition, with intersecting folds, moderate overall creasing, and a partial split through his last name. Starting Bid $200

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124. Samuel F. B. Morse Signature. Ink signature, “With kind wishes, yr ob servt, Saml. F. B. Morse, Sept. 1869,” on an off-white 5 x 2 sheet. Double-matted and framed to an overall size of 9.75 x 6.75. In fine condition, with intersecting folds, and a small tear to the upper right corner. Starting Bid $200

“My new work is progressing fast”— Tesla writes from the Gerlach Hotel, now known as the ‘Radio Wave Building’

125. Nikola Tesla Autograph Letter Signed. ALS signed

“N. Tesla,” one page, 8 x 10.75, The Gerlach Hotel letterhead, March 21, 1895. Handwritten letter to Mrs. Anthony, in full: “It was very kind of you to write me for I needed such proofs of sympathy. Please accept my most sincere thanks. I have gone through an experience which can not fail to leave some trace, but I am not broken in spirit, quite the contrary, my energies have risen to the occasion. My new work is progressing fast and soon, I hope, you will hear from me more pleasant news.” In fine condition. In August 1892, Tesla moved his lab to 33-35 South Fifth Avenue where he took up the fourth floor; he remained there

for two-and-a-half years before the building burnt down. The New York Times quoted Tesla when reporting on the fire: ‘I am in too much grief to talk. What can I say? The work of half my lifetime, very nearly all my mechanical instruments and scientific apparatus, that it has taken years to perfect, swept away in a fire that lasted only an hour or two. How can I estimate the loss in mere dollars and cents? Everything is gone. I must begin over again.’ He relocated to The Gerlach Hotel—now known as the ‘Radio Wave Building’—where he lived before the end of the century and experimented with radio waves in 1896. Starting Bid $5000

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Alfred Russel Wallace weighs in on the new evolutionary theory

126. Alfred Wallace Autograph Letter Signed. British naturalist, explorer, and biologist (1823–1913) best known for proposing a theory of natural selection which prompted Charles Darwin to publish his own. Important ALS signed “Alfred R. Wallace,” three pages on two adjoining sheets, 4.5 x 7, Corfe View letterhead, August 16, 1891. Handwritten letter to English botanist and taxonomist Maxwell T. Masters, in part: “There does not seem to me to be any difficulty in defining ‘acquired characters’ in the sense used by Weismann. They are,—those changes induced by the action of external conditions on all the individuals exposed to them. Sports, such as your Myosotis, are not due to external conditions acting on the growing or adult organism, because they appear singly or in small numbers, among normal individuals which have been nevertheless exposed to the same external conditions. The question is of course of immense importance for the theory of development. If distinct races can be formed—and ultimately distinct species—by modifying the conditions under which plants or animals live—and careful excluding any selection of sports or of spontaneous individual variations, then Lamarck was right, and we must greatly modify our conception of the mode of evolution. No doubt experiments to prove the point are difficult, but I do not think the difficulties are by any means insuperable.” In fine condition.

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Like most naturalists of the era, Wallace began his scientific career as a believer in the Lamarckian notion that individually acquired characters might be passed along from parents to their progeny. Even Darwin believed that the inheritance of acquired traits could be a source of variation upon which natural selection acted. However, experiments in succeeding years—conducted by the likes of Francis Galton and August Weismann—began to show that this was not to be the case. Weismann became one of the first biologists to deny Lamarck’s ideas entirely. His experiments focused on the inheritance of mutilation: beginning with 68 white mice, he removed their tails repeatedly over the course of five generations. Of the 901 young mice produced, not a single one was born without a tail (or even with a shorter tail). Thus was the death knell of Lamarckism. In this letter, Wallace remains on the cutting edge of evolutionary theory, explaining the difference between acquired traits (which are not inherited) and ‘sports,’ or singular variations, whose characteristics may be. He goes on to suggest that further experiments, under strictly controlled conditions, could prove or disprove the new evolutionary theory once and for all. A remarkable letter on an important scientific subject. Starting Bid $300

“The Neptune machinery now under construction is giving us a very splendid opportunity to perfect our plans for marine machinery, not only main engines and gears but also auxiliaries”

127. George Westinghouse Typed Letter Signed. Engineer and

businessman (1846–1914) best known for the invention of the air brake and for his energetic promotion of AC power distribution. TLS signed “Geo. Westinghouse,” one page, 8 x 10.25, personal letterhead, September 18, 1913. Letter to Captain G. E. Burd of the New York Navy Yard’s Machinery Division, in part: “I understand from Mr. Herr that he is working up a plan of machinery which could be placed in the North Dakota, if it should be decided in the near future to supplant the present Curtis turbines with new machinery. The Neptune machinery now under construction is giving us a very splendid opportunity to perfect our plans for marine machinery, not only main engines and gears but also auxiliaries.” In fine condition, with faint toning and small stains. Starting Bid $200

Religious Figures

128. Pope John Paul II Typed Letter Signed. TLS in Polish, signed “Jan Pawel II,” one page, 5.5 x 8.25, Papal regalia and insignia letterhead, July 24, 1995. Addressed from Castel Gandolfo, a letter to Dr. Grazyna Piekarska, in full (translated): “Thank you for the letter referring to my last visit to Poland and to those matters that require fervent prayers for our homeland and for the whole world. Mother of God is with us, let’s trust! I also entrust the Lady to her protection and with gratitude for remembering me in my prayers.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

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World Leaders

Incredibly rare baseball signed by Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy

129. Volodymyr Zelenskyy Signed Baseball. Official Rawlings Major League (Manfred) baseball signed in black felt tip on a side panel in Ukrainian cursive and English print, “Zelenskyy.” In very fine condition. Accompanied by a transmittal letter signed by Volodymyr Yelchenko, Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations, in part: “Dear Mr. Kaplan, Please find enclosed a baseball, signed by the President of Ukraine, H.E. Mr. Volodymyr Zelenskyy during the visit to New York in September 2019.” Also includes a full letter of authenticity from PSA/DNA. Provenance: The Randy L. Kaplan Collection of Signed Baseballs from World Leaders and Heads of State. Kaplan started collecting baseballs signed by world leaders beginning in the 1990s, and has assembled a unique collection of over 450 examples. Over the years he has sought out such autographs through in-person meetings, book signings, and via diplomatic avenues. The collection has been exhibited at several presidential libraries across the nation, including those of Gerald Ford, Bill Clinton, Lyndon B. Johnson, Herbert Hoover, and Richard Nixon. The collection was also featured on HBO’s Vice News and hundreds of other media outlets across the globe, including the New York Times. His goal is to someday have it exhibited at the United Nations, the National Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown and the Smithsonian Museum of American History in Washington, D.C.

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Once an actor and comedian, Volodymyr Zelenskyy ran in Ukraine’s 2019 presidential election as a political outsider and anti-corruption figure, capturing over 70% of the second-round vote. In many ways, it was a classic episode of life imitating art—he grew popular as the star of the TV show Servant of the People, in which he played a teacher unexpectedly elected as president after a rant against government corruption went viral. Because of his background, many around the world underestimated Zelenskyy’s ability to govern. Now faced with an invasion by Russian forces, Zelenskyy has shown unmatched courage in the face of disaster. He has demonstrated a remarkable commitment to democratic ideals and to the people of Ukraine—offered a special-ops extraction from the besieged Kyiv, he famously replied: ‘The fight is here; I need ammunition, not a ride.’ Zelenskyy has rightfully earned the admiration of friends of liberty around the world, and is poised to go down in history as one of the iconic leaders of the 21st century. Mr. Kaplan plans to donate a portion of his proceeds to a Ukrainian support effort. RR Auction will contribute all of its proceeds (buyer’s premium and seller’s commission) to the same. Starting Bid $1000

Royalty Scarce letter by John Dudley to his nemesis Michael Stanhope, rebuking him for mishandling naval matters for the King 130. John Dudley Letter Signed. English

general, admiral, and politician (1504-1553) who led the government of the young King Edward VI from 1550 until 1553, infamous for his scheme to enthrone his daughter-in-law, Lady Jane Grey; his titles included Viscount Lisle, Earl of Warwick, and 1st Duke of Northumberland. LS signed “John Lisle,” one page both sides, 8 x 12.25, March 6, [c. 1542-1547]. Letter from Alnwick Castle to Michael Stanhope, reprimanding him for mishandling the King’s business in Hull, in particular for having paid out sums which were already paid, including the charges of the ships pressed into His Majesty’s service at Hull. He provides instructions in order to rectify the mistakes, informing Stanhope that the ships he has sent are to be discharged: “Albeit by reason of yll weyther, they have byn so long uppon the Sees that moche of yt, ys split and lytell worthe wherin the kinges mat[jest]ie shalbe a gret loser.” In very good to fine condition, with overall soiling, and partial separation along the hinge. Starting Bid $200

131. King Charles IX of Sweden Letter Signed. King of Sweden (1550-

1611) who reigned from 1604 until his death, and is remembered for championing the Protestant cause amidst a period of religious strife. LS signed “Carolis,” one page, 8.25 x 13, February 15, 1604. Untranslated letter prominently signed at the conclusion by King Charles IX. Retains remnants of the wax and paper seal affixed to the address panel. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

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The Duke of Windsor angrily rebuts allegations in the press: “There exists no law to prevent my returning to my country whenever I wish to do so, but I have remained away out of deference to my brother in order to leave the field clear for him to establish himself on the throne”

132. King Edward VIII Typed Letter Signed. Historic

TLS signed “Edward,” two pages, 7.5 x 9.5, 24 Boulevard Souchet letterhead, March 13, 1939. Letter to newspaper publisher and politician Lord Beaverbrook, disputing allegations put forth in the press in the years following his abdication. In part: “I feel it both important and urgent to draw your attention to the comments on the Duchess and myself which appeared in the Londoner’s Log of yesterday’s issue of the ‘Sunday Express’...it contains two definite misstatements which are not only misleading to your readers, but confuse the whole situation...Of course you know as well as I do, that it is for no other reason than for fear lest the attitude my mother and sister-in-law seem likely to adopt towards my wife may provoke some controversy in England and adverse criticism of them in America, that I have been advised to postpone our projected visit to England this Spring, until after the King and Queen’s official journey to Canada and the United States. In accordance with the policy of playing my brother’s game, I have agreed to another postponement, but, believe me, for the last time.” Edward makes a couple handwritten corrections to the text.

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Includes the enclosed typescript, quoting two passages from the ‘Londoner’s Log’ in question and responding to them in an irritated manner: he comments on his ‘exile’ in France (“there exists no law to prevent my returning to my country whenever I wish to do so, but I have remained away out of deference to my brother in order to leave the field clear for him to establish himself on the throne, which it is admitted he has succeeded in doing”) and the idea that he would return to England if his wife were accorded the title of Royal Highness (“naturally the matter of witholding [sic] the title of Royal Highness from the Duchess is an insult...whatever may be the behaviour of Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth towards the Duchess, it would in no way affect any plans we might make for going to England”). In fine condition, with two file holes and lightly trimmed edges, a rusty paperclip impression to the upper left, and uniform toning to the typescript enclosure. A fascinating and insightful letter, expounding on some of the strife within the royal family in the years after King Edward VIII’s controversial abdication. Starting Bid $500

Historic correspondence written amidst “the final acts of this tragic farce”—the day King Edward VIII signed the Instrument of Abdication

133. King Edward VIII: Samuel Hoare Autograph Letter Signed. British Conservative politician (1880-1959) who served in various cabinet posts throughout the 1920s and 1930s, including First Lord of the Admiralty during the reign of Edward VIII. ALS signed “Sam,” one page both sides, 7 x 9, December 10, 1936. Handwritten letter to newspaper publisher and politician Lord Beaverbrook (“Dear Max”), written on the day that King Edward VIII signed the Instrument of Abdication. In part: “I have not telephoned or come round today or yesterday as I was, on your advice, sitting back in the final acts of this tragic farce. It was clear to me yesterday that the denouement was inevitable. I tried my best to the end to make renunciation possible, but the King would not move an inch. To what depths can folly descend! In any case I am glad and grateful that another crisis brought us together again.” In very good to fine condition, with staple holes and paperclip impressions, mounting remnants to the top edge, and splitting to the end of the central horizontal fold. Starting Bid $200

Exquisite royal portraits dating to the Queen’s 1953 coronation 135. Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip Signed Photographs. Exceptional pair of vintage

7.25 x 9.5 matte-finish portraits of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip, taken in 1953, individually signed on their original studio mounts in fountain pen, “Elizabeth R, 1953” and “Philip, 1953.” Both are individually matted to overall sizes of 11 x 13.75 and 11 x 14.25. The backing of the Elizabeth photo features a Wilding studio label numbered “015957J,” and the Philip backing bears a Baron Studios label and copyright stamp. In overall fine condition.Starting Bid $300

Hundreds of more items are listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 43

Written by the queen, signed by the princess, and addressed to the ‘Father of British Pediatrics’—the earliest autograph of “Lilibet” that we have seen

134. Queen Elizabeth II Letter Signed as a 4-Year-Old .

Incredibly rare, early LS in pencil signed “Lilibet” by 4-year-old Elizabeth II, who dictated the message for her mother, Queen Elizabeth, to write out and send to Dr. George Frederic Still, a prominent pediatrician who was granted physician to the royal household and Knight Commander of the Victorian Order by King George VI. The two-page letter, 4.5 x 7, dated December 26, 1930, written neatly in pencil on royal Sandringham, Norfolk letterhead, reads: “Dear Doctor Still, I loved my dolly that had a sqeak [sic] in her tummy. Thank you for my lovely

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dolly, and we laughed at the squeak so much. Did you have a nice Xmas.” The queen adds at the bottom: “A dictated letter!” In fine condition. One item, two queens—an astounding letter from the royal family, one cannot help but visualize mother and daughter putting pencil to paper in adorable collaboration. Undoubtedly the earliest signature of Elizabeth II that we have seen or offered. Starting Bid $1000

military Lafayette pens a political letter, praising a newly elected deputy: “Your principals, your character, and your ideas will sustain the same good cause and will guarantee for them a deputy worthy of them”

343. Marquis de Lafayette Autograph Letter Signed.

ALS signed “Lafayette,” one page, 7.25 x 8.75, September 18, 1830. Handwritten letter from Paris to “de Las Cases,” a politician and the son of Emmanuel, comte de Las Cases, author of an admiring book about Napoleon, Le Mémorial de SainteHélène [The Memorial of Saint Helena]. In part (translated): “You write to me my dear young friend that electors from Breton have proposed that you fill a vacancy to become a deputy. I congratulate you and I congratulate them because they have made an excellent choice. Your principals, your character, and your ideas will sustain the same good cause and will guarantee for them a deputy worthy of them.” In fine condition, with light toning along the left edge. Starting Bid $200

344. Marquis de Lafayette Autograph Letter Signed. ALS in French, signed “Lafayette,” one page, 7 x 5, December 3, 1813. An untranslated handwritten letter of recommendation. Affixed to a slightly larger mount and in very good to fine condition, with overall foxing, and light toning from prior display. Starting Bid $200

Hundreds of more items are listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 45

Four days before attacking Fort Sumter, States Rights Gist relocates South Carolina’s troops to Charleston

345. States Rights Gist Letter Signed. Confederate of-

ficer named for his family’s ardent political views (1831-1864) who served under W.H.T. Walker at Vicksburg, Chickamauga, and Atlanta, and was killed in action after being shot at the Battle of Franklin. LS signed “States R. Gist, Adj. & Insp. Gen’l of So. Ca.,” two pages on two adjoining sheets, 7.75 x 9.75, State of South Carolina Head Quarters letterhead, April 8, 1861. Sent just four days before the attack on Fort Sumter, an order to Colonel Johnson Hagood, commander of the 1st Regiment of South Carolina Volunteers. In full: “You are hereby ordered to repair without delay to the city of Charleston with the 1st Regiment of S.C. Volunteers under your command. You will observe secret order of April 6th ult. in relation to arms & equipment—You are authorized to make any & all necessary arrangements for the prompt transportation of you command to this place. You will direct your Commissary & Quartermaster to repair to this place, to make arrangements for the proper reception of the Regiment. You will use a large discretion

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and act in shortest possible time. Report to the officer your progress in the execution of this order.” In fine condition, with three file holes to the left edge. This is an amazing manuscript from the start of the Civil War—the Confederacy, in its infancy, moves troops into place as their attack of Fort Sumter looms just days away. It is the first full name Gist signature we have encountered—he typically signed as “S. R. Gist”—and it appears on a most important document. In January 1861, after South Carolina had seceded from the Union on December 20, 1860, the new governor Francis Pickens appointed Gist as state adjutant and inspector general. In this capacity, Gist acquired weapons and mobilized military manpower throughout the state. He also briefly oversaw operations in preparation for the state’s occupation of the harbor of Charleston and the federal Fort Sumter. Starting Bid $500

World War II Patches 346. Omar Bradley Typed Letter Signed with Signature on a Twelfth Army Group Card.

Two items: a World War II-dated TLS signed “Omar N. Bradley,” one page, 8 x 10.5, War Department letterhead, August 13, 1945, addressed to admirer Faith Senglaub, in part: “I returned from Europe a short while ago and am now about to assume my new duties as Veterans Administrator...I haven’t any 12th Army Group shoulder patches at my disposal...However, I am sending you an autographed card, which contains a facsimile of our Group patch.” Included with the letter is the referenced “Twelfth Army Group” card, 5 x 3.5, which Bradley has signed neatly in fountain pen. In overall fine condition. Accompanied by their original mailing envelope. Starting Bid $200

348. Joseph Stilwell, Jr. ALS and (2) WWII Patches. Two World War II-dated shoulder

patches presented by Col. Joseph Stilwell, Jr. to admirer Faith Senglaub: a 2.25 x 3.25 shield patch of the China Burma India (CBI) Theater, and a 2.5˝ patch of the Army Ground Forces (AGF), the latter of which originates from the collection of his father, General Joseph Stilwell. The CBI patch is accompanied by a transmittal ALS signed “J. W. Stilwell, Jr., Col.–Inf.,” dated May 24, 1945, which features Stilwell explaining the patch’s design. The AGF patch is accompanied by a transmittal letter from Major Carl G. Arnold, dated June 29, 1945, who writes: “Colonel Stilwell has asked that I send you one of General Stilwell’s patches.” In overall fine condition. Accompanied by their original mailing envelopes. Starting Bid $200

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349. Jean Lannes Document Signed. One of Napoleon’s marshals who was a close personal friend, renowned as one of the most daring and talented generals in the French army (1769–1809). Sought-after manuscript DS, in French, signed “Lannes,” one page, 8 x 12.5, August 30, 1805. Untranslated military order issued by Marshal Lannes as commandant in the Grande Armée. The red wax seal affixed at the bottom is cracked but mostly intact. In very good to fine condition, with heavy intersecting folds and light foxing. Starting Bid $200

Napoleon talks coastal fortifications with his Minister of War

350. Napoleon Letter Signed. LLS in French, signed “Nap,” one page both sides, 7.25 x 8.75, August 28, 1811. Letter to

his Minister of War, Henri Jacques Guillaume Clarke, regarding military strategies for parts of his empire, in part: “I approve the project of the Engineering Committee for the pentagonal fort of the island of Goree…This fort will bear the name of Tromp... This fort renders useless all the gun emplacements of Goedereskdiep. As for Springersdiep, I wish to know how big it is: can vessels of war enter it—in which case, would a battery be useful there?” In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

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393. Charles and Anne Lindbergh Signed Book. Signed book: North to the Orient by Anne

Morrow Lindbergh. First edition. NY: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1935. Hardcover with dust jacket, 5.75 x 8.25, 255 pages. Signed on the halftitle page in fountain pen, “Charles A. Lindbergh, Englewood–1935” and “Anne Morrow Lindbergh.” Autographic condition: fine. Book condition: VG/G, with minor ex-library markings (label to spine and stamps to textblock edges), edgewear, light toning to endpapers, and several large chips and tears to dust jacket, and clipped dust jacket flaps. Starting Bid $200

394. Orville Wright Signed Photograph. Iconic 6 x 4.5 cardstock photo of the Wright Brothers’ first flight, captioned at the bottom ‘First Man-Flight, December 17, 1903, Kitty Hawk, N. C.,” signed in the lower left in fountain pen by Orville Wright. Double-matted and framed to an overall size of 11.5 x 10.5. In fine condition. Originates from the collection of Caroline Norton. Starting Bid $300

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Wright approves a 1927 “Airplane” license to a fellow aviation pioneer 395. Orville Wright Signed Sporting License. United

States of America “Annual Sporting License,” number 286, issued to Clarence M. Young by the Federation Aeronautique Internationale for the year of 1927, two pages, measuring 5 x 4 open, signed at the bottom of the left side by Orville Wright as the contest committee chairman. License is filled out in type, authorizing Young for “Type of Aircraft: Airplane,” and bears an affixed 1 x 1.25 portrait of Young. In fine condition. Col. Clarence M. Young was a renowned aviation pioneer (18891973) who was issued the second flying U.S. Civil Air license in history. Young was President Herbert Hoover’s aviation secretary, the architect of the Federal airways system, and he appeared on the front cover of Time magazine in 1932. Starting Bid $200

space exploration

400. Moonwalkers (11) Signed Lithograph.

Coveted limited edition color 30 x 24.25 lithograph entitled ‘Moonwalkers,’ numbered 286/1000, signed in felt tip by eleven of the twelve moonwalkers: Buzz Aldrin, Alan Bean, Charles Conrad, Alan Shepard, Edgar Mitchell, Jim Irwin, Dave Scott, Charlie Duke, John Young, Gene Cernan, and Harrison Schmitt. Also signed by the artist, Ron Lewis. Attractively double-matted and framed with patches of each successful moon-landing mission to an overall size of 39.5 x 37. In very fine condition. A very difficult-to-obtain collection of sought-after astronaut signatures on a single item. Starting Bid $300

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Gemini: America’s Historic Walk in Space, signed by White and McDivitt 401. Gemini 4: White and McDivitt Signed Book. Signed

book: Gemini: America’s Historic Walk in Space. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1965. Hardcover, 8.75 x 11.25. Signed on a page with their portrait in blue ballpoint, “Edward H. White II,” and black felt tip, “James A. McDivitt.” In very good to fine condition, with cover wear, slightly loose spine, and minor paper loss to the bottom edges of the first pages (including the signed page). A desirable pairing of large and bold signatures from the historic Gemini IV crew. Starting Bid $200

Original X-ray of the first boots to walk on the moon

402. Neil Armstrong EVA Spacesuit Boots X-Ray. Highly desirable original NASA X-ray of Apollo 11 astronaut Neil Armstrong’s EVA spacesuit boots, 14 x 17, with upper area dated to July 7, 1969, and numbered “050.” The X-ray was taken at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center as a last-minute check to discern the presence of any foreign objects capable of compromising the integrity of Armstrong’s pressure suit, such as needle tips broken off during the suit fabrication and stitching process. These X-rays were taken and inspected by Jack Weakland, who worked in the NASA X-ray Lab from 1968 to 1979, and who stored them during and after the Apollo program. Sometime later the agency determined they were no longer needed and permitted Weakland to keep them. The X-ray is impressively mounted within a backlit frame, measuring 18.5 x 22.75, with functional on/ off switch to bottom edge. In fine condition. Accompanied by an AC adaptor. Starting Bid $300

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Mission-critical X-ray of Armstrong’s spacesuit connections, taken days before the launch of Apollo 11 403. Neil Armstrong Pre-Flight Spacesuit (Torso) X-Ray. Original one-of-a-kind 17 x 14 X-ray

of a portion of Neil Armstrong’s A7L spacesuit torso showing the neck ring and the suit’s PLSS and OPS inlets, dated July 7, 1969, only nine days before the launch of Apollo 11. This X-ray was taken at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center as a last-minute check to see if any foreign objects were present that could compromise the integrity of Armstrong’s pressure suit, such as broken off needle tips used in the suit fabrication and stitching process. These X-rays were taken and inspected by Jack Weakland, who worked in the NASA X-ray Lab from 1968 to 1979, and who stored them during and after the Apollo program. Sometime later the agency determined they were no longer needed and permitted Weakland to keep them. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

Frangible nut used on the Space Shuttle Discovery during STS-103 404. STS-103 Flown Propellant Line Shear Frangible Nut. Both halves of a frangible nut from the External Tank

(ET) umbilical plate of Space Shuttle Discovery flown on STS103, measuring approximately 1.75” x 2” x 1”, marked with part numbers: “SKD26100099-201, 11-93, 51998-00062-HRJ” and “S/N 065.” Frangible nuts are designed to be explosively split apart in order to sever mechanical connections, and are most well-known for their use in the jettison of Solid Rocket Boosters (SRB). Prior to orbital insertion, they were also used for separation of the two aft structural attachments of the External Tank and the disconnection of the Liquid Hydrogen (LH2) and the Liquid Oxygen (LO2) umbilical plates. The attach bolts were driven by the explosive force of NASA Standard Detonators (NSDs). The nuts and all residual pieces of the NSDs were caught in a cover assembly within the Shuttle. This flown frangible nut, used on STS-103, is visually intriguing due to the ‘puzzle piece’ nature of the corresponding jagged edges. Originates from the collection of a retired NASA Astronaut and includes a signed letter of provenance. Starting Bid $200

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art, architecture, and design 433. Francis Bacon TwiceSigned Book. Twice-signed

book: Francis Bacon by John Russell (German language edition). Berlin, Germany: Propylaen Verlag, 1972. Hardcover, 8 x 10.5, 126 pages. Signed and inscribed on the title page in black ink, “For Charlie, with all best wishes, Francis Bacon,” and then again on a page showing his 1970 ‘Self Portrait’ painting, “All my best wishes and love, Francis Bacon.” In fine condition, with light toning to the dust jacket. Starting Bid $200

434. Antonio Canova Autograph Letter Signed. Italian sculptor (1757–1822) known for his neoclassical marble nudes. Uncommon ALS in Italian, one page, 7.25 x 9.5, October 12, 1811. Handwritten letter to Dominico Selva of the House of Papadopoli, regarding financial payments involving his brother. Addressed on the reverse in Canova’s hand. In very good to fine condition, with some light staining, and repaired paper loss to the edges. Starting Bid $200

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Degas visits the atelier of a “master”

435. Edgar Degas Autograph Letter Signed. ALS in French, signed “Degas,” one page both sides, 4.5 x 7, [February 3, 1884, dated in another hand]. Handwritten letter to the sculptor Albert Bartholomé, in full: “I couldn’t go to Mrs. Kaley because we had dinner so late at the house of the Ratowsky that I could not leave my mouth till full only at about 10:30. So I will go and see your wife expressly. I also missed Clemenceau on Sunday I went to the Atelier. I could only go to the Atelier around 3. Too late to be authorized to enter with the cards that were sent by the master. There had been a luncheon with Coquet also with the friends of the painter and I also missed it. What an incredible heat within that place. See you later. You are too good a friend to me.” In fine condition. A fascinating letter that connects the worlds of art and politics—Clemenceau, who would go on to serve as prime minister and played an important role in World War I, was a longtime friend and supporter of the impressionist painter Claude Monet. Though it is unclear which “master” Degas is referencing in this letter, it was undoubtedly one of his fellow great painters of the era. A boldly penned, fantastic letter from the celebrated Impressionist. Starting Bid $300

436. Edvard Grieg Autograph Letter Signed. ALS in

German, one page, 5.25 x 3, April 18, 1881. Addressed from Bergen, Norway, a handwritten letter to concert organizer Carl Liebers, who used the well-known Musikkhandel Huss & Beer in Stockholm, Sweden, as his postal address. In the letter, Grieg conveys his regret that he has a completely full program. Addressed on the reverse by Grieg. In very good to fine condition, with light staining along the right edge. Grieg was only 28 years old at the time he wrote this letter, but, in spite of his youth and as he indicates, he was already a sought-after composer and orchestra leader who traveled all over Europe. Starting Bid $200

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437. Wassily Kandinsky Autograph Letter Signed.

Pioneering Russian artist (1866–1944) who takes a place among the seminal figures in the development of abstract art. ALS in German, signed “W. Kandinsky,” penned on the reverse of a 5.5 x 3.5 postal cover, October 16, 1922. A handwritten letter to German painter and graphic artist Waldemar Eckertz (1878-1947), in full (translated): “Come and visit us when convenient. We are here, and looking forward to seeing you and your wife.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

Rodin prices his works, including a “seated woman combing her hair,” “the fawn and the woman,” and bronze miniatures

438. Auguste Rodin Autograph Letter Signed. ALS in French, signed “A. Rodin,” two pages on two adjoining sheets,

5.25 x 8.25, Exposition A. Rodin, Place de l’Alma letterhead, no date. Handwritten letter discussing his sculptures and their potential sale, while also referring to the painter and printmaker Paul-Albert Besnard. In part (translated): “The price of my seated woman combing her hair having good and bad angels on her side, the good angel approaching closer and the bad who is veiled is pushing her with more strength is of fourteen thousand francs. It is the first time I drew this composition and I do not give it as a piece that will not perhaps be renewed, but in very few copies. Then I have another who is the fawn and the woman for 3,000 francs and the bronze diminutions for 500 francs. I am always in great gratitude and renewed gratefulness for all this proof of your constant friendship and that of Besnard. I hope that I will be able to show one day that my friendship is worthy of yours.” In fine condition. A fantastic letter discussing one of his works in great detail, penned by the sculptor on scarce letterhead advertising one of his exhibitions. Starting Bid $200

Hundreds of more items are listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 55

A particularly large soup can sketch

439. Andy Warhol Signed Sketch. Highly desirable original signed felt tip sketch of a Campbell’s soup can accomplished

by Warhol on a light brown 7 x 9.25 sheet of cardboard, neatly signed under the drawing, “Andy Warhol.” Impressively cornermounted, suede-matted, and framed with a portrait and nameplate to an overall size of 23 x 19.25. In very fine condition. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from Beckett Authentication Services. Starting Bid $300

Large signed Warhol poster of the great Muhammad Ali 440. Andy Warhol Signed Poster of Muhammad Ali. Attractive color 23.75 x 29.75 poster entitled ‘Muhammad Ali by Andy Warhol,’ which depicts the former heavyweight champion boxer with a serious face and two raised fists, signed in the lower border in black felt tip by Warhol. Framed and in fine condition, with two cracked corners to the frame. Originates from the family collection of Hollywood legend Kirk Douglas. Starting Bid $200

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Like father, like son, like grandson— a Wyeth family reunion

441. The Wyeth Family (6) Signed Items. Desirable lot of six items signed by a member of the illustrious Wyeth family painters— N. C., Andrew, and Jamie. These include: Uncommon ALS from N. C. Wyeth, one page, 6.25 x 7.25, personal letterhead, November 14, 1930. Handwritten letter ordering from a catalog. Original sketch by Andrew Wyeth of a young girl in profile, accomplished in pencil on an off-white 7.75 x 5.75 sheet: “For Juli, from Andy.” Ink signature and inscription, “New Year greetings to Lincoln, with love, Andy,” that has been matted with a photo of a Wyeth nude entitled ‘Beauty Mark HS,’ the reverse of which bears his stamp; consignor notes that this photo derived from Wyeth’s own personal collection and was sent directly to the recipient. The half-title page from the Andrew Wyeth book First Impressions: “For Lincoln, with love, Andy, This is not the book of hours, but the book of horrors.” Color 24.25 x 21 lithograph of an Andrew Wyeth painting entitled ‘The Sauna,’ signed: “Andrew Wyeth, 32.” Color 6.5 x 4.75 postcard photo of Jamie Wyeth’s painting entitled ‘Wicker,’ signed and inscribed in black felt tip, “For Frank Sanders, Jamie Wyeth.” Each item is individually and archivally framed under non-glare museum-quality glass with acid-free matting, ranging in size from 11 x 9.25 to 32.5 x 29. In overall fine condition, with staining to the Andrew Wyeth ballpoint sketch.Starting Bid $500

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comic art and animation 456. Walt Disney Signature (Autograph Album). Vintage ballpoint signature, “Walt

Disney,” on an off-white 4.5 x 2.25 slip affixed inside in a 6 x 4.25 autograph album with pages signed by a handful of athletes, playwrights, and movie stars, including Clark Gable, Bing Crosby, Shelley Winters, George Raft, and other 1950s American, British, and Australian celebrities and sportsmen, such as Carroll Levis, Charles Courtney, Jr., Fred Winter, Sir Lewis Casson and Daughter Ann Casson, Ray Lindwall, Denis Compton, Godfrey Evans,and Lawrence Donegan Hills. In very good condition, with glue staining affecting only appearance. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from Beckett Authentication Services. Starting Bid $200

MAD magazine’s ‘Sex & Dating’ front cover, a classic original oil painting by Richard Williams 457. MAD Magazine: Richard Williams Original Painting for the ‘Sex & Dating’ Front Cover. Amazing

original painting by artist Richard Williams for the front cover of MAD Magazine’s ‘Sex & Dating’ Super Special issue from November 1993, which depicts a beautiful blonde woman sticking her tongue into the ear of magazine mascot Alfred E. Neuman, from whose other ear, and much to his delight, the wiggling tongue emerges. Expertly accomplished in oil paint on 13.75 x 17.75 artist board, which is signed in lower right in paint, “R. A. Williams.” Framed without glass and in very fine condition. Accompanied by a copy of the ‘Sex & Dating’ issue, which is signed in felt tip by Williams, a copy of a letter of authenticity from Williams, and a letter of provenance from the consignor. Starting Bid $300

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475. Andre Breton Hand-Corrected Typescript. Hand-corrected typescript draft in French by Andre Breton for an article

entitled “La Paix par Nous-Mêmes [Peace by Ourselves],” four pages, 8 x 10.5, no date but circa late 1940s. Breton begins by paraphrasing Charles Fourier, saying (translated): “The terrible events which marked the first part of the twentieth century are only trifles according to those who prepare. The world is approaching a catastrophe of such an order that one can hope that its mere apprehension will be enough to impose perpetual peace. There is nothing excessive in interpreting in this way both the repeated cry of alarm from atomic scientists and the irresistible mass movement triggered by the symbolic gesture of Garry Davis,” a peace activist who famously gave up U.S. citizenship in 1948 and declared himself a ‘citizen of the world.’ Breton quotes Albert Einstein, to affirm the need to “change our way of thinking” and “remake human understanding,” despite “conformisms from left and right,” to move towards “the reorganization of humanity on a organic level,” and eradicate “this drunken and still bloodthirsty nationalism…this rival imperialism of coca-cola and denatured Marxism.” Breton makes several handwritten corrections throughout the text. In fine condition, with slight corner creasing. A timely article from the important Surrealist thinker on the matter of world peace. Starting Bid $200

477. Maxim Gorky Signed Postcard. Important Russian writer (1868–1936),

who was a founder of the socialist realism literary method. Scarce color 3.5 x 5.5 postcard of an artist’s rendition of fishermen in the Gulf of Napoli, neatly signed and inscribed in ink in Cyrillic by Maxim Gorky. In very good to fine condition, with light soiling and a small corner crease. Starting Bid $200

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Sought-after first edition of The Hound of the Baskervilles, paired with a fine Conan Doyle signature 476. Arthur Conan Doyle Signature and ‘Hound of the Baskervilles’ First Edition. Fantastic pairing

of two items: a choice ink signature, “Yours truly, Arthur Conan Doyle, May 3/10,” on an off-white 5 x 3 card, encapsulated and graded by PSA/DNA as “MINT 9”; and a first edition, first issue of his classic Sherlock Holmes book The Hound of the Baskervilles, hardcover, 5 x 7.5, 359 pages, published in 1902 by George Newnes of London. Bound in the publisher’s red pictorial cloth gilt, with points of issue including ‘you’ for ‘your’ on page 13, line 3. All 16 illustration plates by Sidney Paget are present. Autographic condition: very fine. Book condition: VG/None, with minor rubbing to boards, scattered foxing to textblock, and a small ownership inscription to first free end page. Starting Bid $200

478. Victor Hugo Autograph Letter Signed. ALS in French, one page,

4 x 5.25, May 15, [no date]. Fabulous untranslated handwritten letter by the illustrious author. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

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479. Victor Hugo Autograph Letter Signed. ALS in French, signed “Vr Hugo,” one page, 4.75 x 7.25, March 16, no year. An untranslated handwritten letter, which has also been addressed on the reverse of the second integral page by Hugo. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

Rare early signed printing of Tagore’s only work published in English and Bengali

481. Rabindranath Tagore Signed Book. Bengali and English-language signed book: Lekhan [Jottings]. Berlin, Germany. 1927. Hardcover with gilt titling to spine and front cover, 6 x 8.75. Signed in fountain pen on an opening page in Bengali by Rabindranath Tagore; the same page bears Tagore’s printed signature, and the adjacent page is inscribed by an unknown hand. Autographic condition: fine. Book condition: VG-/None, with slight rubbing to boards, bumped corners, and light edgewear. This exceedingly rare and early publication of Lekhan was printed in the poet’s own handwriting with special ink and the use of aluminum plates. Starting Bid $200

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480. Bram Stoker Autograph Letter Signed.

ALS, two pages on two adjoining sheets, 5 x 8, Henry Irving’s Fourth American Tour letterhead, November 13, 1893. Handwritten letter apologizing for an error, in part: “As to the notes I found that Mr. Howson made a mistake & attended to some other letter which he had got on the same day. How he did this I am unable to understand but I deeply regret that any…error should have been made especially under the circumstances.” In fine condition, with a few light creases. Starting Bid $200

Rare English letter by Ivan Turgenev to Norwegian-American author Hjalmar H. Boyesen

482. Ivan Turgenev Autograph Letter Signed. Rare ALS in English, signed “Iv. Tourgueneff,” one page both sides, 3.5 x 4.5, April 15, 1882. Handwritten letter to Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen, an author and college professor remembered for his novel Gunnar: A Tale of Norse Life. In full: “This letter will be forwarded to you by a great friend of mine, Professor M. Kowalefski of Moscow. He has the intention to remain in America for three or four months, and I recommend you as warmly as possible this very amiable and intelligent man, so as to render him his sojourn in your fatherland agreeable and useful.” In fine condition. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope addressed in Turgenev’s hand, and a letter from Harvard University librarian William A. Jackson, noting: “It is the first Turgenev letter I have seen written in English. Normally he wrote as you know in French or Russian.” Starting Bid $300

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music 522. Edvard Grieg Autograph Letter Signed. ALS in German, two pages on two

adjoining sheets, 4.5 x 7.25, January 12, 1898. Addressed from Leipzig, a handwritten letter to William, in part (translated): “Writing you a few words in a hurry. Please get the photos to your colleague. The new one for the ‘little buffalo’. The second for Mrs. Grey (the nurse). The third to Mr. Tellett (if correctly sent) — the business partner of Mr. Vert. And finally the fourth...in fact, there are only three! I hope, with all your luck, you don’t forget your fellow men. No, you have absolutely no talent for that.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

A year after its debut, Puccini pens four bars from his operatic masterpiece, Madama Butterfly 523. Giacomo Puccini Autograph Musical Quotation Signed. Superb AMQS on an off-white 6.5 x

3 sheet signed prominently in fountain pen, “Giacomo Puccini, London 23 Oct. 1905,” with Puccini boldly adding four bars of music from his classic three-act opera Madama Butterfly, titling it above, “Butterfly.” Doublematted and framed to an overall size of 12 x 13. In fine condition. Accompanied by a vintage sheet music booklet for Puccini’s La Boheme, published by G. Ricordi & Co., in 1912. A much desired musical quote from the Italian composer, whose masterful Madama Butterfly—now the sixth most performed opera in the world—had its premiere the year prior. Starting Bid $200

Hundreds of more items are listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 63

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Immensely rare church cantata fragment by Johann Sebastian Bach— a dark, dramatic meditation on human suffering 521. Johann Sebastian Bach Autograph Musical Manuscript. Remarkable autograph musical manuscript by

Johann Sebastian Bach, one page both sides, 7.75 x 6.25, no date but circa 1728, being a fragment from the church cantata Ich habe meine Zuversicht (BWV 188). This section is the lower half of folio 17 of the original manuscript, comprising bars 59b-66 and 73-76 of the 4th movement, scored for alto with cello and organ obbligato, on four systems of four handdrawn staves. The present fragment comprises 11½ bars from the conclusion of the movement, including the words “…Seinen führt, unerforschlich ist die Weise, Wie der Herr die Seinen führt, unerforschlich ist die Weise, Wie…” The piece has been inlaid in a larger sheet and encapsulated in archival mylar; the lower stave is in very good condition with minor ink acidification, while the upper system is affected by heavy ink corrosion causing a number of cracks and losses, reinforced with early archival film (now toned). Displayed in a handsome custom-made blue morocco portfolio, with only the attractive lower half displayed. Most likely composed for October 17, 1728 (or possibly November 6, 1729), BMV 188 is a cantata for the 21st Sunday after Trinity and uses text drawn from Picander. Bach wrote the piece in the key of E minor, which he frequently associated with the crucifixion. The ensemble is made up of four voices, two oboes, viola, organo obbligato and basso continuo. In the fourth movement, the dramatic heart of the cantata, the text “Unerforschlich ist die Weise” (“The ways of the Lord are past understanding,” a meditation on the cross and human suffering) is elaborated as a dark, expressive aria for alto voice set against a virtuoso organ obbligato. Bach’s original manuscript for BMV 188 has suffered more vicissitudes than most, with the first 10 of the 18 leaves being lost at an early date (probably before the 1827 auction of the estate of Wilhelm Friedemann Bach), taking with them the great majority of the first movement. The remaining leaves are now

widely scattered, with four leaves being cut up (as here) into two or even three pieces. Although the resulting fragments are now located in ten holdings in eight countries, they are nevertheless sufficiently continuous to enable the 2nd to 5th movements to be reconstituted. The present fragment, which comprises the lower half of fol. 17, is identified in the “Kritischer Bericht” of the Neue Bach-Ausgabe [New Bach Edition] as A14 (“unbekannter Privatbesitz”). The same source notes that the marked ink acidification which has affected the upper half of the present fragment is typical of the dismembered leaves, and is in part a result of the dense compositional script of the composer, in this instance with many tripletised semi-quavers. Provenance: The autograph score of BWV 188 is thought to have been among a group of manuscripts inherited by Bach’s impecunious eldest son, Wilhelm Friedemann, and sold by him at auction in 1774. Parts of the Wilhelm Friedemann Bach estate were again auctioned in 1827, being acquired by the inventor and collector Carl Philipp Heinrich Pistor (1778-1847). Pistor’s manuscripts were inherited by his son-in-law, Adolf Friedrich Rudorff (1803-73), from whom they passed to the musicologist Friedrich Wilhelm Jähns (1809-88). The present leaf was one of four acquired from Jähns by the Viennese collector Gustav Petter (1828-68), who is thought to have been responsible for their dismemberment. The last owner of the present fragment traced by the “Kritischer Bericht” is Nora Kluge (née von Hase) of Lübeck, wife of the composer and musicologist Manfred Kluge (1928-71), probably inherited from her grandfather, Oskar von Hase (1846-1921), proprietor of the music publishers Breitkopf & Härtel. Sold at auction at Christie’s, 4 November 1981, lot 144, when it passed into the collection of the Canadian chemist and physician Frederick Lewis Maitland Pattison (1923-2010; his bookplate on the portfolio’s inside front cover); sold again at Christie’s, 20 May 2014, lot 15. See: Neue Bach-Ausgabe (1997), Kritischer Bericht, A14. Starting Bid $50000

Hundreds of more items are listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 65

524. Sergei Rachmaninoff Typed Letter Signed. TLS signed “S. Rach-

maninoff,” one page, 8.25 x 11, July 26, 1933. Letter to “Mnazelle,” in part: “I did not write you for a very long time. That is true and I am very sorry. But you can not imagine all the troubles, worries and disappointments a Swiss Bürger has. To understand is to forgive, so I hope you shall forgive me. As a reward I send you two pictures, one of my new grandson, and the other of my new house, which I hope you shall visit next year.” In fine condition, with three binder holes along the right edge. Starting Bid $200

Clear, well-spaced Beatles autographs from 1965

525. Beatles Signatures. Early 1965 ballpoint signatures of the Beatles—John Lennon, George Harrison, Paul McCartney, and Ringo Starr—on a light blue 8 x 5 sheet. In very good to fine condition, with light creasing, and a split to one of the intersecting folds impinging on Lennon’s first name. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from Tracks and by a letter from the daughter of the original recipient, which reads: “My name is Karin, I live in Norway, and I have had this item since 1965. It was my father that got it, and he gave it to me. I think it was in 1965, and I was 15 years old. He travelled a lot in his job, and he told me that he became friends with a person close to the members in the Beatles, and that person collected the item and gave it to him.” Starting Bid $1000

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Exceedingly rare 1965 poster for the Beatles at Shea Stadium 526. Beatles 1965 Shea Stadium Poster. Fantastic original concert poster advertising the Beatles concert at Shea Stadium on August 15, 1965, 11 x 17, billing other shows throughout the summer featuring artists such as Herman’s Hermits, the Dave Clark 5, The Kinks and Moody Blues, Phil Ochs, Chuck Berry, and Johnny Cash. The simple poster is printed with bold black lettering on heavyweight cardstock. In very good to fine condition, with light spotting and dampstaining to the upper right. Designed as generic ‘throwaway’ posters, these are extremely rare today. The legendary Beatles show at Shea Stadium went on to break records for attendance and revenue, and today is still considered one of the greatest concerts of all time. Starting Bid $300

“I am well aware that I am not the easiest person to work with” 527. Beatles: Brian Epstein Typed Letter Signed. TLS, one page, 7 x 9, personal letterhead, August 1, 1966. Letter to his secretary, Sue Hindmarsh, in full: “This is just a note to say how much I appreciated your helping out last week and also to thank you for the excellence and efficency [sic] of your work. I am well aware that I am not the easiest person to work with and usually take some time to get used to. I was agreeably surprised at your being so adept.” In fine condition. Accompanied by the original envelope and by a certificate of authenticity from Tracks. Starting Bid $200

Hundreds of more items are listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 67

528. Beatles: Paul McCartney Signed Photograph. Glossy 8 x 9.5 publicity

photo of Paul McCartney for the 1984 film Give My Regards to Broad Street, signed in black felt tip, “Good Luck! all the best, Paul McCartney, 5. 4. 86.” In fine condition, with a neatly trimmed bottom edge. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from Tracks. Starting Bid $200

529. Bob Dylan Signed Giclee Print: ‘Cassandra – Portfolio’. Limited edition color 22 x 26.5 giclee print entitled ‘Cassandra – Portfolio,’ numbered 151/295, signed in the lower right corner in pencil, “Bob Dylan.” Published as part of The Drawn Blank Series, Washington Green/Black Buffalo Artworks, 2010. Rolled and in fine condition. Accompanied by the original folder and by a certificate of authenticity from Washington Green Fine Art. Dylan’s popular Drawn Blank art series—a visual autobiography capturing his life on the road—colorfully portrays the people and places he has encountered over the course of his ‘Never Ending Tour.’ Starting Bid $200

530. Elton John and Bernie Taupin Signed Album. Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy album by Elton John, signed on the inner gatefold in blue ballpoint by John and Bernie Taupin. In fine condition, with a printing imperfection to the front cover, passing through John’s image. The record is included. A desirable album boasting vintage signatures from the beloved song-writing duo. Starting Bid $200

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Scarce oversized portrait signed by Elvis Presley

532. Elvis Presley Signed Photograph. Scarce oversized 11 x 14 cardstock premium of Elvis Presley during a dramatic vocal performance, boldly signed and inscribed in blue ballpoint, “Bill, Thank you, Elvis Presley.” Features a pre-printed facsimile signature to lower left, and a date notation of “11-5-71.” In very good to fine condition, with light creasing, edge wear, and a short tear to the right edge. A large, classic signed portrait of ‘The King.’ Starting Bid $500

Hundreds of more items are listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 69

classic entertainment “I would be very pleased to participate in the J. F. Kennedy programme” 617. Marlon Brando Typed Letter Signed. Scarce TLS signed “Best, Marlon,” one page, 8 x 10, personal letterhead, February 14, 1966. Letter to Peter Lawford. In part: “I would be very pleased to participate in the J. F. Kennedy programme. I am delighted that you thought of me in this regard and I will try my best. Would you send me a list of the dates?” Brando also writes “Dear Peter” at the top of the letter. In fine condition, with a uniform block of toning. Accompanied by two retained carbon copies of letters from Lawford to Brando, and a six-page carbon copy of the treatment for the program. An exceptionally desirable letter associating these Hollywood legends with President John F. Kennedy. Starting Bid $200

Chaney seeks an update on his first publication: “In the field of acting, I am at home; however, in the world of books I must depend completely upon your extensive knowledge” 618. Lon Chaney, Jr. Typed Letter Signed. TLS signed “Lon Chaney,” one

page, 7.25 x 9.25, September 8, 1970. Letter to noted literary agent Toni Strassman, in part: “It has been some months since Mr. Gerald Moulson delivered the material for my book—A CENTURY OF CHANEYS— into your most capable hands...I do feel a bit curious as to the utter silence. Believe me, I am not criticizing you—I wouldn’t dream of it. In the field of acting, I am at home; however, in the world of books I must depend completely upon your extensive knowledge.” Triple-matted with a glossy photo of Chaney in full Wolf Man makeup to an overall size of 21.5 x 14.5. In fine condition.Starting Bid $200

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A month after shooting East of Eden

619. James Dean Signed Check. Chase National Bank check, 6.25 x 2.75, filled out and signed by James Dean, payable

to Studio Drug for $10, September 25, 1954. In fine condition. Accompanied by a vintage glossy photo of Dean with actress Terry Moore at the premiere of the film Sabrina on September 22, 1954, a few days before Dean signed this check. At this time period, Dean had just finished shooting his scenes as Cal Trask in the film East of Eden, his first major screen role. This very month, director Elia Kazan screened a rough cut of the film for colleague Nicholas Ray, future director of Rebel Without a Cause, who was so impressed by Dean’s on-screen presence that he offered the star the famed angst-filled role. Almost a year to the day after this drug store visit, Dean was killed driving his Porsche 550 Spyder. Starting Bid $1000

Pristine vintage portrait of sailor Judy 620. Judy Garland Signed Photograph. Vintage circa 1938

matte-finish 8 x 10 photo of Garland wearing a sailor ensemble and leaning on a lifebuoy, signed in fountain pen, “Sincerely, Judy Garland.” In very fine condition, with one tiny crease touching Garland’s waist. Starting Bid $200

Hundreds of more items are listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 71

621. Audrey Hepburn Signed Photograph. Lovely

color glossy 10 x 8 close-up photo of Audrey Hepburn under an orange parasol, signed in blue felt tip. In fine condition, with an emulsion scuff in the signature area. Starting Bid $200

622. Audrey Hepburn Signed Photograph. Glossy 8 x 10 Paramount Pictures publicity photo of Audrey Hepburn in her iconic role as Holly Golightly in the 1961 film Breakfast at Tiffany’s, signed in blue felt tip. In very good to fine condition, with a faint diagonal bend to the upper left edge, and scattered small surface impressions, several of which touch Audrey’s face. Starting Bid $200

The radiant star of Hitchcock’s To Catch a Thief 624. Grace Kelly Signed Photograph. Glossy 8 x 9.75 photo of Grace Kelly as Frances Stevens in the 1955 film To Catch a Thief, signed in black felt tip. In fine condition, with some thin vertical scratches to the image, visible at an angle. Starting Bid $200

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626. The Outsiders Signed Photograph. Scarce glossy 623. Alfred Hitchcock Signed Photograph. Appealing semi-glossy 9.75 x 12.75 close-up photo of the influential filmmaker, signed and inscribed in white grease pencil, “To Beth, from, Alfred J. Hitchcock.” In fine condition, with trimmed edges and a crease to the lower left corner tip. Starting Bid $200

9.25 x 7.75 Warner Bros. / Pony Boy publicity photo of the cast of the 1983 film The Outsiders, signed in blue felt tip by Tom Cruise, Patrick Swayze, Emilio Estevez, Rob Lowe, C. Thomas Howell, and Ralph Macchio, and in purple felt tip by Matt Dillon. In fine condition. The consignor that all of the autographs were obtained in person in the early 1980s. Starting Bid $200

625. Steve McQueen Document Signed Twice. Twice-signed DS, signed “Steven T. McQueen,” one page, 8.5 x 11, June 1, 1977. A document for the “Consent Meeting of Shareholders and Directors” of Solar Productions, Inc., regarding the approval of recitals and their subsequent resolutions, for the election of officers and directors, with McQueen duly elected as “Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Financial Officer & Director.” Signed twice at the conclusion in bold red felt tip by McQueen. In fine condition, with light paperclip impressions to the top edge, and three file holes to the left edge. Starting Bid $200

Hundreds of more items are listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 73

“May the force be with you! Alec Guinness” 629. Star Wars: Alec Guinness Signed Photograph. Glossy 10.25 x 7.75 photo of Han Solo,

Chewbacca, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Luke Skywalker conversing in the Mos Eisley cantina in a scene from the 1977 sci-fi epic Star Wars, signed in thin black felt tip, “May the force be with you! Alec Guinness.” In fine condition, with a few small creases, and a trimmed bottom edge. Starting Bid $200

630. Elizabeth Taylor Signed Photograph. Excep-

tional glossy 8 x 10 photo of Elizabeth Taylor in the classic 1959 film Suddenly, Last Summer, signed in blue ink. In fine condition, with subtle spotting to the emulsion. Based on the Tennessee Williams play by the same name, the film featured an exceptional cast-Katharine Hepburn and Montgomery Clift also co-starred, and both Taylor and Hepburn received nominations for the Academy Award for Best Actress. Neither of them won the Oscar, but Taylor did receive a Golden Globe for her memorable performance. Starting Bid $200

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Vintage matte-finish 8 x 10 photo of Orson Welles in a handsome early pose, signed and inscribed in fountain pen, “For Dr. Lucinda…good wishes, Orson Welles.” Lower portion bears collector’s notations. In fine condition, with a crease to the lower right. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from JSA. Starting Bid $200

631. Orson Welles Signed Photograph.

sports 690. Grover Cleveland Alexander Signature. Pencil signature, “G. C. Alexander,” on the reverse of a 3.75 x 2.5 membership card for the Building and Construction Trades Council dated to 1937. In very good condition, with soiling, edge wear, and some surface loss to the back. Starting Bid $200

Brady, Montana, Rodgers, Namath, and 25 other Super Bowl-winning quarterbacks

691. NFL Super Bowl Quarterbacks (29) Multi-Signed Football Helmet. Very rare official Riddell Authentic VSR-4

football helmet, with central red and blue stripes and custom-designed “Super Bowl Winning Quarterback” decals to either side, both of which are signed in black felt tip by 29 of the 33 quarterbacks that have won the NFL Championship Game. Signers include: Troy Aikman (Super Bowls 27, 28, 30), Terry Bradshaw (9, 10, 13, 14), Tom Brady (36, 38, 39, 49, 51, 53, 55), Drew Brees (44), Len Dawson (4), Trent Dilfer (35), John Elway (32, 33), Brett Favre (31), Joe Flacco (47), Bob Griese (7, 8), Brad Johnson (37), Eli Manning (42, 46), Peyton Manning (41, 50), Jim McMahon (20), Joe Montana (16, 19, 23, 24), Earl Morrall (5), Joe Namath (3), Jim Plunkett (15, 18), Aaron Rodgers (45), Ben Roethlisberger (40, 43), Mark Rypien (26), Phil Simms (21), Ken Stabler (11), Bart Starr (1, 2), Roger Staubach (6, 12), Joe Theismann (17), Kurt Warner (34), Doug Williams (22), and Steve Young (29). In fine condition, with small scuffs to Brady and Namath, and two authenticity labels affixed to lower backside of the helmet. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from PSA/DNA. The consignor notes that the helmet was specially produced in a limited issue. The four missing QBs are Jeff Hostetler (25), Patrick Mahomes (54), Matthew Stafford (56), and Russell Wilson (48); all of whom are still capable of being added. An impressive, nearly complete set of gridiron football autographs that represents a total of 51 historic Super Bowl match-ups. Starting Bid $1000

Hundreds of more items are listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 75

Babe Ruth’s Own Book of Baseball— a scarce signed limited edition from 1928

692. Babe Ruth Signed Book. Signed book: Babe Ruth’s

Own Book of Baseball. First edition, limited edition, numbered 485/1000. NY: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1929. Hardcover, 5.5 x 8.25, 301 pages. Neatly signed on the colophon in fountain pen, “’Babe’ Ruth.” Autographic condition: fine. Book condition: VG/None, with a gift inscription in another hand to first free end page, weak and partially separated front hinge, two date stamps to inside back cover, sunning and small separation to spine, and light edgewear and rubbing to boards.

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Babe Ruth’s Own Book of Baseball was actually ghostwritten by Ford Frick when the future baseball commissioner was a New York sportswriter. In the book, Ruth described baseball, position by position, in a folksy manner that further endeared him to the ‘common man.’ Through the book, Ruth—and Frick—created many of the humorous tall tales about the game and the man that have gone on to become baseball lore. A classic limited edition baseball volume signed by ‘The Great Bambino.’ Starting Bid $1000

“I am trying to regain my Olympic honors, and will deeply appreciate the help of my friends” 693. Jim Thorpe Typed Letter Signed. Scarce TLS, on the reverse of a 5.5 x 3.25 postal card, postmarked in New York on February 12, 1952. Letter to Harry T. Smith, in full: “Your letter with enclosure has been forwarded to me. Thank. you very much. I am trying to regain my Olympic honors, and will deeply appreciate the help of my friends. A letter to your Congressman, and a letter or pention [sic] to the A.A.U. might help a lot. Thanks again.” In fine condition, with some light toning, and a faint rusty paperclip impression to the top edge. After winning two Olympic gold medals at the Stockholm 1912 Summer Olympics—one in classic pentathlon and the other in the decathlon—Thorpe was stripped of his Olympic titles when it was discovered that he had been paid for playing two seasons of semi-professional baseball before competing in the Olympics, thus violating the contemporary amateurism rules. In 1983, 30 years after his death, the International Olympic Committee restored his Olympic medals with replicas, after ruling that the decision to strip him of his medals fell outside of the required 30 days. Thorpe is to date listed as co-champion in both the decathlon and pentathlon events according to official IOC records. Starting Bid $200

694. Tokyo 1964 Summer Olympics Torch. Official 1964

Tokyo Olympics torch, consisting of a blackened aluminum alloy bowl and a stainless steel cylinder, measuring 25.5” in length and 6.75” at its widest point. Manufactured by Nippon Light Metal Co., the bowl is engraved “XVII Olympiad Tokyo 1964” with a set of Olympic rings, and underside of handle marked: “Nikkei Yanagi.” The lower portion of the cylinder bears the Tokyo Games logo and reads “Showa Kaseihin Co., Ltd., 3-1964.” Exhibits burn marks, charring, nicks, and dings to the burner cylinder, adhesive remnants where the cylinder’s red band is absent, and minor wear to the top platform of the bowl. Starting Bid $500

Hundreds of more items are listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 77

770. 1909-11 T206 and T207 Tobacco Cards Lot of (3). Starting Bid $100

772. 1933 Goudey #89 Tris Speaker SGC VG 3 and #164 Lloyd Waner SGC GD+ 2.5. Starting Bid $200

774. 1950s Topps Baseball Lot of (21) with Aaron, Williams, and Campanella.

775. 1951 Berk Ross Lot of (5) with Roberts and Simmons.

778. 1953 Topps #1 Jackie Robinson PSA GOOD 2 (MK).

779. 1953 Topps Baseball Lot of (74) with Campanella, Feller, Mathews.

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

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Starting Bid $100

Starting Bid $200

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771. 1930s-40s Baseball Card Lot of (16) with Williams, Cochrane, and Dickey. Starting Bid $200

773. 1940s-60s Baseball Stars ‘Oddball’ Card Lot of (9) with Ott, Rizzuto, and Berra. Starting Bid $200

776. 1951 Bowman Baseball Lot of (51) with (20) High Numbers.

777. 1952 Topps Look ‘N See #15 Babe Ruth SGC EX 5.

780. 1954 Bowman #66 Ted Williams PSA PR 1.

781. 1954 Topps #10 Jackie Robinson SGC VG 3.

Starting Bid $100

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

782. 1954 Topps #128 Hank Aaron RC PSA VG 3.

783. 1954 Topps #201 Al Kaline RC PSA VG-EX 4.

784. 1954 Topps #90 Willie Mays PSA EX 5.

785. 1954 Topps #94 Ernie Banks PSA EX 5.

786. 1954 Topps Baseball Mid-Grade Near Set (215/250) with Williams, Berra, and Snider.

787. 1955 Topps #47 Hank Aaron PSA EX 5.

788. 1955 Topps #50 Jackie Robinson PSA VG-EX 4.

789. 1955 Topps Baseball Lot of (121) with Williams, Banks, and Killebrew.

790. 1956 Topps Mid-to-High Grade Complete Set (340) with PSA Graded Stars.

791. 1957 Topps Baseball High-Grade Lot of (12) with Campanella.

Starting Bid $300

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $300

Starting Bid $200

792. 1962 Topps Baseball Mid-to-High Grade Hoard of 2100+. Starting Bid $300

Starting Bid $300

Starting Bid $200

793. 1962 Topps Baseball Near Set (536/598) with Variations, HOFers, and Green Tints (80+ Extra Cards). Starting Bid $200

Hundreds of more items are listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 79

794. 1964 Topps Giants Baseball Lot of (38). Starting Bid $200

795. 1966 Topps Baseball Mid-Grade Hoard of (3000+). Starting Bid $200

796. 1968-1975 Topps Baseball HOF Lot of (15) with Bench RC, Gibson, and Palmer.

797. 1969 Topps Baseball HOF Lot of (20).

800. 1980s Stars and HOFers Lot of (19) with Ripken, Puckett, and Mattingly RCs.

801. 2002 Topps Tribute Milestone Materials Lou Gehrig Game-Used Bat BGS GEM MINT 9.5.

Starting Bid $200

798. 1972 Topps Candy Lid Carlton Fisk Proof SGC A. Starting Bid $200

802. 2006 Topps Sterling Jumbo Jersey Sterling Silver Prime Carl Yastrzemski (1/1) BGS A. Starting Bid $200

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799. 1973 Topps #615 Mike Schmidt/Ron Cey/John Hilton RC SGC VG-EX+ 4.5. Starting Bid $100

803. 2011 Prime Cuts Icons Materials Trios Jackie Robinson Relic (2/5) BGS GEM MINT 9.5. Starting Bid $200

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Starting Bid $200

804. 2013 Leaf Metal Draft Top Picks Prismatic Blue Kris Bryant (2/3) BGS GEM MINT 9.5. Starting Bid $100

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

805. 2013 Leaf Trinity Jumbo Patches Red Aaron Judge Autograph/Relic (3/5) BGS MINT 9/10. Starting Bid $200

806. 2013 Leaf Trinity Jumbo Patches Silver Aaron Judge Autograph/Relic (10/25) BGS NM-MT+ 8.5/10.

807. 2014 National Treasures Colossal Materials Manny Machado Prime Game-Used Logo Patch (4/9) (BGS GEM MINT 9.5). Starting Bid $200

808. 2014 Topps Update Own the Name Jose Fernandez Game-Used Letter Patch (“N”) (1/1).

809. 2015 Leaf Aaron Judge (3) Autograph/ Relic Cards.

810. 2015 Leaf Trinity Aaron Judge Autograph BGS NM-MT+ 8.5/10.

811. 2015 National Treasures Prospect Silhouette Autos Aaron Judge Autograph/Relic (/99) BGS NM-MT+ 8.5/10.

812. 2015 National Treasures Prospect Silhouette Autos Aaron Judge Autograph/Relic Cards (/25) and (/99) BGS NM-MT 8/10. Starting Bid $200

813. 2015 Panini “Prizm and Extra Edition Aaron Judge Autographs (/125) and (/25).

815. 2015 Topps Tier One Hank Aaron Autograph (1/25).

816. 2016 Bowman Inception Prospect Aaron Judge Autograph BGS MINT 9/10.

817. 2016 National Treasures Collegiate Flawless Diamond Jackie Robinson BGS NM-MT+ 8.5.

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

814. 2015 Topps Jose Fernandez Autograph/ Game-Used Patch (5/10). Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $100

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $100

Hundreds of more items are listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 81

820. 2016 Panini Flawless Clayton Kershaw Ruby/Diamond/Sapphire (5/5) and Randy Johnson Ruby (4/15).

821. 2016-18 National Treasures Lou Gehrig Relic Booklets (/25).

823. 2017 Diamond Kings Rookie Signature Holo Blue Aaron Judge Autograph/Relic (19/25) BGS GEM MINT 9.5/10.

824. 2017 Immaculate Collection Immaculate Bats Aaron Judge Autograph (/99) BGS NM-MT+ 8.5/10 and BGS NM-MT 8/10. Starting Bid $200

825. 2017 Immaculate Collection Jackets Aaron Judge Jumbo Logo Patch (5/5).

827. 2017 Immaculate Collection Jumbo Materials Mickey Mantle Jersey (7/20) BGS NM-MT+ 8.5.

828. 2017 Leaf Q Patch Perfect Manny Ramirez Jumbo Patch (3/4).

829. 2017 Panini Flawless Babe Ruth Ruby (3/15).

818. 2016 National Treasures Manny Machado Jumbo Game-Used Patch Booklet (3/10).

819. 2016 Panini Flawless (2) Emerald Bryce Harper Dual Patch Cards (1/5 and 5/5).

822. 2017 Bowman Mega Box Chrome Prospects Shohei Otani PSA GEM MINT 10.

826. 2017 Immaculate Collection Jackie Robinson Relic (1/1).

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $300

Starting Bid $200

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Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

February 9, 2022 | SPORTS

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $100

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $100

830. 2017 Panini Flawless Babe Ruth Sapphire (3/10). Starting Bid $100

831. 2017 Panini Flawless Black Lou Gehrig Diamond (1/1). Starting Bid $200

834. 2017 Panini Flawless Ichiro Suzuki Emerald (4/5) and Aaron Judge Ruby (4/15).

835. 2017 Panini Flawless Lou Gehrig Emerald (4/5) and Ruby (4/15).

838. 2017 Panini Flawless Ty Cobb Diamond (13/20).

839. 2017 Topps Definitive Autograph Relics Javier Baez Autograph/Patch (8/10) BGS MINT 9/10.

Starting Bid $100

Starting Bid $100

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $100

832. 2017 Panini Flawless Debut Signatures Aaron Judge Autograph (5/10).

833. 2017 Panini Flawless Finishes Ruby Aaron Judge Autograph (5/20).

836. 2017 Panini Flawless Material Greats Gold Lou Gehrig and Jackie Robinson Relics.

837. 2017 Panini Flawless Ted Williams Ruby (9/15).

840. 2017 Topps Tribute Aaron Judge Autograph (99/199) BGS NM-MT+ 8.5/10.

841. 2017 Topps Triple Threads Unity Jumbo Relic Mookie Betts Patch (2/3).

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $100

Starting Bid $100

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $100

Starting Bid $200

Hundreds of more items are listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 83

842. 2018 Immaculate Collection Hitters Ink Albert Pujols Autograph (5/10). Starting Bid $200

846. 2018 Immaculate Collection Vladimir Guerrero Jr. PlayerUsed Jumbo Swatch (21/99). Starting Bid $200

850. 2018 Panini Flawless Sapphire Shohei Ohtani Autograph/Dual Patch (11/15). Starting Bid $500

84 |

843. 2018 Immaculate Collection Immaculate Swatches Shohei Ohtani Button (2/10). Starting Bid $200

844. 2018 Immaculate Collection Immaculate Swatches Shohei Ohtani Button (8/10) BGS MINT 9.

845. 2018 Immaculate Collection Manny Machado Game-Used Logo Patch (1/1).

847. 2018 Panini Flawless Black Jackie Robinson Diamond (1/1).

848. 2018 Panini Flawless Gold Chris Sale Autograph/Patch (3/5) PSA MINT 9.

849. 2018 Panini Flawless Ruby Shohei Ohtani Autograph/ Dual Patch (10/20).

851. 2018 Topps Inception Rafael Devers Autograph/ Jumbo Player-Worn Patch (91/99).

852. 2019 Leaf Ultimate Sports Pioneers Mickey Mantle Game-Used Relic (3/3).

853. Baseball Hall of Fame Lot of (7) Autograph and Relic Cards with Jeter, Yount, and Carew.

Starting Bid $100

Starting Bid $200

February 9, 2022 | SPORTS

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $500

Starting Bid $200

855. Baseball Stars (20) Autograph/Relic Cards.

856. Cody Bellinger (4) Autograph/Relic Cards.

857. Boston Red Sox Lot of (11) Autograph and Relic Cards.

858. Kris Bryant (2) Autograph/Relic Cards.

859. Kris Bryant (4) Relic/Patch Cards.

860. Rafael Devers (6) Autograph and Relic Cards.

861. Leo Durocher Signed 1934 Goudey #7 Baseball Card.

862. Houston Astros Lot of (6) Relic Cards with Altuve, Bregman, and Biggio.

863. Aaron Judge (2) Autograph/Relic Cards.

864. Aaron Judge (5) Relic/Patch Cards.

865. Manuel Margot (16) Autographs, Relics, and Rookies.

854. Baseball Stars (17) Patch Relics. Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $100

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Hundreds of more items are listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 85

866. NY Mets Lot of (6) Autograph and Relic Cards with DeGrom, Wright, and Cespedes. Starting Bid $200

870. 1933 Goudey Sport Kings Lot of (3). Starting Bid $100

874. 1980s-90s Basketball HOF Lot of (13) with Jordan, Kobe, Erving, and Shaq.

867. NY Yankees Lot of (11) Autograph and Relic Cards with Mattingly, Teixeira, Stanton, and Torres.

868. Chris Sale (7) Autograph/Relic Cards.

871. 1961-62 Fleer #3 Elgin Baylor RC SGC EX-NM+ 6.5.

872. 1970s Topps Basketball HOF Lot of (12) with Erving, Jabbar, and Maravich.

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $300

875. 1981-82 Topps Basketball Wax Box (BBCE). Starting Bid $300

Starting Bid $200

86 |

Starting Bid $200

February 9, 2022 | SPORTS

869. Lloyd Waner Signed 1934 Diamond Stars #16 Baseball Card.

Starting Bid $200

876. 1981-82 Topps Basketball Wax Box (BBCE). Starting Bid $300

873. 1980 Topps Larry Bird, Magic Johnson, and Julius Erving Lot of (5) Graded by SGC. Starting Bid $200

877. 1993 Fleer Ultra Scoring Kings Michael Jordan PSA NM-MT 8. Starting Bid $200

878. 1996 Skybox Premium Kobe Bryant PSA NM 7. Starting Bid $100

879. 2003 Topps LeBron James SGC NM-MT 8. Starting Bid $200

880. 2003 Upper Deck City Heights LeBron James SGC MT+ 9.5. Starting Bid $100

881. 2012-16 Panini Preferred Stat Line LeBron James and Veteran Patch Relics (/25). Starting Bid $100

882. 2016-17 Flawless Triple Double John Wall and DeMarcus Cousins Patch/Diamond (1/3) BGS MINT 9.

883. 2016-17 Panini and Leaf Basketball Relic Lot of (5).

886. 2017 Leaf Q Patch Perfect Grant Hill Game-Used Nameplate Patch (8/9).

887. 2017 Panini Contenders Lottery Ticket Lot of (4) with Tatum, Ball, and Markkanen.

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $100

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

884. 2016-17 Panini Flawless Diamond James Harden (25/25) BGS GEM MINT 9.5. Starting Bid $100

888. 2018-19 Panini Flawless Collegiate Dual Diamond Lonzo Ball Patch (21/25) BGS NEAR MINT 7/10. Starting Bid $100

885. 2016-17 Panini Flawless Triple Diamond Wilt Chamberlain (3/5) BGS GEM MINT 9.5. Starting Bid $200

889. Boston Celtics Hall of Fame Lot of (5) Relic and Autograph Cards. Starting Bid $200

Hundreds of more items are listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 87

Starting Bid $200

892. 1960s-70s Football HOF Card Lot of (27) with Brown, Unitas, Sayers, and Namath.

893. 1963-64 Topps Baseball Lot of (11) with Clemente, Mantle, and Mays.

894. 1969 Topps Football High-Graded Lot of (43) with 25 HOFers.

895. 1974/76 Topps Football Lot of (390+) Cards.

896. 1976 Topps #148 Walter Payton SGC EX+ 5.5.

897. 1977-2005 Football HOF Card Lot of (8) with Taylor and Largent RCs.

898. 1981 Topps #216 Joe Montana (2) Rookie Cards SGC 6.5 and 5.5.

899. 1986 Topps #161 Jerry Rice Rookie Card.

890. 1910-51 Boxing Cards Lot of (12) with Jack Johnson and Sugar Ray Robinson. Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

88 |

891. 1950s-60s Football Card Lot of (40) with Starr, Tittle, and Blanda.

Starting Bid $100

Starting Bid $200

February 9, 2022 | SPORTS

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

900. 2000 Bowman Tom Brady PSA EX-MT 6. Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

901. 2000 Pacific Crown Royale and Paramount Tom Brady Rookie Cards SGC 6.5 and 8.5. Starting Bid $200

902. 2000 Pacific Crown Royale Tom Brady SGC NM-MT 8. Starting Bid $200

906. 2001 Upper Deck Rookie F/X Tom Brady SGC NM-MT+ 8.5. Starting Bid $200

910. 2009 Playoff Contenders Rookie Ticket Julian Edelman Autograph PSA GEM MINT 10. Starting Bid $200

903. 2000 Playoff Absolute Tom Brady (1513/3000) PSA EX-MT 6. Starting Bid $200

907. 2002 Topps Finest #50 Tom Brady (2) SGC 8 and 8.5. Starting Bid $200

911. 2011 Topps Supreme Eight-Piece Relic with Tom Brady, Tony Romo, and Cam Newton. Starting Bid $200

904. 2000 Skybox Dominion #234 Tom Brady (2) Rookie Cards SGC 8.5 and 6.5.

905. 2001 Upper Deck Rookie F/X Tom Brady SGC MT 9.

908. 2002 Topps Finest #50 Tom Brady (2) SGC MT 9.

909. 2008 Exquisite Collection Dual Patch Tom Brady Relic (48/50) BGS NM-MT 8.

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

912. 2011 Topps Triple Threads Tom Brady Tag Relic (34/36) BGS NM-MT 8. Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

913. 2012 Panini Playbook Rookie Julio Jones Autograph/Patch Booklet (237/399). Starting Bid $200

Hundreds of more items are listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 89

914. 2014 Leaf Trinity Odell Beckham Jr. Autograph/ Inscription (26/35).

917. 2016 Donruss Elite Black Box Elite Coverage Odell Beckham Jr. Dual PlayerWorn Patch (1/1).

915. 2015 National Treasures Treasure Chest (24) Football Stars Patch Relic Card (8/25).

916. 2015 Panini Flawless Danny Amendola Autograph/ Game-Used Patch (1/25).

918. 2016 National Treasures Colossal Materials Prime Rob Gronkowski Patch (1/10) BGS GEM MINT 9.5.

919. 2016 National Treasures Dak Prescott Rookie Autograph/Patch Booklet (86/99).

920. 2016 Panini Immaculate Collection Logos Philip Rivers Player-Worn Patch (4/5).

921. 2017 Immaculate Collection Cody Bellinger Player-Used Fielding Glove Patch (“Rawlings” Logo) (2/4).

922. 2017 Immaculate Collection Lance Alworth Autograph/ Jumbo Patch (13/25).

923. 2017 Leaf Q Patch Perfect Bob Hayes Jumbo GameUsed Patch (1/1).

924. 2017 Leaf Trinity Kareem Hunt Autograph (3/25).

925. 2017 Panini Certified Fabric of the Game Philip Rivers Jumbo Player-Worn Patch (3/25).

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $100

Starting Bid $200

90 |

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

February 9, 2022 | SPORTS

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

926. 2017 Panini Encased Substantial Rookie Swatches Kareem Hunt Player-Worn Jumbo Patch (3/5).

927. 2017 Panini Immaculate Collection Rookie Helmets Leonard Fournette Player-Worn Helmet Swatch (1/15).

928. 2017 Panini Phoenix Leonard Fournette Autograph/ Jumbo Player-Worn Patch (4/10).

929. 2017 Panini Spectra Rivals Deshaun Watson/Marcus Mariota Dual PlayerWorn Patch (1/2).

930. 2017 Panini Xr Rookie Jumbo Materials Leonard Fournette Player-Worn Logo Patch (3/5).

931. 2017 Panini Xr Rookie Jumbo Materials Leonard Fournette Player-Worn Logo Patch (5/5).

932. 2018 National Treasures Tremendous Treasures Lance Alworth Player-Worn Jumbo Patch (9/25).

933. 2018 Panini Flawless Baker Mayfield Diamond (16/20).

934. 2018 Panini Flawless Johnny Unitas Diamond (8/10).

935. 2018 Panini Flawless Pat Mahomes Autograph/ Patch (14/25).

936. 2019 Leaf Ultimate Sports Pioneers Tom Brady/Serena Williams/ Roger Federer/Ronaldinho Relic (6/20).

937. 2019 Panini Black Futuristic Lamar Jackson Player-Worn Patch (3/25).

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $100

Starting Bid $200

Hundreds of more items are listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 91

938. 2019 Panini Origins Future Fabrics Lamar Jackson Player-Worn Patch (3/5).

939. Odell Beckham Jr. (4) Autographs and Relics. Starting Bid $200

940. Nick Foles (7) Autograph and Relic Cards. Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

944. Kareem Hunt (5) Autographs and Relics. Starting Bid $200

946. New England Patriots Lot of (26) Autographs and Relics. Starting Bid $200

92 |

942. Football Hall of Famers (5) Relic Cards. Starting Bid $200

947. NFL Quarterbacks (16) Autographs and Relics. Starting Bid $200

February 9, 2022 | SPORTS

941. Football Hall of Fame (3) Autograph and Relic Cards with Gifford and Dickerson. Starting Bid $200

945. Baker Mayfield (2) Autograph and Relic Cards.

943. Rob Gronkowski (6) Autograph and Relic Cards.

948. NFL Stars (24) Patch Relics.

949. NFL Stars Lot of (7) Autograph/Patch Cards.

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

950. Quarterbacks (4) Autograph and Relics.

Starting Bid $100

952. Josh Rosen (5) Autograph and Relic Cards.

953. Running Backs (4) Autographed Cards.

954. LaDainian Tomlinson (2) Autograph Cards.

955. 1951-1990 Hockey HOF and Rookie Lot of (43).

956. 1954 Topps #8 Gordie Howe PSA VG 3.

957. 1954 Topps Hockey Lot of (14) with 4 HOFers.

958. 1979 Topps #18 Wayne Gretzky RC PSA EX 5.

959. Music/Entertainment (12) Wax Packs.

960. 2018 National Treasures Colossal Materials Bronze Lionel Messi Patch (17/35) BGS NM-MT+ 8.5.

961. 1985 Topps WWF #16 Hulk Hogan SGC NM+ 7.5.

Starting Bid $100

Starting Bid $100

Starting Bid $200

951. Aaron Rodgers (2) High-Grade Cards.

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $100

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $100

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $100

Starting Bid $100

Hundreds of more items are listed online at www.RRAuction.com | 93

2. Thomas Jefferson Signature as President Starting Bid $200

7. Millard Fillmore Signed Bond Starting Bid $200

36. John Quincy Adams Signature Starting Bid $200

37. Joe Biden Signed Book Starting Bid $200

38. Joe Biden Signed 'Delaware' Hand Fan Starting Bid $200

39. James Buchanan Document Signed as President Starting Bid $200

40. James Buchanan Signature Starting Bid $200

41. George Bush Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

42. George and Barbara Bush Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

43. George W. Bush Signed Book Starting Bid $200

44. George W. Bush Signed Book Starting Bid $200

45. George W. Bush (2) Signed Books Starting Bid $200

46. George W. Bush and Dick Cheney (2) Signed Books Starting Bid $200

47. Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

48. Rosalynn Carter Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

49. Frances F. Cleveland (3) Signed Items Starting Bid $100

50. Grover Cleveland Document Signed as President Starting Bid $200

51. Bill Clinton Signed Book 53. Bill Clinton Signed Book Starting Bid $200 Starting Bid $200

54. Calvin Coolidge Document Signed as President Starting Bid $200

55. Dwight D. Eisenhower Typed Letter Signed as President Starting Bid $200

56. Millard Fillmore TwiceSigned Book from His Personal Library Starting Bid $200

57. Gerald Ford Typed Letter Signed as President Starting Bid $200

58. Gerald Ford (3) Signed Books Starting Bid $200

59. Lucretia Garfield Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

60. Warren G. Harding Signed Check Starting Bid $200

61. Benjamin Harrison Signed Check Starting Bid $200

62. Mary Harrison McKee Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

63. Herbert Hoover Typed Letter Signed as President Starting Bid $200

64. Herbert Hoover Starting Bid $200

65. Lyndon B. Johnson Bill Signing Pen for the 'National Capital Transportation Act of 1965' Starting Bid $200

66. Lyndon B. Johnson Signed Book Starting Bid $200

67. Lyndon B. Johnson Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

68. Lyndon B. Johnson Signed Book Starting Bid $200

69. John F. Kennedy 'Texas Welcome' Program and (2) Albums Starting Bid $200

70. John F. Kennedy: Kennedy/Nixon Debate Press Badge and (8) Campaign Pins Starting Bid $200

71. The Kennedys Lot of (5) Items Starting Bid $200

72. Abraham Lincoln Calendar Template Starting Bid $200

73. Abraham Lincoln: G. W. Bell Manuscript and Letters Starting Bid $100

74. James Monroe Document Signed as President Starting Bid $200

75. Richard Nixon Document Signed as President Starting Bid $200

76. Richard Nixon Signed Book Starting Bid $200

77. Richard Nixon Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

78. Richard Nixon Signed Book Starting Bid $200

79. Richard Nixon Signed Book Starting Bid $200

80. Richard Nixon Signed Book Starting Bid $200

81. Barack Obama Signed Book Starting Bid $200

82. Barack Obama Signature Starting Bid $200

83. Barack Obama (3) Pope Francis Programs and Ephemera Starting Bid $100

84. Barack Obama and Bruce Springsteen Signed Book Starting Bid $200

85. Nancy Reagan Signed Book Starting Bid $100

86. Ronald Reagan Signed Laser Disc Starting Bid $200

87. Ronald Reagan Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

88. Eleanor Roosevelt Signed White House Card Starting Bid $200

89. Eleanor Roosevelt (3) Signed Letters Starting Bid $200

90. Franklin D. Roosevelt Typed Letter Signed as President Starting Bid $200

91. Franklin D. Roosevelt Document Signed Starting Bid $200

92. Franklin D. Roosevelt Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

93. Harry S. Truman Signed Book Starting Bid $200

94. Harry S. Truman Typed Letter Signed as President Starting Bid $200

95. Harry S. Truman and Thomas Dewey Signed Mailing Envelopes Starting Bid $200

96. Woodrow Wilson Typed Letter Signed as PresidentElect Starting Bid $200

120. Albert Einstein Limited Edition Photograph by Fred Stein Starting Bid $200

136. Robert


Scott and the Terra Nova Expedition Signatures Starting Bid $200

137. Apple: Ronald Wayne Autograph Quotation Signed Starting Bid $200

138. Apple: Ronald Wayne Signed Apple II DOS Manual Starting Bid $200

139. Apple: Ronald Wayne Signed Metal Print Starting Bid $200

140. Apple: Wozniak and Wayne Signed Circuit Board Starting Bid $200

141. Apple: Wozniak and Wayne (2) Signed Items Starting Bid $200

142. Apple: Wozniak and Wayne Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

143. Apple: Wozniak and Wayne Signed Schematic Starting Bid $200

144. Apple: Wozniak and Wayne Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

145. Apple: Wozniak and Wayne Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

146. Apple: Wozniak and Wayne Signed Floppy Disk Starting Bid $200

147. Apple: Steve Wozniak Signed Book Starting Bid $200

148. Apple: Steve Wozniak Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

149. William Waldorf Astor Document Signed Starting Bid $200

150. William Waldorf Astor Signed Dividend Ledger Starting Bid $200

151. William Waldorf Astor Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

152. William B. Astor, Sr. Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

153. Augusta of SaxeWeimar-Eisenach Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

154. Jules Bache Document Signed Starting Bid $200

155. Fulgencio Batista Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

156. Charles Juste de Beauvau, Prince of Craon Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

157. Menachem Begin Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

158. David Ben-Gurion Starting Bid $200

159. Nicholas Biddle Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

160. Ronnie Biggs Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

161. Louis Blanc Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

162. Henry G. Blasdel Signed State of Nevada 1867 Bond Starting Bid $200

163. Louis Brandeis Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

164. William J. Brennan Signed Typescript Starting Bid $100

165. David J. Brewer Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

166. Warren E. Burger Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

167. Aaron Burr Document Signed Starting Bid $200

168. Harold H. Burton Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

169. Richard E. Byrd Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

170. Alphonse Pyramus de Candolle Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

171. George Washington 172. Vint Cerf Signed Sketch Carpenter Autograph Letter Starting Bid $200 Signed Starting Bid $200

173. Charles I Louis, Elector Palatine Document Signed Starting Bid $200

174. Salmon P. Chase Signature Starting Bid $200

175. Salmon P. Chase Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

176. Cesar Chavez Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

177. Clementine Churchill Signed Photograph and Signed Christmas Card Starting Bid $200

178. Tom C. Clark Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

179. John H. Clarke Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

180. Thomas Clarkson Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

181. Henry Clews Signed Mortgage Bond Starting Bid $200

182. Jay Cooke Autograph Note Signed Starting Bid $200

183. Denton Cooley Original Heart Sketch and Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

184. Charles A. Dana Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

185. Francis Darwin Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

186. John Staige Davis Autograph Letter Signed (Partial) Starting Bid $200

187. Charles de Gaulle Signature Starting Bid $200

188. Charles Dow Signed Bond Starting Bid $200

189. Paul Du Chaillu Signature and Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

190. George Eastman Document Signed Starting Bid $200

191. George Ebers Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

192. Elizabeth, Queen Mother Signed Christmas Card Starting Bid $200

193. James C. Fargo Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

194. Henry M. Flagler and Wesley H. Tilford Signed Stock Certificate Starting Bid $200

195. Abe Fortas Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

196. Frederick III of Germany Signature Starting Bid $100

197. Frederick the Great Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

198. Gaston, Duke of Orleans Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

199. J. Paul Getty Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

200. Emma Goldman Autograph Note Signed Starting Bid $200

201. Barry Goldwater Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

202. Mikhail Gorbachev Signed Book Starting Bid $200

203. Jay Gould Document Signed Starting Bid $200

204. Horace Greeley Signed Check Starting Bid $200

205. Horace Greeley Autograph Note Signed Starting Bid $200

206. Horace Greeley Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

207. E. H. Harriman Signed Fernandina and Jacksonville Railroad Company Bond Starting Bid $200

208. Warren Hastings Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

209. Isaac Israel Hayes Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

210. Heart Doctors Signed First Day Cover Starting Bid $200

211. Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay Signed Commemorative Cover Starting Bid $200

212. HIV Discoverers: Luc Montagnier and Robert Gallo Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

213. Ben Holladay Signed Check Starting Bid $200

214. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

215. J. Edgar Hoover (2) Typed Letters Signed Starting Bid $200

216. Collis P. Huntington Signed Stock Certificate Starting Bid $200

217. Collis P. Huntington Document Signed Starting Bid $200

218. Internet Pioneers (16) Signed Items Starting Bid $200

219. Kaiser Wilhelm I Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

220. Kaiser Wilhelm I Document Signed Starting Bid $200

221. Helen Keller Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

222. King Christian IX of Denmark Document Signed Starting Bid $200

223. King Christian V of Denmark Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

224. King Edward VII Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

225. King Edward VIII Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

226. King Edward VIII Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

227. King Frederick VI and Queen Marie of Denmark (2) Signed Letters Starting Bid $200

228. King Frederick William IV of Prussia Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

229. King George III Document Signed Starting Bid $200

230. King George IV and King William IV (2) Signatures Starting Bid $200

231. King Ludwig I of Bavaria Signature Starting Bid $200

232. King

Simeon II of Bulgaria Signature Starting Bid $100

233. Kaiser Wilhelm I Document Signed Starting Bid $150

234. William II of the Netherlands Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

235. Jacques Laffitte Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

236. Simon Lake Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

237. Theodor Leutwein (2) Letters Signed Starting Bid $200

238. Karl Liebknecht Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

239. William H. Herndon Autograph Document Signed Starting Bid $200

240. Thurgood Marshall Signature Starting Bid $200

241. F. L. Maytag Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

242. Joe McCarthy Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

243. Thomas McKean Document Signed Starting Bid $200

244. Andrew Mellon Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

245. Andrew Mellon Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

246. Andrew W. Mellon Twice-Signed Document Starting Bid $200

247. Thomas Mifflin Document Signed Starting Bid $200

248. Thomas Livingstone Mitchell Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

249. George Monck, 1st Duke of Albemarle Document Signed Starting Bid $200

250. John Montagu, Earl of Sandwich Document Signed Starting Bid $200

251. Robert Morris Document Signed Starting Bid $200

252. Mother Teresa Signed Prayer Card Starting Bid $200

253. John Nash Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

254. Georg von Neumayer Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

255. Martin Niemoller (3) Signed Items Starting Bid $100

256. Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Winners (10) Signed First Day Cover Starting Bid $200

257. Caroline Norton Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

258. Daniel O'Connell Autograph Note Signed Starting Bid $200

259. Ransom E. Olds Signed Stock Certificate Starting Bid $200

260. Denison Olmsted Signed Lecture Pass Starting Bid $200

261. William Orton Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

262. William A. Paine Signed 263. George Foster Peabody Stock Certificate Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 Starting Bid $200

264. Peekskill Academy Stock Certificate Starting Bid $200

265. J. C. Penney Signed Photograph and Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

266. Carl Peters Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

267. Philipp, Prince of Eulenburg Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

268. John Phillips Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

269. Ludwig Plate Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

270. Potomac Company Multi-Signed Document Starting Bid $200

273. George Pullman Signed Stock Certificate Starting Bid $200

274. Queen Victoria Signature Starting Bid $200

275. Walther Rathenau Signed Postcard Starting Bid $200

276. Stanley Reed Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

277. Thomas Brackett Reed Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

278. Eliphalet Remington Signed Check Starting Bid $200

279. Charles Richet Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

280. François Alexandre Frédéric, duc de La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

271. Francis A. Pratt and 272. Prince Edward, Duke of Amos Whitney Signed Stock Kent and Strathearn Certificate Document Signed Starting Bid $200 Starting Bid $100

281. William Rockefeller Signed Bond Starting Bid $200

282. Jack Ruby Signed Check Starting Bid $200

283. Russell Sage Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

284. Gotthilf Heinrich von Schubert Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

285. Charles Schwab Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

286. Thomas A. Scott Document Signed Starting Bid $200

287. Charles Scribner II and Arthur H. Scribner Signed Stock Certificate Starting Bid $200

288. Berthold Carl Seemann Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

289. John Sherman Autograph Document Signed Starting Bid $200

290. Norodom Sihanouk Signed New Year's Card Starting Bid $200

291. Claus Spreckels Signed Stock Certificate Starting Bid $200

292. Henry M. Stanley and Dorothy Tennant Stanley Starting Bid $200

293. Potter Stewart Signed Print of the Warren Court Starting Bid $100

294. Harlan F. Stone Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

295. Dirk Jan Struik Signed Photograph and Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

296. Supreme Court (7) Photographs Starting Bid $100

297. Margaret Thatcher Signed Book Starting Bid $200

298. Samuel J. Tilden Signed Mortgage Bond Starting Bid $200

299. Samuel J. Tilden Signed Mortgage Bond Starting Bid $100

300. Titanic: Packet of (6) 'Obstruction to Navigation' Reports Starting Bid $200

301. Titanic (4) Letters Related to August Johnson Starting Bid $200

302. Titanic: Autograph Letter Signed by the Widow of Frederick Ware Starting Bid $200

303. Titanic: George Widener Document Signed Starting Bid $200

304. William K. Vanderbilt Signed Stock Transfer Receipt Starting Bid $200

305. William K. Vanderbilt Signed New York and Harlem Railroad Bond Starting Bid $200

306. William K. Vanderbilt and Chauncey Depew Signed Mortgage Bond Starting Bid $200

307. Richard Varick Document Signed Starting Bid $200

308. Fred Vinson (3) Signed Items Starting Bid $100

309. Daniel Webster Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

310. William Whewell Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

311. John Gardner Wilkinson Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

312. William Williams Document Signed Starting Bid $200

313. James Wilson Document Signed Starting Bid $200

314. Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Document Signed Starting Bid $100

315. Alabama & Chattanooga Rail Road Company Bond Starting Bid $100

316. Apple Stock Certificate Starting Bid $200

317. Classic Automobiles (6) Stocks and Bonds Starting Bid $100

318. Cincinnati, Lafayette and Chicago Railroad Company Mortgage Bond Starting Bid $100

319. Cleveland & Toledo Rail-Road Co. Stock Certificate Starting Bid $100

320. Columbus & Maysville Railway Mortgage Bond Starting Bid $100

321. The Cripple Creek Central Railway Company Stock Certificate Starting Bid $100

322. The Deming, Sierra Madre and Pacific Railroad Bond Starting Bid $100

323. The Detroit and Lima Northern Railway Company Bond Starting Bid $100

324. Farmers Deposit National Bank Stock Certificate Starting Bid $100

325. Galveston, La Porte and Houston Railway Company Bond Starting Bid $100

326. Grand Trunk Railroad Company Bond Starting Bid $200

327. Houston Great Northern Railroad Mortgage Bond Starting Bid $100

328. The Huntsville, New Orleans and Western Texas Railway Company Bond Starting Bid $100

329. International Rail Road Company of Texas Bond Starting Bid $100

330. Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company Stock Certificate Starting Bid $100

331. Marietta and North Georgia Railway Company Bond Starting Bid $100

332. Memphis and Little Rock Railway Company Bond Starting Bid $100

333. New York and Harlem Rail Road Company Stock Transfer Document Starting Bid $100

334. New York Central Rail Road Company Stock Transfer Document Starting Bid $100

335. New York Central Railroad Company Stock Transfer Receipt Starting Bid $100

336. Northern Pacific Railroad Company (5) Stock Certificates Starting Bid $100

337. State of Ohio Canal Bond Starting Bid $200

338. Peoria & Rock Island Railway Company Bond Starting Bid $100

339. Spain 1915 Treasury Bond Starting Bid $200

340. St. John's Railway Company Stock Certificate Starting Bid $200

341. State of Mississippi Loan Bond Starting Bid $200

342. Western North Carolina 351. Eugene de Beauharnais Railroad Company Letter Signed Mortgage Bond Starting Bid $200 Starting Bid $200

352. P. G. T. Beauregard Signature Starting Bid $200

353. William Bishop Signed Book Starting Bid $200

354. Pappy Boyington Signed Book Starting Bid $200

355. Ambrose E. Burnside Signed Mortgage Bond Starting Bid $200

356. Ambrose E. Burnside Document Signed Starting Bid $200

357. Lazare Carnot and Jacques-Nicolas BillaudVarenne Document Signed Starting Bid $200

358. Henry Seymour Conway (2) Autograph Letters Signed Starting Bid $100

359. Doolittle's Raiders Signed Lithograph and Multi-Signed Companion Sheet Starting Bid $200

360. Desmond Doss (3) Signed Items Starting Bid $200

361. Abel Aubert du PetitThouars Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

362. Enola Gay Signed Print Starting Bid $200

363. Enola Gay: Tibbets, Ferebee, Van Kirk Signed Print Starting Bid $200

364. Enola Gay (3) Signed Items Starting Bid $200

365. Enola Gay Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

366. Enola Gay: Paul Tibbets Signed Print Starting Bid $200

367. Élie Frédéric Forey Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

368. Joseph Fouche Document Signed Starting Bid $200

369. John Gurwood Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

370. Richard Howe Signed Free Frank Starting Bid $200

371. Iwo Jima: Joe Rosenthal Signed Stamp Block Starting Bid $200

372. Jean-Baptiste Jourdan Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

373. Ernest J. King Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

374. Charles Eugène Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de Castries Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

375. Etienne Macdonald Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

376. William Mahone Signed Interest Bond Starting Bid $200

377. George C. Marshall Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

378. Fairfax Moresby Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

379. Georges Mouton, comte de Lobau Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

380. William Nelson, 1st Earl Nelson Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

381. Chester Nimitz Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

382. John J. Pershing Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

383. George Brydges Rodney Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

384. George Rooke Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

385. Philippe Paul, comte de Ségur Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

386. Louis-Gabriel Suchet Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

387. Anne Hilarion de Tourville Autograph Note Signed Starting Bid $200

388. Laurent Jean François Truguet Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

389. USS Constitution 1927 Bronze Restoration Ashtray Starting Bid $200

390. Richard Varick Autograph Document Signed with 14 Total Signatures Starting Bid $200

391. Claude Louis Hector de Villars Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

392. Duke of Wellington Signed Free Frank Starting Bid $200

396. Giovanni Caproni Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

397. Clarence Chamberlin Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

398. Douglas 'Wrong Way' Corrigan Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

399. Chuck Yeager Signed Photograph and Signature Starting Bid $200

405. Buzz Aldrin Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

406. Buzz Aldrin Signature Starting Bid $200

407. Buzz Aldrin Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

408. Apollo 14 'A-B Emblem' Backup Crew Patch - Silver Border Starting Bid $200

409. Apollo 14 Signed 'Launch Day' Cover - From the Collection of Walt Cunningham Starting Bid $200

410. Gordon Cooper Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

411. Charlie Duke Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

412. Charlie Duke Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

413. John Glenn Signed Book Starting Bid $200

414. John Glenn (4) Signed Oversized NASA Photographs Starting Bid $200

415. Fred Haise Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

416. Fred Haise Signed Apollo CM Panel Starting Bid $200

417. Fred Haise Signed Apollo CM Panel Starting Bid $200

418. Fred Haise and Gene Kranz Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

419. Jim Irwin Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

420. James Lovell Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

421. James Lovell and Gene Kranz Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

422. Jim McDivitt Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

423. Ron McNair Signed Photograph Display Starting Bid $200

424. Edgar Mitchell Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

425. Edgar Mitchell Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

426. Edgar Mitchell Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

427. Dave Scott Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

428. Alan Shepard Signed Postcard Starting Bid $200

429. Space Shuttle and Walt Disney FDC Starting Bid $100

430. Valentina Tereshkova (2) Signed Photographs Starting Bid $200

431. Al Worden's Apollo 15 Crew-Signed Cover Starting Bid $200

432. Al Worden's Signed Book Starting Bid $200

442. Ansel Adams Signature Display Starting Bid $200

443. Rosa Bonheur Starting Bid $200

444. Rosa Bonheur Starting Bid $200

445. Camille Corot Signature Starting Bid $200

446. Hubert de Givenchy Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

447. Charles Garnier Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

448. Francoise Gilot Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

449. Roy Lichtenstein Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

450. Roy Lichtenstein, Larry Rivers, and John Updike Signed Program Starting Bid $200

451. John Nash Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

452. Norman Rockwell Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

453. Felicien Rops Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

454. Jean Tinguely Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

455. Jamie Wyeth Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

458. Charles Addams Original Sketch of Uncle Fester of the Addams Family Starting Bid $200

459. Mel Blanc Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

460. Mel Blanc: Bugs Bunny Signed Production Cel with Production Drawing Starting Bid $200

461. Mel Blanc: Cosmo Spacely (Jetsons) Signed Production Cel Starting Bid $200

462. Mel Blanc: Daffy Duck Signed Production Cel Starting Bid $200

463. Mel Blanc: Tweety Bird Signed Production Cel Starting Bid $200

464. Matt Groening Signed Poster with (2) Sketches Starting Bid $200

465. Chuck Jones Signed Print of Pepe Le Pew Starting Bid $200

466. Stan Lee Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

467. MAD Magazine: Dave Berg Original Sketch of Alfred E. Neuman Starting Bid $200

468. MAD Magazine: William Gaines Signed Questionnaire Starting Bid $200

469. Pink Panther Production Cel and Matching Drawing Starting Bid $100

470. Pink Panther Production Cel and Matching Drawing Starting Bid $100

471. Charles Schulz Signed Book Starting Bid $200

472. Charles Schulz Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

473. Charles Schulz Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

474. Garry Trudeau Original Sketch and (6) Signed Books Starting Bid $200

483. Louisa May Alcott Signature Starting Bid $200

484. American Historians (4) Signed Items Starting Bid $100

485. Theodore de Banville Starting Bid $200

486. Peter Benchley Original Sketch of Jaws Starting Bid $200

487. Henry Bordeaux Starting Bid $200

488. Paul Bourget Starting Bid $200

489. Gamaliel Bradford Starting Bid $200

490. Georg Brandes Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

491. William Cullen Bryant Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

492. Francois Rene de Chateaubriand Partial Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

493. Francois Rene de Chateaubriand Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

494. Francois Rene de Chateaubriand Document Signed Starting Bid $200

495. Wilkie Collins Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

496. William Cowper Document Signed Starting Bid $200

497. Alphonse and Julia Daudet Documents Signed Starting Bid $200

498. Arthur Conan Doyle Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

499. Marie von EbnerEschenbach Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

500. German Writers (12) Signed Items Starting Bid $200

501. Allen Ginsberg Autograph Note Signed Starting Bid $100

502. Ernst Haeckel Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

503. Bret Harte Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

504. August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

505. Detlev von Liliencron Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

506. Jack London Signed Check Starting Bid $200

507. Maurice Maeterlinck Starting Bid $200

508. John Masefield Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

512. Ayn Rand Signature Starting Bid $200

509. A. A. Milne Signature Starting Bid $200

510. Charles Nodier Document Signed Starting Bid $200

513. Peter Rosegger Signed 514. John Ruskin Autograph Photograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200 Starting Bid $200

511. John Boyle O'Reilly Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

515. Dr. Seuss Signed Print Starting Bid $200

516. Dr. Seuss Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

517. Madame de Stael Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $20

518. Alfred Lord Tennyson Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

519. Dalton Trumbo Signed Book Presented to Kirk Douglas Starting Bid $200

520. Frank Wedekind Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

533. Leonard Bernstein Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

534. Nadia Boulanger Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

535. Charles Gounod Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

536. Jan Kubelik Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

537. Maria Malibran Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

538. Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

539. Igor Stravinsky Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

540. Jacques Thibaud Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

541. Count Basie (2) Signed Photographs Starting Bid $100

542. Benny Carter Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

543. Composers (5) Signed Photographs Starting Bid $100

544. Lena Horne Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

545. Jazz and Pop Singers (6) Signed Photos Starting Bid $200

546. Miriam Makeba Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

547. Glenn Miller Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

548. Glenn Miller Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

549. Sarah Vaughan Document Signed Starting Bid $100

550. Fats Waller Signature Starting Bid $200

551. Harry Chapin Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

552. Pete Seeger Original Sketches of a Banjo and Sailboat Starting Bid $200

553. James Taylor Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

554. Slim Whitman Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

555. AC/DC: Bon Scott Signature Starting Bid $200

556. Beatles: Lennon and Ono Original 'Bed-in for Peace' Wire Photograph Starting Bid $200

557. Beatles: Paul McCartney Signature Starting Bid $200

558. The Jeff Beck Group 1969 Fillmore West Poster Starting Bid $200

559. Blood, Sweat and Tears Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

560. Cheap Trick Signatures Starting Bid $200

561. Eric Clapton Signature Starting Bid $200

562. Phil Collins Signed VHS Starting Bid $200

563. David Crosby Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

564. Crosby, Stills & Nash Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

565. Def Leppard Signed Oversized Photograph Starting Bid $200

566. The Doors: Jim Morrison Photograph Starting Bid $100

567. Duran Duran Signed Concert Poster Starting Bid $200

568. Genesis Signed Album Starting Bid $200

569. Grateful Dead: Jerry Garcia Signature Starting Bid $200

570. Guns N' Roses: Axl Rose Signed Guitar Starting Bid $200

571. Heart Signatures Starting Bid $200

572. Elton John Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

573. Elton John Signed Photographic Print Starting Bid $200

574. Elton John Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

575. Journey Signed Concert Poster Starting Bid $200

576. KISS Signed Album Starting Bid $200

577. Lenny Kravitz Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

578. Led Zeppelin: Jimmy Page and Robert Plant Signed Concert Poster Starting Bid $200

579. Lynyrd Skynyrd: Ronnie Van Zant Photograph Starting Bid $100

580. Meat Loaf Signed CD Booklet Starting Bid $200

581. The Monkees Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

582. Moody Blues Signed Concert Poster Starting Bid $200

583. Morrissey Collection of (50) CDs Starting Bid $200

584. Graham Nash Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

585. Eddie Vedder Signed Concert Poster Starting Bid $200

586. Esther Phillips Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

587. The Pretenders Signed Concert Poster Starting Bid $200

588. The Pretenders: Chrissie Hynde Signed Concert Poster Starting Bid $200

589. Prince Still-Sealed '1999' Album Starting Bid $200

590. Prince Collection of (14) CDs Starting Bid $200

591. Prince Collection of (14) Albums Starting Bid $200

592. Prince 'Around the World in a Day' Promotional Poster Starting Bid $200

593. Red Hot Chili Peppers Signed Print Starting Bid $200

594. Rolling Stones: Charlie Watts (2) Signed Photographs Starting Bid $200

595. Rolling Stones: Ronnie Wood Signed Print: 'Lucky Man' Starting Bid $200

596. Rush Signed 45 RPM Record Starting Bid $200

597. Patti Smith (5) Signed Items Starting Bid $200

598. The Smiths Signed Album Starting Bid $200

599. Phil Spector Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

600. Bruce Springsteen Signature Starting Bid $200

601. Bruce Springsteen Signed Concert Poster Starting Bid $200

602. The Who: Daltrey and Townshend Signed Poster Starting Bid $200

603. Yes Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

604. ZZ Top (2) Signed Photographs Starting Bid $200

605. ABBA Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

606. ABBA Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

607. Mary J. Blige and D'Angelo Signed Concert Poster Starting Bid $200

608. Dr. Dre Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

609. Female Vocalists (5) Signed Photographs Starting Bid $100

610. Josh Groban Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

611. Janet Jackson Signed Concert Poster Starting Bid $200

612. John Legend Signed Concert Poster Starting Bid $200

613. John Legend Signed Concert Poster Starting Bid $200

614. Sonny and Cher Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

615. TLC Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

616. 'Weird Al' Yankovic Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

628. Star Trek USS Enterprise Blueprint for 'Bread and Circuses' Starting Bid $200

632. Julie Andrews Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

633. Julie Andrews Signed Mary Poppins One Sheet Movie Poster Starting Bid $200

634. Andy Griffith Show: Jack Prince Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

635. Fred Astaire Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

636. Brigitte Bardot (3) Signed Photographs Starting Bid $200

637. Batman: Adam West Original Sketch Starting Bid $200

638. Ingrid Bergman Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

639. Fanny Brice Starting Bid $200

640. Celebrities Collection of (400+) Signatures Starting Bid $200

641. Dave Chappelle Signed Concert Poster Starting Bid $200

642. Wes Craven Original Sketch of Freddy Krueger Starting Bid $200

643. James Dean Original Photographic Print by Roy Schatt Starting Bid $200

644. James Dean Original Photograph by Roy Schatt Starting Bid $200

645. James Dean Original Photograph by Roy Schatt Starting Bid $200

646. Robert DeNiro Signed Schoolwork Starting Bid $200

647. Kirk Douglas Signed Spartacus Poster Starting Bid $200

648. Kirk Douglas Signed Vintage Magazine Advertisement Starting Bid $100

649. Kirk Douglas Signed Vintage Magazine Advertisement Starting Bid $100

650. Kirk Douglas Signed Vintage Magazine Advertisement Starting Bid $100

651. W. C. Fields Typed Manuscript Signed Starting Bid $200

652. Film Stars of the 20th Century Multi-Signed Poster Starting Bid $200

653. William J. Florence Twice-Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

654. Harrison Ford Signature Starting Bid $200

655. Jodie Foster Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

656. Michael J. Fox Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

657. Hugh Hefner Signed Book to Steven Spielberg Starting Bid $200

658. Charles Kean (2) Autograph Letters Signed Starting Bid $100

659. Arthur Kennedy Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

660. Richard Kiel Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

661. Lily Langtry Signature Starting Bid $200

662. Stan Laurel Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

663. Vivien Leigh Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

664. Frank Lloyd Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

665. Sophia Loren (5) Signed Photographs Starting Bid $200

666. Lost in Space MultiSigned Photograph Starting Bid $200

667. Steve McQueen Original Photographic Print by Roy Schatt Starting Bid $200

670. Munsters: Fred Gwynne Original Sketch Starting Bid $200

671. Eddie Murphy Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

672. James O'Neill Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

673. Anna Paquin Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

674. Vincent Price Original Self Portrait Sketch Starting Bid $200

676. Fred Rogers Signed Photograph and Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

677. Peter Sellers Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

678. Stage Actors (16) Signed Photographs Starting Bid $200

668. Lewis Milestone Signed 669. Marilyn Monroe Photograph Original Photograph by Roy Starting Bid $200 Schatt Starting Bid $200

679. Stage Actresses (16) Signed Photographs Starting Bid $200

680. Star Trek: George Takei Signed Starfleet Shirt Starting Bid $200

681. Patrick Swayze Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

682. Irving Thalberg Signed Check Starting Bid $100

683. Sidney Toler Signature Starting Bid $200

684. Rudolph Valentino (143) Photographs Starting Bid $200

685. Jon Voight Original Sketch of Joe Buck from Midnight Cowboy Starting Bid $200

686. Robin Williams Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

687. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory MultiSigned Photograph Starting Bid $200

688. Wizard of Oz: Ray Bolger Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

689. Natalie Wood Signature Starting Bid $200

695. Muhammad Ali Signature Starting Bid $200

696. Muhammad Ali Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

697. Base Stealers (4) Signed Baseballs Starting Bid $200

698. Baseball (8) Signed Covers Starting Bid $100

699. Baseball Hall of Fame (30) Signed Perez-Steele Cards Starting Bid $200

700. Baseball Hall of Fame Catchers (6) Signed Covers Starting Bid $100

701. Baseball Hall of Famers 702. Baseball Hall of Famers 703. Baseball Hall of Famers (3) Signed Baseballs (12) Signed Covers (9) Signed Perez-Steele Starting Bid $200 Starting Bid $100 Cards Starting Bid $200

704. Baseball Hall of Famers (14) Signed Perez-Steele Cards Starting Bid $200

705. Baseball Notables (6) Signed Baseballs Starting Bid $200

706. Baseball Pitchers Starting Bid $200

707. Baseball: 300 Game Winners Signed Baseball Starting Bid $200

708. Baseball: Howard, Long, and Tresh (3) Signed Baseballs Starting Bid $200

709. Mark Belanger's GameUsed Baseball Bat Starting Bid $200

710. Boston Red Sox (3) Signed Covers with Ted Williams, Yaz, and Fisk Starting Bid $200

711. Boston Red Sox Hall of Famers (3) Signed Covers Starting Bid $200

712. Brooklyn Dodgers (23) Multi-Signed Book Starting Bid $200

713. Tommy Burns Signature Starting Bid $200

714. Jose Raul Capablanca Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

715. Wilt Chamberlain Signed Biography Starting Bid $200

716. Ezzard Charles Signature Starting Bid $200

717. Ezzard Charles Signed Magazine Cover Starting Bid $200

718. Roger Clemens (2) Signed Baseballs Starting Bid $200

719. Cy Young Winners: Clemens, Gooden, and Johnson (3) Signed Baseballs Starting Bid $200

720. Joe DiMaggio (2) Signed Photographs Starting Bid $200

721. DiMaggio Brothers (3) Signatures Starting Bid $200

722. Early 20th Century Collegiate Baseball Programs (3) Starting Bid $100

723. Roger Federer (4) Signed Promo Cards Starting Bid $200

724. Joe Frazier Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

725. Giants: Horace Stoneham and Edgar Feeley (3) Signed Checks Starting Bid $100

726. Golf: Masters Champions (6) Signed Score Cards Starting Bid $200

727. Golf: Snead, Nelson, Sarazen (3) Signed Photographs Starting Bid $200

728. Graham Hill Signed Program Page Starting Bid $200

729. Ben Hogan Starting Bid $200

730. Ben Hogan Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

731. Torii Hunter's GameUsed Baseball Bat Starting Bid $200

732. Reggie Jackson (2) Signed Baseballs Starting Bid $200

733. Derek Jeter Signed Baseball Starting Bid $200

734. Mickey Mantle and Eddie Mathews Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

735. Andrew McCutchen's Game-Used Baseball Bat Starting Bid $200

736. Joe Medwick Signature Starting Bid $200

737. Minor League Baseball Programs (6) Starting Bid $100

738. Bobby Murcer's GameUsed Baseball Bat Starting Bid $200

739. NY Pitchers: Cone, Gooden, and Guidry (3) Signed Baseballs Starting Bid $200

740. NY Yankees (3) MultiSigned Baseballs Starting Bid $200

741. NY Yankees (10) Signed Baseballs Starting Bid $200

742. NY Yankees Hitters: Mattingly, Raines, and Winfield (3) Signed Baseballs Starting Bid $200

743. NY Yankees Pitchers: Bouton and Torrez (2) Signed Baseballs Starting Bid $200

744. NY Yankees Pitchers: 745. NY Yankees: 1940s–50s 746. NY Yankees: Abbott, Duren, Reynolds, and Players (6) Signed Dent, Hernandez, and Howe Shantz (3) Signed Baseballs Baseballs (4) Signed Baseballs Starting Bid $200 Starting Bid $200 Starting Bid $200

747. NY Yankees: Broadcasters (3) Signed Baseballs Starting Bid $100

748. NY Yankees: MacPhail and Wolff (2) Signed Baseballs Starting Bid $200

749. NY Yankees: Managers (6) Signed Baseballs Starting Bid $200

750. NY Yankees: Modern Stars (6) Signed Baseballs Starting Bid $200

751. NY Yankees: OldTimers Starting Bid $200

752. NY Yankees: OldTimers Signed Baseball Starting Bid $100

753. NY Yankees: Pitchers (6) Signed Baseballs Starting Bid $200

754. NY Yankees: Pitchers (6) Signed Baseballs Starting Bid $200

755. NY Yankees: World Series Champions (8) Signed Baseballs Starting Bid $200

756. Arnold Palmer and Jack Nicklaus (2) Signed Photographs Starting Bid $200

757. Pitchers (4) Signed Baseballs Starting Bid $200

758. Pitchers: Hunter, Niekro, Perry, and Turley (4) Signed Baseballs Starting Bid $200

759. C. C. Sabathia Signed Baseball Starting Bid $200

760. San Diego Padres (11) Signed Covers with Tony Gwynn Starting Bid $100

761. Gene Sarazen Signed Photographs Starting Bid $100

762. Spec Shea Signed Baseball Starting Bid $100

763. Al Simmons Signature Starting Bid $200

764. Unique Collection of (30) Souvenir Baseball Bats and Bat Pens Including 1961, 1963, 1976 World Series Starting Bid $100

768. Willie Stargell (4) Signed HOF Cards Starting Bid $100

765. St. Louis Cardinals (10) 766. St. Louis Cardinals (10) 767. St. Louis Cardinals Hall Signed Covers Signed Covers of Famers: Musial, Brock, Starting Bid $200 Starting Bid $200 and Schoendienst Signed Baseballs Starting Bid $200

769. Hoyt Wilhelm Signed Payroll Check Starting Bid $100

Conditions of Sale ANYONE EITHER REGISTERING TO BID OR PLACING A BID (“BIDDER”) ACCEPTS THESE CONDITIONS OF SALE AND ENTERS INTO A LEGALLY, BINDING, ENFORCEABLE AGREEMENT WITH R&R AUCTION COMPANY OF MASSACHUSETTS, LLC (“RR AUCTION”) TOGETHER WITH BIDDER, THE “PARTIES”). This Agreement contains important provisions that control rights and liabilities, and specifically has provisions governing how disputes are handled as well as LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY that can be imposed upon RR Auction, WAIVER OF JURY and ARBITRATION PROVISIONS. This acknowledgement is a material term of these Conditions of Sale and of the consideration under which RR Auction agrees to these terms. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. The following terms and conditions (“Conditions of Sale”) constitute the sole terms and conditions under which RR Auction will offer for sale and sell the property on its website, and/or described in the catalog of items for auction (the “Catalog”). These Conditions of Sale constitute a binding agreement between the Parties with respect to the auction in which Bidder participates (the “Auction”). By bidding at the Auction, whether in person, through an agent or representative, by telephone, facsimile, online, absentee bid, or by any other form of bid or by any other means, Bidder acknowledges the thorough reading and understanding of all of these Conditions of Sale, all descriptions of items in the Catalog, and all matters incorporated herein by reference, and agrees to be fully bound thereby.

Section 1 The Parties1.1 RR Auction and Auction This Auction is presented by RR Auction, a d/b/a/ of R&R Auction Company of Massachusetts, LLC, as identified with the applicable licensing information on the title page of the Catalog or on the www.RRauction. com Internet site. The Auction is conducted under these Conditions of Sale. Announcements and corrections from the podium at live auctions and those made through the Conditions of Sale appearing on the Internet at RRauction.com supersede those in the printed Catalog. 1.2 Bidder Bidder shall mean the original Bidder on the property offered for sale by RR Auction and not any subsequent owner or other person who may acquire or have acquired an interest therein. If Bidder is an agent, the agency must be disclosed in writing to RR Auction prior to the time of sale, otherwise the benefits of the warranty shall be limited to the agent and not transferable to the undisclosed principal. The rights granted to Bidder under these Conditions of Sale are personal and may not be assigned or transferred to any other person or entity, whether by operation of law or otherwise without the express written assent of RR Auction. Bidder may not transfer, assign, or otherwise convey these Conditions of Sale or any of the rights herein, and such purported transfer, assignment, or conveyance shall be null and void. No third party may rely on any benefit or right conferred on any Bidder by these Conditions of Sale, and no third party is intended as a beneficiary of these Conditions of Sale. Bids will not be accepted from minor persons under eighteen (18) years of age without a parent or legal guardian’s written consent containing an acknowledgment of the Conditions of Sale herein and indicating their agreement to be bound thereby on behalf of the Bidder. All Bidders must meet RR Auction’s qualifications to bid. Any Bidder who is not a client in good standing of RR Auction may be disqualified at RR Auction’s sole option and will not be awarded lots. Such determination may be made by RR Auction in its sole and unlimited discretion, at any time prior to, during, or even after the close of the Auction. RR Auction reserves the right to exclude any person from the Auction. If an entity places a bid, then the person executing the bid on behalf of the entity agrees to personally guarantee payment for any successful bid and

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Section 7 Sales Tax

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Section 18

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