RPS Germany Chapter eMagazine 1st Quarter 2023

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About the cover image

PHOTOGRAPHER: Siegfried Rubbert LRPS


CAPTION: The fascination of a lonely road ending in nothingness only illuminated by two street lamps shows the way - only where to - in the mist-shimmering matt of darkness on shiny silver tar painting a delicate melody in the sky.

And the light turns into floating sounds of a ballad blowing away into the black night sky.

10. März 2023

– Leica SL2 - ISO 100 - 90mm - f 4 - 2,5 sec

Liked to be featured as well on the front page? Then please send us your favourite image, including the title of the photo, the place where you have taken it; and a short caption. We would love to hear what your motives were for this photo and what emotions it triggers in you. You can send us the photo as JPEG, TIFF or PSD file. Please make sure that the photo has a minimum resolution of 3000 x 3000 pixel and 300 dpi.

Of course, we also have to adhere to the regulations for data protection and the rights of use according to the copyright law. Therefore, we ask you to make a short statement in the email regarding the declaration of consent of the person(s) depicted and to allow us to use your photo.

Please use the following email address to send the photo: germany@rps.org


Royal Photographic Society Germany Chapter

Chris Renk

Siegfried Rubbert

Horst Witthüser

©2023 RPS Germany Chapter - all rights reserved

featured as well 02 / 1st QUARTER 2023 / eMAGAZINE


It is already two years since we started publishing our magazine quarterly, and we still receive enough content from our members.

This should be all the more incentive for you to send us even more material for our magazine.

Of course, we are also striving to expand the range of articles regarding photo know-how and photo equipment. So we are all the more pleased to be able to present a report on macro lenses in this issue with the kind support of MPB.

We also present an article on photo locations, this time from Schartmützelsee. Of course, it would be great to share your favourite photo locations with us.

In the Events section, our Swedish Chapter member Grahame Soden reports impressive pictures from his region’s annual dog sled race.

For the top story, we won one of our FRPS bearers, Edmund Nägele, who tells us about his photographic path to digital art.

Now to the daily happenings within the Chapter. Unfortunately, the Society’s website and the booking system for the RPS events are not running too smoothly at the moment. This has upset some of our members, and we are currently seeing a wave of resignations from the Society.

This also affects members who have been heavily involved in the Chapter Committee and Chapter activities. These gaps need to be filled, and I hope for your support.

It is planned to hold a General Meeting in November 2023 to fill the vacant committee positions. If no successors are found for these positions, which are absolutely necessary according to the By-Laws of the Society, we will have to dissolve the Chapter. This would of course, be a great pity!

Nevertheless, we are looking positively into the future and will continue to concentrate on steadily expanding the range of services for Chapter members.

For the Chapter Board

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Edmund Nägele FRPS tells us about his Life Story and how his passion for Digital Art developed.



Chris Renk provides tips what to photograph at and around the Lake Scharmützel.


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In focus contemporary art, architecture, sport and landscape photography.



Discover what our member, Grahame Soden ARPS reports from the Event.

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What to look for when choosing your macro lens and get inspired by MPBs eight lens favourites.


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Online Meeting, Release dates eMagazine, Webinars and Online Training of the Chapter.

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Chris Renk - Schleierfall Ammergauer Alps, Bavaria


FRPS Experiment and be surprised 06 | | TOP STORY 06 / 1st QUARTER 2023 / eMAGAZINE
Beach Huts at Paignton, Devon, Great Britain • © Edmund Nägele FRPS 07 | | TOP STORY eMAGAZINE / 1st QUARTER 2023 / 07
Edmund Nägele FRPS Experiment and be surprised
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Edmund Nägele FRPS Experiment and be surprised
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Traditional Maltese Boat at Marsaxlokk Harbour Malta • © Edmund Nägele FRPS

Discover what Edmund Nägele FRPS tells us about his journey into Digital Art, which started after leaving his ordinary photography job in Germany for 9 years of working as a photographer and manager of the Photographic Dept. at a postcard company in Ireland founded and owned by the legendary John Hinde FRPS.

Developing black & white passport pictures, snaps of happy families on holidays and my yellow fingers from processing solutions, lay behind me when I applied for a job in Ireland.

A postcard company with the ambitious motto “The Finest Viewcards in the World”, accepted my application - my days of yellow fingers were over.

Colour was the new secret to success in those days, eventually catapulting these postcards into a major exhibition in 1993 at The Irish Museum of Modern Art in Dublin.

The new work required gave me the freedom (within limits) to produce some 80 subjects during the five months season without any restriction as to time or money.

These were the good times I’ll never forget. But when John Hinde, who lent his name to the company and who also was a Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain, decided to sell up, I knew my time was up too….

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Edmund Nägele FRPS Experiment and be surprised
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With £ 20.00 and a few shillings, a very small loan from my bank, a camera, a car plus the caravan I had used over the years which the company let me keep in lieu of a certain amount of postcard images I would supply, I was self employed!

In London I approached a well-known picture library. To that moment I had no idea that people would be spending good money to “hire” a transparency for a limited use.

They even had to return the 5x7 originals so that it could be offered to another client. I was doing well on the 50/50 commission deal today’s photographers can only dream of.

After several years travelling all over Europe, Canada and the USA, I was in the lucky position to start my very own stock library, supplying mainly the calendar trade in North America, Australia, Japan, the United Kingdom and Germany.

be surprised 10 | | TOP STORY
Nägele FRPS
Painted Desert • © Edmund Nägele FRPS
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Edmund Nägele FRPS Experiment and be surprised
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“Mountain High”• © Edmund Nägele FRPS

The eternal search for “fluffy” clouds continued until Cokin brought out their range of graduated filters. My results were certainly different. I knocked on many doors with a mock-up of my ideas, only to listen politely on the virtues of “fluffy” clouds.

Until M&S (bless them) produced my idea and since in those years they could no wrong, everybody and his dog queued up for coffee, lunch and transparencies. I had arrived.

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Edmund Nägele FRPS Experiment and be surprised
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Swans flying across autumnal Loisach Moor near Bichl at the end of a day, Oberbayern, Germany • © Edmund Nägele FRPS

Somewhere around 1983 I came across Photoshop at an exhibition at the NEC in Birmingham. I realised the potential of this software and within days I ordered my first Mac, a drum scanner and a CDR-player, the later alone costing £ 1,160.00.

Several months latter I realised that I needed to output the digital files onto Fuji Velvia film material as most of my customers seemed to think that computers were only for the devil and the banks.

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Edmund Nägele FRPS Experiment and be surprised
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Tree of Life • © Edmund Nägele FRPS
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Edmund Nägele FRPS Experiment and be surprised
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Edmund Nägele FRPS Experiment and be surprised
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Secrets of the Forest • © Edmund Nägele FRPS
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Edmund Nägele FRPS Experiment and be surprised
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Winter Sunshine at Benediktbeuern, Oberbayern • © Edmund Nägele FRPS

During all of that year and having by then invested £ 95,000.00, I never once spent time under a blue sky with “fluffy” clouds.

I had to get to grips with Photoshop (and I still do) without the help available today via magazines and youtube advice.

Very frustrating times to say the least. But the rewards did not keep me waiting for long.

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Edmund Nägele FRPS Experiment and be surprised
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Edmund Nägele FRPS Experiment and be surprised
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Edmund Nägele FRPS Experiment and be surprised
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Lake Dobbiaco in the Dolomites • © Edmund Nägele FRPS

Now I am retired and “free” to create the images I could only dream of, plus the ones filling my mind during many a sleepless night.

Suddenly and with the help of additional software (ON1 Photo RAW, Topaz Studio, Luminar, Aurora HDR) I was blending up to 30 layers a time into one single image – sort of an adventure into the unknown.

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Edmund Nägele FRPS Experiment and be surprised
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Murnauer Moos Nature Park, Oberbayern • © Edmund Nägele FRPS
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Edmund Nägele FRPS Experiment and be surprised

Edmund Nägele FRPS

Experiment and be surprised

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Group of trees on Buchberg near Bad Toelz, Bavaria, Germany • © Edmund Nägele FRPS
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The Windflower (Anemone) • © Edmund Nägele FRPS

My advice to anybody who wants to know, would be simply: “experiment, experiment, experiment and be surprised!”

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Edmund Nägele FRPS Experiment and be surprised Moorland Scene (Loisach Moor near Bichl, Oberbayern, Germany) • © Edmund Nägele FRPS
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Edmund Nägele FRPS | nagelestock.net
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Photo Location Guide: Lake Scharmützel by Chris Renk


A Location Guide by Chris Renk

Photo Location Guide: Lake Scharmützel by Chris Renk
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Jetty into infinity - by Chris Renk


A few kilometres southeast of Berlin lies the Scharmützelsee, the "Märkisches Meer", with its dreamy sandy beach, glittering boats and artists who make rousing music, multi-storey cakes and Brandenburg's most idyllic film festival here.

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Photo Location Guide: Lake Scharmützel by Chris Renk

Its name sounds like adventure - a lake like a battle: the Scharmützelsee. The name Scharmützel is derived from the word “skirmish” in English, which refers to a brief, unplanned battle or conflict. The lake was named after a battle that took place in the area during the Thirty Years’ War in the 17th century.

The lake, also known as the "Märkisches Meer" lies only a few kilometres southeast of Berlin.

For Berlin society, for famous artists and wealthy bankers, the lake has been one of the most popular summer destinations for about 100 years: characterised by the moorland, a thermal spring and the quiet, wooded surroundings.

With an area of almost 13 square kilometres, it is one of the largest lakes in the region and offers a variety of activities and attractions for visitors.

One of the main attractions of Scharmützelsee is the opportunity for water sports. The lake’s calm waters are ideal for sailing, surfing, swimming and fishing.

There are also boat rentals that allow visitors to explore the lake independently. Especially in warm weather, the lake is a popular place to relax and enjoy the water.

Scharmützelsee is also surrounded by beautiful countryside.

Many hiking trails and cycle paths lead around the lake and take visitors to some of the most beautiful places in the area.

Some hiking trails lead through forests and offer breathtaking views of the lake and the surrounding landscapes.

Bad Saarow Strand during a misty morning - by Chris Renk
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Photo Location Guide: Lake Scharmützel by Chris Renk

Lake Scharmützel is a beautiful location for photography, offering stunning landscapes, wildlife, and opportunities for capturing the area’s essence. Here are some tips for photographing at Lake Scharmützel:


The best time to take photos at Lake Scharmützel is during golden hour, which is the hour after sunrise or the hour before sunset. The light is softer and warmer, creating a beautiful glow on the water and surrounding landscapes.

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Photo Location Guide: Lake Scharmützel by Chris Renk Golden hour at Bad Saarow Strand - by Chris Renk
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Photo Location Guide: Lake Scharmützel by Chris Renk
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Photo Location Guide: Lake Scharmützel by Chris Renk


The lake offers many opportunities for capturing reflections, especially during calm weather conditions. Look for exciting subjects such as trees, buildings, or boats, and try to capture their reflection in the water.

Reflection of stranded buoy - by Chris Renk
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Photo Location Guide: Lake Scharmützel by Chris Renk


The lake is home to various wildlife, including birds, fish, and mammals. Look for opportunities to capture them in their natural habitat, but remember to keep a safe distance and respect their space.

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Photo Location Guide: Lake Scharmützel by Chris Renk
Wildlife impression at Lake Scharmützel - by Chris Renk
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Photo Location Guide: Lake Scharmützel by Chris Renk
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Photo Location Guide: Lake Scharmützel by Chris Renk


The lake and surrounding areas offer many beautiful landscapes, including forests, hills, and fields. Look for interesting compositions and use leading lines to guide the viewer’s eye through the scene.

Enjoying lake view during early
hours- by Chris Renk
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Photo Location Guide: Lake Scharmützel by Chris Renk I am the greatest - by Chris Renk
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Photo Location Guide: Lake Scharmützel by Chris Renk Being surrounded - by Chris Renk
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Photo Location Guide: Lake Scharmützel by Chris Renk


The weather at Lake Scharmützel can change quickly, so be prepared for rain, fog, or changing light conditions. Embrace the weather and use it to create unique and exciting photographs.

Photo Location Guide:
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Lake Scharmützel by Chris Renk
Framing a misty morning - by Chris Renk
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Photo Location Guide: Lake Scharmützel by Chris Renk


Don’t be afraid to experiment with different angles, compositions, and settings. Try using a wide-angle lens to capture the grandeur of the landscape or a macro lens to capture the details of a flower. Play with exposure settings to create a different mood or feeling in your photographs.

Wet stairways - by Chris Renk
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Photo Location Guide: Lake Scharmützel by Chris Renk Being creative - by Chris Renk Capturing the morning dew - by Chris Renk
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Photo Location Guide: Lake Scharmützel by Chris Renk

Overall, Lake Scharmützel offers many opportunities for beautiful photographs. With some creativity and exploration, you can capture the essence of this stunning location. www.chrisrenk.com

Photo Location Guide: Lake Scharmützel by Chris Renk 42 | | LOCATION GUIDE 042 / 1st QUARTER 2023 / eMAGAZINE
“A lake is a landscape’s most beautiful and expressive feature. It is Earth’s eye; looking into which the beholder measures the depth of his own nature”
- Henry David Thoreau
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Capturing reflection - by Chris Renk LOCATION GUIDE eMAGAZINE / 1st QUARTER 2023 / 043
Photo Location Guide: Lake Scharmützel by Chris Renk |


1st quarter 2023

Again, this quarter, the members of the Germany Chapter pictured a wide range of photo motifs—each of the submitted pictures focussed on a different area of photography.

Thus, images were created in the areas of sports photography, architectural photography, landscape photography and contemporary art photography.

Our member in the far north of Sweden, Grahame Soden, photographed the annual dog sled race that passes very close to his home village.

Siegfried Rubbert, our Chapter Chairman went to Bochum to capture the architecture of the Ruhr-University.

Eberhard Potempa, who usually takes images out of planes, stayed on the ground and went to the Zollern colliery to photograph the ingenious colouring of the ageing industrial facilities.

Chris Renk once again went in search of waterfalls in the Bavarian Alps to capture the impressive waterfall near Rottach-Egern in a wintry atmosphere.

For this image, he used a shutter speed of almost 23 minutes.

Martin Gerling, whose photographic work currently focuses on Contemporary Art, visited the magical world of colours in the cave lights of the Dechenhöhle for us.

Every quarter, Members are asked to send in their best photos of the current quarter to provide stimulation for the others.
That frame of mind that you need to make fine pictures of a very wonderful subject; you cannot do it by not being lost yourself.
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Image title : 100% effort!

Image subject : Annual Dog Relay Race 2023

Country : Sweden

Photographer : Grahame Soden ARPS
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Image title : Ruhr-University Bochum

Image subject : Architecture

Country : Germany

Photographer : Siegfried Rubbert LRPS
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Photographer: Eberhard Potempa

Image title: Former colliery Zollern (Dortmund)

Image subject: Details, historical architecture

Country: Germany

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Photographer: Chris Renk

Image title: Rottach Waterfall

Image subject: Landscape Photography

Country: Rottach-Egern, Bavaria, Germany

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Photographer: Martin Gerling

Image title: Colors

Image subject: Art

Country: North Rhine Westphalia, Germany

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You are a member of the Germany Chapter and would like to submit pictures to the quarterly project

“Members Photo Work” as well?

Here is a list of the deadlines for each quarter:

2ND QUARTER 2023: 30.06.2023

3RD QUARTER 2023: 30.09.2023

4TH QUARTER 2023: 31.12.2023

1ST QUARTER 2024: 30.03.2024

Please send us the photos with a minimum resolution of 3000 x 3000 pixels and 300dpi.

For the naming of the photos please use following naming convention:


Each participant is responsible for compliance with the Data Protection Ordinance and the Copyright Act.

Participants please send the photos to the following email:


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The annual Vindelälvsdraget is a unique and thrilling event that takes place in the northern parts of Sweden. Discover what our member, Grahame Soden reports from the Event, which he regularly visited in the past years.

Ilive in Västerbotten County in Swedish Lapland. My little wooden house is about 100 m from the Vindelälven river which runs from near the border with Norway to the sea at Umeå, a distance of some 445 km (277 miles).

It is an undeveloped and protected river which means there are no hydro-electric power stations along its length, which in turn means it freezes hard in the winter, and becomes an important highway for reindeer herding, snow-scooter excursions, and cross-country skiing.

To give you a little idea of the size of the sparselypopulated vastness of Västerbotten, it covers an area over twice that of Wales, yet has a population density of only around 3 people per sq. km, around 270,000 souls of which 130,000 live in the county town of Umeå (pronounced ooh-me-oh).

Outside of the main towns it is pretty empty – a string of little villages scattered like pebbles alongside the rivers, with nothing much in between them.

The annual Vindelälvsdraget 58 | | EVENT
Grahame Soden ARPS
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Mass Start Ammarnäs 2014 - by Grahame Soden ARPS

Every year since 1985 the frozen river has also hosted the annual Vindelälvsdraget (pandemic years excepted), a 3-day, 320 km dog relay race. Competitors might be on a proper sledge with a full team of dogs, or just a single skier attached to one or two animals. I have neighbours with 20 to 30 dogs that they train & maintain. When you consider that a good dog can cost upwards of £1,000 (sometimes a long way upwards!) you realise that it is a sport for the truly dedicated.

The race used to be around 400 km over 4 days but global heating has caused it to be curtailed, as the ice is unpredictable lower down the river now.

The race starts in Ammarnäs up in the mountains near to the Norwegian border. The hamlet has only a couple of hundred residents but attracts many tourists for the world-class fishing, skiing, and nature. And its historic potato mountain! (Google it!). The village was originally an important meeting place for the indigenous Sami people, and it still has one of Lapland’s larger Sami communities.

Originally mainly nomadic reindeer herders, many Sami today own their own property whilst retaining their language, dress, and customs.

They are the only people in Sweden who are permitted to own commercial reindeer herds, and have their own Parliament to represent their unique history and conservation needs.

There was no road from Ammarnäs to anywhere much until around 1940. Supplies were hauled from Sorsele (90 km each way), Lycksele (240 km each way), or Mo-I-Rana in Norway (150 km each way, over the mountains). It was a tough life for tough people.

After the mass start in Ammarnäs the teams fly down river to the finish in Hällnäs some 320 km away.

There are 2 overnight stops en route and regular stages where the competitors are timed in & out, and can change the spent dogs and mushers for fresh.

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Grahame Soden ARPS The annual Vindelälvsdraget
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Rusksele 2023 - by Grahame Soden ARPS

I used to imagine that everyone in the race would have a team of huskies but no, there are many different breeds competing. I’ve seen boxers and setters alongside more specialised sledge dogs. I asked one competitor why he didn’t use huskies and he simply said “Because I want to win!”.

Grahame Soden ARPS The annual Vindelälvsdraget 60 | | EVENT 060 / 1st QUARTER 2023 / eMAGAZINE
2020 - by Grahame Soden ARPS
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Grahame Soden ARPS
annual Vindelälvsdraget
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Grahame Soden ARPS The annual Vindelälvsdraget

The race involves a massive amount of effort from volunteers along the route. Every kilometre has to be prepared for racing and clearly delineated with snow-poles. The staging points have to be manned, veterinary cover arranged, and coffee & cakes on hand. The dogs & skiers need somewhere to rest overnight.

The team helpers have to see their team off, then drive or snow -scooter to the next staging post to be ready when their team arrives. This area being what it is, they’re unlikely to be troubled by traffic jams en route, nor struggling for parking when they arrive!

Track Marshal makes a final inspection Rusksele 2023 - by Grahame Soden ARPS
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Grahame Soden ARPS The annual Vindelälvsdraget

Each stage along the course can be 15 to 20 km with each team covering around 100 km per day. The snow & ice conditions determine how fast each stage is – this year the first day was run in heavy wet snow which made life very difficult, but fortunately conditions improved for the subsequent days as overnight frosts firmed the track.

Vormsele 2017 - by Grahame Soden ARPS
Ammarnäs 2014 - by Grahame Soden ARPS The annual Vindelälvsdraget 64 | | EVENT 064 / 1st QUARTER 2023 / eMAGAZINE
Grahame Soden ARPS Björksele 2017 - by Grahame Soden ARPS
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Grahame Soden ARPS The
annual Vindelälvsdraget
Ammarnäs 2014 - by Grahame Soden ARPS
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Grahame Soden ARPS The annual Vindelälvsdraget

My photographs cover the start at Ammarnäs and a little of the first day in 2014, a couple from Björksele and Vormsele in 2015, 2017 & 2020, and Rusksele this year, 2023.

I still have no idea how they calculate who are the overall winners!

Ammarnäs 2014 - by Grahame Soden ARPS Two dogs Rusksele 2023 - by Grahame Soden ARPS Grahame Soden ARPS
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The annual Vindelälvsdraget


Soden ARPS The annual Vindelälvsdraget

Then, a few weeks after the race has been run, medals & cups presented, aches & pains soothed, the reindeer are quietly herded along the frozen river in the opposite direction, back to their summer pastures in the hills. Another cycle begins. 68 | | EVENT 068 / 1st QUARTER 2023 / eMAGAZINE
Slowly the river thaws, and the fishermen return. Life here is all about being in harmony with nature. Nature does what nature does. We are just the lucky observers.
Vormsele 2020 - by Grahame Soden ARPS
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Grahame Soden ARPS The annual Vindelälvsdraget


Learn more about the current composition of the Germany Chapter, the location of its members in the federal states, its Distinction Holders and in which Special Interests Groups the members participate.

50 Members 4 Countries

Facts about the RPS Germany Chapter 70 | | DEU CHAPTER
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A macro lens is essential for high-quality close-ups. At MPB, we’re passionate about camera equipment and how it can help visual storytellers with their craft. In this guide, you’ll find out what to look for when choosing your macro lens and get inspired by our eight favourites.

What is a macro lens?

A macro lens is a camera lens designed to capture close-up subjects. These versatile lenses provide razor-sharp close-ups as well as perfectly cropped compositions. You can also often use them for portraits.

A true macro lens has an image ratio of at least 1:1 (or 1.0x), which means that objects are reproduced in their original size. For example, a reproduction ratio of 1:2 means that lenses are reproduced at half their original size, 2:1 means that they are reproduced at twice their original size. (Be a little careful in your search: Many lenses are listed as macro lenses even though their reproduction ratio is less than 1:1).

Unlike other lenses, many macro lenses are equipped with a flat-field focus, not a curved-field focus. A special flat-field focus ensures that images remain sharp at the edges, while a curved-field focus makes images sharper in the centre.

Lenses for macro photography - a Guide provided by MPB 72 | | EQUIPMENT 072 / 1st QUARTER 2023 / eMAGAZINE

Choosing the right focal length

One consideration when choosing a macro lens should always be the desired focal length. The focal length describes the distance from the centre of the lens to the focal point.

A shorter focal length provides a wider angle that covers a larger area; a longer focal length, on the contrary, results in a smaller angle of view. As a result, macro lenses with a shorter focal length are usually smaller, lighter and cheaper than longer lenses. They can achieve some of the same magnification without weighing down your camera bag too much and are great for hobby macro photography.

A longer focal length gives you a longer working distance - the distance between the subject and the end of the lens. This makes it easier to control exposure and composition while keeping shadows off your subjects. However, the depth of field will be shallower.

The appropriate focal length depends primarily on whether you are using a camera with a crop sensor or a full-frame sensor.

With a crop sensor, the lens acts as a focal length multiplied by the camera’s crop factor. For a camera with a crop factor of 1.6x together with a 60mm lens, the focal length would be 96mm. The same lens with a full-frame camera would have a lower crop value and a shallower depth of field.

Nikon’s NIKKOR Z MC 105mm f/2.8 VR S is a short, fast telephoto macro lens with 1:1 imaging. The minimum focus distance of 31 cm leaves enough space between the front lens and the subject. The lens features a hightech ultrasonic autofocus system, VR II image stabiliser and ED glass.

Nikon NIKKOR Z MC 105mm f/2.8 VR S
73 | | EQUIPMENT eMAGAZINE / 1st QUARTER 2023 / 073
Lenses for macro photography - a Guide provided by MPB

Canon RF 85mm f/2 Macro IS STM

Canon’s versatile RF 85mm f/2 Macro IS STM is a stunning macro lens that doubles as a portrait lens. The maximum magnification of 1:2 may be a little disappointing for some, as subjects are captured at 50% of their original size. However, the 5-stop image stabilisation is an impressive aid to your shooting. In addition, the STM focus motor ensures smooth and fast autofocus.

Fujifilm XF 80mm f/2.8 R Macro

The XF 80mm f/2.8 R Macro is one of our best sellers - for a good reason. With a 62mm filter thread and an aperture range of f/2.8 to f/22, this lens is easily one of Fuji’s best. It may be a little bigger, but it’s also extremely robust. The 5-stop image stabiliser works as an excellent viewfinder for image composition. If you’re looking for a mid-sized tele-macro lens that delivers exceptional sharpness with many more features, the XF 80mm is for you.

Lenses for macro photography - a Guide provided by MPB 74 | | EQUIPMENT 074 / 1st QUARTER 2023 / eMAGAZINE

Sigma 105mm f/2.8 EX DG Macro OS HSM

The Sigma 105mm f/2.8 EX DG Macro OS HSM delivers fantastic results on distant subjects. Its super fast f/2.8 aperture helps capture great quality shots even in low light. In addition, the SLD (Special Low Diversion) lens gives you control over any form of aberration and distortion. The body, although not weatherproof, is extremely solidly built and feels good in the hand.

Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 60mm f/2.8 Macro

With impressive low-light performance due to its f/2.8 aperture, the Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 60mm f/2.8 Macro is one of the best macro lenses on the market. Not only does it take excellent close-ups, but it is also one of the lightest lenses available. The sturdy housing is also weatherproof. And the f/2.8 aperture ensures ideal conditions in all lighting conditions.

Lenses for macro photography - a Guide provided by MPB 75 | | EQUIPMENT eMAGAZINE / 1st QUARTER 2023 / 075

Samyang 100mm f/2.8 ED UMC Macro

The Samyang 100mm f/2.8 ED UMC Macro is a fast fixed focal length with a 1:1 ratio for close-ups with lots of detail. The fast f/2.8 aperture allows you to capture close-up subjects perfectly. This lens is also great for portraits and landscapes with its 100mm focal length. A High Refractive (HR) and ED element are built into the design of this lens, reducing chromatic aberration and distortion across the entire focal length.

Tamron SP 90mm f/2.8 Di VC USD Macro

With indescribable image quality and a weatherproof body, the Tamron SP 90mm f/2.8 Di VC USD Macro is one of the best macro lenses for DSLRs. The hybrid stabilisation system with XY-Shift function provides enhanced image stabilisation. Moreover, the fast f/2.8 aperture lets you capture every moment without sacrificing quality. As an added bonus, this lens is also great for portrait photography.

Lenses for macro photography - a Guide provided by MPB 76 | | EQUIPMENT 076 / 1st QUARTER 2023 / eMAGAZINE

Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 L Macro IS USM

The EF 100mm f/2.8 L Macro IS USM has excellent macro capabilities. It’s a fixed focal length with a true 1:1 ratio, so the subject you see in front of you is the same size as it is on your camera sensor. The lens delivers excellent results in portraits and handheld movies thanks to its shallow depth of field with beautiful bokeh, built-in hybrid image stabilisation and lightweight.

Have you found the right lens for you and are ready to get started with macro photography?

“MPB is the largest global platform to buy, sell, and trade used photography and videography kits. We recirculate more than 400,000 products annually. All of which come with a six-month warranty after being carefully inspected by our product specialists.”


Lenses for macro photography - a Guide provided by MPB 77 | | EQUIPMENT eMAGAZINE / 1st QUARTER 2023 / 077
078 / 1st QUARTER 2023 / eMAGAZINE

MPB is the largest global platform to buy, sell and trade used photo and video kit. We are the simple, safe and circular way to trade, upgrade and get paid for kit.

Scan the code to learn more

eMAGAZINE / 1st QUARTER 2023 / 079



13.May 2023 11:00 in Dortmund

The place of the meeting will be anounced shortly in front of the event

Online Classes


“The Beauty of Munich Underground Stations” “Copyright”

Live Workshops

“Waterfall Photography in the Bavarian Alps”

“The Beauty of Munich Underground Stations”

All Workshops will be announced via the RPS event page and on the Chapter’s Twitter and Facebook pages!

For upcoming meetings, please visit frequently our Chapter Page on RPS.org.




Please revisit our exhibition page for the latest updates!

https://rps.org/chapters/germany/ exhibitions/


Here is an overview of the specific publication dates:

2ND QUARTER 2023: 05.07.2023

3RD QUARTER 2023: 05.10.2023

4TH QUARTER 2023: 05.01.2024

1ST QUARTER 2024: 05.04.2024

The Magazine will be published via email as well as on the RPS’s account on ISSUU.

October 22 - December 2022 80 | | DATES & EVENTS
080 / 1st QUARTER 2023 / eMAGAZINE
Eberhard Potempa - Dortmund, Phönix West “Phönix des Lumières”


You would like to submit pictures to the quarterly project “Members Photo work”?

Here is a list of the deadlines for each quarter:

2ND QUARTER 2023: 30.06.2023

3RD QUARTER 2023: 05.10.2023

4TH QUARTER 2023: 31.12.2022

1ST QUARTER 2024: 30.03.2024

Please send us the photos with a minimum resolution of 3000 x 3000 pixels and 300dpi.

For the naming of the photos please use following naming convention:


Each participant is responsible for compliance with the Data Protection Ordinance and the Copyright Act.

Participants please send the photos to the following email: germany@rps.org


After the RPS Journal is published by an external company, the rules for contributions and the recording of events are more restrictive.

As an indication, a lead time of 2 months can be assumed for the inclusion of articles in the journal.

Events of the German Chapter are automatically included in the journal if they are published on the Chapter website under the heading Event.

Here the lead time is about one month before the publication of the journal.

Please note this when planning events and articles.


Since the magazine is published by the chapter itself, we are very flexible concerning the time schedule for submission of texts, pictures and dates for events.

In order not to make the editor’s life too complicated, we ask for a sufficient amount of time in advance.

As a rule, contributions should be received by the editor about 30 days before the publication date

Otherwise, simply inform us that you need some additional time for the creation of a contribution.

The publication dates, please take from the adjacent column.

October 2022 - December 2022 81 | | DATES & EVENTS
eMAGAZINE / 1st QUARTER 2023 / 081
Eberhard Potempa - Dortmund, Phönix West “Phönix des Lumières”



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