Rowan Chick - Product Design Folio

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Rowan chick Design Portfolio


About Me


Renault Oil Bottle Concept


1930’s Streamlined Radio


GymSmart Analyser Camera


Injection Mold Tool Design


O2 Think Big Volunteering Application


Infra-red Distance Sensor C-Programming


Catapult Design


USB Surface Modelling


4 About Me I’m a motivated individual and team player who is always in search of a challenge, feeding of the desire to enhance my abilities. Organized, forever adapting, and able to meet deadlines with a strong attention to detail. I want to apply my skills in a design based environment that will increase my knowledge, and where I can gain valuable experience.


Loughborough University

Year 1 Product Design and technology (BSc)

60.7%, 2:1


Ripley St. Thomas Sixth Form A-Levels

2 A’s, 1 B


Ripley St. Thomas School


DofE Award

1 Season spent training and coaching Westgate Under 16’s Football club, refereeing matches and being assistant referee.

Achieved the Duke Of Edinburgh Silver Award by taking on a 12 month gym project; a 6 month volunteering project training a football team; a 3 month skill project learning to referee; and going on a 3 day/2 night 75km expedition.


1 A*, 5 A’s, 4 B’s, 1 C

I play a lot of football with friends in my free time, for fun and also to keep fit.

Work Experience Work experience at Caton Graphic Design Consultants helping with tasks around the firm on current projects.

Barista Of The Year Came 4th place in the district round of the competition, where my coffee making skills where tested and my imagination was used in creating a new drink.

n/a Magazine Took upon the role of ‘Graphic Designer’ in the production of a one off eccentric magazine about interesting pieces of art.

Everywhere I go, I cycle. I have a great interest in bikes and cycling, and spend a lot of my time doing so.

I ensure that I go to the gym 3-4 times whilst at university and whilst at home to improve my strength and physique.

Rowan Chick, Designer.


6 Renault Oil Bottle Concept Through researching and analysing shapes and styles of the brand ‘Renault’, I have produced a concept oil bottle that portrays this car brand. When researching I took interest into concept Renault designs and the futuristic Renault Twizy. From initially sketching up initial ideas of the product, I have progressed to creating a CAD surface model on Creo Parametric which is displayed in the final KeyShot rendering.


8 1930’s Streamlined Radio Within this project I have designed a portable DAB radio which has been styled around products from the ‘streamlined era’. Initially a lot of research went into images of products and vehicles from the streamlined era, to explore shapes and styles that could be used to inspire my design. This is a mainly sketch based project which allowed me to engage my creative talents and enhance my abilities in sketching and creating new concepts.

Raymond Loewy’s iconic streamlined designs were majorly involved in the inspiration of my radio design.


10 GymSmart Analyser Camera This unique concept allows the user to analyse their form as well as others form whilst in the gym. It is designed to help avoid injury and increase the user’s performance whilst working out. The product is designed to follow a sleek form which is inspired from the images gathered. There was a lot of development from the original proposal, by using styrofoam to investigate the ergonomics and ease of use; and also developing the details of the design by sketching new concepts. To explain how the product would be assembled I have included an exploded view, which shows all of the parts of the product.


11 Injection Mold Tool Design A simple promotional pencil sharpener aimed to advertise ‘Smart’. The design is multifunctional as a pencil sharpener, ruler, and a pencil holder. The injection mold tool was created using Creo Parametric, and the feasibility of the mold was tested using Plastic Advisor, a function within Creo. Both mold halves and all of the inserts are able to be manufactured, and the cavity of the mold will produce the functioning widget as I designed it.


14 O2 Think Big Volunteering Application This app is designed to help link young adults to volunteering opportunities within the career category that they wish to pursue. It’s purpose is to increase the numbers of volunteers whilst allowing these people work experience to aid in obtaining a job. To investigate into the intended users, I interviewed two candidates that were in the target audience about there charity involvement. When the app concept had been created, I designed a scenario board to illustrate how the app would be used. Before creating the app, I produced rough layout sketches so that the interface could be viewed and tested quickly. The app was created using Axure RP, and can be viewed by scanning the QR code.


Search Results



16 Infra-Red Distance Sensor C-Programming I have programmed this Infra-red distance sensor to measure 1cm intervals from 0 - 30cm, the result from the sensor is then converted into a digital output on the LCD screen. I used a PICkit 3 device to program the micro controller using MPLab, all of the coding is done in ‘C language’.

Wiring The Breadboard To wire the breadboard to the LCD Pins 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13 and 14 had to soldered to the micro controller; to power the LCD the red wire is connecting pin 2 to the 3.3V rail, which is powered from the micro controller; and the black wire is connecting pin 1 to the 0V rail. The two used legs of the switches are connected to the micro controller and to the 0V rail. The sensor is powered from an external source so there is a 4.5V rail connected to the sensor, as well as a wire linking it to the same 0V rail and a wire connecting the sensor to an analogue port.

Kinetic Energy

Initial Speed

Distance Travelled

F=kx 93.2=k(0.36) k=258.9

KE=½mv² KE=0.5×0.025×v² v²=(16.7)/(0.5x0.025) v²=1344

Resolve Vertically:

PE=½kx² PE=(0.5×258.9×0.36)² PE=KE KE=16.7 J


v=u+at 0=36.6sin(45)-(9.81)t t=36.6sin(45)⁄9.81 t=3.17s Resolve Horizontally: s=vt s=(36.6cos45)(6.34) s=121.88 m

Soldering The Micro controller The sensor is wired to an analogue source so that there is a variation in voltage supplied from it, which allows different signals to be received; I have wired soldered the analogue output of the sensor to port AN7. The switches are soldered to ports RB1 and RB2, which needs to be defined within the coding for them to be able to function. All of the pins are soldered to specific pins on the micro controller, this is a very accurate procedure as the ports are very close together and a misplaced bit of solder could connect the wrong two ports and cause the circuit to fail.

Video Of Functioning Circuit This QR code links to the youtube video of the working circuit being tested.

Catapult Design This mangonel styled catapult works by lowering the firing arm where it is attached to the base of the design; from here it can be released from a safe distance. When the firing arm is released, it is fired into the angle adjuster where it is stopped on impact and the ball is released. I have calculated the relevant forces that are involved in the pull back of the resistance band and the firing of a regulation squash ball.


18 USB Surface Modelling The USB surface model was created using Creo Parametric using many techniques to create the complex curved form. I have shown the stages though the route taken to the final model, the design was altered many times so that the most efficient route to the final model was achieved. The Photoshop rendering displays the initial design which I carried through to render in KeyShot, to produce a more realistic visual of the USB.

Thank you for reading! Please contact Me:



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