Issue No. 3
RVP Newsletter
table of contents 1 message from the webmasters 2 help fight human trafficking 3 the value of an education 4 contact us
a message from the webmasters Hello again Rotarians, Interactors, and other curious readers! We hope you guys had a nice February! For many, February 1st (Tết) was their fresh start to the year - but regardless, we hope that the months ahead are full of luck and joy for everyone. 2022 is the year of the tiger - it’s about staying resilient and strong, just like a tiger, no matter the odds. Given everything that’s been going on, we wanted to remind everyone that while it’s important to stay aware of what’s going on in the world and do what you can, it’s just as important to preserve your own mental health. At the end of the day, you can’t help anyone without making sure you’re okay first. Any help that you can provide to any cause, even besides human trafficking, makes a difference. Stay safe and healthy (physically and mentally!), and we hope you enjoy this month’s issue! -Andy & Jordan 2021-22 Co-Webmasters
Help fight human trafficking in your community While human trafficking might seem like a faraway issue, it can happen to anyone, anywhere. According to, over 20 million people are trafficked worldwide, whether it be labor, sex, or other forms of trafficking. Donations towards organizations that work on the ground in vulnerable places around the world go a long way towards helping potential and past trafficking victims, but here are a few other ways you can help fight human trafficking in your community.
1.Become a mentor to a young person or someone in need. Many victims of trafficking are young children because they are vulnerable and unable to fully protect themselves. They will much more easily fall for the lies of traffickers to escape bad situations, or because they don’t know any better. Being a mentor and friend can help protect these young children and give them someone safe to turn to.
2. Shop from companies that don’t rely on child labor. A quick search can often tell you whether companies rely on child labor (usually in the form of trafficked children) created the food you eat or the clothes you wear. Choose to shop from brands that are conscious about their supply chain choices and care about the people working for them. This often means shopping more local, where you’re able to more closely see the process of creating the goods you purchase and use every day.
3. Learn the signs of human trafficking. Learning the signs of human trafficking can save lives, especially if you’re in a position where you’re able to help and observe children more directly (ex. teachers, coaches, doctors). provides a comprehensive guide including the signs of someone being trafficked, as well as who may be vulnerable.
The Value of an Education A lot of us take the opportunities we have for granted—after graduating, most of us expect to enroll in a university, earn a degree, and use it to get a well-paying job. Thanks to having the opportunity to educate ourselves, we’re free to choose what we do with the rest of our lives. However, the paths of those living in the poorest regions of Vietnam, where educational opportunities are sparse, can’t be changed as easily. Some Vietnamese children are expected to start working as farmers as soon as they’re able, and for the rest of their lives. Others might be forced to work in a rural factory or make items like straw mats for a small margin. It’s not necessarily bad, but these kinds of conditions are ultimately restricting —there’s no way to gain any upward mobility, socioeconomically. Yet, with just a few months of learning and vocational training through Pacific Links’ SEEDS program, Vietnamese students have been able to graduate high school, enroll in premiere Vietnamese universities, and choose what kind of career they want to pursue for themselves. They’ve escaped the very conditions that made them vulnerable to being trafficked, and changed their future. Donating, helping us fundraise as a partner of Pacific Links, teaching them English through their English Tutoring Online Program (ETOP)—with just a few hours of your time, you can help these students choose a different path as well.
contact us @rotaryd5170vietnamproject @RVP5170
Interested in sponsoring or collaborating with us? Feel free to reach out at for more information.
OTHER ORGANIZATIONS TO SUPPORT: Save the Children Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking
UNICEF Orphaned Starfish Foundation The Polaris Project