2021 Sanyuka Nange Project Report

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Email: rotaractentebbecorridor@gmail.com


March 26, 2021 Entebbe Corridor Community Based Rotaract Clubs New High Tech Secondary School Kajjansi



1.0 PROJECT BACKGROUND.........................................................................02 2.0. ORGANISATION BACKGROUND........................................................03 3.0. NEEDS ASSESSMENT..............................................................................04 4.0. SERVICES OFFERED................................................................................05 4.1. Disease prevention and treatment..........................................05 4.2. Water and Sanitation................................................................06 4.3. Peace and conflict resolution................................................... 07 4.4. Supporting the environment.................................................. 07 4.5. Re-launch of the school Interact Club:................................ 07 5.0. PROJECT ACHIEVEMENTS...................................................................08 6.0. PARTNERS.................................................................................................. 09 1. AFRIpads U Ltd:...............................................................................09 2. Day One Global:..............................................................................09 3. New High Tech Secondary School Management:................09 4. Rotaract Club of Namasuba:.......................................................09 5. Rotaract Nkumba Stewards:........................................................09 6. Rotaract Club of Bwebajja:..........................................................09 7. Rotaract Club of Kajjansi:........................................................... 09 8. Roaract Club of Entebbe Airport and Lubowa:.....................10 7.0. EXPENDITURE REPORT.......................................................................... 10 8.0. CHALLENGES.............................................................................................10 Limited funds:........................................................................................10 Budgeting issues:.................................................................................. 10 Time constraint:.....................................................................................11 Small facilitation team:........................................................................11 9.0. LESSONS LEARNT..................................................................................... 11 10.0. PARTICIPATION (VOLUNTEER HOURS)......................................... 11 11.0 PROJECT PLANS.........................................................................................12 12.0. APPRECIATION.........................................................................................13 13.0. CONCLUSION........................................................................................... 13 14.0. PROJECT TEAM........................................................................................13


Sanyuka Nange project is a community intervention by youths who subscribe to the Rotaract Clubs located along Entebbe road in Uganda. The project name “Sanyuka Nange” is coined from Luganda one of the local dialects in Uganda and it loosely translates as “Smile with me”. The project focuses on environmental conservation, menstrual hygiene management and water and sanitation in beneficiary schools around Uganda.

Rtn. Ann Nambatya President Rc Bwebajja

Joseph Batter Ssengooba

Projects Chair - Entebbe Corridor

According to UNICEF and WHO, Menstrual Hygiene Management is defined as Women and adolescent girls are using a clean menstrual management material to absorb or collect menstrual blood, that can be changed in privacy as often as necessary for the duration of a menstrual period, using soap and water for washing the body as required, and having access to safe and convenient facilities to dispose of used menstrual management materials. Research over the years has pointed that managing menstrual hygiene in low-income countries like Uganda is difficult due to lack of access to feminine hygiene products and the few adequate sanitary facilities available especially in schools leaving many girls to struggle to attend and do well in school. Lack of education in this field means that teachers, communities, and families do not have understanding of menstruation, and do not understand how to support girls to improve school attendance. The study also assessed the toilet facilities at the schools, and found that only a few schools had toilets adequate for good menstrual hygiene management, based on UNICEF’s WASH guidelines for sanitation and hygiene. In Wakiso District only, most schools had pit latrines, with either no soap, water, or disposal area for feminine hygiene products within the latrine itself. Unreliable access to water, making it essentially impossible for girls to clean their hygiene products or wash their hands and toilet facilities with insufficient light necessary for managing menstrual hygiene with no doors necessary to maintain privacy were the other findings reported by a study about menstrual hygiene in Wakiso District. Many of these studies have identified that there is an understudied problem of poor menstrual health and hygiene management in the school communities that needs urgent intervention. The Entebbe corridor community based Rotaract Clubs have orchestrated a community service project that shall resolve the menstrual hygiene management at New High Tech Secondary School in its first phase and shall also make intervention in other pertinent areas that need immediate attention.

2.0. ORGANISATION BACKGROUND Rotaract is an international voluntary organization that provides an opportunity for professional youths aged 18 years and above to exchange ideas with community and business leaders to come up with sustainable solutions to the most pertinent needs of Society. The members of this Organization who called are Rotaractors devote their resources in form time, finances and skills to organize diverse and thoughtful community interventions that are meant to address the community most pressing needs. Entebbe road has a bloc of 6 community based Rotaract Clubs with an average membership of 25 members each that have formed an alliance to jointly execute community service projects by pooling resources to achieve bigger impact in the community.

To kick start this long-term initiative, the Entebbe corridor community based Rotaract bloc executed the first phase of the 5-year project plan at New High Tech Secondary School Kajjansi on the 26th March 2021.

New High Tech is a mixed day and boarding secondary school with a student population of 1,808 from whom 763 are male and 1,045 are female students. The school is all inclusive and accommodates students from different walks of life. It was noted that 70% of the students come from very poor families dwelling in the suburbs of Kajjansi and neighboring villages like Nakigalala. 40% of the student population are total orphans living with poor extended families that can hardly support half of their school needs. According to the research made, many of the students are not This year 2021, the Clubs have embarked on a five-year privy to the parental love and care that they ought project plan of a signature project dubbed Sanyuka to receive from their parents and guardians. This Nange project. The implementation of this strategic has in many occasions left the victims struggling to project plan shall see the development of sustainable attain the basic sanitation and scholastic necessities. programmes in environmental conservation, It is because of that predicament that a number of menstrual health and hygiene management, water students are forced to juggle between school and work harvesting and water purification in schools along to fend for themselves and their families leaving them with almost no time for school since work takes top Entebbe road and beyond. priority to them.

3.0. NEEDS ASSESSMENT. In a bid to offer relevant services that would be impactful to the students of New High Tech Secondary School, a needs assessment was carried out to identify the community’s most pressing needs. The needs assessment exercise was also meant to introduce the Project team to the management of New High Tech Secondary School so that the intentions of both parties are well aligned. The exercise was the carried out during the months of February and March 2021 by a team of 6 people and below were the findings: • The school population of 1,808 students is served by 4 pit latrines. These facilities are overwhelmed and are often filled up posing imminent health threats to the students using them • Pit latrines are emptied 2-3 times a term leaving the school with a cost implication of UGX 1,000,000 per term. • Flushing toilets are a challenge to maintain due to scarcity of required resources to sustain the school community. • The boys do not have toilet facilities at their dormitory end forcing many of them to find alternative places of convenience in the compound. • The school toilet and bathrooms system require a lot of water which is not available to facilitate the system optimum functionality. • The girls within the school are faced with a high prevalence rate of UTI (Urinary Tract infections) as a result of poor hygiene which has been attributed to lack of sufficient water access to keep the toilets and bathrooms clean on a daily basis. • The school drainage network is blocked by solid waste due to inadequate water and poor waste disposal posing health threats to the school community. • There is limited access to safe water for drinking as well. The school registers several Typhoid cases on a termly basis. • During scenarios of water scarcity, the school administration goes through hectic effort to collect water from a nearby well. Several water collection rounds are made to one of the wells within the community because of the crucial need and urgency for water to keep the school running. • Some of the students have resorted to collecting water from a nearby water ponds whose shaky infrastructure poses high risks of accidents. The well does not provide safe water for usage since its surrounding of shrubs and bushes harbors disease causing organisms. • Students with physical disabilities face myriad obstacles in regard to reaching out for help.

4.0. SERVICES OFFERED The execution of the first phase of project was utterly successful with a number of services offered. The activities that were held have been clustered under the 4 Rotary International areas of focus they made impact in as explained below: Below are the areas of the focus where impact was made: 1. Disease prevention and Treatment, 2. Water and Sanitation, 3. Peace and Conflict resolution 4. Basic education and literacy 5. Supporting the environment

4.1. Disease Prevention & Treatment Hand Wash training. Studies have showed that washing hands with soap and water for 15 seconds reduces bacterial counts by about 90%. When another 15 seconds is added, bacterial counts drop by close to 99.9%. The needs assessment at the New High Tech Secondary School revealed that at least 1 student skips class every week because of hygiene related illnesses. It is on this precinct that the students were trained on how to properly wash their hands with running water and soap to prevent hygiene related diseases such as chronic diarrhea and other gastrointestinal infections. The school management was advised to install several hand wash stands outside the toilets and also around the school campus to remind the students to continually wash their hands. This initiative shall mitigate the school absenteeism that has been related to preventable illnesses like diarrhea.

4.2. Water and Sanitation Donation of water harvesting facility: In a bid to improve on the dire sanitation situation in the school justified by the unreliable water supply in the school premises, the Rotaractors donated a 10,000-litre water tank to the school management. This facility was installed at one of the school blocks to harvest rain water that shall supplement the available water supply. This shall then alleviate the appalling sanitation situation in the school that has been characterized by blocked drainage systems, and unclean toilet facilities that often pose dire health threats to the students. The cases of diseases like diarrhea and gastrointestinal infections that are rampant at New High Tech Secondary School subsequently affecting the performance of the students shall also be lessened. Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) Training: Statistics from the Management of New High Tech Secondar school estimate that at least six girls miss school for at least a day every month during their menstruation cycle and some completely drop out of school once they start menstruating. It is on this facade that the Entebbe corridor Rotaractors organized a Menstrual Hygiene Training with the girls in all classes from S1 - 6 to equip them with knowledge on how to handle their menstruation periods and still retain their dignity. The training further restored confidence within the girls by encouraging them to stand up for themselves especially against their male counterparts who bear ulterior motives of stigmatizing and embarrassing them while in their menstruation period. The Project donated menstrual hygiene materials in form knickers and reusable sanitary towels. Courtesy of AFRIPads Uganda Ltd, a total of 90 packs with 4 pieces of reusable sanitary towels each and 90 pieces of knickers were donated to 90 girls from different classes. The reusable sanitary towels are designed to offer maximum comfort and no inconvenience to the girls while in their active menstruation periods for a period of one year. For sustainability, the girls were also trained on how to produce their reusable sanitary towels from basic cloth and threads and were encouraged to engage in mass production for both personal and commercial use. This shall curtail on the prevalent school absenteeism by the girl child related to poor menstrual hygiene management and lack of menstrual materials. This shall subsequently foster more school days and improved grades by the girls that will propel them to achieve their ambitions in life.

4.3. Peace and Conflict Resolution Training on sexual abuse: Although reports indicate that a majority of students in Uganda are sexually abused while in school, sexual harassment and its impact on educational attainment is a rampant yet an understudied problem. While harassment in schools by teachers and students is not the only factor leading to high dropout rates among students, the behavior of teachers and students in school, and the lack of discipline towards their actions is an internal contribution to this effect. On this note, the Entebbe corridor Rotaractors while executing their Sanyuka Nange project in liaison with Day One Global an initiative against sexual abuse and violence, enlightened the students about the different forms of sexual abuse that many seemed oblivious about and often ignored. The students were empowered to work with the school management to prescribe channels and forums through which acts of sexual abuse can be reported without fear of intimidation from the perpetrators. With this training, the confidence of the students to fight for their rights and respect their bodies was restored and their resolve to remain in school took a positive trend. 4.4. Supporting the environment Tree and Flower planting: The Rotaractors planted trees on a school campus of New High Tech Secondary School to improve the aesthetic appearance of the grounds making the campus more inviting to students, parents, and the surrounding community. Since the school has limited classroom space, the trees create outdoor classroom space that can be used as a teaching tool and provide shade to cool down hot recreation spaces and create. 4.5. Re-launch of the school Interact Club: To ensure sustainability of the project at the school campus, the Rotaractors re-launched the Interact Club - a service-oriented programme of Rotary International for students in secondary school. The main objective of the newly re-launched Interact Club of New High teach Secondary School is act as corps to the on-going project activities that include maintenance of the installed water facility and watering of the trees and flowers to ensure growth. The project team officially handed over the project to the newly launched Interact Club to work in liaison with the school management to ensure that the project achieves its long-term objectives.

5.0. PROJECT ACHIEVEMENTS At execution of the first phase of the Project, there were achievements that were registered immediately. However, the Project is to be subjected to regular monitoring and evaluation to assess the many achievements over a period of time. Below are the achievements of the first phase of the Project: • Training on the proper menstrual hygiene management has translated in to improved school attendance and performance by the girl child at New High Tech Secondary School simply because they now have the material and mental capacity to honourably handle their menstruation periods with minimal stigma • Sexual abuse training has empowerment both the boy and girl child at the school to identify uncouth behavior by their counterparts and teachers and stand up for their rights, an ideology that will groom them responsible citizens. • The proper hand wash campaign shall keep the students free of hygiene related diseases that have been reported as one of the major factors behind school absenteeism. • The strain that had been exerted on the school medical facility by the students reporting preventable illnesses has been lessened subsequently reducing on the budget that the school management has always spent on acquisition of the related medical drugs. With the availability of an additional water facility, there is an improved sanitation situation within the school premises with clean drainage channels. • The girls are at a less risk of contracting infections for the Urinary Tract because there is adequate water to properly clean the toilet facilities. • The looming security threats as the students were out of the school premises to fetch water have been mitigated by availing an additional water facility to make up for the water deficit within the school. • Availability of extra improvised class room space that has been created by planting trees that shall avail shade in the compound to temporarily resolve the issue of limited class rooms.


The completion of the first phase of the Sanyuka Nange Project is testimony to how much resources the Rotary fraternity wields. The Project has been executed with pooled resources from big hearted Organisations, 4 community based Rotaract Clubs and a number of generous well-wishers from the Rotary fraternity. Below are the parties that hold stake in the first phase of the Sanyuka Nange project: 1.Afripads U Ltd: The award-winning social enterprise that is committed to improving menstrual health for millions across Africa and beyond was part of the project by making a donation of 90 packs of reusable sanitary towels. The organisation also presented a team that offered a training to the girls on the proper menstrual hygiene management practices. 2.Day One Global: This Organisation that seeks to end rape and sexual assault, create awareness and provide rehabilitation to the victims facilitated a training about sexual abuse and passed on the relevant information related to sexual assault to the students. 3.New High Tech Secondary School Management: The management of the school was key in availing crucial information that formed the backbone against which the Project concept was formulated and later executed. Additionally, the school mobilized the project beneficiaries and took over ownership of the project as a matter of sustainability and relevance in the future. 4.Rotaract Club Of Namasuba: The Club contributed UGX 700,000 (Seven Hundred Thousand Shillings) towards the project and also presented volunteers to partake in the project activities. 5.Rotaract Nkumba Stewards: The Club supported the cause with a contribution of UGX500,000 (Five Hundred Thousand Shillings) and also presented volunteers who actively participated in the Project activities. 6.Rotaract Club of Bwebajja: The Club funded the project activities with UGX 500,000 (Five Hundred Thousand Shillings) and also presented volunteers who were part of the project at execution. 7.Rotaract Club of Kajjansi: The Club bankrolled the project with UGX 300,000 (Three Hundred Thousand Shillings) and also presented volunteers at the project execution day. 8.Roaract Club of Entebbe Airport and Lubowa: These two Clubs presented volunteers who manned the activities of the Project during execution.




Rotaract Club of Nkumba Stewards


Rotaract Club of Kajjansi


Rotaract Bwebajja



10k liter Water Tank


Tank Transportation



Transportation of Pads from AfriPads Ntinda


Rotaract Club of Namasuba


Branding from the Rotary Office


OP Joan E. Kantu


1 Commission Plate


PDG Ken Mugisha


1 Project Banner


PE. Alex Kabakama


4 Sticker Sign Posts


Silent Disco Fundraiser


6 Flower Pots


4 Fruit Trees


Transportation of Trees. Flowers & Pots


Total Income











Public Address



Total Expenses


Rotaract Clubs

Total Income

8.0. CHALLENGES Limited funds: The major challenge encountered during project planning and implementation was limited financial resources. This limited the scope of the project to only a few activities visa vie the many needs in the school. Budgeting issues: During procurement, the project team realized that a few items on the working budget had been under cost. This had the project team spend slightly above the budget, mobilizing the extra financial resources from their personal coffers.

Time constraint: The time limitation during project planning and execution did not permit substantial resource mobilization. Subsequently, many of the school needs were not addressed simply because there was not enough time and money to have all the requisite project activities. Small facilitation team: The team that was in charge of menstrual hygiene management training was small compared to the number of beneficiaries. With this, there was limited chance for the girls to have personal discussions with the trainers over their specific situations.

9.0. LESSONS LEARNT • More aggressive fundraising strategies should be employed to mobilize as much funding as possible that will enable the Project achieve the intended impact. Additionally, the Club bloc should engage in partnership with more Rotary and Rotaract Clubs both locally and internationally to garner more resources in form of skills, materials and funds that are necessary in the execution of the subsequent phases of the Sanyuka Nange Project. • The project team should make sufficient research of the market prices before drafting the project budget to avoid any further budgeting issues that give birth to deficit financial reports. • The Project team should embark on the planning and execution of the subsequent phases of the Sanyuka Nange Project with immediate effect to beat the time factor.

10.0. PARTICIPATION (VOLUNTEER HOURS). List of attendance from club that came in support of the officail launch of the Sanyuka Nange Project for the Entebbe Corridor Rotaract clubs. No.

Club | Organisation

No. of Participants

Rotary Clubs

Entebbe Corridor Rotaract Clubs that attended the Project No.

Rotaract Club of;






Lubaga Lake View













Nkumba Stewards





Entebbe Airport










A total of 50 members attended from the above said club.

Rotaract clubs 8.







Kampala Central





“By small and simple things are great things brought to pass!”

11.0 PROJECT PLANS Sanyuka Nange Project is a long-term initiative with a goal to make substantial impact in the areas of menstrual health and hygiene, water and sanitation, environmental conservation in a number of schools around Uganda and ultimately improve school enrollment. The project is to be executed over a period of 4 years (2022 - 2025) with diverse and far-reaching activities. In the subsequent years, the project shall consolidate the success of this phase with the following activities: • Construction of class room blocks at the vulnerable schools and the installation of water harvesting systems. • Installation of the water purification systems to purify the harvested water and made safe for drinking by the students. • Construction of Bio digester toilets at the schools as a sustainable solution to the everfilling pit latrine toilets in the schools. This shall also save the schools the financial resources they lose every time they have to empty the pit latrines. • Construction of incinerators to effectively and safely dispose of the unhygienic substances that pose a health threat to the people in the community.

12.0. APPRECIATION. The Club recognizes the efforts of the Rotary and Rotaract Clubs that offere resources in form of time, skills and money towards the Project. We are grateful to the individual participants from the various Rotaract Clubs who sacrificed several volunteer hours and gave moral and financial support towards the execution of the Sanyuka Nange Project. Profound gratitude is extended to our leaders Past District Governor Ken Wycliff Mugisha, President Joan Kantu Else, and Rtn. Kabakama Alex for the material and financial support extended towards the success of the project. Appreciation is stretched to the management of New High Tech Secondary School for accepting and supporting the cause through mobilization of the students and owning the project.

13.0. CONCLUSION Sanyuka Nange Project was executed at the very time when the community of New High Tech Secondary School needed it the most. However, the Project activities could only solve a portion of the very many needs at the school. It is on that note that the Entebbe corridor community based Rotaract Club bloc calls upon other stakeholders to work with it to make more impactful interventions at New High Tech Secondary School and other schools. We believe that with more hands on the jobs, the appalling quality of life that the students live every day shall significantly change positively.








Joseph B. Ssengooba Project’s Director

Rct. Bwebajja 0706 516387 jbssengooba@gmail.com


Eve Namanje


Martin Ssentongo


Yoweri Ninsiima

Asst.Project’s Rct. Nkumba 0783 186008 evenamwanje06@gmail.com Director Stewards Fianance Manager Rct. Lubowa 0705 910468 ssentongomartin@gmail. com Projects Secretary Rct. Bwebajja 0778 626160 ninsiimayoweri@gmail.com


Cathy Nyangoma

M&E Officer

Rct. Kajjansi


Gabriel Matovu


Rct. Nkumba 0759 253281 mtvgabriel@gmailcom Stewards

0751 177009 ncatherine42@gmail.com

Entebbe Corridor

Nange @Entebbecorridor


Email: rotaractentebbecorridor@gmail.com

March 26, 2021 Entebbe Corridor Community Based Rotaract Clubs New High Tech Secondary School Kajjansi

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