RAC Bwebajja Monthly Report - November 2021

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The number of members that attended fellowship. (In figures)

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Average Monthly Attendance

28 32 28 30 32 30

Weekly Attendence Nov - 2021 32










2. What was the number of members in the club at the beginning of this month? We had 36 Members registered on my Rotary (I). Have any new members joined the club this month? (Answer: Yes/No) YES. On 9th November 2021, we inducted 8 new members in the club at a new member's induction fellowship that was graced by PAG Christine Kawooya Kyeyune (RID9214 Membership Director). These members have been added to our club's membership through my rotary website bringing our total membership to 44. (ii). If yes, please provide their details (to update the Rotaract/Club Runner database)

S/N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Member's Name


Lugoloobi Albert


Mawanda Derick

IT – Specialist

Mubiru Eliphaz Mwanje Kudrah Namuli Joan Nassanga Suzan Ndibamaya Irene Jane Kyomugisha Winne Clelith

Teacher Data Manager Business Chef Makeup Artist Business


Gender F M F M F F F F

Phone Number 0760174709 0702291988 0778042926 0755589157 0705353166 0709899739 0702522406 0755397593

Email ID lugoloobi.albert@gmail.com mawick22@ymail.com mubiruelphaz@gmail.com kudrahmwanje@gmail.com joannamuli76@gmail.com suzannassanga81@gmail.com irynjane7@gmail.com winnepuritylove@gmail.com

(I). Did any members leave the club this month? (Answer Yes/No)

No. None of our members have left the club. (ii). If yes, please provide their details (to update the Rotaract/Club Runner database) B. CLUB FELLOWSHIPS 1. Outline club fun and fellowship activities carried out during the month (please include activities that have been done with the sponsor club) Week Week 1

Date 2nd NOV 2021

Topic / Activity Twende Arusa Joint Fellowship RAC Rubaga

Guest Speaker/ Moderator

CMP Joseph Ssengooba: This was a joint fellowship with the Rotaract Club of Rubaga. The Rotaract DCA chair elaborately explained how to register and pay for the 97th DCA. The official registration platform or a link was shared with mobile money details on how payments can be made and also the centenary bank account to which payments were to be made for all those intending to attend the 97th

DCA. Rotaractors asked questions and issues like the itinerary, road transport costs, and accommodation were clarified. Also, the program for the DCA events, dress code, and what is required of each person who is attending the event. Week 1

5th Nov 2021

Joint Fellowship with the Interactors

Ms. Gagai Joy: In celebration of the world Interact week, we brought

Week 2

9th NOV 2021

New Member Induction Dinner

PAG Christine Kawooya Kyeyune: The guest speaker commended

Week 3

16th NOV 2021

The Beauty of Giving to the Foundation

together 32 interactors from Kitende Secondary School and New HighTech SS for a joint fellowship. The fact that schools have been closed for almost two years it was great to talk to them about Rotary Business and what is happening in the district. Our guest speaker spoke about Sexually Transmitted Diseases, drug abuse, training, and WASH with an emphasis on hygiene.

the president on his tireless efforts to ensure that the club thrives and rises above all in service towards the community. Continued by thanking the club for helping her achieve her district membership goals of increasing members in D9214. She thanked the DRR for staying in touch with Rotaractors at the grassroots throughout their efforts to grow rotary and do service. Noted that she looks forward to seeing whole Rotaract clubs transforming into rotary clubs. She also encouraged members not to give up on their dreams, contribute to TRF and become PHFs and pledged to share her points towards the same goal. She kindly requested the president to reward and recognize members who invite guests that later are inducted as Rotaractors and also requested him to discourage passengers in the club i.e., those who never invite anyone. She encouraged us to always maintain a healthy club by contributing to TRF, ensuring member participation in service projects, and also adhering to the goals of Rotaract which will in turn eventually grow our club and ourselves. DRRE Francis Matovu: This also being the D9214 TRF chair, he shared with us the history of the foundation, how we can donate to it, and also how our small gifts as low as 1 USD is transformed to fund global grants. He also shared that giving to TRF is ensuring that our sacrifices live beyond us even when we pass on. He shared how Rotary's efforts to eradicate polio have paid off largely because of donations from people that enable the massive purchase of vaccines and passive immunization in communities. He also shared that lasting change projects are financed by global grants which are money from the Annual fund of TRF. Also shared that the beauty of giving to TRF is that these global grant projects create lasting solutions to communities for a generation

Week 4

23rd NOV 2021


Rtr. Winne Obbo, Rtr, Innocent Robin JR Mugerwa, Rtr. Regina Namugerwa: This was a joint professional and Leadership Development training fellowship hosted by the Rotaract club of Bwebajja. Three other clubs took part in this i.e., Rotaract club of Nansana, Rotaract of Kampala East, and Rotaract club of Lake Victoria. The purpose of the training was to prepare our members for a job market by skilling them with relevant skills in CV and cover letter writing plus job interviews. Our very own Rtr. Mary Nabatanzi was the moderator of the session. The details of what was talked about are provided later on in this report under the section of PLD.

Week 4

30th NOV 2021

TRF Cultural Fellowship

PDG Ken W. Mugisha: This was a weekly fellowship that doubled as our first ever TFR fundraiser and also a cultural fellowship. At this fellowship attendees were dressed in traditional attire from all tribes in Uganda and across East Africa. The fellowship attracted a number of Rotarians and Rotaractors from RC Kampala Munyonyo, RC Bwebajja, RC Nkumba, RC Nsangi, RC Rubaga, RC Kajjansi, PRC Bwerenga, RAC Nkumba stewards, RAC Kampala Munyonyo, RAC Entebbe Airport, RAC Lubowa, RAC Naguru, RAC Namasuba, RAC Kajjansi, RAC Rubaga. In attendance was DRRE Francis Matovu, DGE Peace Taremwa, PAG Moses Q. Galabuzi, past presidents, change maker presidents and the guest of honour PDG Kenneth Wycliff Mugisha. The guest of honor PDG Kenneth Mugisha reminded Rotarians and Rotaractors of our never-ending obligation to give to the foundation, adding to those that don’t contribute to the foundation are doing us a disservice. He commended the club for organizing this fellowship and having the willingness to give to the foundation regardless of the challenges young people face. Under the direction of our TRF director and our CMP he awarded four members of the club that had contributed above $50 at the time of this fellowship. The fellowship concluded with a general fundraiser and the report is attached.

OTHER CLUB ACTIVITIES Date 5th - 11 - 2021

9th – 11- 2021

14th - 11- 2021

Activity Physical New Member Mentorship Meeting


Inauguration of the strategic Planning Committee Meeting

CLUB ADMINISTRATION: During the new member induction

Needs Assessment at Goden Voices Africa.

COMMUNITY SERVICE: The president and members of the

MEMBERSHIP: In preparation for a second induction ceremony this year, the president and membership director organized a onehour-long physical mentorship session for eight intending members. These eight were selected from a pool of 25 who had been taking new member mentorship sessions online. The 8 had met all the qualifications for induction into the Rotaract club of Bwebajja. The purpose of the meeting was to draw a program for their induction ceremony and also answer any questions that were pending at the moment. Collection of membership data that would be used to update the club runner was also made. This meeting was hosted by Rotaractor Irene Nagwa Mirembe at her home.

dinner, district Rotaract representative Noah Nyabwana inaugurated our club’s very first strategic planning committee. The committee was tasked to develop a five-year strategic plan for the club. This Strategic Plan will serve for continuity of the Club's Leadership plan and service projects. It will guide President Elects (PEs) during the period 2022 – 2026 in formulating their annual programs. The committee is chaired by Rtr. Derike Mawada and the following a member of the committee; Anthony Kafumbe (charter president), Joseph Ssengooba (CMP), Ronald Mutebi (PE), Hope Tushemerirwe (PN), and Atim Mercy (members representative)

projects committee visited Golden Voices Africa to conduct a needs assessment for our operation Christmas drop project that will be happening in December. The project creates hunger-free smiles during the Christmas season and was first conducted in the rotary year 2020 -2021. The visit to this orphanage was to assess their current needs to enable us to find ways on how we could better serve them. It was discovered that this orphanage relies on the talent of the young people to provide for their needs. It was agreed that they will be hired to come and exabit their talents during our TRF cultural fellowship an opportunity that they took on with open arms.

16th – 11 – 2021

18th 11 - 2021

Strategic Planning Community Meetings

CLUB ADMINISTRATION: Following the Inauguration of the

Partnership Meeting with Red Cross Entebbe

PARTHERSHIPS: Our president, strategic planning committee

19th – 11 -2021

Home Hospitality

23rd – 11 – 2021

Closed Club Assembly

strategic planning committee by the District Rotaract Representative on Tuesday 9th November 2021, this committee has so far held five meetings to get the work done. The committee meets every Tuesday physically before our club’s fellowship and Thursday virtually before mother cub’s fellowship. The committee is drawing a strategic plan for 2022-2026 based on the current needs of the club focusing on the updates made in Rotary International’s Strategic Plan. It recognizes that this strategic plan relates to long-term goals, it sets out how members of the Rotaract Club of Bwebajja see the club as it heads into the future. A copy of the committee's first report has been attached to this report as an extra activity report.

chair, and the club's official photographer who is also a member of our club's public image committee had a meeting with the management of the Entebbe Red Cross union. The meeting was called by the red cross to seek partnership with the club in their upcoming HIV awareness walk project that is intended to take place in December in commemoration of World AIDS day. The meeting was held via zoom and the project concept note was shared with the club shortly after the meeting. FAMILY OF ROTARY: Rtr Akampulira Belinda hosted club members for home hospitality hosted at her home in Entebbe. The hospitality was made in celebration of her achievements. Since the hospitality was a trans night only fifteen members of the club were able to attend this hospitality from the evening 19th through the morning of the 20th November 2021. CMP JB SSENGOOBA: In preparation for our club’s cultural fellowship, the president and the TRF director called for a closed physical club assembly to discuss activities that will be carried out during the fellowship. We agreed on a budget and assigned responsibility to different members. It was also agreed that the club will award all members that contributed at least fifty dollars to the foundation this year.

Sat 27th Nov 2021

The Corridor Presidential CatchUp Meeting:

On Saturday 27th November 2021 following a successful district governor’s visit to the Kampala and Entebbe clubs, presidents of the Entebbe Corridor community-based club met for a catch-up meeting. The meeting was hosted by the Rotaract Club of Entebbe in Entebbe town from 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm. The meeting was attended by the CMPs from the Rotaract Clubs of Kajjansi, Bwebajja, Lubowa, Nkumba stewards, and Entebbe airport. The purpose of the meeting was to have presidents discuss the growth and development of each club through sharing the club’s swot analysis and perving ways to overcome challenges that we were facing. We also spoke about how best we could continue to work in unity for the success of each club on the corridor. The following are the key highlights as discussed; 1. District Governor's Meeting: We spoke about what we learned from the district governor's visit and how we could put in action the elements that are she spoke about. We agreed that we needed to find better ways of implementing mission green projects to ensure sustainability. We also agreed that we needed to improve on our working relationships with the interactors as our partners in service. 2. Increasing Our Public Relations: We all agreed that we would work hand in hand to promote corridor projects, fellowships, and other activities on each club's social media platforms. The presidents will ask their public relations directors to ensure a balance between posting club information and the information of other clubs. We believe that the more we are united the more success we can get. To ensure the progress of this united public relations campaign, we agreed to produce the first copy of the corridor newsletter this December to highlight what we have done since July. CMP JB Ssengooba was assigned to lead this production process. 3. Upcoming projects: We spent some time talking about how we could support each other in the upcoming projects and activities. Starting with the RAC Bwebajja’s cultural fellowship and annual youth camp, RAC Nkumba

Stewards Kimi at heart, RAC Lubowa’s jersey event, RAC Kajjansi’s skilling project, and RAC Entebbe airport’s annual fundraiser. We also agreed to hold another catchup meeting with President Elects will be invited and together will plan for the incoming director's training and retreat. 4. December on the Corridor: In the spirt of celebrating Christmas, it was agreed that we will host one joint fellowship hosted by the Rotaract Club of Kajjansi. The fellowship will be a Christmas carols fellowship and the club would prepare to present in the spirit of love and brotherhood. At the fellowship, we will take time to recognize outstanding Rotaractors from each club or the last six months. More plans will be shared in the coming few days. Rotaract club of Kajjansi will be in charge of planning this unity fellowship. 2. Has the ADRR paid an official visit during the club fellowship? (Answer Yes/No) Our ADRR didn’t make an official visit but he has attended our club fellowships and also a board meeting on 1st November 2021 via zoom. 3. What did he talk about? He thanked the board for working to the best of their ability to keep the club at good performance in the district. He also went ahead and thanked members through the board for working in unity for the growth and development of the club. He noted that he was happy that we quickly updated our projects on the Rotary showcase following his visit to the club that was made last month. He closed by inviting all board members to continue working in unity as that’s the way to go if we want the club to keep growing. C. BOARD MEETINGS 1. Has the club held a board meeting this month? (Answer Yes/No) Yes, we have one board meeting that was attended by 100% board members, ADRR, and the Youth service chair from our sponsoring club on Monday 1st November 2021 via zoom. 2. If yes, please indicate the date of the board meeting and specific areas where the ADRR intervention is required.; The board meeting was held on 1ST November, and we had the following agenda: 1. INTERACT WEEK CELEBRATIONS: We shared our intentions of celebrating interact week and we agreed to work with the interact club of New High-tech Secondary School and Kitende

Senior Secondary School for a joint community service project and a joint fellowship. The board agreed that this project should be done in 2 of Rotary’s areas of focus i.e., WASH and Disease prevention and treatment. 2. ANNUAL GIFT EXCHANGE: We discussed our annual gift exchange activity that happens during the Christmas season and agreed to postpone it to February 2022 so that members could better prepare for this fellowship and also include the new members that would be inducted on 9th November. This would allow the new members to bond with their friends of the year and with the already existing club members. 3. NEW MEMBER INDUCTION: We talked about our intention to induct 8 new members into the club and in this, we agreed to hold an induction dinner that would be a three on one i.e., an induction ceremony, club’s weekly meeting (fellowship), and hospitality as it was hosted by Rtr. Shadrack Ssekono Kyobe who is a club member. 4. ANNUAL TRF FUNDRAISER: We talked about our TRF fundraiser which we intend to do during our last fellowship on 30th November. It was agreed that we would carry out a cultural TRF Dinner where people in attendance would dress up in their cultural attire and purchase tickets and the proceeds would be donated to TRF. 5. HONORARY MEMBER PARTICIPATION: We brainstormed on how we could work better with the honorary members and get them more engaged in our club activities and projects. It was agreed that a WhatsApp group would be created for easy communication and sharing with them what was going on in the club so that they would make time to be part of these activities. The setup and management of the WhatsApp group were assigned to the membership director Rtr. Hope Tushemereirwe. 3. If no, please indicate reasons why the board meeting was not held. D. PARTICIPATION IN COUNTRY/DISTRICT ACTIVITIES 1. What Country / District activities did the club participate in this month? Date

Activity th

Sat 6 Nov 2021


Sat 13th Nov 2021

Central Zone 2 Review Meeting

Sat 21st Nov 2021

Multi-District TRF Training

Details Three of our club members are attending RYLA this year i.e Ilunga Christian, Edrine Male and Nakabuye Suzan. This meeting helped the zone to evaluate the performance of every club in the zone. It was well attended by both the Assistant District Rotaract Representative and the Planning Implementation Monitoring Evaluation chair. They both provided feedback on clubs’ performance in the 1st quarter and provided guidelines on what we needed to improve on for the coming quarters. This was a joint training for RIDs 9214, 3450, 3190, 3181, 3070, 3170,3182, and others. The training was graced by the presence of our district governor Young Kimaro and the RI

Sat 27th Nov 2021

District Membership Training

Sat 27th Nov 2021

District Governors Visit

president Shekhar Metha. The training focused on the need for every Rotarian to give to The Rotary Foundation (TRF). Speakers from the different districts emphasized the fact that the foundation is our way of giving and changing lives beyond our lifetime. The training was for both central zone 2 and six and was attended by the presidents and membership directors of the two zones. The Speaker who was from the Rotaract Club of Kajjansi spoke about the six retention ideas under the theme "keeping members in Rotary, Keeping Rotary in member. The idea includes Inform, inviting, inducting, orienting, educate and involve. It is believed that if these ideas are used in every club, it will be easy for us to keep all of our new members in the club for a longer time. They also spoke about the need to register every club member on my rotary for them to get Rotary International IDs which will enable them to get access to the resources of the learning center. We were humbled to join with all Rotaract Clubs with In Entebbe and Kampala metropolitan for a fun-filled afternoon with the district Governor. The event was graced by the presence of our district country chair DGN Francisco Ssemwanga. Among the many activities conducted on that day included the activation of our 97th DCA and the induction of new members. The Governor spoke about her endless desire to work with Rotaractors as partners in service. She also spoke about the need to improve on how we implement the mission green projects. Adding that it is not only about planting trees but also ensuring their growth which results in wonderful project sustainability. She also encouraged the idea of partnerships assuring that this is the way to go for better results. The visit was hosted by the Rotaract Club of Kampala Muyenga breeze who were also celebrating their charter night



FINANCE A. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 1. Does the club have an active bank account? (Answer Yes/No) Yes, with centenary bank Uganda Limited – Kawuku Branch Account Name: Rotaract Club of Bwebajja Account Number: 3203304513 2. Was this month’s treasury report submitted to the ADRR? (Answer Yes/No) Yes 3. Was a financial report written and shared? (If yes, please attach) Yes, and the Report is attached B. DISTRICT & COUNTRY DUES 1. Has the club paid district dues? (Answer Yes/No) Yes, we have paid 100% District Dues 2. Has the club paid Country Fund? (Answer Yes/No) Yes, the club paid Twenty-Nine Thousand shillings (29,000) for the eight new members that were inducted this month. This money was paid on 11th November 2021 into the RID9214 bank account. C. FUNDRAISING INITIATIVES 1. Outline the club fundraising activities carried out during the month if any The club has participated in the following fundraisers this month; a) Happy Shillings Fundraiser: This is a fundraising moment in each of our weekly fellowships where members are allowed to positively share what made them happy throughout the week. This money goes towards running the administration of the club. This month we raised Two hundred sixty-two thousand shillings (262,000) in happy shilling collections. b) In house Fundraiser: In preparation for a new member induction dinner, the organizing committee requested members to contribute towards the event and members were able to raise Six hundred fifty thousand shillings (650,000) c) TRF Fundraiser: During our weekly fellowship and throughout that day Tuesday 13th November the club set a target to raise 200usd towards the foundation and members were able to raise 166usd by the end of the day. d) Cultural TRF Fundraiser: Also, this month's theme being TRF, the club organized a fundraiser that happened on 30th November 2021 and we were $573 in cash able to raise and a total of $2,758 in pledges. A copy of a detailed report has been attached.

2. Did the club partner with any corporate bodies? (If yes, provide details of name and sponsorship package) 1. Lens Media Company: This month the club received sponsorship from Lens Media Company. This company is owned by Rtr. Mulika George William aka LMP who is a club member. The company provided free photography for our induction dinner and also did the editing for videos that were produced for our YouTube channel this month.

PROFESSIONAL LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT AND CAPACITY BUILDING 1. Did the club conduct any in-house training this month? (Answer Yes/No) Our members are taking training at the Rotary Learning center to increase their knowledge. 2. Outline any other Professional Development activities carried out by the club during the month. JOINT PLD CLINIC In partnership with the Rotaract Clubs of Nansana, Kampala East, and Lake Victora, we held a joint PLD training fellowship on Tuesday 23rd November 2021. The speakers spoke about how to write outstanding CVS and cover letters and how to better prepare for job interviews. The training was in a question and answer foments being guided by a moderator and the following are some of the questions that were asked and answered. 1.

How long should a Curriculum Vitae be? The panelists shared that a good CV should be 2- 3 pages at most and an applicant is advised to use the first page properly. Also, the applicant should keep in mind because they are writing the CV

2. What do you think the employers are looking for? Employers are usually looking for your ability to sell your idea to them. The applicant should be able to sufficiently convince the interviewer that the company would benefit from the applicant where he /she to be given the job. Companies are also looking to hire you for your skill, your ability to present yourself, soft skills, and a cluster of personal traits like Emotional IQ, integrity, trustworthiness, etc. 3. What font and font size should I sue and can I add a photo to my CV? These issues may vary depending on whoever you are applying to but the most commonly used font is Times New Roman, however, in recent times the favored official font is Calibri. You are advised not to attach a photo to avoid any biases that may result from it.

4. Is it necessary to include all our experiences? It's advisable to include all your experiences concerning the job you're applying for because you're trying to market yourself as long as you try to be precise. 5. Is it important to add my date of birth? Yes. It's imperative to add your date of birth as people usually attach experience and emotional IQ to age. Also, legally there's an employable age in the employment act and therefore even with a well-written CV if you are 17 years and below, you’re not eligible to be considered for formal payment. 6. What makes a good cover letter? It shouldn't be lengthy and should have your qualification especially in line with what you're applying for. Also, include your skillset. It should also be 250-400 words and not more. Introduce yourself and summarize your professional background and also have an electronic signature. Include with clear reference where you saw the advert. 7. What is a motivational letter? A motivational letter is usually written when applying for a scholarship or fellowship to the awarding board to justify why you should be considered for the scholarship or award you're applying for. 8. What do I need to do to prepare for my interview? It's mandatory to anticipate the kind of people you are going to meet. This calls for research i.e., if it's an NGO, find out the management of the NGO, their works, what they stand for, their core values, and vision. It’s also beneficial for you to try and find out the personalities of the panel of interviews. This is because the panel's job is totally what you are presenting to them against what the company needs in the employee they seek to hire and thus knowing what they need benefits, you the applicant. This also helps you to attend the interview with ease as a group discussion or conversation rather than an interrogation. Be free, confident, know yourself, and don't be afraid to talk about your weaknesses because they would want to know how you maneuver around them in the face of a crisis. 9. What is the difference between a CV and a Resume? A CV has your academic credentials WHILE a Resume is a presentation of your qualifications and skill set concerning the job you're applying for.

Support My Hustle Moment

Every week on our WhatsApp platform and weekly fellowship, one member is allowed to share about his or her business. Because Rotaract brings together people and leaders from all cultures and occupations who want to use their distinct expertise for good. This weekly moment helps our members to connect. The table below shows the moments of this month. Week


Week Rtr. Hope 1 Tushemerirwe

Week Rtr. Mukiila G. Willam 2

Week Rtr. Irene Nagawa 3 Mirembe

Details She spoke about her business called Hope J World garments. The business is located at Mpala next to a bread house outlet and deals in all kinds of outfits, shoes, and accessories for both male and female. She added that upon request she does deliveries within Kampala metropolitan and Entebbe municipality, concluded by inviting all members to support her business. +256701941764. He is the founder and executive director of Lens Media Production (LMP). This is a Uganda-based media company that engages in the business of photography and videography whose mission is to provide an enjoyable experience in Infront of the camera as well as timeless photography and videography that you will treasure for a lifetime. He appreciated the club and its members for supporting his business and promised to continue offering his services to the club at a discounted price. He also mentioned that the rotary and Rotaract clubs of Entebbe corrido have been his greatest support thus far. +256708224490 She started by expressing her fulfillment of expectations as a member who has recently joined the club. She owns an interior designing start-up that specializes in curtains, beddings, and living room accessories. Irene started by appreciating Rotarians from the mother club for supporting her business and connecting her to other customers from the provisional rotary club of Bwerenga. She also mentioned that some club members have supported and she invited others to also do the same adding that her products can be paid in installments. Irene also offered to train all members that wanted to learn tailoring as a skill at her outlet located at namulanda opposite Kennedy stage. +256701209121

Week Rtr. Shadrack Ssekono 4

He is the proprietor of the recently opened Shadworth pharmacy. He said the aging of the population, technological advances, new public health threats, evolving patients’ expectations, and shrinking budgets are putting under pressure health care systems in Uganda. An increasing portion of health care expenditure is on pharmaceutical and chronic diseases. All these factors are pushing for change and Shadworth pharmacy is changing too to respond to these challenges and meet patients’ needs by shifting the focus from dispensing medicines and diseases to patient care and quality of services. The pharmacy is located in Lweza Kajjansi and opens every day from 6:00 am – 10:00 pm. Upon request from members, he is willing to do deliveries within Entebbe and Kampala. +256705238565

SERVICE PROJECTS A. COMMUNITY SERVICE 1. Outline any community service activities carried out during the month. (Attach project report and photos). OBUYONJO BWEBULAMU In partnership with the Interact clubs of New High Tech and Kitende Secondary school, we held a joint project on Saturday 5th November 2021. The project focused on two Rotary Areas of focus i.e., Water and Sanitation and disease prevention and treatment. We joined hands with the administration of Kajjansi Health Center IV to do general cleaning of the hospital and its surroundings. Thereafter the interactors were engaged in a 2-hour training session on Sexually Transmitted Diseases, drug abuse, a training on WASH with an emphasis on hygiene. We also donated 50 mosquito nets to pregnant mothers as a way of curbing the spread of malaria. The project was concluded with a joint fellowship that was chaired by the presidents of the two interact clubs and our club president. JOINT MEDICAL CAMP On Friday 19th – Sunday 20th with joined hands with the Rotary clubs of Bwebajja, Bushenyi, and the Rotaract Clubs of KIU western Campus, Bushenyi Community, Kyambogo Bushenyi campus for a medical camp in Rubirizi district at Katerere Health Centre IV. The medical camp focused on four rotary areas of focus. These activities were carried out during the medical camp i.e. maternal and child health services, dental services, prostate and cervical cancer screening, HIV testing and

counselling, Eye care services, Malaria testing, treatment and distribution of mosquito nets and clothing. 2. What were the Rotary areas of focus addressed? Our November project belong to the following rotary areas of Focus;

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Disease Prevention and Treatment Water Hygiene and Sanitation Maternal and Child Heath Supporting the Environment Community and Economic Development.

B. INTERNATIONAL SERVICE 1. Outline any International Service activities carried out during the month. (For each activity include partners, service rendered, and attendance)

No 2. Does your Club have any sister club within the district? (If yes, Provide the Name of the Club, the President's name, and Contacts.

No, we currently don’t have any official twin club in the district. 3. If no, state any plans set aside to have a sister club and state-specific areas where the ADRR intervention is required.

The club has finalized MOUs for partnerships between the Rotaract Club of Nkumba Stewards and Rotaract club of Kampala Munyonyo (RID9214). The MOU with Rotaract club of Kampala Munyonyo will be signed on 13th December, 2021. YOUTH PROGRAMS A. INTERACT 1. Outline any youth service activities carried out during the month. (These may include fellowshipping with an Interact club, giving a talk at an Interact club, participation in an Interact club-organized project, or joint activities with an Interact club. For each activity include partners, service rendered, and attendance)

We held a joint fellowship with the Interact clubs of New High Tech and Kitende Secondary School on Saturday 5th November 2021 during the world Interact week. We also had a one-day joint project titled Obuyonjo Bwebulamu. Both the fellowship and project were attended by 32 Interactors and 10 Rotaractors. Please find attached a copy of the project report. This project has been reported on the Rotary Show Case.

2. Is your club mentoring any Interact club? (If yes, provide details of the name of the club and Sponsoring Rotary club)

Interact Club of New High-tech Secondary School proudly sponsored by the Rotary Club of Kajjansi under the Sanyuka Nange joint Entebbe Corridor Project. PUBLIC RELATIONS 1. Does the club have any PR media? (If yes, fill in the table below)

Platform Facebook Twitter Instagram Blog Website LinkedIn YouTube

Yes/No Platform Name/Link Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

https://www.facebook.com/Bwebajja-Rotaract-club-313705075988457/ https://twitter.com/ofbwebajja https://www.instagram.com/bwebajjarotaract/ https://therotaractclubofbwebajja.blogspot.com/ https://rotaractbwebajja.org/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/rotaract-club-of-bwebajja-b99363217/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCavyKbk3NHKub4t5hel7CmA/featured

If not, what is the Club doing about it? 2. Outline any PR activities carried out by the club during the month. (For each activity include purpose, media type, attendance, and photos) Activity


Social Media Update

This month our public relations department put an emphasis on Facebook twitter and Instagram. We have published our fellowships, birthdays, projects and an emphasis put on our cultural TRF fundraiser. The club has received feedback from our followers on these pages and thus we recognize the benefit of always updating these pages to keep our followers engaged with informative and fun information about the activities of our Rotaract club. It should also be noted that we have three members under mentorship who contacted us though these social media pages and have already inducted two members who also contacted us through the same social media pages.


In the interest of keeping records our PR team has endeavored to share short clips of our action during projects and fun filled activities. This platform helps the club to inform the world of our works as Rotaractors and thus provides us with an avenue to attract sponsors and also portray our club’s credibility during community service. This month we uploaded four videos on our channel and the links are provided below.

Club website

The club also updated its website and this is a move to increase members’ participation by encouraging them to write articles that are uploaded to the website. This improves members

writing skills. This stimulates growth for the club and also keeps the world abreast with what the club is doing in serving communities. 3. Did the club submit an article to the DRR newsletter this month? Yes, we submitted one article this month with the following titles; 1. A tribute to Our fallen friend Yoweri Ninsiima. 2. Celebrating the World Interact Week. 3. RAC Bwebajja’s New Member Induction Dinner. December Activity Plan Date Every Friday 5th – 11th December 9th – 11th December

Activity New member Mentorship Session Annul Youth Camp COVID Vaccination Project

Committee Membership. Projects Projects

December Fellowship Plans Date Topic / Type Tue 7nd December Honorary Member’s Fellowship th Mon 13 December Take over fellowship at Rotaract club of Kampala Munyonyo Tue 14th November Understanding Water Borne Diseases Tue 21th November Tue 28th November

Operation Christmas Drop and Joint Christmas fellowship with RC Bwebajja, PRC Bwerenga and RAC Bwebajja. Movie Night and End of year Beach party.

Links With More Pictures: 1. 2. 3. 4.

https://photos.app.goo.gl/7rBjHqv3y7f1fqTu7- New Member Dinner https://photos.app.goo.gl/nLdrpJj6u4E7UGnA7 - Joint Medical Camp https://photos.app.goo.gl/Bc9mA4SaAvpN3VBa9 - Obuyunju Project https://photos.app.goo.gl/GD1jgTfssawdgbDdA - TRF Fellowship

YouTube Videos Uploaded in November: 1. 2. 3. 4.

https://youtu.be/VlhBy0UnbSM - The Rotary Foundation by PHF Ssengooba https://youtu.be/xAjDkFBNuLw - Every Coin Counts by Rtr. Derick Mawanda https://youtu.be/CPFXluP0cyk - Strategic Planning Committee – Meeting https://youtu.be/arwCKKMM - Obuyonjo Bwebulamu Project

Website blogs uploaded: 1. 2. 3. 4.

https://rotaractbwebajja.org/celebrating-the-world-interact-week/ https://rotaractbwebajja.org/new-member-induction-dinner/ https://rotaractbwebajja.org/mending-mindsets-mental-health-project/ https://rotaractbwebajja.org/a-tribute-to-our-fallen-friend-yoweri-ninsiima/

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