Rooty Hill High School Missing Link Term 3 2021

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Term 3 2021

PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE BIG ANNOUNCEMENT – 2022 IS OUR DIAMOND JUBILEE ROOTY HIGH SCHOOL TURNS 60 Want to be involved – please contact the school WATCH FOR NEWS VIA SOCIAL MEDIA AND DIRECT CONTACT REPORT PRESENTATION ADDRESS Thank you to our students, families, staff, community and partners for an outstanding commitment to the lockdown, vaccinations, safety, learning from home, completing assessment tasks and managing a very different learning environment. Who knew when the lockdown was finally declared on 25 June and we were told it would only go to August, that we would be still online learning from home at the end of Term 3? Who knew that the Blacktown LGA would be an “LGA of Concern” meaning we were in hard lockdown and the school was classified as L4+ with only the smallest number of staff and students on site? Who knew that by the end of Term 3 most of our students will have done almost 20 weeks of online learning in 2020-2021? As principal, I would like to give a shout out to students: • •

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Year 12 students who navigated the mass vaccination booking and trip to Qudos Bank Arena for vaccinations. Year 12 students and teachers who completed all assessment tasks and major works online. We were very pleased we held our trial examinations in Term 2. Year 11 students who completed their HSC Preliminary course and assessments online. Our Aboriginal students and their families whose online engagement was higher than other groups in the school. Students who represented our school including Genoveva and Timuray who appeared on television; Lorrye and Paris who spoke on a webinar with Western Sydney Area Health professionals in support of vaccination. Students in Years 7-10 who maintained outstanding attendance online and completed their work.


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Students who had 1:1 coaching sessions and who worked in breakout rooms with our School Learning Support Officers and worked hard on their skills. Students who took extra hours of part time work to support their families; and Students who supported their families when they or members of the family became sick with COVID. The 2021 Senior Leadership Team for their leadership through 30 weeks of COVID lockdown challenges across 2 years.

Many of our students really liked online learning, even those who were screen shy and this gives us a chance to think about our learning into the future. As principal, I would like to give a shout out to our staff who worked effectively in teams – subject teams, wellbeing teams, administrative teams, professional learning teams – and individually: • • •

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Teachers designed and delivered a high-quality learning from home program. Year advisers organised and delivered Year Meets, activities and wellbeing programs. We welcomed 3 new teachers who have never met their classes face to face, Lyndal Howison, Ethan Green and Rushane Sumanasekara. Our Learning Support team for supporting our students who needed extra help and support. Our COVID Intensive Learning Support Team who continued to provide tutoring in groups and as individuals. Our wonderful administration team who made over 2000 phone calls to check in on students and families. Deputy Principal, Thelma Vuki who spoke to the local Fijian community about the importance of vaccination. Our deputy principals, Head Teachers and executive staff who responded to every question, memo, direction, public health order and COVID update with sensitivity and a focus on what our students and families needed.

As principal, I would like to thank the families who supported learning from home and whose relationship with the school was the reason we continued to do so well. At the end of Term 3 every year we have traditionally had the Year 12 Graduation. We could not do that this term, but we really hope for better in Term 4. We will go back next term with the future still unclear. We hope to get to high levels of vaccination, to do the HSC and, to return safely to face to face learning. If we are very successful, we will be able to restart some of our activities, assemblies, sporting competitions and extra-curricular activities. Have a safe and happy holiday.

Christine Cawsey AM – Principal

PRINCIPAL’S ADDRESS TO GRADUATION Good afternoon and welcome to the Year 12 class of 2021; the staff and, by live stream families and friends. Can I thank Cass and pay my respects to emerging Aboriginal leaders and to the elders of our community? Can I thank families, friends and community members joining Year 12 today and thank you for the way you have committed to working together to meet the challenges we have faced? Can I also start with thanks to everyone involved in making this particular graduation possible, especially Kylie Munzenberger, Buen Diaz, Tracy Gatt, Bernadette Corpuz, Conny Mattimore and the students for your capacity to adapt and innovate for our first online graduation? We have found some great new ideas and, given the restrictions easing we do plan to have a face-to-face (F2F) formal on 6 December. In 2020, I tried really hard to recognise the impact of COVID19 but not to mention it in my address to Year 12. We really had no idea that by the end of September 2021, 2020 would look like a practice run because Year 12 2021 would have missed 15 weeks of the F2F Preliminary HSC and then another 15 weeks of F2F HSC, including all of Term 3. Nor could we guess or predict how well the government and many adults would handle some things; and how badly they would manage others. No matter what your views about the decisions made by others, it is you, our RHHS students (and the young people like you across western Sydney) who now have the “franchise” (the right or delegation to act). It is you who were offered the double vaccination; it was you who know people at work and in your year group who have had COVID; it is you who understands what it takes to do assignments and major works at home; it is you who have taken extra shifts at work; it is you who know, better than any decision makers, what this community needs to do to “live with COVID”. In times of crisis, leaders take control. They tell us what to do and most of us follow their rules. As citizens we give them permission to take control. Sadly, some of our leaders do not remember that their franchise comes from us. Then they struggle to give up giving orders once the crisis is over, while the rest of us are just trying to work out what to do next. So, today, instead of telling you what you should know, do or be - I want to ask you (and your families) to think about what you have learnt and what you can take forwards. I want to share with you some ideas from one of Australia’s bestknown trauma psychologists, Professor Rob Gordon, who is best known for his work with bushfire victims and communities. I hope you will think about the lessons of those who have survived other major disasters and rebuilt their lives. In the first phase after the crisis (the end of last term) most people had a huge adrenaline rush. You and your teachers “hit the ground running” with lots of work and challenging 2

lessons. In this phase it is normal to have high morale and a belief you can manage and handle whatever is coming. You knew the crisis had happened and felt strong, not expecting some of the reactions that were still to come in Phase 2 including a big rise in cortisol levels as our LGA went into lockdown and we became an L4+ school with all that meant. Cortisol (the hormone that lets us quickly respond to threats) helped us cope as each day we asked more of our brains to react to each new crisis. Eventually, if a crisis continues cortisol levels stay high and that is (and was this was by about Week 5 of last term) when the “brain fog”, “exhaustion” and “zombie state” started for many of us. When that happened many of us just had to put one foot in front of the other to “plod through” and to just do whatever was required. In this phase new learning is harder and we often forget what we have just done. It is interesting that Rob Gordon talks about how, when the community has a big crisis or disaster, the constant media pressure (like moving back the start of the HSC and then expecting Year 12 to “study” for longer) can actually have a negative impact on recovery. There were times in recent months when it was hard to live in western Sydney with so many silly stories. There were times when our community felt it had been “disenfranchised” and treated differently than other parts of NSW.

have had moments where we have felt a bit broken, damaged, or overwhelmed and we might feel this way again. Your year group, like other “survivors” will be able to say that “unless you were there you cannot understand”. Your year group will be able to say that you were together (in an online community) at this time, that your HSC was an experience no previous student in NSW ever had. It will be your year group that rebuilds the “social capital” of this school and community in the way you go forward from today. Who knew that, when you started in Year 7 that your year group would be given the “franchise” and responsibility to take the decisions that will lead our community forward. So, as we return from lockdown, please think about the final phase of recovery from a disaster or crisis, where you rebuild your energy, redesign your lives, find your new identity, and come back together as a community. As Rob Gordon says, it is not how fast you rebuild after a crisis but how well you rebuild and how you decide what parts of the “new normal” will make you happy. I wish you happiness. I wish you success. I wish your new dreams (and the old ones you keep) come true. You have the power, you have the control, you have the franchise and I hope you will use it well. Thank you and congratulations Year 12.

For some of you it was even harder given your family and work commitments. So, thank you for “hanging in there”; thank you for telling us when you needed to re-build your energy; thank you when you took time to focus on family and friends and; thank you for helping us not push when you were deciding on your best preparation program to peak in the week of the examinations. Congratulations for “setting your own pace”, no matter what it was. According to Rob Gordon, in Phase 3 you actually work out what you lost during the crisis and you come to deal with what this means for your life. It is when you decide what is important, when you remember what is not there anymore, when you begin to ask yourself when it will be over and when you start to understand that the future will never be the same as the past. Funnily, in schools that happens with each Year 12 graduation when students head in different directions. This year it is more. The uncertainty for our community is more. The past has to stay in the past and we know we cannot change it. We have to go forward. Yours is not the first generation to whom this has happened. Many of your families have experienced disasters, crisis and trauma and have had to understand and accept the “cleavage planes” between the past and the future. We know there will be people we know who have been sick with COVID or will get sick, who have been vaccinated or have not, who are ready to return to their lives with lots of contacts and others who will not choose to do that. We know that many of us

Christine Cawsey AM - Principal 15 October 2021

DEPUTY PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE - JOHN MENG My Term 3 message to you focuses on one the seven core school values – ‘Participation and Enthusiasm’. Supporting Learning Engagement Online Indeed, the current COVID-19 pandemic presents RHHS students, teachers and families with a surreal challenge of delivering a normal education under truly abnormal conditions. Although the virus has kept nearly all of us at home, I am proud to see the connection in learning taking place between teachers and students every day on the school’s digital platform. To support learning continuity the school has provided over 400 families with lightning-fast Chromebooks, and 138 families with reliable mobile internet since the beginning of the lockdown. Amazingly our students attended 144,773 online learning and wellbeing support sessions in Term 3. Through collective effort the school strived to put in place the best possible digital strategies to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on learning. Please feel free to contact the school should you experience any difficulty accessing the school’s digital platform and learning resources.


Introducing Google Workplace for Education Plus In August, RHHS upgraded the school’s digital platform to Google Workplace for Education Plus. It is the ultimate edition offered by Google for education institutes with advanced security, industry-standard privacy protection and enhanced teaching and learning capabilities. RHHS students are now able to: • Join subject and wellbeing meetings up to 250 participants. • Check their own work for recommended citation and properly incorporate outside ideas into their own work. • Participate in polling and Q&A session during online lessons in Google Classroom. • Brainstorm ideas using virtual whiteboard in Google Classroom. • Listen to crystal clear classroom and meeting conversations created by Google’s latest noise cancellation technology. In addition, a collection of digital resources are available to parents and guardians to support learning from home: RHHS is continually improving the school’s IT infrastructure to keep our students connected to the school, their teachers and each other for learning.

Congratulations to 4 of our Beginning Teachers who achieved their accreditation at the Proficient Level of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers which is a mandatory requirement for all teachers in NSW. • All staff participated in the Term 3 School Development Day Professional Learning event (5 hours) on Building a High Expectations Culture aimed to shifting staff work practices as well as extend on their knowledge and understanding of student engagement strategies to be applied to lift student attendance. • Teachers undertook 3 hours of professional learning on a Monday afternoon in Week 3. The topic was High Expectations in Action which explored themes such as using internal and external assessment data to improve teaching practice and marking and feedback. • Professional Learning and Leadership Teams (PLLTs) met to evaluate progress on their 2021 School Plan initiatives and activities for Term 3. • [Grab your reader’s attention with a great quote from the document or use this space to emphasize a key point. To place this text box anywhere on the page, just drag it.]

Tech-tip of Term 3 With the latest round of Google Workplace for Education Plus updates, Google Meets users now have 3 virtual background options: • Slightly blur your background • Completely blur your background • Select one of 30 pre-uploaded dynamic or static backgrounds I do encourage you, during Google Meet, to always check your internet connection and lighting, dress appropriately, and keep your background (virtual or real) suitable for learning from home.




Professional Practice Report – T. Vuki & M. Douglas Despite COVID restrictions in Term 3, our staff were able to participate in various professional development and learning activities online. • We welcomed 3 new teachers who joined our school at the start of Term 3. They participated in the Beginning Teachers Meeting every second Wednesday to engage them with the relational and instructional platforms that the school uses for teaching and learning. • The professional development of the other 6 Beginning Teachers continued with a focus on preparing for teacher accreditation and mapping the evidence of their practice against the Australian • Professional Standards for Teachers (APST) at the proficient level. 4

Feedback from the RHHS Community



SRC Green Team Written by Hiu Hui Lim & Chloe Ayre – Year 9 The Green Team, made up of RHHS SRC students have been working hard during lockdown with an exciting new environmental partnership to do our part for a special little animal. Sugar gliders are an endangered animal and in order to help protect them from extinction, we are very excited to announce that RHHS will be taking part in an upcoming project! The sugar glider project is running to help repopulate and give new homes to sugar gliders living in our area. During lockdown the SRC’s Green Team has been meeting with the team from Conservation Volunteers Australia via Microsoft Teams to brainstorm, discuss and share ideas and answers on how to make our school more sugar glider friendly. Together we have come up with the idea of sending information about sugar gliders to the community using the internet. When lockdown restrictions are lifted our next step is to plant more native flora within the school walls and spread awareness for this little animal, including getting Miss Dowling to dress up as a sugar glider! This is an excitingly thrilling project as everyone gets the chance to make a big change in the RHHS community. Let us all put our hearts and hands together to protect small, furry and important lives. Fort Street Future Leaders Week Written by Henrietta Ah Lam – Year 8 The Fort Street Leaders week was hosted by the SRC at Fort Street High School to inspire students to pursue their passion providing them with an opportunity to learn from and interact with leaders from all paths of life who have achieved real change in their communities and sparked innovation in the young minds of the world. Guest speakers, Hon. Michael Kirby, Hon. Tanya Plibersek, Chris Gambian, Natalie Lang and Erin O’Leary were involved and had the pleasure to answer questions submitted by students and teachers of different schools. RHHS SRC was lucky enough to be invited to contribute as many questions as we like for the guest speakers. These interviews were streamed online on YouTube and were spread out over a span of a week. Each day we got to watch the phenomenal words of each guest speaker, contributing their wise words, thoughts and answers to our questions about their lives and careers. This experience was an amazing opportunity to give us an insight on how we can make a start to pursuing our passion as well as making a difference.

YEAR 7 Year Adviser Message While Learning from Home, Year 7 have continued to display the PERSIST values of participation and enthusiasm and teamwork and leadership. They should be proud of their efforts in completing schoolwork as well as participating in events offered to them Ms Tracy – Year 7 Adviser Learning from Home Written by Kathleen Moon The students in Year 7 RHHS, have been in lockdown but the teachers and the staff have decided that they should have fun activities planned for the students, so they don't get too overwhelmed with the work. These things include trivia, scavenger hunts and other games with possible prizes to be won. We still have to complete the schoolwork which has been assigned to us. Our teachers work through the work with us, guiding the students to make sure that we are following. Some of these assessments are big projects, others not so much. Students have tried to connect with friends or classmates by talking on Google Hangouts or other platforms. Either way we all have to still be up at a certain time to get on Google Classroom and start our routine for the day. I’m pretty sure that some of the other students that are connected with their friends, would talk to their friends during breaks to feel like nothing has changed that much. Except for the fact that we can sleep in more, eat during class and play music while doing your schoolwork which to me seems pretty awesome. Online Scavenger Hunt Written by Lewis Tierney It was a cold day so I didn't want to go outside I remembered that we had something on our Year 7 Google Classroom. It was Thursday the 24th of August and there was a scavenger hunt. The people that were there was myself, Miss Seeney, Miss Elford, Ms. Graham and Mr. Crosilla and Miss Tracy and other students. Mr Crosilla set challenges for us to find items in our house, or to complete on our devices. Everyone had a lot of fun and I won the challenge. A Day in the Life Written by Petra Adamovic A day in the life while learning from home is an experience that feels unusual at first. After a few days and weeks, learning from home seems like something you have been doing for your whole life. The routine is waking up early and getting ready just like you would on a normal school day, except you stay at home. Then you get onto your device and attend your lessons. You also have a google meet that you must attend to understand what you are doing and let your teacher know that you are attending this lesson. We still have breaks at the same time as they would usually be at school. I like to take a break from


the screen during these breaks and prepare myself for the next lesson. Sometimes we have catch up days and lessons where I like to work on any assessments that I feel like I need to add more to. If I am going to be completely honest, learning from home wasn't too much of a challenge to get used to. But I would love for things to go back to normal one day soon because I very much prefer learning at school over this. At least we still have the opportunity to learn while stuck at home. Year 7 Agricultural & Food Technology Year 7 Agriculture and Food Technology students received packages in the mail during Term 3 with seeds to grow herbs. Students have planted their herbs and are tracking their growth progress using a growing chart. By the start of Term 4 these herbs will be ready for eating and students will have the opportunity to showcase foods made at home using these herbs. Year 7 Music Making Using Sound Trap Over the term, students worked on individual projects on the online music program, Sound Trap, using a number of loop samples to make a 1–2-minute piece of music. See below for samples of student works. Student: Kevin Vinoya

Student: Myah Nguyen

LOTE This was a special term, where year 7 students were coping with the new way of learning Chinese from home. Students were able to apply ICT capability to use different digital tools to practice and demonstrate their writing, reading, speaking, and listening skills.

YEAR 8 3

Year Adviser Message It felt a little like Deja vu for Year 8 this term, with a return to online learning. Year 8 plunged back into the online realm with ease, as they were already experienced from the beginning of their high school journey in year 7. Year 8 have developed their tenacity and independence through their ability to continue learning from home. I am very proud of what we have achieved as a year group so far and am very excited to continue seeing Year 8 grow and continue to show the school values of PERSIST in term 4. Before we know it, they will be in Year 9! Term 3 of 2021 has definitely been challenging, but as always, I am so proud of the year 8 cohort. Wishing everyone an even better Term 4! Ms Pozoglou – Year 8 Adviser Learning from Home Year 8 all had their own favourite things about working from home - some students enjoyed the peace and quiet, others enjoyed being able to eat while working, and many were still able to be creative with working on projects from their homes. Year 8 students created solar ovens for their Science assessment from things they found at home. We also had many students continuing to work on art pieces and uploading their work weekly. Many students participated in PDHPE practical lessons from their backyards or living rooms, and really enjoyed online quizzes such as Kahoot to do their revision tasks. (Picture: Solar oven made by Mariana Bonilla Ataides, Year 8). Deputy Principal’s Recognition Assembly We were fortunate enough to be able to have our DPs Recognition assembly through a live presentation online. Although we would have loved to present the awards to students, we were still able to recognise and congratulate the achievements of year 8 this term. A special congratulations to our PERSIST award winners this term: Monique Robert, Kalley Shields, Michael Ner, Bailey Duncan and BiancaRose Hunuki-Biasutti. Presentation from Michelle Lee ‘Ocean Rower’ Year 8 students were still able to participate in sport from home, with the PDHPE faculty providing online workouts, challenges and in week 9 a live presentation from Michelle Lee ‘Ocean Rower’. Michelle spoke to students about natural ways of enhancing the ‘feel good’ chemicals in their bodies to help with overcoming challenges and specifically during lockdown. As always, students appreciated the insight and opportunity to hear from someone who has achieved so much.


YEAR 9 Year Adviser Message This really has been a term like no other, Year 9 have been a vanguard group of students in the truest sense of the word. This year our students, like many others around the world ventured into the unknown of online learning. They didn’t volunteer, there was no training, but they got on with the job none the less. I want to lead by recognising that this truly was an extraordinary effort and that all Year 9 students who took on the challenge deserve an immense amount of respect and admiration. In this missing link article, you’ll find some honest truths about learning from home, some recounts of what we’ve learned so far and some poetry written in English classes. Mr Hewitt – Year 9 Adviser Learning from Home Written by Madiha Ali It sounded fun at first, hearing about learning from home allowed my imagination to wonder about all the things I would now be able to do. Waking up at whatever time, not having to worry about catching the bus or arriving at school on time! I felt free. When I started to learn from home for real, I learned the situation was a lot more complicated. There were definitely upsides, I could study and learn how I wanted, I listened to music, did work on my bed, ate snacks while in class, and could go to the bathroom at any time without having to ask the teacher. However, with every good thing there would be bad things too. I would feel overly lazy, my sleep schedule got even more messed up and I realised I wasn’t going outside for anything. I used to dread going to school but now I miss it, I’m even ready to wake up early again. I miss seeing people and talking face to face. Learning face to face meant that I could relate to my classmates and talk to my teachers not just about school but small talk as friends. Sometimes I think that learning from home is one of the worst things but then again, the freedom is worth it if you strike a balance. You can kind of get away with a few things like eating in class, but you still need to be a good student and the fact that once you've finished your work you can have early breaks. Having said that, not being able to see people made me realise I had been taking the little things for granted and when we return to school, I will be more grateful to be in the company of my friends. You become thankful that you had school and that you had new faces to look at and people to talk to. You become grateful that you have people around you to talk to. Although learning from home is great, we still want the school life we had back.

Advice from Michelle Lee ‘Ocean Rower’ Written by Rembert Chavez On Friday week 8 Michelle Lee, the “ocean rower” and first ever Australian woman to cross the ocean solo in a rowboat talked to us about happy hormones. She talked about how taking advantage of happy hormones was part of the strategy she developed to overcome crossing the ocean on her own. The happy hormones are Dopamine, Serotonin, Endorphins and Oxytocin. Dopamine is about reward, Serotonin is about mood or memory, Endorphins is about activating your personal natural reward and lastly Oxytocin was all about love. She was there to explain each and every happy hormone there was and gave us some examples for us to take in and strategies for us to boost up our happy hormones so that we can utilize it for working at home. The adaptations of an isolated student Written by Emjay Tuiloma When animals are confronted with new and different environments and situations, they are forced to adapt. We too as students have had to adapt to the challenges and difficulties presented by these hard times. We have had to completely change our routine our sleep schedule has been completely flipped over and our eyes are locked on a screen for up to 7 hours a day with 15 to 40-minute breaks. Not only have we had to make adaptations but the world around us also. Shops are closed, masks are on and we all have to be home by 9 o’clock. All these things that we have had to adapt to. All these things that are becoming our new norm. Home schooling is not something that we are used to. For as long as we could remember, we went to school. We saw our friends. We sat in a classroom. We played on the court, on the field. We were so excited to get money for the canteen. But now, our friends are on the other side of the screen. We join a classroom rather than sitting in one. We play online rather than outside, and our new canteen is our kitchen. Everything has changed. We have been deprived of human interaction. We see the same people every day and we are forever listening to the constant droning of our teacher’s voices behind a screen. The classes feel longer. The assessment workload feels bigger, and life is boring. Oh, how we long for the day that we can catch the bus to school again. Oh, how we long for the day that we can ask a teacher for help without putting our hand up digitally. How we long for the day we can see our friends outside of a screen. Soon, life will be normal. Hopefully, soon our new norm will be our old one. Hopefully soon, we will wake up out of this nightmare of a life. Hopefully soon, we will be at school and life will be good again. Hopefully soon. 9

Paper Hearts Written by Charlize Dela Torre paper hearts flutter inside my I didn’t know you, you bag didn’t know me each filled with soft Yet we both knew that we handwriting. had this magnetic pull to I never knew you could use each other proper grammar, yearning, the pen strokes upon the craving, white canvas talking wanting each other. sharing the lyrics of popular But you and I both knew we songs, couldn’t, complimenting me, at leastasking about my thoughts, not in public in front of the and loving me. eyes of judgemental chatter. We stuck to paper notes, Your stares, your gazecommunicating ever so flutter, flutter slowly, That look I wished to cherish neither one making much of forever gave me butterflies, a move. the way you looked at me was the way that people look But the last note was at the moon; different, curiosity, adoration, I looked up with a smile on devotion, my face, nodding slightly and love. as I look back down on the words etched onto the paper heart “Put your head on my shoulder at the Panda Rails?” School Written by Ryan Manansala As you know, Having an education can take you anywhere, And yet, I find myself restricted. We had laptops in front of us, Our papers at our sides, Fingers tapping furiously at our keys, But we still encountered issues. Quite ironic that my coding class, We encountered software issues. Nevertheless, this is significantly better, Then last year. Our entire school term relied on a paper book, This became our saving grace, But it came with costs. The instructions were as encrypted as a riddle, Rendering the text incomprehensible. Without the directions of our teachers, We were lost, Like sheep without a shepherd. And worst of all, any message we sent would be delayed. For a point of reference, sending a letter in real life, Would have the pace of a maglev train compared to Gmail. Our other service was normally found shutdown as well. These were truly dark times. Thankfully, like a trained force, Most of these issues were solved. However none of us had accounted for the next extension.

The Ruins Written by Liza Anwar ‫ویرانه ها‬ As the sun s h i n e s through the Cra/ - /cked windows Particles of dust Fly effortlessly through the air, S h a t t e r e d glass and broken concrete Cover the ground in a t h i c k blanket. Running my fingers along the uneven counter, I find broken objects lying around Each with a story of its own, Tick Toc k tick Tock tick Toc k tick Tock A clock That seemed completely untouched, Sat in the corner of the wall. Tick tock The sound began to drown the room As I began to realise its existence. Walking closer Step. By. Step. I take the small clock off the clay wall, Carved along the dark brown wood Spelt the name of my dear father Who once lived... Standing still. Every breath is echoed, My singular soul stands in the place Where their lives began. The twisted love story of my parents


YEAR 10 Year Adviser Message During Term 3, Year 10 have engaged with online learning by staying in contact with their teachers and classmates, attending online classes and handing in assessment tasks. Though it has been challenging at times, students have embraced learning from home and there have been some impressive results in subjects across the board. Below are some student work samples, to demonstrate the advanced level of learning that students have still achieved from home. It has been an exciting, yet challenging term 3 as students become accustomed to online expectations at RHHS. It is positive and rewarding to see year group members continue to excel as they strive to be creative, disciplined, persistent and collaborative in their approach to all aspects of school life. Miss Chantal Balman – Year 10 Adviser

whichever team achieved the most will be the winners. This has helped us stay not only healthy and fit but creates a better experience when learning from home. English Written by Jewel Dimayuga During this term in English, we have explored the different ways that voices of protest can be conveyed in texts. Texts such as illustrations, street art, stories, and speeches all have a form of political meaning. By learning and understanding this topic, we have skilfully learnt how to interpret these texts using sentence stems of ‘this does that’. Along with the interpretation of these texts, we have learnt how to identify the different uses of techniques that are evident in them. PDHPE Written by Abdulrahman Al Ayed Question 3 from the PDHPE assessment task. 3. The health promotion campaign, RBT Means You Need A Plan B, is a road safety initiative created by Transport for NSW and the NSW Police. Answer the following questions while reflecting on the RBT Means You Need A Plan B campaign. (10 Marks) Response: The aim of the RBT means you need a Plan B campaign, is to reach drivers aged 17-49 years, who are over-represented in alcohol-related crashes. This campaign is necessary and pivotal to ensure NSW drivers and other road users safety.

Visual Arts Written by Rene Sarraj This term in visual arts we have been analysing portraits created by known Australian artists such as Anh Do and Ben Quilty. We have explored their approach taken to artmaking, specifically their practice, including preferred mediums, techniques and the symbolism used. We have been refining our analytical and literacy skills; interpreting and finding deeper meaning and purpose in many artists’ portraiture through their use of colour, imagery, and scale. Years 9 & 10 Food Technology Years 9 and 10 Food Technology students have practical lessons built into their learning from home where they are required to help with food preparation either on their own or with their family. Physical Activity and Sports Studies Written by Shaquarn Siaosi Through this term it is no secret we are learning from home, although it has been hard, we are still able to learn. This term in PASS we have learnt about several systems in the human body. We have learned about the skeletal system, the muscular system, the circulatory system, the respiratory system and lastly the energy and hydration systems. Through all at-home learning we have still been able to keep active as much as we can, our teachers have set up Olympic based games for our PASS classes to play. We have all been split into different teams and a set of activities to earn bronze, silver, or gold medals! When we go back to school

This statement can be supported by the statistics from 2019, where there were 61 people killed and 285 people injured in crashes involving drivers who were over the legal blood alcohol limit. Additionally, men occupy 87 percent of alcohol related fatal crashes. The Plan B campaign was produced to target all road users. However, the general target audience is individuals aged 17-49 years, who are over-represented in alcohol-related crashes. This can be identified through the production of the Plan B scheme highlighting that driving is not an option when intoxicated. With practical options to avoid drink-driving, Plan B takes a positive approach designed to engage the community about making alternative arrangements to get home after a night out. There are a number of Plan B options available and accessible for drivers in order to stay safe when intoxicated. One Plan B option is to call a friend or family member and ask for a ride. This option allows all road users to remain safe as the intoxicated individual is unable to drive and is unable to access the steering wheel. An additional Plan B option can be exhibited through drivers having the option of utilising public transport. This option allows all road users to remain safe as the intoxicated individual is inattentive on the road and is unable to access a vehicle. A further Plan B option can be identified as the intoxicated individual walking back home. This option allows all road users to remain safe as the intoxicated individual is also inattentive on the road and is unable to access a vehicle.


Year 10 Visual Arts and Photography Daniel Imperial artwork

Brock McDonald Photography

Rene Sarraj Photography Jada Pitovao Photography

Sasipim Aye Photography


YEAR 11 Year Adviser Message Year 11, you are all incredible for simply making it to the end of the most unconventional term we have had to date. I am so incredibly proud of each and every one of you for the resilience you have shown, the support you have given to myself and each other and the ‘she’ll be right’, ‘we got this Miss’ positive attitudes you have maintained throughout. This term we had the opportunity to apply for the Senior Leadership positions for 2022 through the Senior Leadership Election Process. We had an overwhelming number of high-quality applications, and I’m looking forward to the training day next term and listening to you deliver of your speeches to the year group. The end of term has very much focused on the academics and completing the requirements for your Year 11 RoSA. Over Weeks 9 and 10 you completed your final preliminary exams and assessments online with great success. You turned up and turned on your cameras and mics with minimal fuss. I am so proud of the way you conducted yourselves and the amazing young adults you are becoming. Congratulations on reaching another milestone in your high school journey, I am honoured to be your year adviser and excited for the adventures to come as you become the ‘new Year 12’ next term.

Miss Edney – Year 11 Advisor

YEAR 12 Year Adviser Message Year 12, congratulations on making it through one of the biggest and most challenging terms of your high school journey. We understand the issues and difficulties these circumstances have posed on all of you, but nonetheless, we are extremely proud of what you have achieved through resilience and persistence. Well done on all the efforts you have put towards final assessments, examinations, and major works! Your strengths and passions shine through your work and you should be so proud of yourself and how far you have come. Although many events and “lasts” were missed this term, you continued to pep each other up and encourage each other to get to the end. You helped your peers with class work, positivity and mental health, and general moral support - all of which show your strength of determination to reach the goal you set out for yourself. You are nearly at the finish line, Year 12. We are excited to see you all next term. Until then, keep smiling and keep laughing. Well done on a great term. Ms Gatt and Ms Corpuz – Year 12 Advisers Principal’s Representative Message Written by Paris To the class of 2021, Well done. Well done for pushing through this year, through the uncertainty and unpredictable challenges. Not only have we faced online learning once,

but twice, in the most crucial years of our schooling. This year, we have spent one whole term learning from home, waking up and stepping straight into the classroom. We have handed in many assessments and for that you should be proud. Take this time to acknowledge your efforts, acknowledge how far you have come, because in a blink of an eye, 13 years of school have flashed past. The class of 2021 is one for the books, and one that we won’t forget. As a cohort, we continue to be resilient in the face of challenges affecting not only school, but our work, our family, and our mental wellbeing. To push through, continue to support and motivate each other and look back at our RHHS years and smile as we reminisce. I look forward to celebrating our successes, our achievements, and accomplishing the milestone of graduation with you all. Enjoy this time with family and friends. Principal’s Representative Message Written by Haris This year, the RHHS community has been affected by COVID, hence instead of walking into the school gates every morning, we have been learning online within our home environment. Firstly, I would like to thank the RHHS staff members who have consistently put in time and effort to make sure we are getting the best out of learning online by making lessons engaging and fun. Some of the experiences that resonate with me, is that no matter how long we are in lockdown, the Rooty Hill spirit is still with us and in difficult times, we come together as a team to overcome challenges…. Nothing can break us! I am proud of everyone in the school on how they overcame this online learning situation but most importantly none of this could be done without the constant help of teachers and advisors who always make sure we are all ok. Year 12 Geography Online Excursion This term Year 12 Geography students attended an online excursion to Taronga Zoo and the class thinks it might be in contention for the prize of "biggest gap" between real life and learning from home. Instead of travelling to the city to visit Taronga Zoo and see the animals, we attended a Zoom presentation delivered by a knowledgeable education officer, who was also working from home (pictured below). On the plus side, RHHS was mentioned in their Facebook post!? Students continued their learning about the Tourism industry and Taronga Zoo as part of the HSC Geography unit "People and Economic Activity", and it resulted in the 13

composition of some fantastic extended responses on this topic for their final in-school assessment.

Woof Wednesday Written by Bonnie Hall On 1 September the school ran ‘Woof Wednesday’ which allowed students to share photos of their pets or even bring their pets to their online classes. This ranged from rabbits, birds, lizards, dogs, cats and even stick insects. Aside from pets being cute and cuddly, they also have a variety of health benefits including reducing stress levels, anxiety levels and easing loneliness, which are all important during these difficult times in lockdown. Year 12 LFH Care Packages LFH Care Packs were sent out to all Year 12 students earlier this term which included a message of support and encouragement from the Year 12 teachers, year advisers, Miss Munzenberger, Mrs Mattimore and Ms Cawsey. Students were very appreciative, and it came as a delightful surprise during lockdown.

already received offers and some in their ideal course, pending final HSC requirements. Well done...the future is certainly looking bright for our 2021 stars. Year 12 Visual Arts Written by Aeron Vicente For Visual Arts, students were required to develop a Body of Work (BOW), using an expressive form of their choice. Dedication, good time management and conceptual strength are some of the qualities that will help drive a solid BOW, and for some, it requires a good balance working between multiple major works. Lockdown brought a series of new challenges moving into Term 3, although the support from the CAPA staff helped us push through and generate a BOW that reflected our intentions. On behalf of Year 12 Visual Arts, I would like to thank Mrs Zeibots and the CAPA team. We would not have been able to make it along the way without your advice and guidance throughout the crazy yet exhilarating journey. Year 12 Visual Arts Written By Freya Howson My photographic BOW series for Visual Arts, “Simplicitea” is about encouraging people to slow down and appreciate the smaller pleasures in life. In our busy worlds, people forget about the little things in our lives that bring us joy even in small amounts. I wanted to remind people of the simplicity of our lives and how we need to take a step back from the hustle and bustle of our fast-paced worlds in the 21st century and take a moment to enjoy the things that life is about, the things we love. Year 12 Visual Arts Written By Dana Bonifacio These images represent 2 out of 9 panels that make up my BOW painting collection for Visual Arts. The collection is titled “Forget Me Not” and it explores forgetfulness and solitude. My piece incorporates the flowers ‘Forget-MeNot’ and it can symbolise true love and respect, which can contrast the imagery seen in my painting, which includes skulls. Through my painting, I wanted to explore the idea that one is slowly being forgotten or slowly deviating from the world.

University Congratulations to our ambitious Year 12 students that took the forward-thinking step and applied for university. Using previous grades, many students who applied early have 14

Year 12 Visual Arts Written By Chloe Buno My Visual Arts BOW titled “MUNDO” consists of visible features of Philippine’s scenery along with other symbols that represent my cultural heritage. “Mundo” means world. This series has allowed me to connect as an artist and reminds me of the life I long for, the beauty of nature and the breath-taking mountains. The act of painting has encouraged me to engage with my culture and be expressive through painting. Despite the challenges, I have truly enjoyed creating, but I now consider this achievement a huge step in starting the next chapter in my life.

Year 12 Music Well done to the Year 12 Music class for persevering and getting through such a tricky term. We understand that with music being best enjoyed live and with people you care about, it is very sad and unfortunate that we were not able to actually witness your performances and show you our love and support. However, we all enjoyed watching the performances you uploaded, compositions you’ve worked tirelessly on, and the viva voces you spent practising and refining. Please know that we are all extremely proud of the super talented bunch you all are.

extremely proud of their work habits and willingness to adapt to home learning, well done! Year 12 Drama Class Congratulations to the Year 12 Drama class for submitting their Individual Projects. We saw some exceptional costume designs, theatre promotional material, monologues, and scripts this year. Well done to all the students who booked extra study sessions to meet with teachers for extra feedback and critique, which has resulted in some of the most standout projects we’ve had so far. Written by Rosie Gale This term, the Year 12 Drama class had to complete their major works. There were various performances - one focused on a wife who could not speak English, while another focused on a groom and his wife-to-be. Some students chose to write a script while others focused on costume design. The process was tough and challenging because we had to rehearse, perform, and work online due to lockdown restrictions. Nonetheless, we got through it! We could not have done this without the assistance and guidance of our amazing Drama teacher, Ms Scerri. The things you have taught us over these past two years encouraged us to perform to the best of our abilities. Thank you so much Ms Scerri, and congratulations Drama class!

Year 12 Music Written by Tanya Singh During this year’s HSC, Year 12 Music students have been assigned to progress and complete our major work projects, which are music performances, compositions, and viva voces. These electives have allowed our students to showcase our musical understanding to the fullest while working from home.

Costume designs by Jessica Miller

HSC Major Works - CAPA A massive congratulations to all students working on projects, artworks and musical pieces in the creativity of their own homes. Year 12 Visual Arts students have been working hard from their homes to complete their major projects. Students have engaged in mentoring sessions with Visual arts teachers and online tutorials to learn the necessary artmaking skills to successfully complete artworks. The students should be Excerpt from Script written by Katie Toogood 15

Year 12 Photography Written by Elijah-Christopher Kaisa For the completion of my final Photography assessment task, I was required to use my surrounding environment to find source stems to photograph in a creative way. This led me to capture images of different coloured bottles and vases, which enabled me to demonstrate my ability to photograph using compositional techniques and show the interesting effects of light hitting an object. Photographs by Elijah-Christopher Kaisa.

Hayden – RE: Budget

Multimedia Written by Aeron Vicente Since Term 4 of 2020, Year 12 students across multiple subjects commenced the journey of making their major projects. The Multimedia class was assigned to manage and design a piece of digital media that could demonstrate our practical expertise and skills in digital enhancement and visualisation, whether it be a video, an animation, a game, or a combination. For my project, I decided to create an unconventional music video that touches upon the universal human experiences of youth struggles in life. Multimedia students were required to utilise professional editing software to enhance videos and visual graphics. We also needed to develop a portfolio that documented our entire project journey. Thank you to Miss McCathie and the TAS teachers who assisted us throughout the development of our major works.

Multimedia Written by Miss McCathie Starting from Term 4 2020, Year 12 2021 Multimedia students worked on a major project of their own choosing, to showcase the knowledge and skills developed over the course. Year 12 are commended on their hard work and commitment over the year, with impressive submissions including animation, video games and short films. Below are some screen captures of their projects. Congratulations once again, on your excellent work Year 12 Multimedia!

Emma Bowman-Trinh – Is it time for a Reality check?

Jason Suarez – Very Accurate Tournament Simulator 7

Aeron Vicente – Anomalies as Always

ARTISTS OF THE WEEK (All artworks can be found on the back page). Ryan (Year 9) Week 4: Edrea (Year 9) Farah (Year 9) Billy (Year 8) Week 5: Apple (Year 8) Jazmine (Year 10) Angelique (Year 8) Week 7: Justine (Year 10) Jaden (Year 10) Breanna (Year 8) Week 8: Gabriel (Year 9) Elijah-Christopher (Year 12) Xiu Hui (Year 9) Week 9: Zoe (Year 11) Jessica (Year 12) Riley (Year 7) Week 10: Gracie (Year 11)

Chloe - Blackout Days


SPORT With the school in lockdown, the staff and students had to get creative for their grade sport activities this term. Students in Years 7, 8 and 9 completed a ‘workout of the day’ activity during their timetabled sport lessons, designed to develop their muscular strength, muscular endurance and flexibility whilst also ensuring that they were getting their heart rates up and getting their daily physical activity which is so important in maintaining overall health and wellbeing. Along with these workouts, the students got the opportunity to show their creative sides with a range of activities including the Toilet Paper Challenge and the Trick Shot Challenge along with some Olympic and Paralympic themed activities in the RHHS Olympic Torch Relay, Lockdown Olympics and Paralympics at home activities.

BOOK WEEK 2021 This year’s theme: Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds, was surprisingly fitting for the ‘New World’ that we have become accustomed to, but nothing could stop us from a week- long celebration of literature. Staff at RHHS shared ‘shelfies’ - a chance to capture their love of books and favourite reads. Teachers and students had an opportunity to reflect on and discuss past and current literature, and to make a personal connection to books that they have enjoyed.


SIGNIFICANT ACHIEVEMENTS TERM 3 2021 Year 7 Petra Adamovic Saja Akl Nattanicha Aye Aneesha Chandra Mali Coombes Leyla Derin Lachlan Gillett Jarred Hide Taiba Hussain Veronica Lepetia Micholai Marquez Riley Marshall Kathleen Moon Benjimen Moore Ella Munday Jemuel Nallas Myah Nguyen Nina Palani Ashmeet Parmar Alexa Parreno Ava Partridge Yonalee Polwaththa Gallage Tiana Ramos Charli Russell Cecilia Tapaatoutai Lewis Tierney Samuel Vista Eltaf Hussain Yawari

Year 8 Daniel Ademovic Henrietta Ah Lam Phoenix Ah San Saalihah Ahmed Cidra Akl Fadya Al-Shihmani Charlotte Amezdroz Hidayah Amjad Christopher Aoun Enayah Bhatti Mariana Bonilla Ataides Sabaa Boram Victoria Brockway Kayla Bustamante Cuadrado Roxanne Cajumban Zander Cassar Avantika Chand Himanshi Chand Jayden Chua Gabriella Creswell Nichola Croft Tori Croft Gabriel Dizon Alyssa Flanagan-Rogers Natalie Gamsby Miggy Ganzon Rebecca Gao Ava Gatt Lilley Gotts Harlem Grant-Cairns Bianca-Rose Hunuki-Biasutti Faridoon Hussaini Elisha Ieremia Sidra Jafari Christina Jamous Isabella Kauvai Matthew Lim Laurel Lyttleton Kirralea Marsh Anagha Martin Ayesha Memon Celena Merched Mason Morris Priya Muduliar Ali Sina Nabizadeh Michael Ner Noreen Nowroozi Angelina Ofisa Isabella Pakas Wynter Paluch Rosaleah Paulo Isabella Perkins

Alexander Perry Madeline Phillips Levi Pont Rohan Prakash Zahra Rajayee Dhwani Ramwani Elianna Raquedan Rita Reuelu Syed Fazal Mustafa Rizvi Monique Robert Saarim Saeed Divine Sang-Yum Lotfali Sarwari Mia Senanayake Kalley Shields Reeha Shrinivasan Shaun Siliva Laurenzo Soriano Prince Sta Maria Emily Stephenson Mason Villanueva Angelique Vinensig Brionne Vulimaibau Brody Willcockson Emily Xian Jazmine Xuereb

Year 9 Sarah-Louise Abela Isabella Aisake Mustafa Al Khazaaly Madiha Ali Nicole Ancheta Liza Anwar Chloe Ayre Lania Badinan Felicity Baluyot Genesis Bautista Dan Nicolas Bonifacio Aphril Cabban Gabrielle Caoagas Nandika Charan Rembert Chavez James Collisson Gabriel Convento Mandy Cottier Charliene Coulthard Ella Cowell-Stirling Brayden Crass Charlize Dela Torre Aguin Deng Yakup Derin John Derramas Lamese Filipo Erin Gamsby Lawrence Gao Lileanna Godwin Jazlyn Graza Maria Halatanu Freshta Hashimi Ryan Houston Zena Jalil Kaiser Kauvai Hazel Kaya Ashley Kelso Alleyah Khan Mohit Kochhar Myra Kumar Blake Langford Xiu Hui Lim Christian Malsi Ryan Manansala Henna Mansory Jacob Martin Kassandra McGrath Rhianna Nallas Cayli Neville Trish Ortiz Noah Oto Rubaina Parmar Nitya Patel Brent Pelayo Antoinette Pingul-Krajcar

Cezlie Prasad Ravikesh Prasad Jack Rusitovic Shaye Ryan Angelica Sadler Edrea Santos Kiara Schroeder Sahiba Sheikh Mahnoor Siddiq Farah Sideq Ryzell Soria Tiresa Stanley Taliyah Suitupe Um-e-Farwah Syed Ghazala Tariq Jaimee Tompsett Emjay Tuiloma Marian Unay Jassmine Urfano Tyrel Vista Astrid Whitehurst Monique Yeng

Year 10 Justine Ademovic Athieng Ajak Abdulrahman Al Ayed Noor Al Kanem Naba Alhameed Zahra Almoaiel Adam Almoail Sasipim Aye Fatima Baaruud Larah Badinan Gizem Biber Jennifer Buckley Rebecca Chau Nicole Chua Amity Darley Vishreta Datt Anjelica Delos Reyes Reign Dimayuga Bianca Dodd Thea Dupaya Paula Gevero Dansia Gomes Dean Gower Elise Hayward Shohana Hossain Tarniee Hughes Alesha Hussein Veronica Ieremia Ariana Iosefo Mahek Janif Marissa Kang Shivanjli Lal Aliza Laws Lillian Lolomanaia Makaila Marquez Jode Mekuri Ashruti Mishra Amina Mohammadi Ethan Molnar Kathleen Moxham Owen Munday Manar Munshid Emily Nobbs Ucheme Ohiaeri Muhammad Ali Raja Mohammad Asif Razaee Britney Saker Ahlaam Saleem Rene Sarraj Soubhan Sarwar Catherine Schofield Serina Scopelliti Emre Selvi Shaquarn Siaosi Jaanvi Singh Jazmine Susi Litia Tofilau Bethany Too Anh Tran Angelina Zamora

Year 11 Stefan Adamovic Jamee Balzan Donna Barber Danielle Byron Kaiceryn Cantre Deepali Chand Vishilta Datt Abigail Dave Anam Diwan Ella Evans Keira Evans Zoe Gower Anchita Hansoongnern Marzia Hashimi Nicole Li Kamran Maliki Tamana Mansory Alyse McCutcheon Jessica McGrath Pheobi-Paris McMaster Nicholas Pakas Chloe Paz Vinuji Polwaththa Gallage Rashi Poudel Taira Pule Sheridan Rylewski Nael Salacsacan Ramah Abigail Sang-Yum Bilal Shah Nicayla Storozuk Sophia Story Andy Su Abdur Rehman Tasawwur Chloe Taunton Anne Vaafusuaga Gracie Williams

Year 12 Haris Abawi Taikura Andrew Kirsten Barbeau Cielo Bautista Nadine Bauty Phoebe Birett Dana Bonifacio Emma Bowman-Trinh Julia Buckley Chloe Buno Candice Cowgill Kiarne Fitzgerald Rosie Gale Lorrye Genobili Christopher Gillett Shara-Lee Green Bonnie Hall Achita Hansoongnern Elijah-Christopher Kaisa Cassandra King Ten Hang Lee Jay Lopez Daniel Ma Gerard Mantua Timuray Mentesh Erin Mercado Jessica Miller Hayden Nobbs Arya Nooralizadeh Asl Nwazuruka Ohiaeri Paris Paraan Ciara Phillips Zac Russell Shannon Saipaia Tanya Singh Genoveva-Constantina Stuparu Jason Suarez Mussa Talabani Anthony Thach Katie Toogood Oilau Helena Vaoutumala Aeron Vicente Tanvir Zaman


Rooty Hill High School Learning, Leadership & Achievement North Parade, Rooty Hill NSW 2766 P.O. Box 70, Rooty Hill NSW 2766 Phone: 02 9625 8104 Follow Rooty Hill High School:


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