Articles Issue 1

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Guest Blog: Soaking Up the Savings This Summer By Ronnie Das 8/31/2011 Tools |



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Fun, Sun and Some Energy Conservation: Begin by setting yourself in a beautiful Bonita as we find ourselves on the roof reaping the rewards of radiant heat by installing 20 solar modules. On a hot summer San Diego day solar advantages are the clear choice for accepting our most plentiful readily accessible energy source: the sun. Solar Modules use radiant heat to create DC electricity - your neck uses that solar energy to create sunburns. Quick Tip: When installing panels remember to use sunscreen and a hat to cover yourself as much as possible . As for me, a readily unprepared lifestyle gave way to my present circumstances, on a roof with no direct shade because the machine we are installing has the sole purpose of capturing heat. I guess as an ex would say “Should've got the hint,� but I got through it and had some fun in the sun as I learned about a sustainable energy solution for San Diego. Fun fact: The Earth receives more energy from the sun in 1 hour than is used in the entire world in 1 year. It would take roughly 0.3% of the world's land area to supply all our electricity needs via solar power. Bias and pride aside, San Diego is setting the scene as pioneers in solar power standards. In June 2007, San Diego was selected as a Solar City by the U.S. Department of Energy because of its commitment to adopting solar technology at the local level. Nationally, San Diego is ranked 4th for producing and using environmentally preferable green energy (US EPA 2007). To put 4 th in perspective the renewable energy reductions of carbon dioxide emissions is equivalent to planting 40,187 acres of trees. The sustainable energy efforts from our city adopting photovoltaic systems saves nearly $170,000 annually. Kyocera, which is an international conglomerate, has a solar module manufacturing plant in Kearny Mesa, which provides jobs in the growing energy industry. No other time in history has energy been more important than now, and San Diego has clearly established itself in fostering alternative energy to provide choices locally, nationally, and internationally. Energy has become the forefront of every presidential campaign for 2012, and coupled with an economic strategy, focusing on job creation has become the leading topic in today's political landscape. Outside of politics, increases in energy prices make traditional sources of power less obvious as the standard choice

for consumers. Brighten up to the high standards of the solar industry in sunny San Diego. Solar is a sustainable solution for San Diego, but so is energy conservation. Energy Conservation is the key to energy independence and what you don't know doesn't get managed. Check your electric bill to keep it in check instead of paying a premium price for wasted electricity. Keep kids involved as electric monitors help teach them valuable lessons in energy conservation, saving money, and sticking to good habits. Teaching toddlers (and ourselves) to take the time to turn off TV's, lights, and other electronics is a great way to be part of a sustainable solution. Powerstrips are energy efficient, and a safe, easy way controls for kids to save power during the day. If your slightly more technical, be sure to solve the age-old question, how many of you does it take to change a light bulb? Incandescent lights can be switched to low-cost (<$3,at any home improvement store) or no-cost (trade program with SDG&E) energy-efficienct lighting choices (ex. CFLs, LEDs). Energy Star qualified lighting use less energy, and produces about 75% less heat than incandescent lighting, so you'll feel real cool as you save money. Hopefully you can start saving with several of these sustainable solutions as you soak up that sun this summer in San Diego. How Can I Help? Episode 4: Solar Diego featuring Bill Clinton, Independent Energy Solutions, Baker Solar Electric Inc, SDG&E, County of San Diego Operations, and California Center for Sustainable Energy. Find out more on how to use natural energy to light up your life on our official website Catch All New Episodes of 'How Can I Help?' Fridays at 6:00 PM on ITV – Channel 16 in San Diego. Average Rating RATE IT | Tagged under BBB_San_Diego Better_Business_Bureau Ronnie_Das How_Can_I_Help_SD Environment | Solar_Panel_Installation Benefit_of_solar_paneling guest_Blog









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Behind the Judges Table @ the SD County Fair Homebrew Competition

By Ronnie Das | 2 Comments It s a beautiful day in Del Mar, with the sun beating down on the joyous crowds of the San Diego County Fair. Amongst the unique eats, novelty nutritionist nightmares, and carnival created entertainment, the big local buzz around the grounds came from Sunday s Homebrew Competition.

With 818 entries, this was one of the largest single day beer competitions in the world! I volunteered as a judge by signing up at the last QUAFF meeting, and was randomly assigned to Category 13: Stouts, along with 7 other judges. This year there were 81 entries in this category, and around #39 I had forgotten most of what I d planned to write for this article. As a former porter ponderer though, I found the Russian Imperial Stouts to be quite to my liking thanks to the slightly burnt notes.


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Here s what I found out about Russian Imperial Judging entry #104 out of 181! Stouts after volunteering to judge the Stout category – inspired by brewers back in the 1800s to win over the Russian Czar, this is the King of Stouts, boasting HIGH alcohol by volume and plenty of malt character. Low to moderate levels of carbonation with huge roasted, chocolate and burnt malt flavors. Often dry. Suggestions of dark fruit and flavors of higher alcohol are quite evident. Hop character can vary from none to balanced to aggressive.

Wednesdays @ La Valencia

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Breakwater Brewing Co.

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Wednesdays @ Sessions Public

WEDNESDAY Beer Pairing Dinner

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feat. Pizza Port @ The Grill

WEDNESDAY Coney Island Night @

So not only was I drinking a truly un-American beer on this 4th of July weekend, but now I knew my piece of toast hours earlier and some saltines provided were really not going to help. So, I made the adult, rational decision and pulled out some taxi money from the ATM before getting to work. In the end, the Top 5 in Category 13: Ken Schmidt,

AUG 31

Small Bar

WEDNESDAY The Princess Bride -

AUG 31

Stone Family Night Movie


Give a Pint, Get a Pint Blood Drive

In the end, the Top 5 in Category 13: Ken Schmidt, Jess Rothrock, David Vogel, Randolph Lewis II, and Stephen Waterman. The best of show winner for the homebrewing competition was Bob MacKay with an English Dark Mild.

The winners in the Stout and IPA categories

The beers were unbelievable and being a judge was an amazing experience. It s hard to hold off a smile when I say it was hard work because it was so much fun. Being such a small part of this event, I d really like to give my sincerest gratitude to the hardworking organizers.

Ronnie is a craft beer enthusiast and host of How Can I Help? San Diego, a TV show and website resource dedicated to sustainable practices. The next episode, Planting Plants, airs tonight at 6pm on ITV Channel 16. The episode on green breweries, including interviews from NHC, airs next Friday the 15th at 6pm. Like

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2 Responses to “Behind the Judges Table @ the SD County Fair Homebrew Competition” “The 2011 Gold Medal and Best in Show was Poor Man s IPA beer made by Pizza Port of Carlsbad, California.” Kelsey McNair July 8, 2011

That was for the commercial competition. The best of show winner for the homebrewing competition was Bob MacKay with an English Dark Mild.


Thank you, Kelsey. Post has been updated.

All Pizza Port Locations - $3 THIRSTday

Latest Tweets Cheers! RT: @omarpassons Happy to see @westcoastersd in the 'hood @thelinkery. Sad the bacon/octopus is out RT: @NotSoProBeer: 1st look @StoneBrewingCo's new book (9/27 release). 18 Stone beer recipes revealed! #craftbeer #be ... RT: @StoneGreg: Over the next 3 wks I'm going to be tweeting about the 20 Stone taps in Brussels a lot. Seeing as it's a first for the co ... RT: @SanDiegoMag: 5 upcoming food and beer events @sdbeerfair @obrienspubsd @pizzaportbeer @TheLodgeLaJolla @churchi ... RT: @searocket: All Seafood Beer Dinner with Ballast Point on Thursday, September 8th! Get your ressies early!

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July 8, 2011

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Guest Blog: Banking On Yourself With Business Basics 6/22/2011 Tools |



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By Ronnie Das A seductive, gold-digging temptress struts through a mansion filled with the sound of champagne glasses clinging and artificial laughter from the surrounding guests at this definitively awkward dinner event. Her glowing smile becomes a sinister smirk as the crowd stares at her in utter disgust. The elephant in the room at this event is her recent marriage to a man easily four times her age with a large fortune, who happens to be the man of the hour. Today is his birthday. However obvious this woman's intentions, he gains no pity from the crowd - this ruthless business behemoth could write the books on lying, cheating, and stealing (which he did and sold as part of a pyramid scheme in 1981). His historically deceptive nature has isolated him from any meaningful relationship, so he flaunts his wife more like an object more than a person and parades around town with this sham of a marriage in an attempt to invoke envy. This old man sits alone, uninterested in the facade of friends, drinking to forget work and working to forget home, slowly letting the warm champagne hit his lips. Now, ever wonder who the lucky second husband to this woman is, after the old guy dies and she gets the money? Life's about opportunities, and every business is an opportunity. Freedom comes with success and failures, but they are the direct consequence of your own actions as opposed to a third party or employer. You have the ability to pursue your own definitions of success and failure to become either a lonely billionaire or revered role model. When I first started my company I would excitedly tell a friend about my new venture. Inevitably, the first question out of there lips after I discussed my grand idea was “So, what are you doing for work?� Although it seems inconsiderate the reasoning behind asking such a bold question is justifiable. The truth is that it takes real guts to be your own boss, many small businesses fail in the first three years and a steady paycheck is a great leash. It is only when we inspect that leash that we find on the other end can be a very unstable owner. Big businesses have failed in the past few years and a steady paycheck can become a pink slip. An entrepreneurial spirit should not to be taken lightly. Many people say follow your dreams, do what you love, but how many of those same people are miserable every Monday, drinking bad coffee and sitting in a cubicle at a place they hate. IF you want to begin to take control of your own life and contribute to society

with your own creative, innovative, expression of your unique talents, take the steps to start your own business. The process is quite simple. A business begins with an idea, not an MBA from Harvard or a million dollar investment. Create your business in two steps. Filing a fictitious business name statement and a proof of publication. A Fictitious Business Name Statement, which registers your companies name, is a simple form available through the County of San Diego. The cost of filing this form is $30.00, with $5.00 for each additional name (up to 3) you would like to register as well. Also note that each additional owner of your company is $5.00 for any names you register. Now that you've registered you have up to one month to begin the publication process. The publication process involves an approved newspaper or magazine making your company “public� for the first time and officially registered. This service can cost anywhere between $10 and $100 dollars so be sure to look around - the basics of what you want are a proof of publication sent to the county by the publisher and a copy to be sent to you for your records. And that's it; you've begun the process of profit and personal gain with your own company. Good luck! Article Courtesy of Ronnie Das, Senior Production Manager of RDF Productions. For more information about RDF productions, visit their website. Ronnie Das' television show "How Can I Help?" is airing Fridays at 6:00 pm all summer on the San Diego County of Education's ITV - Channel 16. Average Rating RATE IT | Tagged under BBB_San_Diego Better_Business_Bureau Guest_Blog | Ronnie_Das How_Can_Help_SD Start-Up_Business

Guest Blog: Reducing Waste to Increase Sustainability 5/4/2011 Tools |



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By Ronnie Das Do you ever wonder what the teenage version of yourself would do in any given situation thrown at you? Maybe he would demonstrate some fearlessness and break you through that mental wall you've built or often times he might be reckless and crash you into a very real wall. But regardless of whether you secretly house an inner rebellious bad boy or a sweet school boy, the process of maturing takes personal management to control, regulate, and enhance your life. Similarly, a government needs to constantly reexamine its policies to make sure a good idea does not become a financial nightmare. A perfect example of a good theory turned bad policy is The People's Ordinance of 1919 which continues to provide free refuse collection for certain San Diego residents. In a time when only 70,000 people lived in San Diego and mostly organic trash (such as various types of produce as well as meat and leaf litter) was collected for a fee by a private company to be sold to hog farmers, the idea of the government providing a free service and selling the “trash” to pig farmers was a profitable and environmentally sound policy. Now here we are in 2011 when E-waste and plastics are dumped into landfills outside Miramar Air Force Base. That bumpy car ride along the 52-freeway is a result of trash decomposing at different rates. Now, instead of gaining a profit from selling organic waste to farmers, the city spends $37 million dollars a year to collect and dispose of trash in our environment. Also, citizens who do not receive no-fee trash service must pay a private hauler to collect and dispose of their trash, in addition to supporting the no-fee service received by others through their contributions to the City’s General Fund. All the while, the 304,000 San Diego recipients of the no-fee service never see a bill and are generally unaware of the true cost of this service. Under this ordinance there is no limit on the amount of waste the City will pick up without charge from an individual household, so there is no incentive to reduce waste if you are the lucky ten percent of the city. The old saying, “don't cry over spilled milk”, does not apply to the way we should perceive throwing out our trash. Reducing our waste is a positive and crucial step towards creating a sustainable future. A landfill releases harmful emissions into the atmosphere that can travel anywhere. The operation of a landfill itself causes noise, dust, and bio-aerosol emissions as well as very real risks to water, and our precious water supply. Watercourses include everything from the ditches located near the landfill, to the rivers and streams miles away. Rain will wash over the landfill, allowing debris, but more commonly, toxins, to wash into these watercourses. As a resident of San Diego who loves the beach, I find this unacceptable. Let's face it, San Diego is beautiful. We have a choice to either discourage people from entering by making our city undesirable, or preparing for future growth with increasing efficiency, conservation, and recycling. Creating a more equitable policy , as well as providing economic incentives for the Mandatory Recycling Ordinance to achieve its goal of full compliance would be a great policy to pursue, but an opinion is worthless without the action to make it priceless. The true goal should be reducing waste in whatever ways possible (recycling, composting, construction waste diversion, etc.) so we do not destroy San Diego's beauty. And for that, I encourage everyone in San Diego to take action. Reduce waste to increase sustainability and decrease your footprint to enhance the environment. Its elementary my friends Recycle, Reduce, Reuse to help create a better tomorrow, today! Article Courtesy of Ronnie Das, Senior Production Manager of RDF Productions. For more information about RDF productions, visit their website. Average Rating RATE IT | Tagged under bbb_san_diego better_busines_bureau bbb_guest_blog | ronnie_das sustainability san_diego













VIDEO: Ask not how San Diego can help you, but how you can help San Diego ANN FEISTER - SDGLN STAFF WRITER

April 6th, 2011






SAN DIEGO -- Numerous studies have proven that being actively involved in community projects and groups can vastly reduce the risks of many physical ailments. In addition to helping stave off illness, volunteering may very well be the key to preserving our environment. MORE PHOTOS




“The more integrated we are with our community, the less likely we are to experience colds, heart attacks, strokes, cancer, depression, and premature death of all sorts.” — Robert D. Putnam, Harvard professor and author of “Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community.”


Helping your community doesn’t have to cost you hundreds of dollars or eat up all of your spare time. The show “How Can I Help San Diego” is spearheading a grass-roots effort to help preserve the beauty that is our beachfront oasis. Ronnie Das and crew have all volunteered their time to help raise awareness on issues that should be important to every San Diegan.

“Population growth will reduce our natural resources,” said Das, who studied environmental systems at San Diego Ronnie Das State University and worked with the city of San Diego Environmental Services Department before venturing into the world of environmental education. “Landfill use and air pollution will rise with population while ground water supplies will be depleted.” “How Can I Help San Diego” is not meant to guilt viewers into helping, but it’s intended to be used as a tool to assist people in making choices that work for their lifestyle and budget. The show simply examines what is, and what could be, the rest is up to us. “Getting the right people in the right places to build partnerships,” is the overall vision for the show, Das said. “Public programs need volunteers and we all have different skills and assets that we can use to help.” The show itself is an act in volunteerism, Das explained. “The cost of tape and our time are our only expenses. It’s cool to be frugal. And we get to use our own innovation to make things work on the fly.” The topics to be featured on the show are diverse and cover a wide range of new and existing ideas to help conserve natural resources. With over 100 ideas for topics they want to cover in San Diego alone, the “How Can I Help San Diego” crew are as busy as ever. In the first season, the show will cover organic farming, solar power, water quality, sustainable landscaping, erosion control and environmental policy. The key to what makes “How Can I Help San Diego” different from other environmental shows already out there is that the show intends to show us how we can help now. “Some of these shows tell us that in 2050 we’ll all be driving cars fueled by hydrogen, that’s great, but what can I do today?” Das said. Simple everyday things that we can all try to be conscious of will make a big impact if we can all band together and work as a team. “Remember that we are living in a desert,” Das said. “Shorter showers, turning off the water while brushing your teeth and sustainable landscaping,” are just a few of the easy tips that Das and his team are trying to implement to save the San Diego that we all know and love.


What are your plans for this Labor Day weekend? : Get out of town Take a “staycation” Keep my normal routine

Remembering that these perks aren’t self-sufficient is something that can easily be forgotten when you’re out frolicking in the ocean, at the zoo or in the park. Our health and our environment are closely related and taking actions now to preserve both can save us from having to take drastic actions in the future. It’s always easier to perform preventative maintenance checks over time than to have to rebuild the entire body/environment once it’s been destroyed. What if the answer to our maladies isn’t working more, but working less and volunteering more? To get involved in volunteering, check out HERE. The website has a feature that allows you to input your volunteering interests and see what organizations in the community match your skills and interests. “How Can I Help San Diego” will be premiering on ITV in April, and you can watch clips from upcoming shows on the website now. “How Can I Help San Diego” will be premiering on ITV in April, and you can watch clips from upcoming shows on the website now.

Tags: Ann Feister Environmental Awareness How Can I Help San Diego Organic Farming Solar Power Sustainable Landscaping Water Quality 2






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Ronnie Das University of California, San Diego

Ann, Thank you so much for this article. I was just working on our website and I re-read the article, it feels like forever ago, and it was still this year. We recently submitted our Season Finale for consideration in the Sundance Film Festival after being invited. I'd love to do another interview if you'd be interested. 2 Like Reply Subscribe about an hour ago

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