Steven james info

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About Us

INTRODUCTION We at Steven James are thrilled with the opportunity of showcasing what we can do for your organization. This document will serve to explain our approach to best position your business for a triumph in meeting your goals. Our methodology is straight-forward: based on research of client needs and target markets, we prepare an array of options to help clients make the best informed decisions, develop content in a collaborative fashion, and consistently refine message and method as needed, ensuring effective, result-oriented marketing campaigns. There are four core elements that comprise the following proposal: Website Design, Social Media Management, Digital Content Creation, and Digital Advertising. While each title of the four elements is somewhat self-explanatory, there are unique facets of each. Utilized separately, each of the four can provide targeted goals and excellent returns. When used in conjunction, we believe the positive synergy generated will serve to create an exceptionally vibrant marketing strategy, with the end result being greater than the sum of the individual parts. Communication is at the heart of all successful relationships, be they personal or professional, and we want you to fully embrace the idea that there is no question too small to ask, no suggestion too different to offer, or no concept too simple to clarify. Steven James eagerly anticipates serving the social media and digital advertising needs of your company in whatever capacity you may need! We look forward to continuing correspondence and answering any questions you may have about the information on the following pages.

WORKING WITH STEVEN JAMES DEDICATED STAFF Your business has the highest priority for all Steven James personnel. A point person will be running day-to-day operations for the management of your account, with an alternate point available to step in at any time if any conflicts or emergencies arise. These individuals will know every aspect of ongoing projects related to your account and will be available to answer questions, to act as liaisons for exchanges between your company and Steven James. ACCOUNT COMMUNICATIONS Steven James will provide detailed progress reports related to each core element that your company chooses to utilize. Topics will include, but not be limited to, strategy suggestions, target audience approaches, and message content shaping or reshaping. REPORTING The Steven James team will provide monthly updates and status reports covering our social and advertising activities. We will also provide a monthly report detailing your website analytics, updates, and activity.


Jim Pavone

Managing Partner

Brian Coughlin

Katie Dahl

Hayley Dalton

Nick DiBella

Brie Dioguardi

Josh Dubock

Creative Consultant

Creative Consultant

Senior Web Developer & Optimization Specialist

Social & Branding Strategist

Social Media Specialist

Video Production Specialist

Steven James is the vision of Jim Pavone, a successful Rochester business owner and pioneering entrepreneur. Named in honor of his late uncle, Steven James Pavone - the man who started their thriving company YPC Media which serves over 4000 clients - Jim has constructed with Steven James a full-service multi-media company to meet the commercial marketing needs of companies and organizations large and small, while also pivoting to create original content for mobile devices, computers, televisions, and motion pictures. Jim’s idea was to assemble the finest collection of talent that he could, a pool of individuals with experience in foundational sectors of the economy, both public and private - media communications, public relations, entertainment, real estate, and education to name a few. Steven James specializes in creating pathways to companies so the businesses can optimize their potential and greatly enhance their digital presence.

Jeremy Dunn

Christopher Hart

Sharon Kunkel

Jennifer LaRose

Abbey Leonardi

Paul Root

Video Production Specialist

Media Planner/Buyer

Cinematographer & Editor

Graphics & Marketing Strategist

Marketing Director

Content Developer

“Social media and your website should work together to promote your brand.� Kristina Cisnero, Hootsuite

WEBSITE DESIGN & MANAGEMENT A website makes a lasting impression on anyone that views it and sets the tone for internet presence, both aesthetically and logistically. Powerful, thought-provoking imagery, consumerfriendly navigation and relevant content need to greet and engage the potential patron. A robust platform of SEO optimization, formatted blogs, social media plug-ins, strategic widgets and assessment/conversion tools should power the website and drive the potential customer to action. Steven James is honored to propose a customized, modern, device-responsive website that is structured to engage site visitors, instill interest and elicit a response! The Website will include: -- five expertly designed, interactive pages created in collaboration with your team. -- e-commerce component -- formatted blog with the Yoast SEO plug-in to be optimized for key terms in your industry. -- carefully crafted widgets/plug-ins to: A) integrate all social media platforms (and electronic communications). B) provide site analytics for assessment. C) protection against hacking and/or viruses.

SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT Social media is vital in validating your company’s relevance. Your social media presence, when done correctly, tells consumers that you are an active and focused entity both in your industry and your community. Recent research shows that 63% of consumers who search for businesses online are more likely to use ones with an informative social media presence and are more likely to become loyal customers. 71% of consumers who received a quick response on social media would recommend the brand to others. Steven James will be creating and optimizing social media accounts using the following platforms: 1 Facebook 2 Twitter 3 Instagram 4 YouTube 5 LinkedIn 6 Snapchat The goal is to reach, educate and ask the public to engage with your brand using creative content, videos, blogs,your website and more. Social media will allow us to brand the message and tell your story on platforms used by your targeted audience. We will post daily and incorporate the following components in collaboration with your team: --Videos --Testimonials --Vision statements --Events --Press releases --Website links --E-News sign-ups --Purposeful Still Photography --Social Media Events (Q and A on Twitter) --Creative Memes All posts will include a call to action, directing to the website, blog, other social platforms or relevant links. Insights and stats from all platforms will be reported on a monthly basis.

“In Social Media the squeaky wheel gets the oil. You have to put yourself out there, to find the people who will relate or even debate with you, depending on what you are looking for.� Jessica Northey (@Jessicanorthey)

“Visual content must attract attention, entice action and inspire advocacy.�

DIGITAL CONTENT CREATION The power of visual media is immense. The role of video today is one of deepened connection and audience immersion. Without video, social media is little more than snippets of opinion, semi-famous quotes, and mundane musings. Video, however, is a deliberate medium that can be employed within the world of social media, but also is an industry of its own, often employing social media to more deeply connect with followers, engage in reciprocated communication, and find altogether new audiences. Steven James offers a variety of visual media services that include video, still photography, cinemagraphs and more. Video content is carefully planned beforehand, executed with the highest quality and edited to produce a meaningful polished piece with commanding music tracks to complement visual themes. This footage can be extended to create smaller videos to highlight on social media. Steven James is also available to shoot on location at your organization’s signature events. We are well skilled at capturing the highlights and vision of your mission reflected in the gatherings you organize. In addition, our graphic artists can design beautiful invitations and marketing collateral that is both inviting and strategic in promoting your company’s brand.

DIGITAL ADVERTISING Organic reach has unpredictable value, and no matter how advanced our strategy may be, there is still a chance that our posts get lost among the numerous birthday wishes and newborn congratulations so often seen on our feeds. Boosting our posts guarantees a degree of visibility for posts we find important. Boosted posts have a higher chance of being seen by people who have liked your page. We will be specific and focused in our ad-spend by Geo-Targeting to reach those in your target audience. As mentioned on page 6, the power of visual media is immense. And when you combine video with digital advertising, you have an extremely effective tool. We will be creating a multitude of social media posts from our video creation efforts and boosting those posts within our advertising budget. Nearly two-thirds of consumers agree that brands who share videos know how to reach their customers. Consumers also feel more trust towards a brand after viewing their videos, and 90% say it helps with the decisionmaking process. So it’s very clear, the more people we can reach with the power of video, the more exposure we will have. Digital Advertising is a cost-effective and powerful strategy to reach your consumer base with relevant, up-to-date and pertinent messaging.

“These days, social media waits for no one. If you’re LATE for the party, you’ll probably be covered by all the noise and you might not be able to get your voice across. It could only mean that if you want to be heard by the crowd, you have to be fast; and on social media, that means you have to be REALLY fast.” Aaron Lee (@askaaronlee)

Additional On Demand Deliverables Still Photography Video Content Creation Design Services Brand Development Business Cards Letterhead Displays/Trade Shows Podcasts Voice Overs Smart Phone Video Brochures Marketing Collateral Drip Follow Up Campaign Video Brochure Flash Drives Loaded With Content (Prospects) Content Development Digital Marketing

“Social media is not just an activity; it is an investment of valuable time and resources. Surround yourself with people who not just support you and stay with you, but inform your thinking about ways to WOW your online presence.� Sean Gardner (@2morrowknight)

OVERALL SUMMARY We are thrilled and honored by having the opportunity to provide an integrated marketing plan that will generate excitement, engagement, and ultimately increased revenue. Your account will have one dedicated staff person as the point of contact for all aspects of the marketing plans and real-time content submissions. This proposal represents a first year, phase one strategy. Monthly analytics/ reports shall be submitted and a meeting scheduled for both a 6 month and end of year audit to assess needs, goals and expenditures. Based on these reviews, a year two plan can be created. (ex. digital content creation will most likely be more the first year then it will be the second and the monthly subscription fee can be assessed accordingly. We wish you every continued success and believe our team can be an integral part of achieving your goals. Sincerely, The Steven James Team

“Everyone starts out with nobody listening to them and nobody to listen to. How and who you add determines what social media will become for you.� Laura Fitton (@pistachio)

JIM PAVONE 585-478-7973

189 N. Water Street, Suite 200, Rochester , New York 14604 | w

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