2024 Women Empowering Women Conference Program

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learn,thrive, empower!

A W O M E N ’ S C O N F E R E N C E C A R E F U L L Y C U R A T E D B Y 2 0 2 4 +

Here’s what to expect


We will have a five minute light-exercise session after each session to keep your body and mind active

11:30 AM Registration, Vendor, and Making Connections

12:20 PM Welcome and Introductions

Session One: 12:30 PM

Goal-Getter’s Guide to Success

Session Two: 1:35 PM

The Brand Lab

Session Three: 3:15 PM

The Confidence Code - Decoded A Panel Discussion

Session Four: 4:15 PM

Soulful Serenity: Mindfulness and Gratitude in Action

5:05 PM Closing Remarks

5:15 PM Apps, Cocktail, and Connections


The Arc of Monroe County, NYSARC Inc

Beyond TalentEdge | Authentica


Farmhouse Table LLC

J. Morgan Levy Firm, PLLC


New York Kitchen

Rochester Public Library


We are grateful to the generous sponsors whose unwavering support has made this conference a reality Your commitment to empowering women, building strong relationships, and fostering professional and personal development is truly instrumental in shaping the success of this conference. Thank you! Thankyou!

L E T ’ S H E A R I T F O R O U R


Goal-getter’s Guide to Success


Goal Setting & Crushing It!

Maureen and Maria will guide us through the intricacies of tapping into our Inner Coach, from enhancing our approach to establishing empowering goals, along with strategies for elevating our businesses or roles. Uncover the keys to successful goal setting, utilizing your inner resilience to surmount obstacles. Discover the art of crafting a systematic approach for defining, monitoring, and reveling in each milestone on your journey. This engaging conversation serves as your blueprint for both personal and professional triumphs. Brace yourself to establish, pursue, and surpass your goals, unlocking the extraordinary potential that resides within you.

Maureen Ballatori Maria Kast Founder + CEO, Agency 29 (above) (left) Founder + Consultant, Core Leadership
maureen@agency-29.com / maria@leadwithcore.com let’sstayintouch!

The Brand Lab

Napier ecutive Chair & Founder tners + Napier ocking Opportunities: Elevating ur Personal Brand! he intersection of who you are who you know, there is edible opportunity. Join Sharon pier, one of the Top 100 Most uential Women in Advertising, earn how to create and elevate r personal brand so you ximize your connections and n doors to new opportunities. matter where you are in your eer, you will leave with a plan of on to leverage your value. sharon.napier@partnersandnapier.com emailme! Hi, I’m SESSION TWO


The Brand Lab


Unlocking Success: The Secrets of a Well Dressed Brand Embark on a transformative journey promising to redefine your perceived value and professional presence. Toi Sweeney, the creative force behind 'Secrets of a Well Dressed Brand,' will unveil the keys to elevate your personal brand, sharing strategies to magnify your unique brilliance. This session not only imparts valuable insights but also includes a best-selling book (valued at $35) by our speaker, providing an in-depth exploration that extends beyond the conference.

My name is

i Sweeney er

ssed Brand Agency

“Secrets of a Well d”



Moderated by

The Confidence Code: Decoded


Join us for an interactive discussion of strength, resilience, and success. We’re going to dispel the myths surrounding confidence. It's not about pretending to be perfect; it's about embracing our uniqueness and learning from our experiences. Confidence is not a destination; it's a journey So, let's set the stage for a collective experience.

Together, we'll decode the confidence mysteries, share stories, and leave with a renewed sense of empowerment. We’ll dive into understanding the unique aspects of confidence for women and adopt practical strategies for success Get ready to unlock your full potential, and let's decode confidence together and make confidence a shared language of success!

contact information availablebyrequest
sa Mueller-Douglas, Sydney Bell, Manager, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, ESL Federal Credit Union


Soulful Serenity: Mindfulness in Action


Hello, I’’m

haos Through

of everyday life, ness becomes an women to harness their resilience. Discover the wer of mindfulness as we techniques designed to nnection with oneself and life. This session is only our personal journey to l mind, reduce stress, ll well-being. Participants bracing self-compassion r empowerment, inner resilience to stand dversity, understand and effectively to navigate backs, and unravel the nt-moment Leave ith the tools to infuse our daily lives, fostering a ment, resilience, and ce. This session aims to empowerment within bling them to navigate j y newfound clarity, confidence, and grace.



Soulful Serenity: Mindfulness in Action


ansformational Power of ude

ose out our day with a call to action! ave feeling inspired with a collective ment to fostering a culture of e, where kindness and appreciation e integral parts of our interactions at d beyond. We’ll delve into the d impact of cultivating gratitude in s and how embracing gratitude can er you to navigate life's challenges ilience and joy Join us as we the liberating power of gratitude, y towards others but also towards es. This enlightening discussion will you to foster gratitude as integral nents of your personal growth and ng.


. Consulting

Hi there! I’m SESSION FOUR

Empowered WomenEmpower Women!


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