Classique Q&A Magazine

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The Buff Issue • Jan 2017





TV Personality of the year

Bringing Runway to the Streets


ide InsMORE

Young Achiever Tamara taking music by storm



FEATURES 04 Takesure Zamar Ncube Worship Addicts

From the Founder

06 Tamara Msimanga

Young Achiever

08 Yemurayi Nyoni

Gender Based Violence Activist

12 Michael Jacobsen

Cover Feature

LIFESTYLE 16 Nkululeko Ncube

Ara Kani Founder in Chief

Founding Director

20 Ruvheneko Parirenyatwa

Sakhile Classique Khanye

Media Personality


22 Nhlanhla Ndimande A young creative Jedi 24 Tafadzwa Mushipe TV Presenter of the Year 28 Candice Mwakalyelye

Lipstick Junkie

30 Meet Our Brand Ambassadors Welcome Nyasha and Ruvimbo 32 Nicole Mujuru

Seasoned by Nicole

ENTERTAINMENT 34 Dean O’fishal

King of the Decks

36 Adrian Tate Musician

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Rudo Muchoko - RMPublishers

Associate Editor What an exciting journey this has been for the Classique Q&A Magazine. Our launch in July 2016 was a success and we managed to sell out copies on the day. It gets more interesting as we have taken things a notch higher but this time we went into the deep to find more hidden gems, mostly young talent. In this issue we do have familiar faces, however, the young and fresh talent is going to blow you away. What’s even more exciting is the news that we are joined by our newest Brand Ambassadors Nyasha and Ruvimbo! Welcometo the team! It is my dream and desire for every reader to follow their dreams. Most of the time, when some people start a course at University, for example, they often oblige to the dreams of others – be it parents or a next of kin. We listen to other people’s opinions so much that we forget to ask ourselves what we really want to do with our own lives. It is very important that we DREAM BIG AND SEE BEYOND WHAT THE EYE CAN SEE. Classique Q&A is here to guide you on some of the paths that you may want to take in life as you get inspiration from people who have walked the walk and are living out their dreams! We named this issue BUFF because it includes some Bold and Unique individuals who are Full of Fire and they are letting their lights shine. Miss Classique

Rhoda Molife - Molah Media

Contributing Journalist Tapiwanashe Rubaya

Contributing Photographers Alejandro Torres Blessing Sitotombe Otto Menette AKMI Arts Denzel Alpha Znzorzi Adby

Brand Ambassadors Nyasha Makuvire Ruvimbo Meda

Design, Layout and Publishing RMPublishers

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True or false? You have written over five hundred songs.

How many languages can you speak?

True! To be honest with you, I wish I could

How did the opportunity of you being in Joyous Celebration come along?

release an album every day and yes I do

It is the Lord’s doing and He has been

languages including reading, writing

have that capacity. I write songs almost

so marvellous to me. One of Joyous

and pronouncing properly.

daily sometimes.

Celebration’s founders Mr Lindelani Mkhize visited my church one time and I

I believe the focus has to be on Jesus Christ and not on my self because when I die I shall be accountable for whatever I say

Who is Takesure Zamar Ncube? I am a child of God, husband, worshiper and song writer. I am also a music teacher by profession.

How do you keep your private life separate from the ministry? I hardly post on social media but when I do, I post about scriptures or upcoming songs or any updates about Worship Addicts. I believe the focus has to be on Jesus Christ rather than on Takesure because when I die I will be held accountable for whatever I post or say.

Is your wife into music as well?

happened to be singing on that day and

My wife is so talented and gifted as well

after that he called me and asked me if I

in terms of music ministry; you are yet to

wanted to be part of Joyous Celebration. I

be shocked.

told him that I am part of Worship Addicts however, I could feature on Joyous. That’s why you do not see me in the choir, I just sing one or two songs then I go off stage.

What is it that you do before you go on stage? I do the basics, I PRAY.

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I think I speak accurately about seven

“My wife is so talented and gifted as well in terms of music ministry; you are yet to be shocked.”

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Tamara Msimanga W

ho is Tamara Msimanga?

Did you receive any negative comments

I consider myself to be a creative, a free

me from any negativity, but even if I did

spirit and a happy person. My parents

in the future it wouldn’t bother me much.

call me a miracle child. I live and breathe

I don’t dwell on negativity as long as I am

music and I really enjoy dressing up.

doing what I love. At the end of the day I

Not really. I suppose my parents protect

know that I can’t please everybody, and How old were you when you started

as long as I am doing something positive


then I’m happy.

I started singing when I was 2 years old. My

Who’s your inspiration?

2015 are almost gimmicky and they can take away from the actual talent.

5 years?

‘I’m Going Down’ by Mary J Blige. I literally

People who face challenges and still

cringe whenever I watch it!

choose to chase their dreams inspire me. I really like Oprah and am really inspired

People who face challenges and still choose to chase their dreams, inspire me! ”


Where do you see yourself in the next

granny has video footage of me singing

Why did you decide to enter talent shows?


from people?

by all that she has achieved. In terms of music, Beyoncé is a boss. She started

People kept telling me that I had an

really young and she has persevered.

amazing voice, so when I was in primary

Emeli Sandé is pretty cool too. The coolest

school I started entering school talent

people in the world are my parents. They

shows. Then I decided to try out Teen Star

literally support me through everything.

as a challenge. I’m quite competitive as well so I really enjoyed competing with

How did you feel after being nominated

other talented kids.

for a ZAA as a Young Achiever in 2015?

You’re so young. So how did you feel

It felt amazing to be nominated. But at the

performing in front of such a big audience?

same time I also felt like I really haven’t achieved to my fullest potential so I was a

I like singing in front of an audience. It’s

bit shocked when Aunty Pam told me that

weird because people always assume that

I was nominated.

In 5 years’ time I would like to be in Uni, with an album or two, having a clothing line and working with a few charities. I also hope that I remain well health-wise. Should we expect music from you any time soon? Yes, yes, yes! I wrote a song recently and am working on it, so you will definitely hear from me. I just have to achieve outstanding grades first because my parents will not budge on that one.

I have a small voice because I am quite tiny. So it’s always cool to see the surprise

Would you enter the TV talent shows X

on people’s faces when I start singing. I

Factor or BGT?

get nervous beforehand though but when I go on stage my nerves ease.

I was approached to go on the Voice Kids 2016 but I decided not to do it. I want to develop my craft as an artist because the danger is being in the limelight without a

My parents call me a miracle child. I live and breathe music and I really enjoy dressing up.

solid foundation. Sometimes talent shows

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An example of this is the 40% of married women in the 2010/11 Zimbabwe DHS that believed it was justified for a husband to beat his wife. However, where there is courage, evidence and trusted authorities, these cases are reported; mostly by women for themselves and their daughters in this society fraught with thieving men.

Is there any link between gender-based violence and sexual abuse? Yes there is, and it’s that sexual violence is a form of gender-based violence. It is used as a tool for the exercise of power by one over another by virtue of their gender. Acts of sexual abuse that constitute gender-based violence include rape and marital rape, sexual exploitation, forced abortion, forced child-rearing and inappropriate touching of a sexual nature. The link between the two is so direct that they are often combined to read as Sexual and Gender-based Violence

Yemurayi Nyoni



they are afraid of ‘showing weakness’ and of


I am a 26-year old young

and independence of the women around them; challenging the historical patterns of violence underpinning male behaviour. Many more men are afraid of being respectful towards women and girls; of seeking counselling for

good governance and youth leadership across the globe What words can you use to define the term gender-based violence?

Deep down we are afraid to end gender based violence. Countless men are afraid of the strength


What do you think are the main causes of gender-based violence and how can they be solved?

mental health challenges and violent impulses. They don’t understand that it’s not normal or one person presumes to exercise harmful

acceptable to violate the safety and wellbeing

power over the life of another because of

of those around you. Zimbabwean men need to

their gender.

know that there is a better way, and that truly


From my understanding, gender-based

Zimbabwe. With time I have grown to

violence relates to all forms of personal

I also see gender-based violence as a form

become an activist for gender equality,

action that violate the safety and well-

of thieving behaviour that robs both the

good governance and youth leadership

being of another on the basis of their

survivor and perpetrator of their dignity

I also know that there are countless men that

across the globe. All this aside, I am a son

gender. This includes emotional, physical,

and well-being. It stalks women, girls, men

respect women; men that won’t violate the

to a strong mother and industrious father.

financial and sexual abuse and is largely

and boys in hidden places and it also

safety and wellbeing of those around them. I

I am a brother to a dynamic collection

illegal in Zimbabwe’s legal instruments.

assaults them in the full view of society.

have met some such men in churches seeking

of brothers and a sister, and a mentor to

Most cases of gender-based violence are

It’s a kind of fraudulent behaviour, that

counsel for mental health challenges. I have

young African leaders negotiating their

perpetrated by men against women and

falsely presents itself as a language to

seen them in peaceful homes and heard them

way through life.

girls, and in the context of Zimbabwe, the

communicate love and so it is difficult to

speak positively about and invest in the strength

majority of such cases are perpetrated

report because of its acceptance in many

of their wives and the potential of their sisters

by close relatives (88%). It is a disease of

circles as the norm.



strong men respect women and girls around them.

and daughters. We need such men to stand out in this season and show their fellow brothers and sons a better way that shuns gender based violence. I for one know the value of positive reinforcement, and I owe the respectful men I have met for the kind of man I am today. Friends, family and authority figures around survivors of gender based violence are also afraid to confront it, to accept it as a problem and to imprison those that perpetrate it. In all honesty, we have countless criminals defying the law every day and evading arrest because of our silence. As a result we expect women and girls to keep taking emotional, financial, physical and sexual blows from people they should otherwise trust. We tell them it’s ok, that it won’t happen again, that they shouldn’t have let it happen, that they made it happen, or the even more brutal lie that it didn’t happen. We need to accept that we have a problem in the way some men relate to women and girls and that we can’t let our

Countless men are afraid of the strength and independence of the women around them; they are afraid of ‘showing weakness’ and of challenging the historical patterns of violence underpinning male behaviour.”

character and a sickness of the soul as

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is being victimised, what are the effects on

are often close family and friends, and so

in prison will not mean an indirect death

token as we respect the bodies of men. I

So far this has been done through Dot

takes a girl to be his wife is acting against

the children, especially if they are school

the act of reporting a case is effectively

sentence. One can’t deny that our prison

also urge those that are custodians of our

Youth Zimbabwe. This is a trust founded in

the law, as is a boy that sexually abuses a


an act of imprisoning someone close to

system is in a bad state, with cases of

traditions to transform them in a way that

Bulawayo that led the Rising Birds Project

girl. A man that beats his wife for whatever

I’ve seen children grow up afraid, and

you. Furthermore, most times, reporting

sexual abuse, high prevalence of disease

treats women as people, and as people

to end child marriage and is currently

reason, or that abuses a woman sexually is

in some cases they themselves act out

a close family member often results in

and insufficient support to provide for

with full rights to make decisions over

building the capacity of women and girls

also acting against the law. These men and

violence against their classmates. Children

reduced financial support and further

basic human dignity. Rapists need help.

their own bodies.

in different parts of Bulawayo to realise

boys need urgent help and they also need

absorb a lot from the experiences of their

victimisation by the family when the

In fact, I should rephrase that as ‘people

to take responsibility for their actions.

parents. They may draw from the low self-

individual is jailed.

that have perpetrated rape’ because they

What are you doing as a male activist

through the DREAMS Project. I serve on

They need to be rehabilitated in prisons

esteem of the victimised parent and look

are people before we attach their act of

to fight for the rights of MEN who are

the board of Women Deliver, a major

and other supportive institutions; and it is

down upon themselves. They may become

crime. Taking this longer route will ease

abused by their wives and what are you

global organisation advancing the rights

families, friends and authority figures that

fearful of standing up for what’s right or

decisions on reporting of rape, as we look

doing to help women who are abused by

of women and girls. I also provide advisory

can send them there.

speaking out against injustices they suffer.

out for both the welfare of the survivor

their husbands?

support to the Global Partnership to End

They may also lash out and victimise their

of rape and that of the reported person.

communities run in this way. A man that

What do you think stops victims from reporting acts of abuse?

the sexual and reproductive health rights

Child Marriage, and the Partnership for I am currently raising awareness on the

Maternal and New-born Child Health.

for the pain they see their parent suffer.

Traditionally, and in other cultures, it is

devastation caused by gender-based

Further to this, I serve as a mentor in

own friends and classmates to compensate Sadly in most cases, victimisation by one

acceptable for a husband to beat his wife.

violence and of the need to support

the Executive Committee of AfriYAN, a

I’d say it’s the expectation that men don’t

parent against another often spreads to

That’s wrong, because it’s rooted in the

both male and female survivors of such

network of African youth organisations

cry, as is said in IsiNdebele ‘Inyembezi

the victimisation of children. It’s a vicious

belief that a wife is also a child and should

violence. I have also done work to outlaw

working on population and development

zendoda zehlela esifubeni’ (A man’s tears

cycle that eventually victimises the entire

be treated as such. I say this because it’s

child marriage, in ensuring that our laws

issues including gender equality.

are shed on the inside). We were taught


said that the wife in turn cannot beat

and policies don’t allow for girls to be

to hide and be embarrassed as boys if

her husband as she is not seen as being

married. In this regard, I speak at and

we have suffered violence from someone.

equal to him. Think about it, according

advise global platforms working on

This was because of the belief that any

to traditions in all our major cultures, a

gender equality and youth leadership to

beating received had come from a fight

man’s wife takes his surname and bears

build support for a generation of young

or was deserved. In a similar token, it’s

children for his family line. She apparently

people that will eliminate gender-based

gives up her right to her own name, as

violence. Daily, I mobilise political and

she does rights over her body through

financial support and work to create

our transaction of lobola/roora/dowry.

opportunities for young leaders to lead

The man then assumes the status of a

work on gender equality.

Sadly in most cases, victimisation by one parent against another often spreads to the victimisation of children. It’s a vicious cycle that eventually victimises the entire family.”

difficult for a man today to tell those around him that he has been abused. He knows, as I do, that he’ll be viewed as less of a man if he calls on other people or the authorities to fight his battles. To function as an acceptable man, one is expected to solve their own problems, even if these are perpetrated by women or fellow men. I recall a scene from the movie Shaka Zulu, when the Zulu prince Senzangakhona, killed a cheetah as a rite of passage into manhood. Young men then, and now,

father to her, and is ranked as a father to her siblings. It is this assumed status of fatherhood that allows many to accept that a man can beat his wife. How can a woman become the daughter of a man she has married because of a couple of cows and a conversation that she is not privy to? How can a man think

are only approved as men through being A few years ago back home in Parliament,

So here’s what I suggest. Such a penalty

he can discipline a woman he has not

own. Our journeys into manhood are

MP Hon Jessie Majome passed a motion

must be gradually enforced, whilst

given birth to or raised? Actually, who has

shaped by phrases like ‘no blood, no foul’,

for rapists to be sentenced for a minimum

we implement programmes that give

rights over the body of a woman in the

‘what won’t kill you makes you stronger’

of 30 years. What’s your view on this?

sufficient support to survivors of rape to

first place? Who is this that can claim the

and ‘inkunzi ibonakala ngamanxeba’. It’s as

I agree with the sentence because it would

make it easier for them to report rapists.

right to sell her as was done to slaves, and

though as long as a man is not dead, then

act as a strong deterrent for rape. At the

This includes providing psychosocial

to give her over to the control of another?

he has no reason to cry foul.

same time, we need to think through what

and financial support to survivors of

Why should a man beat his wife?

Now tell me, how does an abused

the impact of that would be on reporting

rape, particularly around the process of

I just think such notions are ridiculous

man speak up in a society with such

by survivors of rape. I say this because it

reporting perpetrators. We also need to

and not worth the minds that make them.

unreasonable standards of manhood?

is already difficult for survivors of rape to

reform the prison system so that being

It’s not a matter of civilisation, because

In a family with children where one parent

report perpetrators because such rapists

isolated and left to fight battles on their

How can a man think he can discipline a woman he did not give birth to?”

we define our own standards of civility daily. With that said, I appeal to society to respect women’s bodies, in the same

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It’s important to have self-confidence and to remain focused on your goals and you will succeed!

escribe yourself in two words? Go getter!

How does it feel to be an award-winning model? I’m very honoured and humbled that my hard work is being recognised and celebrated. It keeps me motivated.

How long have you been modelling? I’ve been in the modelling industry for almost 12 years. I signed to Icon Model Management in Malaysia crossing continents to Africa and now currently work in Europe. I’ve modelled for big brands globally such as Adidas.

Do you ever face any challenges and how do you overcome them? Yes of course we all face challenges. But it’s important to have self-confidence and to remain focused on your goals and you will succeed.

Who’s your inspiration? My parents who are both the most hardworking and successful people I know. They instilled the values and good work ethic I have today.

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How can one be taken seriously as a model? Be on time. Be professional. And be committed 100%.

How do you stay fit? I enjoy running and gyming 3-4 times a week.

What was 2016 like for you? It’s been a blessing. From being model of the year for the 2nd year running to taking home 4 awards this year alone. I was a model choreographer for the biggest fashion show in Harare and an events planner for some of the biggest clubs in Harare such as Pablo’z Club & VIP, O’ Hagans, and News Cafe.

Be on time! Be professional. And be committed 100%” Classique Q&A Magazine • • 13

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Nkululeko Ncube

Do you have a favourite outfit that you designed? I can’t say I have a favourite outfit because as soon as I’m done with a design I instantly hate it. But I can say I impressed myself on the Black Rebels SS16/17 collection that was showcased at South Africa Menswear Week. I would just randomly select one because I love the whole collection.


What does it take to earn the title ‘stylist’ or ‘designer’? I don’t know what it takes hey. I guess your work will speak for itself and people will


decide whether your work means that you ho is Nkululeko Ncube? Nkululeko Ncube is a 25 year old Zimbabweanborn, South African-based fashion designer. I was born in the rural areas of Nkayi to a policeman

Robert Ncube and Tracey Dube. I moved to Bulawayo at the age of 8, went to Insukamini Primary and Njube High Schools. Then I did pattern cutting at Speciss College after high school. What does Ara Kani mean? Ara Kani is actually a Hebrew name. It’s about creative freedom and rebellion from conventions. Ara Kani is the god of the maverick, the bohemian. It speaks of the language of a free thinker. What is the inspiration behind your style? My designs are inspired by everyday struggles of creatives who are around me, and the wars we fight as we try to break barriers and make people see the world and everything through our eyes. What makes you stand out? What makes me stand out is the aggression in my designs. They’re just raw unfiltered thoughts put into fabric. Who are your designs for? I am far from a commercial designer so what I am trying to do is bring runway to the streets. I design for the daring and unapologetic kid on the street. My target market is the uptown hip-hop head who appreciates street art.

“Black Rebels SS16/17 Collection showcased at South Africa Menswear Week.”

are called a designer or stylist. But still, I

Your work will speak for itself and people will decide whether to call you a stylist or designer!

feel like you need to be good and live up to the title. What challenges do you face as a designer? Designing is really financially demanding. It needs a lot of capital and the returns are not as big initially. So it needs patience. So I can say I have faced financial challenges more than anything else. How long have you been in this game for? I have been in the game for 5 years now give or take. What’s next for Ara Kani?

What I am trying to do is bring Runway to the Streets.”

What’s next is getting Ara Kani in stores and online. More fashion shows obviously. So we will have a really busy year this year. Where do you see you and your brand in the next 5 years? In 5 years’ time I need to have conquered Africa and penetrated into the global market. The plan is to open chain stores in and around Zimbabwe and South Africa. So God willing that what will be happening in 5 years’ time.

Do you buy your own clothes or do you just make them yourself? I made all my jackets and pants but I’m lazy to make tees because

Model: Tammy Gumede

there isn’t much designing that goes into them, so I just buy.

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What’s your day like when you are not at work?

What is the most embarrassing moment you’ve ever had on air?

I am never not working, unfortunately

Once I forgot to turn off the mic while we

because of the nature of my job. How

went to a commercial break. You have no

does one host current affairs talk shows

idea the words which were exchanged

if you ever afford yourself the luxury to

off air!

‘not work’ and ‘switch off’ to the world. It’s impossible. However, physically when I am not working I am on lunch, breakfast or


How do you deal with negative feedback?

dinner dates. l am such a foodie and love to eat out. I am also obsessed with going

I don’t. If I did I’d be crazy, ill or depressed.

to the cinema so that’s one of my favourite

I eat the meat and I spit out the bones.


Some is constructive criticism while most is prejudice and hate based on the name I

How did you get started in radio?

TV and Radio Personality

carry or misconceptions ‘they’ have about me.

I fell in love with radio while I was a student at University of Cape Town. Gareth Cliff used to host 5FM Mornings and I

What would you tell your young self?

just loved how he did what he did. I then applied to host a talk show at UCT Radio

Don’t grow up, it’s a trap!

and I got the job! The rest is history.

What has been your most memorable interview?

What’s your word of encouragement for someone who would love to be on radio or TV one day?

is known publicly for hosting talk shows

My most memorable interview was the

Do it and start however you can. Be the

on television and radio. Privately, I am a

radio interview with Precious, a rape sur-

MC at family dinners, lunches, church or

woman who enjoys a challenge because

vivor. She completely broke me!

even amongst friends. Get comfortable

Who is Ruvheneko? Ruvheneko is a media personality who

my every battle is fought by God. I am never sure how to answer this question! Ultimately, what you see is what you get.

I’m such a foodie! I love to eat out.”

How do you start your day?

with engaging people and build a charac-

What has been your worst interview? You don’t have to dish out names!

ter/personality around yourself. Whether you are funny, sassy, structured, bossy, friendly - whatever it is - start now. No stage is too small.

How would I say without dishing out I start my day with some quiet time at

names! There are two ways of looking at a

about 430am. Those stolen moments with

worst interview, either the interview itself

your worries, fears, joys, love and excite-

or the repercussions of the interview.

ment before the world wakes up - before you say good morning to God and before you pick up your phone. I work out for

If you were to be someone for a day who would you be?

an hour before work, then the madness begins!

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Michelle Obama!

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Many people don’t know that you are the reason behind Joyous Celebration’s social media success. What’s it like working with the crew? Joyous is family. That project gave me my break and opened many doors for me. The guys are incredible and I loved working and touring with them. Being part of Africa’s biggest selling musical act is incredible and being part of the team that contributed to making it so successful was just an honour.

Except for Joyous who else do you get to manage social media-wise? Due to contractual confidentiality I cannot divulge that info, but I do quite a few television shows in South Africa and in the United States, as well as some musicians.





“A Young Jedi Mastering the Forces of Creativity!”



Who do you look up to creatively?

How do you stay positive all the time?

Steve Jobs & Kanye West.

My dreams are bigger than any trial I go through

What’s the hardest thing you have to go through as a creative director? Being able to partition my mind and think in the mind-set of all our clients. It’s also challenging to keep the team motivated no matter how frustrated I may get.

ho is Nhlanhla?

to learn.

so I keep my mind set on them and champion through negativity.

My dreams are bigger than any trial I go through so I keep my mind set on them and champion through negativity.”

work and strategic planning but it all came together. I really was pushed and tested

I’m a young creative, born

What is MODAR about?

creatively and it brought out something from within that I had never experienced.

in the Zulu kingdom in the

always sunny city of Durban. I’m a young

MODAR (Making Our Dreams A Reality) is

Jedi mastering the forces of creativity. I’m

my content creation company. We special-

passionate, driven and pushed by innova-

ise in content for the digital space with a

tion and possibilities.

massive focus on strategy and innovation.

As the creative director, do you get to tell people off?

How did you become South Africa’s youngest mogul?

What was it like working behind the scenes at the Metro FM awards?

Well, I don’t think of it as telling people off,

Mogul? Naaaah fam. I’m working on that.

The Metros were incredible. Being the

It’s just a dream that I’m pursuing and

team behind the biggest awards in SA was

I’ve got a long way to go and too much

the greatest honour. It was a lot of hard

The reward was insane.

it’s just that I know what I want and if it means I need to push people hard to get

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it, so be it.

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honour to have your peers and community recognise you. But it doesn’t change my daily perspective, which is to continue being the best I can be every day in whatever it is I am doing. It is easy to get confused with momentary fame, but I strive to leave a legacy so that may mean I don’t get recognised for all I do. But so long as I can look at my children and know that I have at least created an extra step for them to make life more comfortable and given them something to aspire to, my work is almost done.

What inspired you to work in TV? I actually wanted to be a vet, then a lawyer. But as many people find sometimes if one isn’t born with a silver spoon in your mouth you do whatever comes first. So in high school, ZBC came looking for a number of students to present a radio show which I



ho is Tafadzwa Mushipe?

you have the skills you can fluidly work across all aspects of broadcasting, so I

It’s really awkward to talk

also direct, self-shoot and edit as well, and



jumped to do. After a few weeks the number

media was going to be the place where I was

of students started dwindling until one day I

going to make a difference.

realised I was the only one still working there.

My lecturers from university, colleagues,

I was then asked to present two shows on

my children, husband, sisters... I mean it

my own under the excellent mentorship of

will be an injustice to answer that precisely

Eddington Mhonda whom I have the fondest

but common threads that inspire me are

memories of because he looked after me like

passion, dedication, loyalty and never giving

a father. Later on, I was asked to do the grave-

up. Inspiration is everywhere. You actually

yard shift at Radio 3 then presented a fashion

don’t have to look very far.

programme called Fashion & Style.

What inspires you?

What challenges do you face in your job and how do you overcome them?

I don’t have one distinct source of inspiration.

I have been blessed to have always met people that saw my potential and believed



Every day I am inspired and moved to act by

sounding like an arrogant, self-serving

forth diversity both in front of the camera

different things. My mother is a paramount

in me, so my biggest challenge was a lack of

trumpet but I am very proud of who I am

and behind the scenes. So I am always

self-belief. For a long time I thought I had to

and what I have achieved this far. I was

keen to hear from viewers from minority


figure in my life and to her and from her I owe my all. Recently I interviewed a remarkable

look a certain way, talk a certain way, even

born and raised in Zimbabwe and came

groups about how TV can improve to

lady fighting cancer against some of the

dress a certain way to be able to get into

to the UK at the age of 18. I have done all

accommodate or rather better reflect the

worst circumstances that have come her way

the industry. So one day I realised no one is

the jobs you can think of from cleaning,

very colourful mix of people the West

and that left me so inspired that I think about

going to hand me a job while sitting looking

to being a care assistant, a take-away

Midlands has to offer.

her a lot. Meeting her has inspired me to do

pretty so through life’s adversities, I was kind

better in my life.

of pushed to start making a move.

I also worked with genuinely brilliant

My Pastor once told me that if you don’t

broadcasters in Zimbabwe who taught

listen to God’s voice sometimes he will

me a lot and seeing their passion and

push you the hard way, and I guess I found

commitment, inspired me to want to learn

myself involuntarily making decisions that

more. So as young as I was I knew then that

have led me to be where I am today. On a

server, a customer service advisor, and even selling kitchens! I have done it all, but

Describe yourself in two words?

no matter what I did my passion always lay in media. Having started working in

Loyal and passionate.

radio at 17, I always knew my purpose was to make a difference in media. So here I am. Currently, I am a TV presenter

How do you feel about being an award-winning TV presenter?

and producer at Made In Birmingham TV. But the beauty of media is, so long as

I feel proud and blessed as it is an

24 • Classique Q&A Magazine •

2016 Believe in yourself. Be optimistic but be realistic. Humility goes a long way and you will never know everything so work with others to create something great versus trying to be a one man island!

can strain one’s pocket. So to have a plan and being realistic with what you can expect is something I wish someone had told me.

Who do you look up to? Without a second’s pause, my mother.

Have you been star struck? If so, by whom?

I love it. One of my passions is bringing


to showcase your talent whilst being an intern

practical level, access to media can be very challenging, so being given the opportunity

I haven’t met a lot of celebrities but I am not one to be easily star struck. But I do like me a bit of Stunner. And yes, meeting Kara Toiton made me sweat that little bit more! Ha ha!

What has been your favourite interview? That is a bit tricky as every interview I have done so far is a celebration or recognition of someone’s hard work so it has impacted me in some way. To have a favourite is like having to choose a favourite child...not fair.

Choose one: Wendy Williams or Ellen? Oh that is hard! I love them both, but on a dull day it’s without a doubt Wendy, the queen of shade. And on a fun quirky day I need me a bit of Ellen to give me that extra boost of positivity and energy.

Classique Q&A Magazine • • 25

refuse to wash up. Yes I understand that it can be demoralising if one thought that walking into the media world, a red carpet will be rolled out for them only to realise that there is a lot of carrying heavy equipment and asking 20 odd people for a vox pop in the rain or blistering sun before you get successful! But in all this remain humble and have a positive attitude. One day the red carpet will be rolled out for you but in the meantime like the rest of us, let your hard work and character speak for you. So in essence, believe in yourself. Be optimistic but be realistic. Humility goes a long way and you will never know everything so work with others to create

You can catch Tafadzwa presenting ‘The Lowdown’ on Made In Birmingham every weeknight between 6.30pm and 9.30pm. Made in Birmingham is the dedicated local channel covering the West Midlands and is aired 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, on Virgin 159 and Freeview 7. The channel launched on Sky Guide 117 on January 9th 2017.

something great versus trying to be a one man island and do something mediocre.

Outside of work what else do you get up to?

What words of encouragement have you got for young people who are chasing their dreams?

out, surf the net for tutorials and just be practical about it. Now your work might not get you a BAFTA

I love theatre, going to museums, watching movies. I have a few screenplays I have

Wow, how much time do we have?! I

or an Oscar but you will be a much better

started but never quite get to finishing...I

will talk about media. If you are student,

professional if you experience every

am a creative at heart so it’s in my DNA to

your lectures are a great foundation

aspect of production hands on. Media

love all things creative. My best moments

but practical work will teach you much

isn’t all glitz and glamour. In fact for the

are sharing my time with my family and

more than a class. Go out and film, edit,

most part you are working very long hours

closest friends.

rig for a show for free...gain experience.

to produce a snippet of what you actually

Be prepared to invest in yourself. Look

worked on so if making quick money is

around and see how you can be part of

your driving force this industry might not

the solution. Don’t complain and not be

be for you.

What should we expect from you in the year 2017?

prepared to do something about it. In TV for example, there are regional broadcasters

However, should you genuinely have

I want to push myself a little bit more

like Made In Birmingham that are happy

a passion for media, then go for it.

spiritually, mentally, professionally and

to work with aspiring individuals but you

Technology allows us now to not passively

emotionally. I want to do a few things

cannot wait for someone to hand you an

wait for someone to give you a job. Create

I haven’t done before and invest a lot

opportunity. Create one for yourself. Get

one for yourself. Sell yourself. Network

more in creating content that makes a

involved. The worst that can happen is

and be willing to learn and work hard. Be

difference at Made In Birmingham.

you get a no thank you. But guess what,

humble. I have worked with directors who

you now know it’s a no for now so move

made tea and coffee for the crew to making

on to the next. Don’t give up. If you are not

the beds on location to seeing interns that

a student the same applies to you: just go 26 • Classique Q&A Magazine •

Classique Q&A Magazine • • 27




hat. Entertainer, a sharer of information,

As you say, you are a lipstick ‘junkie’. When should we expect your own Candice Lippy?

I believe that everything will be as it

an empowerer. I don’t know if these are

I am hoping that 2017 will be the year

should be, so I’m always prepared (mostly)

words but they work! I am also a friend,

this happens. As long as I have people

for whatever results my actions bring. I

sister, daughter and nurturer.

out there rooting for me, it will happen.

also believe in surrounding myself with


people who spend more time making

I am a woman who wears more than one

Describe yourself in two words.

What makes you stay so positive and successful?

an effort to be happy than feeling sorry

Who do you look up to?

for themselves. We all have things we

I look up to every strong woman with

wish were better but let’s appreciate the

How do you start your day?

a story to tell that has been fuelled by

little that we have. I don’t consider myself

Ok so I’ll normally wake up around 6am.

her hunger not only for a better life for

successful yet, but I have worked – very

First thing I’ll do is check my phone and

herself but for those around her as well.

hard – to get to where I am and I have no

catch up on my communications. Then I’ll

The amazing African women who have

intention of stopping ‘till there is a strong

take a minute to have a chat with myself

triumphed despite being told she will

legacy for my children.

and make sure I’m in the right mood to

never make it. Those are the women I look

get things done. I’m a lazy girl so I’ll make

up to.

If you were to be someone for a day who would you be?

What do you do when you are not at work?

That’s a tough one but maybe I’d be the

coffee while I get dressed then I am out the door and ready to go!

Did I mention that I’m lazy? Lol! If I don’t

It’s strange I know, but I strongly believe

have to leave my house I will not. I’ll sleep

that a lot of who we become in life starts

What can you not do without?

all day or read or watch TV. I will resist

from how we were raised. I’d like to see

Lipstick!! I feel so plain without it and my

anything that tries to force me out of my

how she raised this being, then I will raise

day just won’t go right!

bed really!

my own the same way.

Your name comes with a lot of titles - journalist, voice-over artist, brand ambassador, and many more. How do you manage to wear all these hats?

How does it feel being the brand ambassador for JanJam? like I am just their brand ambassador

What word of encouragement have you got for young people who would love to join the industry one day?

anymore. I feel like I have a very personal

As long as you are ready to put in the

Growing up I was taught that I must never

investment in the business because they

hours and put up with sleepless nights,

be afraid of hard work. This lesson has

have gone all out to make me part of their

you’ll be fine. There are no shortcuts in

helped me in that I know I have things to

DNA as a company.

life and certainly not in this industry so

I’d like to think I am warm and helpful.

up an excuse for another 10 minute nap! After that, I’ll take a shower, have a cup of

It’s an amazing experience. I don’t feel

do so I must plan for them appropriately.

mother of the richest person in the world.

put on your big girl/boy pants and make

thing. I guess it also helps that everything I

How do you feel when you are recognised as one of the most inspiring women in Zimbabwe?

do is linked so it’s not too hard to balance.

I can never get used to this, but I am

What should we expect from you in the year 2017?

so humbled because I meet so many

2017 will be filled with adventure. There

If you were to choose one what would it be?

Zimbabweans who inspire me on a daily

will be a lot of new things for me career

basis. So to be told that someone out

wise, so I hope those who have stood by

I cannot! I’d be so incomplete without the

there is inspired by me leaves me warm

me so far will continue to walk with me. It’s

different things I do.

and fuzzy inside. It’s nice to know that I

all growth though.

I’m lousy with a diary but I manage to make sure nothing overrides the next

it happen.

can help someone even without trying to.

28 • Classique Q&A Magazine •

Classique Q&A Magazine • • 29

Meet our Classique Brand Ambassadors WELCOME Nyasha Makuvire Bulawayo Rep Facebook: BrandMcvire Instagram: @sirmcvire Twitter: @nyashamackuvs

Spreading word about the magazine and expanding marketing strategies is what I’m about!”

30 • Classique Q&A Magazine •

ON BOARD Ruvimbo Meda Harare Rep Facebook: Ruvimbo Melb Meda Instagram: _reigningsupreme

Fostering strong and loyal relationships with our clients is at the heart of what I do.”

Classique Q&A Magazine • • 31



ho is Nicole?

dish; beef stew at 7 and it was my Dad who taught me. However,

said, “Thank goodness. I’m glad you make

I started taking cooking seriously in 2014 when I realized my

mistakes at least sometimes. It was starting

How do you deal with negative comments?

potential and I was 16 going 17.

to get creepy how your food comes out

Before it used to get to me as I wanted

perfect every single time.” I always find it

everyone to like my work due to the effort

am someone who likes cooking very much. I love giving as well as

Who do you look up to?

funny how the best compliment I’ve been

which I put it. However, now I just keep

helping the less fortunate. Lastly, in my spare time I enjoy reading,

Chef Chris Coombs. His food is everything.

given was because of my kitchen failure.

it moving, I’ve realised not everyone is

I’m a second year university student studying Business Management and Marketing. I would say I

travelling and eating for inspiration.

What’s your favourite dish that you’ve ever made?

Describe yourself in two words?

It’s got to be the beef stew that my Dad taught me simply because

Determined and hard-working

it sounds like such a basic dish especially to Zimbabweans but the richness in flavour the stew has definitely tantalizes your taste

What inspired you to become a chef? Growing up I always loved watching food channels on TV such


as the Food network. I have always dreamt of tasting some of

Do you cater for events?

the food but I didn’t really have much money to my name. As I

Unfortunately, at the moment I’m not catering for events due to

grew older I took an interest in chefs such as Jamie Oliver and

some redevelopments until late 2017. However, I am still doing

Bobby Flay and I began recreating some of their dishes that’s how

meal preps for those interested contact me!

I got inspired as I started thinking to myself if I can’t afford it I can always try and make it.

What’s the greatest compliment you’ve heard about your food?

How old were you when you started cooking?

Oh this question actually has a story behind it! So it was in the

As a young girl growing up in an African home, I’m sure many can

middle of the holidays and I had a few friends over for lunch, I

relate that from a young age the kitchen becomes your second

was a bit distracted when I was cooking and not all parts of the

favourite place after your Mum’s dressing table. I made my first

meal came out correctly. My friend took a bite of her food and

32 • Classique Q&A Magazine •

going to like what you’re doing so not everyone is going to react in a positive way and that’s okay.

Not everyone is going to like what you’re doing so not everyone is going to react in a positive way and that’s okay!”

Classique Q&A Magazine • • 33

Adrian Tate W

Dean Ofishal

KING OF DECKS The Ultimate DJ Talent Search



100 hours of playlists submitted by the

action on the decks, they literally fell apart

ultimate DJ talent search

nominees. The judges then select 5 final-

leaving the crowd singing until the sound

that some see as the X

ists plus one upcoming DJ talent to battle

was restored. Nevertheless the crowd was

Factor of the world of

it out at the main event. The features of a

thoroughly entertained as the contenders

DJ-ing. What started as simply a search for

true KOD are someone who can promote

had all their guns out for battle. It was a

good DJs to play at events has ended up

events, judge the mood of the crowd

fierce clash. DJ Deany who was seen as

becoming an event in itself.

and respond to them through his or her

the underdog in the competition came in

control of the decks. The prize package is

towards the end and stole the show, domi-

The format of KOD is that of a battle

planned to include cash plus guaranteed

nating the decks and commanding the

between the current trending DJs with

bookings for the following 12 months.

dancefloor playing the whole spectrum of

the winner crowned as the ultimate King

Of course it can’t be a KOD without the

house music. In the end, DJ Dean O’fishal

Of Decks. This year the format will change

famous cap given to the winner, which is

was crowned as KOD2016.

a little and the event is set to be bigger

also set to be re-designed. In its short history, KOD has already

DJs from any background will be allowed

At the main event, it’s the crowd that

become an anticipated night out and so

to enter, to give them an opportunity to

chooses the KOD. However, in the event of

the ultimate vision is to grow KOD into a

work with established DJs and gain expo-

a tie, there will be back-up judges on the

prestigious and must-go-to event.

sure. The event will be hosted by the other

night including Miss Classique (live per-

half of AfroKings UK, an events group

former & Founder of Classique Magazine),

founded in 2012. KOD is modelled on the

DJ NickoFresh a leading events promoter

AfroKings principal motto of: ‘it’s not an

and DJ from the West Midlands and Sir’s an experience’.

OMG, a club bouncer and part-time DJ. In addition, a prize is awarded to a ‘dance

In addition, this year will see contestants

master’ who this year will be upgraded to

being nominated by the public. A judg-

a ‘jive master’.

ing panel made up of personalities in the industry such as club managers and

Looking back at the first event, there were

event promoters will analyse more than

a few setbacks. Because of the intense

34 • Classique Q&A Magazine •

Adrian Tate is an artist, singer, producer, songwriter and instrumentalist. He is 23 years old.

Did you ever think that your first solo ‘Ndide’ would be a hit after you took a break from Soul Afrika?

ing Of Decks (KOD) is the

and better. Upcoming so called ‘bedroom’

ho is Adrian Tate?

Of course I was expecting everything to move well. Music is what I am good at, so failure is not an option or I would rather just die! Lol!

You did the cover of Mudhara Vachauya. Does it mean that you have entered into a new era of doing covers? You are going to be hearing a lot of covers.

After ‘Ndide’ most of your fans thought that you went silent..... Yes I was silent. I was finding myself and re-inventing Adrian Tate.

Tambirai is your new track. Tell us - what is the track about? Tambirai is a wedding song. It’s about a guy who’s proud of his girl and they finally get married and he is saying ‘tambirai mroora amai’.

Do you believe it’s going to be a hit? I believe it’s a hit.

When are we going to see ‘Soul Afrika ‘returning to work together? Well the cat is still in the bag!

What should your fans expect next? I promise you fireworks. Music that speaks to the heart and music with no limit.   Classique Q&A Magazine • • 35

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