antalya dergisi

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eight-part, veil paddle box on the semicircle in all ovens. The paddle box ends when aligned with the shelf; and then its cone continues.

Elmalı nerededir? Elmalı, Antalya’nın yakınında antik dönemde Lykia, Türkler döneminde Teke denilen bölgenin kuzey ucunda yer alır. Bu bölge üç bin metrelik sivri dağlarıyla da coğrafi bakımdan ilginç ve güzel bir topografyaya sahiptir. Elmalı çevresi küçük ovalarda tarım yapılan bir yayla karakteri gösterir. Ovalardaki sığ birikinti gölleri tarımı güçlendirir. Ayrıca yayla iklimi nedeniyle Akdeniz kıyısında yaşayanlar için vazgeçilmez bir yazlık olmuştur.

Ceilings: A surrounding section rising arcuate from the bottom end of the wall is made of lath and plaster. The midsection was covered with wood and divided geometrically with sticks. The most common forms are those that are circular in the middle, radial-divided with sticks from centre to sides or those that are quarter-circular in four corners and divided into squares with sticks in between. Majority of them, including profiles, are alike one another as if they are the products of the same groups of craftsmen in terms of forms, and techniques. Toilet: Toilet might be in the garden or in the house. Typically, it is at the end of a corridor or a bridge that starts in the upper sofa and continues on pillars.

Where is Elmalı?

Interesting similarity

Elmalı is located in the northern end of the region which was called Lycia in ancient times and Teke during Turkish era and near Antalya. This region has got an interesting and beautiful topography geographically with its edged mountains that are three thousand metres high. Elmalı shows the characteristics of a plateau with small agricultural plains around. Shallow alluvial lakes in plains strengthen the agriculture. Moreover, it has been an indispensable summer place for those living on Mediterranean Coast due to its plateau climate.

There is an interesting similarity between the granaries we see in the region and Lycian rock tombs. It is certain that Lycians have been around in the region since 15th century B.C. This region may be defined as the summer plateau and agricultural area of Lycia. Lycian influences are observed on rock tombs found in the region. They had been affected by Greek culture and art that emerged in Ionia since 6th century B.C.

zarlar, diğeri genellikle dik ve yüksek kayalara oyulmuş mezarlar. Az olarak görülen bir başka mezar da taş elemanlarla yapılmış tapınak biçiminde anıt mezarlardır. Likya’da ahşap bir çatma tekniğini taklit eden kaya mezarlarının yapımı MÖ 3. yy.da sona ermiştir. Ancak Teke yarımadasında hala yapımı süregelen am-

barlar bu tekniğin hiç bir zaman unutulmadığını göstermektedir. Böylece 2500 yıllık bir geleneğin bugüne kadar uzanması insanı hayret ve hayranlık duyguları içinde bırakmaktadır. Prof. REHA GÜNEY Yeditepe Üniversitesi Yeditepe University

Storehouses: There are storehouses in many houses in the region. Some vastland owners have enormous storehouses. Although they may vary in terms of size and

form, construction technique and materials are always the same. Storehouses are placed over a foundation composed of one line of big stones. Therefore, they were raised up from the ground and kept away from water and soil. Moreover, they give the impression that they have been brought to where they stand from another place and they are to be carried to somewhere else when necessary due to the position they are in. Storehouses always have a rectangular plan. Their roofs are generally sloping to both sides. With this form, they make you remind of temples of megaron or ancient times. As grains are filled into the storehouse from the top, this place which is above ground level is accessed with a simple ladder. There is always a roof on top. Wood used in storehouses is cedar, which is known as hemlock in the region. Tombs: Primarily, two kinds of tombs are seen in Lycian region. One of them is rock graves that are tombs; and the other one is tombs generally carved into steep and high rocks. Another type of tombs is memorial tombs made out of stone elements resembling a temple. Building of rock tombs imitating a wooden built-up technique in Lycia ended in 3rd century B.C. However; these storehouses that have been built in Teke peninsula prove that this technique has never been forgotten. Therefore, the fact that a 2.500-year-old tradition has manages to survive hitherto makes one fell astonishment and admiration. ANTALYA 47

Ekim - Kasım / October - November 2010

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