Research log

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Codes of Practise & Regulation Research Log Date

Address of source

Description of information obtained

Evaluation of research

21/03/13 legalresearch.asp?id=32

• Unauthorised restriction on images and writing

This research was not at all relevant to me of what I wanted to find out.

21/03/13 nd_out/guides/misc/media_and_the_ law/newsid_3322000/3322071.stm

• Protect other peoples ideas of music lyrics, photos, drawing being copied.

This research was relevant to me as it had some information of what I was looking for such as getting actors to pretend to be the artist and also get permission for using their song.


• The Guardian newspaper on tangled web copyright law.

This research was completely irrelevant to what I was looking for as it had nothing to do with the Media side to copyright law.

25/03/13 adcasting/broadcastcodes/broadcast-code/protectingunder-18s/

• The different content of information which is protecting under 18’s such as drugs, smoking etc.

This research was relevant to what I was looking for as it had information what content is protected for under 18’.


• The different music videos and everything which has to do with media

This research was completely irrelevant to what I was looking for as it had nothing to do with OFCOM regulation for protecting under 18’s.

Codes of Practise & Regulation Research Log Address of source

Description of information obtained

25/03/13 ks/view-Book,id=4631/

• This website was of no use at all as it was an advert for a book.

This research was completely irrelevant to what I was looking for as it did not have anything to do with the OFCOM regulation on harm and offence.

25/03/13 orcement/broadcast-bulletins/

• This website just included the broadcasting on radio and television.

This research was irrelevant as thi9s did not tell me nothing about music videos which have been regulated by OFCOM.

26/03/13 adcasting/broadcastcodes/broadcast-code-september2010/harmoffence/

• This website included the harm and offences which is regulated by OFCOM such as the criminal techniques which does not protect the public.

This research was relevant to me as it had information on the different harm and offences and how OFCOM regulates these harm and offences.

26/03/13 adcasting/broadcastcodes/broadcast-code/crime/

• Includes the OFCOM regulations to crime in media content.

This research was relevant to me as it had information on the regulations of crime protected by OFCOM in media content.

28/03/13 com

• This website included an article from the Guardian talking about “Vodafone porn spam” and how it they fear consulting OFCOM.

This research was completely irrelevant to what I was looking for as it no information about the OFCOM regulation on fairness.


Evaluation of research

Codes of Practise & Regulation Research Log Date

Address of source

Description of information obtained

Evaluation of research

28/03/13 adcasting/broadcastcodes/broadcast-code/fairness/

• About fairness and equality that broadcasters treat with an individual.

This research was relevant to what I was looking for as it contained information about the OFCOM regulation on fairness and how broadcasters treat everyone fairly and equally.

28/03/13 sultations/fandp/statement/

• This is website shows a statement on fairness and privacy complaints handling guidelines consultation.

This research was irrelevant to what I was looking for as it did not have any information about privacy codes and practice on privacy in media concept rather it had information on handling complaints by OFCOM on fairness and privacy.

1/04/13 adcasting/broadcastcodes/broadcast-code/privacy/

• This website shows the understanding and concept of what is meant by privacy code and practices at OFCOM regulation.

This research was relevant to what I was looking for as it contained information about the privacy code regulated by OFCOM and how the code of privacy saves other broadcasters on what is being privatised by the public.

1/04/13 edia/mcnaes21e/resources/additional /ch04/

• This website shows ethical issues on media covering the different crimes which can be affected

This research was completely irrelevant to what I was looking for as it had no information about insurance covering public liability.

1/04/13 /tv/production/business-andproduction-guide.shtml

• This website shows the insurance which bbc is covered to.

This research was irrelevant to what I was looking for as it did not contain any information about public liability covered by insurance, that is regulated by OFCOM.

Codes of Practise & Regulation Research Log Date

Address of source

Description of information obtained

Evaluation of research


• This website contained information about the benefits of having public liability insurance and how it has launched a new policy.

This research was irrelevant but some information was useful it contained some information on what public liability insurance is about in media concept.


• This website contained information about what liability insurance is all about and what it saves you from.

This research was completely irrelevant as it did not have any information on public liability insurance in terms of media concept.



• This website contained information about a place to socialise and it is an enterprise.

This research was completely irrelevant to what I was looking for as it did not include any information about completion insurance in media concept.


• This website contained information about the different services that is covered in media terms and how much it costs.

This research was relevant to me as it had given me idea on the different types of insurances their are only within media terms and how much it would have cost me if I had got the insurances that would save me from any causes when doing filming or editing.

13/04/13 d/UCU_factsheet1_unions.pdf

• This website contained information on what is trade union all about and what trade unions do.

This research was relevant to me as I needed to know information about trade unions in media concept. It gave me a broader understanding of what is meant by trade unions.

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