LUCE 310

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Quale nuovo sistema di illuminazione a LED per una popolazione che invecchia? Un caso studio Il tema della ricerca sviluppata dal Laboratorio Luce del Politecnico di Milano in collaborazione con Design Group Italia, lo Studio D’Alesio e Santoro e Light Contract Srl si è focalizzata sull’investigazione di nuovi possibili sistemi di illuminazione con caratteristiche specifiche per gli utenti anziani, individuando performance di luce adatte a fornire un’illuminazione di qualità. (Fig. 1) In particolare, in un contesto di residenza per anziani, il sistema di illuminazione deve assicurare: • Performance di luce che migliorino le prestazioni visive, impostando livelli di illuminazione utili a una corretta visione degli anziani (over 65 anni) con capacità visive limitate dovute all’età che garantiscano di effettuare le attività della vita quotidiana in estrema indipendenza e autonomia. Tali performance sono state costruite a partire da dati derivati da guide di pratica e su base normativa prendendo in considerazione situazioni di Ospedali, Residenziale e Accoglienza.(Fig. 2)




Figura 1 Caratteristiche di un approccio integrato alla progettazione della qualità della luce per anziani.


Figure 1 Characteristics of an integrated lighting quality design approach for older adults.


Eh pavimento

Eh piani di lavoro

Ev volto

Uniformità Avg/Min


Resa Cromatica


STANZA DA LETTO Generale Tavolo / scrivania Lettura a Letto Aree per sedersi Visione della TV SALA DA PRANZO Generale Formale Informale Colazione Pranzo Cena LIVING ROOM Generale

Miglioramento della percezione cromatica dei cibi

healthy effects on housing conditions are not perceived. At the same time, the two main problems of older adults living inside SNF rest homes are poor sleep quality (insomnia and frequent awakenings during the night) and falls, therefore a proper lighting can help achieving improvements. Conversely, studies on the state of the art of lighting in SNF rest homes demonstrated that the duration of the exposure to intense light levels is very limited and light quality (in terms of spectral and photometric distributions) is generally poor. There are few examples of luminaires which fulfill the specific needs of older adults installed in SNF rest homes: the greatest part of the luminaires used in these facilities have as main characteristics minimum costs and consumptions. What type of LED lighting system for an aging population? A case study The aim of the research developed by the Laboratorio Luce of the Politecnico di Milano in cooperation with Design Group Italia, the Studio D’Alesio e Santoro firm and Light Contract Srl focused on the investigation of the possibility of developing new lighting systems specifically designed for older adults, finding lighting performances able to guarantee a great light quality. In more detail, in a care home for older adults, the lighting system needs to ensure: • Lighting performances which improve visual abilities, by setting lighting levels apt to guarantee a correct vision for older adults (over 65 years old) with limited visual abilities due to the age and which allow the possibility to carry out everyday activities in extreme independence and autonomy. These performances were designed basing on data derived from handbooks and standards considering Hospitals, Residences and Reception-related situations (Figure 2). • Light performances that improve visual comfort and the psychophysical wellbeing of older adults through solutions that limits glare caused by the direct vision of lighting sources, achieved through lighting beam and UGR control from certain positions. The system has to determine light levels able to guarantee a good visual adaptation through a correct luminance distribution, which is also useful for the orientation inside a space. For this aim a mainly indirect lighting system was hypothesized which uses mini-reflectors to control light on the ceiling. In addition to the indirect lighting there is also a direct interchangeable one by means of optic devices apt to provide several wide, narrow or diffusing beams through micro prismatic controllers for different applications and activities (Figure 3). This solution aims to create a cozier and more pleasant environment depending on the use and to ensure a comfortable and highly efficient product. In addition, the possibility of choosing among a family of devices with minimum or more complex and/ or interchangeable lighting performances for different applications is an useful characteristic to define a more flexible and economically sustainable product (Figure 4).

Giochi (carte) Giochi da tavola PRESTAZIONI MEDICHE Generale Sul letto ZONE DI CIRCOLAZIONE Corridoi


LUCE 310

Figura 2 Tabella riassuntiva elaborata considerando i dati forniti dallo IESNA Handbook 10th Edition (2011) e la normativa UNI EN 12464 -1 (2011) “Illuminazione dei Luoghi di Lavoro”.

Figure 2 Summarizing table developed taking into account data from the IESNA Handbook 10th Edition (2011) and the EN 12464 -1 (2011) “Lighting of workplaces” standard.

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