Power For Today Magazine, October 2010

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God’s Power CAN Be Yours...Because Through Jesus Christ There IS Power For Today! An interview with Apostle Dr. Lee Ann Marino Note: In honor of our 100th edition, we thought we’d give you all a chance to meet the Apostle behind Power For Today Magazine and Apostolic Fellowship International Ministries. Apostle Dr. Lee Ann has compiled the most common questions she receives from all of you, making you the interviewers for this special edition. Q: Apostle, what made you want to be in ministry? A: The easiest answer I have for that question is to say God made me want to be in ministry. The more involved answer would say the Lord established circumstances in my life to point me toward ministry and answering my calling.

answered God’s call throughout the ages, despite the difficulties they did face. Q: You have a great reputation for using humor when you preach. What is your favorite funny experience to share? A: It tickles me when people tell me how funny I am because I don’t consider myself to be very funny. I have always perceived myself to be very stoic and serious - so when I share something in preaching, I am not trying to be funny. It just works out that God has given me the

Q: What is your favorite message you’ve ever preached? A: Oh wow, that’s a hard one. “Woman, Define Yourself!,” my best-selling DVD, is definitely on the list. I also was truly inspired by the message, “Female Kingdom Service,” which I preached in Puerto Rico last year. My favorite message is probably, “To Have A Pentecost..” which I received at 2 AM the night before I preached it in Dallas, Texas this past June. Q: Who are your inspirations in ministry? A: Many of you know Kathryn Kuhlman is one of the main reasons I am in ministry today. I learned about her very early in my ministry history through a radio broadcast someone did on her life. I’d never heard of her and was inspired to learn of the impact she had on others despite her own personal battles and struggles. I was also inspired early in my life by Joyce Meyer, because she was the only female preacher I had ever heard of. Nowadays I am inspired by history’s women and those who

wanted to do was knock on the van and say, “Sweetheart, you look stupid. You don’t look holy, you look hot! Nobody thinks of Jesus when they see you!” Everyone always laughs at it because it’s everything they think of when they see people who dress odd in the Name of the Lord, as well. Q: How did you get the idea of Power For Today as the title for your radio show, TV show, and magazine? A: I contemplated the idea of a newsletter for a few years before I began to put Power For Today together. While Luke 17:21 was always the “theme verse” for our church (and now our ministry), our original ministry key verse was 1 Corinthians 4:20: “For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of talk, but of power.” I have always believed strongly in the purpose of receiving and walking in God’s power. When it came to discussion of publication titles and show titles, I wanted something that would convey God’s power available and accessible to all believers now, in this day and age, as much as in days gone by. I literally spoke the words, “Power For Today” out of my mouth without even realizing what I said! The rest is history. Q: How did you come up with your closing slogan, “...And remember: God’s power CAN be yours...Because through Jesus Christ there IS power for today?”

ability to be funny, and I don’t even realize it. My favorite story to share relates to the stereotypes of holiness everyone has - long denim skirts for women and long-sleeved shirts for men. One day when I was still living in Kentucky, a young guy from a local holiness church drove up in the church van to pick up the boys next door for Sunday service. It was July in Kentucky, right in the middle of a heatwave - and he was wearing long pants, a long-sleeved oxford shirt, and a wool sweater in his attempts to try and be “holy.” I stood at the window and seriously thought about going out to the van. What I

A: Power For Today is pre-recorded rather than live. The recording process is very long and involved - it takes several weeks to record and edit all the new shows for the season. I do my very best to create recording snippets that can be used in several broadcasts, rather than just one. When we first started recording, I had no closing or slogan - I would close by saying, “And until next time, be blessed!” I thought it sounded corny. One day when I was recording, the closing we now use just came out of my mouth. I liked it so much, we’ve closed every episode with it ever since. (Continued on page 15)

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