Power For Today Magazine, February 2011

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Power For Today A magazine of understanding for our times Apostle’s Corner: Loving Your Neighbor By Apostle Dr. lee Ann B. Marino.................................Page 3 Do You Talk Too Much? By Apostle Dr. Lee Ann B. Marino................................Page 5 Should One Marry For Purpose Or Love?.................Page 7 New Seasons In God, Part 2: Revelation Knowledge And Obedience...............................................................Page 12 Interview With Dr. Ezekiel Edumoh, Part 4 By Apostle Dr. Rebecca Michael...............................Page 14 The Lie (To Tell The Truth) By Nina B. Marino...........................................................Page 15 History Makers: Presenting Great Women In History...........................................................................................Page 17 Radio And Internet Television Log...........................Page 20

When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise. -Proverbs 10:19 US $9.00 CAN $9.75




February 2011

Power For Today A magazine of understanding for our times February 2011 Vol. 10, No. 2

ON THE COVER Apostle’s Corner: Loving Your Neighbor --Page 3 Do You Talk Too Much? —Page 5 Ask The Apostle —Page 7 New Seasons In God, Part II: Revelation Knowledge And Obedience —Page 12 Interview With Dr. Ezekiel Edumoh —Page 14 The Lie (To Tell The Truth)

—Page 15

Radio and Internet Television Log —Page 20

SCRIPTURE STUDY Thy Word Is A Lamp: Studies In The Book Of Psalms —Page 9 Scripture Trivia

—Page 9


—Page 17

Encouragement For The Journey —Page 19

POWER FOR TODAY Magazine is published monthly by Righteous Pen Publications, Post Office Box 935, Cary, North Carolina, 27512-0935 USA. Copyright © 2011 Apostolic Fellowship International Ministries. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior permission of the publisher. SUBMISSIONS: Visit http://righteous-pen-publications.webs.com to submit articles, letters, comments, questions, or for submission guidelines. We are open to your submissions and encourage your feedback! STAFF AND CONTRIBUTORS: Editor-In-Chief: Dr. Lee Ann B. Marino Editing Staff :

CURRENT EVENTS Wellness And The Word

—Page 8

Watch On The World

—Page 9

Apostle Dr. Lee Ann B. Marino Prophetess Nina B. Marino Writers and Contributors: Apostle Dr. Lee Ann B. Marino


Prophetess Nina B. Marino

Apostle Dr. Lee Ann’s Schedule

—Page 13

Apostle Dr. Rebecca Michael

Catalog Spotlight

—Page 16

Author and Teacher Julie Harvey

Contact Information

—Page 19

Programming And Technical Support: Robert W. Westaway, Virtual Artility Photography

JUST FOR FUN The Bible Says...Game 2

—Page 8

Light For The Path You’re On

—Page 20

Audio Productions And Distributions: Aaron Joy, Roman Midnight Music

SUBSCRIPTIONS: Subscriptions to Power For Today Magazine are free by digital (email or download) subscription. Editions are sent to partners, friends, covered churches and ministries, Apostolic University students, and by request. Our magazine is covered through paid advertisers and contributors to this ministry. We thank our faithful friends, contributors, and partners for their support! BIBLE TRANSLATION KEY: Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are from the King James Version of the Holy Bible, Public Domain. Passages marked NIV are from the New International Version of the Holy Bible; passages marked TLB are from The Living Bible; passages marked ASV are from the American Standard Version; passages marked AMP are from the Amplified Bible, passages marked MOD are from the Holy Bible in Modern English, passages marked RSV are from the Revised Standard Version, passages marked TEV are from Today’s English Version, passages marked ESV are from the English Standard Version of the Holy Bible, passages marked NASB are from the New American Standard Bible, passages marked CJB are from The Complete Jewish Bible, passages marked NLT are from the New Living Translation of the Holy Bible; passages marked CEV are from the Contemporary English Version of the Holy Bible,and passages marked TOB (Apocrypha) are from The Other Bible.

Neither shall they say, Lo, here! or Lo, there! For behold, the Kingdom of God is within you! —Luke 17:21

Apostle’s Corner Loving Your Neighbor We love to see Leviticus 19:18 draped on flags, embroidered on samplers, and stitched on pillows. It sounds like a nice ideal and something to aspire to. It makes us feel warm and fuzzy inside, reminding everyone about how they should treat us...right? Wrong! The command to love our neighbor is about OUR behavior. God is telling each one of us about how we should treat and interact with other people. In every situation we are in, both with people we are close to and people we are not, God is reminding us that we are to love our neighbor as ourselves. It is easy to say, and difficult to live. We live in an emotional world. We react long and hard to offenses, while joys seem to pass by in an instant. Grudges are long-held, and cause permanent rifts between people. It’s easy to hear gossip and permanently change your opinion of someone or change in your interaction with them because of what someone else said. When we live ruled by our feelings, we can’t separate ourselves and opinions from our neighbor, and when this happens, we can’t love our neighbor, either. God’s love toward us causes

us to become objective with ourselves. We see the sin in our lives and desire to turn from it, seeking to become better through the witness and intercession of the Holy Spirit. We see and experience God’s true love toward us, even realizing how we are, and it causes us to walk in His love and mercy toward us. The same happens when we love other people. We become objective, rather than emotional with others and are open to seeing the full expanse of their lives and personalities. While we may not like everybody personally, we are able to distinguish God’s love working through us from personal tastes and preferences. In objectivity, we stand as a witness to others, recognizing need and moving by the Spirit as we follow His lead to meet whatever the need of others may be. In today’s world, it’s easy to hate. If we listen to news broadcasts, follow current events, take any part in political happenings, or

follow some current religious leaders, we can find plenty of reasons to hate our neighbor. Following the crowd on this is neither a witness, nor is it answering the command of God to us. As many people associate this time of the year with love and appreciation, why not make that much more of an effort to show love toward your neighbor? Become more conscientious of your interactions with others and the effects your interactions have on others. Step back and make an accounting of the ways you have treated others and the ways you can change your behavior to show God’s love to the world in a more profound way. Remember the words of the old Bluegrass song: “If you don’t love your neighbor, then you don’t love God!” Many blessings,

Apostle Dr. Lee Ann

famous and ordinary people alike air out their dirty laundry, personal issues, and thoughts for the entire world to hear.

Apostle Dr. Lee Ann B. Marino, Ph.D., D.D.

Cover Article

Do You Talk Too Much? All you do is talk, talk When I first got the idea for this teaching, my mom told me about a song by Joe Jones from the 1960s called “You Talk Too Much.” In a search for this song on Youtube (as I’d never heard it), I could not believe the vast number of songs that came up also referencing too much talk in their title. Artists from George Thorgood and the Destroyers and Run DMC, to the infamous “Yakety Yak (Don’t Talk Back), to the 1980s classic, “All You Do Is Talk, Talk.” Then I started to think of the vast references to talk that are a part of pop culture in general. The term “Yadda, yadda, yadda” started on the 1990s hit sitcom, Seinfield. “Whatcha talkin’ ‘bout Willis?” was immortalized by the late Gary Coleman in his role as Arnold on Diff ’rent Strokes. A recent incident on Facebook made me very aware of the line between discussion and debate. In response to a note I’d posted on my page, a woman came on creating debate and discord - and incessantly posting, her method of talking given the medium we were working with. Post after post was bel-

ligerent, hostile, and designed to attack. She wanted to be heard. She wanted to be told she was right in the face of all evidence to the contrary. When that didn’t work, she started attacking me and everyone else who pointed out her attitude and error. I wound up deleting her, but that wasn’t the point. She wanted to talk. She wanted to be verbally validated, like so many others. In the process, she talked too much. The more she talked, the more out of control the situation became. It reminded me of Proverbs 10:19: “When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise.” (NIV) Yet again, God’s Word was right: when we talk beyond what we should and beyond the bounds of structure and decency, we invite sin into our lives. Our world likes to talk - a whole lot. Talk and talking too much are popularized in television show dialogues, T-shirts, song lyrics, and in movie and show characters who are noted for excessive talking. Tabloids fill supermarket newsstands, eager to give readers the latest gossip about celebrities and oddities, even if the information is false. Then we have the whole genre of television talk shows, where

The world has a desire to know and be heard. Everyone wants to voice their thoughts and feelings, and do so verbally. People want others to know when they have been wronged, hurt, or offended. People also want others to know just who wrongs them in every situation. We’ll tell the same story to anyone who will listen, over and over again, looking for the same response each time. It isn’t enough one person responds right; we need it constantly. Nowadays people will even add details that may or may not be true or leave out information in the pursuit of tale bearing, hoping for sympathy and attention. Our excessively verbal world entertains constant communication through cell phones, the internet, social networking sites, text messaging, email, magazines, letters, not to mention gossip and back talk. The church today likes to talk just as much as the world does, if not more. Even though we may do it under the context of “prayer” or “disclosure,” it is still our hope that the message we want conveyed will indeed be the one others hear and believe. Just like the situation I reiterated earlier, it is the desire of many Christians to both be heard and then be validated in what they say - whether or not what they say is correct. As a result, conversation quickly turns to endless debate and argument because everyone is seeking to have control of a conversation. The Word clarifies “There is a time to be silent...and a time to speak.” (CEV) We seem to be very comfortable with speech...but are we too comfortable? Is it possible we talk too much in the Kingdom today? How do we determine the difference between communicating and talking too much?

Talk and salvation history Talking was a big part of the lives of the ancients. Both the Old and New Testaments flourished on the concept of oral tradition. In the custom of oral tradition, stories and histories of people of faith were passed down orally from generation to generation. Extensive debating, (Continued on page 6)

Do You Talk Too Much? (Continued from page 5) philosophical rhetoric, and long speeches were a part of the way information was transferred between people. With their lack of media, technology, and information channels, speech was an essential aspect to conveying information. In the New Testament, we see talk as an important way for the Gospel message to be heard by many. The Bible tells us faith comes by hearing, and that in order for people to hear, a preacher must be sent (Romans 10:14-16). The book of Acts speaks of the Apostle Paul engaging in long debates to prove Jesus was the Messiah (Acts 17:18, Acts 18:28). Speech was an efficient and essential means to convey God’s message of truth and salvation to the world. The Bible reveals, however, that talk and speech must be carefully guarded. Just as with anything in this life, one can talk too much or speak too much of the wrong things. How well we guard our speech and our ability to handle matters that arise with verbal grace and dignity are a high indication of one’s spiritual maturity - or lack thereof. How we use our words can affect not just ourselves, but others, as well.

Avoiding controversies 1 Timothy 6:3-5 gives believers the following warning: “If anyone teaches false doctrines and does not agree to the sound instruction of our Lord Jesus Christ and to godly teaching, he is conceited and understands nothing. He has an unhealthy interest in controversies and quarrels about words that result in envy, strife, malicious talk, evil suspicions and constant friction between men of corrupt mind, who have been robbed of the truth and who think that godliness is a means to financial gain.” (NIV) Ever meet someone who just wants to argue about doctrine - and they always seem to come at the argument from an unusual or doctrinally unsound position? There is nothing wrong with discussing or pointing out counter-

points present in God’s Word. One of the ways we learn about the Word is to discuss it, about it, and the history behind it. This is the principle of using speech to further the Gospel message and enhance our knowledge of the Word (logos) by the word of revelation (rhema). On the other hand, there are many people who just want to argue and debate about the Word. They want to be heard in their perspectives. They want to dominate the conversation or study, and seek to start arguments in the pursuit of “being right.” The foundation of such conduct is unsound teaching. In such, it is useless to waste one’s speech and waste one’s debate. The result of such debates is obvious: people grow envious of one another, strife creates in the Body, people start speaking badly to one another and about one another, evil suspicions are planted, and friction mounts to cause trouble. Nothing good comes from controversy. How do we handle these situations when they arise? Titus 3:9-11 has the answer: “But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless. Warn a divisive person once, and then warn him a second time. After that, have nothing to do with him. You may be sure that such a man is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned.” (NIV) Here we find the same warning, the same reality that such controversies are a waste of time, and the process to handle the person causing the controversy. First, people who overstep the boundary of responsible speech in teaching are to be warned once, and then again twice if the problem persists. After that, we are to have nothing to do with a person who can’t control the teaching from their tongue. Why? Such people are already condemning themselves to hell by the improper use of their speech. To debate with them may also cause us to follow a warped path, and in the process, we may condemn ourselves as well. Proverbs 18:21 tells us, “Death and life

How well we guard our speech and our ability to handle matters that arise with verbal grace and dignity are a high indication of one’s spiritual maturity or lack thereof.

are in the power of the tongue, and they who indulge in it shall eat the fruit of it [for death or life].” (AMP) In Matthew 12:36-37, Jesus tells us, “But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.” (NIV) What we say does matter - because what comes forth from us shows where we are and impacts others. If we aren’t mature enough to believe correctly and avoid provoking others to debate - then we are speaking many words which will condemn ourselves!

You worry me to death! Talking too much can also create an atmosphere of worry, not just in the individual, but in those who hear the story of the individual time and time again. It’s natural to want to share circumstances or experiences when we go through hard times, but we must be careful what we say and who we say it to. What is a shared circumstance to us could become a grave concern to someone else, causing both worry in the process. In addition, sometimes we aren’t speaking just to share an experience, but to get a desired result. Through communication, it is not unusual to speak of situations that concern us in the hopes people will rise up and either offer a solution, rescue us from them, or promote a feeling in people that causes pity or sympathy. In so doing, we are using worry for a negative end and to promote a dishonest gain. Matthew 6:31 tells us, “So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’” (NIV) Worrisome speech is bad for us, it is bad for those that hear it, and it can bring about a truly bad end for those who are drawn in to it. We must guard our words with the praises of the Lord. This means we sometimes keep issues to ourselves and stand in maturity and on faith...in silence.

Double talk We can also speak something that sounds good to those that hear it, but it really contains a double meaning or message within its contents. There is also the use of speech that constantly (Continued on page 16)

Is it acceptable for Christians to use social networking websites? Communication is key to salvation history. The Bible tells us “Then those who feared the LORD talked with each other, and the LORD listened and heard.” (Malachi 3:16, NIV) Talking and sharing with other believers is a powerful means of testifying, sharing, and communicating God’s grace.

Ask The Apostle Questions And Answers

Marriage is a discovery as two people learn about becoming a type of love between Christ and the church. It doesn’t happen overnight. Both the husband and the wife learn to love one another in a way that demonstrates a sacrifice for God’s greater purpose. They represent a balance of strength and weaknesses and how to walk through a love walk despite imperfections and difficulties. Through their discovery of greater purpose, they find love. In their love, they find purpose. As both manifest in many diverse areas of life, you have a strong marriage that is both loving and purposeful.

The Bible does not make prohibitions on how this communication may occur. In ancient times, people communicated via letters and travel, both of which would take months or years to reach their destination. If the apostles and prophets were alive today, they would use the internet, email, and yes, even social networking sites, to convey their messages because the potential impact was faster and more far reaching. Christians should use social networking sites as long as they are not doing so for improper reasons. It goes without saying the sites should never be pornographic or indecent, and a believer should be able to uphold Christian conduct on them at all times. As believers, we need to reach out to one another beyond the immediate of a local church or small circle of acquaintances. The internet provides a perfect means by which we can do just that. Through social networking, we are exposed to witnessing opportunities, new cultures, and different ways the Bible may be interpreted throughout the world. Such exposure helps us to deepen our faith and grow in our understanding of the Christian life and the Word of God.

Should one marry for purpose or for love? I know of a couple who, as part of their public testimony, makes it known they did not marry for love. He openly wanted to marry someone else and she didn’t like him. They had no interest in one another whatsoever, yet both knew God had put them together as husband and wife. Even though they were not one another’s first choice prior to marriage, they have grown to love each other deeply. On the other hand, I know of many couples who married for love prior to marriage, only to find themselves in very different situations after getting married. As the years go by, the couples often find themselves in very different places and the strong passion

cially as lives grow and expand, and if one receives revelation about purpose whereas the other spouse does not share or support that revelation.

they once felt for each other wanes as new priorities begin to emerge. What once seemed like the basis for a great relationship now doesn’t seem so important. Both scenarios represent extremes in relationships. Today’s world discounts the marriage of purpose, and exalts the marriage of love. We should seek to pursue love, while downgrading purpose. Somewhere in here, I think we need to step back and find some balance. Very, very few marriages can be successful without the balance between purpose and love. While some couples who start out about purpose do find love, many grow bitter and resentful of the situation. While some couples start out in love, many find that dynamic changes over time in the relationship. Relationships are complicated because they involve people. In the context of marriage, you have the necessary balance between life and love, purpose and edification, and growth and support. These are deeply difficult balances to maintain. It is easy to be swallowed up in life, especially when life becomes bigger than one imagined. The success of one marital partner, having children, dealing with extended family, balancing work and social lives, and trying to maintain a personal identity in the middle of such constant business and change. Then we have the issue of purpose: couples must strive for a greater purpose than just seeking life for themselves. As God calls us as individuals, it is the job of spouses to support one another to be and do all God has called them to do. God’s revelation and unfolding can cause conflict, espe-

Trying to pick one over the other as the exclusive reason for marriage is asking for trouble. Do I deny there are couples who have done just that - no I do not. I also don’t deny that some of those marriages have gone on to be successful - but we also can’t ignore many more have gone on to be unsuccessful. If a couple doesn’t start out with the pursuit of balance, it will be more difficult to achieve balance as time goes by and more dynamics are added to the marriage relationship. Therefore one should marry for both purpose AND love. Both partners should see the potential for God’s purpose to continue and enhance in their lives as they receive the support of their marital partner. They should also love their partner enough to desire further development of love as the relationship continues and grows. Marriage is a celebration of support, sexuality, hope, friendship, and yes, mutual purpose through individual and couple growth. With this balance, relationships are flexible enough to endure change and strong enough to encourage personal growth and development. Marriage can’t be all about one thing and not another. If we understand this going into marriage, and then continue to uphold it during marriage, we will find ourselves in a much better situation to allow for marital success and happiness. Here’s to the eternal balance between purpose and love. (Do you have a question you want to ask Apostle Dr. Lee Ann? Send it to us at questions@powerfortoday.org.)

The Bible Says...Game Part 2 ink

Has anyone ever started a statement with,“Well, you know what the Bible says about...” this or that? When someone starts with this statement...are they correct? What does the Bible say about current issues? The answers may surprise you more than you think! 1. TRUE OR FALSE: The Bible says...”Everyone must have a pastor.” 2. ble

In which say... “The a. Psalms

of the LORD is b. Proverbs

following books does the Bimy Shepherd; I shall not want?” c. 1 Corinthians d. Genesis

3. The Bible says...the “sin of Israel in the wilderness” was what sin? a. lack of self-esteem

b. lack of faith c. disobedience

d. anger

4. TRUE OR FALSE: The Bible says...”God does nothing without first revealing it to His servants, the prophets” 5.

The Bible says...” The Kingdom of God is _____ a. at , church b. far, away c. in, heaven d. within, you


6. The Bible says...how are we saved? a. By grace through faith

b. works

c. faith alone

d. hope

7. TRUE OR FALSE: The Bible says... “You are God’s garden.” 8. The Bible says...God’s mercies are new based on what? a. a new year

b. numerology

c. every day

d. sin

9. TRUE OR FALSE: The Bible says...the wise men came to the infant Jesus in the manger?

Thy Word Is A Lamp Studies in the book of Psalms Psalm 20: God’s Assistance In Trouble: The Power To Overcome (Verses 1-9) Do you know the Lord hears and attends to your troubles? It’s amazing how many people think God is distant, far-off, or uninterested in human affairs. If we rightly understand the incarnation of Christ, our Emmanuel, it is God’s ultimate intervention in the well-being of humanity. God heard the cries of His people and sent Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh, to dwell among us and serve as the sacrifice for our sins. This is our ultimate proof that God cares about us and hears us when we call upon Him. No matter how big our troubles may be or how insurmountable our problems may seem, God hears us when we call upon Him. Throughout the course of our daily lives we should always communicate with God. We shouldn’t simply wait for times of trouble to engage in communication with our Defender. Such communication helps us to strengthen and arise as we know what God is doing regularly and His plans for our lives. Knowing God’s purpose and abiding by it helps keep us from trouble and sustain us even in times of trouble, difficulty, loss, or injustice. In knowing God is our Defender, that means the plans He has for us will keep us and lead us to the best place for us in our lives consistently as we become overcomers. (verse 1) For the past 20 years, I’ve been hearing a lot about angels. Some of what I have heard is good; some of what I have heard is bad; some of what I have heard is inaccurate; and some of what I have heard is just plain weird. Angels are messengers and defenders of God and His Word. When God sends His help, He sends it in the form of His special spiritual messengers and defenders who work for His good and the good of His people. Zion represents the place of God’s people and their center for learning and instruction. Today we would say,

may God strengthen His people out of His church. We know God is always sending us help and strength from the most holy place in the form of the Holy Spirit. As we walk and live in the Spirit, we find our renewed connection to the Lord, day by day. (verse 2) Today we do not offer burnt sacrifices, as the system of animal sacrifice was done away with on the Cross through Christ. As we are now temples of the Holy Spirit, we are commanded to offer ourselves as a living sacrifice. Too often we desire to do whatever we want with our living sacrifice and then call ourselves believers. The offering we make to the Lord is our very lives! It should be our prayer that everything we do is acceptable before the Lord as we follow His precepts. In that same vain, we accept the Lord’s will for ourselves, and we trust that every guidance of the Lord is to be fulfilled completely and in His due time. (verses 3-4) When was the last time any one of us stepped back and simply rejoiced in the salvation of our God? We know the Lord is faithful to fulfil His petitions, and He saves those who are marked and chosen by Him. Even though those who are anointed for the Lord’s service face difficulties, it is the Lord Who sustains in and through those difficulties. While others stand beside us fallen because they placed their trust in false things and false hopes, we will stand aright, because through Christ, we have the victory. In the resurrection remains the power to overcome anything, even death, and just as much in this life as in the next. (verses 5-9)

Scripture Trivia DID YOU KNOW...

• Ten commandments were written on the stone tablets in the wilderness • On the road to Damascus, the Apostle Paul was blinded for three days • The Apostle Paul made at least three trips to visit the Corinthian church • Hannah took Samuel to the temple to live once he was weaned • Job had ten children before he was tested • Job figuratively said to corruption, “Thou art my father” • Timothy was a pastor in Ephesus • Those who were baptized by John were baptized in the Jordan River • The Holy Spirit first descended upon the disciples on the feast of Pentecost • Nehemiah supervised the rebuilding of the walls in Jerusalem • The Israelites set out on their exodus from Egypt from Ramses • Timothy’s Lystra



• The plague of blood happened to the Eygptians first

Wellness And The Word Contributed this month by Nina B. Marino, RN, LNC and Apostle Dr. Lee Ann B. Marino, Ph.D., D.D.

mixture, whisking well. Liquidise the fruit and fold into the mixture. Beat egg whites to soft peaks. Fold into mixture along with the cream. Take care not to over mix. Pour into the prepared dishes and leave to set in the fridge. With a hot damp palate knife carefully remove the greaseproof collar. Decorate the sides of each souffle with the coconut and place the zest on the top.

Ugli Salad With Dressing (Recipe courtesy ugli.com) Ingredients

One Ugli Fruit

applied. If kept at room temperature, use within five days. If kept in the refrigerator, it can be kept up to three weeks. It makes a great addition to salad or cut in half and eaten like a grapefruit. Try something different! A fruit that is said to combine the best qualities of tangerines, grapefruits, and oranges.

The oranges of the Ugli fruit are vague. It was discovered growing wild in Jamaica where it is mainly grown today. The fruit is considered a Jamaican tangelo, a citrus fruit created by hybridizing a grapefruit (or pomelo), an orange, and a tangerine. Its name comes from its rough, wrinkled greenish-yellow skin wrapped very Ugli Fruit Recipes loosely around a pulpy orange Caribbean Cold Souffles (Recipe courtesy ugli.com) inside. The Ugli fruit is slightly Ingredients larger than a grapefruit and has • 1 large UGLI® tangelo, peeled and defewer seeds. Its bright-colored seeded skin has a fat teardrop shape. The • 2 eggs, separated flesh of the fruit is very juicy and • ½ cup sugar tastes on the sweet side of a tan• 2 level teasp powdered gelatine dissolved in 2 tbsp hot water gerine rather than the bitter side • ½ pint heavy cream (lightly whipped) of a grapefruit. The Ugli fruit is high in Vitamin C, low in fat, and loaded with dietary fiber. It is available from winter to spring. Choose fruit that is heavy for its size and gives slightly when palm pressure is

To decorate: A little UGLI® tangelo rind zest cut into strips, 4-6 tbsp toasted coconut

Prepare 4-6 individual ramekin dishes by placing greaseproof paper collars around them. Put the egg yolks, sugar, and into a basin over hot water. Whisk together until thick and creamy and lighter in colour. Remove from the water. Slowly pour in the gelatine

1 small curly endive, washed and drained

2 oz (50g) lambs lettuce (mache), washed and drained

1 small radicchio, washed and drained

1 small UGLI® tangelo, peeled and cut into segments

Dressing: 4 tbsp oil, 2 tbsp cider, white wine or UGLI® tangelo juice, 1 garlic clove, crushed (optional), Freshly ground black pepper

Toss all the salad ingredients and fruit together and arrange in the bowl. Mix the salad dressing in a screw- top jar. Add seasoning and taste. Pour over the salad just before serving. Toss well.

Baked sweet potatoes with ginger and honey (Recipe courtesy ugli.com) Ingredients •

3 tbsp sherry

1½ lb (650 g) pork, trimmed and diced

1½ tbsp oil

8 - 10 shallots, peeled

4 oz(100g) button mushrooms, wiped

¼ cup flour

1½ cups chicken broth

1 medium UGLI® tangelo peeled and cut into segments

Salt and freshly ground pepper

1 bay leaf

Marinate the meat in the sherry for 2 hours. Heat the oil in a saucepan and gently fry the pork for 3-4 minutes. Add the shallots and mushrooms and cook for further 2 minutes. Sprinkle on the flour and cook for 1 minute. Add the broth and seasonings. Simmer, covered for about 1½ hours gently or until tender. Half way through the cooking add the UGLI® tangelo segments. Garnish with fresh herbs and serve with cooked noodles or other pasta.

Watch On The World Examining current social, political, and religious events

Swiss find signs of illegal US surveillance Bern has found signs that the US embassy in Geneva has been conducting illegal surveillance on Swiss territory, the justice ministry told AFP, confirming local press reports. The Swiss government had in 2007 rejected requests made by the US missions in Bern and Geneva to protect their buildings through a surveillance programme “due to a lack of legal basis and bilateral accords on this domain,” the ministry said in a statement. However, it emerged late last year that US embassies in Norway and Denmark had been conducting similar programmes. Following the disclosures in Scandinavia, “Swiss authorities have found, during last autumn, indications showing that such a programme is ongoing at the US mission in Geneva.” Swiss authorities have sought the immediate suspension of the programme and are “now proceeding with an in-depth examination of the situation in Geneva,” added the ministry. Since news broke in Scandinavia of the programme, Washington has acknowledged conducting surveillance through its embassies, but has insisted it is aimed solely at protecting its missions against attack and is carried out within the laws of the host countries. - http://news.yahoo.com/s/ afp/20110116/ts_alt_afp/switzerlandusdiplomacyespionage

Break in rain allows Brazil to reach slide victims A break in near-constant rain allowed Brazilian rescue helicopters to deliver desperately needed food and water to some of the neighborhoods buried under tons of earth in mudslides that killed more than 600 people.

Rain clouds lifted, allowing about a dozen helicopters to buzz around the craggy peaks of the emerald-green mountains in this area about 40 miles (65 kilometers) north of Rio de Janeiro. “The priority is the rescue of people who are still isolated. We have to take advantage of this break in the weather to help people in these remote, collapsed areas,” said Alexandre Aragon, head of the Brazilian National Security Force, which is aiding in the recovery. The helicopters were not immediately being used to evacuate people from areas that are still at risk of more mudslides should rains return. Instead, they were concentrating on getting supplies to as many isolated areas as possible to keep people there alive. The disaster hit in the early morning hours Wednesday, when days of heavy rains unleashed tons of earth, rock and raging torrents of water down steep mountainsides and directly into towns over an area of about 900 square miles (2,330 square kilometers). The known death toll stood at 626 people Sunday. Officials fear it will rise sharply as the remote areas are reached and more bodies found. Anderson Correia de Oliveira, the local police commander, said there would be no miracle rescues of people buried under the mudslides after four days. “There are no hopes of finding anybody

alive,” he said. “It’s not like an earthquake — people trapped under things have been drowned. There are no air pockets.” Desperate survivors have complained of receiving no help and Brazil’s government at all levels has come under criticism for the lack of speed in helping the victims. But Oliveira and other officials said that reaching the most remote and desperate areas was impossible by helicopter until Sunday. The area hit by the slides is full of steep mountains with jagged peaks, making navigation challenging even in good weather, he said. With clouds that hovered well below the mountaintops for days, helicopters could not be used. That has meant people have simply had to save themselves, mostly by hiking miles (kilometers) from their neighborhoods down to the center of Teresopolis to fetch supplies. For days, slow streams of wet, muddy men and women, some in their bare feet, have tied supermarket bags together and slung them over their shoulders to carry basic provisions to those too frail to make the treacherous hike down to the city. Many residents seemed resigned to getting little real help — and to staying in the dangerous neighborhoods that are under constant threat of future slides. -http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110116/ ap_on_re_la_am_ca/lt_brazil_flood_deaths

New Seasons In God, Part II:

Revelation Knowledge, and Obedience By Julie Harvey I truly believe that, as part and parcel of our new season, God is going to bring us into area/level of divine, revelation knowledge!! A Few Pointers On Revelation Knowledge & Obedience to God •



It fires us up and gives us a passion, it energizes us!!

As we receive God’s enlightenment into our heart, soul and spirit, this gives us vitality, energy and passion. Sometimes the things of God which have gone cold are reignited when God brings us out into the broad places!! Amen! I Can testify to this in my life right now (22 Nov. 10). Psalm 66:10-12: “For Thou, O God, hast proved us: Thou hast tried us,

Without this vision, the people will perish. (Proverbs 29:18) Another scripture that lines up with this one, is my people are destroyed, through lack of knowledge. I believe here the prophet is specifically talking about revelation knowledge. THE LIGHT When the light of God’s revelation comes into our spirit, heart and soul, it will have these facets to it: •


THE LIGHT OF LIFE (TRUE LIFE) [Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire comes, it is a tree of life]

Obedience brings joy.


Revelation knowledge brings joy and a thankful spirit.



God gives revelation so we will obey and listen to his voice.

When we receive God’s vision/revelation, enlightening the eyes of the heart, it will cause us to shine!!



The only thing that will bring us to this place is a laying down of the selflife…sometimes we are even doing this subconsciously (will be awesome when we can come to this point readily and quickly…)

• BEING TAUGHT GOD’S WAY!! Thank You Lord for bringing us up higher, as we follow You, die to self, and receive light and revelation knowledge from You, help us to be obedient to Your will in order for us to attain to our new seasons in You – and as the cycle of blessing and revelation and insight increases we will rejoice and put our trust in You more and more! as silver is tried. Thou broughtest us into the net; Thou laidst affliction upon our loins. Thou hast caused men to ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water: but Thou broughtest us out into a wealthy place.” (KJV)

However, God doesn’t expect more out of us that we are able…He meets us where we are at…He knows that we are but dust. So He is full of mercy when we fail. We need to trust all the more completely in Him and in His blood that was shed for us! Amen.

Another translation says “broad place”!! He brings us out into the broad place!!

Proverbs 29:18: “Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.”

Our enlightened spirit will cause us to shine and become glorious.

When you can clearly see God’s purposes and His plans with a wider scope and a clear vision, it brings much joy!!

Thank You for helping us to grow into all that we can be for You: thank You for Your abundant blessing and favour on our lives! Amen.

Julie Harvey is an author and teacher from Adelaide, South Australia. She ministers through her writing, especially her blogs, Purpose “Full” Journey at http:// julieharvey.blogspot.com/ and Called According to His Purpose at :http://julieharveypurposebuilder.blogspot.com/. To Contact Julie, feel free to visit her blogs, on Twitter at http://twitter.com/#!/InHighPlaces, or at julieharvey64@yahoo. com.

Apostle Dr. Lee Ann’s Schedule February 2011 2nd and 4th Sundays, 10 AM - Apostolic Fellowship Service @ our North Carolina headquarters Mandatory study for all available spiritual sons and daughters via tele conference, optional lecture credit for Apostolic University students: 1 (218) 548-0975, passcode: 955321# Wednesdays, 11:00 AM EST - Power For Today on The Winds of Change Radio, www.blogtalkradio.com/powerfortoday (30 minutes) Fridays, 11:00 AM EST - Power For Today on Apostolic University Radio, www. blogtalkradio.com/apostolicuniversity (30 minutes) Last Sunday of the Month, 11 PM EST - The Winds of Change Live program on The Winds of Change Radio, www.blogtalkradio.com/powerfortoday (30 minutes) February 1 1-- Power For Today Magazine available online (www.powerforto day.org, powerfortoday.magcloud.com, issuu.com/powerfortoday) and by email distribution. February 14 - The Winds of Change Newsletter is mailed February 26 - Release of the new women’s ministry magazine, A Great Host Will be released online - stay tuned for more information on this exciting new development!

to read or know of such from afar and quite another to be touched in the heart and inspired in person! God bless you for all that you have done Ezik and continue to do- May He go with you always! Ezekiel Edumoh saysYou are welcome Becky; you are a wonderful sister indeed. I never regret the day my path crossed with yours for the sake of God‘s kingdom. God bless you. ABOUT GRACE BIBLE INSTITUTE AND SEMINARY (GBIS):

Interview With Dr. Ezekiel Edumoh, Part 4

By Apostle Dr. Rebecca Michael

Grace Bible Institute and Seminary, under the auspices of Wholesome Words Mission International (WWOMI), exists to prepare men and women for Christian service, and to train God-called men and women that they might be watchmen upon the walls to proclaim the truth of God‘s Word, and to maintain an atmosphere where students might become established in an experience of holiness and receive a Bible training that will make them effective instruments in the hands of God, for the transformation of the world, as well as edification of the Body of Christ.

Rebecca Michael says -

Ezekiel Edumoh says -

What advise do you have for aspiring students or anyone when times are hard and adversities or trials buffet them from all sides? What is the key in your experiences to keeping the faith and perseverance in hard times?

Late Bishop Edumoh, Late Rev. Inyang, Bishop Oyedepo, Pastor Ogbuoji, Pastor Abel James, Rev. Gary Maxey and Rev, Larry Grabill. Their faith, their ability to share what they know and all those who believe in my person and EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY ministry. Grace Bible Institute and Seminary has Rebecca Michael says developed an effective philosophy of Do you have contact websites or email education that is designed to develop a address that you would like to share if thorough understanding of Scripture, anyone would like to con-tact you for mastery of the art of ministry within more information? the calling of the student and proven scholarship within the student. Ezekiel Edumoh says -

Ezekiel Edumoh says -

For those who know their God shall be strong and they shall do exploit says the bible. We must have strong confidence in God‘s plan and God‘s timing for our lives if we must stand the test of time. Faith, Prayer, Perseverance and Patience is the key. Trials will come, troubles will loom and the wind will blow, but the www.wwomi.com man who knows his God shall never be www.cross.tv/wwomi weak. ezekieledumoh@yahoo.co.uk Rebecca Michael says Rebecca Michael says -

The first element in our educational model is CONTENT. This area specifically deals with the gathering of knowledge by the student through class lectures, assignments, textbooks Who would you say has been your most Thank you very much for this interview and research. GBIS takes great care important influences and why? Is there Ezekiel! You certainly are a hero and a to insure that textbooks and research anything else you would like to talk personal men-tor and hero to me and projects diligently cover all subjects about or mention? (Continued on Page 17) many others my friend! It is one thing

The Lie (To Tell The Truth) By Nina B. Marino, RN, LNC

Many years ago in the early days of television, there was a game show called “To Tell The Truth.” Three contestants would appear on stage, all claiming to be the same person. The star-studded panel would ask the contestants questions in order to determine which person was telling the truth. It was amazing how easy it was for the contestants to lie without batting an eyelash. Of course, when we say someone is not telling the truth vs. someone is lying, it somehow doesn’t sound quite as bad. I started to recall how often I have heard people lying in the course of a day. I thought about God’s rules for our lives as laid down in the Ten Commandments. I began to realize that the foundation of almost all the Commandments is in regard to telling the truth. Each of the Commandments sets us

up for a life without lying. If we stray from the rules of living, it opens up the door to deceit and lies. So here we have this wonderful set of guidelines to follow. So if we are following them, why are we constantly slipping from these guidelines and lying? Is it because lying is not listed as one of the Ten Commandments? Or is it because lying has become a way of life in our society? Moving along in time to present-day television, there is a now-TV show with a nonconventional character called “House.” One of Dr. House’s most frequent lines is, “All people lie.” Each episode shows how people lie even when they are in jeopardy of dying, or in jeopardy of hurting even family members or friends. Many times they lie because they have travelled so far outside the bounds of God’s set of

rules. Other times, it is just because lying appears easier than telling the truth. There is another situation comedy where the main character lies all the time. He is lying and the audience is always laughing at him. He lies to his family, he lies to his wife, he lies to his friends, etc. Have we become so numbed to lying that we cannot tell the difference between a lie and the truth? Why do we find lies so amusing? You may think I am exaggerating, but believe me, I’m not. It is all around us. It is part of our favorite TV programs, it is in the workplace, it is in our homes. Maybe the media makes us think it’s OK to lie. Lying has become an active member of our society. Why do people feel the need to lie about issues that are not deserving of a lie? Whatever happened to the truth? Truth is now frowned upon. Society does not revere people who are honest and tell the truth. They are perceived as mean and angry. Let’s face it - no one likes to hear the truth. In fact, most people become very angry when faced with what they know to be the truth. That sounds very backward, doesn’t it? It used to be considered dishonest not to tell the truth. Now it appears society has made it easier to lie and for lying to be an accepted part of the culture. The worst part of all this lying is that people are telling lies and actually believing them. (Continued on page 17)

Praise God ANYWAY!

Learn how the power of praise can change your life!

Do you know the power in praise? So many believers spend their entire lives complaining and whining about circumstances, problems, and dislikes, they forget the importance and power in praising God in every situation. God doesn’t tell us to give thanks FOR all things, but IN all things. Come along with Apostle Dr. Lee Ann in this vital study on the way praise can bring about important and necessary victory in the life of every believer.

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The Lie (To Tell The Truth) (Continued from page 15)

History Makers Celebrating great women in history Amelia Jenks Bloomer (1818-1894) Amelia Bloomer can be described in one word: trailblazer. While she is not as well known as many of her contemporaries, Amelia Bloomer was a powerful voice for change and progress for women. Born to a very poor family in Homer, New York, Amelia Bloomer received only two years of formal education; however, she still went on to serve as a teacher. When only 22, Amelia Jenks married Dexter Bloomer, a progressive Quaker lawyer and newspaper owner. He encouraged Amelia to write about issues pertaining to women for his paper, and write she did! Later prompted by feminist friends such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony, she started the first paper to ever be run, owned, and edited by a woman: The Lily. An immediate success, her paper featured women’s issues, problems, challenges, and promoted reform on laws, education, and social customs for women.

Amelia Bloomer is best known for her promotion of a style of clothing known as “Bloomers” for women. Clothing in the 1800s was tiresome, heavy, and uncomfortable for women, and Amelia Bloomer both advocated and wore a new style for women that involved pants - a daring move for women in the 1800s. Despite ridicule, she continued in this dress until 1859. What does God have for you to lead? We forget that each one of us is called to be a trailblazer, whether it’s leading our families out of religion or to lead societal and religious reforms. Let’s lead the way God has for us! Quotable quote: “The human mind must be active, and the thoughts of a woman’s heart must find vent in some way; and if the garden of the mind instead of being highly cultivated, so that it may produce a rick harvest of fruits and flowers, is suffered to run to waste, it is not surprising that it yields nothing but weeds, briars, and thorns.”

Somewhere along the way, society has opened the doors to dishonesty for an entire culture. Yes, we are an advanced and technologically advanced people. With these advances come discernment and responsibility. People can now communicate without seeing or hearing each other. They can portray themselves as anything or any one. We are all aware that people on the internet communicate lies everyday in an effort to achieve their goals. We, as a society, are at a great risk. Maybe it’s not only technology, but a society that lacks the maturity to deal with a quickly evolving technological advances. Are you a representative of God? The next time you open your mouth to speak: stop, think, and remember to tell the truth.

Nina B. Marino, RN, LNC is the overseer of the Apostolic Fellowship International Ministries branch office in Oneonta, New York. She is also Director of the Attachment Disorder Help & Resource Network, a Registered Nurse, and Legal Nurse Consultant. To contact Nina, send an email to nmarinolnc@hotmail.com.

Do You Talk Too Much? (Continued from page 6) displays a change of mind or instability in thinking. The Lord commands and commissions us to stand stable and consistent in our thinking - and by proxy, in our speech as well. As we grow and gain perspective in the Lord, we should become more solid and less changeable rather than more changeable and confused. God is not the author of confusion and that means we are clear in our intentions, visions, discernments, and faith. James 1:8 and 4:8 says: “Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do... Come near to God and He will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.” (NIV, 2010) Make up your mind and be consistent in what you say!

You talk about people Hey Angel Face...how’s your record on gossip? Ever notice it’s the most seemingly spiritual people, who are always “praying” or “thinking” of others who also seem to be the ones with the most stories to tell? How often are we in a situation where we start talking about people under the guise of “praying” for them? “Girl, you hear about Sister So-And-So?” Then we proceed to spend the next two hours having a personal Christian roast about that individual and their situation.

out a thought or care. It becomes that much more relevant and important, therefore, that we guard people’s dignity through our words and actions. Proverbs 16:18 tells us, “A troublemaker plants seeds of strife; gossip separates the best of friends.” (NLT) The damage done by spreading stories and information can far impact lives beyond just a little storytelling! Lives are ruined when the wrong information lands in the wrong hands. Proverbs 20:19 gives stern warning: “A gossip goes around telling secrets, so don’t hang around with chatterers.” (NLT) If we can’t keep our mouths shut, we aren’t desirable as friends, ministers, or in the Lord’s service. Being a person who can keep confidence gives us credibility and also stability, providing a stable base for others to welcome our trust. Talking about others does not accomplish anything. Even though it may make us feel better about ourselves in the short-term immediate, our situations are still our situations no matter what someone else may be going through. At the end of the day, we still have to handle our circumstances and confront our situations. Talking about other people doesn’t change what we are going through. It’s better to let other people deal with their circumstances as we deal with our own rather than telling everyone about someone else.

This is not prayer...it is gossip! We do not need to know the specific details about everyone to pray for them. If we have details, they do not need to be disclosed among prayer chains or to other people. We can all pray without knowing every single detail about everyone else’s life. It is essential we guard the dignity of our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ with the gift of confidentiality and respectability in any given situation. People deserve their privacy and the right to relate a situation without having its contents spread all over the church or the city!

What about the issue of judgment against others through speech? We can easily use our words to judge, condemn, or offend other people. It is essential we guard ourselves against such negative speech because we open ourselves up to divine judgment. Matthew 7:1-2 reminds us: “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” (NIV)

The Bible gives us a lot of words about gossip. All modern advancements have done are create new avenues for gossip to circulate on a larger and fartherreaching scale. Social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace now give the entire world access to people’s personal business and information with-

God does not ask that His people are mute or take permanent vows of silence. What He does ask of us is that we learn essential discernment skills as to when and where are the appropriate times to speak and when are the appropriate times to be silent. God also asks us to guard what comes forth from our

How we should speak

mouths to ensure we are a constant witness unto Him. Even though many try to establish rules and emphasize positive speech in every situation, God doesn’t ask that of us. What He does expect of us is found in Psalm 15:1-5: “LORD, who may dwell in your sanctuary? Who may live on your holy hill? He whose walk is blameless and who does what is righteous, who speaks the truth from his heart and has no slander on his tongue, who does his neighbor no wrong and casts no slur on his fellowman, who despises a vile man but honors those who fear the LORD, who keeps his oath even when it hurts, who lends his money without usury and does not accept a bribe against the innocent. He who does these things will never be shaken.” (NIV) God’s people use their speech to proclaim truth, keep their word, keep His word, and to cast no slur on anyone else. The mouths of the righteous are used in all things - both silence and speech - to bring glory unto God in every situation. What are you using your mouth for? Are you using it to bring glory to God? Are you using it to get attention and generate selfish purposes? Are you using it for greed or personal gain? Are you working your voice to bring dissension and stir up controversy in the church? Let us guard our words with all diligence and make that much more of an effort to be conscious of what we speak - and how often we speak it! Apostle Dr. Lee Ann B. Marino, Ph.D., D.D. is Apostle in Office for Apostolic Fellowship International Ministries. To contact Lee Ann regarding speaking engagements or conference hosting, please contact us at 1 (919) 397-9122 weekdays 9 AM-5 PM (EST) or anytime via drleeannbmarino@powerfortoday.org.

Interview With Dr. Ezekiel Edumoh, Part 4 (Continued from Page 12)

needed for the students to become proficient in their chosen fields of ministries. The second element in this model is APPLICATION which involves practicum (mentorship), field projects and supervision. Knowledge without practical experience can prove to be useless in many ministry situations. It is our philosophy that only mentored application of knowledge can true ministry skills be developed.

Encouragement For The Journey

Thoughts to help you through!

• Joy can be real only if people look upon their life as a service, and have a definite object in life outside themselves and their personal happiness. - Leo Tolstoy • No pleasure is comparable to the standing upon the vantage-ground of truth. - Francis Bacon • Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness. - George Santayana • Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself. - Ralph Waldo Emerson • All men have a sweetness in their life. That is what helps

them go on. It is towards that they turn when they feel too worn out. - Albert Camus • Life without love is like a tree without blossoms or fruit. - Kahlil Gibran

The third element is REFLECTION. Through journaling his experiences in both the academic studies and ministerial application, the student gains new insights and integrates into his theology. The goal is to see the student develop the concepts learned in his studies from being abstract to practical in application. The student then comes to full circle. His desire is to once again seek greater knowledge to in-crease his effectiveness as a minister of Christ. Therefore, theological education in GBIS is more than just reading a book or sitting in a classroom. When all the three elements of this educational model are properly maintained, the product is a highly educated and proficient practitioner of ministry.

• To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In re- Stay tuned for Part 5 of this inturn, you will receive untold terview in next month’s edition! peace and happiness. - RobApostle Dr. Rebecca ert Muller • I can think of nothing less pleasurable than a life devoted to pleasure. - John D. Rockerfeller • The truth which has made us free will in the end make us glad also. - Felix Adler

Michael is Apostle for Phoenix Alive Christian Ministries, Inc. in Maple Ridge, BC. She has over two decades in education, mental health, and many years experience in ministry. She is also an independent songwriter/ producer, publishing blues, rock, and Gospel. To contact Apostle Dr. Rebecca, visit her website at http://PhoenixHorizons.webs.com.

Radio And Internet Broadcasts POWER FOR TODAY


The Winds of Change Radio The Winds of Change Radio (Internet) (Internet) www.blogtalkradio.com/ powerfortoday Wednesdays, 11 AM (EST), 30 minutes

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Light For The Path You’re On

A little girl, dresses in her “Sunday best” was late and running to her Sunday school class. As she ran, she prayed, “Dear God, please don’t let me be late. Dear God, please don’t let me be late.” Then she fell.


She got up, dusted her self off and saw that her dress was now dirty and had a little tear. She started running again, still praying, “Dear God, please don’t let me be late.” But this time she added, “But please don’t push me, either!”

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A gossip goes around telling secrets, so don’t hang around with chatterers. - Proverbs 20:19

Published By: Righteous Pen Publications Post Office Box 935 Cary, North Carolina 27512 righteous-pen-publications.webs.com

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