Rider University Chorale Program

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Draw the Circle Wide Rider University Chorale Tom T. Shelton, Jr., conductor Jayeon Chung, piano Christian Johnson, graduate assistant Duomi Liu, graduate assistant Robert McCormick ‘01, organ Ruotao Mao, violin Elena Chernova-Davis, violin Ruth Ochs, cello Featuring Princeton Girlchoir “Semi-Tones” Tom T. Shelton, Jr., conductor François Suhr, piano

Saturday, November 18 at 7:30 p.m. Gill Memorial Chapel Rider University 2083 Lawrenceville Road Lawrenceville, NJ


I Rider University Chorale

Missa brevis Sancti Joannis de Deo I. Kyrie II. Gloria III. IV.

Credo Sanctus




Agnus Dei

Joseph Haydn (1732-1809)

Duomi Liu, conductor Duomi Liu, conductor Mackenzie Bella, soprano

II Princeton Girlchoir Semi-Tones Da Pacem, Domine

Melchior Franck (1573-1639) Lord, give us peace in these our days.

Be a Blessing Birdsong

Tom T. Shelton, Jr. (b.1966)

Paul Read (b.1948) Erin Irungu, Clemmie Oppong, Ella Sharpe, Arsheen Siddiqui; small ensemble

Beyond Borders Tom T. Shelton, Jr. Aahana Ashar, Naomika Seshasayee, Shloka Maheria, Aaliya Kalsekar, Aadya Nair, speakers Clemmie Oppong, Erin Irungu, Julia Walker, Prisha Talukdar, Lydia Crispino, soloists

III Rider University Chorale To the Road

Tom T. Shelton, Jr. Poetry by Paul Laurence Dunbar (1872-1906)

Down in the River to Pray

arr. Jace Wittig Dr. Sarah Perry, mezzo-soprano Kamanay Belcher, soprano

City Called Heaven

arr. Josephine Poelinitz Liz Karns, soprano Olivia Santa Croce, mezzo-soprano

No Time

arr. Susan Brumfield

Christian Johnson, conductor Shady Grove

arr. Tom T. Shelton, Jr. Ruotao Mao, violin Jamiee Green, baritone Phillip Schneller, tenor Melody Ross, soprano Melissa Olsen, soprano Melania Chiarelli, mezzo-soprano Kamanay Belcher, soprano Kaseem Ross, tenor

IV Combined Choirs I Believe

Mark A. Miller Rachel Fitzgerald, treble Amy Kuma, treble

Draw the Circle Wide

Mark A. Miller Carmine Flumano, percussion

Program Notes I Missa brevis Sancti Joannis de Deo

Joseph Haydn (1732-1809)

Joseph Haydn (March 31, 1732 – May 31, 1809) was an Austrian composer of the Classical period. The Missa brevis Sancti Joannis de Deo was composed for SATB choir, soprano soloist, two violins, organ, and bass continuo. The work was composed between 1775 – 1777 for the Order of the Brothers of Mercy, a group that ran hospitals in Vienna and Eisenstadt. The Missa Brevis is named for Saint John of God (1495-1550), the founder and patron saint of “The Brothers Hospitallers”. This religious order was devoted to providing medical services to the poor. Haydn’s patrons, the Esterhazy family, were generous supporters of this order and the Missa Brevis was composed for the Brothers Church in Eisenstadt. This “Church” was a tiny chapel with a small organ and a loft that could only hold a few instrumentalists. The work became known as “Kleine Orgelmesse” (The Little Organ Mass) due to the extended organ solo in the Benedictus movement. English Translation Kyrie Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Gloria

Glory be to God on high, and on earth peace, good will towards men. We praise thee, we bless thee, we worship thee, we glorify thee, we give thanks to thee for thy great glory, O Lord God, heavenly King, God the Father Almighty. O Lord, the only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ; O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us. Thou that takest away the sins of the world, receive our prayer. Thou that sittest at the right hand of God the Father, have mercy upon us. For thou only art holy; thou only art the Lord; thou only, O Christ, with the Holy Ghost, art most high in the glory of God the Father. Amen. Credo I believe in one God, the Father almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord, Jesus Christ, Only begotten Son of God, Begotten of his Father before all worlds. God of God, light of light, Very God of very God. Begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father: by whom all things were made. Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven. And was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary: And was made man. And was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate: suffered, and was buried. And the third day He rose again according to the scriptures. And ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of the Father And He shall come again with glory to judge the living and the dead: His kingdom shall have no end. And (I believe in) the Holy Ghost, Lord and giver of life: Who proceedeth from the Father and Son. Who with the Father and Son

together is worshipped and glorified: Who spake by the Prophets. And in one holy catholic and apostolic church. I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins. And I look for the resurrection of the dead And the life of the world to come. Amen. Sanctus Holy, holy, holy Lord God of Hosts. Heaven and earth are full of thy glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest. Benedictus Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest. Agnus Dei Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, grant us peace.

II Da Pacem Domine is a beautiful canon written by Melchior Franck (1573 - 1639), a German composer of the late Renaissance and early Baroque periods. Simplistic in nature, the second part of the canon enters a fourth lower than the original melody, achieving an interesting and contrapuntal effect. Translation: “Grant us peace, O Lord, in this our day.” Be a Blessing was composed in memory of Jesse Williams (1981 – 2021). Jesse was a wonderful person, father, and percussionist. Every night when he tucked his children into bed, Jesse would tell them – “When you wake up, remember to be a light and blessing to others.” This mantra inspired the text for this canon: Be a blessing to everyone you meet

Shining bright for all the world to see Making a difference depends on you and me Jesse was a bright light in this world – His impact will never be forgotten. Birdsong, composed by Paul Read, is a celebration of life. The text comes from a collection of poems written by children, who, while incarcerated in the Terezin Concentration Camp in Czechoslovakia during the Second World War, wrote of their experiences and their dreams. In Birdsong the young author writes of the beauty of the world rather than of the horrors and destruction of the then present circumstances. The text’s positive and uplifting message is all the more striking when placed against the backdrop of war and the loss of personal freedom. (Paul Read) Beyond Borders was written for the Amani Invitational Children’s Choir Festival sponsored by the Carolina Children’s Chorus (Winston-Salem, NC). The purpose of the festival was to raise awareness of abandoned orphans in Kenya due to HIV/AIDS and poverty, as supported by the Amani Children’s Foundation. An “Amani Night” was held prior to the Choir Festival. At this event, singers gathered to learn about the organization and sing together. The singers had an opportunity to write their thoughts, phrases, and poetry about the Amani organization. The composer took their ideas and created the festival anthem Beyond Borders. For more information about the Amani Children’s Foundation, go to www.amanichildren.org.

III To The Road is set to a poem by Paul Laurence Dunbar (1872-1906). Dunbar is one of the first influential black poets in American Literature. His literary body is regarded as an impressive representation of Black life in the turn-of-the-century United States. (For more information on Paul Laurence Dunbar: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poets/paul-laurence-dunbar.) To the Road by Paul Laurence Dunbar Cool is the wind, for the summer is waning, Who's for the road? Sun-flecked and soft, where the dead leaves are raining, Who's for the road? Knapsack and alpenstock press hand and shoulder, Prick of the brier and roll of the boulder;

This be your lot till the season grow older; Who's for the road? Up and away in the hush of the morning, Who's for the road? Vagabond he, all conventions a-scorning, Who's for the road? Music of warblers so merrily singing, Draughts from the rill from the roadside up-springing, Nectar of grapes from the vines lowly swinging, These on the road. Now every house is a hut or a hovel, Come to the road: Mankind and moles in the dark love to grovel, But to the road. Throw off the loads that are bending you double; Love is for life, only labor is trouble; Truce to the town, whose best gift is a bubble: Come to the road! The popular song, Down in the River to Pray, arranged by Jace Wittig, has been referred to as a hymn, a spiritual and an Appalachian song. It is attributed to George H. Allan in the Slave Songbook of 1867. Many people became aware of this song due to the popularity of the Alison Krauss arrangement in the 2000 movie, O Brother, Where Art Thou?. The song is known by alternate titles, including: “Down in the Valley to Pray”, “Come Let Us All Go Down”, and “The Good Old Way”. The phrase “going down to the river to pray” relates to Baptism, as does the reference to studying, which refers to studying the Bible. The “Starry Crown” and the “Robe and Crown” refer to the heavenly reward after death. Gospel music is a very important style within the historical context of American Music. In the African-American tradition it is even more important because of its religious significance in the church. City Called Heaven, arranged by Josephine Poelinitz, is a “sorrow song” that is usually performed in the style of “surge-singing”. This arrangement represents a slow gospel interpretation of the original. (Henry Leck) Susan Brumfield’s No Time is a deeply meaningful setting of two traditional camp meeting songs: “Rise, Oh Fathers” and “No Time.” The lush harmonies portray “angels singing” as we prepare for our “journey home.” No time to tarry here, no time to wait for you. No time to tarry here, for I’m on my journey home. I really do believe that, just before the end of time, We will hear the angels singing in that morning.

Shady Grove is an Appalachian folk song that is well known in the bluegrass genre. It is a courting song that stems from the seventeenth century Matty Groves, a ballad from the British Isles that is often attributed to both English and Scottish origins.

IV I Believe, by Mark A. Miller, is based on the anonymous words found written on the wall of a cave near Cologne, Germany, where Jews were hiding during World War II. These words symbolize hope and express a deep faith in God’s love and steadfast presence during times of struggle and despair. Composer Mark A. Miller says: “I composed this as a testament to the power of love over institutionalized hate, whether it comes from government or religion. Several years ago I came upon this poem (I had sung the text years before to an anthem by Jane Marshall) at a difficult time in my life when I was searching for words to embody the pain I was feeling and the hope I was needing. There are rare moments when composing is more like an uncovering of something that was already there- this piece emerged within a few minutes and became a solace and an antidote for my world weariness. My hope is for this sacred gift of lyrics and song to be ‘medicine for the soul’ for all who hear it.” Our concert theme is based on the anthem Draw the Circle Wide, music by Mark A. Miller and words by Gordon Light. This uplifting anthem’s message shares: Draw the circle wide. Draw it wider still. Let this be our song: no one stands alone. Standing side by side, draw the circle wide. In your sadness and in your grief, From all the pain it seems there’s no relief. We will hold you ‘til the storm subsides. Draw the Circle, draw the circle wide. Every person is important! Our hope is that you feel accepted and welcomed in our “Circle”.

About the Artists RIDER UNIVERSITY CHORALE The Rider University Chorale provides the fundamentals of artistic choral singing. The ensemble performs diverse repertoire from across time and place. Concerts feature choral masterworks, compositions by contemporary composers, as well as spirituals, folk song settings from around the world, and music of the stage and screen. Current students, faculty and staff, alumni, and members of the surrounding community are invited to participate. The ensemble is one of six curricular ensembles at Westminster Choir College. Come Join the University Chorale! Spring Semester 2024 January 30 – April 24 Tuesday Evenings, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. in Gill Chapel Musical Theme for the Spring Semester: Part One: Contemporary Composers Part Two: Music of the Stage and Screen

Placement in the University Chorale is guaranteed! For more information, contact Professor Tom Shelton: tshelton@rider.edu PRINCETON GIRLCHOIR, WESTRICK MUSIC ACADEMY Westrick Music Academy, based in Princeton Junction, NJ provides opportunities to grow in a supportive, inclusive, and joyous environment through the experience of musical excellence to over 300 students in the Central Jersey and Eastern PA area. Formerly known as Princeton Girlchoir, Westrick Music Academy (WMA) is the umbrella organization that houses: •

Princeton Girlchoir

Princeton Boychoir

Music Education Programs

Semi-Tones, the advanced intermediate ensemble, is one of nine choirs in the Princeton Girlchoir organization of girls in grades 6 through 9. Founded in 1989 as Princeton Girlchoir, Westrick Music Academy is now the home of both PGC, the area's premier training and performance choir for girls, and its new brother program, Princeton Boychoir with well over 300 choristers participating each year. The WMA choirs present music from a wide array of genres, conductors and composers. While honing their musicianship, choristers begin life-long friendships, enjoy professional performance opportunities, and travel the world. TOM T. SHELTON, JR., CONDUCTOR Tom T. Shelton, Jr. is associate professor of Sacred Music at Westminster Choir College of Rider University, in Lawrenceville, NJ. Professor Shelton teaches classes in conducting, sacred music, music education, and conducts the Rider University Chorale. In addition, he is the Director of Children’s and Youth Choirs at Princeton United Methodist Church and conducts the Semi-Tones Ensemble with the Princeton Girlchoir Organization. Professor Shelton has a passion for music education in all areas: church, school and community. He taught middle school choral music in Winston-Salem/Forsyth County (NC) for 18 years. During that time, he was selected Teacher of the Year for both Atkins Middle School (1993) and Kernersville Middle School (1999 and 2005). In 1999 the North Carolina Music Educators Association presented him with the North Carolina Middle School Music Teacher of the Year award. Professor Shelton is an active member of the American Choral Directors Association, having served as National President (2017-2019). Other ACDA leadership positions have included Southern Region president (2011-2012), National R&S chair for Middle School/Junior High Choirs (2007-2009) and North Carolina president (2005-2007). He serves as the ACDA Student Chapter Advisor for Westminster Choir College. Professor Shelton has conducted choral festivals and presented workshops throughout the United States as well as Hong Kong. He has conducted Choral Festivals in Carnegie Hall, Honor Choirs for the Central Region ACDA, Southern Region ACDA, as well as in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, and Washington. Professor Shelton has served as an adjudicator for the Penabur International Choral Festival (Jakarta, Indonesia); the Rovdo International Choral Festival (Belarus); and worked on several projects with the “Soul Sounds Academy” (Sri Lanka).

Professor Shelton serves as the Music Education Editor for Hinshaw Music, as well as the Series Director for the Music for Young Voices Series with GIA Publications. Professor Shelton has compositions published by Choristers Guild, Colla Voce Music, G. Schirmer, Galaxy, GIA Publications, Growing in Grace Curriculum, Heritage Music Press, Hinshaw Music Company, Musicspoke.com, Santa Barbara Music Press, and Walton Music. His Missa Brevis for Treble Voices was premiered in Carnegie Hall in June of 2023 by National Concerts. RIDER UNIVERSITY CHORALE Tom T. Shelton, Jr., conductor Jayeon Chung, accompanist Christian Johnson, graduate assistant Duomi Liu, graduate assistant SOPRANO Inabel Abreu Kamanay Belcher Mackenzie Bella Liz Karns Julia Kovalev Lisa Marcelli Melissa Olsen Chris Psolka Melody Ross ALTO Kiersten Burd Melania Chiarelli Duomi Liu Jean Milman Alison Neu Sarah Perry Christina Hamme Peterson Kristen E. Rodgers Olivia Santa Croce Kayla Schneider-Smith Debbie Stasolla LouAnn Zerambo

TENOR Connor Eckert-Warren Christian Johnson Kaseem Ross Phillip Schneller Michael H. Woods BASS Andre Baldasserini Jamie Green Trevor Janusas Eric Beomjin Kim Connor Meletta PRINCETON GIRLCHOIR “SEMI-TONES” Tom T. Shelton, Jr., conductor François Suhr., conductor Becky Anderson Aahana Ashar Laila Boccella Lydia Crispino Jhanak Dadlani Ileene Dedhia Isabelle Dupont Hazel Fitzgerald Zoe Gregson Erin Irungu Aaliya Kalsekar Yvonne Karagiozova Aaradhya Karpur Jillian Keller Amy Kuma Sonja Lazovic Kendall LeCompte Shloka Maheria Kaianne Mark Aadya Nair

Sunaya Nayee Clemmie Oppong Janvi Parikh June Paleudis Charlotte Persche Emma Pierini-Jacobs Shreya Prakash Sameera Quddus Victoria Romagnoli Honora Sanchez Nisha Sargunar Andriana Savva Naomika Seshasayee Lara Sehgal Ella Sharpe Arsheen Siddiqui Esha Srinivasan Jannah Strauli-Ellis Aditi Subbaraman Prisha Talukdar Mel Tang Isabelle Tora Aanya Yadav Krishna Vinayak Julia Walker Sarah Yan ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Dean, College of Arts and Sciences Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences Director of Choral Studies Director of Performance Management Associate Director of Performance Management Coordinator of Performance Management

Kelly Bidle Jason Vodicka James Jordan Kristen Rodgers Leandra Acosta Samuel Stephenson

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