The Beckoning 2012 12 Dec Issue

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God so loved that He gave...

Jesus !

Rick & Kim Beck Ministering in Honduras Kim’s Honduras Cell: 011-504-9-854-8912 Rick’s Honduras cell: 011 504 9 958 6709 PK 9160 444 Brickell Ave. Ste 51, Miami, FL 33131 USA to Honduras (901) 405-9424

Hoping That Through Jesus You Find All You Need "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights..." James 1:17 a The two icons that best point to Christmas are "gifts" and "lights". As commercialized as these two icons may have become... we read of their origins in the book of our faith, the Bible. Our Lord faithfully demonstrates His grace (giving us what we don't necessarily deserve), and often blesses us with our hearts' desires. A personal example of our Heavenly Father meeting a desire -that may not have been a need- is our family. Just look at our family portrait! Kim and I have not been able to have our own family. It has been a desire, an ache, for years... then God in His perfect timing brought sons, daughters, and now grand-children into our lives. Consider the "good and perfect" gifts that God has given you, and may it encourage your heart And, above all, as we consider the gift of Jesus, may we have (as the angels proclaimed) tidings of great joy. Merry Christmas, Rick & Kim Beck

Ela, Lily (Tony's wife), Jimmy, Tony (has Ela and Camila) Kim and Rick Nuri (her's, Isac, was sick), Camila, Tatiana and her mami, Michell (not pictured: Kevin -who lives on his own and had to work)

The Need... We financially fell behind during the summer months. On-going ministry has continued, and new ministry plans (to be revealed later) are by faith on the drawing board... all this amidst fewer donors and generally speaking... smaller gifts. Despite more time spent fund-raising, the gravity of our need remains. The "No Need"... There is "no need" to tell you the importance of December's year-end giving. Your prayerful and generous gift this month may be just the "good and perfect gift" the Lord uses to end 2012 in a good financial way. May God bless you, as you bless others, and may we continue as your "sent ones" for His glory.

Contributions are under the control and administration of YFC/USA and are tax-deductible. Please make checks payable to:

every young person one at a time Rick & Kim Beck Missionary Account # 25292 Donation Information: Check # __________ Amount _______ This is a pledge of $______per month Special gift of $__________ I will pray for the YFC in Honduras I would like to give online via credit card. EFT information on back

Honduras Special Projects Account # 25505 PO Box 4478 Englewood, CO 80155

Donation Information: Check # __________ Amount ________ Apply $________ to the Tolupan Indians Apply $________ to the Foster Care Apply $________ to the Prison Ministry Give online at

Gift By Credit Card I would like to give today. I authorize a recurring gift by credit card on the 5th of each month or the 20th of each month Please charge my gift of $______ to my Visa MC Card Number____________________________________ Code#______ Expiration Date_______/______ Daytime Phone____________________ Name as it appears on card Card Holder’s signature ________________________

Gift by Electronic Fund Transfer I authorize an automatic Electronic Fund Transfer from my bank account each month. This authorization shall remain in effect until I notify Youth for Christ to end this agreement, which I may do at any time. Enclosed is my gift by check for the first month made payable to Youth for Christ with missionary account number 25292 on memo line. Please choose the date you prefer your gift to be transferred: 5th of each month or 20th of each month Signature__________________ Date____________

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