December, `11 - The Beckoning

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December 2011 PK 9160 444 Brickell Ave. Ste 51, Miami, FL 33131 USA to Honduras: (901) 405-9424 Kim’s Honduras Cell: 011-504-9-854-8912 Rick’s Honduras cell: 011 504 9 958 6709,

Rick & Kim Beck Ministering in Honduras

The Manger Miracle… The Modern Miracle Jesus miraculously was born on this earth. That is what we are celebrating this month, but now He has returned to heaven and He again resides there. Our Lord miraculously fed the thousands, but within hours they were again hungry; He miraculously raised the dead, but they again died. Why then these miracles? The disciple John had divine insight into the answer for this question. It was not so much for the subject of the miracle, rather “… so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of God, and that by believing you may have life through his name.” (John 20:31) Did you see it? It was repeated twice… these miracles are for you!

Our Youth for Christ Mission: YFC reaches young people everywhere, working together with the local church and other likeminded partners to raise up lifelong followers of Jesus who lead by their:

As Kim and I have worked to fulfill the YFC mission, this verse, John 20:31, has been read hundreds of times (both in English and now in Spanish). We often select one of the miracles of Jesus to discuss and study with youth, and then we refer to this verse. It is a beautiful verse to show the relevance today for a story over 2,000 years old. It happened way back then so that you may believe today and have life. There is nothing more exciting than to see a young person hear the life-changing message of Jesus Christ, believe it, receive eternal life, grow, and reproduce their faith.

Godliness in lifestyle Devotion to the Word of God and prayer Passion for sharing the love of Christ and commitment to social involvement

You know… God is working miracles in our modern times. It is a miracle from God that you have the means to meet your own needs, and then the ability to give beyond that to others, even others around the world. It is a miracle that Kim and I have been sent and have by faith been sustained for ten years now on the Honduran mission field. It is a miracle of miracles that Kim and I have learned Spanish. The modern day list of miracles continues. We may be the subjects of these modern day miracles, but they are to benefit others. These miracles happen so that we can together demonstrate and communicate to young people that all this is “…so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of God, and that by believing you may have life through his name.” Kim and I pray that you will have a special, blessed Christmas. We appreciate you, your prayers and your financial support. Obviously, we could not do this work except you support us. So, please remember us as you prayerfully consider your year-end giving. continued...

This girl from the Tolpan tribe just received a portion of the Bible, St. John. She reverently bows her head in thanks. Her tribe is less than 5% professing Christian (Joshua Project). We have put hundreds of Bibles in the hands of Tolpan youth. They are so grateful.

A Look At December Giving: 2010, Dec. giving was down 28% (-$5K) when compared to the previous 4 years. 2011, May-Nov. ran a deficit up to -$8,000. 2011, Nov. the $8K challenge to eliminate the deficit was met. We enter Dec. `11 “flush”! 2011, Dec. goal is $21,000 to see us through the low giving months of 2012.

every young person one at a time Rick & Kim Beck Missionary Account # 25292 Donation Information: Check # __________ Amount _______ This is a pledge of $______per month Special year-end gift of $__________ I will pray for the YFC in Honduras

Honduras Special Projects Account # 25505

Donation Information: Check # __________ Amount ________ Apply $________ to the Tolupan Indians Apply $________ to the Foster Care Apply $________ to the Prison Ministry

Brian (right) brought his family to Honduras. They joined us as we ministered to the Tolpan tribe. We shared our faith house-to-house.

Michell (far left) has loved going to the city-dump with us throughout her six years living with us. Now at age 20 she is living independently and receiving half the foster-care support. As one of her jobs in 2012 she will be cooking the 300 plates of food weekly for the city-dump ministry. She is starting the final three years of her high school where she chooses a major study; she will be majoring in tourism and hotel management.

The Becks Wish You A Very

Prayer time with missionary friends is paramount. Kim joins friends during a Women Of Purpose retreat.

Early this month we celebrated Jimmy’s graduation from 6th grade. All four of this sibling group came to us as school “drop outs,” now they are each on secondary level.

Merry Christmas! It seems not to long ago Jimmy was riding on my shoulders. Now, Tati has replaced Jimmy’s spot.

This marriage retreat was much needed for us five missionary couples. Dave Lewis (center top), Rick’s youth minister from a “few years” back, ministered in a great way.

Ashley Tatiana (“Tati”) is our youngest Honduran foster child in our home. She is full of life and she is always on the “go.”

Honduran youth love their parties. This happens to be Kim’s birthday. But, every month seems to be someone’s birthday and good reason for another “fiesta.”

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