The Landscape Contractor magazine MAR.21 DIGITAL EDITION

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March 2021


Excellence In Landscape Awards Project


FOCUS: Excellence In Landscape Awards 2021 iLandscape365 10 Delivers the goods Connecting Customers to Naturalistic Landscapes 18 A sustainable landscapes report from Impact

2021 Excellence in Landscape Award Winners 28 All the winners in Gold, Silver and Merit categories


Llevando lo verde a los vecindarios Diseases and Pests for Spring


Will COVID Continue to Spur Plant Sales? Noted expert Charlie Hall predicts...


Diseases and Pests for Spring Nimblewill and Volutella on Boxwood


New Members 48 A great crop of new members to meet Member Profile 52 Lamb Little & Co.


Hidden Landscape Gems Hosta Hollow: The Eunice Fisher Collection


On the cover... Bertrand Landscape. won a Gold Award in 2020 for this project titled The Best Backyard. The Landscape Contractor March 2021



62 3


DEPARTMENTS ILCA Calendar From Where I Stand President’s Message Classified Ads Advertisers Index Photo Credits

ILCA Awards Committee iLandscape365 Refugia Lamb Little & Co. Hosta Hollow

Calendar 4 5 7 54 61

MARCH March 5, 2021 Young Professionals Annual Event Unmasked: How 2020 Changed an Entire Generation of Young Landscape Professionals For more information and to register, visit:

1, 8-9 10-16 18-24 54 62

March 11, 2021 Women’s Networking Group Spring Kickoff Event Presentation, Happy Half Hour and Trivia For more information and to register, visit:

The official publication of the Illinois Landscape Contractors Association (ILCA), The Landscape Contractor is dedicated to educating, advising and informing members of this industry and furthering the goals of the Association. The Landscape Contractor carries news and features relating to landscape contracting, maintenance, design and allied interests. Publisher is not responsible for unsolicited material and reserves the right to edit any article or advertisement submitted for publication. Publication reserves right to refuse advertising not in keeping with goals of Association. Volume 62, Number 3. The Landscape Contractor (ISSN # 0194-7257, USPS # 476-490) is published monthly for $75.00 per year by the Illinois Landscape Contractors Association, 2625 Butterfield Road, Ste. 104S, Oak Brook, IL 60523. Periodicals postage paid at Oak Brook, IL and additional mailing offices. Printed in USA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Landscape Contractor, 2625 Butterfield Road, Ste 104S, Oak Brook, IL 60523. DISPLAY ADVERTISING SALES: Association Publishing Partners, Inc., Ph. (630) 637-8632 Fax (630) 637-8629 email: CLASSIFIED ADS, CIRCULATION AND SUBSCRIPTION: ILCA (630) 472-2851 Fax (630) 472-3150 PUBLISHER/EDITORIAL OFFICE: Rick Reuland,, Naperville, IL 60540 Ph. (630) 637-8632 PRODUCT DISCLAIMER: The Illinois Landscape Contractors Association, its Board of Directors, the Magazine Committee, ILCA Staff, The Landscape Contractor and its staff, neither endorse any products nor attest to the validity of any statements made about products

ILCA Staff

Magazine Staff

Executive Director Scott Grams (630) 472-2851

Rick Reuland Publisher/Advertising Sales (630) 637-8632

Education Manager AnneMarie Drufke

Debbie Rauen Advertising Sales (817-501-2403) debbie.landscapecontractor@

Events Manager Terre Houte Office Manager Alycia Nagy Membership & Marketing Manager Marissa Stubler


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Meta Levin

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Feature Writer Nina Koziol

Feature Writer


Heather Prince


2625 Butterfield Road Ste. 104S Oak Brook, IL 60523 (630) 472-2851 • Fax (630) 472-3150

Patrice Peltier

Feature Writer

Feature Writer

Shade TreeS • OrnamenTalS • evergreenS • ShrubS Ryan Doty

P 630 365 9063 F 630 365 9081

45W121 Beith Road Maple Park, IL 60151




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The Landscape Contractor March 2021

From Where I Stand — What did the receptionist yell in the giraffe waiting room? — NECKS!

That’s my favorite Dad joke. I like that I am now

a Dad so my bad jokes, become Dad jokes. It’s really one of the best perks of fatherhood. Jokes like that are still greeted with eye rolls and groans from my children, but those become my fuel. Each groan only makes my Dad-joke game stronger. My daughter is only eleven, but I look forward to the day I am driving a carload of her friends to a sleepover or dance or double-date and I have a captive audience for 30 minutes of Dad jokes. It will be my finest hour. There are rare times when the center of the known universe is a landscape company. Yet, that is exactly what happened on Saturday, November 7th, four days after the strangest Election Day since Truman defeated Dewey. Four Seasons Total Landscaping, a full service commercial and residential landscape company in North Philadelphia, became the most famous landscaping company, maybe, ever. Then President Donald Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani used the business as his backdrop for a confusing, meandering press conference to discuss perceived fraud in the recent presidential election. A parade of speakers and witnesses were brought up to the podium centered in front of the now-famous white, corrugated garage door in the parking lot of the landscape company. The public, the press, and even Rudy Giuliani seemed to have no real idea why they were there. Reflexively, everyone assumed two things. One, there had been a terrible and hilarious mistake where a press conference meant for the famed Four Seasons Hotel in Philadelphia was booked at a landscape company miles away. That assumption was compounded by the fact that President Trump tweeted the press conference would be held at the Four Seasons Hotel only to later clarify it was, in fact, to be held in a landscape company parking lot in a non-descript, industrial section of town. However, this assumption proved to be untrue. From the start, the press conference was supposed to take place at Four Seasons Total Landscaping. This may be the only time in US history a POTUS tweeted about a landscape business. The second assumption was Four Seasons Total Landscaping were simply die hard Trump supporters who either contributed money or support to the campaign. They volunteered their business because they supported the idea that the election was fraudulent. They knowingly and willingly would take the heat and become heroes to half the country and villains to the other half. Again, this assumption proved to be untrue. Four Seasons Total Landscaping had no dog in the fight. They were refreshingly non-partisan and were as perplexed by the request as they were excited to host. Four Seasons Total Landscaping assumed the press conference was going to talk about the importance of jobs and small businesses. They were shocked and delighted that the President of the United States wanted to use their business, when he could have chosen any other location or business in the country. They said they would’ve lent their business to Joe Biden, Barack Obama, George Bush, or any other president. When the President of the United States knocks on

your corrugated door, you open it. In a rare twist, Four Seasons Total Landscaping were defiantly and unabashedly apolitical. The Philadelphia Inquirer probably has the best and most complete saga of how Four Seasons Total Landscaping was thrust into the world of bitter partisan politics and an election like none other. It is required reading. I will do my best to summarize what happened, but everyone needs to do themselves a favor and read the article for themselves. You end up shaking your head and smiling a lot. Once you get past the silliness of it all, an image of a mid-sized landscape business emerges. A business I have seen and interacted with hundreds of times since I took this job. It is that combination of moxie and fearlessness and naiveté and humor and quirkiness that can only be found in this wonderful industry. To summarize, a press conference was always supposed to occur shortly after the election in North Philly. It was hastily organized by Rudy Giuliani and Corey Lewandowski. Pennsylvania had become ground zero for the 2020 election. Wisconsin and Michigan had been called for Joe Biden the day before. If Pennsylvania flipped, it was over. The Trump campaign team called the Director of Sales for Four Seasons. Being a small business, he was right down the hall from the owner’s son. They kinda shrugged and called the owner - Marie Siravo. She was out buying bagels. The campaign told them they were just one of the locations being considered. They said, “Yes” expecting that to be the end of it. 3 hours later the President of the United States was tweeting the location to over 60 million followers. The press conference was on. Instantly, Four Seasons Total Landscaping went from being a desolate parking lot to the center of the political universe. In that same moment, Marie Siravo began to realize politics spares no one. Her phone blew up with endless media requests from left, right, and center outlets looking to spin the story in a certain direction. Tucker Carlson, the Washington Post, USA Today, CNN, MSNBC, and all points in between wanted to know what was happening and why it was happening there. Predictably, the public responded, as well. Their social media account became overrun with love and hate. Their name blew up on Twitter and Facebook. They were either traitors or saviors to the republic. Their voicemail was instantly filled with vitriol, applause, and even conspiracy theorists accusing them of working with their neighbor, a crematorium, to burn ballots. This is when “what’s the worst that can happen” moves from the back of your brain to the deepest, lowest part of your gut. Marie and her management team knew they had a big, big problem. Four Seasons played damage control in the best way a landscape company with no public relations experience could - they told the truth. They released a statement on their social media accounts explaining they were a neutral party who loved America and loved democracy. They took control of their story. They also did something so hilariously shrewd and disarming there were only two conclusions - they were masterminding this entire thing as an expert-level guerilla marketing stunt OR they were authentically and refreshingly honest. They started pushing their merch. They advertised t-shirts and apparel. They shrugged and told the entire world, waiting on baited breath, that if they are going to

Laugh, and the World Laughs with You.

The Landscape Contractor March 2021


From Where I Stand —



be obsessed with Four Seasons Total Landscaping - they may as well buy a t-shirt. They ended the Facebook post with “Go Birds” to show what really matters in Philly - The Eagles. It worked. The dark ends of the political spectrum realized Four Seasons were neither Gods nor Monsters. The media pounced-on or defended Rudy, who was already having a rough month. The political story was election fraud and a few hours later all the networks called the election for Biden. Yet, the story of Four Seasons Total Landscaping is refreshingly not a political story. It is a small business story of perseverance, integrity, opportunity, and, above all, good humor. The very afternoon of the press conference, Four Seasons had a choice to make. They could either let it all blow over. They could become apologists and release one of those “In these challenging times” acts of contrition. Or, they could just have some fun with it. They reached out to friends to spruce of their websites. They called a t-shirt maker and began printing merch with slogans such as “Lawn and Order” and “In Sod we Trust.” They also turned their social media accounts into a howitzer retweeting jokes and memes that were flying around the internet. They did what no polished, PR-firm driven, Fortune 500 company would ever do - they leaned into the humor of a very humorous situation. As owner Marie Siravo said, “We are running with this and enjoying it. It’s like a magic carpet ride.” Three weeks after the press conference, their social media accounts swelled to thousands of followers. They booked 35,000 apparel orders totaling $1.3 million in revenue. This February, in front of a viewing audience of 96.4 million people, they had a Super Bowl commercial with the company Fiverr. If you were off getting dip, owner Marie is tooling around her shop that has been completely transformed with the windfall of cash and technology. Her first line, “When opportunity knocks at your corrugated door...” The last line of the commercial is her son emerging from an underground laboratory to loudly exclaim, “MOM, WE FOUND A FIFTH SEASON” as the employees cheer. The reason I love this story is the added dimension it has for me. As someone who intimately understands the landscape industry, it reminded me of so many quirky companies and professionals I have interacted with. I know a lot of ILCA members who I could see not only getting into a situation like this, but finding a way to use their pluck, creativity, and humor to ride it all the way to the Super Bowl. It was also the colonic we needed at the time. A small business that found themselves smack dab in the center of the most tense, high octane political drama we’ve faced in generations. They reminded us of a valuable lesson that too many of us have forgotten - we are not our politics. We are business owners, professionals, landscapers, people, friends, and Americans before our politics. And sometimes, when everyone is so damn serious, your only move is to crack a joke. If they don’t get it, that’s their loss. I am not sure if opportunity will ever knock on your corrugated door like it did Four Seasons Total Landscaping’s. If it does, sometimes the best, most well-crafted image you can project to the world is the one that is actually true. It might be wise to have go-to Dad joke, too. Just to be on the safe side.

Scott Grams, Executive Director February 19, 2020


The Landscape Contractor March 2021

President’s Message — I have something that I take

very personally. I grew up in this business. The first time I met a coworker was the week of my birth in 1972 in my kitchen in our ragtag home, in what used to be “nowhere” Riverwoods. I grew up in a home where my dad was never home, ever. He was working. And my mom, equally as tough, spent her time helping in accounting, tending our huge garden, and shoveling snow because dad was shoveling someone else’s. Joining the business was never my dream. I probably was afraid of my real dream. It being something so daunting I didn’t think I could handle it. So, after college I decided to ask dad for a job. I didn’t know what else to do. I fell in love with the people. And let me be clear. It wasn’t glamourous. I wasn’t Harry Vignocchi’ s daughter, I went to work. I’ve been here well over 20 years. It’s had its share of trials and it has had its share of joys. It has had its share of unimaginable hardships. One of my biggest challenges is with myself. Am I doing enough? I’m certain you all have those moments when you say things to yourself like, “Am I missing billing, are my procedures right, do I have the right people in the right place? How am I going to pay my bills!?” It happens. You are not alone. I have been there. The other component that I have seen, is that people tend to put a measuring stick of your business against someone else’s. How is that fair to your company and your people? Set your own yardstick. Set your own goals. It is that, to which you should hold you and your staff accountable. That way you aren’t concerned with other companies’ goals and ambitions. We are all unique. My dad taught me that. He also taught me that in this crazy business we need to keep certain things in the forefront of our minds… gratitude. Real gratitude for the opportunity to do what we love and have a passion. So for those of you that waver in your mind that you need to be more, give yourselves a break. Keep focused on your goals and be confident that no matter how hard it may seem, you will get there.


Donna Vignocchi Zych ILT Vignocchi, Inc. (847) 487-5200


Scott McAdam, Jr. McAdam Landscaping, Inc. (708) 771-2299


Jeff Kramer Kramer Tree Specialists, Inc, (630) 293-5444

Immediate Past President

Jose Garcia Natural Creations Landscaping, Inc. (815) 724-0991


Eric Adams Russo Power Equipment (847) 233-7811 Jim Cirrincione Hinsdale Nurseries, Inc. (630) 323-1411 jcirrincione@hinsdalenurseries .com Jennifer Fick Wilson Nurseries and Landscape Supply (847) 683-3700 Tom Klitzkie Nature’s Perspective Landscaping (847) 475-7917

Sincerely, Donna Vignocchi Zych President, Illinois Landscape Contractors Association

Dean MacMorris Night Light, Inc. (630) 627-1111 Kevin Manning K & D Enterprise Landscape Management, Inc. (815) 725-0758

Ashley Marrin Bret-Mar Landscape Management Group, Inc. (708) 301-8160 Mark Utendorf Emerald Lawn Care, Inc. (847) 392-7097

The Landscape Contractor March 2021


Clarence Davids & Company • Matteson Bucktown Family Rooftop

This newly built residence

that is located in the Bucktown neighborhood of Chicago features three beautiful rooftop terraces that provide a peaceful oasis for the family. The terraces include a dining area and an outdoor kitchen as well as spaces for entertaining and relaxing. Large porcelain pavers on pedestals are incorporated throughout the terraces. Modern cedar pergolas with horizontal screening are planted with climbing roses and clematis, which provide a sense of seclusion from the lively neighborhood. Custom

designed raised aluminum planters include a beautiful assortment of perennials of varying textures, colors, and layers that are of visual interest to the homeowners and their guests throughout the year. The ground level plantings were designed to reflect the modern architecture of the home and provide screening from the adjacent commercial property. The homeowners have thoroughly enjoyed spending countless hours in their new outdoor spaces.

The Landscape Contractor March 2021


Congenial iLandscape365 hosts: Chris Walsh, Experience Committee Chair and Donna Vignocchi Zych, ILCA President.

By Meta Levin

iLandscape365 taught organizers

many lessons, some unexpected, and more than a few that may be transferrable to next year, when everyone hopes to be together in person. “Even if we are together next year, I think people will want a virtual piece,” says Kim Hartmann, education chair. Hartmann is hearing from those in her own organization, Countryside Flower Shop, Nursery and Garden Center, how much colleagues appreciate that aspect. “People are now discovering that they can go back and rewatch presentations. These are things that are hot.”


The Landscape Contractor March 2021

Those who purchased education passes not only have access to the pre-recorded educational offerings for a full year, but also recordings of what were some live presentations on the two days of the event. “Education is the vital heartbeat of iLandscape,” says ILCA president Donna Vignocchi Zych. “My staff is overjoyed that they can go back and watch (recorded) presentations.” Although, as of this writing, the committee had not yet gone through all the feedback, the staff found some notable kudos: “Our company here in the office is very much enjoying iLandscape365. Everyone at ILCA has done

Live: Keynote Speakers

New Plants: What’s Trending and Who’s in Charge Angela Treadwell Palmer; Founder, Plants Nouveau

Comfort, Ease and Simplicity Jan Bills Two Women and a Hoe

Six More Live: Fergus Garrett

Paul Zammit

Jeff Joutras

Judson Griggs

Amy Stewart

Mark Dwyer

such a great job integrating today’s technology into an insightful, informative and entertaining experience so far,” wrote Tina from Nature’s Perspective Landscaping. Even the attendance – north of 1,500 – astonished some people. “I was surprised at how many registered and attended individual events,” says Experience cochair Chris Walsh, executive vice president of Topiarius. “I was apprehensive that not many members would be willing to convert to a virtual platform.” But, convert they did. The most popular sessions had hundreds of attendees, in some cases more than would have been possible in a meeting room. The top four include, according to ILCA membership and marketing manager, Marissa Stubler: • New Plants: What’s Trending and Who’s in Charge by Angela Treadwell Palmer; Founder, Plants Nouveau • Layered Plantings for an Extended Season by Fergus Garrett, Great Dixter House and Gardens

The Landscape Contractor 11 March 2021

iLandscape365 — “It is so wonderful to see all the taped videos of the exhibitors. I am learning more about them than I have in all the years that I have attended. I miss seeing everyone in person, but I really appreciate ALL that the ILCA Experience Committee and the Education Committee have done to make this work!” Jennifer, Chalet • Master Class #1 - Growing a Company while Growing a Profit by Frank Mariani, Mariani Landscape • Everyone Communicates, Few Connect: What the Most Effective People Do Differently by Jeff Joutras, Step Forward into Growth Leadership They also not only flocked to classes, but checked out the Exhibitor

Marketplace and Vendor showcases. Walsh has heard from two vendors, who were impressed with the interactive activities during the two days of live programming and reported reconnecting with existing clients. “I personally reconnected with new suppliers,” says Walsh. The Marketplace also will be available and updated for a full year. The “Lunch Bunch,” during which attendees could sit at virtual lunch tables, participating in discussions on a vari-

ety of topics, turned out to be popular. “They were heavily attended,” says Walsh. “The Women in Landscaping was packed.” Organizers have received praise for the “Master Classes.” “I heard people who said they wanted them to go on longer,” says Hartmann. “They were particularly engaging.” Despite the success of the program, many people missed the in-person aspect of a normal iLandscape. “The only minus was that I missed things like shaking hands, hugs and human contact,” says Vignocchi Zych. “It’s great to get together with my friends and have conversations about procedural issues and hiring.” Hartmann has heard appreciation for the opportunity to get together, albeit virtually, “learn and get excited about the upcoming season.” There was fun, too, just like when iLandscape is held in-person. Vignocchi watched as one of her colleagues

SUMMER A complete line of cool hardy annuals and fresh branches for your inspired spring designs.

A diverse selection of summer annuals, foliage, blooming tropicals and colorful hanging baskets.


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Hand Crafted in Southern Illinois by Our Local Artisans at Classic Garden Ornaments, Ltd.®

Fine planters, figures and garden ornaments for legendary gardens.

Longwood 30 Tub, LS 9588

19.5” high, 34” diameter, 24” diameter base at the Tulsa Botanic Garden

iLandscape365 — advanced to third place during the trivia contest. There were raffles and, of course, the garden gnomes popped up here and there. Walsh and Vignocchi Zych provided guidance and levity. Most of all, Vignocchi Zych, Walsh, Hartmann and others tipped their virtual hats to the ILCA staff and all the committees for putting together a virtual iLandscape365 in a short three months, after it became obvious that an in-person event would be impossible. “In a very short period of time, they were able to pull together a comprehensive, concise show,” says Vignocchi Zych. There was no awards banquet (unless attendees provided their own), but that doesn’t mean there weren’t awards. The Landscape Contractor magazine Editor-in-Chief, Rick Reuland, garnered ILCA Person of the Year honors. Red’s Garden Center, Northbrook, IL was named Distinguished Supplier and Scott Byron & Company, Inc. was given the Judge’s Award Winner honors.

Poplar Grove, IL 21283 IL Route 76 Poplar Grove, IL 61065 Clinton, WI 11228 East County Road X Clinton, WI 53525

Lorem Salem, WI 7530 288th Avenue Salem, WI 53168




The Landscape Contractor March 2021

Perhaps the most aptly named Master Class featured Tony Lobello, Bob Hursthouse amd John Algozinni: Questions from a Jar, In a Bar, No Matter How Bizarre.

A complete display of all the 2021 Excellence In Landscape award winners begins on page 28.

Members of the Membership Committee provided compelling reasons to join ILCA

“First off, wanted to congratulate and express thanks to the iLandscape Team for pulling off a wonderful and challenging virtual event. I’ve experienced no connectivity issues). You’ve maintained all of the joy and energy we’ve come to expect from iLandscape despite the virtual setting.” Will, Christy Webber Landscapes

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“We all enjoyed the virtual show! Great job!” Alan, Clarence Davids & Company


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TREE SERVICE Tank size options

NURSE TRAILERS 1005, 1065, or 1300 gal



30, 55, 85, 100, 200, or 300 gal


50, 68, or 110 gal

The Landscape Contractor 15 March 2021

Just a few selfies of participants


The Landscape Contractor March 2021



Aronia melanocarpa


This dwarf aronia naturally grows as a thick, dense mat, filling in difficult spaces and eliminating the need for weeding and mulching. Glossy foliage, white spring flowers, dark purple summer berries, and brilliant, orange-red fall foliage makes this native plant as showy as it is adaptable.

Alsip Home & Nursery St. John, IN • 219-365-0882 Effinger’s Garden Center Belleville, IL • 618-234-4600 Foundation Nursery Momence, IL • 815-954-6455 Midwest Groundcovers St. Charles, IL • 847-742-1790 Sherwood North Nursery Grayslake, IL • 847-343-6254 Siteone Landscape Supply

• Native • Versatile habit • Full season color 5'

GROUND HUG™ Aronia melanocarpa ‘UCONNAM012’, PPAF; CBRAF Full to part sun Height 8-14", Width 3'

Stoneleaf Nursery Eureka, IL • 309-261-7008 Woldhuis Farms Grant Park, IL • 815-465-6310

The Landscape Contractor March 2021


Special Report — Sustainable Design

Connecting Customers to by Heather Prince

As naturalistic gardening and native

plant palettes have swept through horticulture, creating new demands by clients, how do landscapers adapt? With changing expectations requiring new mindsets, skills, and management strategies, we talked to Jeff Lorenz, founder, and Esther Scanlon, head of landscape stewardship at Refugia Design/ Build who presented at the recent Impact Conference. Refugia is a design/build/stewardship firm in Narberth, Pennsylvania, a suburb of Philadelphia. For the past six years,


the team has been crafting natives-only landscapes for a largely private homeowner client base. “When Refugia started, it felt like we were going against the status quo of more traditional landscaping. But we knew that the landscapes we were installing were not just beautiful, they were incredibly functional,” commented Scanlon. “Fast forward a few years and people are becoming more aware of the possibilities that a landscape can achieve and provide. People are now coming to us with their own excitement and energy. They have a

The Landscape Contractor March 2021

Naturalistic Landscaping

really grand idea of what their landscape could be and we’re bringing our time-tested and studied methods and plants that we know work. It’s just inherently exciting. The expectations are changing.” As naturalistic landscapes continue to trend upwards, more and more homeowners are exposed to this design aesthetic. Increasingly available research on pollinators and their importance also has clients clamoring for designs that welcome some wildlife. This doesn’t mean every yard becomes a prairie or a meadow. “We offer stylized meadows,” reported Lorenz. “Alongside more structural landscapes as well. We want to show people the possibilities. Native plants can be something really palatable for various aesthetics. It offers both an artistic and ecological challenge.”

Who Doesn’t Love a Butterfly?

As they have built their business, Refugia has excelled at creating customer advocates for this type of landscape. One of their signature methods is to leave a copy of Doug Tallamy’s Nature’s Best Hope with each client during the site visit. It presents easily digestible science-based discussions of why welcoming native plants into your landscape provides resilience for local populations of wildlife, particularly pollinators. Who doesn’t love a butterfly? Tallamy’s research offers a data-focused approach that gives landscapers and homeowners a common language. “I just returned from a site visit with a new client,” said Lorenz. “The husband is a field (continued on page 20)

The Landscape Contractor March 2021


Special Report — Sustainable Design (continued from page 19) biologist and until we got a copy of Tallamy’s book in his hands, he just didn’t make the connection that he could have a landscape that provided for pollinators. He admitted it. ‘I just didn’t realize we could use swamp milkweed in the rain garden.’ It’s going to be an exciting project.”

Building Trust and Relationships

Communication remains the cornerstone when helping clients over the hurdle of putting plants to work in their landscape instead of just being pretty. “As a small company, we tend to be in really close communication with each other,” observed Scanlon. “We check in every day with the whole team to discuss any challenges and look ahead. At the core of our company, we’re really committed to communicating effectively and transparently and we collaborate constantly. When we foster this kind of communication among ourselves, it naturally extends to our client base. When we’re intending to be really open, that kind of thoughtfulness that we cultivate, ripples outward. It really is about building trust and it doesn’t happen right away. Relationships are the most difficult thing and arguably the most important thing that we’re doing, building trust and relationships.” Lorenz agreed. “When we first started the company, we had this saying that has now become ingrained: ‘We’re not a client-focused company, we’re a relationshipfocused company.’. And it’s not only with our clients, it’s with the land that we’re working with. We’re connected to it because we’re trying to actively work with the environment and the land instead of


The Landscape Contractor March 2021

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Spring is right around the corner! IS YOUR GARDEN CENTER READY?

Visit our website to view tried and true supplies—as well as our new products for 2021! imposing our will upon it.” Included in the package of communications and client relationships is building a brand. Refugia is active on social media, has a collection of brightly painted vintage French vehicles, and an effective sign program. Instead of a traditional step-stake sign for clients, they’ve created an eye-catching graphic that informs and connects while driving attention to their website. Because most of their clients are in their own neighborhood, many projects are within walking distance of each other. It’s that connectivity that drives their Ecological Greenway Network, an initiative to map and measure the impact of Refugia’s ‘stepping stone’ gardens of native habitats throughout Pennsylvania and New Jersey. “Each property we design, joins the network, and our Greenway signs work hard to educate passersby as to why this garden is special – offering shelter, biodiversity, conservation and so on. “ commented Lorenz “The homeowner can then view the network via an interactive ArcGIS web map on our website and begin to see their garden as part of the bigger picture. We want people to know what kind of landscape they’re looking at and that has been really successful in promoting neighborhood conservation.” Education is a constant need to provide clients with the whys and wherefores of naturalistic landscapes. “The education component is huge and it doesn’t need to be heavy handed. We’ve got this trend now of informed consumers. Almost all our site inquiries in the last year involved people who are interested in learning more about native, ecological landscape.” (continued on page 22)

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21 The Landscape Contractor March 2021

Special Report — Sustainable Design (continued from page 21) One way to get folks excited about native plants is to offer them as alternatives for traditional landscape plants. “People don’t know what they don’t know,” said Lorenz. “I’ll give an example of an alternative. Agastache is a great substitute for someone who is attracted to perennial salvia. They’re long-blooming and aromatic. They can handle various soil types and deer don’t seem to mess with them. They are also a fantastic nectar source for bumblebees and honeybees. Similarly, blueberries are an amazing plant for us. It’s surprising how many people don’t realize blueberries grow on a bush or a shrub. People see it in the fall and wonder what is that beautiful plant with the salmoncolored stems? It’s a visually attractive landscape plant, but also a pivotal native shrub in the mid-Atlantic here.” Lorenz continued. “Well-chosen natives are like gateway plants. To get people hooked,


you have to show visual alternatives first and not be too heavy-handed about being native or ecological.” Since Refugia only uses natives, clients attracted to their design aesthetic often don’t realize the deliberate plant palette. “We are finding more and more homeowners drawn to our design choices without knowing much about a plant’s function or resilience. That’s where the trend of naturalistic landscapes is great. Try to have fun with it and create a dialogue with your potential clients that gets them excited to have a landscape that offers interest year round, while strengthening, rather than depleting, our ecosystems. That’s part of the challenge.”

Managing Expectations

Hand in hand with education comes managing expectations of clients. A naturalistic landscape evolves and changes over time as plant communities shift and adapt to the site. “We instigate

The Landscape Contractor March 2021

discovery,” enthused Scanlon. “We share the natural processes happening in a client’s landscape. We might mention that in a year the meadow will look different because of the way succession works and the way the plants disperse themselves. Get them excited about leaf litter! We encourage them to leave the leaves because this is providing really beneficial nutrients to your soil over time and habitat for the fragile delicate beings that you’re inviting into your garden in the first place. So, don’t think it’s over at the end of summer, there’s still so much happening.” Clients are often walked through the design and installation while the concept of stewardship is explained. The team is finding with more folks at home this past year, interest in welcoming wildlife has surged dramatically. It’s another way to connect to their properties and become invested in the evolution of their landscapes instead of (continued on page 24)

Special Report — Sustainable Design (continued from page 22) maintaining a static decorative scene. “When we started Refugia, we called it ‘maintenance’ and then we switched to ‘land management’ and that didn’t feel quite like what we were doing so we ended up on ‘stewardship’,” observed Lorenz. “We don’t think of it as maintenance at all. We’re not trying to sound high-brow. When you think of yourself as a steward of something, it’s very different than if you’re going into maintain something. It’s a different connotation to it. There’s a lot of wildlife around you when you’re working and you know you’re not alone. There’s something about it that’s powerful.”


Person Power

At Refugia, they utilize ‘person-powered’ techniques wherever possible, and electric choices for mowers and occasional blowers. Although they are licensed pesticide operators, they prefer to take the long view of managing the landscape. Herbicide is only used as a last resort and very strategically. The maintenance or stewardship side of the business is one where the overarching goal is to have the landscape manage itself over time. Instead of following a more traditional model of a suite of clients receiving regular services like shearing, mowing, and fertilizing, the goal at Refugia is to keep building more naturalistic spaces. And business is booming. “On the business end, think

The Landscape Contractor March 2021

about converting a portion of your business towards ecological landscapes,” recommended Lorenz. “I want to keep putting in as many of these more functional landscapes as possible. If we overwhelm our landscape stewardship team with having a property that never starts to help maintain itself, we’re just going to be chasing our tails. We just have no interest in a more ‘traditional’ model and it also feels irresponsible. It’s imposing your will on the land instead of developing knowledge and understanding of it. We still have multi-year contracts, but in scope, they are gradually pared down so then we can focus on the new projects that require more attention in the beginning. During the pandemic, more (continued on page 26)

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Special Report — Sustainable Design (continued from page 24) of our existing clients were returning to gardening and we’ve been happy to hand off some of our care to them. We’ll walk the site with them. That engagement feels good for everybody. And we know we’re handing them something that’s not impossible.” Scanlon found, “In the long term, this is a landscape that they’re going to live in and live with and grow with. There’s a huge difference between our sites and those landscapes that reach for an unachievable perfection that require a lot of chemical input and gaspowered machines to maintain. We’re always working towards more harmonious relationship with the landscape.” As naturalistic landscapes and demand for native plants increases, consider adding it to your suite of services. Communicating your passion for plants and the environment can build deep client relationships and make your customers raving fans.


The Landscape Contractor March 2021


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Excellence In Landscape

Chalet Residential Construction Highland Park Residence

Chalet Residential Maintenance Winnetka Residence

Chicago Specialty Gardens Residential Construction Upstairs/Downstairs 28

Chicago Specialty Gardens Residential Construction Fulton Market Panorama

Clarence Davids & Company Residential Construction Bucktown Family Rooftop

Clarence Davids & Company Commerial Construction Kinzie Station The Landscape Contractor March 2021

Gold Awards 2021

Himsben Design Studio/Chicago Roof Deck & Gardens Residential Construction Lakeview Parisian Paradise

James Martin Associates Residential Construction Berish Residence

Mariani Landscape Residential Construction Rooftop Retreat

Moore Landscape, LLC Commercial Maintenance Linden Tree Lane HOA

Moore Landscape, LLC Commercial Maintenance Twin Orchard Country Club

Nature’s Perspective Landscaping Residential Construction Evanston Tudor Revival 29 The Landscape Contractor March 2021

Gold Awards 2021

Pizzo & Associates, Ltd. Residential Maintenance Russell Residence

Premier Landscape Contractors, Inc. Residential Construction Suburban Oasis

Premier Landscape Contractors, Inc. Residential Construction Hinsdale Grand Entry 30

Rosborough Partners Residential Maintenance Birdies and Bogeys

Scott Byron & Company Residential Construction Lakefront Retreat

Scott Byron & Company Residential Construction A Garden in the City The Landscape Contractor March 2021


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Excellence In Landscape

Acres Group Special Event Kemper Lakes Business Center

Architectural Gardens Residential Construction Colorado River Garden


Brightview Landscapes, LLC Commercial Maintenance Woodfield Corporate Center

Bruss Landscaping, Inc Residential Construction Resort Feel at Home

The Landscape Contractor March 2021

Silver Awards 2021

C. B. Conlin Landscapes Residential Construction Garden in a City

Clarence Davids & Company Special Event Drive Seasonal Display

Chicago Specialty Gardens Residential Construction Cathedral of Light

Hinsdale Nurseries Residential Construction Beyond the Wall

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The Landscape Contractor March 2021


Silver Awards 2021

Mariani Landscape Residential Construction Historic Chicago Courtyard

Pizzo & Associates, Ltd. Ecological Planting Gray Residence

Nuture’s Perspective Landscaping Residential Construction Hearth & Home

Permier Landscape Contractors Residential Construction Park Ridge Terrace

Pizzo & Associates, Ltd. Ecological Planting Nicor Gas 34

The Landscape Contractor March 2021

Excellence In Landscape

Acres Group Commercial Maintenance Carillon Club

Pizzo & Associates, Ltd. Ecological Planting Clarke Headquarters

Green Grass, Inc. Residential Construction Country Living in the Suburbs

Pizzo & Associates, Ltd. Ecological Planting Bauer Dentistry and Othodontics

Hartman Landscape Residential Construction Something for Everyone 36

Pizzo & Associates, Ltd. Ecological Planting Buddig-Has Residence The Landscape Contractor March 2021

Merit Awards 2021

Pizzo & Associates, Ltd. Ecological Planting St. Elizabeth Seton Church

Awards Sponsor

The Landscape Contractor March 2021


Maleza del mes: Nimblewill Enfermedad del mes: Por Heather Prince

Maleza del mes: Nimblewill

Cuando los céspedes comienzan a enverdecer en la primavera, aparecen parches de nimblewill, Muhlenbergia schreberi, una hierba perenne común en temporada cálida con apariencia de puntos muertos. Una de las últimas hierbas de césped en enverdecer, produce ansiedad en los clientes con sus hojas nervudas color pajizo. No obstante, si las levanta y despega los tallos y las hojas marrones, enconNimblewill trará tejido verde. Nimblewill tiene tallos duros, delgados, tipo rama, que crecen de forma vertical hasta que caen, ocasionando el crecimiento horizontal de sus puntas verticales. Los estolones les permiten extenderse sobre la parte superior del suelo. Usualmente crecen en céspedes y terrenos ajardinados sombreados o húmedos.


Un factor coadyuvante en el invierno de la muerte regresiva o la muerte del boj es la plaga de la volutella (Pseudonectria buxi) en tallos y hojas. Las lesiones de invierno y las heridas de los tallos proporcionan un albergue cómodo para estos hongos. La volutella pasa el invierno en ramas y hojas del boj y en escombros de plantas y causa infestación cuando las temperaturas están entre 68°F y 77°F y la humedad relativa es superior al 85%. Las hojas afectadas presentan inicialmente un color entre verde claro y rojo, adquiriendo posteriormente un color pajizo o bronceado con la muerte eventual de todo el tallo. Las hojas muertas se curvan hacia arriba y permanecen adheridas. Las hojas jóvenes son más susceptibles a la infestación. En los tallos, los síntomas comienzan como lesiones hundidas seguidas del anillado de los tallos que produce la muerte. A medida que progresa la infestación, las plantas podrían comenzar a perder la corteza y mostrar descoloración en el sitio de la infestación. En períodos húmedos se producen masas de esporas pegajosas anaranjadas visibles con lupa en la superficie inferior de hojas y tallos. Esta característica distingue a la plaga de la volutella del más devastador tizón del boj. Este patógeno se propaga principalmente a través del riego, salpicaduras de lluvia y herramientas contaminadas con propagación a largas distancias en movimientos de plantas y esquejes infestados.


Enfermedad del mes: Volutella del boj

Un factor coadyuvante en la muerte regresiva o la muerte del boj en el invierno es la plaga de la volutella (Pseudonectria buxi) en tallos y hojas. Las lesiones de invierno y las heridas de los tallos proporcionan un albergue cómodo para estos hongos. La volutella pasa el invierno en ramas y hojas del boj y en escombros de plantas y causa infestación cuando las emperaturas están entre 68°F y 77°F y la humedad relativa essuperior al 85%. Las hojas afectadas presentan inicialmente un color entre verde claro y rojo, adquiriendo posteriormente un color pajizo o bronceado con la muerte eventual de todo el tallo. Las hojas muertas se curvan hacia arriba y permanecen adheridas. Las hojas jóvenes son más susceptibles a las infestaciones. En los tallos, los síntomas comienzan como Volutella on Boxwood lesiones hundidas seguidas del anillado de los tallos que produce la muerte. A medida que progresa la infestación, las plantas podrían comenzar a perder la corteza y muestran descoloración en el sitio de la infestación. En períodos húmedos se producen masas de esporas pegajosas anaranjadas visibles con lupa en la superficie inferior de hojas y tallos. Esta característica distingue a la plaga de la volutella del más devastador tizón del boj. Este patógeno se propaga principalmente a través del riego, salpicaduras de lluvia y herramientas contaminadas con propagación a largas distancias en movimientos de plantas y esquejes infestados.


Reducir el estrés de la planta debido a que es menos probable que la volutella ataque plantas saludables. Pode las ramas enfermas varias pulgadas debajo del tejido muerto en clima seco. Rastrille y quite las hojas caídas de los materiales de plantas infestadas para evitar la propagación de las esporas. Excave y destruya las plantas severamente infestadas. Desinfecte las herramientas de poda entre cada planta. Evite el riego por aspersión tanto de arriates recién plantados como existentes. Fungicidas tales como clorotalonil, cúpricos y mancozeb, si bien varían en eficacia, se pueden aplicar preventivamente si la enfermedad ha estado presente antes de que surjan nuevos crecimientos en la primavera y continuar cada período de entre 7 y 10 días hasta que el nuevo crecimiento se haya completado. Asegúrese de rociar bien las ramas para lograr un control efectivo.

The Landscape Contractor March 2021

: Volutella del boj

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The Landscape Contractor 39 March 2021

Maleza del mes: Pasto cuaresma Enfermedad del mes: Moho rosado de la nieve Por Heather Prince

Maleza del mes: Pasto cuaresma

Las temperaturas cálidas de la primavera nos recuerdan que es tiempo de comenzar a atacar esa maleza del césped común – el pasto cuaresma. El pasto cuaresma es una maleza gramínea anual que germina de las semillas cuando las temperaturas del suelo son más altas que de 55 a 60 F° durante períodos de 7 a 10 días consecutivos y continúa hasta Crabgrass que los suelos alcanzan una temperatura de 95F°. El pasto cuaresma tiene hojas largas y planas muy ramificadas y extendidas, con raíces que con frecuencia se desarrollan en los nodos. Las hojas son usualmente vellosas y las vainas de las hojas de los pastos cuaresma grandes tienen matices morados y están cubiertas de vellos largos y rígidos


Mantener un césped denso y saludable es la mejor forma de controlar el pasto cuaresma y otras malezas anuales debido a que el césped supera las malezas. No obstante, también puede usar herbicidas preemergentes para controlar la germinación de las semillas. Usted podrá encontrar herbicidas preemergentes combinados con un fertilizante. Esto no se recomienda porque usted no desea fertilizar el césped en exceso. Busque los ingredientes activos dithiopyr, pendimetalina, prodiamine o benefin y aplique justo antes de la germinación de la semilla Usted puede usar los días de grado de crecimiento provistos por la oficina de extensión local y el Arboreto Morton o árboles cercis en flor son una buena planta indicadora. La forsythia florece cuando quiere, pero los cercis son sensibles a las temperaturas.

Enfermedad del mes: Moho rosado de la nieve

El moho rosado de la nieve es una a enfermedad fúngica que puede afectar todas las hierbas para césped de temporada fría, pero aparece más comúnmente en hierba sedosa azulada anual, agrostis, hierba sedosa azulada de Kentucky y raigrás. Causada por el hongo, Microdochium nivale, aparece durante períodos prolongados de humedad, el clima frío del otoño a la primavera, independientemente de la capa de nieve. La enfermedad se desarrolla rápidamente cuando hay mucha humedad y


temperaturas de entre 32° y 46 F° con un máximo de cerca de 55 F°. La enfermedad aparece primero como manchas redondas, empapadas de agua, con diámetros de una a tres pulgadas, que pronto se convierten en parches circulares color amarillo, Pink snow mold marrónanaranjados o marrón rojizo. Los parches pueden aumentar de tamaño y convertirse en anillos color gris claro o bronceado claro hasta de uno o dos pies de ancho con bordes color marrón anaranjado o marrón rojizo. Bajo capas de nieve o en condiciones extremadamente húmedas, se pueden ver diferentes cantidades de crecimiento fúngico blanco en las hojas enmarañadas. Donde haya capas de nieve, la enfermedad puede marchitar áreas extensas. A medida que la nieve se derrite, el crecimiento fúngico blanco en el perímetro del parche adquiere color rosado.


Para prevenir el moho rosado de la nieve, el césped no debe entrar en letargo invernal verde y exuberante. Evite fertilizar con nitrógeno dentro del término de 6 semanas a partir de una helada o cuando se espere la primera nevada. Mantenga el césped cortado en el otoño hasta que se detenga el crecimiento. Elimine el mantillo de las hojas caídas y la acumulación de paja para promover la circulación de aire. También puede aplicar fungicidas preventivamente en áreas que tengan antecedentes de moho rosado de la nieve. Usualmente resultan eficaces de una a tres aplicaciones de fungicida durante climas fríos y húmedos, desde mediados y finales del otoño hasta comienzos de la primavera, aunque podrían ser necesarias aplicaciones más frecuentes para proteger agrostis recién establecido, especialmente durante una temporada de invierno inusualmente cálida y húmeda. Los fungicidas que contiene los ingredientes activos azoxistrobina, clorotalonil, fenarimol, fludioxonil, iprodione, mancozeb, miclobutanil, PCNB, polioxina D, propiconazole, piraclostrobina, metil-tiofanato, tiram, triadimefón, trifloxistrobina y vinclozolina están todos etiquetados para el control del moho rosado de lanieve. Para reparar áreas pequeñas de daño, rastree la hierbaenmarañada, fertilice y vuelva a sembrar y a cubrir con césped.Están disponibles variedades un tanto resistentes de agrostis,hierba sedosa azulada de Kentucky y raigrás, por lo que asegúrese de verifiar al restaurar un área.

The Landscape Contractor March 2021

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The Landscape Contractor March 2021


It Happened at iLandscape365

Will COVID 19 Spur Plant Sales Again in 2021? by Meta Levin

Hang onto your hats, because 2021

could be another banner year for the green industry, says Charlie Hall, professor in Texas A&M University’s Department of Horticultural Sciences, where he holds the Ellison Chair in International Horticulture. Hall, one of the featured speakers during iLandscape 365, has a background in economics and backed up his prediction with the pertinent economic indicators that influence the green industry. “The shape of the economic recovery is correlated with the shape of the COVID recovery,” Hall says. A post COVID 19 green industry is likely to be influenced by several factors: • An undersupply of houses and pent-up demand •

Continued strain on the energy sector

Business closures

Constrained/consolidated supply chains

Accelerated adoption of B2B (business to business) and B2C (business to consumer) technologies, i.e., online sales

Shrink, labor and working capital will still be critical

Higher operating costs from worker/customer safety requirements

Rising healthcare premiums and other input costs

The minimum wage is likely to increase

In many states, including Illinois, landscape contractors, nurseries and other green industry professionals 42

were deemed essential, thus able to work when many other businesses were shut down. With a brief hiccup at the beginning of the shutdown, when consumers were leery of having workers on their properties, most landscape contractors and related businesses had as much work as they could handle during the 2020 season. “Year over year growth,” says Hall, “increased 20 percent to 40 percent.” More than that, the average ticket for any one account was up. Hall’s research shows that the landscape and tree services are among a group of home, local, professional and auto services that have been staying afloat during the pandemic. In fact, landscaping and tree services are among the top in that category, which also includes such things as roofing, auto repair, HVAC, plumbing, contractors, towing, body shops, accountants, architects and lawyers. Since March 1, 2020, however, 97,966 businesses on Yelp have been marked closed permanently, while another 65,769 are indicated that they are closed temporarily. It is no secret that housing sales affect the green industry. “What happens in housing affects our industry,” says Hall. The pandemic, however, has changed housing sales. Ask any Realtor. They are selling bigger and higher end homes faster than they were before the COVID 19 epidemic. “Highwage workers are driving housing demand,” says Hall. Many of these can work from home and are doing so. It helps that mortgage rates are low. And, says Hall, “the Millennial wave is coming of age.” A large chunk of them are entering the home buying age. Still, housing prices are going up, which means that housing affordability is going down. “Housing prices today are higher than what they were before the bubble burst before the Great Recession,” says Hall. But, he says, there could be a correction. “We will recover, because we always recover.” In addition, many employers have signaled that they will allow working from home to continue, even when

The Landscape Contractor March 2021










0 2 Landscape 1 The i llinois + wi2 sconsin C T Show O



things open up. Workers now realize that they need space for home offices. Technology is permitting remote work, so many employees are eyeing locations that they previously might only have thought of as vacation spots or suburban areas that might have been too far from the office for an easy commute. “The recession has nearly ended for high wage workers, but job losses persist for low-wage workers,” says Hall. People who stay at home a lot prefer to have a nice place in which to do it, which explains why home improvement expenditures are up 18 percent. During the pandemic, home has become a place to work, study and play for many, which



means, says Hall, “the green industry is able to sell a lot of flowers, shrubs and trees.” And that trickles down through the suppliers. Despite COVID 19, the “green industry had one of its best years in the last 10 years.” In fact, he says, many landscape contractors are backlogged. The green industry may have one more season of this kind of growth, as consumers continue to crave outdoor experiences. Most experts, says Hall, believe that the United States will not reach herd immunity until the third or fourth quarter of this year, but that could shift. “We also need a (continued on page 44)

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The Landscape Contractor March 2021


It Happened at iLandscape365 (continued from page 43) broad-based willingness to get the vaccine,” he says. All is not rosy. GDP (gross domestic product) is still down from where we ended the fourth quarter of 2019. The leisure and hospitality industry “took it in the chin.” What Hall calls, “the great shut down” cost 22 million jobs. Recovery has started, but it is not a fast one. Still, some people never lost their jobs and have disposable income that they are using. Expenditures meet income. The top 10 percent of income earners spend 46 percent of what is spent in the United States. The next 10 percent spend 14 percent. So, lawn and garden customers are in the top third of all consumers. During 2020, garden centers saw more new faces than they ever had, he says. “The real test is how many of the new customers will be back in garden centers this year.” There are caveats to this picture: • If infections continue to rise exponentially and lockdowns once again are imposed, housing construction could slow down, further exacerbating the current inventory shortage, says Hall.

As of mid-January, when Hall taped his presentation, there were 3.4 million delinquent mortgages. The volume of loans 90 or more days past due, remain at more than five times pre-pandemic levels, Hall says.

Even as home sales soar, homelessness could increase, in large part, because of renters who could face eviction once eviction moratoriums are lifted.

Once the economy opens up, the pace of the recovery will depend on several factors. There will be an initial bounce back as restrictions are lifted, followed by slow growth until the population’s overall health has improved i.e., herd immunity. The speed of the recovery after that will depend on pent-up demand, the number of permanent business failures and policy. Hall believes that climate change could positively impact the green industry, because fixes might include green infrastructure projects. “The landscape industry does that kind of thing; planting trees,” he says. The picture is a mixed bag, but Hall is sanguine on the possibilities.

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The Landscape Contractor March 2021

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The Landscape Contractor March 2021



@ChiTurf 45

Diseases & Pests —

Weed of the Month: Nimblewill Disease of the Month: Volutella on Boxwood by Heather Prince

Weed of the Month: Nimblewill

Once lawns begin to green up in spring, patches of nimblewill, Muhlenbergia schreberi, a common warm-season perennial grass, appear resembling dead spots. One of the last turf grasses to green up, it causes client anxiety with its wiry straw-colored blades. However, if you pull it up and peel back the brown leaves and stems, you will find green tisNimblewill sue. Nimblewill has branchlike, thin, hard stems that grow upright until they fall over, causing horizontal growth with vertical tips. The stolons allow it to creep across the top of the soil. Typically found growing in shady or wet lawns and landscapes.


Nimblewill is easily thwarted by proper cultural practices of watering, fertilizing, and mowing to increase the vigor of other turf grasses. A post-emergent herbicide can be effective in the late spring or early summer when it is actively growing. Mesotrione and topramezone can be used to selectively in most cool-season turfgrasses. Because the addition of a surfactant and multiple applications are needed, be sure to carefully read and follow all label directions. While both products can be applied postemergence, only mesotrione may be used as a preemergent. Once treated, nimblewill appears white in color, which can alarm clients as it may last several weeks until other turf grasses fill in. horticulture/index.php 217-333-0519 The Morton Arboretum 46

Disease of the Month: Volutella on Boxwood

One contributing factor in winter dieback or death of boxwood is volutella stem and leaf blight (Pseudonectria buxi). Winter injury and stem wounds provide a comfortable home for this fungus. Volutella overwinters in boxwood branches, leaves and plant debris and causes infection when temperatures are 68°F to 77°F and relative humidity is greater than 85%. Affected leaves are initially light green to red, later turning straw or tan with eventual death of the entire stem. Dead leaves curve upward and remain attached. Young leaves are more susceptible to infection. On stems, symptoms begin as Volutella on Boxwood sunken lesions followed by stem girdling that results in death. As infection progresses, plants may start losing bark and show discoloration at the infection site. In wet periods sticky orange spore masses visible with a hand lens are produced on the underside of leaves and stems. This characteristic distinguishes volutella blight from the more devastating boxwood blight. This pathogen is primarily spread through irrigation, rain splash and contaminated tools with long distance spread in movement of infected plants and cuttings.


Reduce plant stress as volutella is less likely to attack healthy plants. Prune out diseased branches several inches below the dead tissue in dry weather. Rake and remove fallen leaves of infected plant materials to avoid spreading the spores. Dig out and destroy severely infected plants. Sanitize pruning tools between each plant. Avoid overhead irrigation for both newly planted and existing beds. Fungicides such as chlorothalonil, copper and mancozeb, although varying in effectiveness, can be applied preventatively if the disease has been present before new growth emerges in the spring and continued every 7 to 10 days until new growth is completed. Make sure to spray branches thoroughly for effective control.

Additional resources: Clinic: tree-and-plant-advice/ 630-719-2424 Chicago Botanic Garden The Landscape Contractor March 2021

University of Illinois Extension Service Plant Information Service: plantinfoservice 847-835-0972

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DEERFIELD - 21457 Milwaukee Ave • Deerfield, IL 60015 | VOLO - 27601 W Sullivan Lake Rd • Volo, IL 60041 LAKE BLUFF - 30334 N Skokie Hwy • Lake Bluff, IL 60044 | NORTH CHICAGO *Incoming Materials Only - 3023 23rd Place North Chicago, IL 60064

New Members — CONTRACTORS Arborsmith Lesley Smith 28915 N Herky Dr, Suite 102 Lake Bluff, IL 60044 Email: Freelance LTD Rick Kessler 1010 North Hight St Port Byron, IL 61275 Email: Integral Construction Inc. Christopher Osinski 320 Rocbaar Drive Romeoville, IL 60446 Email: Phone: 844-317-7403 LandCare USA, LLC Neil Carter 580 Old Skokie Road Park City, IL 60085 Email: Phone: 317-654-5685 Landscaping Services John Radloff 1326 Fox Hound Trail Beecher, IL 60401 Email: Phone: 708-785-3648 Public Park and Playground contractor Life Outdoors George Windham Belleville, IL Email: Phone: 478-244-7146 Small hardscape/softscape company Midwest Arbor Corp Emma Sorenson 1700 Holian Drive Spring Grove, IL 60081 Email: Phone: 815-675-6766 Midwest Arbor is a leading design-build landscape firm serving Chicago’s north 48

shore suburbs for nearly 30 years. We specialize in high end, residential landscapes and outdoor environments. Through our beautiful and creative designs, meticulous installations, and detailed maintenance, we’ve created thousands of beautiful and well-manicured outdoor spaces tailored to our customer’s wishes. Perez Bros Landscaping & Design Inc. Miguel Perez 1065 LIVINGSTON AVE Highland Park, IL 60035 Email: Phone: 847-235-0091 Troy’s Lawn Care, Inc. Troy Nelson P.O. Box 8377 Rockford, IL 61126 Email: Phone: 815-494-5847 Professional lawn and landscape services, residential and commercial servicing the Northern Illinois region. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE/ DESIGN FIRMS Chicago Roof Deck + Garden Jake Gazlay 1859 N. Elston Chicago, IL 60642 Email: Phone: 773-857-2277 Chicago Roof Deck & Garden is a full service outdoor design/build firm. Our innovative outdoor living designs focus on comfort and functionality, while utilizing complementary materials appropriate to the budget and location. What makes us unique from deck builders, general contractors or landscapers is our diverse staff and turn-key approach to jobs both large and small. Nathan Wright Landscape Design Nathan A Wright 216 Harrison Street Oak Park, IL 60304 Email: Phone: 773-983-0140 The Landscape Contractor March 2021

INDIVIDUALS Charles Keppel 666 E Mill Valley Rd Palatine, IL 60074 Email: Phone: 847-989-9571 Volunteer for ILCA and on Past President Committee Generative Land Amy Beltemacchi Email: Phone: 708-613-0959 Generative Land is a boutique landscape architecture firm specializing in landscape plans and extending into multi-unit, commercial, retail spaces as well as, public spaces such as parks and plazas. Committed to plans that support ecological richness, creative use of space, and aesthetic harmony. Michelle Cohen Garden Design Michelle Cohen 2652 Asbury Ave Evanston, IL 60201 Email: Phone: 312-401-5180 I own a small garden design business out of my home. I provide plans, consultation and help with planting and maintenance of gardens. My emphasis is on organic perennial pollinator gardens and building healthy soil. SUPPLIERS AHW LLC George O’Hara 705 W. Market St. Somonauk, IL 60552 Email: go’ Phone: 630-383-1795 AHW LLC is a John Deere dealer with 16 stores, selling in Northern and Central Illinois as well as Western Indiana. We sell John Deere Turf and Landscape equipment. We also sell light construction equipment, including skid steers, track loaders, wheel loaders, and mini-excavators.

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New Members — SUPPLIERS

Not an ILCA Member? This is the time to join! Visit for more information and to join. It will be your best investment in 2021!

Keystone Hatcheries LLC Micheal Robinson 11409 Keystone Rd Richmond, IL 60071 Email: Phone: 815-678-2537 Keystone Hatcheries is a pond supply store and fish farm that provides a wide variety of products for pond construction and maintenance, plus live fish and aquatic plants. As a family business for over 70 years, we have earned a reputation for providing quality pond supplies, health certified gamefish, koi and aquatic plants at competitive prices. Located on the Illinois Wisconsin border we service construction contractors, do it yourselfers and the pond management industry in both states. Our experienced biologists are available for guidance with pond design, water quality control, fish stocking recommendations and much more.

Michigan Chloride Sales Bill Kinney 402 West Jackson Road St Louis, MI 48880 Email: Phone: 574-596-0973 Michigan Chloride Sales each year produces and sells over 50 million gallons of deep well calcium chloride mineral well brine. Our product is excellent for anti-icing and melts to -25F. It blends well with other liquids anti-icers and may be used for direct application or treating stockpiles. Perfect Mulch Products Inc. Michele Ostendorf 410 Main Street Lemont, IL 60439 Email: Phone: 630-257-3640 Perfect Mulch Products Inc. founded in 1999. We are one of the first manufacturer of colorized mulch in the Chicagoland area. Our Midwest based company has developed a reputation for providing the highest quality colorized mulch for the professional landscaping market. Perfect Mulch Products ensures that our product is consistent order after order. Stockyards Materials Thomas Blaney 4015 S Ashland Ave Chicago, IL 60609 Email: United Rentals Patrick Splon 3233 W 36th Street Chicago, IL 60632 Email: Phone: 773-996-5723 United Rentals is the largest equipment rental company in the United States. We service all sorts of industries including landscapers. Just under 2,000 locations nationwide to help supply & service any and all customers. United Rentals sells, rents & services a large variety of customers, and continues to grow on an annual basis.


The Landscape Contractor March 2021

OUT OF STATE Laura Stine Gardens, LLC Laura Gochtovtt-Stine 5723 Lower Huntington Rd Fort Wayne, IN 46809 Email: GOVERNMENT/NON-PROFITS College of DuPage Horticulture Amy Hull 425 Fawell Blvd Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 Email: Phone: 630-417-1804 Millennium Park Foundation Scott Stewart

201 E Randolph St Chicago, IL 60601 Email: Phone: 815-954-7722 Naperville Park District Mike Piszynski 320 W. Jackson Ave. Naperville, IL 60540 Email: Phone: 630-848-5030 Village Of Bridgeview Ken Pannaralla 7500 s. Ike to Ave Bridgeview, IL 60455 Email: Phone: 708-924-8216

EDUCATOR Wheaton College Tom Trayser 501 College Ave Wheaton, IL 60187 Email: Phone: 224-857-9070 Parkland College Theresa Meers 2400 W Bradley Ave # W109 Champaign, IL 61821 Email: Phone: 217-353-2629 Educational facility with a Horticulture program focusing on landscape, sustainable gardening and greenhouse growing.

Up to 35,000 trees available!

• • • • • • • • • •

50 acres above ground BB trees Deciduous trees from 1.5 to 4” caliper Evergreen trees from 4’ to 12’ including Serbian Spruce Norway Spruce, White Pine and Columnar White Pine Specialty trees available Tricolor beech, Weeping Norway Spruce, Vanderwolf pine and Large shrubs to 6’ in stock including Viburnum, Burning Bush, Rose of Sharon, Hydrangeas and Lilacs! Direct ship options and pricing available Hard to find trees like Hop Hornbeam, Skyline Locust, Sugar Maple, and Seven Sons Flower-IN STOCK! Minutes from US 131 Customer Tagging allowed Tell us what you are looking for, and we will do our best to get it to you!

The Landscape Contractor March 2021

15200 Cedar Springs Ave. Cedar Springs MI 49319 Office: 616.696.5665. Email:


New Member Profile Snapshot

Lamb Little & Co.

1101 Perimeter Drive, Ste. 500 Schaumberg, IL 60173 (847) 230-3294

by Meta Levin

Lamb Little & Co. began in 1947 as a full-service general insurance agency. Over the years since, it has morphed into an agency that serves a diverse clientele. Recently, agency partners Gary Kalina and Dennis Powers combined forces to market to the landscape industry. “We take a consultive approach,” says Kalina. “All our colleagues are partners in the company and we are invested in our clients.” Six months ago, they joined ILCA. “We believe we have a couple of carriers who we represent who have not been brought to landscape contractors’ attention by other insurance vendors,” says Kalina. They had previously joined forces to serve other trade associations with success. “We always approach our business by engaging with our clients,” says Kalina. “We ask, how can both parties bring value to each other? It’s a model analogous to a law firm.” They are, he says, seeking potential clients who are looking for an advisor who can help them. While it is a one-on-one relationship model, Kalina emphasizes that Lamb Little & Co. has “team members who help support us.” Powers has a background as a claims adjuster. “His experience in claims is an extra layer of expertise for our clients,” says Kalina. “He can help landscape contractors wade through the claims process, bringing a unique perspective.” Kalina and Powers emphasize education for their clients. For instance, when COVID19 hit, they sponsored town halls on the subject. They have talked with their clients about the importance of following CDC guidelines as the first line of defense. “It’s insurance with an educational flair,” says Kalina. COVID19 has thrown a huge amount of uncertainty into businesses. “Insurance has become increasingly volatile,” says Kalina. “Carriers don’t know what kind of claims they 52

are going to see.” While Kalina sees landscapers as having less exposure to third party lawsuits, they are vulnerable to workers compensation claims from employees who become ill with COVID19, where it may be difficult to identify the so-called “patient zero” in an organization. Who had the disease? Where did the employees catch it? A native of Buffalo Grove, IL, Kalina started in the insurance business about 20-years-ago, after earning a degree in history and psychology from Indiana University and spending years in the advertising business, then working for a couple of dot com businesses. His last job was with Yahoo and he was looking for a change. His father had been a commercial insurance broker, but sold his business before Kalina got into insurance. He and Powers had gone to high school together, but had not seen much of each other since then until one day, after Kalina went to work for Lamb Little & Co., Powers walked through the door. “It was a pleasant surprise that we got to work together,” says Kalina. When Powers graduated from Western Illinois University with a degree in criminal justice, he went into claims and workers compensation fraud investigation, as well as photo surveillance for insurance carriers. It was after moving to the agency side 12 years ago that he understood how the outcomes of claims were affected by his work. Kalina now lives in Lincolnshire with his wife and two daughters. Powers lives in Mount Prospect with his wife and son. Powers is an avid golfer and sports enthusiast, especially the White Sox. He also is into fantasy sports and is trying to learn to play the guitar. Both men love pop culture and play pub trivia together.

The Landscape Contractor March 2021

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Classified HELP WANTED Landscape Construction - Project Manager Midwest Arbor is a leading design-build landscape firm serving Chicago’s north shore suburbs for nearly 30 years. We specialize in high end, residential landscapes and outdoor environments. Midwest Arbor Corporation strives to find individuals who are driven, have purpose, integrity, and are interested in pursuing a long-term career in the residential landscape industry. We are currently seeking a Project Manager to work within our Construction Department. This individual will be responsible for the management of 3-4 crews and job sites daily to ensure that the highest quality product is delivered on schedule for each of our clients. This position requires the ability to make intelligent decisions and find solutions to day-to-day issues as they arise, ensuring our customer’s complete satisfaction. Our Project Managers are responsible for daily scheduling of assigned crews, delivery of materials, daily productivity reports, and on-site layout with project foremen. This individual must have experience in the residential construction field, and the ability to read and interpret engineering and landscape plans. Working knowledge of village codes, permitting, hardscapes, masonry, grading, planting, irrigation, lighting, and fencing is preferred. In addition, being bilingual in English and Spanish is preferred, and having a valid driver’s license with a good driving record is required. Please email resume to For more company information, please visit our website at Landscape Construction – Project Manager Great Oaks Landscaping is a design/build landscape contractor serving the North Shore. We specialize in high-end residential landscape design and construction. With company values based in ambition, positivity, honesty and teamwork, we are looking for long-term employees who are passionate about the industry and who are looking to grow with us. We are looking to add the new position of Project Manager to our work force. The selected candidate will work closely with design, sales and crews to execute construction and planting jobs as well as be an integral part of the management team. The Project Manager will be responsible for running 3-4 construction and planting crews


HELP WANTED and coordinating sub-contractors. The ideal candidate will possess a strong knowledge of industry construction and planting standards with residential landscape construction experience. Candidates should be able to read and interpret landscape designs and basic construction drawings. He/she will be involved in daily crew scheduling, material procurement and delivery, daily production reports, on-site layouts and troubleshooting with the project foreman. Great Oaks offers insurance, benefits, paid vacation time, and bonus potential. Full command of the English language and a good driving record is required. Please send resume to Please see our website at Business Development Manager & Turf Technician Greenwise is Chicagoland’s leading organic lawn care and landscape company that puts customers first without sacrificing the environment. We offer an exciting opportunity for someone to develop and grow our business and brand in Chicago’s western suburbs, including Naperville, Burr Ridge, Hinsdale, Western Springs, Wheaton, Glen Ellyn and other surrounding areas. To fulfill these goals, we are seeking a self-starting, independent, organized and personable Business Development Manager who excels at both customer care and sales. Your responsibilities will include sales, marketing and performing turf services for the western territory. If you thrive in a fast-paced environment and are looking for a long-term business development role with a company that offers a competitive starting salary of $45,000 and full benefits package, including a matching 401(k), and an opportunity to earn bonuses and commissions, please email your resume and a brief cover letter to Our headquarters are located in Evanston, but you can work independently out of your home or home office. Your responsibilities for this position will begin February 1. We can hire you for seasonal work prior to Feb 1 for training, turf care and snow removal. RESPONSIBILITIES • Cultivating new client relationships • Attending consultations with new or prospective clients

The Landscape Contractor March 2021

HELP WANTED • Generating maintenance and design proposals • Enhancement sales • Marketing to the western territory (with support from marketing staff) • Account management and client communications during snow events • Proactive client care action, follow-up and site visits • Daily communication with Operations for scheduling updates and service timelines • Ensuring clients are aware of scheduling updates and service dates • Act as turf technician applying fertilization, seeding, aerating and spray applications PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS • Prior experience in the landscaping services industry • Ability to leverage and adapt to new technologies • Driver’s license, personal vehicle and auto insurance • Excellent time management skills • Drive and motivation to go above and beyond for clients • Skills in Microsoft Excel and Word EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT ROLLING LANDSCAPES, INC. - A custom design/build firm located in the W. Suburbs is seeking a creative individual to join our talented team of landscape professionals and trades people. RESPONSIBILITIES TO INCLUDE: Working directly with our in-house team on design collaborations by suppling site surveys, drawings and illustrations, detailed take-offs, construction and permits documents. Working as a team player who can contribute to the company with clear and consistent communication, a strong work ethic and solid follow through. REQUIREMENTS: BLA or similar with min. 3 yrs. design/work experience. Will consider STEM and Architectural majors! WE OFFER: Industry leading salary, health package, simple IRA and bonus structure. Opportunities for continuing education and further professional development. A fast paced work environment. WHAT’S NEXT: We’d like to hear from you! Please send your resume and work examples to:

HELP WANTED Landscape Designer Jayson DeGeeter, LLC seeks a landscape architect/designer to serve in a project management capacity for the office located in Chicago. This position offers significant growth potential for a talented designer ready to become a vital part of a growing studio. The ideal candidate will possess the following: • Experience with hardscape design, materials, and construction methods • Familiarity with plant material grown in USDA hardiness zones 4 through 6 • Proficiency in AutoCAD, Adobe Creative Suite, and digital rendering software • Exceptional communication skills, both written and verbal • A Bachelor’s degree and 2+ years experience are preferred. Please forward résumé and portfolio samples to Project Manager Christy Webber is a full-service landscape provider offering design, construction, and maintenance programs to residential, commercial, and municipal clients throughout Chicago. We are looking to fill a Project Manager position. The Project Manager will serve as a vital link between Christy Webber Landscape’s (CWL) high-profile construction clients and the company to ensure that client expectations regarding quality and service are consistently met and exceeded for the lifespan of the project. Managing the project costing, installation, billing and procurement for a variety of commer-

HELP WANTED cial construction projects. Please email your resume to Account Manager Christy Webber Landscapes is a full-service landscape provider offering design, construction, and maintenance programs to residential, commercial, and municipal clients throughout Chicago. We are looking to fill an Account Manager position. Under general direction, the Account Manager is the consistent Christy Webber Landscapes’ representative that clients trust. The Account Manager will ensure the company’s quality and customer service standards are consistently achieved through proper account management. This includes, but is not limited to, sales, estimating, budgeting, invoicing, and quality control through management of horticultural practices and site personnel. Please email your resume to Inventory Control Clerk Wilson Nurseries & Landscape Supply is a wholesale grower and hardgoods distributor with 4 locations in the Chicago area. We specialize in growing excellent landscape quality plants & providing exceptional customer service and look for individuals who are like-minded. We are seeking an Inventory Control Clerk to work in our customer service department. This position offers the opportunity to maintain the

HELP WANTED database of our inventory while working with customers. The position requires an individual to be critical thinking, detail minded and able to multi-task well. Job responsibilities include maintenance of inventories in our database, maintaining stocking levels, transferring of products between locations, analysis of inventories and troubleshooting, reporting and more. Please email resumes to Landscape Design Liaison / Field Sales Chicago based landscape design-build firm seeking an experienced industry professional to assist with design generation and field sales. Individual would be deployed to meet new and existing clientele to discuss project possibilities and objectives and collect site criteria. This information would then be shared with design team to collaborate on plan generation and assembly of detailed proposals / contracts / sales. Individual would also work with our field coordinators to ensure project implementation to spec. A background in landscape design and/or project management is essential for the position. A knowledge of landscape construction methodology, project materials and plant material is essential as well. Excellent written and verbal communication skills are a huge plus. Compensation and benefits will be offered / negotiated based on previous industry experience. We’re looking for a positive and driven personality to join our growing team! We look forward to the conversation. Please send resumes and let us know a little about yourself:

Residential Maintenance Account Manager Commercial Maintenance Account Manager Landscape Designer/Project Director Management Associate Call Maria for more information at (847) 876-8042 Or visit | (847) 634-1660

The Landscape Contractor March 2021


Classified HELP WANTED


Fish Farm Job Opening

cost of design. 2. Design gardens, prepare proposals and maintain files for each client. 3. Communicate with foreman and crew and be onsite to ensure gardens are installed as designed 4. Attend meetings as needed, included weekly sales meetings.

Enjoy working outdoors and getting your hands dirty? Now Hiring! P/T 20-40 hour weeks March-November. Fish Harvesting, Farm Maintenance, Truck loading & more. Requirements: Must be able to push, pull and lift 50lbs, repeatedly. Positive attitude and team player with a strong work ethic Able to work outdoors, in all-weather. Valid drivers license in good standing. Great communication skills-with both fellow employees and customers. For details email: Landscape Design Assistant O’Brien Landscape is an award winning boutique design + build studio based in Chicago’s North Shore. We are a talented group of outdoor living professionals looking to add a few accomplished, creative and unique individuals to our ranks who share our passion for designing, building and nurturing spectacular landscapes. Our process is highly collaborative and team members are involved in the entire design and construction process of high-end residential landscapes. Position Overview: We are seeking candidates for an entry to midlevel Landscape Design Assistant or Computer Drafting Professional with experience in AutoCAD, Google Sketch-up and Adobe Suite. Experience in Lumion, hand drafting and horticultural knowledge is an asset, but not required. If you have computer aptitude, come climb the tree with us and you will grow exponentially skyward. We love to train positive people. Experience is an asset in all roles; character, drive, demonstrated skill, motivation and attitude are factors that will separate the forest from the trees. We are looking forward to discussing your potential. Garden Designer + Sales We are looking for a garden designer who understands and appreciates native plants and their importance in the landscape. Responsibilities 1. Visit prospects, assess needs and establish


Required: 1. Degree or certification in landscape design, or commensurate experience. 2. Examples of your designs that include native plants. CAD skills a plus. 30 hours per week April through November. Possible year-round work. Work from home. Pay range $750-$1,000 week, plus profit sharing. Subsidized company health and dental insurance, professional development. Email:

Premier is Growing! Now Hiring Landscape Architects/Designers and Client Representatives! Join the highly reputable, award winning Premier Team servicing some of the most sought after properties in Illinois! Premier delivers the highest quality work in some of the most desirable areas of the Suburbs and City including Lincoln Park, Gold Coast Properties, Lakefront Properties, Michigan Avenue and more! With competitive compensation, great benefits and family culture, you’ll find your career at Premier! Email for more information and to apply, email Landscape Sales Ringers Services, Inc. is a family owned and operated company built on hard-work and dedication to craft. We work with both commercial and residential clients to make sure each project is completed on time, within budget, and to high-standards. This position is responsible for selling landscape services to residential/commercial clients and ensuring the satisfaction of the customers. The salesperson will report directly to the sales director to ensure that the individual and company’s goals are being met or exceeded. Compensation to include: *Base salary plus commission on sales

The Landscape Contractor March 2021

HELP WANTED *401k with employer match *Health Insurance *Company Vehicle *Company Microsoft Surface and iPhone Please email resume to For more company information, please visit our website at Construction Estimator Christy Webber Landscapes is a full-service landscape provider offering design, construction, and maintenance programs to residential, commercial, and municipal clients throughout Chicago. We are looking to fill Construction Estimator position Responsible for a variety of duties focusing on bidding and proposal generation for Landscape Construction Projects. These areas of focus will include document review, specification reading, plan take-offs, estimating, purchasing, subcontractor relations, composing emails and correspondence, field site visits, spreadsheet and database work, review, and corrections. Must possess a valid driver’s license. Please email your resume to HORTICULTURIST - WESTERN DUPAGE LANDSCAPING, INC. Job Title: Horticulturist Job Status: Full-Time Employee Company Department: Landscape Services Description: The function of the Horticulturist is to provide the necessary support to WDS & WDL Staff in the areas of landscape maintenance, and all aspects of proper horticultural practices and care of shrubs, trees, perennials, and annuals. This will be accomplished through appropriate controls in coordination with and supervision of the WDS Manager. ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS: • Oversee fine gardening field staff crews. • Assist Design Studio staff with perennial garden designs and proposals. • Maintain a leadership role in progressive, innovative strategies to improve customer service, safety, working conditions, and profits. • Train and oversee field staff in the proper care and techniques necessary to maintain high end Annual, Perennial gardens as well as turf, trees

HELP WANTED and shrubs in the landscape. • Assist in a sales support function evaluating new projects, opportunities, and renewals. Education & Experience: A BS degree from an accredited college in Horticulture or related field including 3-5 years of practical on hands experience. Corporate Office: 31W478 Diehl Road Naperville, Illinois 60563 Contact Information: General Manager Send your resume to Email: Phone: 630-416-0072 Hursthouse Design Manager Hursthouse Inc. located in the western suburbs of Chicago, is a unique and specialized residential Landscape Architecture, Landscape Construction and Landscape Maintenance company known for awarding winning performance. At Hursthouse, we value our reputation, which is known for outstanding culture, superior creativity and attention to detail since 1990. A fabulous opportunity to lead our Landscape Design Studio is before you. We’re in search of a Landscape Architect with Management experience who would naturally excel at leading by example and mentoring a staff of 3-4 in all areas of our design process, estimating and company culture. This individual will truly be a part of a very special team environment rooted in accountability, values and focus. We invite you to learn more at and inquire to Jeff True at Hursthouse Landscape Architect / Designer Hursthouse Inc. located in the western suburbs of Chicago, is a unique and specialized residential Landscape Architecture, Landscape Construction and Landscape Maintenance company known for awarding winning performance. At Hursthouse, we value our reputation which is known for outstanding culture, superior creativity and attention to detail since 1990. We’re in search of a Landscape Architect or Designer with a BS degree to serve in an entry level position in our design studio. You will learn Hursthouse culture and service, design creativity as well as estimating. This individual will truly be a part of a very special team environment rooted in accountability, values and focus. We invite you to learn more at and inquire to Jeff True at jtrue@

HELP WANTED RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL ACCOUNT MANAGER - WESTERN DUPAGE LANDSCAPING RESIDENTAL & COMMERCIAL ACCOUNT MANAGER: Reports to: General Manager This job description is general in nature, and not an exclusive list of all job duties. Employee may be assigned other duties as directed by the General Manager. Job Summary The Account Manager is responsible for exceeding customer expectations by effective management of the financial and human resources appropriated to them by following W.D.S. Quality Standards. The Account Manager will be responsible for selling the products and services W.D.S. offers as well as achieving assigned sales goals and gross profit. The position ensures the performance of W.D.S Quality Standards and the management of all resources to achieve client confidence and exceptional service for their clients. Key Outcomes and Objectives Service the assigned client base to meet and exceed client’s expectations through prompt. Responsive, quality customer service utilizing W.D.S systems and methods. Generate a designated dollar volume of sales through referrals, client base and prospecting activities. Project a positive, helpful, kind and professional public image always. Promote a safe and helpful workplace where teamwork and communication are a top priority. Work in a constructive manner promoting teamwork and camaraderie. Requirements 2 year or 4-year Degree from an accredited College/University in Horticulture or related field, or commensurate experience. Valid Driver’s License with clean driving record. 1 - 2 years’ experience in the green industry. Basic computer skills for communication, bidding, written correspondence. Technical skills - Knowledge of plant materials (trees, evergreens, shrubs, perennials, flowers, bulbs), sales, landscape maintenance tasks, procedures, and basic financial statements. Functional skills – strong written and verbal communication, organization, client orientation, teamwork, leadership, motivational skills, conflict resolution, service recovery, determination, and versatility. Personal characteristics – self-starter, large work capacity, self-confidence, good judgement, respected, perseverance, stability, asser-

The Landscape Contractor March 2021

HELP WANTED tiveness. Ability to work independently as well as in groups. Physical Requirements -This position requires the physical ability to walk properties in all seasons and the ability to sit or stand for prolonged periods of time, the ability to stoop, squat, kneel, bend and twist. Office is located on second floor so the ability to climb stairs and move around an office setting is mandatory. Language Requirement – The ability to read, write and speak English is required to communicate effectively with clients, crews and office or yard staff. Duties and Responsibilities Property Inspections, Progress Reports, Enhancement recommendations in the form of a proposal, face to face meetings with Clients or sub-contractors. Prospecting activities including telephone, email, cold calling, network groups to secure new business. Job Packages and Job Organization for work sold and the paperwork necessary to complete the work using W.D.S systems. Field supervision of enhancements work and over site of Maintenance crews on assigned client’s properties. Estimating, site analysis, measuring, proposal preparation and presentation for new business. Weekly participation in sales meetings, A/R meetings, A/P meetings, Safety meetings, etc. Client requests or concerns must be responded to within 24 hours. A professional appearance that is appropriate for the situation is required. Complete other tasks and special projects that are assigned in a timely fashion. Measurement of Performance Meeting or exceeding the sales goals assigned by profit center. Renewal business percentage and volume. Gross volume of sales production. Gross profit of all accounts by profit center. Site assessment schedule and progress reports completed on time. Special assignments are completed on time. No Safety violations. Maintain a Professional, positive, constructive, supportive, and cooperative attitude. EMAIL: RESUMES@WDLINC.COM


Classified Ads HELP WANTED SUPERVISOR/PROJECT MANAGER WESTERN DUPAGE LANDSCAPING, INC. WDL SUPERVISOR / PROJECT MANAGER: Reports to: OPERATIONS MANAGER Summary: The SUPERVISOR is responsible for exceeding customer expectations by effective management of the financial and human resources appropriated to them in their department. The position ensures the performance of WDL Quality Standards and the management of all resources to achieve confidence and exceptional service for their clients. Will oversee/run multiply high dollar jobs concurrently. Priorities: 1. DEVELOP AND MAINTAIN A STRONG TEAM • Establish and enforce operating procedures and work standards that will ensure efficient performance. • Perform timely performance evaluations and personnel development strategies. • Conduct Safety meetings directing worker activities, job responsibilities and deadlines. • Mentor Crew Leaders and team members to ensure implementation of W.D.L Quality Standards. 2. WDL CUSTOMER SERVICE STANDARD • Provide assurance that contract obligations, quality standards, and expectations are fulfilled. • Personally, respond to customer concerns No later than 12 hrs. after initial contact. • Ensure all deadlines are met and schedules are adhered to. • Make yourself available to the client as the point of contact on site, on all project work. 3. WDL QUALITY STANDARDS • Ensure that W.D.L Quality Standards are met by ALL team members for ALL clients. • P.M. is Ultimately Responsible for inspecting all completed work ensuring W.D.L Quality Standards. • Put in place a guideline for equipment maintenance and follow up on strict cleanliness standards. • Ensure only Top-Quality materials are organized and scheduled for delivery for Crews. 4. PROFITABILITY AND GROWTH • Ensure crews are Well Prepared the Night Before and are Out of the Yard Within 15 minutes every day. • Provide workers with assistance and training in performing duties to ensure maximum efficiency and profit. • All scheduled work is to be routed efficiently as possible based on proximately and reducing drive time. • Follow measures and metrics to reduce overtime as well as, protect and monitor company equipment. 5. ADMINISTRATIVE, FLEET AND


HELP WANTED EQUIPMENT • Ensure all Construction vehicles and equipment is current in paperwork, clean and in working condition. • Maintain Inventory and follow repair procedures to ensure good working equipment. • Monitor, maintain, assist, and approve employee time sheets through the W.D.L. OPERATING SYSTEMS • Follow measures, metrics, and training on safe operation of equipment. 31W478 DIEHL RD., NAPERVILLE, ILLINOIS 60563-9620 630/416-0072 EMAIL: RESUMES@WDLINC.COM Landscape and Snow Management Company James Martin Associates, Inc., a Landscape and Snow Management company, is looking to expand our team with a new Commercial Maintenance and Snow Account Manager to manage landscape maintenance, enhancement, and snow services to our customers. James Martin Associates is a leader in the landscape and snow management industry, providing services to our customers in the northern Chicago area for over 40 years. What you will be doing... Account management, client retention, enhancement sales, new contract sales, business development, production layout and overview, along with winter responsibilities for our snow operations team. To apply please visit: Residential Maintenance Account Manager James Martin Associates, Inc., a Landscape and Snow Management company is looking to expand our team with a new Residential Maintenance Account Manager to manage landscape maintenance and enhancement services to our customers. James Martin Associates is a leader in the landscape and snow management industry, providing services to our customers in the northern Chicago area for over 40 years. What you will be doing... Account management, client retention, enhancement sales, new contract sales, business development, production layout and overview, along with winter responsibilities for our snow operations team. To apply please visit:

The Landscape Contractor March 2021

HELP WANTED LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT MANAGER We’re looking for an individual with expertise in landscape construction observation and project management to join our Construction Administration team. As a landscape construction project manager, you will be part of a team committed to delivering the highest quality residential and commercial landscape projects. Typical tasks will include extensive research, material specifications, drawing set review and analysis, plant material procurement and plant tagging, contractor coordination, project scheduling, project cost analysis. This position will include on-going client, architect, engineer, and landscape architect correspondence. A successful candidate will be highly organized, have a knack for record keeping and thrive in a team setting. IDEAL CANDIDATE: • An excellent communicator with strong organizational skills • Minimum 5 years of landscape construction and/or landscape project management experience • An individual with a great teamwork attitude and excited to work in a collaborative environment • Strong track record of working with clients on projects that deliver results • Previous experience with project cost analysis • Experience with coordination of project logistics SKILLS + REQUIREMENTS: • Highly proficient in AutoCAD, Adobe Suite, and Microsoft Office • Expert in project management including developing and management of schedules, budgets, scopes, risk, and communication • Excellent organizational and task management skills, including detail-oriented and timeliness • Excellent attitude and ability to work well within a team • Expert in creative problem-solving • Expert in written and verbal communication skills, particularly with internal team members and clients/customers • Ability to travel for project related efforts WHAT WE NEED FROM YOU: • Resume • Portfolio • Imagery of completed work • Available start date If you are interested in this position, we encourage you to e-mail us at

HELP WANTED Seasonal Color/ Production CoordinatorGreenhaven Landscapes, Zion, IL While we are in the business of cultivating highend residential landscapes, we are also in the business of cultivating people. In order to grow our company while maintaining award-winning service, we welcome the interest of professional, organized, well qualified, team oriented applicants looking to advance their careers. Qualifications/ Responsibilities: • 2 year degree or experience required • Manage seasonal color rotations • Site management/ customer service • Pesticide license or ability to obtain • Assist Maintenance Manager as needed Please go to our website for more details on the job posting and how to apply

HELP WANTED construction crews. Ideal candidate possesses knowledge of landscape industry construction standards and has minimum 5 years’ experience. Candidate is an organized self-starter, with excellent verbal and written communication skills. Someone committed to excellence and customer service. Candidate must have strong computer skills and the ability to direct and manage high-end projects. Experience in overseeing and installing high-end residential projects will include hardscapes, masonry, planting, grading, drainage, sub-contractors, and full design build services. Ability to manage multiple crews with experience monitoring production rates and job costing required. Excellent understanding of motivation, safety, and horticultural practices a must. Bilingual in Spanish is a preferred along with a clean driving record being required. 847949-9245

Maintenance Division Manager

Hardscape & Masonry Foreman

Overseeing a maintenance division of a 37-yearold company. The division consists of multiple mowing crews, beautification crews, account managers & clients. Duties include all responsibilities to ensure a professional, profitable and sustainable division. Full details will be discussed at the first interview.

Buhrman Design Group Is a well-established, full service, architectural/build/maintenance landscape contractor performing work throughout the Chicagoland North Shore area. We consider ourselves one of the top performers in our field. We offer excellent pay structures and a solid work environment where employees can work towards future growth. We are seeking motivated & qualified individuals with a desire to establish a career in the green industry.

Requirements: 10 years experience in the management of landscape maintenance. Valid drivers license, ability to work well with others, and the ability to lead and grow. Compensation: Salary, company vehicle, vacation, health insurance, and bonuses. Please submit your resume and salary requirements by email to: Construction Project Manager Buhrman Design Group, Mundelein, Illinois, is a well-established, full service, architectural-buildmaintenance landscape contractor performing work throughout the Chicagoland North Shore area for over 24 years. We consider ourselves one of the top performers in our industry offering residential landscape services. We offer excellent pay structures, benefits, and a solid work environment where employees can work towards future growth. We are seeking a Project Manager who is a highly motivated individual to manage our

Hardscape Foreman / Masonry – Seeking applicants with experience in the installation of residential/commercial landscapes, including paver patios, grill stations, firepits, driveways, sidewalks, & retaining walls. Must be able to read detailed site plans, layout work, train and supervise crew members, and have excellent masonry and paving skills. A valid driver’s license is required with the ability to drive bobcats and heavy equipment preferred. Email: or 847-417-7111 Landscape Construction Foreman Buhrman Design Group is a well-established, full service, architectural/build/maintenance landscape contractor performing work throughout the Chicagoland North Shore area. We consider ourselves one of the top performers in its field. We offer excellent pay structures and a solid work environment where employees can work towards future growth. We are seeking motivated & qualified individuals with a desire to establish a career in the green industry.

The Landscape Contractor March 2021

HELP WANTED Landscape Construction Foreman – Minimum of 5 years experience in the Horticulture/ Landscape industry. A valid driver’s license is required with the ability to drive company vehicles and trailers. Display strong ability to lead, train and support crew members. Appropriate level of plant identification knowledge, and ability to read landscape plans, record and report data. Ability to operate construction equipment including: skid steers; tractors; excavators, dump trucks and trailers; and all implements associated with that equipment. or 847417-7111 Client Care Manager Milieu Design has an immediate opening for a client care manager. The client care managers at Milieu perform sales and production management for residential and commercial clients. This position is responsible for selling Milieu’s services; both maintenance and project work in an upscale territory by providing horticultural recommendations, creative designs, proposals and presentations. This individual will have the opportunity to grow a territory with excellent marketing and advertising support. The ideal candidate will have a knowledge in landscape design, horticulture or horticultural background. Experience with a landscape contractor is preferred. However, college students in pursuit of their degree/certification are encouraged to apply. Knowledge and/or experience with design, estimating, horticulture, turfcare, and installation is a plus. Email replies to Brian Frank at

PLEASE NOTE: “HELP WANTED” AD SALES ARE LIMITED TO ILCA MEMBER COMPANIES Submit your ads online at or call Alycia Nagy (630) 472-2851


Classified Ads HELP WANTED Landscape Supervisor Milieu Landscaping has an immediate opening for a landscape supervisor. The supervisors at Milieu perform production management for residential and commercial clients. The position is responsible for direct supervision of 4-6 landscape crews in the areas of maintenance, enhancements, construction, turf care, and basic landscape property management. The primary emphasis will be on landscape maintenance. The supervisor will interface with management, sales, operations, and clients to ensure that quality standards and client expectations are met or exceeded. The ideal candidate will have experience with a landscape contractor as a foreman and/or supervisor. Basic computer skills and use of technology are very helpful. Knowledge of horticulture, turf care, and landscape maintenance are keys to success. The ability to lead teams of workers and communicate are essential. Hard working, energetic, bi-lingual (Spanish/ English), independent, outdoor, fun, passionate, and team-oriented people will thrive in this position. This is a position that can lead to more opportunity in growth and income within Milieu. Email replies to Eric Maloney at Design Build Project Director/ Landscape Designer James Martin Associates, Inc. is an award-winning Landscape Architecture firm serving Chicagoland’s northern suburbs for over 40 years. We are looking to add to our Design/Build team! The Design Build Project Director will be responsible to bring a consistent flow of profitable business to the company while giving exceptional customer service to our clients. Responsibilities: • Develop, organize and execute landscape design solutions for presentations to clients by creating budgets, base maps, site surveys, and identify plant materials • Ensure all estimates and proposals are prepared and approved prior to meeting with client • Continuous business development through marketing, sales and service. • Coordinating and supervising construction services to ensure projects are meeting client needs and are within the proposed plan Skills: • Knowledge of plant and construction material, horticulture, job estimating and proposal writing • Ability to read blueprints and specifications • Exceptional communication skills, written and verbal with crew members and clients • Significant residential sales experience • Effective problem solver and a flexible, hardworking individual who is highly organized Experience and Education: • Degree in landscape architecture or horticulture preferred • 5-7+ years of experience in landscape design and sales • Proficient with computer software programs


HELP WANTED including AutoCAD, 3-D Rendering Software and Microsoft Office To apply, visit Head Horticulturist, Lurie Garden Millennium Park Foundation seeks a Head Horticulturist for Lurie Garden in Millennium Park. This position will have primary horticultural responsibility for the Garden, as well as responsibility for managing the Garden’s volunteers and public engagement programs. Approximately 80% of the position’s time and effort will be dedicated toward maintaining the horticultural excellence of the Garden, with 20% time and effort focused on administrative and program tasks. Two positions report to the Head Horticulturist--the Assistant Horticulturist and Public Garden Intern. The Head Horticulturist, Lurie Garden is a full-time, 40+ hours per week, benefits eligible position with Millennium Park Foundation. Annual compensation starts at $70,000 and commensurate with experience. Submit requests for a full position description and questions to: jobs@ Evaluation of materials will begin immediately and continue through March 5, 2021. Submit requests for a full position description or questions to: Open Positions: Maintenance Account Manager, Maintenance Operation Manager & Design/Build Sales Person Put 2020 behind you and join our team that focuses on exceptional customer service backed by operational excellence for the past 25 years. Send your resume to to learn more. Landscape Construction Supervisor Rosborough Partners is currently seeking a fulltime Landscape Construction Supervisor to join our team of landscape professionals. This position is responsible to oversee the day-today operations of several landscape construction jobs. The Supervisor will work closely with the Foreman and crews to ensure the projects meet Rosborough Partners Mission of producing the highest quality workmanship. This includes meeting production budgets and client timelines. As Supervisor, you will report directly to the Construction Manager and work closely with our Project Landscape Architects. Please visit our website for more detailed information at:

The Landscape Contractor March 2021

HELP WANTED Landscape Construction Dept Manager This position is responsible to for managing all aspects of the Landscape Construction Department to ensure all projects are executed according to plan and meet Rosborough Partners mission of producing the highest quality workmanship. As a Department Manager, you will report directly to the President and work closely with our Project Landscape Architects/Designers. Ability to thoroughly understand and interpret design and construction plans. You will be responsible establishing and managing the department budget, department supervisors, foreman and field staff. Ability to interact and communicate well with clients, subcontractors, vendors and co-workers. Please visit our website for more detailed information at: careers LANDSCAPE ASSISTANT CREW LEADER WAUCONDA, ROSELLE & PLAINFIELD IL IMMEDIATE OPENINGS STARTING AT $16.50 per hour PAID WEEKLY WALK INS WELCOME APPLY TODAY! Bonus potential UP TO $1,000 The Assistant Crew Leader will work as part of generally a 4-person team to provide full landscape maintenance services to commercial and multi-family home properties. You will have an established route of properties to maintain throughout the landscape season. The Assistant Crew Leader is responsible for assisting in the management of the crew members and will operate a full range of equipment to maintain properties and will also work with a variety of materials with limited supervision. They will ensure that all services are completed according to Acres Group standards, in an efficient manner; and that all materials and time are accurately documented. They will recognize that customer satisfaction is Acres Group top priority. APPLY ONSITE (Wauconda, Roselle or Plainfield)

FOR SALE / REAL ESTATE Business For Sale Located in the South Suburbs for over 35 years, multi-million dollar landscape maintenance & construction company is for sale. Instant satellite office that could be added to your brand. Fully staffed with long-time field employees, office staff, mechanics and managers. Located near source of labor, with room to expand. 75% maintenance, 15% install, 10% snow/salt. Email with with inquiries.


Attention Advertisers:

Bartlett Tree Experts ..............................................14 Breezy Hill Nursery ...............................................14 Cardno ....................................................................33 Chi Turf ....................................................................45

offers some extraordinary MARKETING OPPORTUNITIES.

Clesen Wholesale ....................................................12 Contree Equipment Co...........................................15 Doty Nurseries LLC ................................................4

Just one call opens the door to enhanced sales and marketing success.

Goodmark Nurseries ..............................................19 Great Lakes Landscape Supply .................................51 Green Glen Nursery ...............................................63 Hinsdale Nurseries, Inc. .........................................44

Call Debbie to get started!

Homer Industries ...................................................23 Husqvarna ...............................................................49


James Martin Associates .........................................55 Lafarge Fox River Stone ........................................53 Longshadow Planters .............................................13 Mariani Plants ..........................................................6 Mariani Plants ........................................................39

Attention Landscape Contractors:

McGinty Bros. .......................................................39 Midwest Groundcovers ............................................31 Midwest Trading .......................................................2

Remember to Support ILCA Supporters!

Montale Gardens ......................................................25

These include:

Rocks Etc. ..............................................................21 Spring Meadow Nursery ..........................................17

• Members & Advertisers who supply goods and services • Members who sponsor ILCA programs and events

Straughn Farm, Inc. .................................................27 The Landscape Contractor magazine ........................61 The Mulch Center ..................................................47 Turtle Creek Nursery .............................................22 Unilock, Inc. ...........................................................64 Vermeer Midwest ...................................................34 Wheaton Mulch ..........................................................4 Wilson Nurseries ....................................................43

Where will you find them? • ILCA Membership Directory & Buyer’s Guide • The Landscape Contractor magazine advertising • The Landscape Contractor magazine reports of events with sponsor acknowledgments • member lists – Finding a Landscape Contractor & Suppliers to the Trade

Xylem Ltd. .............................................................21

The Landscape Contractor March 2021


Hidden Gems Worth Visiting

Hosta Hollow:

The Eunice Fisher Collection

Rotary Botanical Gardens 1455 Palmer Dr., Janesville, WI 53545

by Heather Prince

Just across the Wisconsin border north of Rockford,

Rotary Botanical Gardens is an award-winning 20-acre showplace featuring 26 different types of gardens. Begun in 1988 by the driving force of Dr. Robert Yahr, the two Rotary clubs in Janesville launched the effort to create a stunning botanical garden for the community. One of the first gardens was the Japanese Garden designed to offer a view of a pond and provide serenity through water features and a carefully crafted stroll pathways. Part of that garden is a special corner, the Eunice Fisher Collection of hosta, named after a Wisconsin hybridizer. Tucked under mature trees, about 200 varieties of hosta light up the shade in a tapestry of subtle layered foliage. Accredited by the American Hosta Society, “Hosta Hollow was started in 2007 under the shade of a large cottonwood on the edge of the Japanese Gardens,” commented Michael Jesiolowski, director of horticulture. “At about 100 feet by 25 feet, it’s a rough oblong with a gravel path winding through it and a bench to take it all in.” Two volunteers, Dave and Jenny Erpenbach, have primarily maintained the garden the past several years. “They do a great job. It’s their baby,” observed Jesiolowski. In the cool shade the impressive hosta collections are set off by specimen evergreens such as boxwood and yew as well as examples of Cornus mas ‘Variegata’, Cercidiphyllum japonicum ‘Rotfuchs’ or Red Fox, and Rhamnus frangula ‘Fine Line’®. In spring, winter aconite (Eranthus hyemalis) carpets the beds in a sea of yellow flowers before the hostas leaf out. The hosta are the stars, however.


“It’s very much a specimen garden with one each of larger varieties,” said Jesiolowski. “We showcase the breadth of the species and cultivars. The garden features a collection of the Hosta of the Year, for example. We’re always looking to add, but not duplicate.” The plants are arranged harmoniously with perennials including Japanese ferns, ligularia, and mosses. “We’ve planted the extensive collection of mini hostas at the edges of the paths. Otherwise, they get a bit lost,” commented Jesiolowski. “The mosses soften the borders and are a very beautiful way to tie the beds together.” Jesiolowski has some favorites, “I really love the ones with red petioles like Red October, Maraschino Cherry, and Cherry Tomato. Two others that stand out for dynamic variegation are Rainbow’s End and Touch of Class.” One trend that he is seeing is a renewed interest in hosta with fragrant flowers. “Diana Remembered I particularly like for classic green leaves with white edges and outstanding fragrance,” said Jesiolowski. Although hosta are easy going, Jesiolowski admonished, “they are definitely shade plants. They’ll take a little bit more sun that most people give them credit for, but they are happiest in shade. The variegated ones can be brighter with a bit of morning sun. Overall, they are very forgiving plants.” If you visit in the heat of summer, take advantage of this cool respite to note hosta cultivars to add to client designs or incorporate in your own gardens. If you’re lucky, you might spot a hummingbird visiting the flowers.

The Landscape Contractor March 2021



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