Reynolda Gardens Cultivate: Spring/Summer 2022

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Horticulturist’s Corner
Tribute Gifts New
of Reynolda Gardens Honor Roll
TELEPHONE 336.758.5593 EMAIL SOCIAL / reynolda.gardens @reynoldagardenswfu WEB HOURS Gardens open dawn to dusk Greenhouse Tuesday–Friday: 10–4
by Hayden Shuping
by Forrest Allred East Garden Renovation by Amy Dixon Finding Clarity in the Gardens by Joey Martin Trail Maintenance Fund by Amy Dixon The Dogs of Reynolda by Michelle Hawks Walking on Sunshine by Jon Roethling



FROM the

Dear Friends,

This spring at Reynolda optimism abounds! In the past two years, more and more of our neighbors have found themselves turning to Reynolda for relaxation and recreation. It is my personal hope that their interest in gardening and love of the outdoors continues to grow.

If you have stopped by recently, you may have noticed…

Spring in a garden is like a blank canvas waiting to be filled with color, and the Formal Gardens at Reynolda are ready to make their spring debut! New this year are 15 deciduous magnolias. Informally known as ‘Lois,’ this variety of magnolia will come out a bit later in order to avoid our “return to reality” freeze of early March. We chose this variety to build upon our spring color crescendos, beginning with bulbs and moving to cherry blossoms and then magnolias.

The east-west axis has been reinvigorated following Thomas Sears’ plan with 105 deciduous azaleas and 40 evergreen varieties.

In the greater gardens, trail work is ongoing! The project to create a learning experience for visitors through the marshy area along Coliseum Drive is almost a reality. The boardwalk is complete, and we are in the midst of planting a canopy of bald cypress with sweeps of moisture-loving plants such as chokeberry, yaupon holly, water iris, and cardinal flower.

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It is not just new plant material that is putting down roots in the garden. Joey Martin, our newest staff member, has jumped in with both feet! He has brought tremendous energy to the veggie gardens and I would not be surprised if we don’t surpass last year’s harvest and donation to H.O.P.E. of WinstonSalem. If you want to be a part of this effort to provide fresh vegetables to our community, please consider volunteering with our team.

If you do come looking for us, you will no longer find us in the office space by the former Garden Club Boutique. We are now housed in the Playhouse, with work soon beginning to create a Reynolda welcome center in the former boutique space.

Over the past three years, it has been a joy to get to know not only you, but also the four-legged members of your families, too! Your support and kind words keep the Gardens staff motivated throughout every season. Thank you for being a vital part of Reynolda Gardens.

I look forward to seeing you this spring, Sincerely, Jon Roethling

Phabulous Philodendrons

As many of you know, some houseplants can be very finicky and persnickety, while there are others that are carefree and very forgiving of neglect. One genus that has been grown for decades, is not too particular, and tends to make people happy is philodendron.

Philodendron can be found growing native to the tropical Americas, predominantly in Central and South America. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, there are over 450 species of philodendron and endless cultivars. Philodendron species evolved and adapted growing on and alongside other plants in overcrowded jungles. Due to the range of growing situations in nature, philodendrons are adaptable to a wide variety of light, moisture, and humidity conditions, and typically have thick leaves. With its versatility, philodendron continues to be a popular houseplant.

When choosing a houseplant, the choices can be daunting! There are endless options of plant genus, species, and cultivars that can be grown to make wonderful houseplants. It’s important to pick the right type of plant that suits your interior environment, so that the plant will be happy and continue to grow and thrive. That, in turn, makes the plant parent happy. Speaking from experience, we plant folks get the most rewarding feeling when our plants are happy.

Environmental conditions influenced philodendron to evolve two main types of growth habits: selfheading and vining. Self-heading types have leaves that grow tight together as the stem grows up. As the new growth continues, the oldest leaves are shed from the stem leaving it bare and looking woody. These types tend to be slower growing and can form a broad, sprawling plant habit. If desired, self-heading philodendrons can be staked and trained upward for a tidier plant habit.

Vining philodendrons have a vining habit, as the name implies. However, vining philodendrons do not have tendrils and the vine does not wrap around in the


traditional sense. Typically, the vine will grow until it finds another plant or something to grow on to support the stem. Roots can form at nodes and internodes on the vine stem and grow into nooks and crannies of tree bark and rocks, anchoring themselves as they grow.

Visit any garden center and you are sure to find at least one kind of philodendron for purchase. Some of the easiest to find are Philodendron bipinnatifidum, commonly called tree philodendron or selloum philodendron. This long-revered species can grow quite large (10’–15’ tall and wide) and live for decades. Some smaller selections include the hybrid ‘Lickety Split’ and a brand-new selection named ‘Shangri La.’ Both of these will grow 2’–3’ tall and wide.

A vining philodendron that is easy to find and easy to grow is the deep-green heartleaf philodendron (P. hederaceum). It will trail down a pot or can be trained to grow upward on a pole or stake. The heartleaf cultivar ‘Brazil’ has a bright yellow, irregular stripe down the center of each leaf.

Philodendron foliage colors range from deep greens and purples to shades of blue-green, yellow, red, and orange, as well as variegations within those foliage colors. Popularity of this plant has soared over the past couple of years (along with prices) for certain (and hard-to-find) selections. Whatever houseplant you select to liven up your indoor environment, you should definitely consider philodendrons. If you look hard enough, you are sure to find one you’ll like, and they never disappoint.

Here are a few other philodendrons to choose from, both self-heading and vining types.

Self-heading types:

P. gloriosum

P. ‘Prince of Orange’

P. ‘Rojo Congo’

Vining Types:

P. billietiae

P. ‘Calkin’s Gold’

P. ‘Pink Princess’


Right WrongPlant,Garden

In 1984, Right Plant, Right Place: The Indispensable Guide to the Successful Garden was published. The driving concept of this book’s title is one that I hear tossed around a lot, although not necessarily always practiced.

I would like to introduce another twist on this concept—right plant, wrong garden. Often in the horticulture industry, we are looking for the newest trends to introduce to our gardens, as well as tried and true favorites. But many plants come with a learning curve for gardens.

At Reynolda Gardens, we love the concept of experimenting with new and old plants. Certain plants are beautiful in their own right, but for some reason may not work in Reynolda Gardens’s Blue and Yellow or Pink and White Gardens. Some plants simply will not do, falling into the category of “right plant, wrong garden.” As a result, I’ve formed a negative opinion about certain plants, some of which I’ve given up on.

I realize that some of these plants need another chance, though, perhaps planted in a different location. So, in the meantime, I will try to experiment with them. The following are a few plants I have tried that I would like to introduce to you. They didn’t necessarily work in the areas in which they were planted, but they’re great plants, nonetheless.


Antirrhinum hispanicum Spanish snapdragon

Spanish snapdragons enjoy hot, humid summers and bloom throughout the summer when our common snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) tends to wane. Growing to approximately 12” x 24,” Spanish snapdragons offer attractive spikes of pink and yellow bicolor flowers atop fuzzy gray-green leaves. They prefer full sun, hot weather, and well-drained soils. They’re also deer resistant. Spanish snapdragons are perennial by nature, but I would suggest replacing them every third year because they tend to get tired and spent. They can be rooted, grown from saved seed, or purchased new. Reynolda’s Pink and White Garden is possibly too wet for these snapdragons (due to irrigation), and this is why they don’t thrive. They may be the right plant, but this is the wrong garden.

Nicotiana sylvestris flowering tobacco

Flowering tobacco is a plant I should find attractive for the Pink and White Garden, but one that I have a hard time wrapping my mind around. (Maybe it’s because it reminds me of the common tobacco plant, Nicotiana tabacum.) Nicotiana sylvestris has pure white to creamy tubular flowers, which bloom from June to our first frost. In the evening, the flowers emit a strong, sweet, jasmine-like fragrance and the flower clusters can be used for fresh arrangements. The flowers are also attractive to butterflies and hummingbirds. They grow well in full sun to partial shade, in rich, moist, well-drained soil. This flowering tobacco would be great planted along walkways and paths so passersby can enjoy the evening fragrance. Perhaps I just need to give flowering tobacco another chance at Reynolda and allow it to develop into the right plant in the right place.


Muhlenbergia capillaris pink muhly grass

Conceptually, I simply have had a hard time working grasses into the Lower Formal Gardens, because it feels like an experiment in progress. Don’t get me wrong—I enjoy grasses planted in the right garden, as they’re perfect planted in swaths, on slopes, and in groupings. One of my fondest memories of pink muhly grass is a large mass planting at the UNC School of the Arts coming into its fall glory. It seems the Lower Formal Gardens is simply the wrong garden for this great plant, though. What I believe we are missing is the large scale and the right combination of plants for pink muhly grass. If you have the space to plant muhly grass in large groupings, its impact is greater. The back of a garden bed where it has room to sway or lining a driveway or garden path—these are great examples of where to best plant it. Muhly grass will grow 2-3’ tall and wide and blooms from September to November, thriving in full sun to partial shade. Muhly grass does well here in North Carolina because it can tolerate our heat, humidity, occasional dry summers, and poor soil. ‘White Cloud’ is another great cultivar with white seed heads.

Eryngium planum ‘Blue Glitter,’ sea holly

I do love the steel blue color of ‘Blue Glitter’ in the Blue and Yellow Garden, but this is a perfect example of the right plant in the wrong garden. If I am honest, I cringe seeing it in the Blue and Yellow Garden because Eryngium resembles a thistle. Late last summer at Pilot Mountain, I saw thistle in the “right garden,” and it was beautiful. I would recommend Eryngium for a xeriscaping garden because it grows well in hot, sunbaked locations with average, poor, or high-salt soils. Too much water is a potential problem for Eryngium. ‘Blue Glitter’s’ foliage will form a low mound, 8” x 12.” Its violet-blue stems and blooms, though, will grow to almost 3’ tall. The flower heads are steel-blue, thistle-like, and egg-shaped with blue bracts blooming carelessly all summer. I haven’t yet started to evict ‘Blue Glitter’ from the Blue and Yellow Garden, but I feel pretty sure that this sea holly will have to find a new home in the near future. It is beautiful, but just not the right plant for this garden.


Helianthus salicifolius, willow-leaf sunflower

As much as I like it, the Helianthus salicifolius in the Blue and Yellow Garden may also have to find a new home in the near future. If you choose to plant this Helianthus, you will need a lot of space or some large stakes, as it sprawls 8–10’ tall and tends to flop. Even though it gets too big for where I have it planted, I do love Helianthus salicifolius in the garden. It blooms from September to October with clusters of 2–3” flowers with yellow rays and brown centers. Helianthus prefers full sun and will tolerate a wide range of soils including clay. Helianthus are also great because the birds, butterflies and other pollinators enjoy them. I have been on the search for some shorter varieties, and I’ve found that both ‘First Light’ and ‘Autumn Gold’ stay significantly shorter than the straight species.

Clematis integrifolia, bush clematis

Although not a climber, Clematis integrifolia might benefit from staking or perhaps would be best if planted near a fence to lean on. I consider it a right plant in the wrong garden because I don’t have enough time to spend staking. Bush clematis is an herbaceous perennial that grows 1–4’ tall into a dense, upright, or sprawling shrubby mound. The blooms are urn-shaped with four twisted sepals. The seed heads that follow are silver-green and ornamentally attractive. Bush clematis typically blooms late spring to early summer, but will sometimes rebloom late summer or early fall. It grows well in fertile, well-drained soil and prefers full sun to partial shade. In the formal garden, we are still experimenting with Clematis integrifolia ‘Blue Ribbons,’ which is compact and doesn’t require staking. Here are a few varieties that I recommend you try.

‘Alba’ (Pure White)

‘Alionushka’ (Pink)

‘Blue Ribbons’ (Indigo Blue)

‘Sapphire Indigo’ (Blue)

‘Stand By Me’ (Blue)


East Garden Renovation

From start to finish, this past year has brought a lot of change to both the Formal and Greater Gardens of Reynolda. The East Garden, especially, has seen its façade revamped and energized, with a plethora of blooming trees, shrubs, and bulbs setting the stage for four seasons of interest.


The East Garden runs the length of the lower Formal and serves as a central allée from the greenhouses to the vegetable beds. The picturesque grand arbor is located here, which beckons Friends and visitors up its brick steps toward the historic bungalow. The East Garden feels, at times, like the heart of the Gardens.

In the winter of 2020, the cherry tree allée was restored, a transformational process that brought back forty-four Prunus ×subhirtella to their original grandeur. These cherries have settled in nicely over the past year, heralding spring in late March with a profusion of pink blossoms. These cherries have a way of intoxicating everyone in the Gardens when they bloom, leaving all of us with full-blown spring fever.

The weeping cherries were underplanted with a variety of white blooming shrubs and bulbs, forming the “blousy borders” of this iconic garden. An array of hydrangea, viburnum, and camellias was chosen, all with prolific, long-lasting blooms. Designed for four seasons of interest, the plants provide overlapping color and evergreen allure twelve months of the year.

Hydrangeas chosen for the East Garden include a combination of three panicle species and one dwarf oakleaf. Combined, they trim the borders in waves of bloom from early summer through late fall.

The lone oakleaf species is Hydrangea quercifolia ‘Munchkin,’ a reliable summer bloomer prized for its dense habit and large abundant inflorescence. Maturing to only 3’ tall and wide, its small stature makes it perfect for the front of the borders. ‘Munchkin’ also gives fall and winter interest to the East Garden, as its autumn foliage is a brilliant mahogany-red, holding on through the coldest months.

Hydrangea paniculata ‘Limelight,’ Little Lime®, and Quick Fire® were chosen for their reliable and longlasting heavy blooms. Most of us are familiar with ‘Limelight’—the quintessential sun-loving panicle hydrangea. A large and commanding shrub, ‘Limelight’ will bloom mid-summer through fall, with its panicles persisting past frost.

Little Lime® is a dwarf version of ‘Limelight,’ topping out at 4’ x 4’. Interspersed under the cherry trees and alongside ‘Munchkin,’ the plants produce clouds of

panicle bloom starting in June. Quick Fire® starts to bloom around July, its panicles a bit airier and more blush than its cousins.

There were two different viburnums chosen for the East Garden—Viburnum macrocephalum sterile and Viburnum Moonlit Lace®. Sterile viburnum is also known as Chinese snowball, a nod to both its country of origin and its round white blooms.

Moonlit Lace® is a relatively new viburnum, an evergreen cultivar born from V. davidii and V. tinus It produces clusters of white blooms in spring but garners more attention from its red stems and burgundy new growth. The glossy foliage is also evergreen, providing a nice winter warmth in the garden.

The borders of the East garden are filled with an array of spring and summer blooming bulbs, most of which are fragrant.

Early spring brings the arrival of Narcissus ‘Avalanche,’ ‘Yellow Sailboat,’ and ‘Elka.’ ‘Avalanche’ and ‘Yellow Sailboat’ both give pops of color to the garden with yellow accents. Small statured ‘Elka’ and Iris reticulata ‘Carolina’ are dotted along the outer edge of the beds, adding more white (‘Elka’) and a touch of blue (‘Carolina’) to the borders.

Summer blooming bulbs include Crinum ×powellii ‘Album,’ Polianthes tuberosa, Zephyranthes candida, Lilium ‘Casa Blanca,’ Lilium regale and Gladiolus callianthus ‘Murielae.’ Designed together to deliver a punch of color and perfume during the heart of summer, these bulbs are staggered for a lingering impact.

Needless to say, the East Garden offers a treat to all visitors, especially in spring and summer. If you didn’t catch the cherry tree bloom in March, make sure to visit soon for the next wave of botanical splendor. The East Garden is a great place to take a stroll, linger a bit, and stop and smell the flowers.


Finding Clarity in the Gardens


—Alfred Austin (UK Poet Laureate, 1896–1913)

Since I first arrived at Reynolda Gardens in September 2021, my soul has been feasting on nurturing this illustrious hidden gem of land. There is just something about this rich, organic Reynolda soil that has turned my life around. (I’ll get back to the soil later.)

From my very first project (planting Liriope muscari) to sowing my spring and summer seeds inside the conservatory on cold January days, every undertaking has made me feel more joyful and positive about myself. And that was a feeling I didn’t think was attainable pre-September 2021.

Like a great number of other people during the pandemic, I found a silver lining of personal reflection. We had the time and space to assess the positives and minimize the negatives affecting our lives. I reflected on my current career in the I.T. and marketing fields, where the toxic work environment had destroyed my mental health. I battled severe anxiety and depression. This was not only affecting me; my personality had become a black hole to the people around me, completely destroying all joy and light. I had to find a way out, I had to make a change.

During these contemplative months, I needed to find a new direction. Plan A was to try to work my way up through the ranks and become a professional baseball player. This plan was near the top of the list, but if I wasn’t guaranteed to be a starting pitcher for the New York Mets, I didn’t want to take that risk.

Plan B was to take my love of being outdoors and try to carve out a career somewhere within it. Unfortunately, I could not find any jobs that required hiking and playing in waterfalls, but I did discover Forsyth Technical Community College’s Horticulture Program. It didn’t take long during that first spring semester for me to completely fall in love with the horticulture field. And apparently, I was not the only one.

I was a part of a growing movement of people wanting to add a little bit of green to their quarantined lives. Between 2020 and 2021, a record number of people decided to invest in a horticulture-related hobby. During March 2020, Burpee seed company sold more seed than any other time in their 144-year history. The US plant and flower market was up to $15.85 billion in 2021, compared to the $14.18 billion pre-pandemic. It’s apparent that a lot more people are turning to plants and gardening, many of whom are getting a serotonin boost in the process.

“To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul.”

During the first two semesters of balancing work and school, I immediately noticed a difference in my mental health. Studying and working in the school garden brought some needed optimism into my routine. As fluorescent lights were replaced by sunlight and printer errors were substituted with integrated pest management (IPM) plans, I started to feel a passion burning inside me. As the talented indie rock band Lord Huron would sing, “She lit a fire, but now she’s in my every thought.” In my world, “she” was the enchanting Mother Nature.

Each day my horticulture knowledge was growing, alongside the sprouting seeds I had planted in early spring. I was devouring information on soil science, crop rotation, companion planting, and specialty crops. I stayed extra hours at school on scorching summer days just to weed and tend to the vegetable garden that I had a hand in creating. I was getting satisfaction and meaning in work, something I had been missing. I sometimes just sat in the school garden, reveling in all the labor I had given and being thankful for all that the garden had given me, physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Every day I come to Reynolda Gardens thankful they took a chance on me. This place has rejuvenated my soul and given meaning to my work. As I plant in the vegetable garden and my bare hands dive in and out of this rich, hearty soil, I can feel its energy flowing through me. Remember what I said about the life-changing Reynolda soil? Well, that goes for most any other soil, too. When you get down to the science of soil, there is a natural bacteria called Mycobacterium vaccae, which stimulates the serotonin production in your body. So, drop those gloves like an ornery hockey player and get those hands soiled up, inhale those sweet microbes.

As proud as I am witnessing the plant growth of the garden, the real accomplishments lie within the community that Reynolda Gardens touches. It’s the interactions and observations with the multitude of visitors and volunteers, each one in the garden for different reasons. On any given day, I can see a lovely couple reminiscing about their garden wedding from 25 years ago, a caffeinated Wake Forest student drinking in the fresh air while studying, a volunteer using our planting tips to better a home garden, or an inquisitive day tripper surveying the perennial beds.

Some people, though, seek the serene gardens as a place for reflection and escape, pondering answers to whatever problems life has thrown at them. Speaking from experience, nurturing an environment that encourages self-care—especially mentally—means a tremendous amount.

“As I work on the garden, the garden works on me.”
—Gayla Trail (Founder of You Grow Girl)

When Katharine Reynolds was designing the 1,067-acre Reynolda property, she envisioned an estate that upheld her principles of social progress and progressive reform such as more sustainable farming practices, a higher priority on residential hygiene, and improved working conditions that included hot meals, accessible water fountains, and nurseries for the children of working women.

Katharine’s humanitarian values of looking out for each other still resonate. The Gardens smiles on the visitors, encourages fellowship with volunteers, and fills children’s stomachs. Another incredible bonus is that our bulk vegetable harvest is donated to H.O.P.E. of Winston-Salem, a local food bank.

The chance to be a part of this amazing Reynolda Gardens team has alleviated many of my mental health challenges. It’s here that I’ve found a supportive environment that encourages the desire for learning, challenges exploration outside your safety bubble, and works hard to contribute positively to the community.

My heart is full at Reynolda Gardens. I get to give my best work to a place where I receive personal satisfaction and contribute beauty to this amazing town.

“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.”
—Audrey Hepburn

Reynolda Gardens Trail Maintenance Fund

Ensuring that our trails are safe, well-maintained, and full of scenic beauty is a high priority for us at Reynolda Gardens. With tens of thousands of people visiting the Greater Gardens each year, it’s clear that the community is drawn to the trails and open spaces of Reynolda.

We strive to continuously improve on what we’ve got, which means dealing with the rigors of unpredictable weather and understanding the vagaries of Mother Nature. In the last two years, we’ve been able to make great strides towards improving problematic sections of trail, finding better solutions to stormwater erosion and redirecting dreadfully soggy footpaths.

Alison Shermeta Photography

None of these improvements would have been possible without the generous support of our donors, who have bolstered our endeavors to improve the infrastructure of the Greater Gardens. For these gifts, we are truly grateful.

Most recently, Reynolda neighbors Alex and Michelle Schenker have made an inaugural gift to the Reynolda Gardens Trail Maintenance Fund, which will financially support trail improvements over the next five years. The Schenkers feel incredibly connected to the Greater Gardens. They have access to Reynolda (literally) in their backyard and walk the trails almost daily.

Alex and Michelle moved to Winston-Salem in 2004, after meeting and living in California for many years. Michelle was born in Winston-Salem, but grew up in Charlottesville. Alex was born in Switzerland and moved to California when he was ten. After living in larger cities, they both settled in nicely to the smaller size and slower pace of Winston-Salem.

“I didn’t plan on falling in love with Winston, but we just kind of got hooked,” Alex said. “I’d never been in a smaller community where people have the time to chat at the grocery store and wave to you going down the street. I just love it, it’s very refreshing to slow down and have conversations with people.”

A few years ago, Alex and Michelle caught wind of a small development with homes being built adjacent to Reynolda—which was more than perfect for where they wanted to be in Winston-Salem. The stars aligned just right, and in 2020, the Schenkers moved into their new home.

Moving into their dream home during a pandemic was a challenge, as they were working from home and unable to immediately connect with their new neighbors. They were thankful for the easy access to nature at Reynolda as a way to exercise, walk their dogs, and clear their heads.

“Any city that I’ve lived in, I’m always looking for nature,” Alex said. “So to have something like this so close to big infrastructure parts of the city and downtown, it’s really cool. It reminds me a little bit of growing up in Switzerland where cities and nature intertwine in harmonious ways.”

The Greater Gardens of Reynolda really are a hidden gem in the middle of our city, one thing the Schenkers and I chatted about while walking the trails on a warm February afternoon. The trails and the Greater Gardens affect us all differently. Some of us are drawn to the meditative pathways, some to the peaceful seclusion of the forest, and others to the stories this historical property tells. It’s all about perspective.

“We were talking about hidden gems, that’s another part to it, right?” Michelle said, looking up at the 100-year-old diving platform of the Reynolds family’s swimming pool. “It’s not just a nature trail, it’s also the history of a family.”

Alex and Michelle are thrilled to be a neighbor to Reynolda and are passionate about supporting the efforts it takes to maintain the trails for the community to enjoy. Their gift will allow us to keep our momentum strong with improvements to the trails and Greater Gardens.

“We wanted a way to do something that was really meaningful to the gardens, to us and to the community,” Michelle said.

It truly does mean a lot to us, and we are so thankful to our donors, neighbors and new friends.


The Dogs of Reynolda

For twelve years I walked my miniature poodle Fancy through the Reynolda estate. Sometimes I would take her off the leash and throw her racket ball, so she could run like there was no tomorrow. Fancy loved that ball and she loved Reynolda—it was her home away from home. A couple of days before she passed, I brought Fancy to the Gardens, and she had the best time! Now, I bring Mr. Keaton, my English Bulldog, and he lets everyone know he is security, working for treats and lots of butt scratches.

I have become good friends with numerous people, all due to their dogs walking and sniffing around the

grounds. I usually know a dog’s name before I know the owner. Every once in a while, I will get a text or email from someone with a picture of their dog, just saying hi!

Years ago, a little fluff named Dolly came into my world. She was a golden retriever, full of love, and everyone knew she was the Mayor of Reynolda Village. One of the employees at The Gazebo would bring Dolly to work every day. Dolly’s job was to be the greeter and to make people feel more at ease in the everyday hustle of life.


I would give Dolly rides on the gator and regularly visit during the day to get some love from her. With age, we all get a little slower and can’t see or hear as well. That was the case with sweet Dolly. When Dolly passed away, a piece of my heart went with her. Little did she know how much happiness she had brought me, countless visitors, and of course all the people at Gazebo. Dolly’s purpose was bringing people together, and she did that so well.

That’s one of the reasons why people bring their dogs to Reynolda to walk. They like the atmosphere here, the beautiful landscape, the openness, the safety, and of course, the people. This is the reason I continue to bring Keaton here to walk, too.

The staff at Reynolda Gardens love to see happy pups and their parents. However, the things we don’t like to see are people not picking up after their dogs, or just leaving the bag. An even bigger no-no is having your dog off the leash. Some people see Reynolda as an open park, a place to have fun and be free, and it’s easy to feel like that. Sometimes I feel like that, too. Realistically, though, this is private property which is open to the public—it’s not a city park.

It’s important that we identify the regulations regarding pets, which mirror those of Forsyth County. Both Winston-Salem and Forsyth County have a leash law that states that “all dogs must be under control and physical restraint by means of a leash, rope, chain, or other means when they are off their owner’s property.”

Working at Reynolda, it’s easy for me to forget that this isn’t my property to let Keaton just run free. When I come to work, the smells, smiles, other dogs, landscape, and chirping birds make me feel at peace. However, I can continue to enjoy these moments with my boy on a leash and make sure to pick up after him.

Most people are very respectful when walking their dogs, yet there is always that one in the crowd that breaks the rules. And yes, I used to be that one in the crowd, letting my own dog off the leash. Well, I’m an adult now and I try to go by the rules. Remember—not only is it a law to keep your dog on a leash, it’s a safety issue as well.

So, bring those pups out for a walk and enjoy the wonderful atmosphere that Reynolda has to offer. We would love to meet all your furry friends!


Walking on Sunshine

One of the greatest joys I have had in my three years at Reynolda is to have a vision and to see that vision come to life. Our new trail boardwalk parallel to Coliseum Drive is a perfect example of this. When I first came to Reynolda and started walking the trails regularly, this portion of our trails screamed for improvements. In many ways, this area is the front door to Reynolda and to Wake Forest University. What greeted visitors was an assemblage of weedy, overgrown invasives, trees butchered due to the utility lines, and a trail that became a muddy mess whenever it rained. And yet, I saw potential.

It was suggested to me that we could just pipe the water to the meadow—which would have been a solution—but instead, I saw an opportunity. We could lean into the fact that the area was wet and use it as a showcase for what is possible. Many of our favorite landscape plants find their natural homes in wet or boggy areas. Since, at the heart of everything we do, there is the core value of learning, there is no better way to show people that wet areas in a landscape are not necessarily a liability, but a juncture.

Thanks to funding from the Ecology Wildlife Foundation Fund, we enlisted the help of the talented construction team at Wake Forest University to build a 300’ meandering boardwalk. To offset the trees taken

down under the power lines, we replanted several species of moisture- tolerant trees outside of the utility easement to allow them to grow without pruning.

Leaning into the magical feeling of walking under the lacy foliage of the mature bald cypress (Taxodium distichum), we added several cultivars of Taxodium. You may notice a group of six weeping bald cypress at either end of the boardwalk. These are a cultivar called ‘Cascade Falls,’ and the intent is to train them into tunnels to mark the beginning and the end of the boardwalk. I’ve always felt we don’t utilize weeping trees to their full potential, so sculpting a tunnel out of them will hopefully provide some inspiration. As I mentioned earlier, there are many different plants that tolerate and even thrive in wet areas; the plantings along the boardwalk will showcase many options. Button bush (Cephalanthus occidentalis) is a hit with pollinators and blooms much of the summer with Sputnik-shaped white flowers. Several cultivars of beautyberry (Callicarpa americana) will add fall and early winter interest, with white, pink, and purple fruited forms intermingled. Chokeberry (Aronia sp.) has a horrible name but is a great plant. It’s happy in soils ranging from average to wet, it’s adorned with white flowers in spring, it has good fall color, and it bears red or black fruit in winter—what else could you ask for?


Several Louisiana iris cultivars (shared by our friends at the JC Raulston Arboretum) will anchor a collection of water-loving iris species and selections. Swamp titi (Cyrilla racemiflora) is such an underutilized native and has been a favorite of mine since my first visit to Jones Lake State Park. Shrubby in youth but maturing to small trees, Swamp titi have clusters of fragrant white flowers from late spring into summer. Fall color can range from orange to red.

Flowers and fruit are nice, but evergreens are always needed. Dotting the landscape, we’ve chosen several selections of yaupon holly (Ilex vomitoria) with repeating clusters of weeping yaupon along the Coliseum Drive border to act as a screening plant.

Atlantic white cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides) is a great evergreen conifer for moist to wet sites, too. Future plantings of evergreen sweetbay (Magnolia virginiana var. australis) will be added in the future. Sabal palmetto (scrub palm), native to eastern North Carolina, are also on my list to be added.

Keep an eye on this area as we continue to develop it, with pitcher plants (Sarracenia sp.) being a dominant bog planting. Additionally, sweeps of ferns, sedges, and other perennial groundcovers will be added. We’ve received numerous compliments on the addition of the boardwalk, and we expect it only to get better as the plantings take root.


Tribute Gifts

In the past year, Reynolda Gardens has received several generous gifts to plant trees across the estate in memory or honor of loved ones.

In memory of Dr. James Albert Benton by Betty Benton

In memory of Kitty Felts by The Garden Club Council of Winston-Salem and Forsyth County

In memory of Elma C. Menius by Pam Maynard

In honor of Claudia Schaefer by Anneli and Beau Burns

If you are interested in learning more about tribute trees at Reynolda, please contact the Advancement office at or visit for more information.


Thank you

Reynolda extends a warm welcome to our newest Friends of Reynolda Gardens! (as of March 15, 2022)


Robert W. Alexander

Jean Batten

Rick Conner

Lillian Fitzgerald

Sherry Frino

Barbara Hill

Jennifer Humphreys

Dedee DeLongpre Johnston

Karen Kaplan

Barbara Koriakin

April Mangum

Laura Murdock

Louise Olshall

Janet Poirier

Linda Rauch

Mildred Schultz

Mary Lou Stott

Barbara VanAntwerp

Rebecca Weber

Maggie Werkman

Meriwether Wilson

Richard M. Winn, III


Gale and James Buchanan Jocelyn Connors Dottie and Vance Cox Caroline and Robert Gefaell Temple and Robert Halsey Nancy Hawkins and Thomas Sveda Kaye and David Lambert Lorrie Mann and John Mark Golding Kathleen McClanahan and Geni McClanahan Andora and John Nicholson Stacy and Matt Petronzio Leslie and Max Schenker Victoria and Robert Telford Kathy and Brian Thomas Rachel and Thomas Wiggins

SPONSOR Harriet and Elms Allen Gretchen and Duane Haines


Curtis Leonard Megan Medica


Reynolda Gardens Honor Roll

July 1, 2020 — June 30, 2021


Virginia Adams

Judy Albers

Susan Andrews

Marge Asel

Carol Atwater

Marcia Baker

Metta Ballard

Maureen Ballsieper

Marian Bell Frankie Bell

Kay Bergey

Myra Blackburn

Sarah Blackwell Mary Beth Blackwell-Chapman

Cynthia Blair Elizabeth Blair Cynthia Bouldin

Michael Bradshaw

Wilba Brady

Victoria Brawley

Lynda Bryant Barbara Bryant Sylvia Budd Anne Butler

Debbie Byrd

Bobbi Caldwell

Genie Carr

Kim Carswell

Vina Chase

Mindy Conner Bonnie Cook

Anne Copenhaver

Jane Craver

Judith Crow

Regina Cybulski

Mary Dame

Brenda Davis

Kim Davis Cindy Dearmin

Tom Deese

Carol DeVries

Malissa Dilger

Virginia Diseker

Carol Dolge

Anne Dowell Shirley Duncan Doris Eller

Phyllis Erikson

Mark Erikson

Alice Ficken

Shirley Fly Nanny Foster Sheila Fox

Geoffrey Frankel

Susan Friedman

Cici Fulton

Barbara Gerhard Lane Goddard

Lisa Gould

Constance F. Gray

Joan Greason

Heather Greene Julie Griffin

Martha Haire

Joanna Hamilton

Myra Hannah

Beth Hano

Richard Harris

Fletcher Hatch

Sue Henderson

Deirdre Herrington

Sandy High Meg Hilleary

Denise Hiller

Sandra Hoback

Elizabeth Hobert

Julia Hood

Sarina Horner

Stephanie Hunter Maureen Irwin Jane Jackson

Gina Jarrett

Kathleen Johnson Janice Johnson Sheila Johnston

Jeffrey Jones

Billye Keith Jones Geraldine Jove

Lucy Kaplan David Kelly

Martha Kennedy

Stephanie Kennedy Gale Ketteler

James Kimball

Barbara Kirby Ruth Kirk

Patsy Kirkland

Patricia Lackey Gabriela Lee

Marty Lentz Mrs. Doug Lewis

Susan Lineberry

Marie Linton

Janet Loew

Julia Long

Verlyn Luther Helen Mack

Brenda Maready

Marnie Matthews

Harriet May-Heise Mary Lou McCormick Lisa McDonall

Kay McKnight

Cheryl McLean

Sally McLeod

Trena McNabb

Sandra Meadwell Gayle Meredith Julie Miller Anne Morehead Ashley Morgan Deanna Carlisle Moss Nancy Nading

Lea Nading Betsy Nottke Carol O’Keefe Kathy Orms

Susan Peatross

Joyce Peters

Roberta Pettit Susan Piribek

Susan Pfefferkorn Ann Ragan

Cathy Ralston

Melanie Renfroe Natascha Romeo Lynne Roosa Connie Roy Mitzi Royster

Debbie Rubin

Annie Sargent Mary Gail Scanlon

Leslie Scher

Lee Schrader Mary Schultz Margaret Sehon Bonnie Seligson Jessie Sharp Sandra Sheldon Rachel Shepard


Diane Simmerson

Alan Snow

Helena Spangler

Lisa Sparling

Jimmy Speas

Pamela Stallings

Michelle Steene

Jane Stringer

Brooke Johnson Suitor

Marilyn Summers

Susan Surratt

Kathleen Tatter

Deborah Thompson

Suzanne Thompson

Janine Tillett

Aldona Towner

Betsy Trent Linda Turner Mark Vaders

Frances Vaughn Frances Vazquez Shelia Virgil Valarie Waddell Carolyn Walker Kim Watkins

Maribeth Weinman

Dorothy Westmoreland Becky Wheeler

Alissa Williams Mary Louise Wilson Barbara Wrappe Mary Anne Yarbrough Amy Young


Martha and Jones Abernethy

Bonita and Butch Absher

Sue and James Adams

Lisa and Nathan Atkinson Kay and Bill Baldridge

Louise and Bill Bazemore, Jr. Janet Beavers

Sandra and Rick Belmont

Eva and Gordon Bingham

Lori Bodwell and Gene Gustafson Heidi Bond

Sandra and Gray Boyette

Stephanie and Michael Brooks Grace and Jimmy Broughton Lois Brummitt

Suzanne and Kevin Burke Catharine Canevari and Horst-Detlev Joseph Sara and Drew Cannon Suzanne and John Carlson Ann and Clyde Cash Nancy and Bill Colvin

Leah Crowley Ashley and Timothy Dalton Karen Daughtery Joyce and Jim Dickerson Kriss Dinkins and Stephan Dragisic Jean and Clarence Dixon Lu and John Dunkelberg Becky and Bill Faircloth Sharon Fortner and David Anderson Janelle Frazier Julia and Tom Fredericks Carol Gearhart Ashley and J.K. Givens Janet and Thomas Gladden

Frances and Bert Gordon Rachel and Robert Graham Ruby Griffin Betty Griffith

LeighAnn Hallberg and Paul Bright Donna and Gary Hamilton

Suzanne Wherry Hanes

Sara and Stephen Harper Janette and James Harris Virginia Hart Courtenay and Jim Harton Annette and Alexander Hastie

Susan and Charles Hauser

Kate and Ben Hodge Laura and Jonathan Hoffman Ingrid Hoffmann and Albert Shih Carol and Chip Holden Shelley and David Holden Nancy and Melvin Holland Sherry and Jerry Hollingsworth

Pollyann Holthusen Natalie and George Holzwarth Elizabeth and Donna Horton-Berry Frances Huffman Minda and Charles Hunter Kathleen and John Hutton

Robbie and Dave Irvin Brenda and James Jones Warren Jones Pam and Fred Kahl Marilyn and Karl Karlson Diana and Andy Kelly Jean and Jeff Kelly Maxine and Robert Kelly Cindy and Bill Ketner Polina Khatsko and Dmitri Vorobiev Kristin and Dixon Kinser Ellen Kirby and Richard McGavern

Claudine Legault and Ginny Weiler Cynthia and Monty Leonard

Jodi and Bob Lingan Sheilah and Paul Lombardo Kay and Frank Lord Martha and Ron Lowry Libby and David Lubin

Mary Allen and Jim Martin

Tiffany Mazzeo

Susan McBride

Carolyn and Bill McCall

Carroll McCullough

Loy and Paul McGill

Kay and Fred McGuirt

Minta and Frank McNally Kathy and Dennis McNeil Drew McNeill and Cris Windham

Susan Melville and Charles Monroe

Jean Messick

Marianne and Rod Meyer

Susan and John Mickey Maureen Mills

Geri Ann Milner

Nancy Moltman and John Skipper

Julie and James Moore Carol and Ralph Moore

Susan Moore

Leigh and Brad Myers Sandra and Bruce Nash Eileen and Charles New Mary and Fred Newman

Ronnie and Timothy Norman Elizabeth and Tom O’Meara Aubrey and Patrick O’Rourke Sandra and Sammy Parker

Antoinette Petersen

Helen and Robert Phelps Jennifer and Robert Pierce

Annette and Bill Porter

Janice Purdy and John Keyes

Luanne and Jack Rejeski

Pam Ripsom and Chris Nickerson Lynn and John Roach Anna Roberge Roddy Roberts

Karen and Dillon Robertson

Ellen and Hans Roethling

Jane Rogers Janice and Michael Ryan Kelli Sapp and Herman Eure

Margaret Savoca and Bruce Bradford Gilda and Bill Schneider Kathryn Sears and Thomas Gerridge Cindy and Chris Sheaffer

Jane Sherry and Curtis Lang

Talmadge and Ian Silversides

Hazel and David Sink Janie and Tom Slaughter Elizabeth Sloan

Roberta and Donald Smith

Susan and Ken Sommerkamp

Margaret and Gene Stewart Linda and Jim Strong Kathleen and Neil Sullivan Marcia Szewczyk and John Burkart

Faye and Tom Taylor

Lynda and Gerald Taylor Mary Craig and Andy Tennille Nancy and Charles Thomas

Andrea Thomas Cynthia and Danny Thomas

Arlene Edwards


Kellon Tippett

LeClare Turner

Sharon Vinsant

Cathi Walker

Gail Wall

Beth Warren

Laura and John Warren

Nancy and Jerry Warren

Suzanna Watkins and Jeffrey Wilson

Laura and Mark Watson Karen and William Watts Susan and Joseph Weaver Mary and Doug White Katie Whitworth Mary Lynn and John Wigodsky Janie and J.D. Wilson

Larry and Anne Wise Pamela and Neil Wolfman Susan and Richard York Tracy Young and Daniel Butner


Melanie and Terrence Almegual Mary Baldwin and Adam Wegner

Ram and Gayathri Baliga

Jim Barefield

Kim and Steve Berlin Laura Bland Becky Brown Stewart Butler

Agnes and Albert Butler Greer and Scott Cawood Mary Chervenak and Paul Jones

Joan and David Cotterill

Robin Davis Terrie and John Davis

Jo and Larrie Dawkins

Doris Deal

Mary Dudley Pat and Jim Eisenach

Lynne Emken

Roddy and Vic Flow

Julie and Nathan Hatch Anne and Marcus Hester Carol and Greg Hoover

Amy and Michael Hough Teresa and Lucas Inman

Susie and David Jackson Lynn and Winton Jennette

Sharon Johe

Lucinda and Christopher Jones

Vicki and Niek Lagerwey Catherine Lassiter Paula and Dan Locklair Elizabeth Martin Mary and Michael McCandless Skinner and John McGee Lindsey and Paul Miller Wendy Miller and Jim Barefoot Susan Nash and Charles Jenkins

Cathy and Ray Owen Cathy and Harold Pace Reggie and Ken Pasterczyk

Susan and Craig Peatross Allison Perkins and Cliff Dossel  Gary Poehling Louise Pollard Dee Ann and Larry Robbs Ann and Ron Rudkin Catherine and Omar Sangueza

Leigh and Gray Smith, III Lynn Spillman Kelley and Jack Stack Preston Stockton and Diane Wise Carol Strittmatter Gwynne and Dan Taylor Jodi Turner and Bill Gifford

Jim Walter Judy and Bill Watson Kendra Waugh Sally and Bill Wells Jayne and Douglas Williams Jo Ann Yates


Mary and Jon Bolton Henri and Royall Brown

Mary Louise and John Burress

Elaine Butler and Christopher Cook Claire and Hudnall Christopher Susan and Mark Conger Patsy and Bill Dixson Mary and Frank Driscoll Dustie and Karl Erik Margaret and Mac Foster Emily and Dick Glaze Judith Hanes Jane and Redge Hanes Ann and Borden Hanes, Jr. D.D. and Peter Hellebush Leslie Hollan Grace and John McKinnon Bev and Alan Moore Shannon and Charles Neal Abbie and F.D. Pepper, Jr. Cyndi and Bill Rabil Claudia and Marcus Schaefer Ellen and Andy Schindler

Susan Starr Margaret and David Townsend Nancy and Harry Underwood,II Mona and Wally Wu Lynn and Jeff Young


Phyllis Alexander Anne and Bruce Babcock Betty and Jim Becher Wendy and Mike Brenner Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm Brown Luci and Dek Driscoll Anonymous Robbin and Don Flow Paul Fulton Alison and Jeff Gardner Laura Hearn

Ruth and Keith Kooken Cathleen and Ray McKinney

Kathryn and Hof Milam Drewry and Christoph Nostitz

Stuart Parks

Allison Roquemore Michelle and Alex Schenker

Judy Scurry Nancy and Jim Spencer Kay Triplett


Eva and Gordon Bingham Wendy and Mike Brenner Anonymous

Ecology Wildlife Foundation Fund Garden Club Council of Winston-Salem & Forsyth County

Laura Hearn Nancy and Rich Keshian

Loy McGill, in honor of Paul and his foundational work in Reynolda Gardens and Village Pat Michal

Barbara and Nik Millhouse

Mr. Olof Röstlund and Dr. Emily Röstlund

Leigh and Gray Smith

Nancy Neill Spencer

Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust

Forrest Staton

Twin City Garden Club


Audubon Garden Club

Arbor Vitae Garden Club

Flower Lore Garden Club

Forest Evening Garden Club

Full Sun Part Shade Garden Club

Little Greens Garden Club

Old Salem Garden Club West End Garden Club


Reynolds American Rotary Club of Winston-Salem Village Tavern

TRIBUTE GIFTS GIFTS IN HONOR OF Janet Collins by Linda and Jim Strong

Kitty Felts by Flower Lore Garden Club

Lindsay Hannah by Myra and Robert Hannah

Michelle Hawks by Laura Hearn

Adrienne and Jon Roethling by Rowan County Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Association

Jon Roethling by West End Garden Club

GIFTS IN MEMORY OF Robert and Louise Canipe by Martha Canipe

Dina Nieuwenhuis by Audubon Garden Club Mary and Vern Bell Barbara Chope Joan and David Cotterill Mary Ferguson Jane N. Scott Camilla Wilcox

Ron W. Oppenheim by Sharon Vinsant

Sandy Poehling by Patty and Malcolm Brown Lynn Eisenberg Forest Garden Club Elise Herrin Sandy High Marilyn Johnson Ruth and Keith Kooken Magy Littlejohn Carroll and David McCullough Patty Obst Joyce Peters Janet Snow Jane Thompson

Andrea Rogers by Jane Rogers

Kay Smith by Trish and Mark Hamilton Linda Beaver and Fred Fischer Vick and Timothy Bethea Linda and Daniel Bowen Debbie Cobb

Linda Dorr and Ken Burkel

Kellie Falk

Janet Falls Ann Golden Margaret Hartis Fletcher Hatch Karen Hills and Gary James Julie and Chuck Long Harriet May Lillian Nordenholz Lisa and Cameron Patterson Phoebe and Anthony Patterson Edna and Ron Perkinson Mildred Pretty Denise and David Priddy Nash Simonet Mary and Michael Tatum Jean and Phil Waugh Mary Brown and Jade Wicker

Ann Lanier Spencer by Sara Harper

Carol Strittmatter by Marjorie Hoots Nancy Janeway Sharon Johe

Edith Townsend Whitley Williams by Virginia and Dane Perry

R.J. Wyatt by Camilla Wilcox

* deceased


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