Reynolda Gardens Cultivate: Spring/Summer 2021

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Gardens open dawn to dusk Greenhouse temporarily closed due to COVID-19





Horticulturist’s Corner


From the Vegetable Garden

by Forrest Allred

by Michelle Hawks NEWS


The Trails of Reynolda Gardens by Amy Dixon


Your Seat Back in Time


Colin’s Culinary Corner


Grow with Reynolda Gardens

by Colin Eads

by Jon Roethling


New Friends of Reynolda Gardens


Honor Roll


Volunteer Spotlight by Jon Roethling


the D I R E C T O R

Dear Friends, The view from my office window has allowed me to see so many harbingers of spring: new cherries blooming, new turf taking hold, and glorious tulips. All of these give me hope for what’s coming, which is that we can all come back together as we once were and in new ways as well. As I have mentioned before, we continue to see a sustained increase in visitation to the Gardens. We have tried to rise to the occasion to not only meet the needs of increased traffic in the Gardens but also present all that Reynolda has to offer. With the generous support of donors who share this vision that Reynolda is a tremendous resource to our community, we have been able to improve so many aspects of the Gardens. The Formal Gardens have gotten a facelift in several ways, including the teahouse roofs, the garden walls, and a return of the Weeping Cherry Allée. In the Greater Gardens, our trails have gotten some needed TLC and invasive species in several areas have been knocked back so that we can ramp up efforts to fill them back with native plants. We plan on seeing our role in our community begin to expand even more. Last summer we were thrilled to partner with H.O.P.E. of Winston-Salem in supplying 1,500 pounds of fresh produce. This year, with the support of the Rotary Club of Winston-Salem, we will again be able to raise vegetables for the community. Staff is already gearing up to surpass last year’s level. Through an Action Learning Project with Leadership Winston-Salem, we have surveyed a wide assortment of groups in our community with a goal of strengthening ties in many directions. It is our desire that these increased engagements lead to a diverse set of voices at the table guiding us as we begin a Master Plan for all of Reynolda towards the end of 2021. It was this desire to be engaged that spurred me to join the Community Appearance Commission of Winston-Salem and Forsyth County. Back when I started just two and a half years ago, I stressed my desire to have Reynolda Gardens actively engaged with our community. I’m proud to say we are moving in that direction more and more every day. One of the driving ideas of these Gardens was for them to be a resource for our community and, with your help, we continue to live up to that ideal. Thank you for your continued support. Sincerely,

Jon Roethling

Horticulturist’s corner by Forrest Allred


Scabiosa ‘Butterfly Blue’

Cypella coelestis



Scabiosa ‘Butterfly Blue’ is a true winner, blooming for Reynolda from April until frost. We even saw a bloom or two after frost on a warm day. Hardy in zones 5 to 9, ‘Butterfly Blue’ grows only 12-15 inches tall. This Scabiosa will develop as a compact, clump-forming perennial great for borders, edging, rock gardens, or planting in a group. The flowers are 2” in diameter with centers resembling a pincushion with protruding stamens and flat petals. Grows in full sun and welldrained soil. Deadheading flowers and stems will improve this plant and prolong the flowering season.

The Cypella colestis—originally from Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina—is a jewel, an incredible addition to any garden. If you can find this plant, treasure it. These plants can be hard to find and the seed can take up to 18 months to germinate. This plant has foliage like that of iris and is slightly pleated like a young palm. Cypella coelestis’s two inch-flowers are blue, goblet-shaped, and supported by two-foot tall stems. Each flower has petals—three large ones and three smaller tricolor ones—of white, yellow and blue with a throat of burgundy camouflage pattern. The flower is preceded by a beautiful, whirled bud. Although each goblet flower lasts only one day, the succession of flowers will provide beauty throughout the summer. Hardy to zone 7b, Cypella grows well in full or filtered sun in well-drained soil.


SPR I NG/SU M M E R 2021

Eranthis hyemalis WINTER ACONITE

If, after a cold, wet, often icy winter, you find yourself excited by blooming crocus, hellebores, snow drops, pansies, and violas , consider adding Winter Aconite to your garden. Winter aconite, along with our crocus, was one of the earliest plants to bloom at Reynolda Gardens despite any snow or ice. These six-petaled, upward facing, bright yellow flowers are sure to brighten up anyone’s gray, cloudy day. Although referred to as a bulb, these tuberous perennials grow only three to four inches tall. Winter aconite can readily spread like a ground cover or by self-seeding. After flowering, basal, lobed leaves appear dormant during the summer. Consider using Winter Aconite in a sloping landscape, planted under deciduous shade trees, along pathways, and in rock gardens. Best to plant them where they will receive full sun at the time of bloom but increasing shade as deciduous trees leaf out. Hardy zones 3 to 7. CAUTION: all parts of this plant are poisonous.



From the vegetable gardens by Michelle Hawks Lunchbox peppers are colorful miniature peppers, which come in three different varieties of red, orange, and yellow. I prefer the red ones because they have a much sweeter taste. The taste and the crunch of a lunchbox pepper is one of my favorite things in the summer. Here at the Gardens we call them a snacking pepper, because they’re a perfect size to just pop in your mouth for a quick, sweet snack. These pepper plants are perfect for any garden or container. The plants grow 24 to 30 inches tall and the fruits are usually 2 to 3 inches long. Lunchbox peppers are great to cut in half and stuffed with hummus or chive and onion cream cheese. They are a wonderful addition to any salad or stir-fry, and they’re great on the grill. Now for me, I eat more of them out in the garden than in the kitchen. So if you need more sweetness in your life, these peppers are a must have for your garden!



SPR I NG/SU M M E R 2021

The Trails of Reynolda Gardens by Amy Dixon Visitors come to Reynolda Gardens for a variety of reasons. Some visitors come to visit the formal gardens, which offer intricate areas of seasonal bloom, creative vegetable plantings and endless inspiration. Some come to simply find a place of pause amid their hectic day-today. And others come to enjoy the trails that wind throughout the historic grounds. The trails at Reynolda have long been a draw for walkers, runners, dog walkers and bird watchers. The two miles of trails wind through the wetlands, forest and meadow that envelope the estate, and include several spurs for different routes. There’s a couple of new things happening within our network of trails, which we hope will make the visitor experience even better. Extreme weather and regular foot traffic have caused erosion on many sections of Reynolda’s trails, especially the southeastern section that runs toward Coliseum Drive. Extremely rutted out from several seasons of heavy rain events, this section had become a treacherous trail. Thanks to generous gifts from Mr. Olof Röstlund and Dr. Emily Röstlund, the Ecology Wildlife Foundation Fund, and Nancy and Rich Keshian, this popular foot path has gotten a makeover. In early January work started on this trail to remove old timbers, clear underbrush, re-grade, and re-route certain portions of the path. The goal was to ease storm water off the trail by diverting it into the watershed at multiple intervals. Although wet winter weather hampered its progression, the work has proved to be well worth the wait. What was once a tedious walking path, is now a much-improved trail. Spring and summer are particularly nice seasons to walk the Reynolda trails, as many wildflowers are in bloom and the tree canopy creates cool shade. We’re very thankful for the generous gifts that allow us to make these trails safer and more engaging for the community. This fall, look for the addition of native plants and landscaping along the trails, including deciduous azaleas, sweeps of natural ferns, and other native plantings. This work is made possible through a visionary gift from Nancy Neill Spencer.


Also new to our trails is a hand-built information kiosk, centrally located at the confluence of the woodland trails. Built by local Eagle Scout Sarina Horner, this kiosk serves as a Reynolda message board, listing upcoming events and announcements. Horner planned, constructed and installed the kiosk in late 2020 as part of her Eagle project. “Reynolda Gardens has always been such a beautiful, magical place to visit for me,” Horner said. “It was an honor to have the opportunity to build an information kiosk on the trails and, in a small way, become a part of the place I love.” The Reynolda kiosk is part of a citywide geocaching tour of Eagle scout projects that Horner created, as well. Many Eagle projects blend into the community and aren’t always visible as a service project. Horner’s clever geocaching series links together eighteen Eagle projects within the Winston-Salem community. A portion of the series guides participants along a six mile historical hiking loop through downtown and Old Salem. Her series can be found under username eaglescout729 on NEWS


Your seat back in time



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Cherish a piece of history. Own a handcrafted bench, designed by Thomas Sears for Reynolda. Built on the original specs and crafted from the wood of a century-old original Reynolda red oak tree, these benches are one-of-a-kind and suggested for indoor use.


In 1906, Katharine Reynolds began assembling tracts of played-out farmland to establish the thousand-acre estate that came to be called Reynolda. As many as 18 mineral-rich natural springs made the site favorable, and Reynolda’s first landscape architects, Buckenham and Miller, planned a dam system to form a sixteenacre lake, named for Katharine. The estate’s second great transformation was a long, undulating lawn, more than two-thirds of a mile long and terminating in a private nine-hole golf course. Through this expanse, a driveway wound toward the front entrance of the main house. On one side of this newly-sculpted lawn stood a young, 20-year-old red oak tree that was to witness a storied family’s life for the next 100 years. For over a century, this red oak saw the family grow. It saw Smith land his plane on the front lawn. It saw family and friends play golf, attend parties, enjoy long walks, and revel in the natural beauty that accepted the Reynolds family as its keepers. On May 1, 2020, the red oak fell. Not of disease, by design, or unfortunate acts. As with all things, its time had come. Upon its falling, a call was made to salvage the tree. The tree was claimed and milled on the spot and became a member of the Roots Originals company. Nearly 3,000 board feet of red oak was milled and has been carefully curated by Roots Originals LLC for intentional use.


During the construction of Reynolda, renowned landscape architect Thomas Sears was hired to design Reynolda Gardens. Sears was a graduate in the first class of the first academic program in landscape architecture—the Lawrence Scientific School at Harvard—where he studied with Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr. He then worked in the office of the Olmsted Brothers in Brookline, Massachusetts. Starting in 1915, Sears designed gardens and plantings around Reynolda’s main bungalow and throughout Reynolda Village, and he returned over several decades to adapt and revise plans throughout Reynolda. To create a space that could be viewed and experienced holistically, a series of eight benches was designed, built, and placed around the estate and gardens. In January 2021, Reynolda commissioned Roots Originals to re-create exact replicas of several of these benches. Using the original design plans, the company paid careful attention to the specific measurements, attachments, and functionality of the benches. Mike Haggas, owner of Roots Originals, says: “ We focus on creating pieces made from woods that have their own stories and history. All of our former projects come with a sense of creating an heirloom with a story; not just a piece of furniture or item. The opportunity to acquire the Reynolda Red Oak and put forth a plan to honor the estate, family and Thomas Sears while supporting Reynolda Gardens was one that we couldn’t pass up. For Roots Originals, it also serves as tribute to the countless furniture makers in the area whose talents benefitted so many people. Their legacy is not forgotten. Rather, it is being remembered and paid forward. We are honored to play a role in this initiative.” NEWS


The following benches have been selected for replication. Limited quantities available. Benches are suggested for indoor use. Sales of these benches support Reynolda Gardens. Contact Beth Warren at to reserve your bit of history.

Bench C on display in the Museum lower lobby.





$3,000 (currently on view in the lower lobby of Reynolda House) 3’ 9” length 2’ 8” height 1’ 7” depth (1’ 2” in seat depth) 47 pieces custom cut and assembled

$2,000 3’ length 2’ 8” height 1’ 7” depth (1’ 2” in seat depth) 45 pieces custom cut and assembled

$4,000 5’ length 2’ 8” height 1’ 7” depth (1’ 2” in seat depth) 50 pieces custom cut and assembled


SPR I NG/SU M M E R 2021

Colin’s culinary corner by Colin Eads P I C K L I N G B E E T S from R E Y N O L DA G A R D E N S

We grow many different kinds of beets in the vegetable gardens at Reynolda. Boro, Bull’s Blood, Golden Burpee and the traditional Detroit Dark Red are all varieties that we’ve grown and harvested over the last few years. I come from a family that has always canned what we grow in our home garden. So I wanted to do the same with some of the beets that came from Reynolda. I canned several pints of pickled beets from what was harvested last fall. Here are the steps for canning pickled beets

1. Gather beets from the garden. Do not use beets that are soft or have bruises. 2. Clean beets. If there is excessive dirt, you may need to use a soft scrub brush. Once cleaned, take a knife and cut the stems 2-3 inches from tops of beets. 3. Cook beets. Cover with water and cook till beets are tender. 4. Remove from heat and drain water. Reserve 2 cups of water. While beets are cooling, prepare canner pot. 5. Once beets are cool, remove skin and cut into desired size. Place beets in jars that have been sterilized. 6. In large pot, mix together equal parts of sugar and beet water. Add 1 quart of vinegar and 1 tablespoon of pickling salt. Bring mixture to a rapid boil and pour hot brine over the beets in the jars. Seal with lids and rings. 7. Place cans into canner and add water up to the mouth of the jar. Let water come to a boil and cook for 40–50 minutes. 8. Remove jars from canner and let cool. You will hear the lids make a popping sound when they seal.



Grow with Reynolda Gardens by Jon Roethling In the summer of 2020, the team at the Gardens set out to ask the local community to support restoration projects to propel the Gardens forward. In the last year, the Gardens has completed several important projects, including replanting historic cherry trees, restoring the teahouses in the formal garden, and refreshing the herb garden. Earlier this year, Eva and Gordon Bingham made a generous donation to support a new plant database. They noted the following when making their gift: “Reynolda Gardens has been, and always will be, a place of enjoyment for both of us. Eva has especially fond memories of attending educational programs and other events in the greenhouse presented by Dave Bare, Preston Stockton and the rest of the staff. So we welcome the chance to support a project to create a database of all current plants on the property. Reynolda Gardens is a unique resource in our region and we hope others will join us in supporting it.”



SPR I NG/SU M M E R 2021

We are grateful to the following donors for their support of these projects, enabling Reynolda Gardens to continue serving as a beautiful place of respite and recreation for our community. Eva and Gordon Bingham Wendy and Mike Brenner Garden Club Council of Winston-Salem & Forsyth County Laura Hearn Nancy and Rich Keshian Loy McGill, in honor of Paul and his foundational work in Reynolda Gardens and Village Pat Michal Barbara and Nik Millhouse Ecology Wildlife Foundation Fund Mr. Olof Röstlund and Dr. Emily Röstlund Leigh and Gray Smith Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust Nancy Neill Spencer Forrest Staton Twin City Garden Club If you would like to learn more about how you can support a restoration project at Reynolda Gardens, contact Stephan Dragisic at or visit


Metta Ballard Marian Bell Mary Beth Blackwell-Chapman Michael Bradshaw Sylvia Budd Genie Carr Kim Carswell Mindy Connnor Brenda Davis Kim Davis Malissa Dilger Phyllis Erikson Mark Erikson Sheila Fox Geoffrey Frankel Cici Fulton Joan Greason Joanna Hamilton Sandy High Denise Hiller Sarina Horner Deborah Hunter Maureen Irwin Janice Johnson Billye Keith Jones Lucy Kaplan Gale Ketteler Marty Lentz Susan Lineberry Julia Long Helen Mack Carroll McCullough Julie Miller Ashley Morgan Kathy Orms Susan Peatross Melanie Renfroe Anna Roberge Natascha Romeo

Reynolda extends a warm welcome to our newest Friends of Reynolda Gardens! (since November 15, 2020)

Mitzi Royster Annie Sargent Leslie Scher Mary Schultz Bonnie Seligson Jessie Sharp Rachel Shepard Diane Simmerson Jimmy Speas Pamela Stallings Brooke Johnson Suitor Marilyn Summers Kathleen Tatter Betsy Trent Mark Vaders Shelia Virgil Valarie Waddell Jean Waugh Alissa Williams D U A L / F A M I LY

Bonita and Butch Absher Sue and James Adams Charles S. Brummitt Catharine Canevari Ann and Clyde Cash Ashley and Timothy Dalton Janet and Thomas Gladden Rachel and Robert Graham Betty Griffith Courtenay and Jim Harton Kate and Ben Hodge Shelley and David Holden Pollyann Holthusen Cindy and Bill Ketner Jodi and Bob Lingan Susan McBride Minta and Frank McNally Drew McNeill and Cris Windham Ronnie and Timothy Norman

Sandra and Sammy Parker Helen and Robert Phelps Annette and Bill Porter Lynn and John Roach Kathryn Sears and Thomas Gerridge Janie and Tom Slaughter Faye and Tom Taylor Mary Craig and Andy Tennille Cynthia and Danny Thomas Beth Thomas Nancy and Jerry Warren Laura and Mark Watson Karen and William Watts Susan and Joseph Weaver Katie Whitworth Janie and J.D. Wilson SPONSOR

Terrie and John Davis DD and Peter Hellebush Carol and Greg Hoover Margaret and David Townsend Kendra Waugh Sally and Bill Wells PAT R O N

Elaine Butler and Christopher Cook Judith Hanes Susan and Mark Conger B E N E FA C T O R

Phyllis Alexander Paul Fulton Cathleen and Ray McKinney Kathryn and Hof Milam Allison Roquemore

Reynolda Gardens Honor Roll

November 15, 2020 — April 30, 2021


Virginia Adams Judy Albers Susan Andrews Carol Atwater Marcia Baker Sarah Barnhardt Kay Bergey Beth Blair Cynthia Bouldin Wilba Brady Lynda Bryant Ann Butler Debbie Byrd Bobbi Caldwell Gabrielle Cardall Susan Chappell Emily Collins Bonnie Cook Karen Copeland Jane Craver Charlotte Croft-Hudgens Judith Crow Regina Cybulski Karen Daughtery Martha Davis Cindy Dearmin Carol DeVries Amber Dietz Virginia Diseker Carol Dolge Anne Dowell Beth Duckett Daughn Eagan Doris Eller Alice Ficken Shirley Fly Nancy Franklin

Bobbie French Eileen Frost Barbara Gerhard Judy Goodson Lisa Gould Myra Hannah Beth Hano Shawn Harber Richard Harris Sue Henderson Meg Hilleary Sandra Hoback Gaynell Hoban Elizabeth Hobert Jane Jackson Gina Jarrett Catherine Johnson Kathleen Johnson Geraldine Jove David Kelly Stephanie Kennedy Nancy Kilstrom Barbara Kirby Ruth Kirk Pat Lackey Gabriela Lee Marie Linton Anne Long Verlyn Luther Jo Main Brenda Mareday Maggie Martin Florence Mathon Harriet May-Heise Mary Lou McCormick Lisa McDonall Kay McGuirt Kay McKnight

Mary Millis McLaughlin Sally McLeod Trena McNabb Gayle Meredith Maureen Mills Mary Lou Moore Anne Morehead Deanna Moss Lea Nading Nancy Nading Christine Nickerson Carol O'Keefe Virginia Perry Joyce Peters Toni Petersen Cathy Ralston Pam Ripsom Gary Ritz Kathy Robinson Lynne Roosa Pat Rovere Connie Roy Lee Schrader Margaret Sehon Sandra Sheldon Diane Simmerson Mary Smith Susan Smoot Alan Snow Helena Spangler Meredith Stubbs Judie Swain Lisa Swarthout Andrea Thomas Georgie Thompson Deborah Thompson Arlene Thompson Janine Tillett

LeClare Turner Frances Vaughn Frances Vazquez Maribeth Weinman Becky Wheeler Elizabeth Williams Mary Louise Wilson Mary Anne Yarbrough D U A L / F A M I LY

Zanne and Bud Baker Janet Beavers Sandra and Rick Belmont Lori Bodwell and Gene Gustafson Heidi Bond Betty and Jim Brewer Stephanie and Michael Brooks Sara and Drew Cannon Vina and Greg Chase Nancy and Bill Colvin Perry and Thorns Craven Leah Crowley Mary and Bucky Dame Trish and Jody Dean Joyce and Jim Dickerson Lindsay and Andrew Diebler Kriss Dinkins and Stephan Dragisic Jean and Clarence Dixon Roddy and Vic Flow Janelle Frazier Julia and Tom Fredericks Janet and Gene Frekko Ruby Griffin LeighAnn Hallberg Donna and Gary Hamilton Sara and Stephen Harper Virginia Hart Annette and Alexander Hastie Daryl Henshaw Anne and Marcus Hester Nancy and Melvin Holland Natalie and George Holzwarth Grace and Eric Hoyle Frances Huffman Minda and Charles Hunter Kathleen and John Hutton Brenda and James Jones Warren Jones Belinda Jorgenson

Marilyn and Karl Karlson Maxine and Robert Kelly Jean and Jeff Kelly Elen Knott Ruth and Keith Kooken Carolyn and Herb Krutoy Suzy and Arthur Kurtz Cynthia and Monty Leonard Bingle and Doug Lewis Paula and Dan Locklair Jody and Kurt Lohman Kay and Frank Lord Mary Allen and Jim Martin Loy and Paul McGill Susan Melville and Charles Monroe Jean Messick Susan and John Mickey Wendy Miller and Jim Barefoot Nancy Moltman and John Skipper Leigh and Brad Myers Mary Newman Aubrey and Patrick O'Rourke Linda and James Pepper Roberta and Jim Pettit Jennifer and Robert Pierce Janice Purdy and John Keyes Luanne and Jack Rejeski Cal Reynolds Jodi and Seth Rodhe Ellen and Charles Roethling Jane Rogers Penny and Sammy Rothrock Catherine and Omar Sangueza Kelli and Herman Eure Margaret Savoca and Bruce Bradford Claudia and Marcus Schaefer Gilda Schneider Cherryel and Cooper Scurry Talmadge and Ian Silversides Hazel and David Sink Elizabeth Sloan Roberta and Donald Smith Sara and Bruce Smith Susan and Ken Sommerkamp Margaret and Gene Stewart Linda and Jim Strong

Anne and Tim Sullivan Kathleen and Cornelius Sullivan Trish and Jerry Sumners Susan Surratt Marcia Szewczyk and John Burkart Lynda and Gerald Taylor Nancy and Charles Thomas Sharon Vinsant and Ronald Oppenheim Gail Wall Laura and John Warren Suzanna Watkins and Jeffrey Wilson Mary and Doug White Anne Gray and Larry Wise Susan and Richard York Tracey Young and Danel Butner SPONSOR

Melanie and Terrence Almegual Phil Archer Ram and Gayathri Baliga Jim Barefield Mary and Jon Bolton Grace and Jimmy Broughton Agnes and Albert Butler Stewart Butler Mary Chervenak and Paul Jones Joan and David Cotterill Jo and Larrie Dawkins Luci and Dek Driscoll Shirley Duncan Pat and Jim Eisenach Anonymous Kathryn Garner Jodi and Bill Gifford Joan Greason Jane and Redge Hanes Teresa and Lucas Inman Robbie and Dave Irvin Nan Janeway Lynn and Winton Jennette Sharon Johe Lucinda and Christopher Jones Pam and Fred Kahl Carolyn and Bill McCall Cama and Robert Merritt Bev and Alan Moore

Susan Nash and Charles Jenkins Cathy and Ray Owen Cathy and Harold Pace Regena and Ken Pasterczyk Allison Perkins and Cliff Dossel Louise Pollard Cyndi and Bill Rabil Ann and Ron Rudkin Leigh and Gray Smith, III Kelley and Jack Stack Susan Starr Preston Stockton and Diane Wise Carol Strittmatter Stella Surratt Jodi and Bill Turner Jim Walter Judy and Bill Watson Robin and Robert Weisner Jayne and Douglas Williams JoAnn Yates PATRON

Kristie Blanco Henri Brown Claire and Hudnall Christopher Mary and Frank Driscoll Dustie and Karl Erik Margaret and Mac Foster Emily and Dick Glaze Jackie Humphrey Susie and David Jackson Geri Ann and Thomas Milner Shannon and Charles Neal Abbie and F.D. Pepper, Jr. Brook Reynolds Lorre and Jim Ruffin Ellen and Andy Schindler Nancy and Harry Underwood,II Connie and Bill Weeks Mona and Wally Wu Lynn and Jeff Young BENEFACTOR

Wendy and Mike Brenner Patty and Malcolm Brown Robbin and Don Flow Laura Hearn Drewry and Christoph Nostitz Judy Scurry


Club of 20 Gardens Dogwood Garden Club Evergreen Garden Club Flower Lore Garden Club Flowers & Friends Garden Club Full Sun Part Shade Garden Club Little Greens Garden Club Old Salem Garden Club Spade & Trowel Garden Club Twin City Garden Club Westwood Garden Club COMMUNITY SUPPORT

Reynolds American, Inc. Village Tavern Winston-Salem Rose Society


Co Chairs Chip Callaway and Stuart Parks Honorary Co Chairs Laura Hearn and Sandy Poehling PRESENTING SPONSORS

Barbara and Nik Millhouse Lusk Tree Service, Inc. EVENT PARTNER

Village Tavern DONORS

Phyllis Alexander Celeste Allen Anne and Bruce Babcock Nancy Beard Cynthia Blair Laura Bland Dianne and Chuck Blixt Sylvia Budd Mary Louise and John Burress Ann Butler Chip Callaway Greer and Scott Cawood Susan Conger Anne Copenhaver Selma Scott Cramer

Leah Crowley Suzanne Davis Terrie and John Davis Doris Deal Nella Fulton Kathryn Garner Susan and Martin Gilmore Betty Griffith Gretchen and Duane Haines Julie and Nathan Hatch Susan and Charles Hauser Laura Hearn Carol and Chip Holden Leslie Hollan Pollyann Holthusen Rosalie Horton Robbie and Dave Irvin Kay Johnson Judy Kennedy Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton, LLP Grey Lineweaver Patt Luckett Lis Marcotullio Elizabeth Martin Melinda McConnell Carroll and David McCullough Skinner McGee Grace and John McKinnon Kathryn and Hof Milam Lynda Morris Colby Murphy Ellen and Bill Parsley Allison Perkins and Cliff Dossel Stacy Petronzio Gary Poehling Mary Hannon Reid Scott Richardson Debbie and Mike Rubin Marge and Jerry Silber Gerrii Spach Nancy and Jim Spencer Gwynne and Dan Taylor Kay Triplett Meredith Vogler Mary Lynn Wigodsky Tillie Willis Frankie and Vernon Winters


In honor of Martha Quinn Ruth Kirk In honor of Chip Callaway Rosalie Horton In honor of Laura Hearn Rosalie Horton In honor of Judy Scurry Cherryel Scurry In honor of Michelle Hawks Laura Hearn GIFTS IN MEMORY OF

In memory of Anna Grace Djamalov Megan Riley In memory of Renee Hanley Adele Casanova In memory of Pete Moore James Moore In memory of Anna Marie Morgan Marie Linton

In memory of Sandy Poehling Elizabeth and Warren Allen Kenneth Bertram and Gail Griffin Wilba Brady Lila Cruikshank Linda DuBose Susan and Tim Durtsche Beth and Jim Einstein Kitty Felts Margaret Felts Huber and Scott Huber Kathryn Garner Henry Hackett Kay Johnson Pam and Fred Kahl Lottie Kay Elizabeth Martin Melinda and John McConnell Pat Messick Mary and Francis O’Brien Susan and Craig Peatross Nancy Pleasants Sandra Reynolds Brook Reynolds Allison Roquemore Judith Ruderman Catherine Sangueza Anne Skinner Lisa Stanley Smith Anna and Fletch Steele Judie Swain Frances Vaughn Josephine Walker Nancy and Jerry Warren Wanda and Lee Whalen Frankie Winters

In memory of Faye Slate Stephanie Hunter

Volunteer spotlight by Jon Roethling

Volunteering at Reynolda Gardens has long been a cherished activity for both our volunteers and our staff. I still recall admiring one day how splendid our vegetable gardens were looking and wondering why in the world my veggie gardens at home never looked as good. Then, backlit by the rising sun, a cast of shadowy characters emerged, headed towards the gardens, reminiscent of the reinforcements showing up in the nick of time in a great battle scene. Of course! We have dedicated volunteers who show up week in, week out. We missed our volunteers dearly over the past pandemic year. The saying ‘you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone’ rings true. Gradually, we have begun to welcome our volunteers back in limited ways. We certainly couldn’t have gotten all the bulbs planted this spring without their help. Two of our greenhouse volunteers have staggered their schedules to help Hayden with the orchids, while others have started back assisting in the gardens. Still, we long to have our full complement of volunteers back. Two volunteers, Sidney W. Lavender II and Jakob Vinten-Johansen, have recently tackled the arduous job of painting our fences, benches, and cold frames. Known better as Sid and Jake, these two have a combined skill set that balances perfectly.



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Whether it’s replacing fence railings or running down irrigation leaks, they have a knack for anticipating what comes next. “When we work together we’re constantly trying to evaluate what is needed to do, and it just flows,” Jake said. Sid and Jake have been friends for many years, both professionally and socially. Their volunteer time at Reynolda reflects that, as they always have a good time while they work. “I enjoy doing it,” Sid said. “It’s a lot of fun. A lot of work, but a lot of fun, too.” As pandemic restrictions ease, we hope to reengage our loyal volunteers and recruit more. It is amazing the sense of community that builds between our volunteers and our staff. Many of them have become trusted friends, and we look forward to adding more to that fold. One thing I want to emphasize is that there are more ways to help in the Gardens than you might think. As we start fleshing out our newly acquired database, we could use help with data entry and management. Once the Floral Shop reopens, we would love assistance with that and with leading tours as Garden Ambassadors. So, as you can see, there’s more to do than just weeding! Let us know what hidden talents you might be hiding. Stay tuned as we begin to open up and expand our volunteer program in its scope and benefits. Contact Michelle Hawks to learn more at


So many of you enjoyed our bulbs this spring, and we wanted you to be aware of where to get them and know how you can help Reynolda Gardens at the same time! Brent and Becky’s is a fantastic mail order bulb nursery in Gloucester, VA, operated by some of the best people around. Through their Bloomin’ Bucks program you can designate Reynolda Gardens as the beneficiary of your order and 25% of the value of your order will be set aside as a credit for the Gardens to purchase bulbs. Just go to and scroll down to select Reynolda Gardens. Happy planting!




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