The blue and royal the blue and royal 1979

Page 13

Diary of Events 1978 5 Lt Bucknall presenting to the Queen CoH Jones, LCSOH Claridge, Nisbet and Vaughan.

This year began with the handover of command from Lt Col J. H. Pitman to Lt Col H. 0. Hugh Smith. The early months were spent in trade training. In March activities became more specifically directed towards the Battle Group exercise in Canada, Ex Medicine Man 11.

The Blues and Royals battle group consisted of RHQ. ‘B’ and ‘C’ Sqns and Alma Coy of 1st Bn Duke of Wellington’s Regt. ‘A’ Sqn were placed under command of the 1st Bn Duke of Wellington‘s Regt and trained with their battle group throughout the year. The preparation for Ex Medicine Man 11 culminated with four weeks of gunnery and tactical training at Hohne and Soltau in late March and April. On the Regiment's return to Detmold. ‘A‘ Sqn and the echelon were busy preparing for a demonstration to the Staff College which took place on May 12. The Regiments’ Battle Group moved to Sufiield on the plains of Alberta on May 26 and took up residence in Camp Crowfoot. The armoured training facilities at BATUS are unrivalled and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the 14 days training on the prairie. After the Regiment

handed over there were four days R&R followed by the return to Detmold. The Regiment, less a party of adventure trainees. was back in Detmold by June 26. when ‘8‘ and ‘C‘ Sqns began an intensive period of trade training. Meanwhile. ‘A‘ Sqn started its pre-Suflield training with the DWR battle group in preparation for Ex Medicine Man 5 in August and September. During the trade training phases from June 26 to September 29, ‘B‘ and ‘C‘ Sqns provided border patrols, an SAS guard. a troop to appear in a film on fighting in built-up areas, and three relief troops for the Berlin Squadron of the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards. ‘A' Sqn returned from Canada on September 14 and the whole Regiment prepared for the annual FTX which took place from October 16727. The FTX was followed by two weeks spent laying up the tanks and on November 13 training for the Regiment‘s four-month tour in Andersonstown in the dismounted role began. The Regiment has two weeks block leave over Christmas and finally departs for Belfast at the beginning of February.

CoH Whitworth is in the background


W02 Fortt and the

Commanding Officer show the

Chieftain to Vice Admiral S. F. Berthon, DCDS(OR)


Lt Col Morris showing the Queen Claudius held by Tpr Bareham

Col J. A. C. G. Eyre and the Regimental Adjutant

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