uk19 28 January 2010 | year 39

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Let’s be friendly  2  Antropomorphic rabbit zombie robot  4 Snowflakes in superglue 7  Groninger at Harvard 10

I N D E P E N D E N D W E E K L Y F O R T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F g ronin g en n 2 8 J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 0 n Y E A R 3 9 In this issue

Psychological problems Every year, around 600 students turn to the University’s Psychological Counselling Service for help, and their numbers are increasing. Journalism student Ellen de Groot (25) visited a counsellor after she suddenly had a panic attack. “Out of the blue, I burst into tears.” >

scary students

Good education Nine lecturers – one from each faculty – have been nominated for the annual University of Groningen Best Lecturer Award. On Thursday 4 February, they will compete by lecturing for seven minutes before an expert jury. The winner will receive EUR 7,500 and a work of art.

Annoyance over road safety

8/9 >

Dutch or Iranian? Professor Nassar Kalantar has a Dutch passport and Dutch children. And he thought he was Dutch – until the Dutch government decided to deny him access to physics research facilities due to his Iranian descent. Now he is taking the State to court. >

The letter from Groningen municipality responding to an official letter of complaint concerning road safety in the Zernike area is stirring up annoyance within University ranks.


I n t e r n at i o n a l pag e

And the winner is... Econometrics Gerard Kuper and Elmer Sterken have designed a model to calculate the result of the Vancouver Winter Olympics. >


A l m a n ac Awa r d UK is looking for the bestmade, funniest, weirdest and most wonderful student almanac for the fifth annual UK Almanac Award. Student societies, sports clubs, and all other student organizations are invited to send in this year’s almanac for a chance to win a) a trophy and b) a barrel of beer. You can find the rules on the UK website ( Entries close on Monday 1 March.

Deze week verschijnt de UK helemaal in het Engels – we doen dat drie keer per jaar. Goede zaak? Laat je horen! Stem in onze poll op Nestor, gooi je commentaar in de shoutbox of stuur je reactie naar This week, we have produced a completely English UK – which we will do three times a year. Let us know what you think: Vote in our internet poll on Nestor, drop your comments in the shout box or send an email to uk@


English edition

Illustration Paul de Vreede

The University of Groningen is concerned about Groningen’s ambitious student housing projects. Rector Magnificus Zwarts says the plan is very good. But will the new rooms be ready in time? Last week, alderman Frank de Vries unfolded plans for the construction of possibly up to 5600 extra living quarters within four years. Out of this total, 1800 are reserved for temporary facilities, such as the Nijestee containers on the Damsterdiep. New housing facilities may be constructed at seventeen locations, each of them potentially home to several hundred living quarters. On the list of seventeen locations:

are the former offices of telecom company KPN (capacity of 350), the current offices of Niemeyer tobacco company (450) and a former grain silo ACM quite near to the Zernike university area (300). Three Groningen building societies - Lefier, Nijestee and Huismeesters - have committed themselves to building these homes. Some of these projects will require private investment. The Board of the University of Groningen says the plan is excellent, but it fears that the extra living quarters will not be constructed soon enough. Legal procedures concerning student housing will consume up to five years before constructors can even start and a significant number of extra rooms may be

needed as soon as next summer. Zwarts urges local authorities to come up with a generic permit for building societies for all these projects. Another big rise in student numbers may put further pressure on the private housing market. Zwarts fears such a scenario may trigger local authorities to come up with new strict measures such as the present so-called ‘time out’ in Selwerd, which effectively bans the creation of new student houses there. “Just as mayor Rehwinkel does, I fear the debate could swing from student-related nuisance to students in general”, Zwarts says. [ Lieke van den Krommenacker and Jan Blaauw ] Continue on page 3 >

Local authorities responded in a two-page letter to an appeal for action by the Board of the University. The appeal was sent on 30 October 2009, urging the local authorities to change the traffic situation at the Zernikelaan and Blauwborgje road crossing. A number of traffic accidents have occurred at this crossing involving cyclists, cars and one bus. The current situation was created in 2008 and was designed to improve road security at the busy intersection. But since then, concern has been rising steadily amongst students and staff members about the risk of accidents involving grave injuries occurring. Municipal director of Spatial Development Esseline Schieven writes that some changes will be put into effect, including two new pedestrian crossings and three crossings for cyclists. The traffic situation near the Sports Centre will also be adapted. Nevertheless, Schieven’s letter stresses that the road crossing itself is not considered dangerous by the local authorities but is experienced as such by passing traffic. Schieven sees no reason to redesign the crossing and points out that a number of accidents were the result of the road conduct of drivers and cyclists. Funds from the municipal traffic budget will be reserved for changes resulting from the construction of a tram line in 2015. The letter has been received with annoyance by student parties and staff members alike. Member of the Board of the University Koos Duppen did not hide his disappointment either. “Personally, I think the entire traffic situation should be revised.” Duppen explains that the expected opening of the new Life Sciences building, later this year, will result in a further growth of traffic at Zernike. [ jan blaauw ]


UK 19 - 28 JANUARY 2010

Zernike, Groningen > 27/01/2010 10:00 >Tjerk is being friendly for friendliness’ sake

Please beware! Friendliness! We should be a little bit more friendly and say ‘hello’ and ‘thank you’ a more often. In a recent advertisment campaign, the Dutch public, internationally renowned for being crude and boorish, is asked to be -well- just a little bit more well-behaved. Door Tjerk Notten A woman is approaching along one of the long corridors in the building of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences on the Zernike Campus. She’s alone and in a few seconds she will pass by me. This is the moment to greet each other. I try to make eye contact, but the woman stares at the floor. In fact, she seems not to notice me at all. Without making a sound, we pass each other. Not a real warm moment. But there is a second chance. Ten metres behind the woman a man is walking in my direction. Will he say something? When he passes again there is no ‘hi’. He avoids eye contact and stares into the distance. Is it really that strange to greet someone at the University? A national survey stated recently that 78% of the Dutch people think that everyone should be a little more friendly to one another. Say ‘hello’ to an unknown person a little more often, for example. Or say thank you when someone gives you a compliment. This was the reason for SIRE, a Dutch public service organization, to start a publicity campaign. At the moment, the people in this University of Groningen building


are a perfect target. Because of the exams, it is a bit quiet in the building this Wednesday morning. The few people that are around are mostly personnel. So let’s walk around a bit and put friendliness to the test. ‘Morning’, says a woman in another hallway. A few minutes later a man also says something without my greeting him first. They certainly make you feel more welcome than the other two people. The campaign called Pas op, aardig – which can be translated as ‘Beware, friendliness’– is about pointing out to people that it is not necessarily strange for someone to be nice. In the urban parts of the Netherlands in particular, people tend to react suspiciously when someone is trying to help or is just being kind. Let’s see how the people respond at the Faculty of Economics and Business across the street. When I enter and say good morning to a woman in a blue jacket with friendly eyes, she immediately responds with a good morning. For her there is nothing awkward about the situation, it seems. A few minutes later, a student enters the building. Because of the cold weather he’s got a red face and he seems to be in a hurry. But this time as well, a friendly ‘hi’ is the reply upon greeting him. Most of the people react nicely, I soon discover in the next 30 minutes. The situation within the university isn’t that bad at all. What is remarkable is that people tend not to greet each other just like that but are certainly willing to respond with a good day when someone greets them. So far, the Facul-

ty of Economics and Business is doing better than Natural Sciences. But when I return to their buil-

ding a guy wants to leave while I’m trying to enter. I hold the door for him and he then scores high on the

‘friendliness scale’ by saying kindly: “Good morning – thank you very, very much!”



“When are you going to stop hating men?” Lisa asked me a while ago. Yeah, I must admit it was really bad. After the break-up, I lived like a hermit for five months. When I could finally breathe without crying, I got aggressive. In a real scary-woman kinda way. I had thoughts of killing all creations with dicks, even those with barely noticeable ones. Then I started to date guys I knew were too nice for me. The nice guy never gets the girl – everybody knows that. But it was the only type I dared to date. When they looked at me with hearts in their eyes, bought me too-expensive flowers and texted me fifteen times a day, I felt I was in control. I needed to feel safe. At a party my ex asked Lisa, “Who’s that man Rosa’s flirting with?” Lisa, stoical as always, said, “Oh never mind, that’s her next ex”. It was true. I wrote a column about him, saying how in love I was. Two days later I had scared him all the way to California. Never saw him again. Meanwhile I accepted my fate was never to fall

Photo Elmer Spaargaren

- “Please, after you...” - “Gee, thanks.”

in love again. Until three weeks ago. I got an email from a guy named Ramsey: “I heard you on the radio and I think your voice is so cool, and you look pretty hot too.” Always the ideal way to a woman’s heart. He also mentioned the word “porno” immediately arousing my interest. Who’s this cheeky guy who ignores all the etiquette? I wrote back to him and that was the start of our now forty-letters-long dialogue. We’re both journalists. We make the same jokes, know the same unusual words and have even pulled the same stupid stunts on our ex-lovers. He’s like a replica of me. And apparently I really like myself, cause I’m crazy about him. And he’s become addicted to me. I don’t know if he will still be here when I write my next column, but I do know he’s the reason I’ve started to believe in love again. And for now, that’s perfect.

Rosa Timmer, fourth year student Linguistics

UK editorial address: Oude Kijk in ’t Jatstraat 28, Postbus 80, 9700 AB Groningen. Telefoon: 050-3636700; Telefax: 050-3636698; E-mail:; Internet:

Editorial board: Hanneke Boonstra (editor-inchief) 3636697, Jan Blaauw (news coordinator) 3636696, Christien Boomsma (editor) 3637802, René Fransen (science) 3636695, René Lapoutre (design) 3636693, Ernst Arbouw (International Page) 3636130. Other editorial staff: Wouter Beetsma, Hinke Hamer, Peter Keizer, Lieke van den Krommenacker, Teodor Lazarov, Janita Naaijer, Tjerk Notten, Elisabeth Oosterling, Stijn Roelofs, Diane Romashuk, Filmo Verhagen, Dorien Vrieling. Columnists: Ana van Es, Rosa Timmer, Gerrit Breeuwsma. Staff: Bart Breman, Michel Dijkstra, Hans Miedema, Marcel Wichgers. Photos: Reyer Boxem, Jeroen van

Kooten, Elmer Spaargaren. Drawings: Bert Cornelius, Eric van der Wal, Kees Willemen Published by: Stichting Universiteitsblad Print run: 20.000 exemplaren Press office: The UK cooperates with other university papers in the Higher Education Press Office (HOP). Advertisements: Bureau Van Vliet bv, P.O. Box 20, 2040 AA Zandvoort, tel. 023-5714745, telefax 023-5717680 University of Groningen advertisements, announcements and UKaatjes: Heiny de Ruiter (3636699) Subscription: € 30 per year, (internal rate € 20). Change of address: schriftelijk aan de administratie van de uk. Change of address for University of Groningen staff: inform the relevent Personnel department. ©UK. Copyright reserved. No article may be reproduced either wholly or partially without permission of the editor-in-chief.

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UK 19 - 28 JANUARY 2010

More computers for Social Sciences


Students of the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences (GMW) are not happy with the study sites currently available at the Faculty. A survey among 700 participants showed that 57 percent are dissatisfied. Sixty-five percent wants more computers for individual use, while 35 percent want them for group use. To the Faculty Board it is clear that more computers are needed. It is also clear that they will be computers for individual use. Where the new computers will be placed is still unknown. The Faculty is already in dire need of more space.



No extra points for Law student

350? Photos Jan Blaauw

Four of the 17 locations designated for student housing

Is more student housing needed? The new plan aims at concentrating student housing in four areas within Groningen city borders. Local authorities and building societies want to secure public support first and then construct housing for youngsters. Carefully avoiding the word ‘students’. With local elections coming up on 3 March and faced with an increase in student numbers, the issue carries more and more political weight. Even the current number of students already living in Groningen turns out to be higher tham always been assumed. “We always have discovered that a lot more stu-

OV-chip problems admitted Students will not fall victim to technical problems during the introduction of the ‘OV-chipkaart’, Minister of Education Ronald Plasterk says. The OV-chipkaart is a public transport smartcard for Dutch students. The introduction of the travel card was plagued by technical problems. Mr. Plasterk said that the queues of students waiting to activate their new travel card this month were “unacceptably long”. Earlier this week, the original 1 February deadline for students to activate their cards had to be postponed. A new deadline has not yet been announced. The Minister said that before deciding on a new deadline he wants to be “absolutely positive that everything functions as it should”. Until then, students will be allowed to travel with a non-activated travel card, he said. [ HOP ]

dents live in the city centre than we have always thought, namely four thousand”, says De Vries. Alderman De Vries acknowledged a policy change when he promoted the plans last Friday. “We are on the eve of a major change”, De Vries said. “At this moment, eighty percent of the students live in privately owned, poorly maintained houses in old, low-quality areas. Our statement is: by establishing better homes, we can offer more quality for less money.” The actual selection of sites from the list of seventeen locations is up to building societies, private investors and public support. “From experience I know that some loca-

tions will drop from the list”, Lefier director Geerdink says. “And it is difficult to predict exactly how much temporary housing we need. Our intention is to build long-term housing.” In 2009, first-year student numbers at the RUG increased by twelve percent. Higher education numbers are expected to rise significantly for six to eight years in a row, says Rector Magnificus Frans Zwarts. “We have been discussing a university size of 30,000 students. Now we are facing numbers going up to perhaps 35,000.” Zwarts points out that the municipality could do more to step up the pace. “It all hinges on the munici-

pality. We would like the local authorities to consider our forecasts of student numbers in their plans.” But Geerdink does not agree. “I could point out instances where all parties involved have been slow. But we all need each other now, so let’s look at the future and work hard.” National politics may complicate matters further. The Dutch government is considering major budget cuts to combat the effects of the credit crunch. One serious target: the system of state-sponsored study grants. “Ever more important politicians single this out as a target. If that happens, students may change their plans.” [ jan blaauw and lieke van den krommenacker ]

Wireless Groningen delayed One of the showpieces of the city of Groningen, a wifi network called Draadloos Groningen covering the whole town, has been severely delayed. Unwired, the company currently installing the network, is having trouble getting permits to place antennas in the city centre. The wireless network is owned by Stichting Draadloos Groningen (Wireless Groningen Foundation), whose members include the municipality of Groningen, Hanze University Groningen and the Uni-

versity of Groningen. The primary purpose is to allow students to log in to the universities’ networks. In addition, residents and tourists can access information about the municipality and the internet as well. Unwired Holding, hired by Draadloos Groningen to manage and deploy the network, is not permitted to place antennas on historic buildings. Lampposts are not an option, because there is no electricity during daytime. “It’s taking longer than expected, but we are not ready to throw in the towel just yet”, says Robert Janz, manager of Draadloos

Groningen. According to Janz, the network will be operational in April 2011. “As soon as we’ve got the permits for the city centre, the rest of Groningen will be done in a heartbeat.” Remco Kouwenhoven, former municipal councillor for the VVD, agrees with Janz but wants the installation of the network to be speeded up. “Draadloos Groningen has had a lot of media attention on several occasions, but standing on the Grote Markt I still can’t access the internet with my smartphone.” [ peter keizer ]

Selwerd surfs with IP6 addresses Students living in the three Selwerd student flats are the first computer users within the RUG to be assigned internet addresses based on the Internet Protocol version 6. Currently, the RUG can use a total of 65,000 internet addresses based

on IP version 4. At present, some 80 percent of the addresses are already in use. Worldwide, IP version 4 allows a maximum of 4.3 billion addresses. This number has been sufficient for many years, but the ever-growing number of internet users is expected to mean this stockpile of addresses will be de-

pleted within the next two years. Based on the Selwerd pilot, the RUG will make a plan for the combined use of addresses based on both version 6 and version 4. The new system will comprise a total of 340 x 1036 addresses, of which the RUG has been assigned 1.2 x 1024. [ jan blaauw ]

The complaint brought by a first-year Law student to the Board of Appeal for Examinations (CBE) last week about the mark given to her on her Handelsrecht A (Commercial Law) exam has been rejected. The student disagreed with her lecturer on the low score she received for one of the questions. She was denied points she felt she deserved and flunked the exam. According to the CBE, however, her complaint was unjustified.

Council to vote on extra women The University Council is expected to vote on a plan put forward by the Board of the University to increase the number of female professors at the RUG. President of the Board Sibrand Poppema has been working on the plan since it was announced in June 2009. The plan has met a mixed response, effectively splitting the ranks of both students and staff factions in the University Council.

TU Delft to repay EUR 25 million Delft University of Technology may be forced to return a EUR 25 million grant it received for rebuilding its Faculty of Architecture, which burnt down in 2008. The university decided against rebuilding because it had another building which was “perfectly OK”. Education Minister Ronald Plasterk now says the EUR 25 million was meant to fund a new building that was intended to be “an icon of Dutch architecture” and not for relocating to an existing building. [HOP]

Improved access The education level of parents is becoming gradually less important an influence on the education level of their children, a Ministry of Education study shows. Children of parents who followed higher education are still more likely to follow higher education themselves, but the number of children from families with a poor educational background who eventually complete university, has grown from 2 percent in 1989 to 9 percent today, the study shows. [ HOP ]


UK 19 - 28 JANUARY 2010

Bunny with a vengeance Ever wondered what Easter would be like from a bunny’s point of view? Have you now? Try this then: ever wondered what Easter would be like for a bunny that was killed just before the holiday but then given the opportunity to return for some serious revenge?

You’re not |_

Last year, 675

By Jan Blaauw It’s probably a dramatic scene in any story or movie: the instant a killer pulls the trigger. Even when the killer proves to be a hunter aiming a carrot-loaded crossbow at something furry in the great green outdoors. Somehow this scene puts you in the right frame for this type of movie and its narrative logic. Never kill anything near your home when your crazy neighbour isn’t very careful with very green and very toxic liquids. Neglecting such wisdom spells nothing but trouble. Trouble is exactly what awaits father Be (the hunter) and mother Eva in the Easter movie ‘PaasHaat’ – a title merging the Dutch for ‘Easter Bunny’ and ‘Easter Hatred’ in just one word – which was made by the USVA video collective. A very angry and quite dangerous kind of trouble, as the toxic liquids turn the once innocent bunny into a lethal killing machine. Finally, Be and Eva experience something that puts their

Don’t use a crossbow anywhere near green toxics. heavy feelings of guilt and blame over having to raise their multiple handicapped son Timmy into perspective. He’s something of a special kid, this Timmy. But that’s between him and the bunny. ‘PaasHaat’ is the first attempt at horror by director Arno Cupédo, movie professor and chairman of the USVA video collective. Cupédo and some twelve students and other movie-making members spent last weekend in and around picturesque Bakkeveen working until 5 a.m. every day to get all the footage they needed. It’s funny. It’s weird. And no, these guys are not overpaid professional filmmakers. But it looks good, thanks in part to a depthof-field adapter, creating the onscreen atmosphere of big movies

Foto Jan Blaauw

without paying the 100,000 euros for a camera that can do the trick just by switching on the battery. Having a special effects guy also helped a bit, as did knowing someone who can sort of operate a robot-zombie-bunny. As medical student Irina Versteeg puts it: “Arno always says we should make aesthetically sound, fantastic meuk,” – the last word, in very modern Dutch, coming down to ‘nonsense’. And there’s more where this came from. Check for other specimens of imagination meeting a steady camera hand. “We just bullshit over a few beers for an hour and we have enough for three new movies”, says Cupédo. And be forewarned. This Easter will see a few casualties if that bunny gets near enough.

Delft students simulate disaster A government campaign is urging Dutch citizens to ‘think ahead’ and prepare for a possible disaster by stocking up on emergency supplies or buying an emergency kit. Six students at Delft University decided to simulate their own emergency. By René Fransen What would it be like to live for seventy-two hours without water, electricity or any contact with the outside world? That’s the question six Industrial Design students explored for their Minor in Sustainable Design. The students scavenged for food and water in their house and tried to cook a

meal using candlesticks and olive oil as fuel. A short YouTube video shows the students going through a dark house with torches and eventually finding an algae-filled open water tank on a radiator. Collecting rainwater and emptying the toilet cistern didn’t provide the recommended nine litres per person. Food was less of a problem: the fridge contained some leftovers and there was a decent supply of bread in the house. Eventually, they resorted to cooking their pasta in beer. The lack of drinking water resulted in mild dehydration at the end of their self-chosen ordeal. The students came up with an alternative to the emergency kit

that the government has devised. “Many people already have most items in the kit at home”, one student explained. That’s why the students came up with a sticker poster. All the necessary items are represented by a sticker. If an item is available, the homeowner can put the sticker on a stylized house on the poster. If any stickers are left over, these items should be purchased. The students presented their poster to the Home Secretary Guusje ter Horst last Tuesday as a cheap alternative to the government emergency kit.

You can see the YouTube video at watch?v=1pPCGI63Ksk

Question & answer

‘I’m very glad I qualified’ Ice-skater Thijsje Oenema (21), a student of Business Economics at the University of Groningen, flies to Vancouver tomorrow for the Olympic Games. She qualified for the 500 metres by beating Marianne Timmer (35) – the golden girl of the Olympics who is recovering from a severe injury. By Hanneke Boonstra

Thijsje, you did it! “Yes, I did. But neither my time in the first (39.41) nor in the second round (39.66) was very satisfying. So I didn’t expect to make it to the Olympics. But I’m very glad I qualified.”

What did Marianne say? ‘Thanks for ruining my Olympics!’ “Oh no! She congratulated me, but it was a somewhat unpleasant situation. It isn’t the first time I’ve beaten her. But for Marianne it was too soon after her injury. That’s why she didn’t make it.” And now to Vancouver. How are your chances? “I don’t know. I just want to skate as fast as possible. I’ve been to Vancouver before for the World Championships, so I know the track.” The track record for the Olympic Oval in Vancouver is 37.7. Your personal record is 37.73. So……

“…….no, no, I’m not the favourite. It’s a sea level track and these tracks aren’t that fast, as you saw in Heerenveen. The only thing I have to do is skate two good races. And that’s it.”

Nervous? “No, why should I be? It’ll be great fun to be there. And you know, skating is skating. It’s as simple as that. I shan’t lose any sleep over it.” What about your studies? “I’m at home in Joure, trying to study. I’ve got an exam on Thursday. It isn’t my best year, but I’m coping. It’s my third year, so it’s not too bad.”

|  r e p o r t   |  Nearly everyone knows someone who has been to see a psychological counsellor at some point, or they have their own experience of counselling. What kind of problems do students have to deal with? And how do they experience the support provided? By Lieke van den Krommenacker In 2006, Ellen de Groot (25) was cycling in Groningen when she suddenly had a panic attack. But what seemed sudden turned out to be the physical outcome of a period of continuous worry and mental fatigue. De Groot: “I hadn’t been feeling well for a while. I remember riding on my bike, worrying about my financial situation and thinking that I would never finish my studies. I had just started my Master’s in Journalism Studies and was trying to finish my Bachelor’s thesis. Out of the blue, I burst into tears.” De Groot’s studies for her Master’s were going badly at the time: she was less able to concentrate and consequently found herself reading the same page of her study books over and over again. And she still lost the thread. “The stupid thing was”, she continues, “that there was no immediate cause for panic at that point at all, except the thought that I had to study for another two years. But even then I knew I was going to make it.” Because her marks were getting worse, De Groot went to her educational counsellor and had a few good chats with him. “That made me realize something more was wrong. I was in the middle of some sort of personal crisis. He advised me to go to one of the university’s psychological counsellors.” Ton Boekhorst, the head of the Psychological Counselling Service of the University of Groningen, says that over six hundred students a year visit a student psychologist. “The numbers are increasing but so are student numbers”, the psychologist explains. Whereas 575 students visited one of the seven available counsellors in 2006-2007, 675 found their way to the department during 2008-2009. It is hard to pinpoint a cause for the increase beyond the growing number of students in general. Boekhorst stresses that “approachability plays a distinct role. Nowadays it is easier to ask for counselling than ten years ago.” He also thinks the increased involvement of educational counsellors, as in the case of De Groot, is important. “They refer students to us at an earlier stage than used to be the case.” Moreover, in the current academic climate where students cannot afford much of a delay in their studies, they tend to ask for help sooner.

Boekhorst says, “You cannot carry on telling yourself that you can do it alone.” German student Kati Völkel (26) experienced this a few years ago. Like De Groot, she struggled with her studies, in Psychology, although she initially did not link her declining marks to her gloomy state of mind. “I also went through a difficult period of relational problems with family and friends”, she says. Furthermore, at some point Völkel started doubting whether she was capable of studying and living in a student house. “I was afraid that I was walking away from something. I had taken on some kind of basic insecurity, which was totally unnecessary.” A good friend recommended that Völkel go to the educational counsellor for some advice. He helped her to understand to some extent what was actually going on. Völkel: “Once I was ‘forced’ to explain my situation to him, everything came

R E M A R K A B L E 5

UK 19 - 28 JANUARY 2010

alone, you know students went to a counsellor.

The future of counselling

Illustration Pluis out. I realized that I really wasn’t feeling very well.” Boekhorst recognizes the problems De Groot and Völkel encountered. “Problems can be roughly divided into three categories. First, people have problems with studying, such as a lack of concentration or motivation. Second, students experience difficulties in the area of personal development. They struggle with their identity, with starting a life in a new city, with new friends and a lot of different choices they need to make. Third, we see students with psychological problems, such as depression or anxiety.” Everyone who is registered as a student at the university can get free help from the Psychological Counselling Service. Once you have decided to consult a psychological counsellor, the first step is to fill out a registration form. An intake interview is usually scheduled within ten days. Boekhorst: “During this interview, we try to figure out the kind

of help the person needs, and look for answers to questions like: what needs to be changed at the end of the line? What can we do to help?”

‘The notion that I could not solve this alone slowly surfaced’ “I talked about whatever I was thinking of at that moment”, Völkel remembers about her intake interview. “The notion that I could not solve this alone slowly surfaced. I felt it was so much to deal with that I almost literally fell over. In that respect, this first conversation did not help that much”, she concludes. In general, it takes four to six weeks before the subsequent consultations start. Most students then see their counsellor for a forty-fiveminute session every two weeks,

with a maximum of eight visits. “For most people, that’s enough”, says Boekhorst. “The average number of sessions is five or six. In some cases, the intake interview itself is sufficient. We do, however, advise some people to seek more help after we are done.” Both De Groot and Völkel completed the course of ten sessions, which was then the maximum number. Both students agree that it took a while before the tangible effects of counselling became apparent. Boekhorst confirms that patience is necessary: “We often see that it takes some time before students recognize the positive results.” For De Groot, it certainly has been beneficial in the end. “My counsellor taught me to look at my problems from a different perspective. By thinking of how someone else would act or react in my situation, I began to understand that they probably would have faced the same difficulties. I am not the only one who is scared of giving presentations,

for example. Other people also go red when they have to speak up befor a group.” Realizing that you’re not the only one with a problem eases the pain. De Groot therefore decided to join a therapy group after she finished the individual counselling. In the group, she found that her fears actually represented a safe place. “By not telling others what was bothering me, I was reducing risks, because I was the only one who knew what was going on. When I shared my thoughts I found that listening and reacting to each other’s problems can be really helpful.” Völkel wondered for a long time whether the counselling had been useful. “Things didn’t become any clearer for a long period”, she explains. However, she admits that it was hard for her to be open in the therapy. “I think it is truly difficult to be a good therapist, because the nature of the contact is often based on a personal match.” Völkel says that the greatest ben-

In September 2009, the University Council agreed with a plan of the Board of the University to find a new working model for psychological counsellors. In order to reduce waiting lists and simplify the referral procedure, a special committee will examine models used at the University of Amsterdam and the University of Twente. In Twente, the university has its own psychotherapy centre at the campus. In Amsterdam, the mental health care authorities and practitioner psychologists provide help at the Student Service Centre itself. “This makes referral a lot easier”, explains Boekhorst, who emphasizes that referring is often a tough job. “It is a great hurdle for most people, because you have to sort things out with your health insurance, and your general practitioner needs to write a referral letter. And, once again, you’ll probably end up on a waiting list. Moreover, we never know whether clients actually make use of further counselling. If that is not the case, you cannot maintain the quality of care.” Systems such as those in place at the universities of Amsterdam and Twente may lead to a shorter contact time or fewer therapeutic sessions and could result in a decrease in the number of psychology counsellors at the university in the long run. Boekhorst: “However, the University Council will only agree to this if the level of accessibility is unchanged, waiting lists don’t become any longer and the referral procedure becomes more flexible.” A final decision on the future of the Psychological Counselling Service will be made in 2012.

efits of counselling are and should be found in the reflective, advisory and informative role of the student psychologists. The latter in particular she has missed, says Völkel, “the main purpose of the counselling is the support the discussions provide. And you get to know yourself a bit better. But I would have liked to hear more about the possibilities of different forms of therapy.”

The names Kati Völkel and Ellen de Groot are pseudonyms.

PhD position The Jewish Revolt against Rome

Nieuwe vacatures

0,9 fte | Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies

PhD position CatchBio program: PhD position Religion and Modernization Fundamental studies on the hydrogenation 0,9 fte | Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies of biobased oxygenates PhD position Religion and Good Citizenship 1,0 fte | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences 0,9 fte | Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies

PhD position CatchBio program: Catalytic routes for the valorization of humin byproducts formed during biomass processing

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Openstaande vacature

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De RUG biedt speciaal aan meeverhuizende werkende partners van nieuwe medewerkers goede loopbaanfaciliteiten.

Postdoc in Statistics 1,0 fte | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

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N De Universiteitswinkel zoekt per direct een enthousiaste werkstudent voor de zaterdagmiddag en incidenteel voor door de week. Ben je geinteresseerd: stuur een mailtje met je foto naar en leg uit waarom jij graag bij de Universiteitswinkel wilt werken. Universiteitswinkel, Oude Kijk in ‘t Jatstraat 39, N Spreken voor groepen? Buiten zijn? Waddenvereniging zoekt wadgidsen! Geen voorkennis nodig, wel deelname aan twee scholingsweekenden. Meer info: wexcursie@

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S C I E N C E 7

UK 19 - 28 JANUARY 2010

Cogito ergo BOOM

Shor t

In cooperation with Science LinX (Mathematical & Natural Sciences)

Catching snowflakes with glue |  s e r i e s   |  You don’t always need a big laboratory for exciting experiments. You can capture snowflakes and study them, just by using superglue. By ernst Arbouw Normally, we go to great lengths to actually try out experiments before writing about them. There are two solid reasons for doing so: it is difficult to know beforehand if the stuff we dream up – or find online – really works and, perhaps more importantly, it’s jolly good fun to mess around in a lab. Especially when it is someone else’s. This time, however, we have to make an exception. That’s because for the following experiment you need microscope slides and fresh snowflakes, and although we have seen more than enough fresh snow in the past few weeks, the problem was that we didn’t have microscope slides. The Catch 22 was that obtaining slides involved a trip to Zernike and that was near to impossible because of the snow. Bottom line: if you intend to pass through the Pearly Gates in a car spinning out of control, don’t let it be a Peugeot. The reason we still decided to publish this experiment is that it is a very cool trick – no pun intended: catching and conserving snowflakes. All you need, apart from a few slides plus cover slips and fresh snowfall, is a few dollops of superglue (look for cyanoacrylate, the stuff that comes with warnings about gluing your eyelids together). Start by putting the slides, the cover slips and the glue either somewhere outside or in the freezer to chill them. Then try to catch a snowflake on one of the slides, or simply pick up a fresh snowflake and put it on the slide using tweezers. Place a drop of cold superglue on top and drop a cover slip over it. The warmth of your fingers could melt the snow which would ruin the experiment, so try to push the cover slip in place using tweezers. And try to be somewhat gentle, or you might tear the snowflake. Leave the slide in the freezer for a few weeks


New system finds cause of stillbirth A new classification system can find the cause of death of up to eighty percent of all stillborn children. This will improve understanding and may help reduce fetal death. Fleurisca Korteweg, PhD student and gynaecologist in training at University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) developed the system called the Tulip classification. This finds the event that eventually leads to the death of an unborn child. The system allows for the distinction between risk factors and actual cause of death. The Tulip classification was introduced in fifty Dutch hospitals. 1025 stillbirths were analyzed. In sixty-five percent problems with the placenta turned out to be the cause of death. Korteweg was awarded her PhD at the University’s medical faculty last Wednesday.

Metabolic diseases

Illustration Ernst Arbouw to let the glue harden completely. The experiment works because cyanoacrylate-based glue hardens by forming polymers (long chains of molecules lying head-to-tail) upon contact with water molecules − the very same reason it is so terribly well suited for gluing your eyelids together. The trapped snowflakes last for eternity, or at least thirty years. (Mind you: what comes first is anyone’s guess, especially after the disappointing result of the Copenhagen Climate Conference) To give you an idea: Icelandic chemist Tryggvi Emilsson invented the whole snow-crystal-catchingprocess in the winter of 1979 and the first snowflakes he caught still look as crisp as ever. Go to www. to see a recent picture of one of his original snowflakes. One more problem: the best temperature to catch snowflakes is under 5 degrees Celsius below zero, but how do you know when it is minus five when you don’t have an outdoor thermometer? It turns out that it is actually quite simple to write a short script to let your computer send a warning to Twitter at a pre-defined temperature. All you need is a recent version of the Python programming language (free download at, a Twitter account and a website with realtime weather data. Let the program download the website source code, search the text

for the temperature and let it send a message when the temperature drops below minus five. Admittedly, it may sound easier to just buy a thermometer, but this is really beginners’ stuff. I know this because I am a beginner – our newborn son is very intolerant of the sound of my Dremel multitool, let alone any other power tools, and coding seemed an interesting and very silent way to satisfy my tinkerlust. Find the script, with comments explaining what it does, at www.

For the films related to this feature and a disclaimer, go to: www. Comments or tips to

The inhuman aid industry

By René Fransen Read and contemplate this line before the next paragraph. “Although many aid agencies do important work, humanitarianism is no longer the ethos for many organizations within the aid industry.” Now guess which journal published that line. The answer is the reliable and respectable medical journal The Lancet. Last week, it published a special section on ‘violent conflict and health’. The quote comes from the editorial that introduced this special section. The one-page editorial makes grim reading. During the past two weeks, apart from the Haiti earthquake and its devastating consequences, flooding has displaced 30,000 people in Kenya and 4,000 in Albania. Fighting has displaced hundreds of thousands in Yemen, the Dem-

ocratic Republic of the Congo and in Somalia, where the dangerous situation recently gave the relief agencies working there no choice but to withdraw. Not all catastrophes are given the same attention by aid agencies, politicians or the media: “Political rhetoric is familiar: domestic and international point-scoring during times of crisis and disaster is a common game played by many governments and politicians. But this dangerous and immoral play has many losers, especially since the rules include judging the needs of desperate people according to subjective perceptions of worth”, The Lancet comments almost cynically. Its editors talked to many people involved with large aid agencies and humanitarian organizations. The picture they are given is of organizations that are highly competitive: “Media coverage as

an end in itself is too often an aim of their activities. Marketing and branding have too high a profile. Perhaps worst of all, relief efforts in the field are sometimes competitive with little collaboration between agencies, including smaller, grass-roots charities that may have better networks in affected countries (…).” Again, this is not some interest group: it’s The Lancet. And if one looks at the chaotic relief effort on Haiti (where it’s said that a French pilot couldn’t move his empty plane from the overcrowded Port-auPrince airport, because president Sarkozy had ordered him to return with a full planeload of French refugees), one begins to think that The Lancet might be right.

In this feature, the UK presents remarkable, shocking or laughable news from the world of science.

Metabolic diseases are rare: each year, some 350 babies in the Netherlands are diagnosed with such a disease. Thanks to early diagnosis and better treatment, patients’ survival chances are now much better. But this results in new long-term complications. In order to address these, more information about the course and causes of these diseases is needed. In his inaugural lecture as professor of paediatrics last Tuesday, Peter Smit explained that this calls for more retrospective studies. As the number of patients is low, these studies should be international. Furthermore, animal models are needed to help acquire more knowledge about the causes and long-term consequences of metabolic disease.

HIFI survives another cosmic hit The computer memory of the Dutch-built HIFI spectrometer, part of the Herschel infrared space telescope, has survived the impact of another cosmic particle unscathed. In August, such an impact caused a chain of events that led to the failure of the instrument’s electronic circuitry. “We took measures to prevent a similar chain of events before switching on the backup electronics on 12 January”, explains HIFI project manager Peter Roelfsema of the Netherlands Institute for Space Research, SRON-Groningen, and the Kapteyn Astronomical Institute at the University of Groningen. HIFI detected that the impact had caused the corruption of its memory and proceeded in a safe ‘idle mode’ without any adverse effects. Roelfsema: “We subsequently repaired the memory with a software update.”


UK 19 - 28 JANUARY 2010

So you think you can teach?


|  p o ll   |  Nine lecturers, one expert jury, one powerful audience – and only seven minutes to shine. Who has what it takes to become ‘The University of Groningen Best Lecturer of The Year 2009’ on 4 February? By Diane Romashuk It’s a simple fact: the quality of a university’s education depends on its lecturers. The Board of the University recognizes the efforts and abilities of its lecturers, and it therefore introduced a special annual award for the ‘Best Lecturer of The Year’ three years ago. This year, nine persons have been nominated – one from each faculty. On 4 February, they will compete by giving a lecture before an audience and an expert jury. The winner will receive EUR 7,500 and a work of art. An Audience Award, based on an audience vote, and a Web Award, based on an internet vote, will also be presented. But who are these nine people who think they can teach?


Nam e >   Marjolein Verspoor r   Job Title >   University Lecture

Name >

Rineke Verbrugge Professor of Logic and Cognition   Faculty >   Mathematics and Natural Sciences   Job Title >   Associate

“Rineke teaches, organizes and inspires!” Corina Visser (Policy Officer for Education) “Her involvement with the students and in education and educational renewal is unrivalled. She guarantees that students become involved, even if they don’t care much for the topic at hand. Rineke always knows how to communicate the subject matter with a great

degree of intelligibility.” Professor Lambert Schomaker “Like no other, Rineke knows how to integrate research into the educational programme. Just like a coach, she does her utmost to get everyone performing at their best.” Bart Verheij (Lecturer)


of Applied guage and Lan lish Linguistics, Eng Culture, and Communication and Information Sciences   Facu lty >   Arts “A woman with the patience of a saint. Always tries to assist her students in every possible way.” Quotation from the nomination letter

“A student-driven and conscientious teacher. A worthy lecturer of the year.” Rob Wagenaar (Director of Undergraduate and Graduate Studies, Faculty of Arts)

“Positive, Professional, Personal, Psychology: Pepping” Patrick Schoenmakers (Third-year student and student representative for Movement Sciences) “A lecturer with a passion who knows how to fascinate his audience. He always succeeds in communicating the somewhat vague subject matter in a completely understandable way. You leave with a smile on your face, mulling over the subject matter until long after the lecture.” Janine Smit (former Movement Sciences student)

Nam e >    Gert-Jan Pepping or   Job Title >   Assistant Profess

“He has mastered, knows and enjoys physical geography. He cares for and challenges students. Meij­ les leads excursions and fieldwork adventures in which intellectual exploration is combined with hard physical exercise. And he loves it.” Paulus Huigen (Professor of Cultural Geography and responsible for hiring Meijles)

“She really cares about her students.” Maeike Kiers (student Applied Linguistics)

“A dynamic and competent teacher; a professional, caring towards her students and often didactically innovative.” Gerry Wakker (Dean Faculty of Arts)

at the Centre for Human Movement Sciences s/University Medical   Facu lty >   Medical Science Center Groningen (UMCG)

“Erik Meijles uses new technologies in an inspiring way for his innovative practicals. His fieldwork excursions are interesting, fun and motivating.” Jinko Rots (Student assistant and Chair of Pro Geo, the Spatial Sciences student association)

Name >   Erik

Meijles Physical Geography lecturer   Faculty >   Spatial Sciences   Job Title >

“It has been almost a year since I attended his classes, but I can still vividly remember how informative and engaging they were!” Veroniek van Praag (student member of the UMCG Teaching and Research Council (‘O&O-raad’) “He makes Movement Sciences just that bit more interesting.” Loes Pansters (third-year Movement Sciences student) “Young, dynamic and completely dedicated. In his courses, he combines charm, wit and knowledge. Easily approachable and inspirational in his field of expertise: psychology of perception and action in sports, and specifically decision-making in team sports. His international background means that he has interesting foreign contacts.” Yvo Kamsma (lecturer and curriculum coordinator)

“The name Erik Me mediately remind m of Groningen stude work for Physical G the inevitable prob deriks (Cultural Ge

“A driven lecturer w for his profession. L knows how to mak enthusiastic about raphy. He is at his b field; there he is mo bringing the subjec Annemieke Logtmei raphy and Town-pla

U N I V E R S I T Y 9

UK 19 - 28 JANUARY 2010


Name >

Kees de Veij Mestdagh Professor of Law & IT   Faculty >    Law   Job Title >  Associate

Name >

Jaap Wieringa   Job Title >    Associate Professor of Marketing   Faculty >    Economics and Business “A very pleasant and motivated colleague with a passion for good quantitative marketing education.” Professor Peter Verhoef

“Kees always encourages not only his own students but also other lecturers and PhD researchers to give the best they can.” Mathieu Paapst (Lecturer)

“[A] great actor who plays in musicals on a regular basis; he is good at impersonations. He knows how to explain the most complicated problems in a way that even his five children would understand. There is possibly a connection between the number of kids that he has and his ability to teach.” Professor Peter Leeflang

“Inspiring initiator of the multi-disciplinary Law & IT teaching programme. Someone who dares to use new technology in his classroom.” Dr J.J. Dijkstra (Director of Studies) “His enthusiasm, commitment to the faculty, multi-disciplinary vision and outspoken opinion make Kees de Veij Mestdagh the best candidate for Best Lecturer Award 2009.” Oscar Duintjer Tebbens (Student member of the Faculty Board)


eijles will immany University ents of the fieldGeography and bings.” Chris Dieeography lecturer)

with a passion Like no other, he ke his students Physical Geogbest out in the ost capable of ct matter to life.” ijer (Social Geoganning lecturer)

“An enthusiastic teacher, with a passion for his profession and attention for each individual student.” Nico Verbeek (Law student)

Mirjam de Baar Professor (endowed chair: Zwinglibond) of the History and Principles of Unitarianism/ Lecturer in the History of Christianity (Reformation and Early Modern History) and Gender Studies   Faculty >    Theology and Religious Studies   Job Title >

“Mirjam de Baar not only provides excellent lectures, she also structures them clearly and values interaction with students. A remarkably approachable lecturer who, despite her busy schedule, is always there for her students.” Merel Hilbolling (student)



Nam e >    Ar ie Gleb t Professor of Sociology   Job Tit le >    Assistan s ural and Social Science   Fac ult y >    Behavio

“He connects scientific theories to social reality and makes them relevant. His resistance to the sometimes very theoretical aspects of sociology is expressed not only in the way he demonstrates in his courses how sociology should be, but also in the way he participates in debates about science.”

“De Baar has played an exceptional role in the recent reshaping of the programme, the rationalization of it and the cultivation of minors and majors. It is unique that a programme director is also an excellent lecturer in the field.” Professor Geurt Henk van Kooten (Dean of the Faculty)

“When it comes to papers, she gives excellent feedback, for which she reserves a great deal of time.” Quotation from the nomination letter



Name >

“Jan-Willem is not a philosopher’s philosopher, nor is he a scientist who doesn’t look beyond his scientific nose. Reflecting on the foundations of science seems to be his second nature. He dares to speculate, but his background as a physicist sees to it that he will never linger over things.” “Somewhat of a madcap, which shows not only in the energetic way he walks through the corri-

“Glebbeek’s provocative way of teaching makes him stand out. He has a sharp way of looking at and questioning things that are taken as given, which effortlessly leads to discussion. Discussion as a didactic method: is that not how academia was meant to be?

9 dors, but also in the way he tackles philosophical problems. It is sometimes said that every human being creates his own individual neuron path, but I believe there are no clearly defined paths in his head. In there it is more like jumping from ice floe to ice floe. And this sometimes produces unexpected insights.” Jeanne Peijnenburg (Professor of Philosophical Argumentation Theory and Analysis)

“He is renowned for his unique style. He can often be found updating the priority list of the Premier League; that is, if the FC Groningen team is doing well. Always with a hint of clumsiness. This authenticity obviously wins him sympathy.” Michiel Emmelkamp (Sociology student)

Name >

Jan-Willem Romeijn Assistant professor Faculty >    Philosophy   Job Title >

Photos Elmer Spaargaren

10 U N I V E R S I T Y

UK 19 - 28 JANUARY 2010

The Harvard Experience |_

Where studying is a privilige

|  r e p o r t   |  Klaas van Berkel spent the au-

fact that the examination process at Dutch secondary schools is a fraud (at the moment, pupils pass who should have failed), success at secondary school is no real indication of success at university. The introduction of a special entrance exam or intelligence test combined with interviews – the system now partially adopted for medical studies – would be very helpful.

tumn of 2009 at Harvard University. And he now knows why Harvard is so special: students realize that studying at Harvard is not a right but a privilege. And the teachers? “As a professor at Harvard you have to work really hard to stay ahead of your students.” By Klaas van Berkel If you walk round Harvard for a semester, two questions are constantly on your mind: what makes Harvard so special and what can we learn from it? After a few weeks, I realized the answers had been right in front of me from the very beginning. In the first week of September, I watched the introduction ceremony of the new freshmen, who had just arrived from all over the US. The president and some other officials spoke a few words and then a picture was taken. All 1687 new students were there at the steps of Widener Library. Compare that to the number of first year students at a Dutch university and you realize that Harvard is actually very small. The buildings are impressive and the area taken by the university in Cambridge and increasingly also in Boston is enormous, but the College itself is at best medium-sized.

‘Students should stop complaining about heavy study loads’

‘You just know that these students are probably smarter than you are’ The ramifications of this simple fact are very diverse. For one, admitting so few students means that a lot of Harvard hopefuls have to be turned down each year (last year there were 30,000 applications). The size of the student population is determined by the rule that freshmen have to be accommodated in the dormitories around the Harvard Yard. There they live together, work together and dine together. All of this is supposed to benefit their study, as no time is wasted getting to know a new place. Even in today’s dire financial situation, Harvard (one-third of its endowment went down the drain) did not increase its number of first-year students like MIT did, simply because Harvard could not house any more. There was one other thing that struck me when I saw that picture being taken. In the middle of the crowd a number of students held a banner saying ‘Class of 2013’. A new class of students is not designated by their year of arrival but by the year they’re supposed to graduate, four years after arriving. The

Photo Klaas van Berkel great majority actually do so. The success rate, a matter of great concern in Dutch universities, hovers around ninety-five percent. The selection process is very severe, of course, and the social control is perhaps somewhat oppressive, but the help students get when it looks like they are not going to meet their deadlines is fabulous. In the building where I was working, professors were even prepared to give additional instruction on Sundays. I never met a student complaining about the tight schedules or trying to get around the rules set out in the syllabus – the only student who did so was from Europe. Some may call it ambition; I call it focus. Students are here to study and do not like to be distracted. They realize that studying at Harvard is not a right

but a privilege. The simple fact that alcohol is forbidden for the undertwenty-ones also seems to help. Of course, Harvard is much more than an undergraduate college. The professional schools are bigger, have more money to spend and have a much larger impact on the economy not only of Massachusetts but on the US as a whole. The prestige of Harvard therefore depends on its graduate schools and research output. Still, walking around at Harvard makes you realize that the success of a university ultimately depends on its undergraduate students. To begin with, good students make good professors. Giving a course as a matter of routine is simply not possible at Harvard, and as a professor at Harvard you have to work really hard to stay

ahead of your students. You just know that these students are probably smarter than you are. Nevertheless, good professors make good students, making them even better than they already are. This crossfertilization is what really defines a university and the fact is that by being selective a university improves all the time. The lessons to be learned from this experience are simple. In order to improve Dutch higher education, Dutch universities should be both selective and strict. We should devise a system in which studying is both a right and a privilege. First, we should stop pretending that a diploma from a secondary school is sufficient to earn the right to study at one of the statefunded universities. Apart from the

Second, students should stop complaining about heavy study loads or the number of resits, which is actually very small. While talking with my American students about their assignments, I read about the discussion in Groningen regarding the binding study advice and felt ashamed. In general, being lenient towards students is not really helping them, and students should realize that. Besides, given the amount of money that is poured into the universities, they should realize that studying really is a privilege and act accordingly. Of course, Harvard is a private university and is therefore free to devise its own entrance system, whereas Dutch universities are state funded and therefore can only introduce a selection procedure if the government gives them permission to do so. However, the system introduced by the state of California in the 1960s, which combines selectivity with a guaranteed place for every student with a high school diploma, proves that studying can be both a right and privilege. Only the best students can enter the research universities (one of the Universities of California), whereas for the other students there are the state universities and the community colleges. At the moment, the California system is experiencing great difficulties, but that is simply the result of severe budget cuts. In principle – and I believe that Ronald Plasterk, the Minister of Education, is thinking along the same lines – this system is perfect for the Netherlands. We already have universities and professional schools. Why not transform this binary system into a system in which the research universities are reserved for the top few percent of the high school students? The universities will become much smaller and they will have to be more strict than they are now, but I guarantee they will become much better and their ranking will improve significantly.

Professor Van Berkel spent the autumn semester of 2009 as the Erasmus lecturer on the history and civilization of the Netherlands and Flanders at Harvard University.

@ U K 11

UK 19 - 28 JANUARY 2010



Wentelteefjes for thirty people |  r e p o r t   |  Need some guidelines to make tasty meals? To cook a wonderful ‘tjak’ (grub)? In this serial, the UK watches while students make their fancy meals. This week, students of the GSp are making Indian Curry. By Janita naaijer Utopia: an ideal world that doesn’t actually exist. Or doesn’t seem to exist, according to the members of the GSp, the Groningen Ecumenical Students’ Fellowship. This week they launched their introductory programme Utopia. A joint search for an ideal world in the GSp’s beautiful villa on the Kraneweg, where RUG students have gathered round the fireplace to talk about religion for more than sixty years. Almost thirty students will attend a multicultural dinner tonight. But now, at five o’clock, the house is empty. Until three girls suddenly laugh, breaking the peaceful silence that reigns. SPH student Anne Folkertsma (23), medical student AnneFokje Wielstra (21) and movement sciences student Amarins Gaastra (20) are preparing their own culinary trip around the world. “We are going to serve hummus with bread as a starter”, says Anne. “Then we’re having green cabbage with minced meat, which is a Hungarian dish, and Indian curry for the vegetarians.” Last but definitely not least is the pudding for which the girls are going to travel in their kitchen from South Asia to… Friesland. They’re going to make wentelteefjes for their

Indian curry (4 persons) 2 garlic cloves 1 onion, chopped 1 large carrot, sliced 1 apple, chopped 2 tbsp curry powder 1 tsp ginger, grated 2 tsp paprika 850ml vegetable stock 2 tbsp tomato puree ½ cauliflower, in small florets 425 g. chickpeas 25 g. raisins 7.5 cm cucumber, grated 1 tbsp fresh mint, chopped 150ml yogurt Heat some oil in a pan and add the garlic, onion, carrot and apple. Fry gently, stirring for 5 minutes. Add curry powder, ginger, paprika, stock, tomato puree, cauliflower, chickpeas and raisins. Bring to the boil and simmer gently for about 25 minutes. Mix cucumber, mint and yogurt for a fresh accompaniment. Put a smile on a vegetarian’s face by serving your curry with a boiled egg! guests. These are made by dipping bread in a mixture of egg and sugar and then frying it and serving it with cinnamon. The three blondes smile. “It’s not a coincidence”, admits Anne. “We are all Frisian.” A quarter past six and the clock is ticking. Although the mountain

Long nights, deep glasses... (3)  Finally – another night shift, at last. Jasper hops off his bike, happy as can be. One more shot, just to get in the mood. “Can’t resist it, now can you?”, he hears someone say from the doorway of Thuisthuis café. “The pictures only get better when it’s slippery like this, Harrie.” Jasper gives his boss a wink. “Nothing better than snapping drunk undergrads in the hard light of day, after a night spent working away.” Even when you’ve studied photography in Barcelona for six months, a student society get-together in Groningen means visual extravaganza. Olé!

Anne Folkertsma, Amarins Gaastra and Anne-Fokje Wielstra Photo Reyer Boxem of green cabbage in Amarins’s pink Anne-Fokje and Amarins look redcolander is getting higher and high- faced and rather exhausted. If you er, the stress is mounting. The first want to stay beautiful all night, students push open the swinging don’t cook wentelteefjes for thirty doors and peer in. people! But then comes a big round “It smells delicious”, a girl with dark of applause from the diners. hair says encouragingly. A blond Anne doesn’t hesitate and jumps boy makes his way to the piano in at the chance: “Are there any volthe living room. Then in just fifteen unteers to do the dishes? We’ve alminutes there’s a lively atmosphere ready rinsed them!” and everyone seems at ease. People smile, talk, help the girls lay the ta- Curious and hungry? GSp dinners are bles and finally enjoy dinner. every Wednesday at 18.30. Cost: a At the end of the night Anne, maximum of € 3.

Back seat To celebrate my visit to New York, my friend Mike took me to a Fifth Avenue rooftop bar. Mike paid his “very best friend” Evita – whom he has known for a month – eighty bucks to let us in. She’s his seventh very best friend since I left the city six months ago. I sipped a cosmopolitan, looked at the Empire State Building and felt truly happy. Mike had also invited his best friend George. George had just come back from an amazing holiday in Costa Rica and Nicaragua. He showed us pictures on a small digital screen. “The beach in Costa Rica”, he explained. I couldn’t make out any details but could clearly see that the next 218 photos also featured the beach in Costa Rica. Suddenly I felt jet-lagged. George had fantastic stories to tell. The “great friend” whom the group had paid to organize the trip had messed up. The car she hired was way too small. “Smaller than a Land Rover Defender!” he cried. “For five people!” It meant one of them would have to sit in the middle of the back seat. This caused an argument among these intrepid travellers. In the end, one of them booked an earlier flight home. “A happy ending,” George concluded. We ordered another cocktail. “Do you have pics of Nicaragua?” Mike asked. George happily reached for his camera.

Ana van Es has almost finished her Law degree. Meanwhile, she is looking for a job.


“Seen the ladies yet?” The landlord nods at the window. “Looks like we’re in for something tonight.” Jasper just manages to catch how Fleur nearly floors a passer-by, waving her arms wildly to the beat of what sounds like an awful X Factor audition. “Oh, of course”, says Jasper. “It’s their song.” “Wi-i-i-ith a man in every hand, three whiskies and a beer…the Absque Dubio ladies are spreading joy & cheer!” Jasper looks on in amusement, as the girls sing their way in the door. Even a living statue would topple off his pedestal, the minute they paraded by with

their dolls’ eyes and enchanting little bums. “Hey, Jasman, can you make change for cigarettes?” “For you I always can”, Jasper replies to fluttering lashes. “But remember Eva, don’t shout at the machine, it’s bad for your voice.” Jasper grins and shakes his head. He had actually missed them, the Fleurs with their worn-out vocal cords. “There’s nothing that can beat Groningen girls, now is there?” It’s Daniel. Jasper raises an eyebrow. “Well, you should know, shouldn’t you? Wednesday will always find you hovering around the

student society ladies.” “Exactly”, says Daniel as his hand lands on Eva’s shoulder, almost imperceptibly. “Come along doll, time for a smoke.” The night is gone in a wink. While Jasper loads empty bottles into a beer crate, the last visitors make their way out. Only Fleur and her friends are left. “Oh Jasman, please?” Fleur gestures, glancing at the bar. “Just one more?” “Alright already. Stop the histrionics.” Jasper grins. “But only if you trade me one last song for it. Wait, let me get my camera.” Humming softly to himself, Jas-

per makes his way down the stairs. “Shh. Be quiet”, he suddenly hears a man’s voice whisper. From under the stairs comes stifled giggling. Between the stairs, a pair of big brown eyes gaze at Jasper. “What the hell, Dan”, Jasper cries out in anger. “What the hell are you getting me into?!” “Damn”, the girl manages. She quickly tries to stuff her blouse back into her denim miniskirt. And then he sees who it is – Eva. Flabbergasted, Jasper stands rooted to the spot. Unbelievable! Why, of all people, does it have to be her?

To be continued >

28 januari t/m 4 februari 2010

Mededelingen 1

Ingezonden mededelingen voor studenten en medewerkers

Algemeen Studium Generale Groningen Hormonen en hersenen Dick Swaab Onze hersenen worden door geslachtshormonen geprogrammeerd in de mannelijke of vrouwelijke richting. Deze zogenaamde seksuele differentiatie van de hersenen is een complex proces. Welke factoren zijn hierop van invloed? Kun je spreken van een typisch vrouwelijk en mannelijk brein? En hoe zit het met de hersenen van homo’s, lesbiennes en transseksuelen? Deze eerste lezing in de miniserie Man/Vrouw wordt verzorgd door Dick Swaab, hoogleraar neurobiologie aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam en voormalig directeur van het Nederlands Instituut voor Hersenonderzoek. Datum: maandag 1 februari. Plaats: Academiegebouw. Aanvang: 20.00 uur. Kaarten voor studenten gratis, voor anderen € 2,50. Rising Economies: Russia Sinds de ineenstorting van de Sovjet-Unie introduceerde de Russische Federatie een nieuwe markteconomie, ingebed in een democratisch systeem. Deze overgang zorgde voor enorme problemen. Rond de eeuwwisseling kwam er een herstelperiode. Rusland kon profiteren van de voordelen van de liberale markthervormingen en van een effectieve centralisatie van de politieke macht. De Russische Federatie leek opnieuw een hoofdspeler op het wereldtoneel te worden, totdat de financiële crisis ongenadig toesloeg. Studium Generale organiseert i.s.m. de Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde de vierdelige lezingenserie ‘Rising Economies’. Spreker van de derde lezing binnen deze serie is Herman W. Hoen. Hoen is hoogleraar internationale politieke economie aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Hij is gespecialiseerd in Europese integratie en transitieprocessen in Centraal en Oost-Europa. Voertaal Engels. Datum: dinsdag 2 februari. Aanvang: 20.00 uur. Plaats: Academiegebouw. Kaarten: voor studenten gratis, anders € 2,50. Hanze Lezing: Het virtuele leven van kinderen Kinderen ontwikkelen zich razendsnel. Op lichamelijk, sociaal en cognitief niveau. Ze sporten, leren normen en waarden en beheersen taal en rekenen in een mum van tijd. Maar hoe zit het eigenlijk met de virtuele ontwikkeling van kinderen? Is het noodzakelijk dat ouders en opvoeders hen daarbij ook opvoeden? En zo ja, hoe dan? Spreekster dr. Martine Delfos is biopsycholoog, thera¬peut, publicist en lector Virtuele ontwikkeling van de jeugd aan de Hoge¬school Edith Stein. Datum lezing: woensdag 3 februari. Plaats: Auditorium, Van DoorenVeste, Hanzehogeschool, Zernikeplein 11. Aanvang: 15.30 uur. Toegang gratis. Islam en democratie Islam en democratie hebben een ingewikkelde relatie, zoals de recente politieke ontwikkelingen in Iran en Turkije laten zien. In Turkije lijkt de seculiere republiek in gevaar, terwijl in Iran juist de Islamitische republiek onder druk staat. Is een Islamitische identiteit wel

> Verzorgd door de UK; eindredactie Heiny de Ruiter, tel. 3636699 > Mededelingen kunnen ingediend worden via > Aanleveren is mogelijk tot uiterlijk maandag 10 uur voor de UK van dezelfde week > De volgende UK verschijnt op 4 februari 2010 te combineren met een stabiel democratisch systeem? Studium Generale organiseert over dit thema de tweedelige lezingenserie ‘Islam en democratie’ met spreker Eelko Hooijmaaijers, docent geschiedenis van het moderne Midden-Oosten aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Titel woensdag 10 februari: ‘Turkije: Klaar voor Europa?’. Titel dinsdag 16 februari: ‘Iran: Op naar een nieuwe revolutie?’. Beide lezingen vinden plaats in het Academiegebouw. Aanvang: 20.00 uur. Kaarten voor studenten gratis, voor anderen € 2,50. Kaarten en informatie Kaarten zijn verkrijgbaar bij: Bureau Studium Generale Groningen, Oude Boteringestraat 13, tel. (050) 363 54 63; Universiteitswinkel, Oude Kijk in ’t Jatstraat 39; Boekhandel selexyz scholtens, Guldenstraat 20

DwarsDiep De staat van de verzorgingsstaat Marcel van Dam, Heleen Mees en Flip de Kam Volgens Volkskrantcolumnist Marcel van Dam koos Nederland sinds 1980 zo drastisch voor liberalisering en marktwerking, dat de verzorgingsstaat en passant is afgebroken. De kloof tussen arm en rijk groeide. NRCcolumniste Heleen Mees heeft zo haar vraagtekens bij de heilzame werking van de verzorgingsstaat. Ze laat niet na de positieve kanten van de Amerikaanse samenleving, waar zij tegenwoordig woont, te schetsen: minder staatszorg leidt er tot actieve burgers die – in het geval van immigranten bijvoorbeeld – de aansluiting met hun omgeving zelf tot stand brengen en onderhouden. Debatteer mee

met deze twee sociaal-democratische opinion leaders en met RUGeconoom Flip de Kam over de toekomst van de verzorgingsstaat. Vrijdag 29 januari 2010 20.0022.00 uur Usva, Munnekeholm 10, Groningen De toegang is voor iedereen gratis, maar kom op tijd want vol = vol!

Centrum voor Informatie Tech­ nologie COMPUTERCURSUSSEN SPSS – 1 t/m 4 februari Access – 1 t/m 5 februari Open Leercentrum – 2 februari Open Leercentrum – 4 februari Reference Manager – 9 t/m 10 februari Publishing using Word – 8 t/m 10 februari Excel – 8 t/m 11 februari Word: Keuzemodule – 11 februari Word Modules (UK) – 11 februari Open Leercentrum – 11 februari Powerpoint – 15 t/m 17 februari Open Leercentrum – 18 februari Programmeren: Inleiding (VBA) – 1 t/m 11 maart (maanen donderdag) Open Leercentrum – 2 maart Open Leercentrum – 4 maart SPSS – 8 t/m 11 maart Webplatform – 9 t/m 10 maart Open Leercentrum – 11 maart Excel Mod.: Geavanc. formules en functies – 15 t/m 17 maart Publiceren met Word – 15 t/m 18 maart Office voor Secretariaten – 16, 23 en 30 maart Word: Keuzemodule – 18 maart Open Leercentrum – 18 maart Open Leercentrum – 25 maart Inschrijving RUG-medewerkers en -studenten kunnen zich inschrijven via de website van het CIT of telefonisch bij CIT secretariaat (363 9200). De cursussen worden gegeven in dagdelen; ‘s ochtends van 9:15 tot 12:30 uur of ‘s middags van 13:15 tot 16:30 uur en vinden plaats in de Zernikeborg. Kijk voor meer informatie op de website, bel 363 3232 of e-mail naar onderstaand adres. cursusaanbod/ Open leercentrum Elke donderdagmiddag is er gelegenheid om een cursus te doen in het open leercentrum. Het open leercentrum biedt een begeleide zelfstudie waarbij de cursist

zelf de inhoud van de cursus bepaalt en in eigen tempo een aantal vooraf gekozen leermodules afwerkt en zich bij vragen kan richten tot een docent. De cursustijden zijn van 13:15 tot 16:30. De volgende cursussen zijn op dit moment via het open leercentrum te volgen: • MS-Word basiscursus • MS-Word, MS-Excel en MS-Access introductie • MS-Frontpage • MS-Windows basiscursus • Visio • Thunderbird • Beheer van een eigen PC onder Windows XP • SPSS module Data Entry • Oracle Calendar (RUGplanner) • Outlook • Outlook Express Studenten: € 25,, medewerkers: € 60,- per dagdeel Access Met dit databaseprogramma kunnen gegevens eenvoudig opgeslagen en beheerd worden. Daarnaast kunnen snel selecties van gegevens gemaakt worden, voor bijvoorbeeld adresetiketten of rapportages. Door enige uitleg van databasetheorie leer je hoe je een database degelijk op kunt bouwen door het specificeren en maken van gegevenstabellen en relaties tussen tabellen. Tijdens de cursus is ook ruimte voor het opzetten van je eigen database. Studenten: € 50, Medewerkers € 225,-

Universiteits­ bibliotheek Workshop RefWorks RefWorks is een webapplicatie waarmee u op een eenvoudige manier uw literatuurverwijzingen kunt opslaan, beheren en gebruiken. Voor medewerkers en studenten worden op aanvraag workshops RefWorks gegeven. Een workshop bestaat in principe uit een demonstratie van een uur en daarna kunt u onder begeleiding verder oefenen. Aan de workshop zijn geen kosten verbonden. De eerstvolgende workshops vinden plaats: donderdag 11 februari, 11.00 uur, Universiteitsbibliotheek, zaal 120. refworks

Honours College First year students of the Faculty of Law, ATTENTION. You did not receive a letter with a request to apply for the Honours College, but you do want to participate in the Honours Programme (year 2009)? You can apply from

Agenda In de AGENDA worden alleen universitaire evenementen op­ genomen die voor iedereen toegankelijk zijn. Aankondigin­ gen inleveren uiterlijk vrijdag 12.00 uur voor de week van verschijnen: per fax naar (050) 363 6300 o.v.v. UK-Agenda, per e-mail naar of per post naar: afdeling Communicatie, UK-Agenda, Postbus 72, 9700 AB Groningen.

PROMOTIES EN ORATIES 28 januari Promotie: mw. I.J. Beetsma, gedrags- en maatschappijwetenschappen. Titel: Effectieve kenmerken van een digitaal biologie practicum in het hoger onderwijs. Analyse van logfiles met een onderwijseffectiviteitmodel. Promotor(s): prof. dr. H.P.M. Creemers. Plaats: Academiegebouw, Broerstraat 5. Tijd: 14.45 uur. 28 januari Promotie: dhr. F. Veenstra, rechtsgeleerdheid. Titel: Impassezaken en verantwoordelijkheden binnen het enquêterecht. L. Timmerman, M.W. den Boogert. Plaats: Academiegebouw, Broerstraat 5. Tijd: 16.15 uur. 29 januari Promotie: dhr. H.V. Byelas, wiskunde en natuurwetenschappen. Titel: Visualization of metrics and areas of interest on software architecture diagrams. Promotor(s): prof.dr. A.C. Telea. Plaats: Academiegebouw, Broerstraat 5. Tijd: 13.15 uur. 29 januari Promotie: mw. T.L.T. Nguyen, wiskunde en natuurwetenschappen. Titel: Langmuir-Blodgett films of unidirectionally aligned a- helical diblock copolypeptides. Promotor(s): prof. dr. A.J. Schouten. Plaats: Academiegebouw, Broerstraat 5. Tijd: 14.45 uur. 29 januari Promotie: dhr. A. Popping, wiskunde en natuurwetenschappen. Titel: Diffuse neutral hydrogen in the local universe. Promotor(s): prof.dr. J.M. van der Hulst. Plaats: Academiegebouw, Broerstraat 5. Tijd: 16.15 uur. 2 februari Oratie: dhr. prof.dr. J.E. Tulleken, medische wetenschappen. Titel: De opleiding gespiegeld. Plaats: Academiegebouw, Broerstraat 5. Tijd: 16.15 uur.

now on, if you satisfy the entry requirements. To apply, you have to get access to the Nestor-organization “Honours College Selection”. To get access to this Nestor-organization you have to fill in a form. You can find this form on the website (tab: Request access selectionprocedure). Deadline of the application is 7th February 2010. This message does not go for students of other faculties at this point of time. Please be attentive to later announcements in this journal or on the website procedure

Diversen Kantelpunten, permafrost en broedsucces Studenten van de minor ‘Arctische en Antarctische studiën’ - Tim van der Goot, Marjolein Admiraal en Jeroen Onrust - vertellen over hun scriptie-onderzoek tijdens de IMAKA avond op 8 februari 2010 om 19:30, Arctische Centrum, Aweg 30. Toegang €2,- inclusief koffie en thee.

> Islam en democratie Is een Islamitische identiteit wel te combineren met een stabiel democratisch systeem? Studium Generale organiseert over dit thema de tweedelige lezingenserie. Algemeen > Studium Generale Groningen

Master your talent Ben je bijna klaar met je bachelor en denk je erover een master te volgen die niet direct in het verlengde ligt van je huidige bacheloropleiding? Dan is Master your talent is de perfecte gelegenheid om meer te weten te komen over de mogelijkheden bij verschillende Faculteiten. Er zijn studieadviseurs aanwezig en er worden tevens lezingen georganiseerd. Datum: 10 februari 2010 Tijd: 15.00- 20.00 Lo-

catie: Academiegebouw Inforamatie en aanmelden: masteryourtalent

Faculteiten Rechtsgeleerdheid A LG E M E E N

First year students of the Faculty of Law, ATTENTION. A LG E M E E N , H O N O U R S C O L L E G E

Kantoorbezoek Wladimiroff en Waling Op 5 februari bezoekt Simon van der Aa het kantoor van Wladimiroff en Waling in Den Haag. Dit kantoor staat bekend als een van de beste strafrechtkantoren van ons land. Hun specialisatie is de santieadvocatuur. Van ondernemingsstrafrecht, cassatie tot bestuursstrafrecht. Wil jij dit kantoor beter leren kennen? Schrijf je dan in via de website. Excursie naar de Eerste en Tweede Kamer Op 10 februari a.s organiseren Frederik van der Marck en TBR samen een excursie naar de Eerste en Tweede Kamer. Om 07.30 uur verzamelen we op Station Groningen bij ‘De Broodjeszaak’ om vervolgens de trein naar Den Haag te pakken. In de ochtend brengen we een bezoek aan de Eerste Kamer en in de middag gaan we naar de Tweede Kamer. Heb je zin in een rondleiding door beide kamers, een plenaire vergadering bij te

28 januari t/m 4 februari 2010

Mededelingen 2

Ingezonden mededelingen voor studenten en medewerkers wonen en te spreken met een kamerlid? Schrijf je dan snel in, want er kunnen maximaal 25 mensen mee! Inschrijven kan door een mail te sturen naar of door je in te schrijven op de inschrijflijst op het TBR-bord in de Harmoniekantine. Inschrijven kan tot 3 februari. Representatieve kleding wordt op prijs gesteld.


Medische weten­ schappen

Weerwolvenborrel Ken je het spel Weerwolven van Wakkerdam? Dat zal deze avond druk gespeeld worden. Het zal gespeeld worden de ledenkamer van Basic of de luchtbrug en we beginnen om 17.00 uur. Avondeten kan ter plekke besteld worden. Kun jij onze weerwolven ontmaskeren?



ALV der M.F.V. Panacea 9-022010 Op 9 februari 2010 zal de ALV van de M.F.V. Panacea weer plaatsvinden. Waar: Boeringzaal Tijd: 20.00 uur Wie: leden van de M.F.V. Panacea

GLV IDUN Alumni Bioborrull !!! Laat die goede oude tijd herleven! Wanneer: Vrijdag 5 Februari Voor: alle alumni van biologie, LS&T en levenswetenschappen. Maar ook studenten zijn welkom! Locatie: Cleopatra (Kleine Pelsterstraat 5). Deur open: 22:00 uur Entree: Leden vrij, niet leden 2 euro.

Wiskunde en Natuur­ wetenschappen




Kantelpunten, permafrost en broedsucces Studenten van de minor ‘Arctische en Antarctische studiën’ - Tim van der Goot, Marjolein Admiraal en Jeroen Onrust - vertellen over hun scriptie-onderzoek tijdens de IMAKA avond op 8 februari 2010 om 19:30, Arctische Centrum, Aweg 30. Toegang €2,- inclusief koffie en thee.

Mastervoorlichting woensdag 10 februari Wat ga jij doen na je bachelor? Overweeg je een andere master dan je doorstroommaster? Kom dan naar het ‘Master your Talent’evenement op woensdag 10 februari van 15.00-20.00 uur, in het Academiegebouw. Je kunt een lezing volgen over één van de Letteren research masters: Linguistics, Art History & Archaeology, Literary & Cultural Studies, Modern History & International Relations en Classical, Medieval & Renaissance Studies. Daarnaast zijn er praatjes over: Journalistiek, Humanitarian Action, Euroculture, American Studies, Internationale Betrekkingen en Internationale Organisatie, Communicatie- en Informatiewetenschappen, Algemene Taalwetenschap, Speech and Language Pathology, Toegepaste Taalwetenschap/ Applied Linguistics, Kunsten, Cultuur & Media, Middeleeuwse en Renaissance Studies en de afstudeerpaden Middenen Oost-Europastudies en Nederlandse Cultuur. Ook de educatieve masters presenteren zich. Voor individuele vragen kun je tussen 15.00 – 20.00 uur terecht bij de Letterenvoorlichtingsstand

iGEM zoekt team leden! International Genetically Engineered Machine competition (iGEM) zoekt nieuwe leden! Heb jij zin in een leuk zomerproject in Juli en Augustus? Durf jij het aan de prestatie van vorig jaar te verbeteren? Samenwerken in een multidisciplinair team van o.a. biologen, scheikundigen, wiskundigen, informatici, etc.? Neem het op tegen alle top universiteiten (>100) en meld je aan vóór 7 Februari! igemgroningen@googlegroups. com WISKUNDE

Colloquium Mathematics Date: Tuesday, February 2 2010 Speaker: Jan van Maanen, Freudenthal Institute, Utrecht University Room and time: 5161.0267 (Bernoulliborg), 16.15 Title: Applications convince. The case of the early calculus. (TECHNISCHE) SCHEIKUNDE

Shell excursie Op donderdag 25 februari wordt er een excursie naar het Shell Technology Centre Amsterdam georganiseerd. Dit gloednieuwe research centre is op 16 september 2009 geopend en beslaat 80 000 m2 laboratoria en kantoor ruimte. In het research centre wordt er onderzoek gedaan naar verbetering van bestaande processen en producten op het gebied van aardolie, aardgas, chemie en duurzame energie. Ook worden er nieuwe technologieën ontwikkeld voor duurzame producten (o.a. biobrandstoffen) en processen (bijvoorbeeld CO2 opslag). Andere vakgebieden zijn XtL (processen voor het converteren van gas, steenkool en biomateriaal naar vloeibare brandstoffen) en de ontwikkeling van katalysatoren. Meer informatie en inschrijven in het

Hungarian BA classes on cultural history, literature and queer theories In this semester Hungarian history class concentrates on the cultural history of the dual monarchy, the interwar period and the years under the Soviet domination. Issues such as the structure of the society, middle-class mentality, lifestyle, housing, literary and filmic representations will be studied (Wednesday 11-13). The Aspect of Hungarian Culture class intends to „translate” the queer theory into Hungarian culture and tries to understand why otherness is such a sensitive issue that raises controversies and violence nowadays (Thursday, 1113). These classes can be taken as free-space courses. See details on ocasys Ba Finoegrisch (Overzicht Hongaarse (cultuur)gesch; Overzicht Hongaarse literatuur; Aspecten van de Hongaarse cultuur), or write email to Dr. Edit Zsadanyi


4 stages: Lemon scented tea, Amsterdam OPLEIDING: diverse/CIW PERIODE: februari 2010 OPDRACHT: ze zoeken een: reclame schrijver, journalist, documentaire maker en een websdesigner. Meer info: MEER INFO: Stagebureau Letteren, k. 212, tel: 050-3635844. Zie de website onder ‘nieuws’. Vraag altijd eerst goedkeuring aan je docent.

Gedrags- en Maatschappij­ wetenschappen P S YC H O LO G I E

Ontwikkelingspsychologie (PSBA1-07) In tegenstelling tot wat in de studiegids staat vermeld heeft de cursus PSBA1-07 (Ontwikkelingspsychologie), die woensdag 10 februari van start gaat geen deeltentamens. De stof wordt zowel tijdens de eerste afname als de herhaling in zijn geheel getoetst. Gerrit Breeuwsma (GMW)

Wijsbegeerte A LG E M E E N

Lezing Praktische Filosofie 10 februari Lezing georganiseerd door de vakgroep Praktische Filosofie: De kunstscene: een ideale productie-eenheid binnen de postfordistische economie. Door Pascal Gielen. De sociale organisatie van de geglobaliseerde kunstscene vormt een gedroomd productiemodel voor de hedendaagse economie. De ethiek van de kunstwereld met zijn eeuwig jonge dynamiek, flexibele werkuren, thematische aanpak en zijn korte termijn contracten of het gewoonweg achterwege blijven van contracten, en zijn immer energieke vrijheid is vandaag gekapitaliseerd door de culturele en creatieve industrie. De socio-logica van de kunstwereld is kortom een standaard productiemodel geworden. Binnen de hype van creatieve steden omarmen overheden dit model van het postfordisme en verbinden zich alzo naadloos met de mondiaal heersende neoliberale markteconomie. Pascal Gielen doceert kunstsociologie en cultuurpolitiek aan de afdeling Kunsten, Cultuur en Media van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Woensdag 10 februari 2010 15.15 uur, zaal Omega, Oude Boteringestraat 52. nieuws/agenda/index Lezing TF 3 februari Lezing georganiseerd door de vakgroep Theoretische Filosofie: The varieties of confirmation by Prof. Mark Siebel, University of Oldenburg Although Bayesians agree on the qualitative principle that evidence confirms a hypothe-sis just in case it raises its probability, there is a myriad of proposals for corresponding measures. I try to show that the dispute on “the one true measure of confirmation” is misdirected because “confirmation” is profoundly ambiguous both in qualitative and in quantitative respects. Woensdag 3 februari 2010 15.15 u zaal Omega, Oude Boteringestraat 52. nieuws/agenda/index

Ruimtelijke ­wetenschappen Ibn Battuta: Algemene Ledenvergadering 9 Februari aanstaande zal de derde algemene ledenvergadering (ALV) van dit jaar plaatsvinden. De ALV zal gehouden worden in het pand van Unitas S.G. (Schuitendiep 74) om 19.30 (inloop vanaf 19.00). Alle leden zijn van harte welkom hierbij. Op de agenda staan onder meer, de herbenoeming van de RvA en de commissiestructuur. W.V.T.T.K.’s kunnen worden ingediend bij het bestuur tot 2 februari, amendementen hierop kunnen worden ingediend tot 5 februari.

Studenten Studenten Service Centrum (SSC) CENTRALE STUDENTENBALIE(CSB)

Bezoekadres: Uurwerkersgang 10, Groningen Postadres: Postbus 72, 9700 AB Groningen Telefoon: 0503638004 Fax: 050-3634623 Openingstijden: op werkdagen 10.00 – 16.00 uur. Telefonisch bereikbaar: 10.00 – 16.00 uur. TA L E N T & C A R E E R C E N T E R

Workshop Netwerken voor een baan. Naar verluidt komt 70% van de banen nooit in de krant, op het internet of in de kaartenbak van het CWI. Ze worden onderling vergeven. Dat is de normaalste zaak van de wereld op elk niveau. Dus, help jezelf en elkaar: kom achter je PC vandaan en ga échte contacten aan om je droombaan te vinden! In deze workshop ervaar je door een aantal oefeningen en opdrachten, die gecombineerd worden met theorie, aan den lijve hoe eenvoudig, natuurlijk en effectief netwerken kan zijn. Donderdag 11 februari van 13.30 tot 16.30 uur. De kosten bedragen €10,-. Je kunt je aanmelden via onze website. Workshop Hoe voer ik een goed sollicitatiegesprek? In deze workshop gaan we nader in op het sollicitatiegesprek. Hoe bereid je je voor en hoe ga je in op lastige vragen die tijdens het gesprek gesteld kunnen worden. Je leert hoe je jezelf in een netwerkof sollicitatiegesprek kunt presenteren waarmee gebruik wordt gemaakt van video-feedback. Er wordt gewerkt in kleine groepen van maximaal 5 personen zodat iedereen ruim de gelegenheid krijgt om te oefenen. Donderdag 18 februari van 13 tot 17 uur, kosten €20,-. Je kunt je aanmelden via onze website. STUDIE ONDERSTEUNING

Workshop Timemanagement De Workshop Timemanagement is voor drukke studenten die willen leren hoe je de immer beperkte tijd die je tot je beschikking hebt efficiënter kunt besteden. De workshop bestaat uit grofweg twee delen, een deel Studieplanning en een deel Timemanage-


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3 februari Promotie: dhr. S.D. Heintze, medische wetenschappen. Titel: Predictability of clinical wear by laboratory wear methods for the evaluation of dental restorative materials. Promotor(s): prof.dr. M. Ozcan, prof.dr. F. Abbas. Plaats: Academiegebouw, Broerstraat 5. Tijd: 11.00 uur. 3 februari Promotie: dhr. A. Noordhof, medische wetenschappen. Titel: In the absence of a gold standard. Promotor(s): prof.dr. J. Ormel, prof.dr. A.J. Oldehinkel. Plaats: Academiegebouw, Broerstraat 5. Tijd: 13.15 uur. 3 februari Promotie: dhr. G. van der Heijden, medische wetenschappen. Titel: Metabolic effects of exercise in adolescent obesity. Promotor(s): prof.dr. P.J.J. Sauer, prof.dr. A.L. Sunehaf. Plaats: Academiegebouw, Broerstraat 5. Tijd: 14.45 uur. 3 februari Promotie: dhr. R.S.N. Fehrmann, medische wetenschappen. Titel: High dimensional data analysis for new insight in ovarian cancer phenotypes. Promotor(s): prof.dr. A.G.J. van der Zee, prof.dr. E.G.E. de Vries. Plaats: Academiegebouw, Broerstraat 5. Tijd: 16.15 uur. 5 februari Promotie: dhr. J. Siebring, wiskunde en natuurwetenschappen. Titel: The phosphofructokinases of Streptomyces coelicolor A3 (2). Promotor(s): prof.dr. L. Dijkhuizen. Plaats: Academiegebouw, Broerstraat 5. Tijd: 14.45 uur. 5 februari Promotie: mw. E. Kutdemir, wiskunde en natuurwetenschappen. Titel: The evolution of spiral galaxies in clusters. Promotor(s): prof.dr. R.F. Peletier. Plaats: Academiegebouw, Broerstraat 5. Tijd: 16.15 uur.

CONGRESSEN EN SYMPOSIA 28 en 29 januari Tweedaags congres Faculteit der LetterenInternational Conference on the work of Frank Ankersmit. Titel: The Transfiguration of the Present- Reflections on Historical Distance. Spreker(s): Klaas van Berkel, Wessel Krul, Chris Lorenz en Ed Jonker. Plaats: Academiegebouw (Senaatskamer), Broerstraat 5. Tijd: 09.15 uur. 29 januari Faculteit Gedrags- en Maatschappijwetenschappen: Symposium Smart Movements- 25 jaar Bewegingswetenschappen. Spreker(s): Art Kramer, Peter Beek, Frans van der Helm, Eddy van der Zee, Erik Scherder en Theo Mulder. Plaats: Antonius Deusinglaan 1. Tijd: 09.00 uur. 29 januari Faculteit Godsdienst en Godsdienstwetenschap: Afscheidscollege- Prof. dr. Jan. N. Bremmer. Titel: De opkomst van het Christendom/ The Rise of Christianity Trough the Eyes of Gibbon, Harnack and Rodney Stark. Plaats: Academiegebouw (Aula), Broerstraat 5. Tijd: 16.00 uur. 4 en 5 februari Colloquim Faculteit der Letteren. Titel: De Groningse Meteoor, Petrus Camper (1722-1789). Spreker(s): Andrew Cunningham en Klaas van Berkel. Plaats: Academiegebouw (Senaatskamer), Broerstraat 5. Tijd: 15.30 uur.

EVENEMENTEN 28 januari Lezing in de serie Spraakmakende boeken: De natuur der dingen- Lucretius. Spreker(s): dr. Hans Smolenaars. Plaats: Academiegebouw (Geertsemazaal), Broerstraat 5. Tijd: 20.00 uur. 28 januari Literair: Poëziemarathon. Plaats: OUTheater, Oude Kijk in ’t Jatstraat 26. Tijd: 10.00 uur. Toegang: gratis 28 januari Jazz: USVA goed Jazz- Bert’s Breeze Beats ‘N Bass. Plaats: INTheater, Munnekeholm 10. Tijd: 20.30 uur. Toegang: RUG studenten en stadjerspashouders € 6, - / overigen € 9, 29 januari DwarsDiep debat: De staat van de verzorgingsstaat. Spreker(s): Marcel van Dam, Heleen Mees en Flip de Kam. Plaats: USVA, Munnekeholm 10. Tijd: 20.00 uur. 30 januari Theater: Raamwerk presenteert Barsten. Plaats: OUTheater, Oude Kijk in ’t Jatstraat 26. Tijd: 20.30 uur. Toegang: RUG studenten en stadjerspashouders € 6, - / overigen € 8, 1 februari Studium Generale: Lezing in de serie Man/Vrouw. Titel: Hormonen en Hersenen. Spreker: Dick Swaab. Plaats: Academiegebouw, Broerstraat 5. Tijd: 20.00 uur. 2 februari Studium Generale: Lezing in de serie Rising Economics. Titel: Russia, the Russian Federation as New Superpower. Spreker: Herman Hoen. Voertaal: Engels. Plaats: Academiegebouw, Broerstraat 5. Tijd: 20.00 uur.

28 januari t/m 4 februari 2010

Mededelingen 3

Ingezonden mededelingen voor studenten en medewerkers

ment. In 3 dagdelen leer je o.a. een methode om alle klusjes, afspraken, ideeën en verzoeken die op je afkomen systematisch te verwerken en te organiseren, met als doel: meer rust in je hoofd! De eerstvolgende workshop start op maandag 8 februari (14.00 uur). Meer weten? Kijk op onze website voor meer informatie of kom langs bij: SSC/Studie Ondersteuning, Uurwerkersgang 10, tel. 363 5548. Deelname aan een cursus kost 20 euro. Spreekangst? Presenteren kun je leren! En door het vaak te doen, wordt het ook een stuk minder spannend. Wil jij verschillende presentatietechnieken aanleren en oefenen? Dat kan in de cursus Mondeling Presenteren! In de cursus die start op donderdag 11 februari (9.00 uur) is nog steeds plaats, geef je daarom snel op! Deelname kost 20 euro. Kijk op onze website voor meer informatie of kom langs bij: SSC/Studie Ondersteuning, Uurwerkersgang 10, tel. 363 5548.

ACLO 2010 wordt een sportief jaar! Zes studentensportverenigingen organiseren samen voor alle studenten van Groningen de Studenten Duursport Competitie. Het wordt een sportieve en laagdrempelige competitie. De afstanden zijn daarom niet erg lang. Bovendien heeft iedereen zo zijn sterke en minder sterke punten. Kortom, het wordt een dolle boel! Kijk voor meer informatie en om je in te schrijven op Health Event 2010 De week van 15 t/m 20 februari staat bij de ACLO en het Sportcentrum in het teken van een gezonde en sportieve levensstijl. Deze gehele week zijn er extra gezonde maaltijden in het sportcentrum en kun je je laten testen en meten van 17.30 tot 20.00. Bovendien zijn er op woensdag 18 februari verschillende stands en workshops waarin je alles leert over sport, gezondheid en voeding. Voor meer info: check Hoe fit ben jij!? NSK Allround Schaatsen Dit jaar zal het toernooi gehouden worden op zaterdag 27 en zondag 28 februari 2010 wordt van 17:15 tot 23:00 uur het NSK Allround Schaatsen gehouden. Het zal gehouden worden op een van de snelste ijsbanen van Nederland, namelijk op IJsbaan Twente in Enschede. Eigenlijk kun je deze kans dus niet voorbij laten gaan om je PR’s op het randje van het seizoen nog even aan te scherpen. Het is de ideale mogelijkheid om je seizoen goed af te sluiten.Daarnaast valt natuurlijk de titel Nederlands

Studenten Kampioen Allround te behalen! Inschrijvingen cursusperiode 3 geopend De cursusinschrijvingen voor periode 3 en voor periode 3a zijn weer geopend. Je kunt je dus van- www.usva,nl Voorstelling Theatergroep Raamwerk | Barsten zaterdag 30 januari 20.30 uur Locatie : OUTheater BARSTEN Bruises (1995), Judy Upton “Het is goed dat je een beetje bang bent, dat hoort zo in een relatie” Achter de

Duurzaamheid Lezing over de menselijke kant van ondernemen. Hoe combineren grote multinationals zoals Unilever duurzaamheid en winstgevendheid? Of is duurzaamheid slechts een façade? Chris Dutilh, manager Duurzame Ontwikkeling Unilever, gaat in op deze vragen. 1 februari - 20.00 uur – Kraneweg 33. Nieuwsbrief GSp Wil je op de hoogte zijn van alle activiteiten? Meld je dan aan voor onze Nieuwsbrief (via onze site). Persoonlijk gesprek Wie dat wil kan voor een persoonlijk gesprek een afspraak maken met een van de studentenpastores: Geert Brüsewitz 8500387, Lense Lijzen 5260630, Tiemo Meijlink 5792805 of Matty Metzlar 0595-528775. Duurzaamheid Lezing over de menselijke kant van ondernemen. Hoe combineren grote multinationals zoals Unilever duurzaamheid en winstgevendheid? Of is duurzaamheid slechts een façade? Chris Dutilh, manager Duurzame Ontwikkeling Unilever, gaat in op deze vragen. 1 februari - 20.00 uur – Kraneweg 33.

> Theatergroep Raamwerk | Barsten - Bruises (1995), Judy Upton “Het is goed dat je een beetje bang bent, dat hoort zo in een relatie” Achter de ramen van een Bed & Breakfast ligt een wereld van geweld en pijn, waarin een vader een erfenis van dronken wreedheid overdraagt aan zijn zoon. Met de aankomst van een nieuwe gast veranderen de verhoudingen en lopen de spanningen hoog op. Studenten > USVA af heden weer inschrijven voor 5-weekse en voor 10-weekse cursussen. Dit kan tot en met vrijdag 29 januari. Er zijn ook deze periode weer een aantal nieuwe cursussen op het rooster verschenen. Zo is er de cursus squash voor gevorderden en is tai chi met waaiers aan het programma toegevoegd. Het rooster biedt dus voor iedereen een mogelijkheid om verschillende leuke sporten te proberen! Schrijf je daarom nu dus snel in voor de cursussen in de 3e periode! Vrij sporten bij de ACLO! De ACLO heeft nu naast tennisen squashbanen, ook zaaluren vrijgemaakt voor fanatiekelingen die met vrienden willen komen sporten! Reserveren kan maximaal acht dagen van tevoren op onze website,

USVA Open dagen Usva Op vrijdag 29 en zaterdag 30 opent Usva haar deuren, voor iedereen die wel eens lang het pand is gelopen en zich heeft afgevraagd wat er nou zoal achter die deuren gebeurt. Er zullen workshops worden gegeven in de verschillende disciplines die de Usva halfjaarlijks aanbiedt. Ben je nieuwsgierig naar een cursus en wil je kijken of het iets voor je is, kom dan meedoen. Iedereen kan mee doen en de toegang is gratis! Voor het programma kijk op: Twitter Volg de Usva nu ook via Twitter.

ramen van een Bed & Breakfast ligt een wereld van geweld en pijn, waarin een vader een erfenis van dronken wreedheid overdraagt aan zijn zoon. Met de aankomst van een nieuwe gast veranderen de verhoudingen en lopen de spanningen hoog op. Judy Upton’s Bruises maakt deel uit van het “In-Yer-Face” theater, een stroming waarin moeilijke onderwerpen op een confronterende wijze op het podium worden gebracht. In Barsten zijn wij op zoek naar hoe dader en slachtoffer van huiselijk geweld aan elkaar gebonden zijn. Kan een dader een slachtoffer zijn? Of omgekeerd? Hoe groot is de rol van angst? En die van eenzaamheid? Is er sprake van liefde? Theatergroep Raamwerk kiest voorstellingen, waarin de menselijke relaties centraal staan. Wij zijn ons bewust dat u – het publiek – aanwezig bent en dus proberen wij in contact met u de voorstelling te maken. Regie: Hanneke van der Molen Spel: Ellen van der Graaf, Peter Fousert, Evelien Snippe, Laura Dekker, Piet van Gogh Foto: Werner Welter De voorstelling wordt mede mogelijk gemaakt door: * Kunstraad Groningen * Stiefbeen en Zoon, Ulgersmaweg 147, Groningen Entree: 8,- / 6,- studenten en stadjerspashouders

GSp GSp - Studentenplatform voor Levensbeschouwing Een plaats voor bezinning, religie, debat en gezelligheid. GSp, Kraneweg 33, tel. 3129926

Studentendiensten in de Martinikerk 31/1 11.30 uur A. Diesemer 31/1 17.00 uur A. Dieseme 7/2 11.30 uur T. Meijlink 7/2 17.00 uur M. Nederveen


AEGEE goes Beyond Europe! AEGEE, dé Europese studentenvereniging, goes Beyond Europe. Van 23 juni tot en met 13 juli zal in India een uitwisseling plaatsvinden van Europese, Afrikaanse en Aziatische studenten, waarbij de milleniumdoelen centraal staan. De kosten zijn slechts €200, inclusief vlucht, overnachtingen en eten. Is dit iets voor jou? Neem dan een kijkje op de website, stuur een mailtje of kom op werkdagen tussen 13.00 en 16.00 uur langs op het pand (Sint Walburgstraat 22c, derde verdieping). AEGEE-Groningen verhuist! Vanaf 9 februari aanstaande zal de borrel van AEGEE-Groningen plaatsvinden in café Van Diepen (Gelkingestraat 40). Tijdens de eerste borrel zal er een spectaculair verhuisfeest gehouden worden om de nieuwe kroeg in te wijden. Je bent iedere dinsdagavond vanaf 22:30 uur van harte welkom. GSB

SMOG: Biolunch en excursie Op dinsdag 2 februari is het weer tijd voor de maandelijkse biolunch van het SMOG. Tussen 12.00 en 13.00u staan verse broodjes, vers


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2 en 3 februari Theater: Herman Marcel Scheerman presenteert Dimitri’s Voudeville. Plaats: OUTheater, Oude Kijk in ’t Jatstraat 26. Tijd: 20.30 uur. Toegang: RUG studenten en stadjerspashouders € 6, - / overigen € 8, 3 februari Filmavond: C.U.T. Plaats: USVA- theater, Munnekeholm 10. Tijd: 20.30 uur. Toegang: RUG studenten en stadjerspashouders € 3, - / overigen € 4, 3 februari Studium Generale: Hanze Lezing. Titel: Het virtuele leven van kinderen. Spreker: Martine Delfos. Plaats: Hanzehogeschool (auditorium), Zernikeplein 11. Tijd: 15.30 uur. 4 februari Theater: Herman Marcel Scheerman presenteert Dimitri’s Voudeville. Plaats: OUTheater, Oude Kijk in ’t Jatstraat 26. Tijd: 20.30 uur. Toegang: RUG studenten en stadjerspashouders € 6, - / overigen € 8, 4 februari Muziek: Lieve Julia presenteert Juliet Quartet en Jeroen Phaff. Plaats: INTheater, Munnekeholm 10. Tijd: 20.30 uur. Toegang: RUG studenten en stadjerspashouders € 6, - / overigen € 9, 4 februari Docent van het Jaar verkiezing 2010. Plaats: UMCG (Keuningzaal), A. Deusinglaan 1. Tijd: 14.00 uur. 5 februari Faculteit der Letteren: 9e Dag van Taal, Kunsten en Cultuur 2010. Spreker(s): Arthur Japin. Plaats: Academiegebouw, Broerstraat 5. Tijd: 09.00 uur. 6 februari Dans: USVA Danscollectief. Plaats: OUTheater, Oude Kijk in ’t Jatstraat 26. Tijd: 16.00 uur en 20.15 uur. Toegang: RUG studenten en stadjerspashouders € 6, - / overigen € 8, 6 februari Muziek: USVA goes Indie- Palloc en Marike van der Meij. Plaats: INTheater, Munnekeholm 10, Groningen. Tijd: 20.30 uur. Toegang: RUG studenten en stadjerspashouders € 6, - / overigen € 8, -

TENTOONSTELLINGEN NADERE INFORMATIE Afdeling Communicatie: tel. 363 5445/5446

beleg, gekookte eitjes en fris fruit weer voor je klaar en dat alles helemaal biologisch voor maar 2 euro p.p. Aansluitend aan de biolunch organiseren we een excursie naar kijkboerderij ‘t Hoogeveld in Eelde, een biologisch vleesveebedrijf dat o.a. vlees levert aan slagerij de Groene Weg aan het Boterdiep. ‘t Hoogeveld is ontstaan uit een samenwerking met Natuurmonumenten en beheert zo’n 600 hectare veenweidegebied. Sinds de start van het bedrijf, tien jaar geleden, laten zij zien dat economisch rendabele biologische landbouw prima kan samengaan met het beheer van hoogwaardige natuur. Ben je ook benieuwd hoe het er aan toe gaat op een biologische boerderij? Ga dan op 2 februari mee naar Eelde (vanuit de Stad een halfuurtje fietsen). De excursie begint rond 13.30u en duurt tot ongeveer 16.00u. Aanmelden kan via mail en Facebook (zoek ‘SMOG’). www.groningerstudentenbond. nl/smog

Academisch Schrijfcentrum Het Academisch Schrijfcentrum Groningen is er voor alle studenten die bij hun schrijfopdracht een duwtje in de rug kunnen gebruiken. Weet je niet hoe je moet beginnen of ben je de draad kwijt? Wil je je tekst aanscherpen? Of zie je door de taalfouten de tekst niet meer? Meld je op aan voor een individueel gesprek met een schrijfcoach. Kijk ook eens op voor schrijftips. Erasmus Studen Network Groningen ESN will organize a PubQuiz for international and Dutch students on Thursday January 28. Get a team with 3-5 persons and join the Pub Quiz! Sign up by sending an email to: Where: Pacific Bar Time: 21:00



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I N T E R N A T I O N A L P A G E 15

UK 19 - 28 JANUARY 2010

‘Someone must stand up’ |_

Nasser Kalantar fights for Dutch values

|  i n t e r v i e w   |  Nasser Kalantar has worked at the Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut (KVI) for sixteen years. But a measure from the Dutch government has led to various institutes that work with nuclear energy denying him access. All because he has an Iranian passport. He thinks this is unacceptable. By stijn roelofs Is Nasser Kalantar Iranian or Dutch? He thought he was Dutch. He has lived in the Netherlands since the 1980s. He has a Dutch passport and Dutch children, and considers Dutch values extremely important. But the Dutch State thinks differently. Since a UN resolution from 2006 warning countries to be vigilant when granting Iranians access to nuclear facilities and proliferation-sensitive institutes, he’s repeatedly confronted with the fact that he’s of non-Dutch descent. Kalantar is an experimental nuclear physicist at the University of Groningen (which, incidentally, has not cooperated with the regulation), but facilities that work with nuclear energy regularly refuse him access. For example, he is chair of the Nederlandse Natuurkundige Ve­ reniging (Dutch Physics Society), which has its annual meeting in a nuclear research facility in Petten. He could not attend the last meeting. Then there was the time he had to turn down an invitation to visit the Reactor Institute in Delft. This is why he is taking the Dutch State to court for violating article 1 of the Constitution.

Iranian passport He thinks it is terrible. “They implemented the measure to show the Americans they’re taking action. But I don’t know a single Dutch person who supports this. Essentially, Dutch people can be spies and provide information to Iran but Iranians can’t. Why not screen everybody?” Kalantar cannot even fight it. He has an Iranian passport alongside his Dutch one because you cannot give up your Iranian passport. Although he visits Iran regularly, he says he could never live there. “Because I’m half and half, so there I’m also seen as a foreigner. It’s unpleasant for my children. That’s the second generation’s problem. I can laugh about it. I teach them that you have to learn to live where you are. You have to fight hard for that.” He did this as chair of the Minder­ hedenraad (Minorities Council) in Groningen, and he also worked on the Bam campaign after the devastating earthquake that hit Iran in 2003. He strongly believes people should work together to make the world a better place. “If we don’t love each other, we die together. You must actively help humanity and you must begin in the

Photo Reyer Boxem

Nasser Kalantar

Nasser Kalantar 1960: Born in Tehran 1978: Study in the US 1986: PhD at Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1986: Postdoc at Nikhef, the National Institute for Sub­ atomic Physics 1989: Subatomic physics re­ search at VU University Am­ sterdam 1993: Researcher at Kern­ fysisch Versneller Instituut, Groningen 2003: Associate professor of experimental nuclear physics at the KVI 2008: Professor of Experimen­ tal Nuclear Physics at the KVI place where you live. I am a citizen of the Netherlands and I want to help make it a better place there too. But I have been amazed by these kinds of measures in recent years. Society has become tougher.”

Respectable Take his car. He bought it years ago. Without paying on delivery. “The salesman was from the older generation. He brought the car to my house together with the key: ‘Here you are, Mr Kalantar. And here are the papers.’ So I asked him: ‘Why

do you trust me?’ ‘Mr Kalantar, you are a professor and a respectable man with a family and a child. Why should I expect you to steal from me?’ You wouldn’t see that nowadays.” Kalantar was eighteen when he left Iran to study in America. It was not long after this that the Revolution broke out in his homeland. He sought out the support of other Iranian students, and this is how he met his wife. The uncertainty about his family – it was too expensive to phone and letters took weeks to arrive – did not stop him from graduating. “If I start something I finish it. I can separate emotions from my work. Even then. I even managed to complete my studies faster than the time allocated. My wife still says that I work too hard.”

Snowmen Kalantar feels right at home with the Dutch culture where people work harder and more efficiently than in Iran. “If you’ve been out all night drinking with a friend there you just go to work a bit later. Or you fall asleep at work.” That is not his style. “I don’t have a problem with working ten hours a day.” Although he can sometimes go a bit too far: “Two weeks ago on a Sunday, my son came in and said, ‘Dad, you’ve been working all day.’ I hadn’t realized, but he was right.

So I shut my book and had the time of my life building snowmen for an hour and a half.”

Freedom It is frustrating to still be seen as a foreigner. What is more, in recent years people have seen him as foreign more than ever before. How long will he be able to cope? Will he carry on fighting for Dutch values or will the time come when he has had enough? “If Geert Wilders were to gain a majority in parliament, I would ask myself if this were still the place for me. But other Dutch people think this too. I will carry on fighting until this has been set right. It’s tiring, but that’s how I am. If I don’t do it I’ll feel bad.” He considers the stigmatizing effect that the government’s measure has had on him and all Iranian Dutch people unacceptable. “If we as a society carry on yielding to these regulations, our freedoms will disappear. That is why I feel obliged to the Netherlands to stand up.” But the limitations in his own life are also gradually becoming too much. “That is why, legally speaking, I am a concerned party for the judge. I have become tired of having to answer when people say: ‘Do you do something dangerous then?’ I am a good citizen and I should not need to defend myself. The regulation is by definition a limitation.”

The case At the end of 2006 the United Nations adopted a resolution that called for vigilance when granting Iranians access to nuclear proliferation-sensitive institutes. The Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science consequently sent a letter to universities and reactor institutes demanding that ‘Iranian subjects’ be refused access to degree programmes that could, in theory, contribute to the development of nuclear weapons. Some institutions, including the University of Groningen, refused to cooperate. But others, such as the Reactor Institute in Delft and nuclear plants, became forbidden territory. Problematic for someone like Nasser Kalantar, who has worked at the Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut for sixteen years and has been a professor of experimental nuclear physics since 2008. In 2009, together with two other Iranian-Dutch people, he took the Dutch State to court. They contended that such a general exclusion on the grounds of nationality is in conflict with the constitution. The court will reach a judgement on 3 February.

16 I N T E R N A T I O N A L P A G E

UK 19 - 28 JANUARY 2010

What the




Photo ANP

Dutch long-track speed skater Sven Kramer is expected to win one or more gold medals in Vancouver.

And the winner is... |  r e p o r t   |  Danish physicist Niels Bohr already knew: it is very hard to make predictions, especially about the future. Econometrists Gerard Kuper and Elmer Sterken have tried to, nevertheless. They have designed a model to calculate the result of the Vancouver Winter Olympics next February. By Ernst Arbouw Good news for Germany: it will lead the medal rankings of the coming Winter Olympics in Vancouver, followed closely by the United States, Norway, host country Canada and Russia. The Netherlands will end up in tenth position with four gold, four silver and three bronze medals. Or at least that is what Assistant Professor Gerard Kuper and Professor Elmer Sterken of the Faculty of Economics and Business predict. But the differences between the top five countries are so small that the actual outcome of the Olympics is very hard to predict. “Any of the top five countries may eventually turn out to be the overall winner”, says Kuper. But how does an economist end up predicting the results of the Olympic Games? “I am actually an econometrist – I love the technique and the science and the puzzling

with numbers. And I like to apply it to sports. It’s very satisfying to discover patterns in the data”, Kuper says. And, he adds, digging out a book from under a pile of papers on his desk: “I really love this kind of book.” It is ‘The Complete Guide to the Winter Olympics, 2010 edition’. “It’s packed with wonderful anecdotes and trivial knowledge; very good if you like Trivial Pursuit”, he says as he flicks through the pages. Kuper and Sterken started predicting Olympic results after the 2000 Games in Sydney. A Dutch newspaper published a medal ranking adjusted to reflect the size of the population of each country. “It was nice to be able to say the Netherlands performed a bit better, but from a scientific point of view it is not very interesting to make predictions after the actual event.”

The newspaper article made the economists realize that population size is in fact a very good predictor of the results of international sports competitions. “So then we asked ourselves if it would be possible to design a predictive model based on population size and a number of other factors, such as a country’s per capita income.” The actual prediction is made in two stages. First, Kuper and Sterken use population as a guide for estimating the number of competing athletes per country. Countries with a larger population naturally have a larger talent pool to draw from but, Kuper explains, this is not a one-toone connection; a larger population makes it more difficult for talent to get recognized. “The available data suggests that for the number of athletes to double, the population size would have to quadruple.”

Predicted results of the 2010 Winter Olympics Country Gold Silver Bronze   1. Germany 11 11 10   2. United States 10 13   8   3. Norway 10 10   7   4. Canada 10   7   8   5. Russia   9   6   5 … 10. Netherlands   4   4   3

Total 31 31 27 25 20 11

Using the estimated number of competing athletes, each country’s place in the medal rankings is calculated using three other factors: the per capita income, the results of the last world championships before the Olympics and the so-called home advantage, which can make a difference of up to three gold medals, Kuper says. “The organizing country can send more athletes, which increases their chances. Moreover, they know the local environment and sports locations, and in Vancouver the stands will be packed with Canadians, which will boost the morale of the Canadian team”, he explains. For the last two Winter Olympics, Kuper and Sterken predicted the Netherlands would finish in twelfth position in the rankings, with two gold, two silver and three bronze in 2002 in Salt Lake City and two gold, three silver and two bronze in 2006 in Turin. On both occasions, the prediction was close but not bangon: in 2002, the Netherlands ended up in ninth and in 2006 in tenth place. So will Kuper and Sterken follow the Olympics on TV together to see whether their predictions will come true this time? “Ha! We are actually going to Vancouver to visit a scientific conference, so we will follow the Games at first hand.”

Council members paid to learn Dutch The Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences (GMW) will pay for a Dutch language course for two international members of the Faculty Council. This is how the Faculty wants to help them perform their task as council members. By Christien Boomsma The two international members of

the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences (GMW) can follow a Dutch language course at the University’s Language Centre. The Faculty Board has decided it will reimburse up to 1800 euros of their course fees. It was also decided that short summaries of all relevant documents will be translated into English. “In addition we hope that council de-

bates will be held in English more frequently. But that is, of course, up to the Council”, says Dean Henk ­Kiers. The new measures were announced in last week’s Faculty Council meeting. This year, two international students, Goda Perlaviciute from Italy and Juan Galeazzi Gonzalez from Mexico, were elected to the Faculty Council. Neither

of them speaks Dutch. It was decided that the lists of decisions and commitments made by the Faculty Board, together with the agenda and Council decisions would be translated for them. The two international students and Dean Henk Kiers recently evaluated this and it was found to be unsatisfactory, so it was consequently decided to introduce the extra measures.

Transport Minister Camiel Eurlings (Christian Democrats) managed to raise a few eyebrows this weekend by announcing that a poll of members of the Dutch automobile association ­(ANWB) will determine his decision on the introduction of a pay-as-you-drive kilometre charge for motorists (Dutch: kilometerheffing). The plan for the kilometre charge, which is meant to replace the vehicle purchase tax and road tax, is hugely unpopular and the Minister has said it will be next to impossible to introduce the legislation if the ANWB – which represents four million drivers – opposes the scheme. In the current plan, a special box built into every car in the Netherlands will use the GPS network to record the distance it travels. The Minister hopes that charging motorists for how much they drive will lead them to reduce their mileage. The system also allows for charging extra at certain times of day or for certain roads to encourage drivers to avoid the rush hour and busy motorways. The Minister’s announcement that he will abandon the kilometerheffing if the ­ANWB members vote against it met with criticism inside and outside the Cabinet. A number of politicians pointed out this weekend that it is the Parliament that makes legislation in the Netherlands and not the members of an automobile association. [ Ernst arbouw ]

Happy Hour The weekly radio programme Happy Hour FM is specifically aimed at international students in Groningen. It is made by Dutch and international students from the University of Groningen and the Hanze University. In February, a new production team will take over from the students currently broadcasting. You can hear them every Monday between 6 and 7 p.m. on 105.5 MHz (cable) or 106.6 MHz (ether). Livestream:

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