12 Summer Essential for Rising Seniors

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Rising Senior Summer Planning Workbook

12 Summer Essentials for Rising Seniors

12 Summer Essentials for Rising Seniors

While you pencil in time to soak up the summer sun, be sure to find a balance between relaxing time with your family and friends while scheduling time to complete these 12 critical activities. That way, you'll feel prepared and well-rested for an easy transition to senior year!

Finalize your college list, ensuring you have a comprehensive plan with match, safety, and reach schools

Register and study for the ACT/SAT or consider a new testing strategy to increase your score

Participate in a community service activity

Take a class to further explore your passions and interest

Connect with alumni or students who are attending a college you’re interested in

Work a summer job to gain experience or participate in a job shadow

Make a list of teachers you’d liked to ask for letters of recommendation

Start drafting your college essays

Visit a college campus you’re considering attending

Build or update your resume

Save money for college

Develop a strong personal statement for scholarships.

Senior Summer Planning Workbook

Plan Your Approach

Consider the 12 Summer Essentials for Rising Seniors and draft your summer action plan below. Be sure to outline specific action steps and dates you plan to complete them by. Then, hang your plan up where you'll see it everyday, crossing off items as you accomplish them!

Action I plan to complete


Create an excel document listing all scholarships I want to apply for and their deadline.

Ask neighbor Jim if I can shadow him at work for the day

Date to complete by


June 28th

July 7th

Rising Senior Summer Planning Workbook

Mark it on the calendar

Now that you've planned the actions you want to take this summer, build your calendar over the next few months to help you stay on track. Remember that making the most out of the summertime is all about a healthy balance that allows you opportunities to prepare for the year ahead while also rejuvenating. Be sure to add vacation time, beach days, time with friends, or other activities that help you to unwind to your calendar, too!

Rising Senior Summer Planning Workbook

Mark it on the calendar

JUNE 2024


Sunday Wednesday Monday Thursday Tuesday Friday Saturday 2 9 16 23 30 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 6 13 20 27 1 4 11 18 25 7 14 21 28 29 8 15 22 Rising Senior Summer Planning Workbook

JULY 2024


Rising Senior Summer Planning Workbook
Mark it on the calendar
Sunday Wednesday Monday Thursday Tuesday Friday Saturday 7 14 21 28 10 3 17 24 31 8 1 15 22 29 11 4 18 25 6 9 2 16 23 30 12 5 19 26 13 20 27

Notes AUGUST 2024

Senior Summer Planning Workbook
Mark it on the calendar Rising
Sunday Wednesday Monday Thursday Tuesday Friday Saturday 1 4 11 18 25 7 14 21 30 2 5 12 19 26 8 15 22 29 30 31 3 6 13 20 27 9 16 23 10 17 24

Take time to reflect

Reflection gives our brain the opportunity to untangle and sort through observations and experiences, consider various interpretations, and create meaning. In making meaning of our experiences, we can learn, grow, and apply our new understandings to future mindsets and actions-- a skill set that all colleges and universities seek in their applicants.

As you complete your summer activities, reflect on what you learned from each and any next steps you may wish to take to deeper your knowledge & skill base.

Action completed

What did you do?

Key take away

What did you learn?

Next steps

Is there anything else you need to know/understand/do?

Rising Senior Summer Planning Workbook
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