The Circuit Writer: April 2013

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For the message about the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 1Corinthians 1:18

April, 2013 Volume 2, Issue 4

Inside This Issue:

The Circuit Writer • It Doesn’t Take Much, page 2 • Theological Word to Know, page 2 • Church Calendar, page 3

Zumba Mania in Shiner It is estimated 14 million people love their Zumba. Zumba classes are held weekly in over 150 countries. Now, Zumba is coming to Shiner FUMC. What is Zumba? It’s a fitness program that incorporates dancing and high energy. Zumba participants move to upbeat Latin and international music. It’s considered less of a workout and more of a party. You can find more information about Zumba online, including the “happy accident” that birthed this new way of staying healthy more than 13 years ago. Our church is bringing Zumba to our community this month. Beginning April 22nd we are offering three weekly classes. You’ll hear the music going each week in the Activity Center. Classes are scheduled Monday evenings at 6pm with Tuesday & Thursday morning classes beginning at 8am. Also, once a week, we have scheduled a devotional time for participants that begins just prior to the session. It’s important for us to ensure this is an opportunity that is available to everyone. So, each class only costs $2 to attend. Our classes are led by a licensed Zumba instructor, Gloria Fletcher. We hope this is going to be a great chance for our community to join the Zumba fun. It’s fast-paced fun and highly beneficial in many ways. So, let’s ditch the workout and join the party!

• Church Worship Schedule, page 4 • Faith is Fun, page 5 • 30 Hour Famine Update, page 5

Lunch w/the Pastor It’s almost hard to believe it’s only been nine months since we’ve moved to Shiner. In that short time I have come to feel quite at home. I have appreciated every act of generosity, care and fellowship our family has received since coming to the cleanest little city in Texas. One of the things I have heard and said over and over since moving here is, “Let’s do lunch.” You know how schedules often collide; I haven’t had nearly as many “lunch” opportunities as I would like to have. So, here’s my idea. I am intentionally carving out Tuesday afternoons for lunch and I hope you’ll join Gloria and me. It’s not quite as fun as watching the monkeys at the zoo, but maybe “lunch with the pastor” will be worthwhile. We’ll figure out the exact when, where and what each week. In the meantime, how does lunch on Tuesday sound? Let me know what Tuesday works for you. —John

The Circuit Writer

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It Doesn’t Take Much A small act of kindness goes a long way. Do you believe that? I do because it seems God is able to do much with very little. It is often said God formed Creation ex nihilo, meaning “out of nothing”—talk about not having much to work with. And what about 2John & 3John? These are two of the shortest books in the Bible, 13 and 15 verses respectively. You could read both in minutes. Quickly, these letters express Christian love, teaching and fellowship. I can imagine the joy and excitement as these were first read to their faith communities. Letters like 2John & 3John, called epistles, were written to churches for various reasons. They were included in the Bible because early Christians considered them inspired and of God. Imagine that. A person pops in your mind, or you hear of a struggle someone is facing and you decide to write a letter to say “Thinking of You” or “I’m Praying for you.” A call or visit may be a small act to you, but it could be what God is using to bring joy to someone else. And it could be remembered for a long while. So, get going. Blessed Beyond Belief,

Love one another with mutual affection; outdo one another in showing honour. Romans 12:10

Theological Word to Know Ecumenism (ek''-yuh-muh-niz''-um) The principle of promoting unity, understanding and cooperation among various religious groups, specifically among Christian denominations.

Basic Training Camp

Words From Wesley

"What then is the mark? ... I answer: A Methodist is one who has "the love of God shed abroad in his heart by the Holy Ghost given unto him; and he accordingly loves his neighbour as himself; he loves every man as his own soul.” The Character of a Methodist


Basic Training Camp is sponsored by Victoria First United Methodist Church and the Victoria District. This 4-day, 3-night retreat gives your child the opportunity to experience God through worship, games, friends and much more. All activities will be supervised by adults from FUMC and surrounding churches, with high school and college students assisting as junior counselors. There are only 50 openings for campers – 25 girls and 25 boys. This camp is for children who have finished the third through fifth grades. Cost per child is $115. Campers will meet at Cathedral Oaks Retreat Center from July 28-31. Registration deadline is June 30. For more info or to download a registration form, visit

28 Youth Gathering 5:00p.m.


21 Lunch Bunch Youth Gathering 5:00p.m.


6pm, Zumba


8am, Zumba

30 8am, Men’s Breakfast

23 8am, Men’s Breakfast 8am, Zumba

Emmaus at LaGrange

16 8am, Men’s Breakfast

9 8am, Men’s Breakfast

2 8am, Men’s Breakfast





14 Youth Gathering 5:00p.m.


Nursing Home Devotion

7 Communion Sunday


24 F.U.S.E. 4-6:00 p.m.

17 F.U.S.E. 4-6:00 p.m.

10 F.U.S.E. 4-6:00 p.m. UMW Meeting 6:30

3 F.U.S.E. 4-6:00 p.m.


8am, Zumba

25 9-11am Food Pantry

18 9-11am Food Pantry

11 9-11am Food Pantry

4 9-11am Food Pantry







Shiner First United Methodist Church

AP R IL 2 013






The Circuit Writer

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Imagine No Malaria With only 10 weeks to go until June 9, the churches and people of Holston Conference are getting more creative in how they raise money for the denominational goal of eradicating malaria. The Rev. Stephen Yeaney, for example, will probably be bald after Easter Sunday. “I like to do strange challenges,” explained the pastor of Oakland UMC in Greenback, Tenn. To inspire his congregation to give $2,000 to the “Imagine No Malaria” campaign by Easter, Yeaney at first proposed that he would jump from a silo into the nearby marina. However, when a parishioner suggested that the preacher should shave his head instead, church members liked that idea so much that the deal was sealed. Yeaney is keeping the suspense high by not announcing the total collected so far. “They just have to keep giving and giving,” he said. “They have to give by faith.” On Easter Sunday the Oakland treasurer will count the total, with each $10 given representing a life saved from malaria in Africa. If the congregation gives $2,000 or more, Yeaney will not only get a radical haircut. Two hundred or more lives will also be saved through the United Methodist Church’s multi

-faceted mission to eliminate malaria by the end of 2015. Holston Conference’s goal is to raise $1 million toward that end by June 9-12, when leaders of Holston’s 897 churches will meet for Annual Conference at Lake Junaluska, N.C. As of March 20, Holston had accomplished more than a third of the goal, with $370,740 collected to save 37,074 lives, according to LeRae Collins, Holston’s campaign coordinator. So far, 45 percent of Holston churches have contributed to the conference-wide emphasis. While Yeaney might be giving his hair for a good cause, others are giving their talents. Before Christmas, Mary Hawkins knitted scarves to help fight the disease. She sold about 50 brightly colored creations, raising $700 to save 70 lives. “To save a life with just 10 dollars: It’s so simple, so minimal, that everybody ought to be able to do something,” says the Knoxville District administrative assistant. “You can’t do nothing.” At Chilhowie UMC in Chilhowie, Va., 14-year -old Avery Smith created a pizza-baking kit to raise money for Imagine No Malaria.

Sunday Worship Schedule For April (Please let us know if changes are necessary)

Flower Lay Reader

Prayer Ministers


Organist/pianist Donor Irene Cerny

7th Dick Nance

Dick & Bev Nance

Communion Sunday

14th Paul Koone

Pat Lee


21st Carolyn Hilscher

Pearl Roberts

Don Minear Joe Sestak, Thomas Stulka, Trevor Stulka

Mrs. Robert Wagner

Irene Cerny

John Britsch 28th Eva Eddy

Kitty & Laddie Vincik

Adam Brunkenhoefer Don Minear

The Circuit Writer

Faith is Fun

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30 Hour Famine Update Our young people are on their way to making a difference for children throughout the world. We introduced the 30 Hour Famine to our youth group last month and several of them quickly found sponsors. You might recall that each student is collecting funds to support their going without eating for 30 hours to fight global hunger. The group has set an initial financial goal of $3,500 with a willingness to strive for $5,000 if more people sign up to participate. Right now we have approximately 12 students registered. In order to make this event everything it can be, we need 20-30 students. So, help us get the word out. We are looking for Junior High and High School students who want to make a difference in the world. Contact John or Gloria Fletcher for more information. The Famine is scheduled for May 10-11th. Look for more information next month.

Easter Sermon Series

Basic Training for Kids

People appreciate our newsletter. Others make use of our website. There are many who keep up with FUMC through Facebook. Now, we have one more way others can stay in touch with what’s happening at our church. We’re hoping it’ll be an easy way for members and friends of our church and community to find out what’s happening at our church. Using your mobile phone, text SFUMC to the number 39970 and you’ll be registered to receive our church’s text messages. Signing up is free— messaging and data rates may apply. It’s that simple. We’ll send important reminders, prayer requests and the encouragement you might need to get through the day. So, sign up today and let others know they can follow our church, too. This is an easy invitation you can give to others. And we hope you will pass it along.

Easter has come and gone. Wait, not so fast! That’s not true. Easter is a season of the church. The joy and fun of Easter only begins on Easter Sunday, and lasts until Pentecost. To emphasize Easter’s inspiration on the apostles and the church, we are beginning an Easter sermon series entitled “Blame the Resurrection.” We’ll learn again how the sometimes distracted disciples of Jesus were transformed into those who would boldly preach Christ’s message of God’s kingdom to the world. Oh, and we’ll learn how we distracted disciples can do the same.

Shiner First United Methodist Church P.O. Box 122 102 Church Street Shiner, TX 77984

Circuit Writer: April 2013 ++Text SFUMC to 39970++ Rev. John Fletcher, Pastor Mary Kristynik, Church Coordinator

Phone: 361: 594. 3830 | Fax: 361. 594. 3660 Sunday School 9:30 am | Sunday Worship 11:00 am Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 9am-1pm /ShinerFUMC

Crafting a Rule of Life

Crafting a rule of life is an important part of living out our faith in Christ. The author looks to St. Benedict to help readers shape a disciplined approach to life that will draw each person closer to God every day. This book teaches you to center around God’s will, giving you the life God wants you to have. John blogs at

Happy Birthday Tom Bays 4/2 Eva Eddy 4/4 Betty Sestak 4/9 Shirley Wittman 4/13 Melvin Brooks Jr. 4/16 Don Wertz 4/18 Dalton Patton 4/29 Happy Anniversary Reg & Amy Othold 4/4 Jim & Phyllis Mikulik 4/21

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