March 2014 newsletter

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For the message about the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 1Corinthians 1:18

March, 2014 Volume 3, Issue 3

Inside This Issue:

The Circuit Writer • Put it back where it belongs, page 2 • Theological Word to Know, page 2 • Church Calendar, page 3

• Church Worship Schedule, page 4 • Faith is Fun, page 5 • Clean up & garage sale, page 5

Are we obedient children?

Soup with the Lutherans

If you’re a parent, then I’m confident that at least once you’ve told your child, “You need to listen to me.” Every teacher has told students, “You need to listen when I’m talking to you.” And all coaches (in a not-so-subtle tone) have yelled…ummm…. shouted …ENCOURAGED their athletes to “LISTEN!” Even the old saying “Children should be seen and not heard” is basically saying that the young, inexperienced need to listen to the wiser experienced ones. So, what’s OUR problem? We pray daily. We thank God for our blessings. We praise Him for His greatness and worthiness. We implore Him to heal, to comfort, to save. What we sometimes fail to do, however, is to listen. Ironic, right? As we preach to our children to listen to authority, sometimes we fail to do the same thing. If you are already a pro at listening and following God’s guidance or you could use some help in this area, consider joining the Prayer Ministry at our church. As a group, we are working to make our church a PRAYING CHURCH and your insight and experience can help. If you feel that joining this group is not right for you at this time, continued...

Did that catch your attention? Good! During the season of Lent we are joining our friends at the Lutheran church in Shiner each week for soup. The community soup suppers are scheduled for each Wednesday in Lent, excluding Ash Wednesday, at 6pm. This is a great way to be in ministry and fellowship with other Christians in our community. The dinners are open to everyone. So, plan to attend, bring someone with you. Why not carpool there? The church also has a worship planned each week. What a blessing to be able to share time and worship with others in our community. That sounds like something we’re supposed to be doing. See you there beginning March 12th at 6pm.

please pray for this ministry and ask God to guide the decisions made. Pastor Damon Shook wrote, “When we work, we work. When we pray, God works.” Let’s invite God to work through us and then … just … listen. —Laura Stluka

The Circuit Writer

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Put it back where it belongs If you have visited my office, you have probably noticed the small cross on my desk. There is nothing significant about that particular cross; it is just one I have kept for the office. Usually, that cross remains in the middle of the desk. Chances are you have also noticed I prefer piles over files. Consequently, often, the cross gets moved. It happens. People visit and need space; I get distracted and bump it; my piles of work and life shove the cross aside. At some point during a day at the office, I return the cross where it belongs. Doing so is a reminder of where the cross should be in my life because my life, unfortunately, can be like my desk. I can be so busy, so distracted and so clumsy that the cross of Christ gets shoved from the center of my life. Does that ever happen to you? Lent is approaching, and I hope you see it is an opportunity to realign your heart. It is something you must decide to do, difficult as it may be. But the cross deserves to be at the center of our lives. So, put it back where it belongs.

For the message about the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

1 Corinthians 1:18

Theological word to know Lent Church season that begins on Ash Wednesday. It is the 40 days before Easter, excluding each Sunday. Typically, observers make use of spiritual disciplines like prayer, fasting or penance, to focus on Christ’s own sacrifice.

Blessed Beyond Belief,

Words from Wesley

Have a special care of two portion of time; namely, morning and evening; the morning to forethink what you have to do, and the evening to examine whether you have done what you ought. —Sermon, On Conscience

The Living Stone Our Lenten sermon series begins Sunday, March 9th. The series is entitled The Living Stone. Each week we will recall familiar biblical stories that incorporate the images of stones. You may be surprised to hear how common the image is. Stones are used to make commitments, to remember faithfulness, to tempt and to show us the power of death. Make plans to join us each Sunday to discover our stone stories. This is an easy invitation to give to others to join us in worship as well.


2 Communion Prayer, 9am Nursing Home, 3pm

17 Zumba, 6pm

24 Zumba, 6pm


16 Lunch Bunch Prayer, 9am Sunday school, 9:30 Messy Game War for youth, 6pm

23 Prayer, 9am Sunday school, 9:30

30 5th Sunday Luncheon

Prayer, 9am

10 Zumba, 6pm

9 Prayer, 9am Sunday school, 9:30

Zumba, 6pm



25 Zumba, 8am Men’s Breakfast, 8am

18 Zumba, 8am Men’s Breakfast, 8am Emmaus at Shiner FUMC

Zumba, 8am Men’s Breakfast, 8am


4 Zumba, 8am Men’s Breakfast, 8am Shiner Quilter’s Meeting, 6pm


Soup dinner @ Lutheran church, 6pm


Soup dinner @ Lutheran church, 6pm


Soup dinner @ Lutheran church, 6pm


Ash Wednesday worship service, 7pm



27 Zumba, 8am Food Pantry, 9-11am

20 Zumba, 8am Food Pantry, 9-11am

13 Zumba, 8am Food Pantry, 9-11am

6 Zumba, 8am Food Pantry, 9-11am







Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the world

MARCH 2014



City Wide Garage Sale


8 Church Clean Up, 9am



The Circuit Writer

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A Lenten project

It’s about time

Lent, the season of the Christian Year that is typically observed as a time of simple living, prayer and fasting leading up to Easter, begins next week, on Ash Wednesday. Some spend the time in self-examination and reflection as modeled by Jesus in Matthew 4:1-11 where he prayed & fasted for 40 days before beginning his ministry. What happened during those 40 days of fasting and praying in the wilderness? Our friends at the Upper Room say that maybe Jesus needed some time with God to sort through the major changes happening in his life. Maybe he needed a break from family, friends and his regular routine in order to see God [and himself] more clearly. Maybe he sought more time with God as he searched for direction and answers to the question that we, too have from time to time: “What are you calling me to do, God? ”We, too are invited into this time of introspection. As we journey through this season of Lent, some will choose to give up something. Some will go about their lives as they typically do. Some will choose to be more reflective. Let’s start this 40-day journey together, sharing glimpses of our lives with one another. Let this be an intentional time, even for a few minutes a day, to pause, remember and reflect.

When it comes to something this important, it is all about time—taking time, that is. And that is just what we are going to do. You are invited every Sunday morning to join in a special time of prayer. We are gathering each week at 9am to pray for our Sunday school classes, our worship service and all those who are a part of them. This will also be a time to pray for our church prayer list and other concerns anyone may have each morning. The prayer time is open to everyone. And remember what happens when two or three are gathered!

Things are going to be a bit messy! Our youth group is hosting a messy game night on Sunday, March 16th. This is a time for any JR High and High school students to finish Spring Break right. It’s free to attend, and we hope you’ll help us invite as many young people as we can. Some adults may need a good laugh and would appreciate watching the games. The fun begins at 6pm.

Sunday Worship Schedule Flower Lay Reader

Prayer Ministers


Organist/pianist Donor

2nd Laura Stluka

Betty Britsch

Joe & Betty Sestak Irene Cerny

9th Clarence Little- Eva Eddy & Carol field Gambrel Laura & Thomas 16th Thomas Stluka Stluka

Deborah Richmond

Don Minear

Dennis & Kay Simons

Irene Cerny

Paul Koone, Tom Bays, Howard Esse,

23rd Dick Nanch

Pat Lee

D.J. Truman

Emi Bozka Don Minear

30th Paul Koone

Joe & Betty Sestak


The Circuit Writer

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Faith is Fun

UMW News The Shiner UMW held their monthly meeting on Tuesday, February 11 2014. Barbara Tieken and Pat Lee prepared a delicious Homemade Noodle Soup dinner and cookies. During the meeting it was decided not to have a March meeting due to it being during Spring Break. The UMW bake sale went really well and the ladies would like to thank everyone that came out to purchase items and also to those who donated items. It went to a very worthwhile cause. It was also decided to donate the meat for the upcoming 5th Sunday on March 30th. All others in the congregation will furnish the sides and desserts. The meeting was adjourned.

Ash Wednesday, church clean up & garage sale Our social principles on genetic technology

We welcome the use of genetic technology for meeting fundamental human needs for health, a safe environment, and an adequate food supply. • We oppose the cloning of humans and the genetic manipulation of the gender of an unborn child. Because of the effects of genetic technologies on all life, we call for effective guidelines and public accountability to safe-guard against any action that • might lead to abuse of these technologies, including political or military ends. We recognize that cautious, well-intended use of genetic technologies may sometimes lead to unanticipated harmful consequences. Because its long-term effects ar e uncer tain, we oppose genetic therapy that results in changes that can be passed to offspring (germ-line ther-apy).

Make plans to attend our Ash Wednesday worship service, March 5th at 7pm. You may want to think about Polaroid pictures as a way to prepare for the service. Remember how you had to wait for the picture to develop? That will make more sense during the service. We will have the imposition of ashes. A group of members and friends has decided to get together to host a church clean-up. They would like to spruce up our facilities and would appreciate your help. Mark your calendars for Saturday, March 8th. Our church will take part in Shiner’s community garage sale, Saturday, March 15th. The only exception is we are not trying to raise money. Instead, we want to host “the Great Giveaway.” If you have items you are thinking of donating, let us make use of them. Help us be a blessing to our community by being able to provide quality items for families. We think we will be able to do the most good this way, and hope you will join us.

Shiner First United Methodist Church P.O. Box 122 102 Church Street Shiner, TX 77984

Circuit Writer: March 2014 Rev. John Fletcher, Pastor Mary Kristynik, Church Coordinator Text “SFUMC” to 39970

Phone: 361: 594. 3830 | Fax: 361. 594. 3660 Sunday School 9:30 am | Sunday Worship 11:00 am Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 9am-1pm /ShinerFUMC

Reading With the Pastor 24/6: A Prescription for a Healthier, Happier Life Happy Birthday Briana Baker 3/2 Pat Lee 3/7 Jade Kurtz 3/10 Robert Wittman 3/12 Sharon Kelton 3/13 Doug Myers 3/14 Tracy Kurtz 3/16 Bruce Bayless 3/29 The Hebrew people were slaves to Egypt. Could it be we are slaves to technology and busyness? Author Matthew Sleeth thinks so. He addresses what many of us know and feel and offers a plan to rediscover God’s plan of rest for our lives. Pastor John blogs at

Happy Anniversary Dana & Pam Cimrhanzel 3/14 Jon & Susan Whitford 3/21

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