Review Magic Valley Issue 6

Page 9

‘Humans feel their emotions differently. They know not how to control their whole being. The humans are a great race but they are young and let their hearts run amok on their lives.’ Now, Natalie had been Earthside for the better part of one hundred and fifty years. She let her guard down and didn’t even notice, until it was too late. If this is what it takes to go home, fine. “You and I both know why the Elemental put us together and why he has dropped us off one dimension too early.” Natalie tried to conjure her denim jeans and tank top but was adorned instead with green leather pants, her battle tunic of hard leather and bone and her short sword at her hip, “Oh what the hell!?” “You really think they would let you arrive in ‘norm’ gear? You’ve forgotten home more than everyone realizes you have.” Natalie stepped towards Adariyan with foul intentions and balled fists, just one step and suddenly she realized she was no longer wearing her black gladiator heels. Instead she had her thigh high moccasins laced up. A thought came to her and she was soon bent down rummaging through what seemed to be dozens of little pockets in her boots. Laughing out loud Natalie finds each and every one of her precious blades. Some were made for throwing. Others were made for skinning and sawing through bone. Each and every one made her feel that much closer to home. Settling them back into their resting places she stands and faces Adariyan with a new confidence and quiet anger. “Why did you stop us?” Natalie glared at Adariyan as she took a long slender blade of some sort and held it between her teeth. With elegance she swept both hands behind her head to bring all of her unruly dark auburn curls to the crown. A few simple flicks of Natalie’s wrist and the long hair was secured with the blade in a ravishing wild knot. “Excuse me?” Adariyan had to shake himself awake, watching her was the last thing he should be doing. “I didn’t stop anything! You were the one that let emotion slip.” “I would never!”

stare. “So isn’t it clear the elementals are bored and we have to play the game to get out.” Natalie gave that a thought. She didn’t see anyway out of it but she also didn’t see the point of this ridiculousness. She had traveled the portals many times since the old days. What has changed about her? If it was her at all she reminded herself. Maybe it was Adariyan. “Still begs the question, why now?” ~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~ At the large oak double doors the emblem of the Library and its chosen pupils was almost overbearing. Too much, even for a general. Rowan and Gwen made their way through the heavy door not slowing a bit as Rowan kicked it open. Gwen had never been in her sister and brother-in-law’s room. Before her anger at him sent her into a rage that matched her sisters, she noticed the bookshelves that lined all four walls. Scanning the room mindlessly she busied herself examining the scrolls. Rowan had every book known to man and demon right here in the Library as well as her very own stash in her chambers with the General. Finally able to take the rest of the room in Gwen realizes that isn’t the only thing the General has given her sister that would make her giddy. In the corner to the right a royal blue and green canvas screens barely hid a bathtub fit for three or four people easy. There was already a fire going just next to the tub which Gwen assumes is boiling water. The General must have sensed his wife coming. As happy as he was at the prospect of seeing Rowan, he knew she was in a foul temperament and was thankful of the gods that it was only Rowan and one sister. Not two. The third Gryphyn sister is Earthside, playing human and tracking any Otherworld activity, playing baby sitter really. Soon she would come home and be upset to find she still won’t have her sisters to rule with.

“Well I promise you I am not the one who wanted to revisit the past. We are supposed to go forward in the portal. Not lag around and reminisce.”

Hanging from the wall in between the fire and the tub was a black heavy robe and below that on a small table sat a book and a clay bottle of mead surrounded by a mass amount of assorted candles.

“If you think I have any desire to relive that nightmare you call a relationship again you are insane.” How dare he accuse her of being weak enough to lose focus in the portal? He knew her better than that. At least, she thought he would.

The idea behind that set up almost made Gwen blush. So she instead turned her attention back to the topic at hand. It wasn’t until then she noticed her sister and brother-in-law having a row.

“Don’t be so dramatic. Even if that was your intention I would have had to focus with you.” Adariyan gave her a duh

“How dare you take over my scouts and their orders? You know as well as I do you have just made me look weak in front


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