Millersville University Review - Winter 2013

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Soar to Greatness Campaign: Goal surpassed!

M I L L E R S V I L L E U N I V E R S I T Y M A G A Z I N E ■ 2013 W I N T E R

Review Winter 2013  1


Marauder spirit At Homecoming

Fans rock the Black & Gold 2  Review Winter 2013

table of



Winter 2013

Vol. 126

No. 2

The Review is published by Millersville University of Pennsylvania of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education and mailed free to Millersville alumni, faculty, staff and other friends of the University.

President - elect Dr. John M. Anderson

Millersville Review Staff

Amy H. Dmitzak, Executive Editor Patricia Coulson, Editor Janet Kacskos, Campus News Ethan Hulsey, Sports News Steven A. DiGuiseppe ’82, Alumni News Kelly Davis ’95, Alumni News Alison Moody ’05, Class Notes

Contributors Kelly Smedley ’93 Laura Knowles Madelyn Pennino Frost Imaging Linda Forte Creative Matthew Lester Photography James Yescalis Photography

Printed by Pemcor, Inc. Alumni Association Jerri Anne Johnson ’76, ’87M, president Lori Dierolf ’91, president-elect Stephen Focht ’70, treasurer Kristin Waters ’05, secretary Jennifer Bertolet ’92, Sandra Brown ’76, Nathan Claycomb ’01, Jenna Craig ’10, William Dewan ’93, Catherine Glass ’53, John Held ’02, Claire Eleanor Heller ’71, Michael Henry ’83, Cassandra Pettis Karamanos ’94, Patrick Leahy ’97, Greg Ortlieb ’09, Daniel Sidelnick ’75, Carroll Staub ’72, ’90M, Patrick Witmer ’81

PASSHE Board of Governors Guido M. Pichini (chairman), Marie Conley (vice chair), Aaron A. Walton (vice chair), Sen. Richard Alloway II, Rep. Matthew E. Baker, Jennifer Branstetter, Governor Tom Corbett, Sara Dickson, Laura E. Ellsworth, Rep. Michael K. Hanna, Ronald G. Henry, Bonnie L. Keener, Jonathan B. Mack, Joseph F. McGinn, Harold C. Shields, Robert S. Taylor, Ronald J. Tomalis, David Wolfe, Sen. John T. Yudichak

Millersville University Council of Trustees Michael G. Warfel ’84 (chairman), Caroline M. Hoffer ’77 (secretary), James P. Argires, Gibson E. Armstrong, Julianne Dickson, Robert A. Frick ’66, ’69M, Kevin F. Harley ’86, Shane P. McGrady (student), William B. McIlwaine, Brian A. Rider ’87, Gerald S. Robinson, John C. Cavanaugh, ex officio.

Millersville University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action institution.

Campaign for Millersville exceeds goal The success of Millersville’s capital campaign positions the University to move forward.


Creativity through process An applied engineering course shakes students out of their comfort zone and into discovering where creativity, innovation and engagement can lead them.


Misa’s story Led by Sean Gaston ’99, a team of fellow teachers and high school students peeled back the layers of suffering and loss from a Holocaust survivor to create a moving documentary that tells one boy’s story.


Weaving culture An alumna shares her passion for weaving with students, helping them to craft their graduation stoles and learn about their heritage in a very personal way.

Cultural Events A four-page insert, highlighting events from February through May, is located in the back of this issue.


Recent graduates Mason Seidel, Caitlyn Hanzel and Nicholas Minnich take creativity seriously. See story on page 10.

18 20 22 26 30 32

Homecoming Campus News Sports Alumni Interest Class Notes

Review online Experience the digital edition of the Review at:

Table of Contents Winter 2013  3

Campaign Total

$88,002,745 Launched in June 2006, the Soar to Greatness Capital Campaign for Millersville University had eight funding priorities identified with an initial overall goal of $60 million. It was the most ambitious fundraising undertaking in the history of the University or by any university within the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education. In May 2010, Millersville decided to increase the campaign goal to $85 million. Central to the strategy of the campaign was the concept of total revenue generation. The campaign has embraced a total “revenue generation” effort by matching Commonwealth dollars for the renovation and expansion of the library and the expansion and transformation of Lyte Auditorium into the Winter Visual and Performing Arts Center. Revenue for all of the eight priorities came from a mix of sources including competitive public grants, corporate sponsorships and, of course, private gifts from alumni, corporations, foundations, friends and University employees. The campaign raised 40 percent, or $35.5 million, from the Commonwealth through matching dollar support for facility projects. The remaining $52.5 million, or 60 percent of the campaign revenue was generated from private gifts (both individuals and corporations) and competitive state/federal grants and contracts including corporate partnerships. Of the $52.5 million, $38.7 million (74%) came from private support and $13.8 million (26%) from competitive state/federal grants, contracts and corporate partnerships. On December 31, 2012, the campaign officially closed, reaching $88 million—an achievement which will propel Millersville University forward to its next stages of success for years to come. Thank you for your generous investment in Millersville University. 4  Review Winter 2013

“The campaign began as an unparalleled opportunity to transform Millersville’s future. Together, we have accomplished this and strengthened the University for generations to come.” -Stephen Kepchar ’70, ’12H, Chair, Soar to Greatness Campaign

Campaign Cabinet About the

Millersville University is extremely fortunate to have engaged alumni and friends who are committed to the success of their alma mater and its place as a top regional university. The campaign cabinet members—32 diverse, busy professionals—signed on for this campaign, which took a little more than six years. Guided by staff members, they kept each of the priority committees on target to meet the objectives and made adjustments as things changed, as it always does. They represented the stakeholders of this University— students, alumni, friends, employees, parents, business associates, neighbors, retirees and others. Millersville University owes a debt of gratitude to all of the wonderful volunteers who served on the campaign cabinet. The leadership demonstrated by Stephen Kepchar ’70, ’12H as campaign cabinet chair and Bennett Cooper, Esq. ’67, ’12H, vice chair, was extraordinary. Kepchar is a senior vice president for Morgan Stanley in Lancaster. Cooper is a senior distribution consultant for Branca-Rampart Agency. Special thanks go to the campaign’s honorary chairs Dr. J. Freeland Chryst ’50,’98H, founder & chairman of The Jay Group and James Argires, M.D., neurosurgeon with Lancaster NeuroScience & Spine Associates.

Employee Participation 648 current and retired faculty and staff contributed more than $3.65 million to the campaign.


of the campaign

Donor Demographics

The impact of this campaign will be lasting as evidenced by: More than $21.7 million from private donations and state support gifted to the visual and performing arts priority providing present and future students with quality facilities such as the Ware and Winter centers and its programming. A $500,000 gift to support the purchase of instructional equipment to greatly enhance student learning for a variety of facilities across the University including the sciences and the performing arts. A $1.5 million competitive federal grant that provided scholarships for students interested in teaching math in urban school districts. More than a million dollars in gifts that will assist student scholarships in the sciences, particularly marine biology and physics. During the campaign athletic private fundraising, primarily for scholarships, increased from $220,000 to $600,000 this year. Overall, more than $20 million has been gifted for all scholarship purposes. $100,000 gift established a unique alumni mentoring program for Honors College students. $300,000 gift established the first “Innovator in Residence and Lectureship.” The $2 million plus raised for global partnerships will provide important international experiences for students.

Revenue Generation by Funding Source - $88 million total • 4 4% ($38.7 million) from private gifts, individuals and corporations. • 4 0% ($35.5 million) Commonwealth matching dollar support to facilities. • 1 6% ($13.8 million) from competitive state/ federal grants, contracts and corporate partnerships.




Alumni Corporations/ Foundations Employees * Friends Parents Grants & Contracts Corporate Partnerships

8,327 $20,006,443 512 $10,560,791 447 $2,175,540 1,400 $4,495,877 1,354 $1,451,461 N/A $13,139,512


12,040 $52,542,745



* Note: Employees who are alumni or parents of students would be counted in those donor categories.

$500,000 commitment will enhance the exterior library area creating a reading, sculpture garden and class space. $5.8 million secured in grants promote facultystudent research. A $200,000 corporate gift assists students volunteering at nonprofit organizations. A $300,000 gift established the Walker Center for Leadership and Civic Responsibility. A $50,000 gift strengthened the University’s women’s wellness center programming. A $250,000 gift providing baseball scholarships. A $800,000 gift establishing the first endowed academic program in Entrepreneurial studies. A $100,000 gift establishing an unrestricted presidential endowment. Review Winter 2013  5

Highlights of the

campaign’s 8 priorities

Total Goal: $85 million

$88 million generated

Unrestricted gifts of $1.3 million are included in the total, but not represented in the eight priorities below.

Global Opportunities

Goal – $2 million; $2.3 million generated Priority Chair: Joanne Wargo Cooper ’67 Nine new endowments and one new annual award to promote global opportunities on campus including study abroad, internships, global business services, international student scholarships. Over the course of the campaign, 854 Millersville students have studied or interned abroad. At the start of the campaign, Millersville students studied abroad in 10 countries on two continents. This past year, students studied in 18 countries on six continents. Millersville has established formal academic partnerships with 17 overseas institutions, with three more to be formalized. $500,00 gift to establish a global education scholarship for students studying to become industrial technology and/or science teachers at a secondary level.

Student Health and Wellness

Goal– $2 million; $ .9 million generated Priority Chair: Stacey M. Fink, M.D., Ph.D. ’72, ’77M $25,000 endowment was established for ongoing programming initiatives dedicated to student health and wellness. $125,000 program to educate and provide awareness for breast health efforts and resources for students.

Community & Civic Partnership

Goal – $4 million; $4.6 million generated Priority Chair: Don McCarty ’74

The Walker Center for Leadership and Civic Responsibility brings national and international leaders to campus and offers internship experiences for students in Washington, D.C., for interaction with elected and appointed officials. Initiated the Innovator in Residence program to bring noted individuals who demonstrate creativity, innovation and engagement to campus. Social media guru Randi Zuckerberg was the first innovator participating in the program. Created the Susquehanna Bancshares NonProfit and Public Sector Internship Program. The Nonprofit Resource Network has become a vital part of the local and regional community.

Instructional Equipment

Goal – $6 million; $5.0 million generated Priority Chair: William McGrorty ’82 To aid in a project funded by the National Science Foundation, Millersville’s meteorology lab received $280,000 for equipment and instruments to monitor and measure pollutants in the atmosphere. Computer sciences department received $44,000 as part of a U.S. Department of Defense grant to purchase equipment relating to the development of a novel ocular surgery simulator.


Goal – $16 million; $21.9 million generated Priority Chair: Kate Parker ’76, ’78M More than 100 new endowed scholarships were added during the campaign and more than 200 scholarships received endowed funds. More than 50 gifts were made to annual scholarship funds. $3.4 million in immediate use commitments have provided and will continue to provide scholarships for intercollegiate student-athletes.

Library Renovation

Goal – $23 million; $20.8 million generated Priority Chair: Thomas Klingensmith, Esq. ’72 Moving away from sole reliance on physical materials, the use of the library building has shifted dramatically to a more technologically rich, flexible and multipurpose educational space. The newly renovated library is on schedule to open in fall 2013 and will include: Open floor plans, natural lighting and an architectural design that will provide uniquely collaborative space.

$1.7 million in endowment commitments established or enhanced perpetual, named scholarships for talented student athletes.

An expanded, climate-controlled, secure space to house the Millersville University Archives and Special Collections.

Nearly two dozen individuals or families endowed scholarships across academic disciplines or co-curricular activities in memory of loved ones.

Programming areas and exhibit space will provide opportunities for civic engagement and student learning. Redesigned classrooms with smart technology also features reconfigurable setups.

Student Faculty Research

Goal – $7 million; $9.4 million generated Priority Chair: Mary Glazier, Ph.D. Continues an unparalleled tradition of extensive undergraduate student-faculty research opportunities and provides greater faculty professional development. With a gift of almost $500,000 from a Millersville alumna and her husband established the Rachel Carson Field Biology scholarship fund to award multiple students the opportunity to conduct groundbreaking research at the University’s cooperative program at Wallops Island and other biology programs. The same couple established the University’s first endowment for junior faculty to provide release time to conduct research and publish findings. An earth sciences faculty member successfully secured funding to use undergraduate students in his atmospheric data collection and research for use by the Department of Defense and NASA. Enabled the Software Productization Center to research, create and implement unique software for practical applications in local businesses. A $73,000 grant allows for students and faculty to collaborate on data collection in the development of military night vision equipment.

The facility will be ADA-compliant, offering a 24-hour public access area and expanded technology.

Visual & Performing Arts

Goal – $25 million; $21.8 million generated Priority Chair: Gregory Lefever ’89 A major renovation and expansion of what had been been known as Lyte Auditorium/Alumni Hall has been completed and is now the Winter Visual and Performing Arts Center. The project upgraded and enhanced the facility for educational activities and to further its capacity as a multipurpose and performance arts center. The improved facility enhances the experiences of all students, especially those majoring in theater, art and music. The Ware Center, Millersville University Lancaster, located at 42 N. Prince Street in downtown Lancaster, has fulfilled its promise as an asset to the community and a beacon for arts and creativity. In addition to the investment in top notch facilities, Millersville University has expanded its visual and performing arts programming. This is key as Millersville supports its commitment to liberal arts and its role as a cultural center for the Lancaster community and region.

Review Winter 2013  7

Campaign Celebration

During Homecoming weekend, the success of the campaign was celebrated with a concert for major donors and a public opening and dedication of the Winter Center for the Visual and Performing Arts facility on Millersville’s campus. On October 11, 2012, campaign chair Stephen Kepchar ’70 (above and below, left) announced the success of Millersville University’s Soar to Greatness campaign.

World-renowned cellist Zuill Bailey performed with Millersville students in the new Clair Performance Hall. (Above) Vice chairman Bennett Cooper ’67 (at podium) expressed his appreciation to the campaign donors.

Caroline Nunan Hill accepted an original score written in honor of her late mother, Caroline Steinman Nunan. The composition was performed at the opening of the Winter Center.

(Below) The family of Dr. Charles and Anita Winter. Mrs. Winter is third from left.


Listen to beautiful music, and make some of your own. Attend a theater production. Play piano using cutting-edge technology. Learn from master musicians. Dance and move to the rhythm. Take in an art exhibit. Record the song you wrote. Build scenery.

Introducing The Winter Center

Benefactor Eleanor Isaacson and a partner wowed the audience with a ballroom dancing demonstration at the opening of the dance studio named in her honor.

Review Winter 2013  9 



Millersville’s approach to creative thinking is grounded in practical theory.

Above: To get Millersville students out of their comfort zone, one of their first projects was to design a dress for a 12-year-old girl. Above, right: Wooden toy cameras were created by one group. Top, l to r: Other projects included an Adirondack-type chair, a wooden car powered by a rubberband, and two prototypes for packaging and displaying chocolate for marketing to China.

10  Review Winter 2013

There is a glimmer of pride in the students’ eyes as they file into the classroom in Osburn Hall for show-andtell and formal presentations relating to their latest product creations.

High-speed rubber band race cars, cleverly constructed wire and bead toys and gravity-driven racetracks are as impressive as most store-bought children’s toys. While the finished goods are an indication of some very creative thinking, the paths that lead the students to the final product imposed some limitations, but ultimately laid the groundwork for inspiration and innovation. The toy design project is just one of many creativity-induced assignments in the product design course. Taught by Dr. Scott Warner, associate professor of applied engineering, safety and technology (previously known as the Department of Industry and Technology), the course introduces techniques such as a decision matrix, product testing and strategic marketing. Warner is helping his students understand that creativity does not always translate into spontaneous thinking, but can be born out of a process that leads to a new discovery.

Why creativity matters Millersville embraced the theme of “Creativity, Innovation and Engagement” as a way to motivate its students to challenge themselves in the classroom and give teachers the freedom to test their boundaries of creative thinking. Warner’s product design course is a shining example of how process and creativity can join forces to help students test the limits of their imagination without losing sight of the project’s original intent. “My job is to facilitate the creative process,” Warner explained. “[Students] will ask me a question, and I’ll usually return it with another question.” Many Millersville students attended elementary and secondary school under the federal mandate of the “No Child Left Behind Act” passed by Congress in 2001. While well intended, the legislation forces teachers to prepare students for specific educational requirements and offers little room for creativity in the classroom. “More than a few students have never been in a position where they had to think about what they are doing and justify why they are doing it,” Warner added. “This class forces them to think about what they are doing versus being told why.” While Warner provides guidelines for each project, students are encouraged to draw their own conclusion and are

Creativity through metaphor Dr. Shawn Gallagher, associate professor of psychology at Millersville, does not believe in creativity just for creativity’s sake. “I don’t think we should be encumbered by the latest fads and chase them without scientific substance,” Gallagher said. “When you get down to the nuts and bolts, what did they learn?” Gallagher does feel that creativity can and should be encouraged in the classroom if, much like Warner’s approach, it is grounded in an educational process. “The last thing we want to do is allow students to surrender their responsibility,” Gallagher added. “The challenge of creativity is for teachers to identify a metaphor that students will appreciate.” Gallagher went on to tell the story of medical students who were asked to treat a cancerous tumor with radiation. “The students were told they would burn a hole through the skin if they tackled it straight on,” he explained. “So how should they get energy into the tumor?” The medical instructor then related the tale of an evil king who lived in a castle. There was a small army that wanted to attack the king, and there were many roads that led to the

creativity | innovation | engagement

One group produced wooden speed track and race cars for the toy challenge.

accountable for justifying why they chose a particular path. “There are multiple correct answers and multiple ways to get to those answers,” said Warner. “What I ask is that they back it up with research.”

castle. So the army decided to attack the castle from many directions in order to defeat the king. “Sometimes you need to put it in a framework of something they already know if you want them to discover something new,” Gallagher said. “Creativity is not just about winging it. You need to pursue an atypical path in an informed way.”

Outside the comfort zone While there are a few young women in Warner’s product design class, the majority of students pursing degrees in Millersville’s Department of Applied Engineering, Safety and Technology are men. What better way to titillate their creative juices than asking them to design a dress for a 12-year-old girl? “It helps to break down those barriers,” said Warner, who also had students design a Vera Bradley handbag. “It doesn’t matter what they are doing; the same process applied. The dress is secondary; it’s just the vehicle to get them through the thought process.” Students were also challenged to design kids’ meal boxes for Sonic Drive-In as well as rock-climbing shoes. “We went to the rock wall behind Pucillo Gym and learned about the nature of the shoes from a rock-climbing expert,” Warner said. “I want to give them firsthand exposure whenever possible.” Review Winter 2013  11

While most of the projects were completed separately by each student, Warner required the class to split into teams of three to tackle the design and creation of the children’s toys. Alex Lehman, Aaron Krause and Paul Cardinal joined forces to create the rubber band race car. Not only was the team pleased with their finished product, they felt the creative license they were given by Warner allowed them to build something that exceeded their expectations. “We wanted to create something that was exciting and moved around,” said Krause. “We also wanted it to be a toy that appealed to both boys and girls.” The team was also given additional parameters that included making a toy that was safe for children three years old and younger, contained no small parts and was constructed from renewable resources. “We chose poplar [wood] because it fit into the corporate culture,” said Cardinal. They also found the car was easy to reproduce, which is important for mass replication of a product. All three students are industrial technology education majors and felt this class inspired them for when they have their own classroom of students. “I have a better idea of what I can take to the classroom and how I can make it my own,” said Cardinal. Lehman said he appreciated the “open-endedness” of the process. Krause agreed. “I really enjoyed being ‘let loose.’ It was not scripted at all,” Krause added. “I have grown to appreciate the creative process.”

than women, she believes that testosterone, a hormone associated with risk taking, plays a role in the creativity levels of both men and women. “We know that a high testosterone level does predispose you to risk taking and pushing the envelope, which is what creative people do,” said Kelly. Males and females may have similar creative potentials, but men, because of higher testosterone levels, are more willing to take risks. But what about creative women? This question led Kelly to pursue her next avenue of research, where she plans to interview at least 20 female musicians whose creativity helped form their career paths. “I want to understand what specifically led them into a creative field. What is their family background…birth order…religion?” Kelly explained. “I want to see if there are strong social-related factors that play a role in creative people.” Kelly does admit that it is often difficult to precisely define creativity since it can take on many forms. “How you define creativity is a tricky business,” she added. “I did a lot to establish valid criteria that offered multiple forms of creativity. It’s not as established as IQ tests, so you have to use a lot of different measures.”

Creative research Millersville’s quest for the key to creativity is not a newfound fad. In fact, the University boasts one of the largest databases of subjects tested for creativity, thanks in large part to Dr. Mary Margaret Kelly, professor of psychology at Millersville. One of the significant findings by the MU Creativity Research Team—headed by Dr. Debra Vredenburg —is that creativity, as measured by established standardized tests, is higher in males than in females. “Men tremendously outperform women in [these measures of] creativity,” said Kelly. “I never thought this would be the basis for my research.” Several years ago, approximately 900 Millersville students provided salivary samples that were analyzed for testosterone levels at the University of Delaware. The research team, which included 20 MU students, collected, scored and entered the data on each subject. While Kelly was hesitant to offer any definitive theories as to why men tend to be more creative 12  Review Winter 2013

Above: Dr. Scott Warner explains the research process, which is central to each of the design projects. Above, top left: A previous class project involved designing “happy meals” for Sonic. Next page: Showing their playfulness, Lisa Rich and Travis Bisbing knew their product passed the fun test.

creativity | innovation | engagement

Next generation creativity Back in Warner’s classroom, students discuss their thoughts on how creativity has given them a different perspective when they approach challenges both in and out of the classroom. “I learn a lot more when I’m creative and have to troubleshoot myself,” said Lisa Rich. “I think my classmates learn from me as well.” Warner said he was not only pleased with his students’ creations, but was proud they followed the proper path that helped guide them through the creative process. “Creativity is not anarchy. Students should learn how to put their ideas into a structure that enables others to understand and engage with their ideas,” said Warner. “The toy is simply an indication of attention to skill and craft. It may actually not do what is intended—and that is okay if the students understand what went wrong and how they would cor-

rect it if they were to do another iteration of the challenge.” Gallagher echoed Warner’s thoughts on the creative process. “We need to approach creativity in an informed way so students can exercise creativity outside the classroom,” Gallagher said. “Chance favors the prepared mind.” Review Winter 2013  13

Photo courtesy: Matthew Goss

Misa’s story

By Madelyn Pennino

A team of teachers and students comes together to unlock the story of a boy imprisoned by the Holocaust. When Frank “Misa” Grunwald was a few months shy of his 10th birthday, he and his family were forced from their comfortable home in Prague and onto a crowded train, headed to the Nazi-created ghetto of Terezin. The Grunwalds were not even practicing Jews; they considered themselves Czechs. In Auschwitz in 1944, Frank’s older brother John, who walked with a limp, was “selected” by the Nazis. Powerless to save her son, the boys’ mother could not bear to let him die alone and accompanied him to the gas chambers. Through multiple twists of fate, Frank and his father survived the camps and later immigrated to the United States. 14  Review Winter 2013

Frank “Misa” Grunwald, who was born in Czechoslovakia in September 1932, always thought as a child survivor of the Holocaust, “the only unique aspect of it was that I survived,” Grunwald said simply. “It was a matter of luck.” Living in Nazi concentration camps for nearly three years left ugly scars in Grunwald’s life, and decades later the memories of the cruelty remained deep inside. Still he thought he had contained those feelings. That was until he met Sean Gaston ’99, and together they embarked on making the documentary film “Misa’s Fugue,” which would bring Grunwald’s pain to the surface, but this time to tell a powerful story of resilience. Gaston, a media and communications teacher at Fleetwood Area High School in Berks County, met Grunwald at a Holocaust conference for educators in Indianapolis in June 2010. Grunwald was a guest speaker at the conference. Gaston had heard Holocaust survivors speak before but was especially intrigued by Grunwald because he shared many old photographs of himself and his family before, during and after World War II. “I could see his father and brother,” Gaston said. “I didn’t have to imagine all of them.” Instantly, Gaston, who had worked in the movie and independent film industries before becoming a teacher, knew

creativity | innovation | engagement

Previous page: Frank “Misa” Grunwald kept the boyhood horrors of the Holocaust locked away for most of his life. Top: Setting up for the interview. Bottom: Director Sean D. Gaston.

Left: Vilma Grunwald embraces her sons, John and Misa. The photograph was taken in 1933 by Kurt Grunwald, M.D., Misa’s (aka Frank’s) father. This is the goodbye letter Vilma wrote to her husband before she and John were sent to the gas chamber in Auschwitz in 1944. Amazingly, many of Grunwald’s pre-Nazi family photographs were saved, thanks to their former housekeeper, who hid them until after the war was over. (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of Frank M. Grunwald)

Grunwald’s story would make a fascinating documentary. He asked Grunwald if he wanted to make a movie that chronicled his journey through Prague, Terezin, Auschwitz, Mauthausen, Melk and Gunskirchen as a victim of Nazi oppression and living in concentration camps from 1942 until 1945. “I was sitting there with bated breath thinking ‘please, please, don’t say no,’’’ Gaston said. Gaston felt compelled to tell the story so Grunwald’s young grandchildren could one day understand this part of their family history. “I wanted them to hear their legacy right from their grandfather’s mouth,” Gaston said. Gaston also wanted to bring the experience of Grunwald’s journey to his students through moviemaking. “I told them it was going to be a long and tedious process, but one I promised they wouldn’t forget,” Gaston said. Enthusiasm for the project grew quickly, with about 200 current and former Fleetwood students along with 10 faculty members from the communications, English, music, technology, art and social studies departments joining the effort. Teachers and students in each department had specific roles in the making of the film including creating artwork that depicted Grunwald’s life while imprisoned in Nazi concentration camps. Gaston directed, produced and wrote the film. Jennifer Goss, a former social studies teacher at Fleetwood who co-taught an elective on the Holocaust with Gaston, co-produced and co-wrote the film. Just two months after meeting at the conference, Gaston, Goss and cinematographer James Hollenbaugh ’01 traveled to Indianapolis to film an initial interview with Grunwald. The crew came back with more than five hours of videotaped interviews that culminated in a 116-page transcript. Hollenbaugh, who is a director of photography and an avid editor for SR Productions in Lancaster, has worked on many national commercial

spots, corporate videos and television documentaries including some on CNN, the History Channel and the Discovery Channel. He said hearing Grunwald’s tale of survival was shocking. “It’s one thousand times more real than something you read in a textbook or depict in a drama,” Hollenbaugh said. “I learned about the Holocaust in a much more personal way.” It wasn’t easy for Goss either, who had studied the Holocaust for years. “I wouldn’t say I am desensitized [about the Holocaust], but I thought I saw the Holocaust through an objective lens,” Goss said. “It was emotional because we came to know Frank to such a degree that it was somewhat difficult to put images to what he was saying.” Sara Shelton ’01, a technology teacher at Fleetwood who was the film’s production designer, agreed. She teaches communications courses including drafting and both darkroom and digital photography. As the key artist, Shelton was able to put her skills and students to work to create all the visual imagery for the film. “After hearing Frank’s story, I became so attached to him as a person even without having met him,’’ Shelton said. The post-war photographs of Grunwald brought her to tears. “The thought of losing a child or having to experience something this horrific gives me the chills,” Shelton said. “And the fact that he was my son’s Review Winter 2013  15

Fleetwood Area High School’s student painters, sculptors, artists, musicians and filmmakers collaborated on the project.

“Frank poured his heart out on film,” Gaston said. age when this all started to happen for him really hits home.” “Frank had the hardest job of all,” said Andrew Valentino, visual artist on the film. Gaston said the ultimate goal of making “Misa’s Fugue” was to bring those raw but powerful film images into as many classrooms as possible. “Frank poured his heart out on film,” Gaston said. “It was a responsibility I was not going to take lightly. We were not going to fail.” One of most poignant moments in the film is when Grunwald recounts a letter he found on the day his father died. The letter, written by Grunwald’s mother Vilma to his father Kurt, said goodbye shortly before she and Grunwald’s older brother, John, were sent to the gas chamber in Auschwitz in 1944. Vilma wrote, “Take care of my little golden boy [referring to Misa]...I will be thinking of you and Misa. Have a fabulous life; it’s time to get on the trucks. Into eternity,” wrote Vilma. Recently, Grunwald donated the letter to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., where it will be a part of the museum’s permanent exhibit. “It was too emotionally cumbersome for me to have it here,” Grunwald said. “It was too sad.” The film itself also had a huge, unexpected emotional impact on Grunwald, who partly relied on his love of art to survive in the camps. “I honestly never expected such powerful results,” Grunwald said. “The tapestry of interwoven visuals, such as the Nazi propaganda, life and culture in my hometown of 16  Review Winter 2013

The documentary, “Misa’s Fugue,” is getting rave reviews.

Prague, photos and narratives about my family, the life and suffering in the camps, other witnesses including the U.S. Army liberators—all of these elements were masterfully woven together into a very moving and convincing story.” Grunwald said he almost felt embarrassed when he first saw the film. “I thought after so many years my thoughts shouldn’t be emotional anymore and that I should have adjusted to it,” Grunwald said. “It was that powerful.” It left Valentino also feeling a mix of emotions—many of them sour. “I found myself ashamed to be a member of the human species that could have done this,” said Valentino, a Fleetwood graduate. Ryan Cortazzo, also a recent Fleetwood graduate, said he is pursuing a degree in electronic media because of the film. “It showed me how movies can entertain and inform,” Cortazzo said. “It showed me people have perseverance and that no matter how tough life gets, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.” The film has opened up possibilities for Zachary Houp, an English teacher at Fleetwood, who said the film has taught

Photo courtesy: Matthew Goss

Frank “Misa” Grunwald’s love for art and music helped his creative spirit triumph against a backdrop of inhumanity, suffering and loss. As the cover sleeve of the DVD states, “Frank’s life demonstrates the decision that all men and women must make to devote their lives either to the creation or destruction of human civilization.”

creativity | innovation | engagement

Andrew Valentino (l) and Sean Gaston (r) in the video archives at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

him that learning can take many forms. “The movie gave me a perspective of where I can go in the classroom,” Houp said. “That the possibilities are endless.” Houp, who was the film’s lead screenwriter, said his largest challenge in making the movie was to reorganize and reshape the narrative but keep its emotional charge. “It was so important to keep the accuracy and truth and work in the storytelling so the audience feels that emotion, too,” he said. In order to accomplish this, Houp took individual phrases from Frank’s interviews, wrote them on more than 500 slips of paper and laid them out on his office floor. “It looked like someone had taken confetti and strewn it across the floor,” Houp said. The movie cost $13,000 to make, and funds came from the Jewish Federation of Reading, synagogues, churches and private donations. “Misa’s Fugue” is a recent winner of the Pennsylvania School Press Association’s Rachael S. Turner Award for Innovative Excellence in Student Journalism. The film has been collecting rave reviews and honors, such as a selection for the Philadelphia Film Festival and others, including a special showing at the Ware Center last September. Gaston is also making it his mission to get “Misa’s Fugue” into the hands of educators in schools and colleges. The website offers a free educator’s guide and other resources for more information. Gaston serves as the communication director of the Pennsylvania Holocaust

Education Council, and, in 2011, he was named an Alfred J. Lerner Fellow with the Jewish Foundation for the Righteous. Learning about the atrocities of the Holocaust can have a profound impact on people of all ages and backgrounds. It is one reason why Millersville University has sponsored the longest-running academic conference on the Holocaust in the United States. Victoria Khiterer, assistant professor of history and chair of Millersville’s Holocaust Conference, said documentaries like “Misa’s Fugue” are necessary because racism and religious persecution still exist. “It is very important for the Jewish and gentile people because after the Holocaust there have been other genocides,” Khiterer said. “Educating people, especially the younger generation, about the truth is quite important.” Valentino said the effort students put into making “Misa’s Fugue” sends a powerful message about youth. “High school and college kids are supposed to do big things after school, not while in school,” Valentino said. “It says people in this age group are capable—that they do have the drive and creativity to inspire.” Grunwald hopes the film teaches young people simply not to judge. “I hope they take away that they cannot persecute people because of their religious beliefs or ethnic background,” Grunwald said. “That they have to respect people for who they are.” For more information about the project and the documentary, visit Review Winter 2013  17

WEAVING CULTURE Sometimes it is the simplest things that open a world of understanding. Such is the case when Millersville University students minoring in Latino Studies gained deeper knowledge and appreciation of their heritage by learning the art of weaving. “It really helped me learn about my own culture,” said Vanessa Blanco ’12. “It was a great hands-on approach to learning.” Last year, all 11 seniors in the Latino Studies program were given the opportunity to hand-weave their graduation stoles. The stoles, which resemble thin scarves, are worn during commencement along with the caps and gowns. They help distinguish students who pledged a particular fraternity/sorority or graduated with honors. Many academic program minors, such as African American and Women’s Studies, also have their own unique stoles. The project for the Latino students was the idea of Dr. Kimberly Mahaffy, associate professor of sociology and director of Latino Studies at Millersville. “I thought about purchasing stoles for them, but that didn’t reflect the diversity of each student,” said Mahaffy. “I wanted a way to celebrate their achievements and create a capstone experience for them.” The Latino Studies students hail from a wide range of Professional hand-weaving instructor Susan Weaver ’82 (below) is thrilled to be involved with the project and for the opportunity to give back to her alma mater.

in Latino Studies By Kelly Smedley ’93

Latino cultures, and many are children of first-generation immigrants. The weaving project gave them the opportunity to reconnect with their not-so-distant past. Needing a professional to assist with the project, and to explain the cultural significance behind the traditional weaving practices, Mahaffy enlisted the help of none other than Susan Weaver ’82, who not only embraces the art of weaving by name—coincidently—she is also the owner of Warp Seed Studio in Lancaster. Weaver, who was approached by Mahaffy two years ago to teach the students how to weave their own stoles, has been instructing others in the art of hand weaving for close to 25 years. She is a member of the Pennsylvania Guild of Handweavers, and formerly worked at Landis Valley Museum as a textile educator. In addition to her weaving profession, she is employed at Franklin & Marshall College’s Center for Opinion Research. Weaver was delighted to be back helping students at her alma mater. Eager to pitch in, she scrambled to access 11 portable table looms to support the large class. She then threaded the looms, which requires an expert hand and takes many hours of time and energy. Although this was not a formal class and students received no additional credit for the 10 hours spent weaving

Students Sandra Aguilera, Dana Beth Cornett and Patricia Brito create their unique stoles for graduation.

creativity | innovation | engagement

Katherine Cruz Rodriguez weaves the colorful threads into a symbol of her heritage and academic accomplishment. Patricia Brito models her stole.

their stoles, they all participated willingly and enthusiastically. “It was a lengthy time commitment, but they really bonded with each other,” said Mahaffy. “I think it’s great they were able to have this shared experience.” Weaver kicked off the class by providing a history of weaving in the Latino culture, explaining the textiles and color patterns that are traditional to various regions and countries. “My passion has always been Mexico and Central America,” said Weaver. “I have always been drawn to indigenous weave structures.” Weaver said the students were a little shaky at first, but soon became comfortable with the loom and each other. “I quickly began to hear chatter and laughter as they bonded and hung out together doing something that was done hundreds of years ago,” said Weaver. “It seemed to take some of the stress out of graduation.” Magali Perez, who will graduate in May 2013, made sure she attended some of the weaving sessions this year to get a sneak peek into the project. A first-generation Mexican-American and the first in her family to attend college, Perez said, “I am very in tune with my own culture and looking forward to creating something authentic to the Latino culture.” Mahaffy said learning this traditional craft also made the students realize the struggles their ancestors faced to earn a

simple living. “It taught them how hard these women worked to survive,” Mahaffy added. “It is incredibly difficult and they are paid so poorly.” That realization may have been what prompted Blanco, who majored in sociology, to pursue a career to help others. “I want to work in higher education and counsel incoming freshmen who come from underprivileged backgrounds,” said Blanco, who added she is hoping to get her master’s degree in public policy so she can be a policy analyst on immigration. Blanco, whose mother emigrated from Mexico, said weaving her own graduation stole helped her learn more about her culture and brought the class closer together. She is grateful to Mahaffy for her hands-on approach to learning. “She is an amazing professor,” said Blanco. “She is truly devoted to her students and their learning experience. She gives you a real college education.” Mahaffy, whose goal is to integrate arts and crafts into her Latino Studies program, said she will continue the stoleweaving project with her students. “This gives them a shared academic experience and allows them to bond with each other,” she said. “I wanted a way to help celebrate their achievements, and this project really ties everything together.” “It’s been really fulfilling,” Weaver added. “It’s a wonderful way to give back to the school and the community.”

Review Winter 2013  19


Millersville University Homecoming 2012 was a great success! Here are a few highlights.

Homecoming Game Win! 1. A great Homecoming football win, 35-0 vs. Cheyney. 2. The Marauder Marching Band practices before the big game. 3. Millersville students and alumni cheer on the Marauders. 4. Alpha Sigma Alpha raised more than $5,000 for a local charity during the first Marauders Give Back program. 5. Saturday night’s entertainment, Cirque-Tacular, included a solo aerialist in the new Winter Visual and Performing Arts Center. 6. Zaf Yelagotes ’62 greets fellow class members at the 1962 50th anniversary class reunion, as class president Gary Bell looks on. 7. Alumni hospitality volunteers and staff pose at registration. 8. Classmates Linda Steffy ’70 and Barbara Lashley ’70, along with their husbands, Allen and William, enjoyed catching up at the alumni hospitality tent. 9. Liberty Mutual’s Homecoming Alumni & Friends Golf Outing first-place team: Shane Henry ’12, Nicholas Magenta ’10, Matthew Dudas ’12 and Brian Cooper. 10. Erin Lichty ’95 shared her book, Cinda the Chalk Dust Princess, with alumni and their children who stopped by the Author, Author event. 11. MU cheerleaders raise their pom-poms.



12. Millersville University’s spirit team: Skully and the Marauder on a vintage motorcycle. 13. The Shopper Chopper—a one-of-a-kind vehicle, was included in the 2012 parade. 14. U.S. Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps of Washington, D.C., perform. 15. 2012 Parade Grand Marshal: University president Dr. Francine G. McNairy. 16. The Millersville International House showcase their first-place community winning parade float. 17. More than 2,300 people participated in the parade. 18. A street dancer from the First Panamanian Marching Band of Maryland. 19. Woodland String Band, a Philadelphia Mummer’s favorite, performs. 20. A classic 1958 Ford, owned by Al Unrath, transports PSECU, a parade sponsor. 21. Local fire companies displayed a huge flag to honor all veterans and those who serve. 22. Members of the Student Senate and Activities Board shared a float.



Homecoming 2013: October 26 weekend!


















Campus News Dr. John M. Anderson

New president to assume duties April 1 Dr. John M. Anderson, president of Alfred State College in New York, was selected by the Board of Governors of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) to serve as the next president of Millersville University. Anderson will assume his new duties April 1. He will succeed Dr. Francine G. McNairy, who retired in January after serving as Millersville’s president for nearly a decade. “Dr. Anderson has a proven record of success throughout his career,” said Board of Governors Chair Guido M. Pichini. “We are confident he will continue that record and will provide outstanding leadership in his new role as president of Millersville University.” Anderson was named president of Alfred State College in 2008. He has more than 20 years of senior-level administrative experience—including having served as a provost, vice president for institutional advancement and vice president of student services—and 15 years as an instructor and professor of chemistry and physics. “Dr. Anderson has a vast array of administrative and teaching experiences that caused him to stand out among an impressive group of candidates for the Millersville University presidency,” said PASSHE Chancellor Dr. John C. Cavanaugh. “I am certain he will be an outstanding president for Millersville.” Anderson said he looks forward to becoming Millersville’s next leader. “I am thrilled to be joining the Millersville University community as its next president,” he said. “With a great foundation of excellence already established, Millersville is poised to take advantage of the rapidly changing landscape in higher education. I look forward, with great enthusiasm, to working with the students, faculty, staff, Council of Trustees and the greater Millersville community in positioning the university for continued success.” Anderson earned a Bachelor of Science degree in physics with a minor in chemistry from State University College at Brockport in Brockport, N.Y.; a Master of Arts degree in physics from the State University College of Arts & Sciences at Geneseo in Geneseo, N.Y.; and a Ph.D. in education from Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y. His major area of doctoral study was adult education, with minors in program evaluation and planning and organizational behavior. He also completed additional postgraduate work at Harvard University’s Institute for Educational Management, the State University of New York at Buffalo and Alfred. 22  Campus News Winter 2013

He was an instructor of physics at both the State University College of Arts and Sciences at Geneseo and State University College at Brockport. He was hired as an assistant professor of chemistry at Alfred State College in August 1981. He rose through the faculty ranks and was named a full professor of physics in August 1987. While at Alfred, Anderson also served as interim vice president of student services, dean of student development, vice president of institutional advancement, and provost and vice president for academic affairs. He developed the college’s undeclared major program and created the Office of Institutional Advancement, for which he developed and implemented a major gifts program and annual fund campaign. During his tenure as provost, the college saw significant enrollment growth and raised more than $2.3 million for a variety of academic projects, including the establishment of a manufacturing training center and a new bachelor’s degree in manufacturing. Anderson left Alfred in 2003 to serve for a year as interim executive vice president for academic affairs at State University of New York Institute of Technology before being named executive vice president and provost of Hartwick College in Oneonta, N.Y., a position he held for four years. During his time there, Hartwick’s education programs were accredited for the first time, and the college raised nearly $6.5 million for a variety of projects, including the construction of a new social science building. He was named president of Alfred State College in 2008, overseeing the college through a variety of challenges, including the loss of nearly one-third of its state funding. Despite the hardship, the college’s enrollment has grown by 22 percent during his tenure, and its budget has remained stable, in part through the reallocation of $1 million to new strategic initiatives. The college also has introduced new programs in areas such as sport management, forensic science, human services management and architecture.

Commencement Above: Dr. Francine G. McNairy (center) delivered the commencement address. During the ceremony, Bennett Cooper ’67 (left) and Stephen Kepchar ’70 (right) received honorary doctorate of humane letter degrees. Left, at podium: PASSHE chancellor Dr. John C. Cavanaugh introduced Dr. McNairy.

Twice a year, cohorts of Millersville University students walk across the stage to receive their degrees, marking a new chapter in their lives. While that was true of the 504 graduates at the fall 2012 commencement ceremony, held on December 16 in Pucillo Gymnasium, the latter part was also true of someone else. “Class of 2012, you and I share a very special bond. Today marks a transition for both of us. We both step away from Millersville today, forever changed because we were here,” expressed the keynote speaker. Retiring in January 2013 as the 13th president of Millersville University, Dr. Francine G. McNairy presented the keynote address, imparting her last words to the graduating class. McNairy referenced the Tony Award-winning Broadway musical “Wicked,” encouraging the graduates: “Do not allow yourselves to be defined by others; do not accept the roles that others thrust upon you. Take control of your life, your reputation, your destiny. Chart your own course,” she said. Reciting lyrics from “Changed for Good,” a song from the musical, she challenged the graduates to look around at the people who helped change them for good—faculty, fellow students, family and friends—reminding them, herself included, that “Now it’s our turn, our responsibility… We become those who help others change for good,” McNairy said.

As a result of Millersville’s “steadfast commitment to a liberal arts education, each of you has the tools of communication, inquiry and investigation,” McNairy said as she urged the graduates to “keep your minds open; you can achieve beyond your wildest imagination, even without a plan that is fully outlined today.” Of the graduates, 75 earned cum laude, magna cum laude or summa cum laude honors. During the ceremony, Stephen Kepchar ’70 and Bennett Cooper ’67 received honorary doctorate of humane letter degrees, which are presented to individuals of extraordinary accomplishments. Kepchar is senior vice president for Morgan Stanley in Lancaster. Cooper is a senior distribution consultant for Branca-Rampart Agency. The two alumni played major leadership roles in Millersville University’s successful Soar to Greatness capital campaign: Kepchar served as the chairman and Cooper was the campaign’s cabinet vice chairman. Campus News Winter 2013  23


Campus News

President Emeritus

William H. Duncan 1918-2013

Dr. William H. Duncan ‘40, president emeritus, died on January 3, 2013, at the age of 94. He and his wife, Alma (Pike) Duncan, celebrated their 69th wedding anniversary on November 23, 2012. Duncan was president of Millersville State College (now Millersville University) from 1968 to 1981. He previously served the college as faculty member, supervisor of student teachers, registrar, director of admissions, and dean of students. A veteran of World War II, he proudly served with the U.S. Army where he advanced from private first class to major. Duncan enjoyed a 46-year association with the University. He came to Millersville State Teachers College in 1934, completed his two-year course in 1936, and taught in Strasburg while meeting the requirements for a bachelor’s degree at Millersville (granted in 1940). After several years teaching and serving in World War II, he went on to receive his master’s degree and doctorate in education from Penn State University. Duncan returned to Millersville in 1947 as a social studies teacher in the laboratory junior high school. He subsequently left the classroom except for occasional part-time service to devote his time to administrative duties. He held such positions as the director of admissions, registrar, acting dean of instruction and dean of student affairs prior to his appointment as president. He oversaw the continuing building boom of the 1960s and early 1970s, the decline of state appropriations in the 1970s, the change of emphasis from teacher training to liberal arts and burgeoning enrollments. Duncan was a past president of the Millersville University Alumni Association and served as a life director of the Millersville University Foundation. He was also an active member of Grace United Methodist Church, Millersville. He served on the boards of many civic and community organizations, including the Boy Scouts of America, Danforth Foundation, Sico Foundation, the United Way, Parish Resource Center, Urban League, American Heart Association and the YWCA. Duncan’s dedication to his family, church and Millersville University were constants in his life. His interests included gardening, trout fishing and hunting. In 1995, the Duncan Alumni House (205 N. George St.) was named in honor of Duncan and his wife. 24  Campus News Winter 2013

Survey gauges quality of life in Lancaster Residents of Lancaster County are satisfied with their overall quality of life and things are getting better, according to a Millersville University survey titled “Perceptions of Quality of Life in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.” Not only are residents content, but in 2012, the percentage of residents who said their quality of life had gotten better (25 percent) was more than double the percentage of residents who said their quality of life had gotten worse (12 percent). “The results offer valuable feedback to area leaders and decision makers responsible in various ways for the services and policy issues that are the substance of this survey,” said Dr. Adam Lawrence, research fellow at Millersville. The results of this survey are based on computer-assisted telephone interviews with 445 adult residents of Lancaster County, conducted from April to May, 2012. Here are some of the results: • A majority of residents reported an excellent or good quality of life (92 percent). • Most residents felt that they had a strong sense of community where they lived (82 percent). • A large proportion of residents felt that their health was excellent or good (88 percent). • Large majorities of residents expressed favorable evaluations of the services they receive in their local communities (trash collection, fire, senior services, etc.). • Substantial majorities reported that there are plenty of parks and open spaces (90 percent), as well as recreational facilities (83 percent), in the areas where they lived. This survey was completed in Millersville’s Polling and Research Office (PRO), a nonpartisan research and polling organization dedicated to providing quality public opinion research and analysis serving the public interest. To read the 2012 report, or for more information about the PRO,

President’s Medallions presented

Ronald E. Frisbie received the President’s Medallion from Dr. Francine G. McNairy in November.

Prior to ending her tenure as Millersville University’s president, Dr. Francine G. McNairy presented the President’s Medallion to retired businessman Ronald E. Frisbie and Dr. Richard L. Frerichs ’64, professor emeritus of educational foundations at Millersville. The President’s Medallion, which is Millersville University’s highest honor, acknowledges an individual’s contributions to the citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the commitment to the values of higher education. On November 8 during the 28th annual Brossman Science Lectureship at Millersville University, McNairy presented the medallion to Ronald E. Frisbie. He spent his professional career spanning 60 years at Denver & Ephrata Telephone Company, serving in numerous positions including vice president, secretary, treasurer and assistant to the president. After retiring in 1992, he opened the Frisbie Museum, which displays his extensive collection of approximately 2,000 radios. A veteran of World War II, he has also served on the University’s Science and Mathematics Advisory Board and the Brossman Science Lectureship committee. In light of his longtime involvement and support of the lecture, the Council of Trustees renamed it the Brossman/Frisbie Science Lecture. At the Council of Trustees meeting on December 19, Dr. Richard Frerichs was presented with the medallion by McNairy. Frerichs, professor emeritus of educational foundations at Millersville, served the University from 1969 to 2004 in a variety of positions including as dean of resident life, dean of men, associate director of financial aid and chair of the Department of Educational Foundations. Over the years as a volunteer, he has worked closely with the Millersville University Alumni Association on numerous committees and in leadership positions including as president. He has also served on the Penn Manor School Board for 15 years.

The President’s Medallion was awarded to Dr. Richard L. Frerichs.

Frerichs continues to play a role in Marauder athletics. In addition to securing athletic fundraising sponsorships, he has been the announcer at football games for 40 years and basketball games for 30 years. In October, he was inducted into the Athletics Hall of Fame (see page 29). In addition to his most recent recognition as the President’s Medallion recipient, Frerichs has been recognized with the Alumni Association’s Distinguished Service Award (2006) and Outstanding Volunteer Service Award (2010); he received Phi Delta Kappa’s Distinguished Educator Award (1998) and Millersville University’s Sara Lindsley Person of the Year Award (2009-10).

Library named for McNairy The Millersville University library, currently undergoing a major renovation, will be renamed the Francine G. McNairy Library and Learning Forum in honor of President McNairy, who retired in January 2013. The Council of Trustees approved the renaming of the library at its meeting on December 19. The building housing the library is Ganser Hall.

Campus News Winter 2013  25



Coyne, Marauders hope to repeat fall performance Rob Coyne tied for third at the PSAC Championship.

With Millersville University serving as host to the NCAA Division II Men’s Golf Championship at nearby Hershey Country Club East in May, the Marauder golf team would like nothing more than to be a part of that tournament. The program reached the NCAA Championship just one other time, but if the 2012 fall season showed anything, it was that Millersville can play with the best. Rob Coyne is a perfect example of that. At the PSAC Championship, he tied for third with a 2-under-par 142, which followed up an individual win in the Mercyhurst Invitational. Interim Coach Ron Weaver, who tutored the team in the fall while Scott Vandegrift took medical leave, knew Coyne had the strong play in him all along. “Rob is a very gifted athlete,” Weaver said. “He didn’t need a lot of direction from me. He just needed some consultation and needed to believe in himself. Sometimes the best players don’t even win tournaments, but it took believing in himself and knowing he could win, and he went out and won. As far as [the PSAC Championship], I knew Rob could be one of the top players in the PSAC; it was again getting him to realize his potential.” At the Mercyhurst Invitational, the Downingtown native led the Marauders to the team championship on the back of his own win. The team rallied past California (Pa.) despite a four-stroke deficit on the final day. Coyne fired a 69 26  Sports Winter 2013

on the first day and 71 on the back leg of the tournament for a 4-under-par and the win. The win was his third top-six finish in tournaments this season, and his tiedfor-third finish in the PSAC Championship was his fourth. At the PSAC Championship, he registered the best finish by a Millersville golfer since 2004. His 142-stroke two-round total was the lowest score posted by a Marauder since the PSAC Championship moved to a tworound format in 1995, as he remained in contention for the tournament title until the final hole. All of this came one year after he finished dead-last on the leaderboard at the event. This sudden surge from Coyne at the PSAC Championship was not an isolated event during the season. In his freshman and sophomore campaigns combined, he had just two events in which he finished inside the top seven. His excellent play during the fall made Weaver’s interim job immeasurably easier. “The key to Rob is that I don’t have to worry about him,” said Weaver. “I don’t have to worry about him not showing up to practice, and I don’t have to worry about him not working hard. I know he’s going to come in and put the work in that he needs to succeed.” That hard work Coyne has put in has led him to be the most improved men’s golfer, and possibly the most improved athlete in all of Millersville sports. His scoring average this season is 72.7, down

nearly eight full strokes from his freshman (80.4) and sophomore (80.6) year averages, and he has not shot above a 77 in any round so far this season. Even more impressive is that Coyne has embraced a leadership role on the team and has just three rounds out of 11 played in which he didn’t have the team’s lowest-round score. All of his success comes just one year after being the sixth-best Marauder golfer. Coyne is set up for what promises to be an exciting finish in 2012-13, with a spring schedule that works in his favor. Coyne and the Marauders play six more tournaments before the NCAA Atlantic/ East Super Regional. A big advantage for the junior is that he played at all but two of those six courses on the upcoming part of the schedule as a sophomore in 2011-12.

Weaver believes in his top player, saying, “He’s definitely an impact player for us. He’s gotten good to the point where I don’t see him not succeeding.” The trick for Weaver all along was getting his best player to believe what his coach does, and now that Weaver has done that, it puts Rob Coyne on the map and all other NCAA Division II golfers on notice.

Field hockey makes memorable run The Marauder field hockey team ended its 2012 season with accomplishments that had not been seen by the program in more than 23 years. A magical run that included road wins over field hockey elite came to a close in the PSAC Championship—Millersville’s first appearance in the game since 1989. From start to finish, head field hockey coach Shelly Behrens’ squad made it a season to remember. The team won five of its first seven games and ended the year by winning seven of its final nine contests. Millersville concluded the year with 14 total wins—the second-most wins in program history. The team’s .667 winning percentage had not been accomplished since the 1998 season. An important factor to the success was a stingy defense and stout goalkeeping, which paved the way to a program record 10 shutouts. The 10th came against the nation’s No. 1 team, Shippensburg, which had not been held scoreless all season. “As a team we achieved so much and succeeded in so many different areas,” commented Behrens. “We knew that on any given day, we could win if we put it all together. There were games where we put great performances together and picked up monumental wins for our program.” Two of those monumental wins came against Kutztown and Bloomsburg. The Marauders defeated both teams twice this season after not defeating Kutztown in 10 years and Bloomsburg in 23 years. “Watching our girls celebrate after beating Bloomsburg the first time is something I will never forget,” Behrens said.

“Their expressions and faces were priceless.” The Marauders ended their banner season after defeating No. 4 Bloomsburg and No. 1 Shippensburg in the PSAC quarterfinals and semifinals respectively. Despite a tough loss in the PSAC Championship game to West Chester, Millersville concluded the year with its highest-ever ranking in the Penn Monto/NFHCA Division II Coaches Poll at No. 3. Behrens, who was named the national coach of the year by, oversaw the dramatic turnaround. After winning just one league game in 2011, the Marauders rolled to the league title game, making them the third-most improved team in Division II this season. With the 2012 season containing comeback wins, highscoring affairs, and defensive struggles, Millersville was able to rely on its core group of seniors to carry them. “It was a little more special accomplishing so much this year because it was my first recruiting class,” said Behrens. “This group of young women has paved the way for a bright future of Millersville field hockey.” “Success breeds confidence,” said Behrens. “We learned so much and grew as a team and program, but nothing about success comes easy. If we do have success and win games, that’s great, but our program is after something far greater than winning.”

PSAC Scholar Champion Maria Thompson’s four years of perfection in the classroom was recognized prior to Millersville’s PSAC Field Hockey Tournament semifinal game when she was presented with the PSAC Champion Scholar Award. The award, started in the 2011-12 academic year, is modeled after the NCAA’s Elite 89 award. It honors the student-athlete with the top grade point average who is competing at the site of each of the PSAC’s 23 team championship finals. An elementary education major, Thompson has carried a 4.0 GPA

PSAC commissioner Steve Murray congratulates Maria Thompson.

through 91 completed credits. The senior is a three-time PSAC ScholarAthlete and member of the NFHCA Division II National Academic Squad. “I am so happy to see Maria recognized and acknowledged for her efforts as a scholar-athlete,” said Millersville head coach Shelly Behrens. “She truly embodies all that is right and good in today’s collegiate student-athlete and represents that every day.” A four-year starter and team captain, Thompson is the first Millersville athlete to win the PSAC Scholar Champion Award. Sports Winter 2013  27

2012 Millersville Athletics

Hall of Fame Inductees

The Millersville University Athletics Hall of Fame inducted its 2012 and 18th annual class of inductees on Friday, October 12, as part of Homecoming weekend. The group of six included four former student-athletes representing four different sports, a coach and a contributor. Inductees were Safiyyah Bashir ’04, women’s basketball; Richard Frerichs ’64, contributor; Michael McFetridge ’99, football; Chad Schulze ’03, men’s golf; Sean Szerba ’99, men’s soccer; Gene Wise, baseball coach. “This year’s class represents the best of Millersville athletics,” said Millersville direc­tor of athletics Peg Kauffman. “All four athletes were conference athletes of the year, Coach Wise won three PSAC Championships, and few have been as dedicated to Millersville as Rich Frerichs. The committee did an outstanding job selecting six Marauders who played such an important part in building and continuing our tradition of success.” The induction speeches for each new member are available at millersvillesports and are also linked to the Hall of Fame bio page of each inductee, located at

The 1999-2000 PSAC East Women’s Basketball Athlete of the Year, Safiyyah Bashir is one of just four players in program history to be named the league’s player of the year and one of three to be named All-PSAC East three times. Bashir was the PSAC’s most feared defensive player in her time, setting PSAC records for career steals and steals in a season. She was named the team’s defensive player of the year three years in a row, but also totaled 1,266 points and 457 assists to rank ninth in career scoring and fourth in career assists. Mike McFetridge, who won the 1998 PSAC East Offensive Player of the Year award, established himself as the most productive pass catcher in school history at the time of his graduation. By the end of the 1998 season, McFetridge owned school records with 27 touchdowns, 2,783 receiving yards and 222 receptions, which shattered the previous record by 58. He remains the only player in school history with at least 70 catches in three different seasons, and he owns three of the top-10-single season performances in receiving yards. He also achieved a 1,000-yard season, one of just five in University history.

The voice of Richard Frerichs is familiar to Marauder fans, but for more than 40 years, he’s worked tirelessly and selflessly behind the scenes for the betterment of Millersville University and its athletics department. Frerichs, a 1964 graduate, is best known as the “Voice of the Marauders.” From 1970 to the present day, he’s served as the public address announcer for football games at Biemesderfer Stadium, and he’s served in the same role for women’s basketball games since 1983. His impact on Millersville University extends far beyond the microphone, however. From 19692004, he served as a professor of educational foundations. The recipient of the Millersville University Alumni Association Distinguished Service Award in 2006 and the Outstanding Volunteer Service Award in 2010, Frerichs also served on Millersville’s Faculty Student Athletic Committee from 19832002 and was the chair from 1997-2001. He chaired the Hall of Fame committee, the Blue Ribbon Task Force, currently chairs the Athletic Fundraising Council and has spent the last two years volunteering to sell sponsorships and advertising to raise funds for athletic scholarships. The 1999-00 PSAC Player of the Year and Millersville’s only regional champion, Chad Schulze is the first men’s golfer inducted into the Millersville University Athletics Hall of Fame. The 2003 graduate was Millersville’s ace for three seasons, earning All-PSAC honors in the 1998-99, 1999-00 and 2000-01 seasons. His arrival at Millersville for the 1998-99 season helped the Marauders to the PSAC Championship—the first in school history. In his senior season of 2000-01, Schulze helped the Marauders qualify for the NCAA Division II North Regional for the first time in program history. He took medalist honors at the regional and remains the only golfer in the program’s history to win the tournament.

From 1995-98 Marauder striker Sean Szerba set scoring records that may never be broken. The 1998 PSAC Athlete of the Year and Millersville’s leader in career goals and points and singleseason goals and points set standards that haven’t come close to being approached since his graduation. As a senior in 1998, Szerba was crowned Millersville’s all-time leading scorer with a record-breaking season of 23 goals and 52 points. His 23 goals is still sixth-most in PSAC history, and his season’s point total stands as 10th most all-time. Szerba’s 55 career goals is not only a Millersville record but ranks seventh in PSAC history. Szerba is one of only two Millersville men’s soccer players to be a three-time All-PSAC First Team selection. As part of a 31-year career as the director of financial aid at Millersville, Gene Wise coached the Marauder varsity baseball team for 12 seasons, winning three PSAC Championships and three NAIA District 19 titles. From 1966-77, Wise’s Marauders posted a 145-71-2 record and a winning percentage of .671, which places him first among the 10 Millersville coaches since 1947. His 145 wins ranks third all-time. Wise retired as head baseball coach in 1977 without ever recording a losing season. He twice won the District 19 Coach of the Year award and was named PSAC East Coach of the Year in 1974. Six of his players played professional baseball.

Alumni Interest

UPCOMING EVENTS February 13 21 22 23 24

Alumni & Friends travels the globe Reservations are available for several exciting destinations with the PASSHE Alumni and Friends Travel Program, which is open to all state system alumni, retirees, faculty, staff and friends. There are two travel partners for 2013: Grand Circle Travel and Cruisin’ Inc./Main Line Vacations. Grand Circle is operating the French river tour in April, while the other five programs are being handled by Cruisin’ Inc. ( or 800-506-7447).

The schedule for 2013 includes: Southeast Asia Land & Cruise—Jan. 21-Feb. 10: A 21-day trip including Bali, Bangkok, Singapore and Angkor Wat, Cambodia. France: Cruising Burgundy & Provence to the Cote d’Azur— April 29-May 11: 13-day river cruise-tour aboard a private Grand Circle river ship exclusively for American travelers, featuring Paris, Lyon, Avignon, Arles and Nice. For more information, call 800-866-3275, option 1. Germany—June 23-July 6: Land trip including three days in Marburg to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Philipps-Universität Marburg Study Abroad Program (see below for more details). San Francisco and Wine Country Delights—August 9-16: Land trip including Quarryhill Botanical Garden, Ravenswood Winery, cooking class, V. Sattui Winery, Domaine Carneros and more. Mosaic Masterpiece—Sept. 18-29: Oceania Cruises with ports of call including Cartagena, Malaga and Seville, Spain; Gibraltar, U.K.; Casablanca, Morocco; Lisbon, Portugal. Guests will be treated to specially designed signature menus, engaging lectures, culinary demonstrations and more. Splendors of South Africa & Victoria Falls—November 3-15, 2013: Land tour including Cape Town, Johannesburg, Victoria Falls and more.

ALUMNI EVENT REGISTRATION For event information:

Call Millersville University’s Office of Alumni Engagement at 800-681-1855 or 717-872-3352, or email

To register for an event online: Click on Event Calendar; locate the event and click Register.

30  Review Winter 2013

EVENT CANCELLED - MU after Work, The Works, Reading Alumni Luncheon, Naples, Florida Alumni Reception, Nokomis, Florida Alumni Luncheon, The Villages, Florida Alumni Spring Training Baseball: Phillies vs. Tigers, Lakeland, Florida

April 7

Alumni & Friends Bus Trip: Dandy River Cruise, Alexandria, Virginia 13 Jazz N Java, Lehr Room, Gordinier Hall 19-20 Marburg, Germany, 50th Anniversary Reunion Events 29 PASSHE Alumni Cruise to Burgundy & Provence

May 8

MU after Work, Manayunk

More alumni events are being added throughout the year. Please visit the alumni website, and click on EVENTS for more details and how to register, or call weekdays: 800-681-1855 or 717-872-3352 (8 a.m.–4:30 p.m.).

Marburg Study Abroad 50th anniversary reunion The 50th Anniversary of the Marburg Study Abroad Program will be held on campus during the weekend of April 19-20, 2013, featuring a reception and dinner honoring past program directors. A 10-day travel opportunity to Germany, including three nights in Marburg, is also scheduled for June 23-July 6, 2013, led by former program director, Dr. Leroy Hopkins ’66. For more information, visit the Marburg Reunion website at

On November 17, the Sigma Tau Gamma fraternity celebrated its 40th anniversary reunion, with more than 70 brothers in attendance plus their guests. Plans are already under way for their next gathering during Homecoming 2013.

New faces in Millersville’s Alumni Engagement Office

Call for nominations for new award

Mike Saraka joined Millersville as director of the University’s Alumni Engagement Office. Saraka brings more than 20 years of experience in higher education including time in career services, residence life and alumni engagement. He is no stranger to the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education, as his most recent positions in alumni work were at Slippery Rock University (2000-11) and East Stroudsburg University until 2012. He holds a bachelor’s degree in communication from Clarion University and a master’s degree in student personnel from Slippery Rock University. Additionally, he serves as a human resources sergeant with the Pennsylvania Army National Guard. Alison Moody ’05 joined the alumni engagement office in November as its office manager. She previously worked for Walz, Deihm, Geisenberger, Bucklen and Tennis, a Lancaster accounting firm, from 2006-12. Steven DiGuiseppe ’82, who has served since 1991, primarily as the head of Millersville’s alumni office, takes on a new role as executive assistant to the vice president for advancement. His work will focus on serving as the University’s Right to Know Officer, community relations with government and business leaders, statewide University advocacy issues and budget matters for the advancement department.

In an effort to recognize the professional achievements of Millersville alumni, the Millersville University Alumni Association, together with the academic deans of the three undergraduate schools and the graduate school, is initiating the Outstanding Young Alumni Achievement Awards. The Outstanding Young Alumni Achievement Award will be awarded for the first time in 2013 and will recognize recent Millersville graduates who are outstanding in their professional careers and will represent exemplars of exceptional achievement to current Millersville University students. Those baccalaureates of Millersville University, conferred between 5-20 years at time of nomination are eligible for the award. The Outstanding Young Alumni achievers will be invited to campus to hold seminars, presentations and/or panel discussions on topics related to their profession to students and faculty, in their respective schools. The deadline for nominations for the award’s first year closed on February 15, 2013. It’s not too early to start thinking ahead to nominate an eligible alumnus/ alumna for next year. Get the official nomination form at or by calling the Office of Alumni Engagement at 717-872-3352.

New year, new website design

Make a resolution to connect with your alma mater by visiting the new website at Register for events, view photo galleries from recent events, search benefits and services available to you as graduates of Millersville University, sign up to receive the monthly e-newsletter and more. Access the online community and directory, update your contact information and submit class notes for the Review magazine. Bookmark the site and check in throughout the year for new content and features.

Review Winter 2013  31

class notes • 1940s

• 1960s

• Phyllis (Dick) Seal ’49, San Antonio, Texas, celebrated 62 years of marriage with husband Bill Seal ’50, in July.

• H. Richard McClain ’61, ’67M, Allentown, celebrated 50 years of marriage with wife Sally (Brian) ’62, ’67M, in June. They commemorated the occasion with a dinner party hosted by their children and a cruise to Bermuda. • Karen (Ashkar) Murley ’63, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., retired from Vassar College in July, most

• 1950s • Janet (Cooper) Kuchler ’59, Sheldon, S.C., published her fourth book, Secrets in the Lowcountry: The River.

recently holding the position of concerts administrator/building curator. • Richard Frerichs ’64, Millersville, currently the president of the Penn Manor School Board, was named presidentelect of the Pennsylvania School Boards Association board of directors. • Kay (Mohn) Major ’69, Jonestown, and her husband, Larry, have been named the Outstanding Educators for 2012 by the Lebanon (Pa.) County Educational Honor Society.

• 1970s • Joan Detz ’73, Millersville, was selected to present “The Business of Speechwriting” at the American Society of Journalists and Authors conference in New York City in April 2013. She is the author of How to Write & Give a Speech. • Barbara (Buckman) Strasko ’73, ’78M, Lancaster, released her first full-length collection of poetry, Graffiti in Braille. She was a teacher, guidance counselor and literacy coach for 35 years with the School District of Lancaster.

For former head of Hershey School, it’s all about the people When the connection between Millersville University and Milton Hershey School (MHS) was featured in the Millersville Review (Fall 2012), one person had three very good reasons to take notice. For William R. Fisher ’54, Milton Hershey School and Millersville University were guiding forces in his life. He was a student at Milton Hershey School (MHS) from the time he was 10, then a graduate of Millersville University and then became one of the most beloved teachers and administrators at Milton Hershey School from 1956 until his retirement in 1991 (the photo above dates back to then). “I owe my life to the Milton Hershey School, and to Millersville,” said Fisher, who looks back on his school days at Hershey and Millersville with great fondness. Life didn’t start out well for Fisher. Back in 1944, he applied to Milton Hershey School, where Milton Hershey himself signed his application. Fisher’s mother had died, and his father was ill and unable to find a job. William and his older brother, Adam, came to Milton Hershey School for the home life and education they so desperately needed. “The school was for poor children, and that we were. We had nothing. At Hershey we got food, clothing, a place to sleep, friends and most importantly, teachers and house parents who cared for us,” said Fisher. At the orphanage where Fisher lived as a very young boy, one of the caregivers noted that “Billy has the potential to be a leader.” Indeed, her prediction came true. Fisher was accepted at Milton Hershey School, then relying on his mentors, he carved out a meaningful life serving and leading others. His brother, Adam ’59, graduated from Millersville and worked for the Delaware Department of Education.

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“I always wanted to be a teacher,” said Fisher, who earned his degree in secondary education for English and German in 1954. While he was still a student, he married his wife Grace, who worked at Millersville’s business office. Right after he graduated, he took his first job teaching at East Lampeter High School. Then Uncle Sam called him, and he was drafted in the U.S. Army in 1955. “Just before I was discharged in 1956, I got a telegram from W. Allen Hammond, principal at Milton Hershey School. There was a position there if I was interested,” said Fisher. “But I wasn’t due to be discharged until October. “ Luckily for Fisher—and for MHS—Hammond was willing to wait for his new teacher. They used substitutes until Fisher was discharged and ready to begin teaching at his alma mater. After teaching English and German for six years, Fisher was encouraged to move into administration as assistant high school principal. Then he served as high school principal for 20 years, followed by two years as vice president of education for pre-K to grade 12. From 1985 to 1991, Fisher served on the Board of Trustees of the Hershey Trust Company, Board of Managers of Milton Hershey School and president and CEO at Milton Hershey School. In 1985, he was honored as Milton Hershey School’s Alumnus of the Year. “I am 80 years old now, and I have spent almost all of my life at Milton Hershey School,” said Fisher. “I have always been grateful to the people who were my mentors. And through all of my life, I have tried to be a mentor to others, to give back.” William and Grace’s son, Gregory ’82, was also a Millersville University graduate, earning his degree in political science, then worked internationally as a software expert. Sadly, Gregory Fisher died suddenly last year from a heart attack. His two sons, Joseph, 21, and Matthew, 19, are cherished by their grandparents. “At Milton Hershey School and at Millersville, I loved the campus and the courses, but what I loved most of all was the impact of the people,” said Fisher.

50th Reunion of the Class of 1962

Back row, l to r: Randall Bauer, Joseph Glass (Class of 1953 and retired faculty member), Don Erb, Tony Acri, Bill Goba, Kay Held during Homecoming weekend, the 50th reunion was a great Vandergrift, Frank Landrum, Carol (Paydock) Bitts, Helen (Heisey) success. Unless otherwise noted, all of the individuals pictured Ferguson, Barbara Erwin Stumpf, Zaf (Valudes) Yelagotes, above are from the Class of 1962. Rachel Noll, University President Francine G. McNairy, Bernie Santaniello, Jim Morgan, Dolores (Rehrer) Nelson, Penny (Currie) Front row, l to r: Howard Jones, Gail (Morris) Hinkle, Herta (Rasch) Santaniello, Frank Bergman, William McIlwaine (retired faculty Clements, Elizabeth (Allen) Allwein, Katherine (Koons) Erdman, member and University trustee), Ann Lineaweaver Bamford, Marge Douros, Yvonne (Lambert) Toney, Kay Campbell, Gary Gary Bell, John Sanders, John Nied and Sue (Drayer) Breslin. Miller, Joyce (Weaver) Nolt and Margaret “Peg” (Kriebel) Weis.

Presently, she teaches poetry in five schools each year. • Anita (Harner) Zuber ’73, Boyertown, retired from Owen J. Roberts School District in October after more than 30 years in education as a special education teacher and then school psychologist. • Diane (Medio) Merlino ’74, Wenonah, N.J., retired in June from Sterling High School after teaching 38 years. • Roger S. Koperna ’75, ’82M, Schuylkill Haven, was inducted into the Blue Mountain All-Sports Hall of Fame. As a student, he lettered in both track and football. He served on the faculty for 33 years at Blue Mountain High School and is now self-employed at Empire Glass, Paint and Mirror. • Mark H. Gallagher ’77, Angelholm, Sweden, recently moved with his wife to Sweden. • Michael P. Farrara ’78, Reading, was recently featured in

the Berks County schools spotlight publication as a technology education teacher. Since 2000, he has also been a fan cameraman for the Reading Phillies. • Joseph J. Volpone ’78, Lancaster, and business partner Ralph Mazzocchi opened the restaurant, Ralph’s, a gourmet takeout restaurant serving breakfast, lunch and dinner. • Susan (Smith) Klinger ’79, Norristown, had two paintings accepted for exhibit at the National Arts Club in New York. • Valerie (Williams) Perry-Cross ’79, ’90M, Lancaster, retired as assistant superintendent from the School District of the City of York. She served 33 years in the education field.

• 1980s • Sandy Emerich ’80, East Petersburg, was hired as the director of human resources for

the State College Area School District. She will also serve as both a speaker and an educator for a number of conferences. • Nicki (Cooper) Spann ’87, Lancaster, was named coordinator of the Homeless Student Project for the School District of Lancaster. She also holds the position of coordinator for parent involvement in the district. • Daniel Longenderfer ’88, Lititz, was named marketing director of Stewart Companies, York building products division. • Joseph Snedeker ’88, Scott Township, authored and diagramed Everything Kids’ Weather Book. He is employed by WNEPTV as a meteorologist. • Janet E. Stephens ’88, Milwaukee, Wis., was promoted to critical care coordinator/clinical specialist of respiratory care at Froedtert Hospital. • Stacie E. Bardell ’89, Lancaster, was named principal at John R.

Bonfield Elementary School in the School District of Lancaster. • Robert J. Bradfield ’89, Marietta, accepted a position at Union Community Bank, FSB as vice president, business banker. • Jorge L. Negron ’89, Reading, celebrated 20 years of marriage with wife Lori (Johnson) ’90.

• 1990s • Robert R. Sauders ’90, Landisville, head coach for the Mountville Youth Athletic Association, was recognized for his 25-year commitment to the community organization and a milestone achievement, his 1,000th game. • Todd L. Garber ’91, ’97M, Willow Street, resigned as

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class notes Lampeter-Strasburg’s baseball coach after 19 years with the program, 15 of those as head coach. • Matthew C. Ritter ’92, Lancaster, accepted a position at Lockheed Martin in Ashburn, Va., as a flight service specialist. He was a broadcast meteorologist at WGAL-TV for two decades. • Luke Lazar ’93, Dillsburg, was hired by RETTEW as a director in the safety consulting division in the Mechanicsburg office. • Sherry (Sharpe) Kijowski ’94, Camden Wyoming, Del., received her doctorate in educational leadership from the University of Delaware. She is the principal of McIlvaine Early Childhood Center in Magnolia, Delaware. • Kimberly (Utterback) Marucci ’94, ’05M, East Fallowfield Twp., was named the new principal of Wharton Elementary School. • Kristen M. Morgret ’95, Hummelstown, is a safety consultant for RETTEW in its Mechanicsburg office. • Gina Ciallella ’96, Swedesboro, N.J., was named supervisor of special education in the Ridley School District. • Melissa (Cauler) Henry ’96, West Chester, accepted a position as director of the Immaculata Fund at Immaculata University. • Brian LaPierre ’96, Millersville, authored Hooligans in Khrushchev’s Russia; Defining, Policing, and Producing Deviance during the Thaw. He is an assistant professor of history at the University of Southern Mississippi. • Robert J. Roelle ’96, Harrison, N.Y., was named principal of Prospect Hill Elementary School by the Pelham Board of Education. • Tom D. DeAngelo ’97, Shoemakersville, accepted a posi-

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tion at Fleetwood Area School District as IT director. • Edmund J. Gooch ’97, Lititz, accepted the position of coordinator of elementary math and science curriculum with the School District of Lancaster. In addition, he works with the University of Phoenix instructing graduate courses in curriculum, instruction and assessment. • David M. Polizzotti Jr. ’97, Joint Base Lewis McChord, Wash., was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army, and assigned duty as the brigade executive officer for the 3rd Stryker Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, currently deployed to combat operations in Afghanistan. • Janet (Danenhower) Graczyk ’98, Pottstown, is an international board-certified lactation consultant and works for NewBorn Concepts in Malvern. • Thomas M. Graczyk ’98, Pottstown, earned his master’s degree in biology from West Chester University. He works as a research scientist at Revena, Inc., King of Prussia. • Stephanie (Hudson) Palerino ’99, Schuylkill Haven, earned her master’s degree in education from Cabrini College in January 2012. • Tracy L. Wingenroth ’99, Mount Joy, was selected by the Central Pennsylvania Business Journal as one of the Top 40 under 40 in Central Pennsylvania for 2012. She is cofounder, managing partner and COO at ERG Partners, and Pennsylvania Energy Resources Group.

Visit to campus This past spring, four friends reconvened at Millersville. (L to r) Bronwyn (Peake) Millman ’97, Amy (Green) Higgins ’97, Theresa (Carroll) Phillipp ’97 and Rebecca (Young) Braster ’95 “had a blast walking around campus and seeing how everything has changed” and then went to Jack’s for lunch. Becky Braster writes, “We all lived in the same wing in Tanger Hall and then at Brookwood.”

• 2000s • Kristen M. (Barlet) Breininger ’01, Hamburg, was named marketing project manager with Heidelberg Township-based Bachleda Advertising LLC. • Scott M. Cantrell ’01, ’07M, Millersville, displayed a showcase of his work at the Isadore Gallery. He teaches drawing and painting at Lampeter-Strasburg High School. • Frances (Harmon) Garner ’01, Green Lane, earned her doctorate of education from Immaculata University. She is a supervisor of special education at North Penn School District in Lansdale. • Jeffrey S. Ratcliffe ’01, Abington, accepted a position at NBC Sports as NFL writer/analyst for their website • Danielle (Morris) Duffy ’02, Glenolden, accepted a position at Spivack & Spivack, LLP as an attorney after graduating from Temple University School of Law and passing the bar exam. • Marie R. Cartwright ’04, Mount Joy, accepted a position at Barley Snyder as business development director, dividing her time between the firm’s five offices. • Lynne (Hunt) Hyman ’05, Cary, N.C., earned her doctorate in

chemistry from Duke University and works as manager of the general chemistry labs at Duke University. • Andrew Dula ’06, Lancaster, was named chief operating and financial officer at EGStoltzfus. He was previously the CFO. • Lauren Leshak-Espenshade ’06, Hummelstown, earned her master’s degree in humanities from Penn State University Harrisburg campus, specializing in American art history. • Nate W. Sheaffer ’06, Dillsburg, was hired by RETTEW as a safety consultant in the Mechanicsburg office. • Thomas D. Bensing ’07, Sinking Spring, authored the book Silas Soule: A Short, Eventful Life of Moral Courage. • Arthur Paynter ’07, Lititz, was promoted to Washington Elementary School principal. • P. Adam Bills ’08, Paradise, was named the executive director of the Republican Committee of Lancaster County and served as the director of political projects for the local GOP. • Heather (Landes) Huggins ’08, ’09M, Oswego, N.Y., was hired as director of activities at The Manor at Seneca Hill. • Sean F. McLaughlin ’09, Holland, was named 2012 Police Officer of the Year for Northampton Township.

Callahans met at Millersville and stay connected In 2008, Michael Callahan ’81 was named president and CEO of Benchmark Construction Company, Inc., a leading area construction company known for its awardwinning work. Callahan is only the second president of Benchmark, following Robert Brandt, who founded the company in 1985. It was the same year that Callahan joined Benchmark as a carpenter and literally worked his way up the company ladder. Callahan feels strongly about where that drive came from. “I owe a great deal of my success to Millersville,” said Callahan, who graduated with a degree in industrial arts in 1981, the same year his future wife, Neysa Fratantoni, graduated with her degree in business administration. Callahan looks back on his years at Millersville with great fondness. The industrial arts program offered him a broad base of hands-on experience in wood, metals, graphic arts, drafting and teaching. He even studenttaught at the Warwick School District and put himself through college doing construction work. One of his most influential professors was George Hauber, who taught wood technology. “I was given tools that helped me throughout my career, from woodworking to dealing with people,” said Callahan. In his 27 years with Benchmark, Callahan served as a superintendent, project manager, vice president of construction, executive vice president and now president and CEO. Benchmark has received awards for highprofile projects that include the Lititz Watch Technicum training facility, the Academy of

• 2010s • Samantha L. Goldfarb ’10, Philadelphia, completed U.S. Navy basic training at Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes, Ill. • Ellen R. Grim ’11, Hamburg, was accepted into the Peace Corps. She will spend two years in Uganda enhancing teacher skills and community education resources. • Kristin O’Brassill-Kulfan ’11, Ephrata, has completed a master’s degree of arts in modern history from The Queen’s University of Belfast in Northern Ireland.

Music in Lancaster, now known as the Ware Center, the Cancer Center at Lancaster General Health Campus and the exciting new student housing project at Millersville University. Most of Benchmark’s work is in healthcare, education and senior living. Those are areas that Callahan is proud to serve. He has been especially pleased to work on projects that are associated with Millersville, such as the Ware Center Neysa and Mike Callahan present a check from renovations that customized the facility to Benchmark Construction to Mary Fleig, head Millersville University’s needs. women’sbasketball coach. Robert Slabinski ’78 “Neysa and I were both in apartments (far right), former CEO of Student Services Inc. and at Brookwood Court when we were at basketball fan, was also on hand for the ceremony. Millersville; she was in 17A and I was in 12D,” recalled Callahan, adding that he was for two children and a spouse of Benchmark there to observe as both units were torn employees to attend Millersville University. down to make way for the new. They also support the Black & Gold Mike and Neysa married two years Club and Marauder athletics, especially the after graduation. Neysa pursued her women’s basketball team. College athletics career in insurance, accounting and office has always interested the Callahans, since management. She is now an accounting clerk Mike wrestled in high school and college, and for Hempfield School District’s food service their son played football at William & Mary. department. She looks back to her college “I believe strongly in college athletics. I years with good memories and recalls Dr. think it builds character and the ability to Jong Choi Hau, an accounting professor who budget time,” said Callahan. encouraged her in her field. For Neysa and Mike Callahan, doing what The Callahans have two grown children. they can to support Millersville University For the entire family, Millersville has been a is just a matter of giving back. After all, place that brought them all together. Millersville is where they first met in the “Mike and I met at Millersville, and we have cafeteria, it’s where they both benefited from remained involved at Millersville. It means a the mentorship of their professors and where lot to us,” said Neysa. they built lasting friendships with alumni they Michael and Neysa Callahan established get together with regularly. the Callahan Scholarship for employees “Millersville is where it started for us, and it and relatives at Benchmark, setting up an gives us a good feeling to give,” said Callahan. endowment that has provided scholarships

She recently accepted a position at the Pennsylvania House of Representatives Archives as a records clerk.

Marriages • Robert Jengehino ’96 and Tanisha Belz, 9/29/12. • Jana E. Langness ’02 and Michael Farris, 5/19/12. • Jennifer Wright ’03 and David Harman, 10/11/12. • Heather L. Landes ’08, ’09M and Malcolm Huggins, 8/11/12.

• Kyle Miller ’08 and Amanda L. Roland ’08, 6/23/12. • Barbara C. Stover ’08 and Mark Stottsberry, 10/23/12. • Brittany M. Trofe ’10 and Bastiaan Schotsman, 8/4/12. • Kimberly L. Zug ’10 and Matthew DeBord, 5/5/12. • Tara C. O’Malley ’11 and Michael Free, 6/30/12.

Births • Tom DeAngelo ’97 and wife Michele, a daughter, Isabella Grace, on 11/7/12.

• Benjamin Stiles ’97, ’04M and wife Lynn (Barr) ’98, a daughter, Cora Ashley, on 8/29/12. • Janet (Santore) Garchinsky ’98 and husband Christopher ’98, a son, Charlton James, on 8/23/12. • Laurel (Ness) Rivera ’99 and husband Robert, a son, Ryan Joseph, on 9/10/12. • Cynthia (Trang) Brooks ’01 and husband Charles III ’01, a son, Charles D. IV, on 7/8/12. • Scott Cuff ’01 and wife Melissa (Tolton) ’03, twin sons, Joshua Evan and Nathaniel, on 2/28/11.

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class notes • Cara (Gigliotti) Ditzler ’01, ’03M and husband Kevin, a son, Elliot Ross, on 5/21/12. • Frances (Harmon) Garner ’01 and husband Scott, a daughter, Madeline Elizabeth, on 3/1/12. • Sarah (McNutt) Fichtner ’03 and husband Ben, a son, John Isaac, on 12/9/11. • Katie (Cassarly) Knaub ’03 and husband Jesse, a daughter, Elinor Mae, on 11/2/12. • Katie (Mininger) Schantz ’03, ’07M and husband Timothy ’04, a daughter, Quinn Addison, on 5/8/12. • Sean Campbell ’04, ’09M and wife Nicole, a daughter, Emmelee Grace, on 7/22/12. • Kristen (Olszewski) Hassel ’04 and husband Brian ’04, a daughter, Hannah Grace, on 9/14/12. • Jill (Honea) Childress ’05 and husband Jeremy ’05, a daughter, Charis Danae, on 7/17/12. • Trisha (Romanishan) Loch ’05, ’08M and husband Christian, a daughter, Avalon Mackenzie, on 8/17/12. • Natalie (Funck) Snyder ’05 and husband Paul, a son, Colton James, on 10/26/12. • Melissa (Leiter) Weibley ’05 and husband Shane, a son, Bentley Shane, on 9/18/12. • Susan (Beverly) Swainson ’07 and husband Kevin, a daughter, Maggie Joy, on 10/26/12.

Deaths • Helen (Shenk) Ambler ’28, Bloomington, Ind., died on 4/26/12, at the age of 102. She was an elementary school teacher. • Doris (Jamison) Brown ’30, Quarryville, died on 10/20/12, at the age of 101. She was a teacher,

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primarily in special education, until her retirement in 1976. • Florence (Huber) Ruof ’34, Millersville, died on 9/14/11, at the age of 98. She spent 44 years in elementary, special education and guidance counseling with local districts and was a recipient of numerous awards for her contributions to mental health. • Robert S. Metzger ’39, Columbia, died on 11/7/12, at the age of 99. He owned and operated the Art Crafters Printing and Stationery Co. for 23 years and retired in 1973. • William H. Duncan ’40, Lancaster, died on 1/3/13, at the age of 94. He was president of Millersville State College (now Millersville University) from 1968 to 1981. In addition to president, he held positions at Millersville as a faculty member, supervisor of student teachers, registrar, director of admissions and dean of students. (See page 24 for more information.) • Nancy (Erb) Herr ’46, Lancaster, died on 9/9/12, at the age of 87. She was active with Junior League and the Red Cross. She was an avid golfer, bridge player and accomplished pianist. • Kenneth L. Dambach ’49, Wilmington, Del., died on 11/2/12, at the age of 85. He served in the U.S. Navy during World War II. He retired in 1986 as an investment accountant with DuPont Company. • Lloyd G. Grander ’51, Melbourne, Fla., died on 11/5/12, at the age of 82. A retired educator and principal from CornwallLebanon Schools, his educational career spanned 40 years. • Donald W. Mowrer ’51, Quarryville, died on 11/2/12, at the age of 87. He served in

Quadruplets! The Review is making an exception to its editorial policy of not publishing baby photos because how often do our alumni give birth to quadruplets? Congratulations (times four) to Mary (Dietrich) Hill ’05 and her husband, Eric Hill ’05, on the birth of Cooper, Cameron, Mia and Hannah, on 10/2/12. Mia and Hannah are identical twins. the U.S. Army and worked at Aberdeen Proving Grounds as a ballstics research analyst/ aerospace engineer. He also was a consultant for Survice Engineering. • Esther (Everitt) Dombrowski ’52, Bel Air, Md., died on 10/8/12, at the age of 81. She was a retired Bel Air High School librarian who also wrote feature stories for The Aegis newspaper. • Robert R. Frailey ’53, Lancaster, died on 9/7/12, at the age of 81. He served with the Army Security Service in the Pentagon and American Embassy in Bonn, West Germany. He retired after 36 years as purchasing manager for Warner Lambert. • Carol (Read) Goodyear ’53, Lancaster, died on 10/30/12, at the age of 81. She was employed by the Children’s Bureau of Family Services and later taught English and history at Manheim Twp. Middle School for 24 years. • J. Victor Dallin Jr. ’59, Wilmington, N.C., died on 9/18/12, at the age of 75. He was a teacher at Henderson High School for 20 years. He and his wife later operated a retail store, the Shoe Cottage. • William Hackulich ’59, Alcoa, Tenn., died on 10/5/12, at the age of 91. He was a veteran of the U.S. Marines and was awarded the Purple Heart. He taught general science and physics for 35 years. • John B. Moyer ’60, Cornwall, died on 7/24/12, at the age of 81.

He served as a radio operator in the Army during the Korean War and retired as a colonel from the Army Reserve. Most recently, he retired as a regional director from the Pa. Dept. of Environmental Resources, and as the executive director of the Greater Lebanon Refuse Authority. • David J. Holt ’61, ’70M, Lebanon, died on 9/10/11, at the age of 70. He was a retired teacher with more than 32 years of service with the Cornwall-Lebanon School District. • Margaret (Schroeder) Cathers ’62, Lansdale, died on 7/6/12, at the age of 71. For 36 years she was a German and ESL teacher with the North Penn School District. • William D. Shertz ’62, Bellevue, Wash., died on 9/25/12, at the age of 75. He retired from PACCAR, Inc., as director of industrial relations. • Nancy (Boligitz) Riddle ’63, Lititz, died on 9/18/12, at the age of 70. A first-grade teacher for 27 years at Nathan Schaeffer Elementary School, she used teddy bears in her lessons. During the Christmas season, she and her students would visit local nursing homes to distribute teddy bears to the residents. • Gail (Keely) Trautwein ’63, Pitman, died on 8/3/12, at the age of 70. She was a teacher with the Tri-Valley School District for 31 years and a Girl Scout leader for more than 20 years.

Licia Marinelli ’08 and Zach Nelson ’08 were married on 9/15/12, in the midst of Millersville alumni. Front row (l to r): Andrew Piroso ’08, Tim McGrath ’11, Zach Nelson ’08, Licia Marinelli ’08, Antoinette Davis ’08, Bridget Byrnes ’08. Second row: Todd Yoder ’08, James Nielson ’10, Ben Sturm ’08, Jackie Pellish ’09, Laura Christie ’08, Sarah Harper ’08. Third row: Shaun Kennard (attended Millersville 2004), James Burton ’08, Brian McCormick ’07, Erika Rakow ’08, Renee Viens ’08, Allison Polan ’08, Alex Galante ’10. Back row: Steve Crane (2013), Joe DiNapoli ’07 Amy Grubb and Jessica Grubb ’01 (Photo by Ash Imagery).

Justin Marsh ’02 married Amanda Hoffman on 7/28/12, in Harrisburg. Alumni included best man Kenneth Gatling ’01 and bridesmaid Erinn (Donovan) Blasco ’07. Rev. Daniel F.X. Powell, Millersville University chaplain (1998-2003), concelebrated the marriage at St. Margaret Mary Church. Justin teaches 4th grade at St. Margaret Mary School. Amanda teaches 2nd grade at Hillside Elementary School.

Emily Chambers ’10 married Michael Levy in Collegeville, Pa., on 9/2/12. (l to r) Andrea Konas ’10, Katherine Shambaugh ’09, Emily Chambers ’10, Brittany Yanora ’10 and Alyssa Palina ’10.

Brittney C. Nichols ’07 married Rashawn M. Riddick on 3/31/12, in Philadelphia. Brittney’s bridesmaids were (l to r): Tuera Clark ’06 (maid of honor), Donnita Rush, the bride, Tenee Lucas ’07 and LaTrice Hollins ’08.

Jana Langness ’02 and Michael Farris were married 5/19/12, in Connelly Springs, N.C. Steven Cheryba ’09 and Meredith Anderson ’09 were married 5/12/12, in Sea Isle City, N.J.

Jennifer L. Pelcheck ’07 and Neal J. Russell ’07 were married on 10/13/12. (l to r): Nicole Rothrock ’10, Mary (Kiernan) Hammerschmidt ’05, William Hesse III ’08, Kristen (Olsen) Stumpf ’05, Christine Maher ’09 (bridesmaid), Ryan Stumpf, Joey Ianni Jr. ’05, Matt Matash ’08 (groomsman), Megan Prutzer ’09 (bridesmaid), Nick Reitz ’07 (groomsman), Tom Grimme ’06, Michelle (Rice) Dams ’07 (matron of honor), Christi (Harris) Sansone ’08, Nick Sansone ’08. Not pictured, but in attendance: Stephen Peltier ’05 and Julie Cherry ’07.

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class notes • Judith (Gay) Bell ’64, Branford, Conn., died on 7/21/12, at the age of 69. She was a teacher in Manchester, Pa., before becoming an accountant/comptroller in North Branford, Conn. • Ned L. Knisely ’64, Mifflinburg, died on 10/8/11, at the age of 69. He was pastor of Hillside Bible Church for 36 years. • Daniel G. Rohrer ’65, San Diego, Calif., died on 9/4/12, at the age of 75. Prior to becoming self-employed in sales and home improvement, he was a teacher. • James A. Duckenfield ’66, North East, Md., died on 7/25/12, at the age of 68. He was administrative director for managed care for many social agencies in Philadelphia. He enjoyed running and ran in more than 20 marathons and triathlons. • H. Craig Lewis ’66, Philadelphia, died on 1/13/13, at the age of 68. He was a former Pennsylvania state senator from the Sixth District, representing Bucks County and parts of Philadelphia, from 1974 to 1994. After leaving the Senate, he served as a vice president for corporate affairs at Norfolk Southern Corp. Before joining Norfolk Southern, he was a partner in the Dechert, Price & Rhodes law firm. He also was on the board of Aria Health and the Philadelphia Zoo. • Susan (Hepler) Bradley ’67, Lancaster, died on 11/5/12, at the age of 66. She retired after 28 years with the Pennsylvania Department of Welfare. • Paul D. Miller ’67, ’71M, Lititz, died on 10/10/12, at the age of 71. He retired from the Warwick School District after 37 years of teaching all grade levels. He was a veteran of the U.S. Air Force and served in the Philippines. • Ellen (Halbert) Mastros ’71, Lancaster, died on 10/21/12, at

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the age of 63. She was the office manager for Mastros Real Estate and served as a board member and secretary at the Lancaster Mediation Center. • Michael R. Mastros ’71, Lancaster, died on 10/21/12, at the age of 63. He owned Mastros Real Estate, was president-elect of Lancaster County Association of Realtors and was on the board of directors for the Lancaster Mediation Center. • Thomas J. Wright ’71, Meshoppen, died on 9/17/12, at the age of 69. He was a former industrial arts teacher at Spring Grove High School and worked in quality assurance at Dent Supply. • Ruth A. (Fitz) Held ’72, Lancaster, died on 8/29/12, at the age of 78. She was a teacher for the School District of Lancaster before retiring in 1994. • Thomas S. Peterson ’72, Berlin, Md., died on 10/8/12, at the age of 63. He was a self-employed entrepreneur. • Samuel R. Dodson ’74, Lititz, died on 10/12/12, at the age of 60. For 38 years, he excelled as a sales associate for several home improvement and financial services institutions. In 2003, he founded Old Guard Mortgage and Financial Services. He coached baseball for nearly 25 years and also served on the Manheim Township School Board. • Carl B. Ziegler ’74, East Lyme, Conn., died on 8/14/12, at the age of 60. He retired from Pfizer as an associate research fellow in February, after 12 years of service. • Thomas R. Coombs ’75, Morehead City, N.C., died on 8/12/12, at the age of 61. He worked as a fireman in Virginia Beach and the Chesapeake area in the 1980s. For the past 15 years, he worked at Fort Macon State Park.

Remembrances • Shirley A. Bonawitz, formerly of Millersville, died on 11/12/12, at the age of 79. She had worked as a checker at Millersville University and also taught math at Manheim Central High School. • Grace M. (Alexander) Foutz, died on 12/4/12, at the age of 96. She had worked at Millersville University, where she sold books. She was also a member of the Farm Women Society of Millersville. • Cletus K. Sweigart, Lancaster, died on 10/27/12, at the age of 96. He retired from Millersville University in 1981 as the business manager of Student Service, Inc. He served in the U.S. Army in the European Theater in World War II. • Patrick J. White ’75, Newark, Del., died on 1/29/12, at the age of 58. He taught at various schools in Maryland and Delaware for 30 years. He was an assistant professor of English at the University of Delaware, where he won Excellence in Teaching Awards in 1997 and 2003. • Thomas J. Diller ’77, Houston, Texas, died on 9/23/12, at the age of 58. He was a scientist with an inquiring mind, and he had many careers, including ichthyologist, middle school science teacher and track coach, and optometrist/owner of Westside Vision Center in Houston. • Dolores M. Sachs ’77, Manheim, died on 7/17/12, at the age of 81. She was a retired teacher at Linden Hall. She was also the former director of the nursery school at Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church. • David G. Startzel ’80, Madison, W. Va., died on 9/9/12, at the age of 55. He taught for Boone County Schools for 32 years and served as Wharton Elementary’s principal for seven years. • Laurence E. Kimbrough ’81, Leesburg, Va., died on 9/7/12, at the age of 53. He worked for AT&T as a computer programmer. • Dolores L. Aulthouse ’82, North Braddock, died on 9/17/12, at the age of 81. She was an accomplished artist, pianist and organist. • John C. Homsher ’82, Lancaster, died on 9/26/12, at the

age of 54. He retired from the Lancaster County Prison as a corrections officer after 23 years. • William M. Gibb ’89, York, died on 7/18/12, at the age of 62. Retiring in 2006 as a mathematics teacher for Northeastern High School, he then taught at York College. • Roberta “Bobbie” (Smith) Budesheim ’91, Washington Boro, died on 8/21/12, at the age of 52. She was a computer analyst for Willow Valley for 22 years. • Michael L. Diem ’92, Leola, died on 10/10/12, at the age of 42. Most recently he was working in sales for Direct Wire & Cable. • William L. Medland ’93M, Dallastown, died on 10/26/12, at the age of 69. He worked for Global Stone and PenRoc Quarry for 28 years. A member of the Pennsylvania Poetry Society, he wrote poems and was a judge. • Vashni (Simanovich) DePaz ’95, Germantown, Md., died on 10/31/12, at the age of 39. She was formerly a provider escalation specialist for North Carolina Blue Cross/Blue Shield. • Laura (Wilkinson) Delo ’01, Harrisburg, died on 8/30/12, at the age of 60. She was a nurse practitioner in pulmonary medicine at Hershey Medical Center. • Dalina K. Winter ’03M, Willow Street, died on 11/2/12, at the age of 40. She was a teacher at New Danville Mennonite School in Lancaster and Rosslyn Christian Academy in Nairobi, Kenya.

Cultural events

F E B R UA RY- M AY 2 0 1 3


Carbon Dance Theatre

Friday 1 Master Class: Grace McFarlane Bottelier, piano Winter Center, Millersville Feb. 1-25 Art Exhibit - “Unarchived” 6 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster Sunday 3 Music: The Soldier’s Tale 4 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster Feb. 4-March 31 Art Exhibit - Tove Nyholm Winter Center, Millersville Wednesday 6 Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration: Ruby Bridges 7:30 p.m. Winter Center, Millersville Thursday 7 Christie Lecture: Ann Markusen 7:30 p.m. Gordinier Hall - Millersville Friday 8 Arts Symposium 10 a.m. Winter Center, Millersville Saturday 9 FamFunFest: REACH! by Jason Reed 11 a.m. Ware Center, Lancaster Sunday 10 Louis Vyner Scholarship Competition 2:30 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster Friday 15 Theatre: The Unconquerable Spirit of Harriet Tubman 7:30 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster Sunday 17 Carbon Dance Theatre 5 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster Sunday 17 Department of Music: “Musical Valentines” 7:30 p.m. Winter Center, Millersville Monday 18 Disability and the Arts Conference 8:30 a.m. - noon Bolger Conference Center, Millersville Monday 18 Of Ebony Embers: Vignettes of the Harlem Renaissance 7:30 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster Thursday 21 South Central PaARTners presents Poetry Outloud 7 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster Saturday 23 FamFunFest: Comedy In Motion 24 11 a.m. Ware Center, Lancaster Tuesday 26 Dance: AILEY II 7:30 p.m. Winter Center, Millersville

Tickets call: 717-872-3811 or Visit: | Learn more about our 2013 events at

The Virginia Glee Club


March 1-31 Art Exhibit - Tove Nyholm Winter Center, Millersville 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10 Theater: PROOF by David Auburn 1, 2, 7, 8, 9 - 8 p.m.; 3 & 10 - 2 p.m. Dutcher Hall, Millersville Friday 8 Arts Symposium: The Arts, Creativity and Learning 10 a.m. Winter Center, Millersville Friday 8 Latin Fiesta Jazz: Braziliance 7:30 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster Saturday 9 Bach Choir of Bethlehem “Elijah” 3 p.m. Winter Center, Millersville Saturday 9 FamFunFest: “Cuentos del Arbol” (Tree Tales) 11 a.m. Ware Center, Lancaster Sunday 10 Dance Performance, Steps in Time 4 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster Monday 11 The Virginia Glee Club 8 p.m. Winter Center, Millersville Friday 15 Night of Comedy 7:30 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster Thurs-Sat. 21-23 Classical Guitar Festival Ware Center, Lancaster

Jane Ridley & A. Bryan Humphrey

Saturday 23 FamFunFest: Animated Short Film Festival for Kids 11 a.m. Ware Center, Lancaster Monday 25 The California State University East Bay Singers 8 p.m. Winter Center, Millersville Wednesday 27 Hazel Jackson Lecture: Patricia Hill-Colins 7:30 p.m. Gordinier Hall, Millersville Tove Nyholm

Thursday 28 An Adaptation of Walt Whitman’s Song of Myself 7:30 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster Tickets call: 717-872-3811 or Visit: | Learn more about our 2013 events at


Tuesday 2 Women in Mathematics & Science Lecture: Dr. Bernardine Dias 9 a.m. Ware Center, Lancaster Wednesday 3 Master Class: Jonathan Carney, violin 3:30 p.m. Winter Center, Millersville Thurs.-Sun. 4-7 University Theatre: Legally Blonde 4, 5, 6- 7:30 p.m.; 7 -2 p.m. Winter Center, Millersville Saturday 6 Anita Renfroe & Yanni Potamousis: Together Again 7:30 p.m. Winter Center, Millersville Saturday 6 FamFunFest: The Cashore Marionettes 11 a.m. Winter Center, Millersville April 7 – Art Exhibition: Lee Miller: Photographer of War June 30 Winter Center, Millersville Reception 4/26, 5:30 p.m. Wednesday 10 Theatre: An Evening with C.S. Lewis 7:30 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster Friday 12 Art Symposium: Behind the Art 10 a.m. Winter Center, Millersville

Dr. Bernardine Dias

Saturday 13 Jazz & Java 7:30 p.m. Gordinier Hall, Millersville Saturday 13 Opera: Meanwhile, Back at Cinderella’s 2 & 7:30 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster Monday 15 Citamard Players: “8” 7:30 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster Wednesday 17 Dr. Xun Pan, piano 7:30 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster Andrew Slack

Wednesday 24 Kenderdine Lecture: Judith Browne-Dianis 6:30 p.m. McComsey, Millersville 26, 27, 28 University Theatre: Behind the Eye May 2,3,4 April 26, 27, May 2,3,4 - 7:30 p.m.; April 28 - 2 p.m. Winter Center, Millersville Thursday 18 CCERP Leadership Awards: Andrew Slack 7 p.m. Gordinier, Millersville Thursday 18 An Evening with Garrison Keillor 7:30 p.m. Winter Center, Millersville Saturday 20 FamFunFest: ‘Villepalooza’ 9 a.m. Ware Center, Lancaster Tuesday 23 Hilary Knight - writer/illustrator 7:30 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster

Garrison Keillor

Sunday 28 Dueling Harpsichords 7:30 p.m. Winter Center, Millersville Monday 29 Master Class: Sonia Lee, harpsichord 3 p.m. Winter Center, Millersville

Hilary Knight

Tickets call: 717-872-3811 or Visit: | Learn more about our 2013 events at


May 2-31 Echo Valley Art Group Exhibit Ware Center, Lancaster Friday 3 Cabaret: Marieann Meringolo “Crazy Love” 7:30 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster Saturday 4 Day of Percussion All day Winter Center, Millersville Sat.-Sun. 18-19 COBALT Dance Company Sat. 18-7:30 p.m., Sun. 19-2:30 p.m. Winter Center, Millersville April 7 – Art Exhibition: Lee Miller: Photographer of War June 30 Winter Center, Millersville Reception 4/26, 5:30 p.m. Thurs.-Sun. Theatre of Transformation’s “Emancipation Sweet” May 30-June 2 May 30, June 1-7:30 p.m.; June 2-3 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster


Millersville University has more than a hundred events and performances scheduled at the Ware and Winter centers, and other campus venues, during the spring semester. Check online for detailed information including costs and if tickets are required. New events are being added throughout the semester. The public is welcome.

Fire Masks, 1941. © Lee Miller Archives, England 2012. All rights reserved.

Three Convenient Ways to Order Tickets: The Series at the Ware Center

offers performances in Art, Cabaret, Dance, Jazz, Film, Lecture, Music, OperaLancaster For more information on these series, visit The Ware Center 42 N. Prince Street, Lancaster

The Winter Visual and Performing Arts Center

is located at 60 West Cottage Avenue on Millersville University’s campus. Free parking is available at the parking garage located at Cottage Avenue and North Prince Street.


In person Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. at: Student Memorial Center Ticket Office located in Room 103 of the Student Memorial Center on Millersville’s campus or at the front desk of the Ware Center, Millersville University Lancaster.

2 3

Over the phone by calling 717-872-3811, Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Online at or

Winter Center events require advance tickets, but, in many cases, are free. All events are subject to change.

Tickets call: 717-872-3811 or Visit: | Learn more about our 2013 events at

My Pact. Our Impact.

Office of Alumni Engagement Millersville University P.O. Box 1002 Millersville, PA 17551-0302 Address Service Requested

Winter meant ice skating on the pond... Pictured are skaters circa 1961.

44  Review Winter 2013

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