Millersville University Review - Spring/Summer 2014

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Alumni and their inventions

Admissions’ Welcome Center puts Millersville students in the spotlight—and in the windows of Lyle Hall.


Spring/Summer 2014

Vol. 127


No. 3

The Review is published by Millersville University of Pennsylvania of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education and mailed free to Millersville alumni, faculty, staff and other friends of the University.

President Dr. John M. Anderson

Millersville Review Staff Janet Kacskos, Executive Editor Patricia Coulson, Editor Ethan Hulsey, Sports News Mike Saraka, Alumni News Heather Morris, Class Notes

Millersville Inventors

From designing high-tech prosthetics, packaging to ensure food safety and pioneering the field of cardiac treatment and devices, Millersville alumni are innovative, creative and engaged.


Contributors Stephen Kopfinger ’85 Laura Knowles Madelyn Pennino Frost Imaging Linda Forte Creative Webb Chappell Photography Adam Hoke Photography

Printed by Pemcor, Inc.

Math Anxiety

Professor Laurie Hanich’s research indicates that how mathematics are taught can raise student stress levels, blocking the ability to learn.


Alumni Association Lori Dierolf ’91, president Scott Bailey ’98, president-elect Stephen Focht ’70, treasurer Cassandra Karamanos ’94, secretary Jennifer Bertolet ’92, Chad Bolt ’08, Katie Petermann Breit ’02, Nathan Claycomb ’01, William Dewan ’93, Catherine Glass ’53, John Held ’02, Matt Hepler ’83, Amy Hoffman ’94, Patrick Leahy ’97, Sean O’Donnell ’99, Carroll Staub ’72, ’90M, Matt Storm ’12, ’14M; Kristin Waters ’05, Tamara Willis ’99, Jerri Anne Johnson ’76, ’87M, past president.


Graduation is a joyous time when students, and their families and friends, practically burst with pride.


PASSHE Board of Governors Guido M. Pichini (chairman), Laura E. Ellsworth (vice chair), Ronald G. Henry (vice chair), Sen. Richard Alloway II, Rep. Matthew E. Baker, Jennifer G. Branstetter, Marie Conley, Governor Tom Corbett, Sara J. Dickson, Carolyn C. Dumaresq, Christopher H. Franklin, Todd Garrett, Chelsea E. Getsy, Rep. Michael K. Hanna, Jonathan B. Mack, David M. Maser, Joseph F. McGinn, Robert S. Taylor, Aaron A. Walton, Sen. John T. Yudichak

Millersville University Council of Trustees Michael G. Warfel ’84 (chairman), Robert A. Frick ’66, ’69M (vice chairman), Kevin F. Harley ’86 (secretary), James P. Argires, Gibson E. Armstrong, Markesha S. Burnett (student), Richard L. Frerichs ’64, William B. McIlwaine, Brian A. Rider ’87, Gerald S. Robinson, Esq., Ann S. Womble, President John M. Anderson, ex officio, Chancellor Frank T. Brogan, ex officio.

Millersville University Foundation Board David Thompson ’09P (president), Jan L. Graybill ’80 (vice president), Tamara Willis ’99 (secretary), Barry E. Miller ’77 (treasurer), Daniel Biemesderfer ’71, Beverly Hacker Breniser ’69, ’73M, Judith Carter ’60, ’76M, Ximena Catepillan, Benjamin Del Tito ’77, Kenneth DeLucca, Steven J. Fellin ’87, CFA, Robert A. Frick ’66, ’69M, Richard A. Glenn, Sarah M. Holland ’15 (student), Anne Jackson ’78, Darryl L. Landis ’85, M.D., Eric Liddell ’71, F. Perry Love ’58, Elizabeth Martin, William B. McIlwaine, Robert Patterson, Gerald Robinson, Benjamin Daniel Yoder ’15 (student). Millersville University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action institution.

Revised Review schedule: only 2 issues annually For the 2014-15 academic year, publication of the Millersville Review magazine will be reduced to two issues. Review online Experience the digital edition of the Review and/or indicate your preference for electronic or printed version of how you would like to receive the magazine:

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About the cover Dr. Hugh Herr ’90 with a few of his amazing inventions. WEBB CHAPPELL PHOTOGRAPHY

Table of Contents Spring/Summer 2014  3




A pioneer in biomechatronics, Dr. Hugh Herr, left, brings a unique perspective to his inventions.


They say necessity is the mother of invention. That may be true, but Millersville University has played a supporting role for many alumni inventors.

“I graduated from high school not knowing what a percentage was. Two years into Millersville, I was studying quantum mechanics.”

The campus has graduated its share of inventors and innovators, ranging from a female pioneer in psychology—a field where women were not expected to be taken seriously in less tolerant times—to a man who overcame adversity to create prosthetic limbs that allow people to walk, run, dance and climb mountains.


r. Hugh Herr ’90 lost both of his legs in a 1982 climbing accident on New England’s Mount Washington. He and fellow climber Jeff Batzer ran into freezing weather and became stranded.

Right: Patent submission for Charles Hobbs, Class of 1883, for the third-rail device for electric-powered trains.

Though Herr became a double amputee, it didn’t deter him. He majored in physics at Millersville and today is an associate professor of media arts and sciences at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and at the HarvardMIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology. He also directs the Biomechatronics Group at the MIT Media Lab. Herr literally merges body and machine, notes the MIT website. His research program “seeks to…encompass a diverse set of scientific and technological disciplines, from the science of biomechanics and biological movement control to the design of biomedical devices for the treatment of human physical disability.” After last year’s tragic bombing at the Boston Marathon, Herr helped ballroom dancer Adrianne HasletDavis, who lost part of her leg, to dance again. But if you speak to Herr, he is a man of few words. “My legs were amputated at 17,” Herr says. “I gained an interest in design and engineering.” He praises Millersville for its science and physics programs, though he admits that “during my teen years, [my goal] was being the best climber in the world. That’s why I was a poor student!” Millersville—and Herr’s determination—changed things. A descendant of Lancaster County settler Hans Herr, who established one of the oldest homes in the area (Hugh Herr has a brother named Hans), he built on that. “I graduated from high school [Penn Manor near the Millersville campus] not knowing what a percentage was. Two years into Millersville, I was studying quantum mechanics.” Today, Herr holds about 70 patents. “It keeps me out of trouble,” Herr notes. He still enjoys running, hiking, climbing and watching movies.

THIRD-RAIL SHOE “To all whom it may concern:

“Be it known that I, CHARLES M. [HOBBS], a citizen of the United States, and a resident of Baltimore, in the State of Maryland, have invented a new and useful Third-Rail Construction for Electric Railways, of which the following is a specification. “My invention relates to third-rail construction for electric railways, and more particularly to means for maintaining electrical contact between the motor and the conductor when the latter for any cause is either for an interval or permanently offset from its normal path or position. “My invention also contemplates a sliding contact-shoe and means for supporting it in such a manner that it will maintain an extended electrical contact with the conductor when the latter is either in its normal or in an abnormal position relative to the track.”


ot much is known about Charles M. Hobbs, Class of 1883, who was an inspector with the electrical department of the old Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. Even the staff of the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania in Strasburg was hard-pressed to provide information. But Hobbs did contribute to railroad safety, patenting a “third rail shoe,” which makes contact with a conductor rail of electricpowered trains, such as subways. Electric trains were still a novelty in early 20th-century America, and how they worked no doubt proved a source of fascination, as cities such as Boston and New York were

excavating their transit tunnels. Hobbs’ patent, Serial No. 700,689, dated May 20, 1902, took out some of the mystery. In typical 1900s fashion, the patent goes on for hundreds of words and is written in florid language, but can be summed up in the first few paragraphs above. For the entire text, log on to patents/US700689. No doubt variations of Hobbs’ invention are still in use on subways in the nation’s big Eastern cities. So next time you swipe that transit card, you can thank a Millersville graduate from long ago for smoothing the ride.

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r. Claude Beck, Class of 1914, and his life’s work truly came from the heart—as in saving hearts and heart patients. Beck, who was born in 1894 and died in 1971, was responsible for creating two operations for heart disease: the Beck I operation (known as cardiopericardiopexy) in 1935 and the Beck II in the 1940s. The heart surgeon pioneered the technique of heart massage, which has saved many lives, and performed the first successful defibrillation. In 1947, Beck revived a 14-year-old boy whose heart failed during surgery. Using a device to deliver an electric shock to the boy’s heart in his open chest, the heart restarted. The youngster made a full recovery. Beck’s defibrillator was made by a friend, James Rand, and one of these machines resides in the Smithsonian.

Millions of television fans have seen depictions of this procedure on shows such as “ER” and “Medical Center;” Beck helped pave the way for those intense scenes where a doctor or nurse yells “clear!” before shocking a heart back into life. Yet Beck’s life was no dramatic fiction. He was too busy to think of such matters. After Millersville, Beck graduated from Franklin & Marshall College in 1916. He received his medical degree from Johns Hopkins University in 1921 and trained in neurosurgery at Harvard. Beck eventually settled in Cleveland in 1924, joining that city’s distinguished University Hospital Case Medical Center, affiliated with Case Western Reserve University. At Case Western, he was appointed as the first professor of cardiovascular surgery in the U.S., a position he held from 1952-65. Beck had a lot of firsts. He “performed the first surgical treatment of coronary artery disease in 1935; the first successful defibrillation of the

human heart in 1947; the first successful reversal of an otherwise fatal heart attack in 1955; and the first successful removal of a heart tumor,” according to Case Western. “Beck and his colleagues developed cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) techniques; [they] began teaching medical professionals in 1950,” the website notes. Eventually, more than 3,000 doctors and nurses were trained in CPR in less than 20 years. Beck was also a surgical consultant in the United States Army from 1942-45 and received the Legion of Merit award. Beck’s name lives on years after his passing. There is a term called “Beck’s Triad,” which defines cardiac symptoms. It can include distended neck veins, muffled heartbeats and low blood pressure. Beck’s observations were published as far back as 1935 in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Beck is yet another innovator who once walked the Millersville campus. And his work in medicine helped to pave the way to saving countless lives.




lorence Goodenough, Class of 1908, graduated in the days when the University was known as “The Normal School.” Goodenough obtained a degree in pedagogy and went on to study at New York’s Columbia University and later Stanford University under the tutelage of the distinguished psychological pioneer Lewis Terman. Women were not expected to do that in those days. “She was a pretty important figure,” sums up David B. Baker ’78, a professor of psychology at the University of Akron in Ohio. Baker says, “Goodenough would be classified as a pioneer.” Goodenough’s greatest contribution to the field was a deceptively simple one. It was known as the

“Draw-A-Man,” a test to measure nonverbal intelligence in children. It was later updated to the Draw-A-Person test. Basically, the test was centered on the concept that children “draw what they know, not what they see,” notes one biographical website, muskingum. edu/~psych. Unlike many tests of the day, it was quick to administer and was able to connect with children. Goodenough, who died in 1959, overcame obstacles, including an illness which cost Goodenough her sight and hearing. She nevertheless published three books after her illnessforced retirement, all of them centering on psychological development. Dr. Mary Margaret Kelly, a

professor of psychology at Millersville, sums up the Draw-A-Man test with the philosophy “simple things are the most elegant in psychology.” While many innovations involve complex concepts or engineering, some of the most profound are understated in their elegance and function. One could almost say that about Millersville. While not as well-known to the world as Harvard or Stanford, it has definitely contributed, in its own way, to the world of inventors.

Above: Harold Follett inventions include everything from hydrofoils to a snow plow for his sled at age five.


arold E. Follett ’58 has literally put wings upon water in his career as an inventor. And those wings have brought him full circle. Follett entered Millersville as an industrial arts student in 1952. He didn’t graduate until 1958, due to two years of military service with the Delaware National Guard. But Follett’s road to invention started long before his time at Millersville. As a young man in Wilmington, Del.—he still calls the city home— Follett was always tinkering. “At age five, I [invented] a snow plow for the front of my sled, when my father said ‘shovel the snow.’ ” Follett didn’t want to do that, so invention was tapped to deal with an unwelcome necessity. “At age seven, I innovated a sail wagon, with a clothes prop being the mast and a bedroom sheet being the sail,” remembers Follett. The neighborhood kids—especially the girls— loved going for rides. In high school, Follett constructed a pair of water skis designed to skim over the Finger Lakes of upstate New York. Eventually, he and his father built a 40-foot sailboat; it’s still intact and was featured in the February 2013

issue of Soundings, a magazine for sailing enthusiasts. The custom, mahogany sailboat is still in pristine condition. Log on to and you can read about that chapter in Follett’s life. Somewhere along the line, Follett received a patent to create “the first bathing suit extracted from seawater,” he says. Yes, you read that correctly. Follett fashioned a women’s bathing suit from sponge material. “Several manufacturers were interested,” Follett recalls. Unfortunately, the technology of the times did not make an adhesive to keep the suit together. “But it was fun,” Follett says. Especially when models were involved in the process, he added. He also invented an underwater toy capable of propelling itself across the water of a child’s plastic swimming pool. Years later, he demonstrated that toy in the pond at Millersville, and the event was covered by the Intelligencer Journal, a Lancaster daily newspaper. Follett remembers his days on campus, which touched on Millersville history. “I have the distinction of residing in Old Main,” the 19th-century building which served as the centerpiece of the school until it was torn down in the

1960s. Follett remembers an underground steam pipe tunnel that served as a convenient connection under the grounds. “I did not have to worry about the snow!” Follett says. Follett rubbed shoulders with several prominent Millersville figures, including Dr. Daniel L. Biemsderfer, Class of 1917, who served as president from 1943-65, and Dr. William H. Duncan ’40, who was president from 1968-81. “At that time, he was director of admissions,” recalls Follett, of Duncan’s career while Follett was a student. At the age of 80, Follett has no inclination to slow down. The holder of more than 10 United States patents, he is currently working on “a water wing to hydroplane and hopefully go faster” over the waters that small racing craft traverse. Follett credits Millersville for nurturing his journey into invention. “My education at Millersville was very inspirational, particularly in industrial arts, to give me the background,” he says. As for today, Follett adds, “I’m growing younger again!”

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Ebner works for Cryovac Food Packaging Division. Its parent company is credited with the original invention of bubble wrap.


ynthia (Bodish) Ebner ’82, just might change the way you look at your groceries the next time you shop. The Millersville chemistry major is a senior research fellow in the Cryovac Food Packaging Division of Sealed Air Corporation, a global firm that puts a lot of effort into keeping the foods you buy safely preserved. You know the shrink wrap and the foam trays that seal the beef and chicken you take home? Sealed Air has a hand in that. Do you love bubble wrap? Sealed Air was an originator of that, and while it’s been widely copied, “we still have the best bubbles,” Ebner jokes. That just scratches the surface of what Ebner does. Right now, “I’m juggling six different projects,” she notes in a phone interview from her job in South Carolina. And if you think shrink wrap is a simple thing, you are wrong. “There’s a lot of science that goes into a piece of film,” she says. For instance, what looks like a single layer of protective food wrapping might contain several levels of antimicrobial material. Ebner grew up in Lancaster, not far from Millersville. And, yes, she did have a chemistry set as a child. Millersville University, then Millersville State College, “was close to home. I was a commuting student,” Ebner says. As both of her parents were educators, money was tight, and commuting proved an ideal situation. Ebner never doubted she made the right choice, and, as fate would have it, Millersville had an impact on her life in more ways than one. She chose chemistry as a major because chemistry “has answers. I like result-oriented projects.” Ebner was also fond

M Dr. Harvey Long ’55 spent his career focusing on innovation at IBM.

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of such disciplines as English, but “English was subjective.” She wanted something that yielded proven absolutes. Millersville, Ebner recalls, had “a very excellent chemistry program,” one that set her on course for her postgraduate studies at the University of Maryland at College Park. In some ways, she says, the classes she took at Millersville were more advanced than those at Maryland, putting to rest any fears that Ebner might not be properly prepared for her postgraduate pursuits. “I was MUCH better prepared,” Ebner says proudly. Fast forward almost three decades. In 29 years, Ebner went on to obtain 25 United States patents and “I don’t know how many foreign ones!” In 2008, she was inducted into the Sealed Air Corporation’s Inventors Hall of Fame, the first woman to receive that honor. Asked if she considers herself a pioneer, Ebner does not to hesitate when she answers “absolutely!” She’s happy to stay on the technical ladder of research, where Ebner became the first woman to reach the top level in that division. She is also the mother of two grown sons, both of whom are pursuing medical degrees. Husband Keith is a chiropractor. Cynthia and Keith ’80 have been married for 33 years, and here’s where Millersville again played a hand in Ebner’s life. The two met on campus under some very nonscientific circumstances. “It was funny,” Ebner recalls. “We met in college choir. I always said the angels brought us together in college choir!”

illersville paved the way for Dr. Harvey Long ’55 and his 30-plus year career at computer giant IBM, where he worked to bring “intelligent technology” into the field of education. He remembers how Millersville’s mathematics program—and several Millersville people—shaped his destiny in formulating what was then an almost science fiction concept: that computers could help students learn. And there is one other thing. Millersville is where Long met his wife, Connie ’54. “If you saw a young lady in a math class, you kept an eye on her!” says Long with a chuckle. Long, who today lives with his wife in Rockville, Md., continues to maintain connections with Millersville. In 1985, he was invited to serve as commencement speaker. In 2013, as he approached his 80th birthday, Long wrote a thank-you letter to the university, in which he recounted the start of what he called a long train ride to his career in IBM innovation.

Decades before personal computers were commonplace, keypunch cards were used for data entry. As operators typed characters, the machine would “punch” holes in the selected card column. These cards were then “fed” into a huge, main frame computer.

“The trip began at Millersville in many discussions on the porch of Roddy Hall with the dean of men, Dr. Clyde Stine. Dr. Stine wisely informed me that in life, reality would have many faces, some pleasant, some unpleasant,” Long wrote last year. Roddy Hall, now Roddy Science Center, was actually a residential building when Long arrived as a transfer student from the Lehigh Valley area. His conversations with Stine went on “late into the evening,” Long said in a phone interview from his home. Long pursued a graduate degree, which was spurred on by the encouragement of Millersville’s mathematics faculty. He was awarded a teaching assistanceship at Pittsburgh’s Carnegie Institute of Technology, now Carnegie Mellon University. Between those math-based credentials and those Long obtained at Millersville, IBM beckoned. In the mid-1950s, the computer world was emerging. But as Long says, “It was incomprehensible [that] it would be where it is today,” he notes of this age of portable technology. “The first computers I programmed at IBM were mammoth!” Long recalls. But he became fascinated by the idea of a “teaching machine.” Along with a couple of colleagues, Long helped to invent an education-based computer that would later be patented by IBM. When Long moved on to pursue the equivalent of graduate work at IBM Systems Research Institute in New York City, Long wrote a 1960 paper titled “Should the Digital Computer Be a Teacher?” Yes, it should, Long thought. And he engaged in pursuit of that conclusion. In a neatly organized binder of his

accomplishments, Long writes in one account that in the 1950s “a concept identified as programmed learning was gaining national attention in educational circles, particularly as the result of works by Dr. B.F. Skinner [Burrhus Frederic Skinner],” an internationally known behavioral psychologist famous for his studies in operant, or behavioral, conditioning. “In 1957…I received an assignment to work with an education psychologist and engage in research involving a printed form of programmed learning, frequently referred to as ‘programmed text,’ ” Long recalls in his writings. Students of the early computer era might recall the term FORTRAN, or Formula Training System, originally developed by IBM. Long supervised the development of programmed text relating to FORTRAN, considered to be a winning choice in the implementation of yet-to-be-identified teaching hardware. This was the age of the famous “punch cards,” those yellow cards with computerized codes literally punched out to deliver programs. Long also knew of a device called “the verifier,” in which those punch cards were submitted for verification and, ultimately, onto the computer. “In the verification process, I thought the answer to my challenges lay. And it did!” Long writes. With the help of an engineer, a true “teaching machine” was born. The so-named “modified verifier” was patented in November 1965 and demonstrated at an IBM engineering symposium in Switzerland in 1966. Technology was changing so fast at the time that the keypunch and the verifier invention were not mass

marketed. But it did help pave the way for today’s personal computers and the Internet. So, in a way, Long’s 1960 research paper about computers being teachers was answered. Long went on to become IBM’s Education System’s chief spokesman for technology in education and interface to education-related associations in Washington. He retired from IBM in 1992, having seen the arrival of today’s personal technology age. Yet Long never forgot his Millersville connections. “It was impossible to think during my time at Millersville that I would become involved in computers,” he marvels. In addition to Stine, Long credits Dr. George Anderson of Millersville’s math department and Rebecca Schaeffer, a speech professor who encouraged Long to pursue his studies. That advice from Schaeffer paid off. Long would go on to travel the world, speaking in all 50 states as well as in Asia, Europe and Russia. In many of his speeches, no matter where he was, Long says that “I would open up by saying I was a graduate of Millersville State Teachers College.” He has also learned to deal with a longtime illness. For 67 years, Long has dealt with type 1 diabetes, which was present even in his student days. He jokes about it. “As I say, ‘I’m just a naturally sweet guy!’ ” Then Long grows reflective as he makes the connection between Millersville and an ever-expanding computer world. “Millersville,” he sums up, “did contribute to the technological revolution.” Review Spring/Summer 2014  9

Everyone has something that makes them sweat. For some, it’s looking at a chalkboard riddled with numbers that simply don’t add up. It can be an uneasy feeling and it has a name—


Math anxiety can dull the enthusiasm of the brightest students or even trigger panic before a test.


aurie Hanich, an educational foundations professor at Millersville University, has seen how math can put students in an emotional tailspin. While she said math anxiety is not uncommon, it can have a huge effect on student performance. “If you are fearful, you will disengage and won’t get practice and exposure,” Hanich said. She said a lot of students have some form of math anxiety partly because teachers fail to teach the emotional side of math. “Some teachers base math skill on a student’s ability to be correct, fast and come up with only one solution,” Hanich said. “When teachers only recognize those who are successful, it increases a student’s anxiety and decreases their ability to focus.” That’s why Erin Moss, a math education professor at Millersville University, says her classroom is a math “judgment-free zone.” “It’s a really relaxed environment,” Moss said. “I laugh at my own mistakes, not theirs.”

10  Review Spring/Summer 2014

But not all teachers have Moss’s confidence level, or are aware that perhaps their own math anxiety is reflected on to their students. Female teachers who have their own insecurities about math have an impact on students, particularly female students, according to research. For instance, teachers who simply pay more attention to male math students can make female students feel less confident about approaching a math problem. It perpetuates the stereotype that boys are better in math than girls. “If teachers push boys more, call on boys more, or give them harder problems to do, girl students tend to model that (teacher’s) behavior,” Hanich said. Moss agrees that there is a correlation to how instructors teach math and student performance. “I don’t think that anxiety is tied to the subject of math, but the way it has been taught,” she said. Those kind of unconscious behaviors exhibited by teachers tend to make female math students feel isolated and

become less interested in careers related to math and science. Women are vastly underrepresented in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) degree holders and STEM jobs despite making up nearly half of the U.S. workforce. They made up just 28 percent of sci“When teachers only ence and engineering workers in 2010—an recognize those who increase from 21 perare successful, it cent in 1993. increases a student’s However, there are emerging programs anxiety and decreases to entice women to their ability to focus.” enter STEM fields in the form of grants, DR. LAURIE HANICH scholarships and other incentives. More and more, business and industry realize how important it is for more people, not just women, to pursue STEM fields to remain competitive globally. Still, as lucrative as some STEM careers are, math anxiety and the unsettling feelings that come with it, remain a deterrent for many. Math anxiety can range from mild apprehension to shaking and sweating before a test or solving a problem, but for some it’s more severe. Brain-imaging scans reveal that some individuals with math anxiety have a physiological reaction to math similar to someone who is facing physical fear, research suggests. However, that doesn’t mean that only people who have to work hard at math get spooked by formulas and equations. Even naturally good math students like Stephanie Hosan, get nervous about math.

Future math teacher and current Millersville student Steph Hosan loves math.

Hosan, a math education major at Millersville, admits becoming a bit unglued before math exams. She thinks it’s just human nature. “Tests make everyone squirm,” she said. Although some more than others. Last summer Hosan tutored a high school student in Algebra II who dreaded math. “He wasn’t confident in anything he did,” Hosan said. “Math made him so nervous.” She said patience and positive feedback made all the difference in his attitude and in his grades. That’s why Hosan said people who consider themselves mathematically challenged shouldn’t be so hard on themselves. “People shouldn’t beat themselves up,” Hosan said. “Sometimes all it takes is a little encouragement.” “I talked him through the steps, and he became more confident and his grades went up,” Hosan said. Hanich said teachers and parents can alleviate math anxiety by practicing patience and helping students access outside classroom resources to bolster math skills. Students can also help themselves through self-regulated learning. “Students should learn how to not rush through problems, but work out a strategy on how to solve a problem,” Hanich said. ‘There may only be one solution, but there are many ways to get it.” One way Moss tries to make her math students more comfortable is to have them set their own goals for homework and class participation. “Students think math happens to them and that they don’t have ownership of it,” Moss said. “By letting them set their own goals, it gives them control.” As a future math educator, Hosan said she’ll work hard to engage her students with various teaching methods, such as hands-on work and group assignments. “We’re all wired differently,” Hosan said. “I want to make math fun.”



It was a true meeting of the generations when Millersville University hosted its 158th Commencement on May 10. The keynote speaker was Lieutenant General David L. Mann ’81, a three-star general who is commander of the United States Army Space and Missile Command/Army Forces Strategic Command in Alabama. He was introduced by Dr. William B. McIlwaine, a member of the Millersville University Council of Trustees who fought in the Battle of the Bulge in World War II seven decades earlier. “That was a few years ago,” joked McIlwaine, professor emeritus who was profiled in the winter 2014 edition of Review as part of a series honoring Millersville alumni who have served our country in the military. Mann was also presented with an honorary doctorate of letters. Before an audience of some 1,100 graduates, he spoke of taking pride in one’s accomplishments, and while some might view pride as a sin, it does not have to be that way. “It’s… important to take pride in your country,” Mann said. He noted the words of President Theodore Roosevelt, who once said that “the credit belongs to the man in the arena.” Mann encouraged the new graduates and audience to “embrace and persevere.” He added, “Be proud of your country, and the liberties you enjoy.”

Right : World War II veteran Dr. William B. McIlwaine (in red gown) gives a solemn salute to Lt. General David Mann.

12  Review Spring/Summer 2014

Everyone celebrates graduation a bit differently—from clowning around with friends (top) to sporting fun “grad” glasses (above, left) to a heartfelt hug (above, right).

A tip of the cap to the grads and their creative decorations and messages.

Graduate Studies & Certifications Dr. Deborah Castellucci ’81, ’84 CRNP-BC, associate professor of nursing, delivered the commencement speech for Millersville’s Graduate & Professional Studies Ceremony, held on the evening of May 9. At Millersville University, Castellucci serves as the graduate program coordinator in nursing and teaches in the nurse practitioner program. More than 150 graduate degrees were conferred as well as professional certifications at the ceremony.

President John Anderson and Dr. Deborah Castellucci at the commencement for graduate studies.

How “tweet” it is Family and friends express heartfelt sentiments at graduation. “Congrats to our Brothers in Song who graduated, you will be missed!” ~ MU Glee Club “Thank you to the meteorology department @MUWeatherWatch and @MUweather for predicting some wonderful weather.” ~ Dr. Anderson “Congrats to our graduating interns! Sad to see them go but excited for their futures! “ ~ TheMixatArborPlace

Cannot wait to be a part of such an amazing university in the fall, congrats! Welcome to the MU Alumni Association! The meteorology community just gained a bunch of awesome new meteorologists today! Can’t believe it’s been two years since I walked across that stage! Everyone should know that we are more than just a university in the middle of Amish country PA Congratulations to all the 2nd Lieutenants and veterans graduating today!

Cost of Freedom forum - Nov. 11 Millersville University will host the “Cost of Freedom Forum” on Veterans Day, November 11. The day-long event is free and open to the public. Dr. Ron Frankum, professor of history at Millersville, will deliver the opening keynote address “Heart of Gold,” during a luncheon hosted on behalf of the Millersville University Student Veterans Association. Frankum is the author of six books on the Vietnam War covering such subjects as the air war, AustralianU.S. diplomacy, the role of the U.S. Navy and the rule of Ngo Dinh Diem. In the afternoon, licensed psychologist Dr. Kristine Sudol, PTSD clinical team director at the Coatesville Veterans Administration Medical Center will discuss the evolving role of women in the military and successful reintegration strategies for today’s servicewomen. The closing keynote address, “Financial Wellness for Twenty-first Century Families,” will be presented by Brigadier General (Ret.) Jerry G. Beck, Jr. ’75, who currently serves as Deputy Adjutant General for the Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs. For more information, contact Dr. Jeffrey Wimer, associate professor of wellness and sport sciences, by phone 717-871-5367, or email Jeffrey.Wimer@

Memorial bricks Top, l-r: Lt. Col. Paul Culberson, professor of military science, Benjamin Rento, Jason Hendricks, Timothy Bolton and Master Sgt. Brian Szulwach, senior military science instructor. Above: Lt. General Mann ’81. Above, left: Lt. General Mann administers the oath of office to the Cadets. Left: Benjamin Rento gets his second lieutenant rank pinned on by a family member.

Commissioning ceremony

Before the undergraduate commencement on May 10, another ceremony was held to mark the completion of the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) Program by Cadets Timothy R. Bolton, Jason T. Hendricks and Benjamin Rento. During the ceremony, the Cadets were sworn in and commissioned as second lieutenants in the U.S. Army. Presiding over the ROTC commissioning ceremony was Lt. General David L. Mann ’81, a three-star general who is commander of the United States Army Space and Missile Command/Army Forces Strategic Command in Alabama. Mann is also a product of the ROTC program at Millersville. Later in the morning, Mann was the featured speaker at the undergraduate commencement (see page 12). 14  Review Spring/Summer 2014

Brick order forms and other information on the Veterans Memorial can now be found at Millersville Borough’s website, or call 717-872-4645, ext. 105. The mailing address is Borough Office, 100 Municipal Dr., Millersville, PA 17551. Citizens may have a brick engraved in honor of their family and friends. All engraved brick orders received before September 1 will be installed at the Millersville Veterans Memorial by Veterans Day of each year.

Military friendly designation For the second consecutive year, Millersville University has been recognized as Military Friendly by Victory Media, Inc. Thousands of colleges and universities nationwide are asked to participate in the annual military friendly school survey, and Millersville placed in the top 20 percent of all the submissions. “The University has a very positive atmosphere about it,” said Eugene Mizdail, recruiting and operations officer for the Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) and Pennsylvania National Guard veteran. “Millersville is a military friendly University with an active Student Veterans Association and a Veterans Resource Center,” said Dr. Aminta Breaux, vice president of student affairs. “The Veterans Resource Center provides a place for students and veterans to receive support and assistance in attending and successfully graduating from college, while the house serves as a way of supporting families of soldiers who are already deployed or preparing for deployment in military service.”

Campus News TMI 35 years ago

From 1979, a student reads about the TMI accident in The Snapper, and (below) the scene at TMI’s nuclear reactor.

The Three Mile Island accident was a partial nuclear meltdown that occurred on March 28, 1979, in one of the two Three Mile Island nuclear reactors near Middletown, Pa.—just 30 miles from Millersville. It was the worst accident in U.S. commercial nuclear power plant history. Residents in Central Pennsylvania didn’t know if they should flee or stay in their homes. Government officials and nuclear experts had difficulty in assessing the potential danger of the situation and conveying confidence to citizens. Millersville University made the decision to err on the side of caution and shut down the school for an entire week. In the Women’s Oral History Project conducted for Millersville’s 150th anniversary in 2005, Jane L. Reinhard, art professor emerita, recalled what it was like. “TMI . . . The threat of nuclear contamination. The whole area just closed down. I was one of the few people left. It felt like every day was Sunday afternoon, it was so quiet on the roads and in the towns. A lot of faculty and students, as I recall, they cancelled classes because so many people had left town because of the scare. At that time, they had this idea that if you were outside of a 10-mile radius of TMI, you’d be safe, like some iron curtain is going to drop down...” The TMI accident resulted in sweeping changes and additional safeguards for the nuclear energy industry.

Johnson & Wales University founded by Millersville alumnae In 1893, Gertrude Irene Johnson, Class of 1895, and Mary Tiffany Wales, Class of 1893, first met as students at Millersville State Normal School when they were 17 and 19, respectively. Some 20 years later their paths crossed again when they were teachers at Bryant and Stratton National Business College, now known as Bryant University, in Providence, R.I. In an era when women did not

even have the right to vote, these two independent, career women decided to become entrepreneurs and launched a business school, primarily for women. In 1914, the Johnson & Wales School of Business opened in Johnson’s home with one student and one typewriter. Today, Johnson & Wales University boasts an enrollment of more than 16,000 students on its four campuses: Providence, Denver, North Miami and

Charlotte. The main academic programs focus on the fields of business, culinary arts, the hospitality industry, and the arts and sciences. Among its alumni are celebrity chefs, including Tyler Florence, Graham Elliot and Michelle Bernstein. Millersville University congratulates Johnson & Wales University on its 100th anniversary. Review Spring/Summer 2014  15

Campus News Alumni Award Recipients

DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI AWARD Dr. Hugh Miller Herr ’90 is an inventor and leader in the world of “wearable robotic devices.” He is an associate professor of media arts and sciences at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Herr has received many awards including the 13th Annual Heinz Award for Technology, the Economy, and Employment because of his work in researching prosthetics. He continues to stay involved at Millersville by conducting a class for math/physics students and faculty, and was the commencement speaker in May 2011. Herr holds numerous patents and is also the inventor of the acclaimed low-stress spring running shoe. See feature story beginning on p.4.

OUTSTANDING VOLUNTEER SERVICE AWARD Catherine “Kitty” Glass ’53 was a catalog librarian and associate professor emeritus at Millersville University, retiring in 1996 after 28 years of service. While at the library she was responsible for the juvenile collection, transitioning card catalog to an automated online catalog and also cataloged a variety of material throughout the entire library. As a student, she was involved in English Club, Literary Society, Citamard, band, choir and Delta Phi Eta. She continues to be active at Millersville by participating in alumni activities. Glass has served on many Millersville boards and currently serves on the Alumni Association Events Committee as well as the Alumni Fall Fling Committee.

16  Review Spring/Summer 2014

Pictured from l-r: President John Anderson; John Herr, who accepted the award on behalf of his son, Hugh Herr; “Gallihad” with Patrick Leahy; Kitty Glass; Lori Dierolf; Harvey Owen and Tom Baker.

On April 26, Millersville University held its 56th annual Undergraduate Honors and Awards Convocation at the Student Memorial Center. The ceremony recognized students who have received scholarships or awards for academic and athletic achievements as well as service involvement. In addition to student recognition, the Millersville University Alumni Association presented four awards: the Distinguished Alumni Award, Honorary Alumni Award, Outstanding Volunteer Service Award and the Young Alumni Achievement Award.

YOUNG ALUMNI ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Thomas Baker ’02 is a community enthusiast and leader. While at Millersville, Baker was president of Lambda Chi Alpha, creator of the University’s Pride Day and established the “Person of the Year” award that bears his name. As chief community affairs officer with Pittsburgh’s Big Brothers and Big Sisters, he works to enrich the lives of young people in the community. He holds the elected office as a county commissioner in Allegheny County, the second most populous county in Pennsylvania. Baker was president of the Pittsburgh East Rotary Club and serves now as assistant district governor for Rotary District 7300. He has been an active board member on numerous nonprofit organizations. He is the author of three books encouraging young professionals to give back.

YOUNG ALUMNI ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Patrick Leahy ’97 is an advocator and creator of documentary “Blind Lifter.” While attending Millersville, he wrestled for the school’s Division I (now Division II) program and served as president of Student Senate, which led him to later work in Washington, D.C., as a staffer on Capitol Hill for Senator

Fred Thompson and Rep. J.C. Watts. His drive to impact the lives of people with disabilities led him to his current position as senior advisor at the U.S. Election Assistance Commission. He began to focus on his body and become a competitive bodybuilder and created a documentary called “Blind Lifter.” He uses bodybuilding to inspire people. He was also featured on NBC’s “Today Show” in December 2013.

HONORARY ALUMNI AWARD Harvey Owen, a local entrepreneur and community leader, became the Ware Center’s first director in January 2011. He embodied the Millersville University motto of creativity, innovation and engagement by creating a robust and vibrant performing arts center. He programmed film, cabaret, music, dance and visual arts and turned the Ware Center into a destination for the arts. Through his leadership, Owen took a painful reminder of a building in bankruptcy and transformed it to a pillar of the community and an example of the Millersville’s commitment to the arts and the region. Owen is a past president of the board of trustees of the Fulton Opera House Foundation, and has been a mentor for SCORE Lancaster. He retired from Millersville in July.

Library Garden Nuturing a beautiful setting and outdoor classroom

Cultural Events HIGHLIGHTS Join us for a Roaring Twenties themed Opening Night for the arts season at the Ware Center in Lancaster on Friday, September 26, featuring The Hot Sardines. To learn more about this event and the full lineup of performances in music, theater, dance, lectures and more, please request a brochure by calling 717-871-2308, emailing, or check it out online at Tickets go on sale September 2. Remember to reserve tickets early this season to guarantee your seats. Tickets may be ordered in person at the Ware Center Box Office, the SMC Building on the MU Campus or by calling 717-872-3811 or 717-871-2308, and on the web at

Dr. Hardy refers to the landscape plan for the library.

The library’s Reading and Sculpture Garden is beginning to take shape. Dr. Christopher Hardy, associate professor of biology, and Line Bruntse, associate professor of art & design, and their students have been planning the project for a handful of years. The concept and design of the garden takes an innovative approach as it integrates landscaping with a botany classroom and laboratory curricula on campus. It features native Pennsylvania plant species in a phylogenetic sequence. Working together, Bruntse and her art students’ designs centered on sustainable materials for the walkways, benches and sculptures. This summer, Hardy and Sherri Moyer, botany student and 2014 Robertson Library Garden Scholar, selected and planted many of species. Below, left: Botany students Sherri Moyer (with shovel) and Nate Hartley ’14 help with the plantings. Below, right: One of the sculptures has been installed; two more are planned.

High-rises make way for “The Villages” Over the summer months, two of the high-rise residence facilities—Burrowes (pictured here) and Lenhardt—were marked for demolition to make way for the residence hall project. The new housing complex, which has been named “The Villages at MU,” received approval from the University’s Council of Trustees at its meeting in June. The first building will be called the South Village and is on target to be completed for students by late August in time for the fall 2014 semester. The original names of the dorms—Burrowes, Harbold, Lenhardt and Hobbs—will be preserved as new wing names in the South Village. This project marks the first phase of Millersville’s commitment to replace all 2,200 oncampus beds with modern, suite-style accommodations while maintaining a consistent bed capacity on campus throughout the phased replacement. Amenity space includes a 150-person Great Room which overlooks the South Quad, recreation rooms, community kitchen, laundry rooms with adjacent lounges as well as central gathering lounges with separate meeting rooms on each floor. For more information, visit Review Spring/Summer 2014  17

Campus News

Dr. John Wright (above, right) with students from Millersville’s Robotic Team. SAMSON is pictured in the foreground


he wheels are turning to take Millersville’s American Dream Scholarship Fund to the next level. Millersville University is teaming up with Dream Ride Lancaster 2014 to fundraise for the scholarship announced at President John Anderson’s inaugural in October 2013. Dream Ride Project is one of Lancaster County’s premier fundraising events, with bicyclists riding to benefit local nonprofits and charities. Scheduled for Saturday, September 20, the Dream Ride Project offers the choice of six different mapped and signed routes between 10 and 100 miles. One of the rides will loop through Millersville’s campus and Millersville Borough. The event is a bike ride—not a race—and all skill levels are welcome to register. One hundred percent of donations will go to the American Dream Scholarship Fund. For information, visit

Robotics Team wins big at national competition In November, Millersville University’s Robotics Team traveled to New Orleans, where they attended the 2013 Association of Technology, Management & Applied Engineering (ATMAE) Conference. The ATMAE student chapter, aka the Millersville Robotics Team, competed against seven other teams and won first place for their robot SAMSON, which is an acronym for “Semi-autonomous Marauder with Sensor Optimized Navigation.” The team also won the Overall Robotics Competition and brought home their second Robotics Cup. “We rejoiced,” said Joel Wells, a senior who is an applied engineering major with a concentration in robotics and control systems. “Our hard work really paid off in the end.” With the theme of the competition being “RoboHoops,” the ATMAE students built a robot that would be able to pick up 36 ping-pong balls of various colors, sort the balls by color and then shoot the balls into the appropriate hoops within five minutes. The competition was semi-autonomous—part of the task’s requirement was autonomous control, and the other part allowed tele-operation via remote control. “We have a very well-rounded team with the right chemistry of talent and team dynamics,” said Dr. John Wright, professor of automation and electronics technologies and advisor of Millersville’s ATMAE chapter. 18  Review Spring/Summer 2014

Mini-THON This spring, Millersville University held its first Four Diamond’s Mini-THON, a fundraising initiative benefitting treatment, support and research of childhood cancer at the Penn State Hershey Children’s Hospital. The six-hour dance marathon took place in the Student Memorial Center from 6 p.m. until midnight on March 28 and featured a variety of activities throughout the night. “There were musical performances by campus groups, dance performances, dance instruction and video game competitions,” said Ben Shoff, Mini-THON co-chair and community service chair of the Honors College Student Association (HCSA). “All involved were on their feet the entire time as a means of taking a stand against childhood cancer.” The fundraising goal was $5,000, but by the time the dancing stopped, the total raised was $7,636. All proceeds from these activities went directly to the Four Diamonds Fund. Chelsey Wirth, president of HCSA, experienced “a ton of gratification” in helping to put together the first Mini-THON.

Bravo, Barry!

The Children’s Theatre Foundation of America (CTFA) announced that Millersville University’s Barry Kornhauser, a nationally recognized playwright, director and educator, has been named the recipient of its 2014 Medallion Award The award is regarded as the highest honor in the field of Theatre for Young Audiences (TYA). This year’s award ceremony will take place at the American Alliance for Theatre and Education national conference in Denver, Colorado, on Friday, August 1. Kornhauser will be attending to accept his award. In announcing the award, CTFA noted that “Barry is an acclaimed, award-winning playwright in the Theatre for Young Audiences field, has distinguished himself as a leader in theatre education programs for young people, and has served generously on the boards of organizations serving the national and international TYA community.” Kornhauser is described by Laura Kendall, director of the Ware & Winter Centers of Millersville University, as “a national treasure who just happens to live in Lancaster.” This award puts Kornhauser’s name in the company of some of the biggest names in children’s theater. Past recipients of this award have included: Maurice Sendak; Dr. Suess; multi-Tony winner Julie Taymor (“The Lion King”); Shari


In the winter 2014 issue of the Review, the Sugar Bowl feature contained two errors. Owners Nick Grigoriades ’76 and Ruth (Dommel) Grigoriades ’71 did

Barry Kornhauser is surrounded by cast members from last year’s production of “Pieces” by the M-Uth Theater program.

Lewis, Lamb Chops & Friends; Charles M. Schulz (“Peanuts”); Tony Randall; and Pennsylvania’s own Fred Rogers (“Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood”). Kornhauser spearheads the Family Arts Collaborative and Community Outreach programs at Millersville University. Prior to this, he served as playwright-in-residence and sundry other positions at the Fulton Theatre for 30 years. His honors include the Charlotte B. Chorpenning Cup Award honoring “a body of distinguished work by a nationally known writer of outstanding plays for children,” Helen Hayes Award for Outstanding Play, Ivey Playwriting Award, two AATE Distinguished Play Awards,the Bonderman Playwriting Prize and Pennsylvania’s first Educational Theater Award “for outstanding service by an individual for the advancement of theater education in the Commonwealth.” His work has taken him everywhere, from a one-room schoolhouse to the White House and to such Tony awardwinning stages as the Children’s Theatre Company, La Jolla Playhouse, the Shakespeare Theatre in Washington, D.C., and the Alliance Theatre. His plays have also been produced at the Kennedy Center, Childsplay and the Honolulu Theatre for Youth, among other theatres nationwide and overseas, as well as at festivals from New York City to California, including the Kennedy Center’s New Visions/New Voices and One Theater World. Founded in 1958, the Children’s Theater Foundation of America advances the artistic and professional interests of theater for young audiences in the USA.

not sell the Sugar Bowl in 1985; they owned and operated the business from 1978-97. Julia Banker ’61 pointed out that her cousin, who owned the Sugar

Bowl from 1965-75, was George Benner, not “Brenner” as incorrectly identified in the article.

Review Spring/Summer 2014  19


sports Baseball playoff winners

L-r: Tad Barton, Adam Zipko, Zach Stone, Coach Jon Shehan, Dan Johnson and Mark Stuckey.

There’s a group of five Millersville baseball players that didn’t come from the same place and didn’t even arrive at the same time. But they will always be remembered together—a special group that redefined Millersville baseball. Let’s flash back to the fall of 2009. Jon Shehan had just finished his second season as the program’s head coach and owned a career record of 48-49. An unrecruited walk-on by the name of Zach Stone showed up at Cooper Park and battled his way onto the roster by hitting line drives all over the field. A governor’s scholar by the name of Dan Johnson quietly landed a roster spot as well. As redshirts, both players dedicated their time to the program and sat in the stands while the team went 22-25 and missed the playoffs for a second consecutive year. When fall workouts started the following year, Stone was still barreling up every pitch thrown in the strike zone and a trio of freshmen pitchers—Tad Barton, Tim Mayza and Adam Zipko—provided an eye-opening experience. “We brought them in that fall, and we had a senior-laden group that was very experienced and had been there and done that,” said Shehan. “Those guys immediately brought up the confidence level of our upperclassmen. When we turned Mayza and Barton loose, that brought the confidence of our entire team up…they were immediate impact guys.” With Stone, Johnson, Zipko, Mayza and Barton playing key roles on the 2011 team, Millersville went 44-12 and won just the second NCAA Atlantic Regional Championship in program history. Four years later, the senior class, including two-year member Mark Stuckey, became the first-ever at Millersville to reach four consecutive PSAC tournaments, and three NCAA tournaments. “As a group, four or five guys to make an impact right away, that’s rare,” said Shehan. “It’s a special class. We talk about confidence and humility being the two measuring sticks. The guys that are able to walk the fine line of learning with humility while playing the game with confidence, they are hard to find.

20  Review Spring/Summer 2014

“They hate to lose,” said Shehan. “They’ve never experienced it here, and it’s not an option for them.” The competitiveness and drive of the senior class raised the bar for the entire program. Mayza departed the group a year early after being drafted by the Toronto Blue Jays. Stone became Millersville’s first PSAC East Player of the Year and set career records for hits and RBIs. Johnson became Millersville’s first back-to-back All-PSAC East First Teamer in 14 years. Barton set a school record for career victories and was named All-PSAC East twice. Zipko was the runner-up for the Josh Willingham Award, given annually to the most valuable player in Division II baseball. This was as a senior while setting a school record for pitching appearances. It’s exceedingly rare that all members of a graduating class all contribute at such a high level. Talent and coaching have much to do with that, but it’s the intangibles that make the difference, qualities that are ingrained and drive the individual to push beyond the standard and expected. “They are all friends, don’t get me wrong, but they are extremely competitive guys,” said Shehan. “When you add Mayza to that group, that’s five of the most competitive people I know, and that encompasses everyone that has coached and played for this program for the last 12-14 years. Stone leads the way there, but Zipko is one of the most fearless people I’ve ever met. He gets on the mound in big situations and he looks like he’s playing on a sandlot and he’s 12 years old. He’s got so much poise. “Whatever they do, they compete,” continued Shehan. “I remember having to tell Mayza and Zipko as freshmen to quiet down because they were yelling at each other playing video games. I don’t know who won but that epitomizes this class. Stone doesn’t want to lose the quality plate appearances title in the fall. He’s gone five years without losing it. That’s not going to affect his performance on the field, but he just wants to be the best at everything, no matter what it is.” Three PSAC East Championships and 145 wins later, it is hard to believe it all started five years ago with a no-name walk-on, a mathematics major and three skinny pitchers.

New turf fields BECOME A FOOTBALL

GAME CHANGER Championships start with scholarships, and the Millersville football program asks you to become a Game Changer. The Game Changer Scholarship Drive opened on May 5, 2014, with the goal of bringing together the eras of Millersville football and becoming the top-funded program in the PSAC-East by April 2015. Players and coaches from the 1950s to the present have volunteered to become “team captains” and serve as the driving force behind the initiative. Giving is simple and every gift makes a difference. The goal is seven new, full scholarships with each decade group raising funds for at least one new, full scholarship for in or out-of-state players. Donors can make one gift or opt for a recurring monthly deduction. To become a Game Changer, visit 1950-59 Decade Dr. J. Freeland “Jay” Chryst ’50 Coach Greg Breitbach 1960-69 Decade Jim Harf ’61 Dick Hibshman ’67 Bill Lauris ’64 Bob Mesaros ’64 Rich Barbacane ’70

Bill Niles ’89 Dan Horan ’86 Chris Coller ’87 Mike Murphy Mike Driscoll ’89 1990-99 Decade Bill Burke ’93 Sandy Guilfoyle ’68 Mark Harman ’96 Tim Sorber ’95

1970-79 Decade Gene Lyda ’73 Mike Burke ’75 Palmer Hossler ’77 Coach Bill Kahler

2000s Decade Matt Sutjak ’10 Nate Hinkle ’14 Adam Cobb ’09 Will Smith ’03

1980-89 Decade Brett Stover ’88 Scott Highley ’91

Football Fans

Work is now under way on the new artificial turf project at Pucillo Field for Millersville University and is expected to be finished on August 8, right on time for preseason workouts. The $2.5 million project began in April and is being paid for by funds remaining from the Student Memorial Center renovations and was approved by the Millersville University Student Senate. The facility, which will include a soccer stadium, a practice field lined for football and accommodations for intramural and club sports, is located next to Pucillo Gymnasium and was once the home site for the Millersville soccer programs before turf was installed at Chryst Field at Biemesderfer Stadium. The project will include two turf fields located behind Pucillo Gymnasium to be used by both campus recreation sports and intercollegiate athletics. The turf will include a regulation soccer field and an 80-yard football field. The installation of the turf is an extensive project, as the area stretches nearly 250 yards in length and is as wide as 100 yards in some areas. Following the turf, a 700-seat grandstand and a pressbox for game-day operations will be put in place. The first competition scheduled for the new facility is the Millersville women’s soccer team hosting Slippery Rock on Sept. 4 at 3 p.m. The men’s soccer team debuts on the new turf the following day at 7 p.m. against Pfeiffer. “Athletics [department] could not be more excited about this project, and we are extremely grateful for the cooperation with Student Senate and campus recreation,” said Millersville director of athletics Peg Kauffman ’87, ’92M. “This is a tremendous endeavor by the University and its students. It promises to be a first-class facility that all of the University’s students can enjoy.” “These new fields will provide better opportunities for our students to be able to utilize our facilities,” said Justin Miller, president of the Millersville University Student Senate. “We currently only have one turf field, and it is difficult having all of our athletic teams trying to use the fields…students who are involved with intramurals and club sports will greatly benefit from these fields since it will be a greater area for them to compete on, especially at night, since all of the lighting is going to be upgraded. Overall, the fields will become NCAA official, which will allow for students to have better experiences, and possibly recruit more students to become involved in any of those areas.” Excavation for the new turf fields next to Pucillo Gym.




Stars Becoming World Travelers Elijah Obade and Larry Grant (pictured here) finished their collegiate careers in Lancaster County and started their professional careers thousands of miles away. As Marauders, both Obade and Grant were named All-PSAC East. Now, Obade has played basketball on two continents in less than a calendar year. Grant found a home playing on an island in the Atlantic Ocean. “I was blessed and lucky to even get a chance, so I took it with no questions asked,” said Grant. “In the end it worked out for me. There are so many good players that come out of a [Division II or Division III] school that don’t get the chance to even continue their careers, so I’m just blessed and happy I was given this opportunity.” Grant played during the winter for AngraBasket, which is located in the Portuguese region of the Azores—nearly 900 miles west of Portugal. Obade started in Slovakia for Basketball Levice and after averaging an impressive 12.2 points and 9.5 rebounds per game, he hopped a flight to New Zealand and signed a contract with the Wellington Saints on the other side of the world. Through a handful of games in the spring, Obade had already totaled three double-doubles. Grant was just as good in his run with AngraBasket, averaging over 19 points and five assists per game despite playing in what he calls a “strict” offensive system typical of European professional clubs. Grant in the Atlantic and Obade in the Pacific both enjoyed apartments on the beach and assimilating into the local cultures, but life as a professional basketball player isn’t as glamorous as it may seem. Living on an island, Grant flew to every road game. Obade has had to adjust to two very different styles of basketball. Despite challenges with travel, languages, cultures and most of all food, both Marauders are determined to continue playing the game they love at the professional level no matter how far away it takes them from home. “This is going to be a big summer for me as far as basketball,” said Grant. “Since I had a good rookie season, a lot of people have been contacting me and trying to help me, so I have some decisions to make.” “My momma always told me, ‘You know, if you’re good at something, stick to it,” said Obade in an interview with New Zealand media outlet “The Wireless.” “She also said, ‘If you’re good at something, don’t do it for free.’” 22  Review Spring/Summer 2014

Hall of Fame The Millersville University Athletic Hall of Fame has announced its 2014 class of inductees. The class includes Robert Coyne ’86 (football); Kimberly Davis ’90 (lacrosse); Priscilla Jennings Landis ’09 (track and field/cross country); Paula Light ’93 (women’s basketball); Lyman Reifsnyder ’42 (men’s basketball); Roger Smith ’89 (football); and Curtis Wiley ’94 (wrestling). The induction dinner and ceremony will be held on Friday, October 17, at 6 p.m. at Millersville University. Reservations are required. Visit to register for the dinner or call the office at 800-681-1855 to register. For inductee profiles, visit The inductees are: Robert Coyne, a three-time All-PSAC East fullback from 1980-83, was an indispensable member of an offense that led the nation in rushing three times. He graduated with career records in yards rushing (2,322), touchdowns (19) and yards per carry (6.1). In 1981, Coyne established school records with 1,183 yards and 7.3 yards per carry.” Kimberly Davis, a four-year lacrosse goalkeeper, led Millersville to three PSAC Championships from 1988-90. Not only was she an All-America First Team pick in lacrosse, she also earned All-PSAC East Second Team and All-America Honorable Mention selection as a field hockey goalkeeper. The only Millersville athlete to earn All-America honors in cross country, indoor track and field and outdoor track and field, Priscilla Jennings Landis won an incredible 10 PSAC Championships and was a five-time All-American. She also set 10 school records during her career. Paula Light, the 1992-93 PSAC East Athlete of the Year, became the first Marauder to be named All-PSAC East First Team three times and remains just one of three players to rank in the top 10 in career points and assists. She scored 1,318 points from 1989-93 and established a school record 597 assists. From 1938-42, Lyman Reifsnyder became the first Marauder basketball player to score over 1,000 career points, and he did it in 70 games. Reifsnyder averaged 23.2 points per game as a senior. He joined the U.S. Marine Corps in 1942 and was killed in action on June 18, 1944 in the Battle of Saipan and was posthumously awarded the Silver Star. A three-time All-PSAC East tight end from 1985-88, Roger Smith served as Millersville’s top pass catcher while the team won back-to-back PSAC East crowns in 1987-88 and reached the NCAA Division II Quarterfinals in 1988. Smith, the team’s offensive MVP in 1987, graduated with school records in career receptions and receptions in a season. From 1986-89, Curtis Wiley won 100 career matches and is one of just six Marauders to reach the milestone. He twice won the “Shorty” Hitchcock Memorial Classic, and as a senior in 1988-89, Wiley went 35-9, won the NCAA Division I East Region Championship and qualified for the NCAA Championships.

Donkin and Fisher Named All-PSAC East

Women’s Track and Field Challenges at PSAC Outdoor Championships

Seniors Becky Donkin (left) and Brooke Fisher (right) have been the lacrosse program mainstays for four seasons and both were rewarded with All-PSAC East Second Team recognition at season’s end. Donkin, a two-time second-team selection, led the team in ground balls and caused turnovers. Fisher ranked seventh in the PSAC with 56 goals and finished her career sixth in Millersville history in points and fifth in goals.

Millersville women’s track and field placed third with 90 points, just 22 behind perennial champion Shippensburg. Powering the Marauders were seven All-PSAC (top three) finishes—the most since 2001. Sophomore Kiara Allen became Millersville’s first 100-meter dash champ since 2005, and her time of 11.79 was .05 away from the meet record. Millersville’s 4x, 800meter relay team (Aniya Gibbs, Amanda Long, Brittney Martin and Megan Meyer) took first place for the first time in program history. Three Marauders—Kayla Naughton, Erin Mason and Allen—scored in the 200-meter dash. Erin Madison finished runner-up in the 400-meter hurdles and took fifth in the 100-meter hurdles. Ann Kovacs (second), Vanessa Hower (third) and Kelli Farris (fifth) dominated the scoring in the hammer throw.

Men’s Golf Reaches NCAA Super Regional For the second consecutive year, the Millersville men’s golf team qualified for the NCAA Atlantic/East Super Regional. The Marauders finished 12th and were led by Conor Gilbert’s 19th-place finish. Millersville finished the 2013-14 season with three tournament victories, including a PSAC championship.

Andraos Pitches into the Record Books Sophomore Brianna Andraos became Millersville’s first pitcher since 2008 to earn All-PSAC East First Team honors. Andraos set single-season records for appearances, innings pitched, starts and complete games. She went 14-13 with a 1.98 ERA—the lowest by a Marauder since 2003.

Murphy Named PSAC East Pitcher of the Year for the Second Time Junior hurler Chris Murphy became the first player ever to win back-to-back PSAC East Pitcher of the Year awards. In the regular season, Murphy led the PSAC with nine wins, ranked third with a 1.85 ERA and was fourth in strikeouts with 63. His .216 batting average against ranked fifth, and his five complete games ranked seventh. Murphy was a two-time PSAC East Pitcher of the Week, two-time NCBWA Atlantic Region Pitcher of the Week and a NCBWA Division II National Pitcher of the Week once.

Military Appreciation Day Millersville baseball and softball joined together on April 18 to honor veterans and active duty military service men and women with Military Appreciation Day. The Marauders raised money for the Wounded Warrior Project Harry Stigelman and Dr. Walt Kreider by selling special edition camouflage shirts. On hand for the baseball game was two former Marauder baseball coaches and United States Army veterans: Dr. Walt Kreider ’52 and Harry Stigelman. Kreider played baseball at Millersville and coached the team from 1961-65. Stigelman was an assistant coach. Kreider served during the Korean War and Stigelman served in the Vietnam War. Review Spring/Summer 2014  23

Alumni Interest




FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17 t 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Alumni and Friends Golf Outing. Crossgates Golf Course, Millersville. $125 per golfer. t 4 p.m. Ribboncutting Ceremony/Open House for the New Residence Halls. South Quad. t 5 p.m. Campus Tour. Members of the Class of 1964 are invited to join us for a special riding tour of campus. Meet at the Student Memorial Center. Free. t 5:30 p.m. 20th Annual Athletic Hall of Fame Reception and Dinner. Gordinier Hall. $35 per person; $15 per child. t 6 p.m. Class of 1964 Meet and Mingle. Casual reception. Campus Grill, Gordinier Hall. Price $15.

17 M U After Work, The Brasserie 27 American Music Theatre, Music of the Night

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 t 9 a.m. Millersville Community Parade. Theme: “Wonders of the Sea.” t 9 a.m. Annual Baseball Alumni Home Run Derby. t Noon Fourth Annual Housing and Residential Programs Alumni Reunion. Great Room, South Quad Suites. t Noon - 4 p.m. New Residence Halls Open House. Alumni, faculty and staff are invited to get a glimpse of the new residence halls on campus. Residence Hall Brick Giveaway. A limited number of memento bricks are available. Free. t 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Annual Alumni Tailgate Zone Tent. Open to all alumni, faculty, staff and friends. Biemesderfer Stadium Tent (High School Avenue between the Sugar Bowl and the Stadium). Free. t 11:30 a.m. Parade Volunteers, Alumni and Friends Luncheon. Gordinier Hall. $15 per person; parade volunteers, no charge. t Noon Wrestling Luncheon Reunion. Chryst Field, Biemesderfer Stadium. Contact Coach Todd Roberts at 717-872-3795. Price $15. t 2 p.m. Marauder Football vs. East Stroudsburg University. Chryst Field, Biemesderfer Stadium. t 2 p.m. Campus Bus Tours. Meet at the SMC. t 5 p.m. Rho Kappa Chi Sorority 25th Reunion. Gordinier Hall. Price $15. t 5 p.m. Kappa Delta Phi Reunion. Armstrong House. Price TBA. t 5:30 p.m. Class of 1964 50th Reunion. Gordinier Hall. Price $40. t 6:30 p.m. Class of 1974 40th Reunion. Gordinier Hall. Price $30 This schedule is subject to change. Keep checking back on alumni/events_reunions/homecoming for updates.

ALUMNI EVENT REGISTRATION For event information: Call Millersville University’s Office of Alumni Engagement at 800-681-1855 or 717-872-3352, or email To register for an event online: Click on Event Calendar; locate the event and click Register. 24  Review Spring/Summer 2014

10 Polo Match at Rothsville Polo Field



7 First Friday Alumni Reception – The Ware Center 19 MU After Work, Meadia Heights, Lancaster


6 Glorious Sounds of the Season

Alumni & Friends Travel Program for 2015 The Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) Alumni and Friends Travel Program announced its travel schedule for alumni, retirees, faculty, staff, parents and community friends. At press time, destinations have been set for: April 18 - Costa Rica (9-day Globus land trip). June 27 - Iceland & Fjords Cruise (14-night Celebrity Cruise). August 15 - Chateaux, Rivers & Wine (8-day Viking River cruise). October 31 - Hawaii (11-day, land and cruise). For more details on the above trips, go online: For a brochure or reservations, call our travel partners, Main Line Vacations, at 800-506-7447. Or call Steve DiGuiseppe, PASSHE travel coordinator, PASSHE Travel Coordinator at Millersville: 800-681-1855. November 29 - Christmas Markets along the Danube (7-night Grand Circle River cruise). For additional details and reservations on the Christmas River Cruise, contact Grand Circle Tours at 800-597-2452.

class notes 1950s

• Clarissa Wolcott ’57, ’62M, Columbia, had a poem titled “Children of Haiti” published in a book, Haiti, Cries from the Heart, by Franck Aquilh. She also published two articles in “Columbia Historic Preservation Society.” 1950s decade alumni are invited to the 16th annual fall get-together at the home of Robert ’57 and Mary ’58 Lehr on Saturday, 9/20/14, at 2 p.m. Call 717-397-7965 for further information and reservations.

1960s • C. Leon “Lee” Ahlum ’65, New Wilmington, received the Rotary Foundation’s Distinguished Service Award, which is the highest award given to Rotarians who have demonstrated exemplary service. This year only 45 Rotarians worldwide received the award.

1970s • Albert Edward Hine ’71, Audubon, retired from Maple Newton School District as a technology education teacher. He was honored as the 2009-10 “Tech Ed Teacher of the Year” and “Delaware County Teacher of Excellence” in 2011. • Linda Susan (Tatar) Wentzel ’71, Lebanon, and Michael A. Trump ’99, Rexmont, co-authored a historic booklet titled “The Communities Across Time.” This book serves as a tour guide highlighting Cornwall Borough and its rich history.

• Rodney Koontz ’75, Berkshire, N.Y., retired in May as a jobs program specialist from the New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance. • Robert M. Rothfus ’75, Lancaster, joined Wagman Construction, Inc., in York, as the vice president of the special projects group in May 2013. • Mary F. Gildea ’77, Marietta, appeared as a contestant on TV’s “Jeopardy” in an episode that aired in December 2013. • Cindy Smith Kramer ’78, Valley View, retired after teaching 36 years in the Tri-Valley School District. She spent five years as the district’s reading specialist and more than three decades as an elementary classroom teacher. • Lori Jo Whitehaus ’78, Hummelstown, has retired after teaching for 33 years in the Harrisburg School District. She is the owner of Willow Creek Soaps, featuring her handmade soaps and lip balms. She continues to direct the Red Rose Chorus Barbershoppers and the Red Rose City Chorus Sweet Adelines. • Steven G. Zorbaugh ’78, York, released a book titled Raising Laughter on the Funny Farm. • Doug Noble ’79, Hanover, retired after 33 years of work with exceptional children from the Dallastown area. He is the general manager for Hanover Raiders baseball, an organization founded in memory of his mother, Phyllis.

1980s • Will L. Lewis ’80, Bothell, Wash., is now director of pro scouting for

When roommates reunite Marilyn (Gazzillo) Hansen ’79 and Jean (Briggs) Bittner ’78 spent wonderful, memorable times together at Millersville State College but lost touch in the early 1980s. Recently they decided it was time to search each other out and reconnect. Bittner, from the Pittsburgh area, visited Hansen and her husband Les for a weekend at their home in Princeton, N.J. Although it had been 30 years, the two college friends discovered that being together again was just like old times.

the NFL’s Kansas City Chiefs. • Scott E. Greenwalt ’83, Mountville, was hired as the director of transportation for Good Transport, Inc. • Amy E. Gipprich ’84, Ephrata, was inducted into the Berks County Basketball Hall of Fame. She became MVP as a sophomore at Millersville University after leading the Marauders to the AIAW III Final Four. • Robert Bordner ’85, Ocean Pines, Md., retired after 27 years as an air traffic controller with the Federal Aviation Administration. • Albert G. Filoreto ’88 was promoted to Eastern regional sales manager for the United States Radio Frequency Systems (RFS). • Andrew Ostrowski ’88, Harrisburg, is the Democratic candidate for the U.S. Congress in the 11th District. He is a magna cum laude graduate from Widener University School of Law and has spent more than 20 years in private law practice. • Andrew P. Cassilly ’89, Havre de Grace, Md., announced his candidacy for the Bel Air seat in the Maryland House of Delegates, District 35B. He works for the Fallston School System as the assistant supervisor of resource conservation in the facilities department.

1990s • Maureen S. Davis ’91, Lititz, is a sixth-grade teacher at Brownstown Elementary School. • Todd L. Garber ’91, Willow Street, was inducted into the Lampeter-Strasburg High School Hall of Fame. He coached two Pa. state championship teams and guided five other basketball teams to the state playoffs. • Leslie M. Greene ’92, Lithonia, Georgia, created a television show titled “1 MicCypher.” It can be viewed on Three Millersville University alumni joined the prestigious Central Penn Business Journal Forty Under 40 Class. Recipients are chosen based on their commitment to business growth, professional excellence and community service in Central Pennsylvania. • Vance E. Antonacci ’96, Lancaster, is an attorney at McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC. • Matthew T. Bono ’97, Lancaster, is a manager in the accounting and consulting division of Walz, Deihm, Geisenberger, Bucklen & Tennis. • Jeremy DeBord ’06, Lancaster, is the general manager of Kearney A. Snyder Funeral Home.

Review Spring/Summer 2014  25

Listeners to Central Pennsylvania’s modern-rock radio station WQXA-105.7, Harrisburg, are no doubt familiar with the popular on-air personality “Nipsey–The People’s DJ,” co-host and anchor of “The People’s Morning Show” broadcast each weekday morning. A 20-year radio veteran, 13 of which as a longtime fixture at 105.7, who is known for his blunt honesty and incisive humor, Nipsey took a few minutes from his day to speak to Review about his alma mater.

Nipsey ’95

What are your memories of student life/activities when you were a student at Millersville? I have a lot of good memories of my time at Millersville. I was very involved with the track team, among other things. Coach Young – he’s a good egg! Obviously the time I spent working at the student radio station prepared me for life after school as well.

What was the impact of college radio on your broadcasting career? This was where I got my start and had my first radio show. I worked at WIXQ for three years hosting my own talk show and also worked with MUTV. We tried to keep it educational and discuss issues around campus to keep people happy, but there was a lot of humor involved, too!

How did your experiences at Millersville prepare you for success after school? I was originally an education major, believe it or not, but I had an interest in finding out more about radio. Dr. Dorman was a huge help to me as far as getting into speech communications and finding my niche. The Radio One course I took really pointed me in the direction I wanted to go in. The encouragement I received from faculty at Millersville had a big impact on me.

What advice would you offer to students today who are about to graduate and join the “real world”? Take advantage of internships! I did three when I was a student, and they were all fantastic. They were at radio stations where I got to learn how to use equipment and meet people who I would later work with after graduation. Persistence is the real key, no matter what field you are working in. Never be afraid to put yourself out there and pester people! The more people you meet when you’re in school, the more success you’re probably going to have later on in life. • Troy A. Alesi ’93, State College, was selected as the Technology & Engineering Education Association of Pennsylvania High School Teacher of the Year for 2013-14. He also received a Teacher of Excellence Award from the International Technology Engineering Education Association. • Jean-Paul Benowitz ’93 Elizabethtown, teaches American history and religious studies at Elizabethtown College and has written a book titled Elizabethtown College: The Campus History Series. • Cathy Busha ’93, Portland, Ore., is the new director of inclu-

sion and multicultural engagement at Lewis & Clark College. • Maribel Gonzalez-Delgado ’93, Garland, Texas, was chosen “Teacher of the Year 2013-14” at Martha Turner Reilly Elementary School in the Dallas Independent School District. She is a thirdgrade bilingual teacher. • Jodi Grajcar Zeis ’96, Elgin, S.C., was selected as the 2014 Igniting Creative Energy National Teacher of the Year. Sponsored by Johnson Controls, the program encourages students to create projects to conserve energy and water or develop a way to convince people to conserve. She had students finish in first and

26  Review Spring/Summer 2014

second place, and an honorable mention at the national level. She teaches at the Richland School District Two in Columbia, S.C. • Joe Gormley ’97, Collegeville, was promoted to executive sales manager for Mine Safety Appliance covering Southeast Pennsylvania, Southern New Jersey and Delaware. • Kristin Joivell ’97, Huntingdon, received a scholarship to attend the American Wilderness Leadership School in Wyoming. She is a teacher in the Juniata Valley Elementary School. • Ryan Landis ’97, Ephrata, was appointed as the athletic director for Warwick School District.

• Patrick R. Leahy ’97, Washington, D.C., was featured on NBC’s “Today Show” on 11/18/13 to discuss his accomplishments in bodybuilding despite being vision impaired. • Lawrence T. Lucarino ’98, Quarryville, is the senior industrial safety advisor at Exelon Corporation’s Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station. • Andrea L. Gingrich ’99, Lancaster, was appointed as the executive director of Pennsylvania Association of Nonprofit Associations (PANO). She had served as the director of Millersville University’s Nonprofit Resource Network since 2007. • Colleen Penzone ’99, Aston, received her doctorate of education degree in reading and language arts from Widener University in May. • Adam C. Sherrick ’99, Lancaster, is the manager of employee and labor relations for Comcast’s Keystone Region.

2000s • Mike Chick ’00, Washington, D.C., was named one of the Washington, D.C., area’s top criminal defense lawyers in the December 2013 issue of Washingtonian Magazine. • William “Chip” Rice ’00M, has written a novel called The Tree, which is available on Amazon and • Andrew T. Folmar ’01, Leesport, resigned as head football coach for Kutztown University to become the offensive coordinator at Lehigh University. • Charlene (Clarke) Edwards ’03, Secane, received a master’s degree in administrative science from Fairleigh Dickinson

class notes University in May 2013. • Melissa Croak Shafer ’03, Quakertown, is the township manager at Bethlehem Township. • Natalie D. Shaak ’05, Philadelphia, was promoted to associate director of student affairs at Drexel University. • Kathleen Grenier ’07, Willow Street, is now a math supervisor for Penn Manor School District. • Kelly (May) Clouse ’07, Florence, S.C., earned her master’s degree in biology from Clemson University. • Allison M. Bishop ’08, York, accepted the position as a technical writer at the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency. • Ryan Boyd ’08M, Lancaster, was hired as the vice president and relationship manager for National Penn Bancshares. • Raymond C. Fowle ’08, Derwood, Md., was promoted as the new head football coach at Magruder High School. • Jonathan H. Hackett ’08, Brodheadsville, was stationed through U.S. Peace Corps for two years and three months to train in the Republic of Vanuatu, a former British-French jointly administered colony. • Ashley Hadsall ’08 received a master’s degree in professional studies in human resources and employment relations from Penn State University. • Renee Lynn Fraker ’09, ’11M, Boston, Mass., serves as an assistant director for athletic development at Endicott College, where she has begun coursework to obtain her Master of Business Administration in finance. She ran in the Boston Marathon. • Julie Salvano ’09, Philadelphia, started a business called Rhythm Babies, a traveling company that

teaches group music lessons at homes, preschools, daycare facilities and special events.

2010s • Dominic (Ross) Billett ’10, Nazareth, is a drummer for Toy

Soldiers, a quartet band that plays in Lancaster. • Wesley Schmidt ’10, Lancaster, was promoted to public relations associate

account manager at Godfrey Advertising in Lancaster. • Sara Gallo ’11, Hatboro, received a celebrity endorsement for her jewelry from Whoopi Goldberg on the TV show The View.

Respiratory therapists celebrate program’s 50th anniversary and success in their much-in-demand profession The Program in Respiratory Therapy celebrated 50 years on 3/22/14 at Millersville’s campus with more than 75 guests in attendance. Millersville’s program is one of the longest continuously accredited schools in the nation, having its roots in a training course that was first taught in 1963. Millersville is one of only five colleges in Pennsylvania to offer a bachelor’s degree in respiratory care, and the only one in the country whose graduates are also awarded a bachelor’s degree in biology. Millersville has the distinction of boasting a 100 percent job placement rate among its graduates, 96 percent of whom have gone on to get their Registered Respiratory Therapy credentials in a threeyear window following graduation, according to John Hughes, who retired at the end of the spring semester. He has been involved with the respiratory therapy program for 42 years, spending the last 27 as the program’s director. Hughes said, “We haven’t had anyone who has sought employment after graduation not get a job.” Pictured above: 4th row: Robert Smith, Dean of the School of Science and Mathematics; Jarrod Harleman ’10; Michael Edwards ’12; Jeff Langley ’76; Matt Houseman ’05; Mark Simmons ’77; Robert Evans ’73; John Rutkowski ’72; Chuck Heckenberger ’82; Dean Hess ’74; John Emberger ’93. 3rd row: Joel Piperberg, biology professor; Jessica Laubach ’13; Tara Shearer ’12; Leah Graham ’12; Laurie Wallace ’85; Amy (Slick) Avella ’85; Kathy Rupp ’73; Rustin (Bladen) Daugherty ’98; Nora (Cook) Scotch ’98; Rebecca (Kemp) Poggi ’98; Elizabeth Brown ’13; Brad Leidich ’73. 2nd row: Carol Ely Hepfer, biology professor; Laura Houser ’81; Judie (Bailey) Jackson ’81; Stacy Goodling ’97; Karen (Mihan) Ford ’01; Christie (Forsman) Lupo ’07; Nicole Carides ’13; James Johnson IV ’13; Jefferson Mixell ’13; Jim Smoker ’73; Carl Hoover, instructor, Respiratory Therapy Program. 1st row: Mike Krohn ’80; Joel Brown ’98; Dawn (Riddell) Selhorst ’88; Lisa (Bauer) Welsh ’88; Mary Lawhead ’88; John Hughes, director, Respiratory Therapy Program; Tim Stengel ’13; Shawn Mayer ’13; Linda (Boclair) Scholes ’84; Kim Reichert ’83.

Review Spring/Summer 2014  27

“Urbanscaping” sculpted by Tudbink’s

Bursting with vibrant colors and the glorious beauty of flowers and plants, floral sculptures created by Van Binkley ’83 are on display at the finest establishments throughout Lancaster City and County. In unexpected places—like the Lancaster Marriott at Penn Square or Isaac’s Restaurant on Queen Street or at Bloomfield Square in Manheim Township­—Binkley works his magic by bringing the beauty of rural Conestoga to urban and suburban locales. Suddenly the asphalt, brick and concrete are alive with gorgeous flowers and plants. It’s amazing what the touch of green, pink, red, orange, yellow and purple can do for a gray cityscape. For Binkley, his work at Tudbink’s Farm in Conestoga has been a labor of love. He and his wife Beth started the business in the late 1980s. Back then, they were in the tomato business, growing fresh market tomatoes and seedless watermelons on the property that was once his family’s farm. “We named it after my parents,” explains Binkley, noting that his mother had the nickname of “Tud,” and his father was known as “Bink,” short for his last name. The two names together became Tudbink’s. When the tomato business began to suffer because of the many farm markets in Lancaster County, Binkley turned to flowers and plants. He then discovered there were lots of nurseries too. So Binkley put his marketing degree and business sense to work and came up with what he calls “urbanscaping.” What that involves, quite simply, is landscaping urban areas with plants and flowers where there may not be any garden, or even any visible soil. The vegetation is planted in containers, which involves planters that range in color and materials. The planters might be huge concrete containers, baskets, giant plastic flowerpots, clay pots or any other type of container to hold the soil and plants. They can even be designed with invisible irrigation tubing so the property owners don’t even have to think about watering them. Since they are planted in clean soil and planted very compactly, the risk of weeds is greatly reduced. The beautiful flower planters are luxurious with color, right in the middle of a busy city intersection or outside a shopping center. The garden is there, adding lush green and splashes of colorful blossoms to the urbanscape. “One of the things I gained from my Millersville degree was learning how to learn,” says Binkley, adding that much of his education in plants and farming was self-taught. A researcher at heart, Binkley studies and learns about the plants, the soil, growing conditions, watering, irrigation and all the details. He knows which plants thrive in sun and which are best for shady spots. Back when he grew tomatoes, he

28  Review Spring/Summer 2014

Van Binkley ’83 transformed Tudbink’s, his family’s tomato farm, into a nursery specializing in flowers and plants for urbanscaping.

used a triple irrigation system to grow the best tomatoes possible. Binkley is an artist too. At Millersville, he took photography courses, which translated into an understanding of color, light and composition. With his planters, he becomes a sculptor, molding living plants into a sculpture with dimension, texture and color. Often, he experiments with a new concept, blending unusual plants with familiar species. For homage to Isaac’s, which is known for their pink flamingo mascot, pink is the word. Flowers in every shade of pink bloom in the planters at the Isaac’s in downtown Lancaster. In addition to planters for weddings and special occasions, Tudbink’s is open for retail customers from April through July, and Binkley provides plants and materials for landscaping and do-it-yourself planters. It’s Binkley’s passion for urbanscaping that provides Tudbink’s unique niche. And it is spreading for all sorts of urban gardening projects, like rain gardens, rooftop vegetable gardens and street side planters. “Traditional landscaping in metro areas is expensive— and sometimes impossible, due to the concrete, asphalt and fixtures. Urbanscaping brings green to the city streets by using in-ground or above-ground containers,” says Binkley, adding that greening the city softens the harshness of the busy streets with brush strokes of living material. “With custom planters, you can take risks, do something unusual. We change them seasonally, so you can do different color schemes and types of flowers,” says Binkley. “It’s almost like match-making, with the ability to change your mind.”

Diamond Edmonds ’12 shines as Miss Philadelphia Some little girls dream of being a beauty queen with a sparkling tiara. Not Diamond Edmonds. When she was young, she loved playing sports and being a tomboy. Competing in a pageant was far away from her dreams of being a teacher and dancer. “I was as surprised as anyone when I was named as Miss Philadelphia,” says Edmonds, who graduated with a bachelor’s degree in education. But, she is thoroughly enjoying her role as a representative of her hometown of Philadelphia. “When I first told my mother I was participating in the Miss Philadelphia was a surprise to her,” says Edmonds, who credits her mother, Geobeth Smith, with being her most significant role model in life. “I am her only child,” says Edmonds. “She just recently graduated from Temple University with her bachelor’s degree. We’ve been each other’s motivation and inspiration to reach for higher education.” Edmonds was raised by her mother and grandparents and has three siblings on her father’s side. She also has an extended church family at Greater Exodus Baptist Church in North Philadelphia. It was her mother who helped her choose Millersville University. Since Edmonds was interested in becoming a teacher, her mother did some research and suggested Millersville for its education department. It turned out mom was right. Edmonds loved her four years at Millersville. It was also her mother who encouraged Edmonds in her dance studies. From the time she was a little girl, she took dance lessons. In the talent competition of the Miss Philadelphia pageant she wowed the judges with her vibrant tap dance to Michael Jackson hits. “I think that helped a lot,” says Edmonds, adding that she was thrilled to win the Miss Philadelphia title and will use her scholarship towards earning her master’s degree in education. Right now she is in her second year teaching at People for People charter school in Philadelphia. Her pupils are first-graders. She also teaches dance at a local studio, Feltonville Dream Center. “Miss Philadelphia is considered a full-time job. However, the organization is fully committed [to] and values education and career development, so the women are strongly encouraged to continue their work,” she says. “Besides, women can do it all!” Edmonds entered the pageant after she participated in two scholarship pageants on campus. She competed in the Miss Millersville Pageant during her freshman year as Miss MU Dance and won the second-place prize. In her junior year, she was crowned Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. Miss Black and Gold 2011. She realized that the pageants could provide more scholarship opportunities and decided to go big. In 2013 she was first runner-up for Miss Philadelphia and won the People’s Choice Award. This year, she tried again and won the crown. At the Miss Pennsylvania Scholarship Pageant held in Pittsburgh in June, Edmonds finished in the top eleven and tied with another contestant in a preliminary talent competition. Her platform is “Pay It Forward,” which focuses on recruiting mentors for various organizations, says Edmonds, who was the membership chair and vice president of the Color of Teaching Mentoring Program at Millersville. She is passionate about finding


mentors for youth in all areas of interest. “Growing up in Philly, it seemed as if the world was so small and my imagination did not expand further than my neighborhood and surrounding areas. It was not until my college mentoring experience that I realized the many opportunities that I could make for myself,” she says. “I just want to make this feeling of empowerment possible to kids as young as middle-school age, and a great way of doing that is through mentoring.” At Millersville, Diamond was able to get away from the hustle and bustle of Philadelphia and focus on school and friends. As she notes, the Millersville and Lancaster area is very different from Philly. She likes the dynamics of both, with Lancaster’s First Friday and close-knit arts community, and Philadelphia’s urban culture with the arts and theaters. She has been dancing since she was a little girl, living up to her sparkling name of Diamond. She went to Philadelphia High School for Creative and Performing Arts as a dance major, where she trained in ballet, jazz, modern, tap, hip hop, salsa and just about every other form of dance. “I performed as a background dancer for another Millersville alumnus, Jasmine “Gogo” Morrow ’08, who toured with Lady Gaga as her background singer. She is now developing her own solo career and asked me to dance with her in her concert,” says Edmonds. “I’d love to do something like that again!” At Millersville, Edmonds was involved with the MU Dance Team and Footprints Dance Team, then joined Essence Dance Team. She also attended Black Student Union meetings and events. In addition, she worked as a student aide for Dr. Tim Mahoney, associate professor in the Department of Educational Foundations. “My greatest, funniest memories were in Dr. Rita Smith Wade-El’s [psychology professor] classes. I had her for Women’s Studies and a part of my African-American literature class. Her classes were always unpredictable, and her comments are hilarious!” says Edmonds. “I think everyone should take Rita’s class before they leave MU.” As Miss Philadelphia, Edmonds is loving every moment of helping young girls reach for their dreams. As for her own dreams, she has always pictured herself on stage at Radio City Music Hall as a Rockette, as well as teaching and mentoring children, encouraging young dancers and maybe being a backup dancer.

Review Spring/Summer 2014  29

class notes • Christopher Funk ’11, Allentown, is a member of the environmental department at Barry Iselt & Associates. • Erik Lee Everett ’12, Sayorsburg, is a technology education teacher at Wilson Area Intermediate School and worked with his students to make handheld wooden basketball games that they then donated to Toys for Tots through the Marine Corps League Detachment No. 298. • Gillian G. Hollen ’12, Emmitsburg, Md., joined Cumberland Valley School of Music. She teaches voice at the CVSM Trinity United Church of Christ and substitutes at the Waynesboro Area School District. • Megan Leach ’13, Bradley, Maine, is attending the University of Maine’s graduate school for ecology and environmental

sciences. She is part of a project that is studying native bee pollination and the Maine crop of wild blueberries. • Susan Sines ’13M, Pittsburgh, accepted a position as a nursing instructor for Shadyside Hospital School of Nursing in Pittsburgh.

Marriages • Mary Jean (Lillard) Plank ’61 and Louis Corbelli, 11/30/13. • Michael Craney ’03 and Kiersten Klein, 12/8/13. • Stephen Bigoski ’05 and Frank Farmer, 10/5/13. • Taylor Goodwin, ’05 and Jacob Ruder, 9/28/13. • Fotini Tzinis ’05 and John Stratis, 10/13/13. • Tiffani Gonzalez ’06 and Brad Rhen, 11/9/13. • Kristi Fulkerson ’07 and Dan

Csencsitz, ’07, 6/29/13. • Emily See ’08 and Derek Rinaldo, 7/23/11. • Heather Zander ’11 and Adam Campbell, 6/9/12. • Karen Parker ’12 and Alex Devenburgh, 11/23/13. • Melanie Lukawsky ’10 and Randall Griffith, 9/28/13. • Andrew S. Calhoun ’12 and Amanda L. Duelfer ’12, 6/22/13.

Births • Daniel Hollinger ’96 and wife Kelly (McGee) ’97, a daughter, Sophia Elaine, on 6/5/13. • James N. Sottek ’97 and wife Laura, a daughter, Lila, on 10/28/13. • Larry Lucarino ’98 and wife Mary (McKee) ’01, a son, Vincenzo, on 9/20/2012. • Louisa Paradiso ’99 and

Timothy Burke, a son, Aiden Alexander, on 7/15/13. • Jennifer (Siuta) Young ’99 and husband Jason ’00, a daughter, Emerson Lee, on 12/2/13. • Carrie Champ Morera ’01 and husband David, a daughter, Layla Fabiola, on 2/26/13. • Angela (Graver) Traub ’01 and husband Chad ’01, a son, Logan Hunter, on 10/16/13. • Greg Eynon ’02 and wife Melanie, a son, Jack Thomas, on 3/21/13. • Casey (Nolt) Gaus ’02 and husband Jason, a daughter, Charlotte Emily, on 11/28/13; a son, Elias Benjamin, on 5/29/10; and a daughter, Rhiley Pamela, on 11/30/08. • Elizabeth (Rishel) Peitzman ’02 and husband Matthew D. ’02, a son, Tristan, on 1/13/14; and, a daughter, Zoe, born in 2010.

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30  Review Spring/Summer 2014

6/19/14 11:56 AM

Tiffani Gonzalez ’06 and Brad Rhen were married on 11/9/13. Shayna Buchmoyer ’06 was in the bridal party.

Heather Zander ’11 and Adam Campbell were married on 6/9/12.

Lynn DeAngelis ’08 and Matt April ’11 were married on 6/7/13, in Lancaster. Also in the wedding party were Katy (Troup) Miller ’08, Ann Cappelli ’13M, Rachel Beneski ’09 and Geordie Ditter ’11.

Mary Jean (Lillard) Plank ’61 married Louis Corbelli on 11/30/13.

Andrew S. Calhoun ’12 and Amanda L. Duelfer ’12, were married at Millersville University on 6/22/13. Also in the bridal party were Russell FraleyHogg ’10, Justin Neideigh ’12, Nicholas Duelfer ’17, Elizabeth Walsh ’12, and Kelly Derr ’12.

Melanie Lukawsky ’10 and Randall Griffith were married on 9/28/13. Also in the wedding party were Kelcey (Henry) Lahr ’10 and Lauren (Cohick) Steco ’10.

Fotini Tzinis ’05 and John Stratis were married on 10/13/13. Pictured here is the bride with her Sigma Phi Delta sorority sisters, l-r): Lindsey Heckard ’05, Maria (Campion) Sabados ’06, Sophorn Sou ’06, Fotini (Tzinis) Stratis ’05, Jackie (Tyszka) Gillard ’05, Jennifer (Maurizzio) Ennis ’05, Lauren (Dervrich) Matthews ’05, Tracy (Venneri) Deromedi ’06 and Tiffany Shomo ’03.

Kristi Fulkerson ’07 and Dan Csencsitz ’07 were married on 6/29/13, in Towanda, Pa. At Millersville, Kristi played on the women’s soccer team 2003-06, and Dan played football 2002-06. Also in the bridal party were Chrissy (Pepper) Casella ’07, Kari (John) Miller ’06, Ryan Clift ’06 and Andrew McCormack ’07, ’09M. The wedding photographer was Jeffrey Benzon ’06 and the DJ was Eric Brobst ’07.

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class notes • Jarad Tucker ’02 and wife Amy, a son, Chase, on 5/12/05, and a daughter, Avery, on 4/4/14. • Dan Carre ’03 and wife Danielle (Paul) ’04, a daughter, Alyssa Katherine, on 6/26/13. • Charlene (Clarke) Edwards ’03 and husband James III, a daughter, London Brielle, on 4/4/12. • Abby (Wagner) Miles ’03 and husband Brian ’04, a daughter, Adeline Grace, on 2/17/14. • Melissa A. Shafer ’03 and husband Michael ’04, a daughter, Sadie Lee, on 11/1/11; and a son, Bradley George, on 8/9/13. • Allison Wagner ’03 and husband Jeb ’04, a son, Finn Douglas, on 8/25/13. • Lauren (Leshak) Espenshade ’06 and husband Troy ’09, a daughter, Claire Ethny, on 11/5/13. • Emily (Newhard) Quinlan ’06 and husband Kevin R. ’06, a son, Cole Rothwell, on 10/30/13. • Adric Alvin Clements ’07 and wife Nicolle (Gable) ’08, a son, Shane Robert, on 3/31/14. • Christa (DiMassa) Peters ’08, ’13M and husband Brett ’10, a daughter, Charlotta Maria Peters, on 1/21/14. • Amanda (Fosbenner) Rippley ’08 and husband Chris ’11, a son, David Rippley, on 2/28/14. • Kaitlyn Taylor ’08, ’09M and husband Richard ’10, a son, Connor, on 8/23/13. • Kristiann (Webster) Rizzo ’09 and husband Jack, a daughter, Joy Marie, on 12/9/13.

Deaths • Beatrice M. Smith ’39, Lancaster, died on 11/24/13, at the age of 96. She was a teacher before serving as an instructor in Millersville University’s Department of Elementary Education, retiring in 1984.

• Harry Lines ’40, Millersville, died on 5/31/14, at the age of 95. He was president of Harry Lines Insurance Agency, Inc., Laurel, Md., for 30 years, retiring in 1979. He was also a past member of the MU Alumni Association’s board of directors. He served in the U.S. Army Air Corps in the South Pacific during World War II. • Carlton H. Shindler ’40, Westborough, Mass., died on 2/7/14, at the age of 95. He was an industrial arts teacher and then a principal for the Solanco School District in Quarryville, Pa. He implemented the wrestling program there in 1951 and was later inducted into the Solanco Athletic Hall of Fame. • Isabel (Gannes) Chaknos ’42, Wyomissing, died on 11/21/13, at the age of 92. She was a teacher for more than 25 years and received the distinction of “Teacher of the Year” while working for the School District of Lancaster. She was also the first Greek-American woman in the Lancaster area to earn a bachelor’s degree from Millersville. • Goldie (Haldeman) Cleaver ’42, Rock Island, Ill., died on 12/1/13, at the age of 93. She was an teacher for 35 years. • Ethel May Brendle ’43, Lititz, died on 3/2/14, at the age of 93. She taught at Maple Grove, Western and Summit Valley elementary schools. • John W. Kammerer ’43, Lancaster, died on 2/5/14, at the age of 92. He was ordained as a pastor in 1946 and was active in the Lutheran ministry for many years with several congregations, retiring in 1983.

32  Review Spring/Summer 2014

• Marguerite (Overly) Reardon ’47, Willow Street, died on 2/27/14, at the age of 95. She was an elementary schoolteacher for many years at the Penn Manor and Solanco school districts. • Joseph A. Podlesny ’48, New Port Richey, Fla., died on 2/13/14, at the age of 89. He taught at Black Creek Township and Montgomery County, Md., public schools, retiring as a vice principal. • E. Jerry Brooks ’49, Lancaster, died on 7/7/13, at the age of 88. He taught for many years at McCaskey High School, where he also coached football, wrestling, cross country and track and field. He later served as principal for Hand Middle School and Penn Manor High School, before serving as the assistant superintendent at Penn Manor. • Mary “Libby” (Shenk) Hartman ’50, Bridgeport, Conn., died on 2/18/14, at the age of 86. She worked as an educator in Pennsylvania and later as a substitute teacher in Connecticut. • Joanne Edgerley ’51, Lancaster, died on 11/11/13, at the age of 83. She taught at George Ross Elementary School for 39 years. • Ruth (Leister) McCoach ’51, West Chester, died on 3/15/13, at the age of 83. She worked as a college course advisor for West Chester University of Pennsylvania. • Charles R. Dutill ’54, ’61M, Norristown, died on 3/21/13, at the age of 82. He worked at the Haverford School in many roles during his 32-year tenure, including math teacher, dean of admissions, dean of faculty and assistant to the headmaster. • Shirley (Pickell) Lemon ’55, Lancaster, died on 12/10/13, at the age of 80. She was an educa-

tor in the Warwick and Manheim Township school districts. • Glenn L. White ’58, ’75M, Middletown, Va., died on 11/16/13, at the age of 81. He was a project scheduling computer consultant and wrote three books related to his career. • Rochella (Cool) Wolfe ’58, Latrobe, died on 7/26/13, at the age of 76. She retired from the Covenant Presbyterian Church Pre-School of Ligonier as a teacher. • Audrey Ann (Burie) Kirchner ’59, Lancaster, died on 4/16/14, at the age of 76. She spent her life as an educator, having worked for a number of years as an early education professor at Millersville University until her retirement. Prior to that, she was a teacher for the James Buchanan Elementary School. • Jere E. Rutherford ’59, Mechanicsburg, died on 2/14/14, at the age of 80. He taught technology education in the Mechanicsburg Area School District. He retired in 1992 and was co-owner of Jack or Jere Home Improvement. • Kenneth L. Hess ’60, Mechanicsburg, died on 12/16/13, at the age of 75. He taught biology at William Penn High School in York and then worked in administrative services for the Pennsylvania Game Commission for 31 years. • Barbara (Burbank) Wisdom ’60, Willistown, died on 12/31/13, at the age of 75. She was an elementary schoolteacher for several years before transitioning to a career in financial planning. • Gladys (Anderson) Wagner ’61, York, died on 2/14/14, at the age of 84. She taught children with special needs in the York School District.

Remembrances • Kathryn Borelli, Mount Joy, died on 3/9/14, at the age of 66. She was an administrative assistant at Millersville University for 33 years before her retirement. She was a member of the Manheim Central Alumni Association and Manheim Little Theatre Company. • Madelyn Elicker, Millersville, died on 4/26/14, at the age of 85. She had worked as an administrative assistant in the Millersville University infirmary and prepared food for the Millersville Area Meals on Wheels Program for a number of years. • Dr. Kurt Rudolf Fischer, Vienna, Austria, died 3/22/14, at the age of 92. He left Vienna after Hitler arrived and became a refugee in Czechoslovakia. He later moved to Shanghai, China, where he became a middleweight boxing champion known as “Whirlwind Fischer.” After World War II, he immigrated to the United States and taught philosophy at the University of California at Berkeley, Harvard University, CUNY Brooklyn and the University of Vienna before arriving at Millersville University in 1966. He received honors from the City of Vienna and the Austrian government for his significant contributions to contemporary Austrian philosophy. • Dr. Abram J. Foster, Millersville, died on 2/19/14, at the age of 98. He was a professor of history emeritus, serving as a member of Millersville University faculty from 1952-79. Before coming to Millersville, he taught at Penn State - Pottsville, University of Pittsburgh and Slippery Rock State College. He had a great influence on his students and became lifelong friends with many of them. A member of Phi Sigma Pi, a national honor fraternity, he served as its president 1964-69 and also as its historian. In 1941, he enlisted in the U.S. Army as a private and left the service as a captain in December 1945. • Isaac “Ike” Kline Hay Jr., Lancaster, died on 2/14/14, at the age of 69. He was an art professor emeritus at Millersville University, joining the faculty in 1975 and retiring 30 years later. He refined the University’s bronze foundry to meet industry standards, and led a team of student artists to replicate a life-size triceratops skull for Smithsonian’s Natural History Museum. His sculptures are in Alaska, Alabama, Florida, Oklahoma and throughout Pennsylvania. He served in the Army Reserves. Memorial contributions may be made payable to Johns Hopkins University, Fund for Johns Hopkins Medicine or to Millersville University for the Art Department’s Juried Student Show Sculpture Award. • Hazel I. Jackson, Lancaster, died on 7/7/14, at the age of 87. She was an assistant professor emerita of English and African-American literature at Millersville University. When she joined Millersville in 1970, she was the first female, African-American faculty member. Prior to Millersville, she was an English teacher at Lancaster’s Hand Junior High School. She was rejected 12 times before she was eventually hired as the first African-American woman teacher in Lancaster. At Millersville, she and Professor Bruce


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Kellner initiated courses in African-American literature and instituted a Black Expressions program. She was also an accomplished poet, playwright and director. When she retired from Millersville in 1994, the Hazel I. Jackson Scholarship Fund was established in her honor as was an annual lectureship. Memorial contributions may be made to the Hazel I. Jackson Scholarship Fund, Development Office, Millersville University, P.O. Box 1002, Millersville, PA 17551. • Katherine M. “Kitty” Johns, Quarryville, Pa., died on 4/3/14, at the age of 93. She was a former housekeeper in the residence halls at Millersville University. • Anna (Lorenz) Simon, Millersville, died on 6/8/14, at the age of 94. She retired in 1980 from Millersville University. She and her late husband emigrated from Germany in 1952, and she was active with her family at the Lancaster Liederkranz. • Willis Shenk ’02H, Lancaster, died on 4/5/14, at the age of 98. He spent his career with Steinman Enterprises and became the first chairman of the board who was not a member of the Steinman family. At one time the company owned newspapers, a TV station, a cable company, seven radio stations, a printing company and coal companies. He retired at the age of 89. The Elsie S. Shenk Center for Health Education and Promotion was established by him and is named for his late wife, Elsie (Sherer) Shenk ’75, who died in 2010. Contributions may be sent in his memory to the Elsie S. Shenk Wellness and Women’s Fund at Millersville University. • Clayton N. Thomas, New Danville, died 1/29/14, at the age of 96. He worked as a custodian at Millersville University for 19 years. A farmer for most of his life, he was also a lifetime member of the New Danville Fire Dept. for more than 50 active years of membership. • Dr. Ellen (Barber) Waldeck, Lancaster, died on 6/6/14, at the age of 67. She began her tenure at Millersville University as assistant dean of women. Among her contributions to the University was being the first to name the swans, “Miller” and “S’ville.” She retired from Millersville in 1999 at the rank of full professor, having served as the dean for resident life for almost 20 years. She volunteered with the Millersville Jaycettes, was an emergency medical technician for the West End Ambulance Association, and was a patient advocate in the emergency department at Lancaster Regional Medical Center (LRMC). Her favorite volunteer position was as a baby “cuddler” in the nursery at LRMC. • Paul G. Wedel, Lititz, died on 7/6/14, at the age of 87. He was president and CEO of Lancaster General Hospital from 1964 until 1992 and was a leading force behind the hospital’s Suburban Outpatient Pavilion (also referred to as the LGH Health Campus). He served for many years on Millersville University’s Council of Trustees, the MU Foundation and was active in Millersville’s first capital campaign. In 2001, Millersville University’s Alumni Association named him as an honorary Millersville alumnus. He served in the U.S. Navy during World War II and the Korean War.

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class notes • Kay E. Vandergrift ’62, Lancaster, died on 7/1/14, at the age of 73. She was a professor emerita from Rutgers University and a leading scholar in children’s literature. At Rutgers for 19 years, she was a professor, a dean and the founding director of two programs, an online post-masters certificate in youth literature and an undergraduate information technology and informatics major. Prior to Rutgers, she taught at Columbia University for 23 years. A generous benefactor to her alma mater, she co-founded Millersville’s Innovator-in-Residence program and a scholarship to benefit nontraditional female students. • S. Jeanette (Hipple) Germer ’62, Elizabethtown, died on 9/11/13, at the age of 93. She was a nurse and certified EMT. • Joanne (Foy) DiBiase ’63, Kennett Square, died on 2/11/14, at the age of 72. She worked as a mathematics teacher for Avon Grove and Unionville high schools. She then served as the head of Unionville’s math department until she retired in 1999. • Jerry L. Kunkle ’63, North East, Md., died on 12/9/13, at the age of 72. He retired from the Cecil County Board of Education in 1992 after 33 years of service. • Marjorie (Snyder) Lednum ’63, Cambridge, Md., died on 12/30/13, at the age of 71. She worked for many years as an elementary teacher before managing the family businesses, Lednum’s Jewelers and Beltone Lednum Hearing Centers. In 2012, she was recognized at the Beltone National Meeting for 40

SUBMISSIONS In order to ensure that your news will appear in the Fall 2014 issue, please submit it by September 1, 2014

years of dedicated service to the hearing impaired. • Robert D. Rice ’63, Murphysboro, Ill., died on 7/29/13, at the age of 72. He taught industrial arts for 29 years at Roxbury High School in New Jersey. He retired and then joined the staff at Blue Ridge Lumber Co. until 1989 when he moved to Punta Gorda, Fla., and worked at St. Andrew’s Golf Course as head mechanic for 16 years. • H. Stewart Baughman Jr. ’65, Columbia, died on 1/30/14, at the age of 72. He retired after 30 years of service from the Harrisburg School District, where he was employed as an elementary educator. • Joan Angstadt McCaskey ’65, Naples, Fla., died on 9/11/13. She taught at Reading High School and later at Naples High School in 1972. She then taught at Barron Collier High School until her retirement in 2006. • Barry Steierwald ’65, ’70M, Parkersburg, died on 9/26/13. • Ronald Hamsher ’66, ’77M, Columbia, died on 12/16/13, at the age of 73. He was a teacher of language arts for Warwick School District, retiring in 1997 after 31 years of service. He was also an adjunct professor at Millersville University and worked as a greeter at Dutch Apple Dinner Theater. • Rebecca Longenecker ’68, Elizabethtown, died on 12/18/13, at the age of 88. A nurse, she began working at the Hershey Medical Center in 1970 when it opened, and retired in 1992. • Carolyn Brooks Lane ’70, Dacula, died on 2/7/14, at the age of 65. Throughout her 41-year career in the field of education, she taught English and reading and served as a school counselor.

34  Review Spring/Summer 2014

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She officially retired in 2013, but continued teaching and counseling with adult students to complete their ESL and GED degrees. • Frank Baker ’71, State College, died on 11/1/13, at the age of 66. He served as a teacher from 1971-2006 with the Huntingdon County School District. • Richard Lundell ’71, Cascade, Mont., died on 7/12/13, at the age of 70. • Helen Landis Foehlinger ’72, Cockeysville, Md., died on 6/16/08, at the age of 86. She worked at Marietta Air Force Depot and New Cumberland Army Depot as a civilian. • Donna White Stout ’72, Lancaster, died on 2/13/14, at the age of 63. She was employed as a preschool teacher for Chesterbrook Academy. • William Pennell III ’73, Rothsville, died on 3/3/14, at the age of 73. He served as a certified school psychologist, retiring from the Philadelphia and Baltimore City school districts. He also owned Psychological Services. • Jay Miffoluf ’73, Harrisburg, died on 1/30/14, at the age of 62. He was employed for 31 years at the Defense Information Systems Agency in Mechanicsburg. • Peggy Lou Eckart Hess ’75, Lititz, died on 3/11/14, at the age of 77. She was a registered nurse at Warwick High School. • David Sinton ’76, Spring Grove, died on 11/26/12, at the age of 58. He was an instructor for ITT Technical Institute in Harrisburg. • Gail Yoder ’77, Lancaster, died on 2/11/14, at the age of 58. She last worked as a cake decorator for Giant and previously worked for 18 years in the trucking industry. • Ruth Ann Eckman Frey ’78,

Lancaster, died on 2/12/13, at the age of 73. A nurse and healthcare administrator, she worked for Lancaster General Hospital, Susquehanna Administrators and Southside Regional Medical Center in Washington County. • Elizabeth Charles Wertz ’85, Lancaster, died on 1/14/14, at the age of 53. She was the program and activities director at Long Home. • Nancy Jenkins ’85, Conestoga, died 2/5/14, at the age of 76. • Gene Michael “Mike” Cooper ’89, Lancaster, died on 2/5/14, at the age of 58. He worked for Armstrong World Industries from 1974-2004 and served in the U.S. Army. • Jerome Dixon ’89, Sharon Hill, died on 8/8/13, at the age of 46. He was an engineer for Innovative Solutions and Support. • Michelle Berkey Blazic ’90, Lancaster, died on 12/15/13, at the age of 45. She worked at First United Methodist Church in Lancaster as the director of children’s ministries. • Edward Paul “Tedd” Hess ’93M, Lancaster, died on 4/23/14, at the age of 63. He was an adjunct professor at Millersville University, where he taught philosophy and psychology. He also taught at Harrisburg Area Community College, Immaculata University and Penn State. In addition, he worked with private clients as a clinical psychotherapist. • Peter J.L. Perella ’00 died on 2/24/14, at the age of 35. An ordained minister of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, he had most recently served as its director for worship formation and liturgical resources at its national headquarters in Chicago.

reasons to give

Gifts from our generous donors make it possible for us to offer about 420 scholarships to Millersville University students. And more than 125 of those scholarships are named in honor or memory of a former or current faculty member. Supporting extraordinary students is the best way to safeguard Millersville University. Meet just a few of the exceptional students benefitting from these gifts. For a complete list of scholarships or to find out how to support students through a scholarship, please call 877-872-3820, or Dr. Cynthia C. Dilgard Scholarship Alex Brubaker ’14 Hometown: Lancaster Major: English “I’m a firm believer in the power and necessity of art and literature in the world, and this award is another reminder that it is a worthy pursuit.” James E. Koken Science Scholarship Pineal Bekere ’16 Hometown: Lancaster Major: Chemistry “I plan to go to medical school to become a pediatrician. Your kind gift of the scholarship is a great help to me financially. It will help me to focus on my studies and achieve my dream.” Susan P. Luek University Honors College Graduate Study Award Jennifer Bennis ’14 Hometown: Lancaster Major: Psychology “My experience in the Honors College has helped me prepare for the demanding courseload of graduate school. Thank you again for your kindness and generosity; Millersville is very fortunate to have you in the community!”

Francine G. McNairy and Gladys B. McNairy Scholarship for Civic and Community Engagement Rangsey Viset ’14 Hometown: Cambodia Major: Accounting “I am originally from Cambodia, where there are not many female students who go far with college education. Your award gives me more strength and encouragement to further pursue my education.”

Dr. Samuel P. Wallace ’41 Scholarship Jocelyn Lurie ’15 Hometown: Malvern Major: Early Childhood and Special Education “Your generosity allows me to continue to follow my dreams of becoming a teacher.” Drs. George F. & Helen A. ’64 Stine Sociology Award Thelmelis Abreu ’17 Hometown: Lancaster Major: Sociology/Graphic Communications “This award has lightened the load and has further secured my journey to continue and ultimately finish college.” Burl N. Osburn Award Phillip Nolt ’13 Hometown: Mount Joy Major: Technology Education “While I still have lots to learn, Millersville University and the professors in Osburn Hall have prepared me to face the inevitable challenges in the teaching profession.”

Dr. Gary W. and Jacqueline Reighard Award for Outstanding Leadership Curtis Silverwood ’16 Hometown: Limerick Major: Meteorology and Communications, option in Broadcasting “Overall, I am always trying to lead, take charge, and do the best that I can to be the most effective. This award means so much because it goes to show that what I have been doing has been recognized.”

Charles E. and Betty F. Muench Scholarship in Communication and Theatre Arts Michael Wiltrout ’15 Hometown: Grantville Major: Communications and Theatre “As a student it is so rewarding to know there are people out there who care about us and are willing to make personal sacrifices to help ensure we succeed. It is my goal to make sure that one day I can return the favor to a younger generation.” Ermaleen B. Etter Scholarship in Special Education Jenna Bucklew ’14 Hometown: Shillington Major: Early Childhood and Special Education “I was very honored to hear that my hard work in student teaching is being recognized, but I would do all the work all over again in a heartbeat. The students are why I am the teacher I am.”

Review Spring/Summer 2014  35

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“LOVERS BRIDGE� Originally erected in 1895 and presented to the Class of 1876, the bridge was recently repaired and restored (photo below). Photo at right is circa 1907.

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